Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, November 21, 1924, Image 4

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"That Little Store on the Corner"
Bulks and Packages for
ittllottittl ttt le,' I'm t 11.1 Cu%
.\.k Ate I'o Go 13000 Tcmil '
M indulln Club stnuld I
It Ind !tooth Old 311111
• I:t n we . the Penn til, Ile
1' DeLong hll4ttl Of
helll4 et" the glut one e,e
-t 'lig dm Ine the fit st t 5,1.1 ueeltx of
hoot ind it it no Mole, to ache, In
z. ttnetittl .4en It ne,il to n no, el
to noel of punish:lo I) . ottivt
trt 1,11.1 ego, e 4 uncle!
Lit InNI tl
,t...n.itiot fun tuovet., MO •tlll , e
11' .I dotedh tse it le Ist foul blbh•v.
I the virtu on Ilk hn I, gill l ctrl I 1.1. t,
I urda). NOWlllil, 22
Winn to Club Iliza tl
Surnlvkl, h
l'i eqlinv itt-Sophumul e I—k-
Li 0.,e Su Ll,-11011111_ , 19i `J
t•Cldn tit tte- NI a lett I Vot-
I, C. nuto-- - Xeso 1:o
L (.lm LI ono to a loco LID fm
tilting I lin ungentient mit nun.
too oaf , ee tinting .1 tooth conte ? 4t.
n 111 loose "I 11..t/attl tilt Ito`onginft
front Itly vhuuldcly fon sews, .1 Da I
NVoo in 2.6 ho h oti too tII 4
I I 41011, It Dickinson rolltge 55 14 .1-
lowed thepi . ls Sege of t ohlto4
111010 .141.1114 115 Penn State fel two
1111 4 C aces 271 a. who loft
Dent it, it the close of tile lii VI 4,11-
1,01 list , II 01/.01, 4t-,it
gulatiotet until Ott istet let es.
Ledut e-Count ll%i T 0 1 , 1 ,11
—Aud OI Imo
umlto. Zt oi ember 23
and I, 30 I , ,1,01 1 I
Speak" lust
—Venurill Suitt lt. Rililtl
SIIII tl,. —Old (.0
111 ember 2
RA, It n of t t nlet Regiment
te+ltlent hum,
The tenth tote to come berme the
Inn t "log d nto th It of 3
N't Ode mho ma, 111101 tett tot not
a I tiny: ft eolno in handbook \en
tildc M 111 Mit the to. tl 3.-
1 not it hot no e 3tt q title% Ilolubl
2C nLo 11 Id been 1, ladled gecond
,lll !mu Col not alit mllll4 Itlg ,Insg
e• N%, 11.1, I glgn
Intedt. .11nA: thu.lN 'llteinlnd Ale
of CI 1,4 Nil,ing',"
dents Liking It 0 T C ind
0. rlOlll outilooi di 111
Indu mll3ll, t to
111% It 1111 1 11 1,111111 1.11-s V, -
11111111,t 11rIi \ltitl t
nut th
A nein, I told WlOlllll (1 11 Dot -
It 27', It tt Ing endue ell 41% months
of e e ttl aline. It the Is: It t 1111.11 IN
alit be ed to hen a dint. only
turn the tennlti Ilion of the pt. rent
otmeon it II 110 into taking a
illii,llll of %A. I tilts It Itucknell
toked to omit t,to ftevhuttn t no-
I.i No It Penn Y.t It% mull the thot div
..r ‘l.‘
uul •tipltontot , s oho liis
1 1 11 't 1111 lot ,Itltt `Woll'i 010mM
lona 11. Tue.! 55 01 W1,111.. , -
1t I, CI •+t Ilt
tell L 1155
nittnt n ahn nMt to Qintt uI ttp
nt tit tkr the 'I htentt In
ould gtc Int it the Iht t
, itnint di 11l It 'rhe ntlthte
ntl ft nit" nkh te
(Conttnued hunt Ilrit Matte)
.at of the ,eat t ft ate, nltlen
le tar, ant e to the tllllllll damn of
•ittel it font Situ t 111 1 IN WI tn
ttonul tita in °ppm Lunn.% lot ,odal-
Long' Still h ill on rent oat} lotto
-5.1 th. nto n the monil AI nit Dill
VIII he It la in the \ into,
.0 , 541•1111 04111111 k 111 1 11, 0. •
111 1010 /1 11i111 i • 111,
11-1 P 1 ml
Lot L 54155 it id, slklng
hould ‘dildidt theli 311111, 10
011111 \c,.55 II ill
A Washington 25 slths, to the
bud, tont ei nlng ths 010, 111 Ctoss
et is Ile ts6tsl eit It int mite! in tst nt
O sot 11, to Ilk 111,,1111,t1011
ht pi it %opt., fin tin 4.Luse 'I hi
ettininlttee Otl lung till` Illtscnt
bode of t ushln, z coot tett that tin
' I e-pontlt MO \kith olleges stay
in Ittortt ts.s but th it no di finite tleLls-
Ltn hoi tot tom 'hit
I•+tidtletth 1411011111 Ind st tt Lc d
Ide 111(1_1110 th 11111,`
If 11111 the 111. glom,. of 1 . 01111
I the h ttl
011111 th 11l the t ..t/tut lilt, rod
he 1,11 1011111 mll It Idled tht
I'll( Cutup 11 toted fn of Oat oil the
to 11 It eUnt: of (up rot in e.ent (lion
to the ft (tenth, pinning tits ((mina;
onipethlon up] Oh. put( It the of
th, Int( it( nlt It aI. t ua. left
ulth the « tut( nt of l'l,4ltal
It( (don
tl tlon Ow II iltlo4 tto 1101 n
It 114111111 up 1.110 11111.1. , 11.
I lit of 1111111
‘ould n.rt sa,e ,s 4 tole
.1, .41 1111 11,111111 i to too
10 1.111110 . iloll I 1 1 111 lilt -
I.oli 1111111 1111 rlll I II Or I}ll l / 1
011 111, 01Jolulna builllin Al
1,11, lit 11011 Olt II 1,1,01 II on,
!will of 111, 1(1,11, oc "Ivied 11,
1 . 11 , 411 11111 1.11.• 1 . 11111% Tt 1
Tl/0 Pu.t DM, 0 1 ,lklll4 4
111 1,11 111 1111.1 1,111011 m...
„11 11.1 11111Vil I 111 1.1 10111 11 vl
taunts In,: milli NV 1 01 1 411, Of IN
1111111111 i ' l , ON 11101 1001104 e, 10 1 101111 11
111111 at the "Ituch nt Count II hlth the
nal,. in, It st The Int, 1-ft.ttet nlt‘
COlllllll 1. qw. , t4 that the Student
Cllllndl hetet e ‘l,lllloe, upon n 10 , 5
111 tilt t fret lug hatei nit, modal
• tni shetild 111 Ktn4ult flu Intel -
It In elan Caul. Il the 411.putul
vtibit t th tt t tin detklen nt
In In ale
In tittle the tilt .1111 k 11011 %.
lit st it st csut d 111.111 to t 11s,
s 11 011111 building , 111111
it did au t In 01,1.1 to tOw
thi, the lit llt ton, 01,
It'll 11111111 11111 nt tn"-this tt
thl 1,11 11 nth. I) ton tit it t it%
on tin sn. film put
t tun 111,1 100 I sty
~1 the ~,,t h h .1 'won din, In
00 11, time o't loci. the.
1t 4[ll n
.11111011 ,alb. I.t, t 111 It the
I ht. sl toto It 1t..1
LIN. I% 11101
211.,+t Oil 111441 TOthr
11111'4111V M., The Inv
• b11g11104.1 11 tOSI I nl,lll
,tllll it.+ id thtli 104,
.ititio ti to 1110 t% it itn-
I 1n 111uln I.t ou,lit to tile i . 11.11.
ulalinp LUltlil'ii Tills to $;11 onn
in. or tin hut tit d •+ti tit tot
otttsLl, huh It int \tllll
ego:patent oot lite , )1,1 1.4.4 t 0f
1id1111,..1.11 and 111 In
opeialed a 4 u.nal 3evlet-
I) People to buy Fuller
ooking for your
You'll find him at
Eating Waffles
fen lots Ito thee It ice thioughout the
e on .kiticough Pitt h hid a
tin this Se lc. the Pantliere teeth
to tWt. to ht 11,1cle unknon n n Ilene% et
Thanleods log t% 10114 al oltild, 114tOtt-
It putting lin Oleic NI edited Idea. th
nut agallita 1 . 0101 Stale
No glad lint Lit inges tt title been to ale
In the Blue nett While Ilne-up durlnic
the Pacil nook land the tit et teeth
nnuw lit ntltaW the 'cams
1 iv the one
that fated Penn 'ill ink ' .alrelll
bac king eignale, pith chitin Ilelblg
and 'lila ihot clan n dins at the
halth mit leech; and Pei gni in at f ull
bat k Weeton, ditelt and Ilson
lighting . It out lot the end Let tics, nlth
it I, Ind Pi eNont at t telclee, \I Gann
'Antic iliche nod House at glta (1.4, Ind
Cllit alit Cit IN it enter .. lt Ittechtttl
,t tot. lititio lit the Penn title but It
has been civoundlng to tit docent and
the Mtn and Willie le Wet hill be In
exeunt - n condition tot tome: con 'a en
c coon,
At t ondlog . to the present PI 1 0 , 0 1
Coach (it Iffhlot, he mill line Ills team
up 16 110.11 Penn St Ile w folloutt 'W 11-
her old . 11.10.t0n. end, ill tele .1101 H -
tlohirs, %Vomiting Intl Hel dm to
glllllll4. Madden, t.cntet C W 1111
Qtllll tet k. barrel t)h flt-
Ind A \V Id fullb.o h The
'Wald Th nth., In thL 1..101dd, bile
been .1 fottolll title offetbdt e tin eat all
0.11011, the lit ,Fltltv of Mti lotto Olt -
toile. , tills 1t 11 being . due to Welt
ore. t our].
I:3ott man on the Ohio 0110.111 hats
pho ed on 1110 t1141t) for the 1.01 tn.
3eartt 0111 Griffith, 11 (teen loathing
Ids men nen 111.1 11.1 all st eel. In of -
fro t to hut e tt b title against his
Alton tt, "Red" 33 is otar
nutn on the Ikon St ite te lm It fen
3e b Li Il nell-knon spor t
nt Itel glt In,: the big. ton-he Wed bon
Id be.; 1111 thth AII-Anuvltln ele‘ens
Inutteditteh titer 101001101%N gvnc
the Lien raintletv St ill tontinue stiict
nalning legulatlon4 .cs Coach Denlct,
pit. to hold vumc stiff mession, berme
the tem, depots for Pittqbutgh on
IVcaneAlac - India Wow+ point to an
n%et 110,,0ud it 1'011,04 rield next
Tim stl., t the tick+ vutkilly ha,lng
Into exh son eta! steel, .tp.,
lic Ittt won o atomi' hot n, vide
eto tan, took, eta , ft inn in) lota
laat it eel,. Iv i‘noic It If tlte'e nt tltley
E. not teplau.d o !thin fie e hits loo
med( in. action 'still he token
The Fastest Growing Store in State College
Since September we have invested over
$2500.00 in new fixtures in order to better display
our very large and varied stock of merchandise.
We believe our friends will appreciate that
we are doing everything possible to be of service
to the community in stocking merchandise that
meets with their approval.
No store can exist if it is not of some service.
Stores are successful in a degree to which they fill
that particular demand for servic. -
We invite you to visit our store often
Ituriptln Llur•np
In Puwh Sheet
FLANNELS . . ...
We have received anoth
er lot of 54-inch Flannels
in Red, Green, Brick Dust
and Powder Blue
$3.00 per yard . .
(Continued from fit of I•lgo)
IA hel,, ISO ',Lt fist let and Si
nht tictm leg It lie been Scot ed
modoyon, Denning' And t 3 e o . , ge .
tow 11
Se, er al famill u faces set e found
on the trine editiad, Including those
of Let qtr nil en the NO., team
hail ti,ti, and .. .Suede . IL:neon, tenter
01 the Middles Sucre ,C.lllll ago lien
Pcn a State and 23 t 5 h ailed on
Pranl,lln Field in 021, 1.11.111 Man the
01 tvt tutting 81111 on the Salton' line,
the hug blonde In eaklng up more iii ir
tin tn• other indh Maul on the op
to Ind Penn Stattu on the
ii ine. 13-7, but out, after a git netting
.11 tingle
Othet forme! College stars In the
Afarine ti e the tuu iiJohnn• dr,"
11,Qualtleornd (110505 numbed s of the
I. ids et nit of rt•land tenor last )ea,
tl at sal tri used the entire tooth ill ,arid
v hen it defe rted Penn 110th men
v t the center of attraction all urvis,
tl Su Ming tuns runt ele•ed h ladi
ng of for, nit passes astounding the
host of students mho ultneised the
final. Geettege, the eta Atandlng
..tal on the II it hie lentil, did not t the
1.01 t In the actlmnlnges WL neck en
se, mint ,g an Inhaled leg. but Coach
Dii heft vetted that he could be In
tli -top oltape fel toznon Cleettege
IN the sone In in that tan 01111 against
IN,l,lnsen on Election Das, his bill-
Mint plat Ing to titling the :Moines to
flan in it TI-0 tt In ol et the ill °Lege ,
11` "Joe' . Igglanta and - Mug' Flank
The font ill nn State N ',tit) team
tg-ing Corneal, Tail film alone, =a tged
soh lied in action with the De, it Dogs
Wellnesda, afternoon Follow Ing the
It davit tontott tilt. the Nimbus will
I,‘ off the fellea Ina Saturtlas ending
ti nit season ag llnst the Thh tt Cot is
Atca team on Di eentbet sixth
GERNERD, the Tailor
Cleaning, Pressing
Earn Your Board
While You Eat!
Ask about it at the
234 Allen St.
$6.00 PER WEEK
Trip Arranged by Pennsylvania
Council—Nittany Graduate
Is Group Chairman
In ottlet to study the needs of the
School of int leultat e ml the Stat•
art hultut tl ,ilet imental station, .1
ononlltt r ept tesntin e r the l'atins)l
tat State Agtkulture Council selll
to at Penn St lie Olt NO,MIIFVI Montt -
tell, At the last meeting . of the Lentil
et dirt i.tot 4 of the Council held No-
Netnliet ninth at 11 us Isbutg. It m
di Wed th a a tonindttee iemesenttnx
the Council nould lie chosen to lin
s•dit tin needs of th 14 ant t
.I.ltut e to the tontnnksion appoint° I
A the ltot sesslon of the I.egislature
Ol Int. 4tlAnte tit-se necessities it is
for this teitson that the committee Is
• tsitlng Penn State
The t It mirth in of this t OMlllitlEe 14
5,110 10 evident
of his -enter class tit Penn State and
it non associate editor of the Nation
, htochnt tn and Ft: met hieing In
1 it of the Ilnll , lmn tilt. e
ern hen, sei rem" it the Penn
s4l, nth State Cu Inge .1140 I mem
ber of this committee •
OST—nhoop.ltinLon t flout tl
Tit I. on ...rood nom tie Ilort
uffainine voLond bout 3 c-at
411* morning 'nowt° ctut n to 1.1
I' Clot. tilt I'M Knitpa Stunt t Howie
Dry Goods
rye's Store
• In a Cyclone Comedy "Hot Water"
A cyclonic comedy of newly weds and meddling relatives!
See the confirmed bachelor getting his when he double
crosses the brotherhood of fancy-frees and falls for a pair
of soft boiled eyes!
You'll Laugh You'll Howl You'll Shriek
MONDAY and TUESDAY, NOV. 24 and 25
The latest in fancy check
ered Wool Hose and sporty
plaid Mufflers' just received
from Scotland and England.
Wool Hose $l.OO to $3.50
Mufflers $3.00 and $3.50
,e A complete line of Wind
-0 breakers in either grey or
tan suede leather or in heavy
wool with large checks.
$9.00 to $15.00
Exclusive Agents for
Mallory Hats Manhattan Shirts Merton Caps
SALE! The Inlaid Wood Work of an in
mate of the
now on display. These articles, made in spare time, af
ford you an opportunity to purchase, at a really great
saving, charming novelties for Christmas.
Montgomery & Co., State College, Pa.
Winner's Meat Market
You will find
Country Style Sausage 25c per lb.
Pork Loin and Pork Chops 20c per lb.
Place your Thanksgiving order for
Turkeys, Geese, Ducks and Chickens
Smith's Ice Cream and Smith's Milk
Is Clean and Pure
The milk and cream is cleansed and purified by
City and State health officers will quickly tell
you that this process guarantees against germs and
Raw milk may be all right and then again it may
be all wrong It is well to be on the safe side all
the while
Smiths products are in themselves a guarantee
of quality and safety.
Our pnce for bulk milk is 9c. per Quart.
Bottle milk 12c. per Quart.
We will be delighted to deliver Smiths Milk to
your door every morning.
Bell 250 500 West Beaver Avenue
Grey and tan Corduroys
are taking hold at Penn State
the same as in all other
Eastern schools, 19 inch
$6.50 pair
Heavy Sheepskins with
plain collar -
A higher grade Moleskin, with
marmot collar to match
Friday, November 21, 1924