m & sons me-Y Little Store » Day for Flags ags of all sizes and mably Priced LION COURTMEN MEET BUCKNELL TOMORROW Veteran Visiting Team Credited With One Win o\er Coach Ham’s Proteges A ti'i sulTeilng levcrsds it the h mds o: Ptlncelun anil Nm the Penn *st»tc tennis teim will uuk ivui it lomebicfc Unnunun nftetnuon when It meets the .W.gtcgallon ft om Jkitkiiill on the Vttnui v Limits The kewNhmsr tulles! ms Imt tint tun fiom the Hint mtl White neinie’i nuked sifok iwuv but the miteh to t inu»\\ .uisnis wen to l>o i ilosc one Lit Hoi in the st.isun Dutkntll took met the Lions In a 7 to J stole Ci.u ni.m being the onlv nun to count i point foi the N'iUanv teim In the singles while (Souther and Webstu cutnc thiough In the doubles Cimtin Cieuiliet Milpiss. Mcbstci kamin Cmiiu.in iml Eggleston will emnpil-e the tc mi whhh is to engage the \isltots Tor the ltlsotis. Ciptiln L>hat get. MiCisket .McP.ulmd Zoil ni in tiiuluu and lionet will uttenip. to st,i\ the Penn State r.ickrteus Ah the nun nit the Change and IJlue team no vetei ms with the exception of Hoi tu (.aim in was Hoitei s opponent in tlu niinh on Mm thst mid It is likelv tint the little Lion t iiketeei will piolmc igiln t.iuther and Milpiss ne \ ip h.lv hilling i winning mlde and the ( eutliti -\\ < hstet mil M tip ixs-Setni m doubles (ombln itlons aie woiklng to gethei in i ni ii lilne-UKc* f i-liion Ls ghston has nsovued almostiomplete 1\ ftoni i knee Injun stiffen'd it Cm* nc„le Tyrh iml pinbibtv will see sei \»ic is fifth singles min 1 he 111 is I ik ! is .« lx lot k PRE-LEGAL CLUB PLANS FIRST ANNUAL BANQUET Reports of v nlotis loninilltees iml au mgeinems f.n tne Hist annu il bun i.uet wue iht main issues undciluken hi the Pie-legil suiiav it theii meet* lug held last night \flu the com mittee on ot g mlzalioit tlname and In -Itl 11 ion hid upoitcd, > (oniniltice w is ai pointed to tike chug** of the u i iiuomi'iits foi the Innquet which is expected to lx held within 1 wccl The oigini/ition his been -iintion* ul hi tin* student Wtifuu* Committee is in ollhlil c mipus utg mlzution to lx known as the PI Limhdi SSgtu i inofesslon (1 pie-legil soihti It has been thought hist to sekxt futuie inciitbeia foi the most put Horn the s. phomoie 1 1 iss so tint the\ muv be itilc to fuiihci the wotk of the aocietj thiotiglioui thiir tolkge euieei “Y” RECRUITS PARTY FOR SILVER BAY CONFERENCE (Continued from flrwt p.tgo) of oppoittmlti to makt use of the com pli tc itui itionil i uHuks will be af fix di d Mub noted nun as ILiMiiond 1 o-ilkk lutiii 11 Mott Urn icTosilkh. Rdph flu low, Uh h (id ltolxits. Hen i\ s Collin A tti\ Pitti I Stitt Wil- son I T stmking mil Klibv Pige will In* Hi* sp.-ikiis ind will lx avail ib’t* foi in rsou il Intenlews Among thus, who wltl nub- the J.-uiiuv Horn Penn state ite II 11 I otiiki od J*> It D Dumloi.- 27. IL l) (.coign It l Dunlip 'Ji> mil 1J Is ik mil l\ JT 'Jlßle is loom In llu* inis f.n mini* IVnn stue students Hal luose wlio hi Intelextod should iiuki ui m„< inuit-s with Seiiit.uv W* I Kit. hen u the V Hut is soon .is possible TUIP TO LI KOPL '(hue* is t di in l fix i ft UetiiUv mm to iniompmv a r«nn Mate stu iluit nulling Htn.nx this summu live liuiulud doll.iis i intis ev ci v thing Xot u sties tilk Answei thiough the U>L* 1 I (MIN. i Records oday Waring’s Pennsylvanians IU | Howard Lanin and His j Benjamin Franklin Hotel Orchestra he Music Room I LION RUNNERS LEAVE FOR INTERCOLLEGIATES (Continued from first pago) eh iiua to finish among tin* Icukix The iUmiiiko urns will not be uni In 1 1 l.d beds .ill the cuttles competing in the finals tumuliow Sannei and Wagnci will entei tlx high-lump tiials in the Ititcuulleghiies aniiough with the gulixv of piomlsing Jumpus it Is doubtful tint then will place mumg the k.uleis in the him nei-lhiow I di* will mutch stu ngth with such ihainpions as Hius«u of Callfotnli and Hills of Piinceton The iciiuitting Penn Mite cntij In the Hotel events will bn Itobei ts, who will thiqw the weighted xpe.n Keen ('uinpefitlun The thal team* that the Penn State th.ckimen will eiicountei tod.iv mil tomotiow (otitiln the Lteun of Omtei mil Held it!ilete« of the Amcihan 10I kgis ink'. (leoiguown SoutheinCal- Ifoinla C'-iU'otn-i uiM Punmlv-iiil i being the fuvmltts In the iwo-eoigetow n's chances to win the Intetcolleglatos le eched a seveic Jolt when It was made known that Motion and I.uigess two Piomioi pci foi nuts vvcie dcflnltch out of the events Tile wlnnii of list veils liiiuiol legiates ne n1«o tlguied .ns possjhle winnus of tile ilassk Iknp fet ite. has leeched little consJdeiation In the ad vance doping but It js possible that the team might gat not enough point" to place them well up in the stoting column The squad upon leach'ng Philadel phia will make the Uellev ue-Sti it foul its headqu u let s PROPOSED RUSHING PLAN REJECTED BY I. F. C. (Continued from Ural page) held Wedntsdiv evening w is the ton iluUing meeting of the veil Mthough the itishlng uiles wue dlsippiuicd a gcneml disius-ion showed th it i nu- Jultj of tin. fiuuitltles weie In favoi of a lushing uxie md action wilt be taken next vc*u to piovide i new xvs. tun that will meet with apiuov.il In Urn both ‘ A icport bv the uunmittee on un denliss visiting Insued wamlng to the Oii'ik letui sodelies tint the tide now (xistlng would be stilctl.v en roicul Anunllng to the statemeiit twelve offemlets hive In en lepmted *nd Count il aUion mu be taken in these unes Dutlng the evening C W 'livlot -!*. past ptesident of the oigaulzaHon wa« ptesenkd with an cngi ivul eiionv gavel in teiogultion of his setvices dutlng the veu A C b'mmons 'i* ictitinc sp. uq n\-tir* isuiei ictehid i slhci knilc as a gift of the council rATItOXI2SE our. ADVERTISERS 1/OS I‘—Coat and pockclhook contain ing di Let's Ikense and othei inijiot t ant papeis Lost on \pill Jl belvrcen Slate College mil Centto Hall Jti vvatd Ittquiie at COLLLOIAX of fke jt Celebrate Sunday with a Delicious Chicken Din ner at The Penn State Hotel Dining Room SENIORS Subscribe for The Penn State Collegian Two-fifty a year mailed anywhere Before you leave old State and keep in touch with her activi ties. THE PENN STATE COLLEGIAN DANCES SCHEDULED FOR COMMENCEMENT WEEK (Continued from first past) iit tin Atmotj. An uul-of-town ut olK'sli i lias been engaged for the af f..lt which mmliK the close of tins Com tnoucpnient ptoginm. Admission will lx b> caul to ulumni, senlotx, Juniors, fucultj and *ut«ts Tin* * Dig Cai nival’ tint has been i feiluit* of Alumni Div foi the past tvo veil's will not be held this Com im'iicciiu'iit Ite ptacc on tin* morning piOKiam foi Alumni Da> will be taken bv a bixobuH game between aluun 1 md senior class teams on New jle.ivei Held Nell I'lemlng is fast lourdlng up a tlashj combination of alumni ptivus who gin* pioinise of sending the sculots out foi Intensive nrai.iCc In tne lorn lining two week* bcfoie the fi .iv * Au uddul Uti ictioit to the Com i»iemeinent piogrmi Is the possibllltv of the well knuwn golf ihninpiun. M iltt i Hagen, appearing in an cxhlbi t’uti matili at the Centte Hills Counltv Llub on niditv morning June tveeKth Alnmul Itniiqiiet I'ullowlng the alumni dlnnei. to be l