Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, November 21, 1924, Image 2

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Page Two
Penn State collegian
Published semi-neekly timing the College year by .1911°1116 of the P9m,93,-
vania State College, in the interest of Students, Poetalto., Alumni, and Prlenda
of the College
W. L. Pratt '25 Editor-In-Chief
J. It Loam '25 Assistant Editor
II S Morris '25 Managing Editor
W Cohen '26 II Lliner '26 R. A Shriner '26 !
W. J. Durbin '26 R T. Erlebel '26 . A RI. Smith — TO
Women's Editor Miss II Farley '26
nrsiNts, sTArr
T. 11. McCulloch . 25 Pusan°. Manager
J St Eisler '25 %do craning M9.56°1
R. C Body '25 Carenlotion Manoger
ASSISTANT 11U51N1.55 31ANAcrns
ci n nrt,mtiehi '2O T Con, It . '.16 C L Coy
W P %Bei Ct 1 7 Plahea '27 1 11 Plants '27
1: N Malang 2 S II '27 W I' Eyed '27
11 A Poorial '27 II 1 Ilet/neol,a 27 11 II Bekaa ail '27
1' II Coleman '27 1 55' 800 ad 27 IV 1. 171^t 27
T. P Cummt•lsey '27 5 I. Manillas 27 II CI Womsieo 27
IT Il Lauda '27
The Penn Stole coLurcrA:g In,ars conanunleotlons on any subject of
college Interest Letter., must bear the slgnmules of the looltela It assumes
no responslbllito, loramexet, for sentlmento expaexa.ed under this held and re
serves the right to exclude any whose poblirotion would be map oblo imam o
print° All coin for Tuesal Scissor mu, be In the °lnce by ten a m on Mon
day, and for Friday's issue, ho ten ano Thonaday
Subscription price• 1256. IT pull before January Ist, 1925. After Jan
uary Ist, 1925. 12 75
Entered at the PostotTice, State College, Pans second class matter.
Office: Nittany Printing and Publishing Co. Building.
Telephone: 252 W, Bell.
Member of Eastern Intercollegiate Newspaper Association
News Editor this issue 1 . 1 L. KELLNER
Information which causes many Penn State men to knit their eye
brows and to furrow their foreheads has been brought to light
concerning the outcome of the attempted election of the fieshman trial
presidents last Tuesday night. It appears as though the first-year
men had already negun to indulge in a practice which, it it is contin
ued, will ultimately result in class .disruption, disharmony of class
principles, ethics, and cooperation
Not all the freshmen attended their class meeting, an offense
which is serious enough in itself to warrant some action to insure a
larger attendance at the ne•,t gathering It has been estimated that
between siy and seven hundred men were seated in the Amphi
theatre, evidently so convened for the purpose of conducting their
clitsa business in an honorable and noteworthy manner To the fresh
men were disu ibuted almost a thousand election ballots \\ luta the
tone came to elect the men to be considered as trial-presider t> it its
mound that two hundred ballots, more or less, were needed to supply
each man wtth a chance to vote Moreover there wette certain men
who had not even received a single ballot Indications pointed
strongly to the assertion made later that some men had i emitted more
than one ballot
When the truth of the distribution of the ballots became known
the election was postponed until a later date It was the only course
to take under the circumstances When the election is again held
let the ballot be distributed to each man as he enters the door, that will
eliminate the possibility of any man exceeding his legitimate voting
But the more serious side of this affair has not yet been discussed
If the election had gone through and those men had been elected to
participate by competition for the office of class president, it is not to
he supposed that they would represent the popular choice of the Class
of 1928 Furthermore, the Freshman Class would not want any one
of those men, illegally elected, to become its president later on Why
then have scme men brought suspicion upon themselves by openly
trying to rule the elections',
There is not the slightest inkling of honor or spirit evidenced in
such conduct, neither is there the remotest sense of fair play shown in
the acticn If there has been any electioneering, and such a thing at
present is entirely out of the category of Penn State class elections,
it should either be unearthed or smothered tip now or else decide to
have an open campaign during which time the candidates for election
could be "stumped" and talked up as is done in national and state
political elections
The fraternities hate always been condemned as having exerted
fraternity politics in various elections conducted at Penn State. To
some extent this has probably been true and without doubt it will
continue as long as there is competition for supremacy and represen
tation in undergraduate affairs Would it not be well, therefore,
for Student Council to take this matter under advisement and endeav
or to determine in what respects open campaigning for class offices
and elective committees would be both benificial and iniurious* ,
There need be no evil influence arise out of an open campaign for
class offices Men will recommend their choice for office those
candidates whom they think most fitted for the position regardless of
whether there is a ban placed on a uniform and organized electioneer
ing campaign
The evil which results from popular elections comes from hatred
and malice, and these are usually occasioned by personal differences
and dislikes The election can and should be conducted on a fair
and square basis in every instance, but the matter of presenting and
preparing the voting body for a wise and correct selection of candi
dates should receive more attention and publicity than has heretofore
been accorded such affairs.
The COLLEGIAN takes this opportunity to express its sympathy
for those people who suffered loss during the recent conflagration
Several families were swept from their homes with no chance' to re
cover personal belongings, and with scarcely time to save their lives
Much credit is due those Men who so ably assisted in fighting the
flames It was only due to their tireless efforts that the fire was kept
from spreading over the whole business diNtrict of the town. Fortun-
1)1 II II . 1%, VIIIIN. :II ,to 401 11( The
et VII( VIII, e 1%4, ‘,lll Itltl e
1111111 I Itapel , et ,It e 4 nt St Sund II ).”-
.en I, i ~seet‘-telil
more—tot . 17,vtitd, ; t alt; auttl front
'I de old 11 (let al.. 111111 IItIMi 111,
rtl'on ttt; min it In
:sum lot Cltt It qui; oil I)
IN. then %pent tilt; 91.114 at 111,
nth 01.1, of t.,:1111 tttlnt 111 IP( 0,11
Isle AI tlt gi pe from mle In 190% Ile
hatt h,m II It thtt ill-
HI 1114.,,turn four 1100h4
obi, It 1 14 Vol/OM VIM 11111
4,0114 1 • t, In 11111 :Nel . llol 11111
nnd m. W..
1110 Dr, Winn it it um'
•7 ho King n tllghn 1t Set ley
Gridiron Gossip
lla t teat College I. the toah t
\ ILL -11,4Itlent•elet Chath G
I) he.
Red' C.1111:11+ one mblttm In Pft
ti to be it old en It 11 1, be .. , on •e
het not tomen
net 1. , 4 .Itll,, hook OIC tints be
h, ill , , II .41 ,n 0, el PA MI, Illohl
I. •., 1 itt WhiNtlt ' 1,, C tol, ell
lit re huplng lb It 14,04144 g
tII I, 111011.• al/I/loin Ile 111 In nui1".4141114
1.144144.1,414 440%; Thutstl is
Dent fon.. min be out on NI. o Ile IN
-101 face tome' ton tosee the
lee to tae Wocell e 110 111.
noon ng one or the_ In ht.; 1,4 on
the. ' , lon het I llne
Ihe Oalo In , Nee SS I tetl4o It lee an
end Is the Immo of 11 - enenn Ch Id
CI, ...e , i, .ho el els lichen that the NI 11 -
1111 t ft In-nn do,n't do the stmt. thin,:
the 011114 e II op+on ,11,1 hone on %Imo
n` Inn.
.tIII I: eitti n Penni, IN mei the
s Lehl e th-l_if -
CUP cliche. hohllntit the cent, t cif
t [lon tenni], es.
11 , nr,0; I. nn, f tmoug (1,1 tu.
t10n,7.-3111% e ma ton 611 IZed
Th taut', Pitt ,aluatal tl ill lie 1114
4.11 •4 a f Cti nt e :e Tech.n.h444 ou
hc 41 he Tl 4 t 44144 11 , 11 hlth th
Q 1414441,14 u Ines
Ann !Ito 1.11,0 Do‘ll-11o,t,
tine thl+ nookno bozo to think
to nha 111 molt tltls tpot nto Tot It
Penn ti. att . .; to Id ttt vIII bete to
tlt untl'"tint Into to nee thAt
mite Inc, le n
tt Irt , In the re ti Mt
Ci lulu <on nlttt t de , laid I, h the
topo•ed Wit to the eat t ne‘t month
1\ ell lencn, n tldl be its
1 eh, 1111 lett t gi.t.a zn.n on A\ olt
to (It'
t, tnlnloss n II nl t minted
r. non in ts , Coe rano, hnnot tom
II 1101111 111011 [4ll 1110...nnu a cl z I,
, Ith Pc nn 011 Th t ni,,,,i, !nu u„
.1, of tln , tin W W,ton
tnd W it.on snntudl thno, 111,e
nontnlmel one or 11 , u
..l'll* Iftll,l4'. InJutetl.l , g hlv been
" niin,4 tiong In not .),,p, ndt tint
rr,,,,, 1 Ne,a:l, .+I cc •+bould Inc in c.,-
(Olen: Lontlition inn the TnnkeN D • IN
il , ll /'
\ X ;len .oontr t OMIC4 one or 8011 ,
inn,: Iv I din g t 1,1 /enq toil Nlllll4 to
Al tlf t tit tenon th it Pt nn State belt
... +
e ,
•:. r
Guaranteed Ivory Sets
Vanity Cases ad X d Jewelry in General
Opposite Front Campus ;
:!. :g
Will Be Staged in Band Rooin at
Seven O'clock Tonight—y. 0.
Thompson To Speak
'I he Punt care Club hill
lull n nolav Bt the hithd twith or
Alien it 41,N en lO•Ilight
.\n% iitiu me. Rh
m i l tttenil anti ne VIII 0.1
I P 1 l• 1111 111111 r.:
1: 1 ntlm tete!. Thntkp , iol kill spenk
01 the ini , dldlitlct Of m indolln muelo
e elgh teen men In the mg m
-1.11011 It in eeent, hit II I. I' tint,
'2l I en lint s thot M. ie
.hould bem .nitnt n 0 11111 In nntlil
t • 1011 of the glee of the College The
Club in holding 11110 runt In hope of
Intel 1110"Vnen 41 the 0 1g 1 1 111 . 1-
I'oll 11111 ncquelnt I nu . them nith the
torn Mer
rite !Ind pot ft rutnn, e of Slit Club
n 111 be 111 the 14 IV Pn at rated trit the
9 1 1 In th Club dut Inn the Itttet islet
e' thin •conentet T'-tat It Ile been mug
log 4 ono Peep tr Mon fot the nild
n Intel mooed but Os tit the Itrontum
Iv no, 1,1 en .1 an, \v the,. I 4
need tot 1114 t Inundollnlitio, It 1.4 de
dt id to It It
n It the
111 bt tug their tooth ument.4
don,: 1111 - 1,111 not beeonultlet it
tit-Oat but lu htql to get un Ides of
the Iblllthq of the , oohs! Ito,
I To Play at Thanksgiving Football
Game—Broadcasts Program
Wednesday Night
7th n I - OSonnti of lint men. the
Pc nn • tte Ind tt ill le 11 eSt tte Col
lo. nest Wetineqtlat noon tot Plt 10-
',nigh ft. take pit t in the Alutnni
l'o Somitel ht the tilningo nom of
Is Ludlum tiq DIP 111111011 Stole, and the
Is no St toe Ilatti•• Nod, Itont ot Won
1. It - dneutl n t mono Tile !Na
-1 int north_ I int oil] 0101 tin 11111,
•Itt f outer, in Ino 101,1,10 f the
I ott Pitt Hotel 'I inn tat 1001 n'nd
110 n lot if in I Otto %till cent lode
the% It tit Rh, In l'ittoltumh it the
to 'll,lll rams Thmsfl It littinn , ll
The Penn St lte Alumni Association
Pill•ii11111gth is doing ON. %lim; in
it Imo 1 to mbite the ,molfet t ton
tt Ind 1 11111 pt cur Int 11.11 been pun
tided .VI students coin.; to Vitt.-
ion e til 111 the glut,. e int ited to al
- ml
On t„• n. 01-1111 I v col st rt r n nt 1 of tin
011, St Ite It ttlto N'ol,t. nn itunlnatett
• t laq. Tue. Inn 'a l(no of the COL
-1.001 NV th Innin npr the!, are
•Ft ," Thomas nntl 'Bel . The
It 111 a antl % to: ty gum let. allth.. nett.,
Havice Cafe
130 Allen
Ilona In 011.01 Penn St ite en: dents In
I, I glel+ett It 111 pt n% kle the 'meth I'
el lei t tlninent
Moo the :tutu to Penn :•1 ite the
1: Ind 0111 teuln(on, the tot Itn
+ of m intro ttt
et IV 41 1110 tll4 I 1-
It nt. , anne time later In the Neat
ntP m 111 be t then to the PM, low
Peo.tentlet s. 011 - 10 Ile Plao orl
White 11111`4,111114 0111 enlett an the
%Odd W 1111 im itoconan or the Ohm tm
ohniorn Cnngt owl t mon, 1191tinna e, liam m
MS tie the tartlet at the elec.-
It F of lint Penn Stale ttenn Sa
oleo In Ohl Chanel It eh, en n'ehmelc
nem Sunda) mooting
'I he •pe Omen in a mduate of the
( nit et mmitt Of Chu stn mti foram IN ill, II
ht netted his degree re 13 trimelra of
Am tm( Ile completedm mu, it the
llebreo Union College in PM and
I neat to Omaha, Nola tali , oho e he
ma the to &el of time Temple 19r mil
Cong.( egation until 1592, h hen he be
< mme m mbimi or the Ohelm tlemium Comm.
'Whit , attending 1114 ,toilet In Mal
mo] e Rabbi Ro , enqu tool. op 1Ll•
tate untie tt. John Hopkins Unts er - AL
and tot LIL tho Lle,ftee of nos tot of
Phikr , orh , pcsldeL his po.Lttlon a the
end of 1114 LongtemPlon, to IL bleb
he hto been el - tell rot Pre he 11 ttlqo
LL month" of tip_ I p ult‘ of Johnv
110PkIn4 I bibs lift and ILL the turbo
of Vosel a bLatk9 on theologle 1 0013-
, jet ts
The meeting is °Pen to the Public
Intl till those intern - tea In he Pin:
Rlbhl fifteen tu ire In, lad to Mend
.V 4 hnx been done on Pt , cltts o
racoon, the lilac Kee SOVII•lt 1,111 I
c e of the Al tet litfootb ill to tm to
toot too Ind bill ohm tike c tie of the
Sa it thtnole .4000(5 termTICS( TUC,
he elsopet spenher lod Stint tt
It shill L taat (In MA , 111,11 rof Ind
the s nne wall he dune f the e
I etcl., 0114 buttclo3
h It n n'tt. bin 00001,00 a let
tel Barn the Blue Bet I. at lett Ind It
li euttal that It lie nc al In the nt tt
nat•lng toil auaperatlon he glum ,
touch au ye...tittle It is ilia t queuted
that alien a Blue I:et n n bllngs a
alto. to I d tote th it the metnbet
th tt Iternlt3 help to cute] t tln .tt
flt a. otaullile
IL 111:17.X1101.*3l:
Tht Deo o t ment of 1101 tl. ultul r of
Ct.° Penn, It 111' 1 .4 110 College II I%
thscontlnued the let tiling of 110nel s
n 1 on I In th glt tnllntlie Till
1 , 11000 of the nol It In been LI 1110fet -
1 ell to AN I IfeoLone, 1.0001 of
the Stole Chl'e.o. 'Shopne 117
rest lie ltll k,nue oho owlet
"Alt. lit to set Lit the College glean
Ite ILI Till, lit Lnge nil) nonellt the
1,1[114 In +4011.11 11 1 14., Th e .0 011
otTet them este/ HeleL 11011 of
111 1, 11 tut s It 111 times It 11 111
es/ t Inge ,Ict Linn Of 111. 11le.
r25441•11e - od n 111 lie In L nosltlon
01701 bette n l4lltits 1101 ,tt ncl gin it
, eon/ 1101 1 Ins it tnsfes 11.11 tlso
Cl on the 1)111+100 LLI Plot !culture 111010
tune fin Intl UI [tonal net
ntes.t.l l'lta It ultui
RA), D. GILLILAND, Drugght
"Wpst Collette Air.
Songsters Will Leave for Kane
Kinpariom and Brookville
Next Wednesday
The Alto Chili 14 holding' Intentthe
:oholll In Viepovtlon for the Ulu
to I: tt
toe, I.ltopot loin, and Illoololtht
Wetltte,l4, 'Mut ,t 1 ot and I . llthe, of
11,1 vo. el,
Thy p, airs will lie
II it of tin l't nn, I.nnli DI, aline n
am o
e but nlll I ,:,0, t h¢ 11,1,11tInns
'I lie • Mellon Stl eet S ' fan,
met he voin WY 01
N ilnanN 31..11: ' Ind •In 1'111.4
,:IPc h PI he•un,r 1, , It. It
01l andll'44 0 Sn,let ie.
kpeo (hit , 1 ,, t1 t.ttl It:, the I hob
Another to att: e of tht pt 0101100 0111
Ito n imh , i ,tf txt et Itt't firm the oltettt
yttfot e n htt h oar 11t en at the Polo
St olt I Ittt no t. Dh et tot ttt not hag
, t ha tea tight nu n to rea. I here a( l
c Ilona t nil the entli t Club 111111 t the
Cart In 0: finale
Itehe 4ttls 8111 he 1,111 tonight 11,1
an \ lt.nd to trd Ttneal tt. nights of the
?omit:gook Di tit lit tilt line In
nouni oil thdt hi Is rend% to reed, e
nti'll fm the etudent It Rite viol'
tit the Club an 1 nl'l he In
eekon Wtilneed it alternoon
rd on Pt tt and 11 JIM tt rot °noon,
ben town 11110 t.ln rt m'tt to him
4- Records out today •
: Go, Fanmahre—Fox Trot
Words—Fox Trot The Benson Orchestra
( Have a Little Fun—Fox Trot t Waring's
i Oat of a Million You're the Only One Pennsylvanians
The First National Bank
State College, Pa.
The secret of the very satisfactory
progress of the First National Bank is
to be discovered in the principles which
have characterized the activities of the
institution throughout its existence.
Security, Stability and Servith:
W. F. FOSTER, President
DAVID F. KAPP, Cashier
It is the Cut of the Clothes that Counts
Have a Big Warm Overcoat in
time for the holiday
If you have put off buying your winter overcoat, let
us remind you that Thanksgiving' is right around the
corner. Let us show you our Society grand models.
They're wonderful.
Always Reliable Opposite Front Campus Since 'l2
Friday, November 21, 1921
l'ltioll MA V CO-EDS PICK (214AhS
Orrin:its I on I'OIIING 11.11
The glal4 of the M. glilmtn Clqvg
li tNe c111.41.n thrall t1,..1 oltlvet % as
ft now , .
7'l•+ident—l:ll!_lheth I tile%
l'la, -14 t Uut nth) Umbenh tnc
qvc lane Smith
Ti ca.,. Plttel,on
Tigliffileffenfre Co
Vhd4Lits Qualy
ritl IS IT I,lli
11,11 Me 11111 S. II IIIiI. PRI'VOS
Conufl-- . Dot, S, Pink
P \ STI111:
Plr•I Poona Sho'nltor of
CS Al RI 8
In oriel], Good. -
C math
In ` . l) awn roily Iloilo”
:se,. \ \ echl%
NION:13 Vl' Intl "11 - 1 - .57).V1
\lntim o it 'l'n o
II 1.1101 0 1,1.010
In ••llot 0 aloe'
Sno^ninht Ina No Iv ,olsll.