VOL XX, No. 63 \ Students Assist Town in Memorial Day Rites parade of Cadet P Organizations Program o: Several thousand poisons iepieseiit-1 jus ncurl} .1 du/cti organizations will ]jc In line foi tlio Munotial Day pa iado tumotrow morning mid i(ur tin* m.ucli will assemble on tlm ft out cam pus for tlio piogi mi that lias lit*'*n 11- utiiffod for the occasion. The paitli.* Ipants will assemble at nine uc-loek tt t'ollcse avenue and Ik’intoi stiecl ind Iho pat ado will j>tobablj be ilndei ua.\ at nlnc-tlilit} o'clock Th<* vatloiiH groups will much In the following oidc-i Boat Ttuop, Civil fVar vetetans, mothera of suvlce tnen. veterans of the Spanish M\u, vctei ins of the Wotkl Win. cadet lcgiment. fi.v, tenul oifriniAUlun« civic oigunl/-i -tlon. cltbciw and school childien The parade will move up College avenue t'‘| Buriovves mid then noith low ml the campus Upon teaching the loud direct!} behind the Unglueei lug Bulld li'gs the Cadet leglnicnt will leave the main column both .sections assinih l'ng ag-iin befote the apcal.ct's stand or the ftont campus Congressman Is Speaker As the ptincipal speikct of the oc casion ‘ late S'cn.iloi \V 1 svvoope of (.Icaiflcld has been secuted l)t Fius et Met/ger will begin the morning's Program with the invocation, and aflct \ D< in S..ekott, the xtudonts eniollcd In the School of Mines ale highest In Amet l(.miration, ovu nlnotv pucout being n itivo boi n Olhci institutions ate ns lo.v as thli tv poicont In Anurlc iulz.ilion The nvetage c.uutugs of the studi ills lu flu* Sihool of Mines wise found to be $l3O 00 piccedlng entiance to college PROPOSED RUSHING SYSTEM REJECTED Interfratemily Council Fails To Accept List of Regulations by 14-12 Ballot STRICT ENFORCEMENT OF VISITING RULE PROMISED Fading to obt tin the fnoi ibk vote of seventeen fivti'inilks, which Is i mijoilt* In the Intcrfrvleinltv ('oun eii. the lushing idles tint vveic ic ccntK |ii opined to govern the oiicning weeks of the tetm next Full vveic* le- Jcclut nl i speciil meeting of the liodv held Wednc-div evening In the 1 het i Chi house As t usult of the* (oamll iction th<* open sc ison of fi.ttern't} lushing will again be resotted to Onlv tvventv-six of the thiitv-llvc i ational fiateiaities weie leincsintu! at the meeting ami of this gioup fout lei'ii Oseel. lettei nig.inb-itlons sigm- I'cd tint thev won* In film of the pto posed changes in lushing, while twelve weie opposed to the polb v Unlesi fijitciil oicnsioa demands, the mi cling (Continued on lant page.) JUNE CONCERTCfoSES SEASON OF GLEE CLUB Organization Holds Election of Officers—Thirteen Recitals Given During Year Appealing Julntlj with the Oieiiestvi mil Mum'tolin < luh the i'enn St tie Cilt*c club undei the* ie.idu-hlp of It W fii.uit, will bilng its aciivities to t c*los»c thin }eu when It tikes put In iho Commuiccniuu Week nmuu vhich lin« been manges! foi the eve ning of Mondn June liftcenth Tin shall of the piogt mi tint will he of ten ed bv the songsteis will (anslst largeh of new seleetluns piepued In the weekh lelie us.i]s eoadiated since tlu* eisleia tlip to the Intel eoliegi itc (•ice Club contest U i special business inciting laid iftei n ie*ccnt iclansul of tin niijai- Izalion the following men were cleet t*e' to HUt»t*ivisc the woik next seison pt evident, C. i; Mi g ug»*l Ji., vln lutsidint. Fime Bulk*) 'JO, in ui.iget 1J I’ Bush 'JO, puhlliit} in ui ic< i I. L I.mdois JT. sen lel.ii v-tie isuiei F i: inr 'J7. md Ulu uiui W s Sims 'Jk Billing flu mcitlng M U ,\ii k -11 n 'J3 letiilng mm mu of the < tn)> was pusented with i set of tnim.il di ess Jew ell v in apple-elation of hit. wink this }eat Thu Xittnni orgmi/ation on lla* v link* met with possihh the gu ites, success sinti U wis foiimled duiing the pint vtu Bleven lonui.s vve-o given awnv fiom I’enn Stite on the f( ui lout tiips of the si tsriu and th< (lull ii-eelved ana It favoiable comment foi Its ibllitv l)uiiag,tlie I ittei |i.i 11 of litiu.uv the gleemm appeued in Lock Haven and VHlllamsputl The Hist vveek-en t of Much was -.pent on a tmn dvv Lip that took the xongstei v Into Fott-i -tovvn. West Chistet ittd Miington. with the llnil ippeunme in Xevv Vmk Cilv at the* lnlciudlrgiate-s '1 he list tend till) was t ikon I itc In \piib the club uppeiring in Stiuuilsbuig mil Wllkes-Batu* while nvvav fmm i'tni Stale In addilion to Iho mad tiips jh< Glee* elub nppc-.md soveial times in eomeit at i’enn State. Including the I‘imisj Ivnnl i IXij lomut ami the mi nimi mld-wlnlei ptogiam The vat* hi tx t to milK it the* tenth sti light victim In the list live je.us ovu the Blue md WhiL when thev ippe ir on Xc-vv Beiver 1 dd tomouow afternoon it two-lhiitv uwvi.iv Co.u h A'ocim* McCoimkk will pmhnhtv bilng with him the s line pggicgatlon that li mded the Nlttanv di.imondmcn a 1J to 1 scth.uk Hovcial weeks ago Coach C'knu Kllllngci is glooming se.eril pitchets foi the fn but It is 1 kill that lie will pin h's hopes on Muiph., will piuhib* winning sLeak lv he* MeCmmiek's ihmeL foi motiml 'Jhc* Pena St it»* u''K his shown bn* piovemcut In lidding duiing the just week of pin tli e* hut unit xs the* to-es- •is bettei tin ii lidding mind In ptci bus games It ii ilmost leduu th it tlicv will agiin bow to the Lewisbuig aggi elation A\ iih tin* exi cption of a possible diingc* in the- oulflcM the siine ti-iin will line up agilnst lUkknell th it fa< - eel the* Bisiun nine- JfcVlekei will pl n riglitlk*M Wilson centeilkld v.hik elthei llamas nr Page* will loirn '■ the* leftlli Id Tudc, ( ShoUsU>p will llkvl- I. lie* k* id-off ninPfoi tlic T.evvisburg l«ii£i Jrllo.vsu^ - lus-s kuiiFe, i e-i.te. - Held, H Co'Hlvvln Uitrd-bisc mil Clas kill at Ic'tfleld Alurjihv, p'tclier (Julnn i Ightlleldei M Good tin. Hist su-kei. Cliesiu v "second hisomin anjj '’l.oivs, ettdiei will complete the team OUTING CLUB TO TAKE LAST HIKE TOMORROW The list ailiviti of the* I’enn Stite* Outing iluh this cent will lie* he*ld when tlu numheM*. of this oig-inizn tion will leive* the *V hut at one thim tomoimv fm i hike to the Audi I} tk c ibln gioundi The dltdus mi the* site will hi com pie. oil iqd stones will be hauled b> slut vv oi k on tlu foumlitlon of tin* i iliin Suppti will b<* sciud iftm \ oiK and will he followed bv a hike to B tkl Top Ursus Alarms Early Students as She Capers Freely on Penn State Campus “lievlu,’ tlu ban bin of the I’enn «liL* Zonloji il g-itikn vv IS fouml i ulv Tin -il i v mmi.iag in the well i limit tlu hktmic wills of Old M iln whetc, .avoiding to Fu-f (5 U (hcui of the fmestiv vial nituie stvulv de luiimi ill, she had cvkkntlv fallen in in ittcmpt to cnlei n»<* of the in mv wimlovvx llnwevei it was not-without i length, th isi tint B-tiin was Unit 1} captuied Dlscoveilng tlu intiudei when appe liv'd on llic si cue, the Jmitoi Im mediildv notilled I’iofessoi \n oigaiti/alion of i posse fmm A.usitv 11 ill followed md among the links of the linpunnptu hunteis vv is -Aiulv" Shutct who Is f vinous foi his nice with "llnv ' when that notewmtln took Fiemh-lfive not long »go ••lilies' I’uvn't nd "Pop' Gui ison both of whom am noted vuestlyis Belgium a liuxei <»f leputc, ami “Mai" MtPhie of footlull teilms completed the p ulv Instillments o c iptuic consisted of .* luge i.mvaxs Pnt uu! a hilf-lndt rope With tht-sL thev emleavoicd to suite "Kevlei " Xftei Heveial unam icssful tilex. the lan succeeded in scaling the wall of the* mo it and c ip eied down moss the ftont campus hc Hiding the '(.'lll' Wills" In even diiectlon , With pUisuiis hot on the liall the tiiiint climbed a neuhv tiee A huge uowd gitlieied to vv ill h the olTmtH of It ice la ive men who mmght to Light en the la ii fiom llx peich aftei thev hid elevated themselves to the uppei hinnclus, xifclv out ‘>r haim blmnei w.tli aliening aim pitted the noose of the lope ilinut the heal s head sev oial limes but it w i» to no avail fm eieh time bniln cleaied heisclf of the (jI)St.H 1C | Aftei much t nmUi'i vith a slid, the dMrgtatt. EARLY WEEK OF SENIOR EXAMINATIONS ABOLISHED; Attention Is called to Ihri action of the ben it«. under date of Jana }ViT tcenth, 19J'>. wlu-reb} the spec! vrbek for xctilor examinations. ,xs til .beduleil pilur to this time Is dkcontljj nl* AH sehedtilcd wmk for the* prnten* semester will end nt 3 20 o’clock oa Sitiml.ij afternoon, lune sixth Finn! evuulnat!on« foi nil students oxcept those gi idu.itlug tills Junti will begin duiing the following wwk Svniois aid xecemd-vear studuils lu the two vein ngikultui il couiso will net lu miulicd to take examinations ifter June sixth “OLD MAIN BELL” APPEARS TUESDAY New Literary Publication Will Be on Sale all Week—Price Set at Fifty Cents H. F. TAYIX)R ’26 WILL BE EDITOR NEXT YEAR At iking Its Hist nppc.ir.imu on the campus. The Old Main Bell, I’enn btite’s? new Butin publication will Ik* placed on sak* Taesdiv morning at th- I ishlon Shop ind iho various Cc-He buildings Hie sale it the Fadu- Miop will last all week anti copies mav [lif obvilncd on the cimpus foi ut least Ithiet clavs nftu publication j One thousuul copies hue been ord ered fiom the Grit Publishing com ,p.mv The imgu/ine nun he imieliised fm lifts tents at *ni} of the abovo l ii'entioned plcee- A campaign tor ton tubutlon subscriptions Is now being I conducted mtong the faculty II I*. Tivlm ’JC wn elected cilltoi- In-chkf of The Old Viin Bell foi next uir it a leccnt meelhig of the pi Iklta Fpsllon According to ]>iescnt p’.tiis there* vrill he tlnec 1-sucs n«\t veil the H*s. being puhll-hed In th'* I ittei pmt of Xovembt*! V tlit> for the inkles to be turned in will benn nminced I net I*l ms foi this is*.uo luve been stirteil ami the stair Is be ing -elected '* * rorer iHvdsrn 11 ?3 lag ll e* c ntei .a vhe cover is st vnuicd a smalt sketch of the Old Mdn tower boidtud b} Pm-s of the* ( icok lotteis l’i, Dolt i -mil ‘Upsilon \t tin* top of tin* covei th«* mine ui the* riatunlt} whfch has spon*-orc*d th* pumic* ition h en«crihed The de sun was diiwn up by Uni ail ulttoi S Michael 'Ji» The c ontents of the nngarine con sists of xpedil utkles. xhoit stories .nl poitiv nechnleil irtlclcs on vat lous phases of Huh work hive been (ontiibutcd bv depulmcnt heads ami scvu.tl of tin* deans In the section de voted to poettv theie ue thiei son nets wiltten bv Dr F I. I’.utee. i P-w jioems bv Ar.iscm Long of tin Kng -Ish (tep.utinetit, sevei il poeuiN bv ‘LiiPnt talent ind some veisc l»\ M \ Itohin of the depulmcnt of Hu nt inic* I. mguiges Uthci sections of tlic m.ig.irim* a) (Continued on aeat page) Icii w is fmeed to lla* trunk of tlu* Lu I.iulti tucked tip to tvo'd nine'. on the nose G minim gi ibbul hei b\ the wo'dv 11 ml. and la um ll'lp L'imis v,.is Ling Hit on hei back In tin liiidikc of the emvi-s wisli La cu twelve men snuggling dc«pct itch t> tie he*t with the tope The clock iL*glsteied one minute The snuggle* ended In a Lev lor all eh is h* in .ittcmpt to leeiptuic the* fugi tive who t isllv outdist meed hei pui sue'is In the* i ice that followed Hiv ing g-ttlopcd auoss Holmes Hold sh-* sl n kem-il hei ]»iee to find the win to Old Beaten y Vcl\aiu*e scouts cut off the pith to the* Buiens so tit it the lan vv is headed tow ni ct the loicsliv building simne-i followoil close to Iho bcai as the c h isc tightened but filled to : t teklc Slotih lull auiel} Biuin tc tieateel until she* was within i am ill dull neat tlic* pen *1 her gitu wis Jiioken open hut xhe piefeiabh climb c. the qiple Lee* Futile attempts wt-ic* m ule to “hike hei off to the waiting iaiiva«s below The contest v is getting wum and Utsux ictieut id to the othei side* ol the* lice* \s the* hcai xcuiiied mound the Luak xlie* loxi iter footing She was still snuggling to icgaln an uptight position when another tectuit of the pailv. 11 \. Wahl, -iDed tho swinging nnliqal hv the* xli ink and picstn. she vvax in the ininnss It wan then a mallei of seconds until Biuiti was xafelv caged But not wllhout venge ance fm- In the last moments of the battle* she Indicted u couple of mlnoi IrJtuloH on M'alil When appioxlmatelv thtec* montlix old. "ICevlct” emit* to Penn State and Is now about two veaix old She es caped via the ioof aa did "Tin}." It ir believed that tmiesoaiencas piomplcd het A.tloii DITTANY TRACKMEN LEAVE FOR ANNUAL INTERCOLLEGIA TES Captain Moore, Torrence and Barclay Will Form Mainstay of Lion Scoring Aggregation COACH CAUTiIIEI.I. WIIX TAKE FOURTEEN IILUE AND WHITE RUNNERS TO CI.ASSIC * TICKET SALE FOR i I ALUMNI BANQUET I I lickvls foi the annual ilumni j | dinm i which vHi bi he'd Fil* | j div evening. June twelfth at 1 I MeAlllslci II ill. will be on sab* j | nt Co-op tonight fiom seven to j I nine u clock | “Y” RECRUITS FOR SILVER BAY TRIP Fifteen Buckndl Students Will Journey in Bua With I’enn State Delegates CONVENTION MEETS JUNE ELEVENTH TO NINETEENTH Hiving vs tluli desl'tutlon Mlvct Ikij-oii-Bake C.cu.gc* Xcw >oik. when* the annuil Congic-s of t ollegrs will Ik Juki a bus hud of ikdtgitcc fiom iU.ckncll and Penn Stite will stilt out .il live oelock in the meaning of June tenth I ifteen students fiom Buck noll vlll mike the trip with the Penn St ue delegates Tlu* Congiess of Bestetn College i t* l hr he'd Lean June* tliveiith to the* mnetc’cmth inclusive* ts nude up of stu drits from eollcr.es ind uulvei slUes of the Xevv Fngl md util Midd'e At 11title states The entire co-t ln< hal ing bond, loom anil i eglstr ition fee 1« tweiuv-seveii doll.us while the tnuspoi t ition fee bv bus foi the lotim 1 L'p Is IFtccm doll.us The fc ituics of the Congi u*s Include mill e -st. foi urns Intel views, singiui, stud} gioupi md cunftrcrces Pleat} (Coi tmued on last pigo) yearlingTinTopposes SHIPPENSBURG NORMAL Away-from-homc Tilt Tomorrow Finishes Plcbe Card—Slale Will Occupy Mound Conir n v to the oi Igln il pl m of end ing tlic Plche bisubill seison with tin Ki-ki tilt the veiiling it! imond sqn id w.l! k ive Mate College enlv luimu low minnlng to engige* the stumg >hl],pensluitg Nin mil -Sihool nine in tin* afLimam at Shippensbui g 'lhis gum. cvh'eh will close tlu IDJS dli-; inonil utilities vv is onlv adikd to the si hedul** Tuesd.iv aftei noon bv Mm ,if 11 Math l .is Aee-meling to (ona Ito lloiitk tin* fc *l,tl*pe iisbui g eotubintlion is one of the most po-mful tmt the plebc bits inn hive been siludukd with this vi—ii The mumil s ( lu>ol nine* his been ipulnd In Xevvsh Bent/ e.iptaln of the I'ctuv hUte* football vqu id In 19JJ and Ins been showing atiingth on the* ilamoml tint Ins given it ui enviibt uputnllon The opposing losors wen elefcMleil twin* this m ison but wile h ghlv successful In the lemilnin'; Gu-'-m ami Imi n ien lioldiag ie„ular bciths nil tile* vo.llllllg squid will be* unalile to iceonipinv tin nine* oil the tilp lmt Coach llouek plans to anal Aimstnmg to the* initial cornu and eithei I e-kn oi \ in Mil Into the mit- Hebl to (HI up the v leant positions ■With thexo exceptions liotli tin line up and hitting oidei will icmiln the same unless occ ision tlenmnds a shift fetite will tike the mound position igilnst the* Milppciisbuig busmen, with II uiiiiglon as his baLciv mate, but xcvual othei tvviikis will la* al I'nnd to substitute in lh>* box Incob. xon imldlivvlu will covei the* two oth ei coincis of ih>* rhiuit while* n -iiott stop and lletehei nml Flvnn in tlu* onUleld will eomtilete the pllbe lli.e*u]i In addition Co.ii h llmuk will hive* Blvth. Ztmmerunn. \on Aeida and Kent on the belli h The vciilings will make the enlin' Lip bv bus ami will icltuti on Sunduv aftei noon blvL'Lli AM) BOM.is LLI.CTIONS L) D Hem} *J(. C M TaiP’iue "*'j Uniform Week End PRICE FIVE CENTS 3 Pitting llii'ii s]i<(<] md sn. n ;lb tgi 1 list uuui- thin a seoie of tin* b nt uig Ami'iein eolkgcH mil unlvusftits Cnich X it. L u Liu II mil ten me n left vextn.liv afternoon for the foi!}-ninth tnnu.d Intel i oik gi. iti s it J'liikli.i lir lit todav md tonionnw The fom distune* i unite i Mi it vv'li lent ludiv will comjilrte tin* I'enn “state uitiiet m the amiuil L uk cliselc Aeeuidlng to Couh Caitmill tin ini jrrltv of tlx* Nllt mv emum-is will inoliiliiv bestiuieil l»> Cipliln Mooic Toumcc and Bmltv*. iltlmugh sev eiil otlin Blae itnl Wliitc* cntii* s }*n»* sliovvn pioimslng foim In dillv* ti.il h« its and should llnlsh innnig tli* le uh rs Tin Vitim couh bolus tn ton il Oi bettei the mint of Ihh tu u points i.i nte it the tntcrcoihg) il**si *asi veai Moore* In Both Hurdles Allhoiuh firing severd of tin be.' h' nlleis of both the List ami West Ciptiin Clip Mooic* will be i fnoilt* rlen Ip* tikes his mill. In the low and high huidles The mut.s mule In the Uim tipi iln this ve u have seldom bun iqu.tlcd l>v inv of his coiuin tl tois Lerch wilt be the othei enttc in the bnrici events who w'll mike th» trip As in most of th< othei (Mills tin i limin ition be its vvltl be laid lm ills tod n with the finals sctic.l u'cd tomin row aflcinoon Dm Penn ‘slate hopes in the* dasn events will icst on "Jouencc Divies md Bilmiv Toil (nee his luiaid i l c edit ibh tiim all }cii uul his |H*i - terminu* al the Penn IMtvu is cu ee*m iglng vvhlb tlic olhei two xptiu'- ei i have il-o shown puanks *iml d edict, while Ton erne will d!s titn his speed in the 22a md Ita-vud events Tul Alatlil is will not be ente i id In the sptims the sopluunoi >• *l>i inlet competing in Mm hi n id-jmno BivLniue Buns Awilting tin sfntu's Mill hi tin* nib* uni llt/pdiiik and Stevviii should hue i e h tin i to add several points to the Penn Stite* seining cnl -I'imt lioth ninmis hiving turnui ‘tt under I tulnutc i J! sceomk In Llil nns niu. Xitlmn icpicsent.ulve s ‘n tin two-mik will lu Biuin and Fou>- iih. both initiKM having in In.aic (Conlinue-d on Iml page*) 1926 LAVIIREADY FOR DISTRIBUTION NEXT WEEK Advance Copies Received by Editor and Entire Issue Will Be Here in Few Da>s ‘ Aftu ah 10-1 i 'cu of < iinllqiioii et.sk on Mo 1 •►_•<. I.i Me tin snrr uuioiimes tint flic Ixiol, will lx piuid in sili sum film eulv next w eel. Dn I’isl 1-sni his bull lueched bv tin* eoiloi, with the nofijleation tint Mm v hob dlotmeiit lint been -hipped fum Phil uh Iph' i this vveik I.mhe ippmv il ha- been ispit-sul Ire the (ommittee .n to tin work done on tin* open.ng notion lemsl-aing of the v ii’oiis shec'ls whleh fotm tin In tioductiem of the Hi Vie Xothlng Im bun mi-sul finm the Bx I Hu Is to tlm t'lk* lu-.es wlikh hue b-cn Ind.- giuuinliil bv a e|Uai lu lone e-f Old M.i'n in „i iv Ink Tim t impm sulion vvlili Iks imiltlp’i org mi ’ Lions sets fuith the ui.v i t'ts of the viuious sik hill's ill of w hie lv his bicii compilul bv U '1 Isi lebe] ’Jii ’lln heclion closilv u lated to that of cunpus w is liindlid in eli i tlu man i-< ment of G 11. Ilium- Held ‘Jl> anil 1! M Hickctl'Ji. If. con sists o' the* pie lines of the e iilmu xoelil and Imnoiuv fum milks with ,i In lif siimmuv of tin li Incmpiu.i tion and lift hue uul nationalle as Mm c ,xe might In "Women's sictiun slniilni to that of fnimei veils was compiled b> Mi-s M.utlti l.iilev ’J*i and Miss I.oulsi* I Till ll>i It 1. ‘Jt> Tim College -eulon li is a < an innovation a leltu fiom tho i eb*ins of the m hools, telling of tin ll llvUles of tlu school and olhti dUeili of .ulmiiilsii.iiion wmk. G I. (.in '_•*. was cdllm of Mils hook, whlli W I Maul handled the ait weak \ lompact u*vlew of Mie vnlotM xpoiting aethitiLs wax nude bv Mb it Uc Uilltoi II \V Colli li ’Jfi l , *oi tin* opening si ctlon Di Hankie has i mill l buted a blogiaphv of tlm liti lklwi-i l.ik* Spnks in honor of whom Pn>- fcssoi Hulls lues vviliten in ode I Itssoi Bx|ienslimle also (omiihuted an it tide to this pa 1 1 m 'ln' Lv Vic.