Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, November 11, 1924, Image 1

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We Are
VOL. XX, No. 15
Driving Attack of Visitors Causes
First Set-back of Season
by Score of 12-0
Hoban Intercepts Forward Pass
and Runs Fifty Yards for
First Touchdown
Penn Sta , e's tl eohntan tooth tit team
eufroetl Its Ili 4t setb al. of the 00.011
when It vent donn In &tett befole the
tithing Ittadt of Oro hotel MO41,111:41t
ttllng elesoo by ,t 12 to 0 oone tonl
batanday :running on Old 1)00101 11001
'l•he laon cubs fought bird but thes
- nt re tumble to penetrate the Blue and
Gold line
Time Nlttanm enlitilens oele taken by
nut Pt Lse :it the P 1. "lied'
Cillitonlo Vt otegeo and It nt
not un
t" the linqt on intim ono, omen thint the
time team tip:Wled up This de
nse onit , Otel Ittu it often the op
toNlny. diome [lllOlll4l the lint
ton eonvlotent glint , The pi is Ing of
Itoban end Booth in the hnl.lield and
inn sit t .elcle o inillng fon
the m Whin .1. the Immo Inteteepling in
fononnid anti lunnlng lin, l tld't
fm the 111 et tout Moon of the ikon: ,
lri.t unit
"nun," Si Imp got off 'netts kick
dill the bid! Mtn slit In pint On Pitt , ,
tutnt‘-‘ std line flu the Mot Ibsen
pl it. the Blue old Odd t u Ilneu tee
tet id it Slit 1111 n n 111th 110, (ul line
lit hw At 11th, point the fteuhmun
put up 0 511 one di tense tnd the
tl lan ere foss ed to I.lch, Pcnn
St de t °eel% hug the bdl 1111 Pill, 1 . 01.
1)-1.1111 line INA phe tuned hie )ands
~ 1 1(tic: pays but the neeeuudly ynt Au
b.u. a ilt.A dust n bag licking and
on the tout tit duun Rourke 111.1 kneed
to kink
On a return punt Lamm en 001 .top
pad in hit tt it I,s to ttobet tn. tight mut
Oho net le t peen, tat Its-
II W. iil , //111 to Hagan net tot a_ hest
Henn Pen titles nt Omen 0 Ihrt the
Litre and 'White m bittern 1.1 e begin
ning tan% cut MT Oath ch Ince of
of lag iii an attempt to met come
the thong Parallel &len , the Nat inn
e 110 mt esta led to t to Iselnet game
A pane lAsko to Kt all gained live
stilt but on the ne‘t tatempt Itolon
Imo, mutt! Leek° p log 11111 i 1,1
'1 tints to plot tine ot dbt hinti the no tl
line The to fat the 0,0 t point hit
one of the up-t . ghty and 'bounded nuts
In thlt m i mod tht %Patot , begin t
con mhln e r Mice don n the Held (tont
the lack-oft and nett, innet cheql.ed
until (tooth plunged into, toi A 'score
A placement kick fin the une puha non
itietucteentub the bill bitting the LIU.-
h Callttlill eennhleldsto ole
Melt% hle It loolpd on though
one_ of the Pitt tent lingo o t, ymsng . It
Harrisburg Grads Plan Dinner at
Colonial Country Club on
Thursday at Six
19 inning to entialtilit t bilge el CM
of iiluninl and ottolenit, the Penn butte
Ilion of Philadelphia
oonipleteil an, tot
the football solid."' end dime to it
held In the Itell.tueiibltittfoi I 110101
I Hilo, and Stitutilol N 0,1111.1
tout lettith ant Ilfteentli
All onallent, unto 810 PI:11111111g 1.0 111.
tl 1111 the Tenn Rime nest Ltui
.tle ullOll to pat tqlnlite In the netls -
111, al tanned I* the Alumni .14 401_1.1.
0111 '1 tune It 111 lie no toot,olneat tot
ll.e ninolon to lie behl In the 81111-
1.11111. m bile it ton , on.tble fee st 11l he
tll :en I'm the dote an In , 'l-s1 In
the Closei and Ilan Rom..
The aniond el dlnn held In the
Penn Male Alluoul of Hui debu g alll
It held al the Colonid Couull 5 Club
nt eIL u'eluck un Thuisda3, CL'ln min
ohlrii the Wen, I tutogt um eon
W , ting of caul gting. gil bouillon It In
loon in tanned, ninth hill on loulutetili
noel the iipinoial of the Alumni It 14
intilinble that a. buslngetineetlng
ft aloud he it nonibet of 411 oz t. vino:Lb
t.u., hill be Iglut lifter the cllnnet.
Loneheon In 11leililitglon
bring nen t inoten i t , .1 11,
141 A 5 ,
run 0. 4 411 tit
• .
• s
Lt Vie thou!, numbtibig . up to 425
luiNe nn It ut nud may be obtained at
the C A Ilut by Juniu,e ireenty
lhe to fifty
_pet n expected to cell
and et yule ehuuid be ietuincil to
the Hut .e 4 NOVII is peeelble :When
e tiling fin moot+, appolntmcnts should
be made Tot tetuthing them in pethen
to the ieplesenoathes of the White
.011 Intel,lens must be mule
tidualit and eat 10 student Is requested
to unit his 01 hct qurn 'then to
till an .mpoltitment Miss Las, retires
enttrate of the Studios, bill nut be Irr
upt/mil/1e 101 toots that ate not l
tut lied to het 10.401141, and the L.l
Vie Dowd urges that sit proofs be tutu
.' in promprb In older to 110011! nut
dolt) In uttlintr cute lead) fot the
Cleveland Symphony Concert Ngx
Monday Offered in "Y" En
tertainment Course
Wfth the Cl:voluted S> 1111111ot*
t 1109t1 1, tilt noted be Nitadal Sokoloff.
°them lug het e as the next nundiet of
'the Y It C onto, tithunent tout 45
on No% mite,se, ont,nth, elle Penn
State student,. u 111 hot e an °ppm -
'unit% to hen one of the le tiling nnt
deo I of gunPattons of lot kaul in the
I punt!, Tuto collect ts tt ill Ito hiten.
it vet tat I tutees tln the Often noun for
chtldnon and their triton!.' , , and
the ex enln4 euneert tot the foeult)
unit students
Delightful plot:tarns e been
ngeil fin tutu times collat.:lug of
'Atm al f intuus merlin (..littul in
' phonies Th - In ciitaiii
s' tot the af tcs noon
onctt t still i oniilst Of s "Os
ei lute to NI ii 'lace of till
(it 'feel C) a halt, “Wlents
Slue bt Sti ius, .tntl the .. oh Mi
tt llle Princalst" Item "Suite
tittle • - 14 tire Tituilit of
the musk In thin recital Is such th it
I. mitt , cavils Ii• awn etlitted lie the
chltlitn, but tint be equal!) enJu3altle
fin shell ii trent+
Tile ON CI tote 1,, Aloza, t 1,, C.Lbilg
41 , 111 . t of A outhfulne, eh n Let 'stk. of
at: 1114 hod,. "Peer 0 nt . Iv n de
gt OUP of son, dc-nlinr with
the life of I 'tot h e.tlstn no et -do-noll
1,111, tt le-tutlfel 111 1 / 9 it I pletu, Izatlon
of It golden 4uneet luta t :1 tn., of the
spit its :x4 theniev lent, P.lut" Iv
atto,lle, of the excellent nallzeta that
ate tspkal of St, tts4 Then the sit
u lot: to in h ht Saint-5.4 - ns cuntlude4
the Mug..
lll4torl of Leader
The life or 'Minnad k'oholotT leader
of the •Chehottrit. Is almost Ilke • to
m.knee Coming to Sine:lea. Deanne,
it tnelt kk, 1114 gtolus a alit tact' at
-14 Mimi thnt het v glun special
movie tl Scltol.nahip t to the Tile 1.711/-
terslk> Of Monte Ile gtatltt nod at net
enteen, and bet one the >congest mem
bet of the Bunton S>mphonv OtLltekstta
the tot emost one of that Period Mtltla-
I> tbang to the le olet atilt, of net et kl
small tactic...bas t he nakt chosen while
let In 1114 tWttles to lent the Cleve) tod
troupe of maklellll4 The Jive c: thtse
pla>els slate thtt time 11.14 been ammt
lag, /111t1 14 lat.els due to kSokololTs
The to tsonnel of the Otchevlta is
tlr , o of the highest 11U.111t3 Al !hut
Shepherd, lit ast•ettont conductot, fr.
dlstlngteshed ‘ontnortet null It fatuous
musk ol sc. holm 311 Ileclanith. the
Ilt st t lollnlst. 1. one England's fore
most rlttllnS. and uis tot met I> coll
ect snlastet of the trot II Phllhat monk
Ott hestra Vlt.ton de (atm,, the pi In
e'ard loam-cellist Is of national fame.
and („ . m hurt I 10111. nod
IVPII Int Tt none, Netrond t iolllll4t
among the most prominent an kits In
.Imet Ic t
Mkol d Sokoloff Ls 0 gifted Luntert
nooks , and Ills in ogtaino ate exceed-
Incl‘ Impulal Ida> ed to audiences
Bill I 5 to I'ol t) thousand In Ids no
1.0t11,0114 at the Welsh Noel°. II rem
' tit IL 1114 he to 14 1/1.111111111 and as In
Ame, li,i He nn nneann% in
nthn L of balancing pi oglams and kin
selections ,arN (Ilan those of L pia) -
ful spit It to deem desolate p (hos
The Viet el led thettleltitel tile active
it a tlt 10 Nn) 04 , 00.04 °emu; the
(Continued on tent page.)
Lion Aggregation Maintains Clean
Slate in Downing Mdroon
Team by 2-1 Score
liagenbuch and M. Gil Kick IVell
as Play Is Canned Into
Opponent's Territory
Running tine in foto. In adding OM
11101 C
tnrlue•t to Lit teount tAtting of
tictutlea, tit; Penn State taxon ttant
list Stiturtla. nionning clefentcd the
Lafayette uggregttion by the se 02
2 to 1 Stating dofensise pitting o ht
Ilse \button thICI,4 kept the Nittan%
fetwulds from netting the brit more
often. but riscat the end of the 111^.:
balf, follooing .t turner Kith "Froth!, '
Pine slipped through the Elston elm
defense Ind scored the fist coon
ten of the moaning .
Play fluting the se-ond h elf 0 is fast
and fur'ous, ulth tine ball in Id.* in
Lafttettf loin:tot% nur , t of the period
Tone awl again, ashen the NM no tot
ivat dr had taken the bull front the ten
lei of the field to olthin ocunling
rouge the %bating bias oould hieal%
(Inoue]) the Lion attnek and boot the
sphere Inc Bonn into Penn S. se tol
iltort toils to hate "lied' llngenbuth
(iii Eft hill back to the
I:100 mat W hitt, Site to begin
en sltught the bill h td 000-saoed o%ei the
Odd Colsome (11110. the Penn State
Ine p tso , il and dribbled the ball
thlough the irtfa‘ette backfield tint
Vored oiler moic, Stll dint tine the
the !tali 1 ast tine opposing go ti-keep
ulth it gulch shun hick oinking
the sane 2 to 0 hi the Lionli talon
laita3ette Scores
Immediate!: allot the hick-off. the
Laficcette fuluat dit took the ball Moen
thr held In mearet of 4bort bnapits
nes4e4 _ an.l—e-onslerent- 134 thbllne• —btu
the ball n - nt out us. the gmtl line
Tithing adcantage of •Ite tot not Mel,
Loolet. Lafayette Inclde 11,11 t, dill,-
11011 the hull num scrimmage and shot
It Into the Blue Lod IN bite net lot the
onl: Matoon wore of the fiat
The it t•YiM of the Lion to tin bey
r noltlemblo abet e pat until the I:411
bits nithin suiting tlititanm. Micro
passe4 and 411e14 noun not matetial
ize lelftt3ette 4 line uas uell-bal meted
:nil boa. but theft pausing Rune could
not elude the feet of Ciptelti Glum/ In
C:11 (ill, In plutkuin plasmd a steel
ing di foth,: game uheti the bill acts
Pain State teat Rut Cook, •t Ll
ted fm (ht livitont
elhe line-ups
Penn Salt, I'o.lMoi, L if,o etk
Ilellinlch G M. Can 4inev
NleViin,4ll Ii I' II Thule
CO 111/11 (C III( I I. 1 , Ii I:ugh
Flaffennuch It 1-1 Il 11(1 , n
M fill C II Ii I.ook
DU Ilogtoo I. II II Linn( II (C inn
Pine 0 1i T•IN /01
I u4sell I Ii Cook,
St nu at L. I' I' Stile,
Llgenlintli I I. ( - ,al bct
Loll o L Whlttle , (el
Sul , ..lluatnni—.l4nn I. ..tte—l'e 011
Cm II It, I :ell fin Um llngtion, II ii hell
for l'lne. 11110 ft 1 0011, Juhic(un Ln
I t ellmlt. It
In the Intel estit of polite it 1/111, Chem
!lh . the ikons le in Cluttnicul Sock tt
has offit oil six in lies of one thousand
tiollats yank to nut% et sit, and college
indent t oho sh'tire tht heat es
ol not mote than the thous t nil
0 0101 on One of the [Whining. sulciet is
I The Relation of Clic mist, to
Ilenith ontl Dive tse
Itonntlunnent of Life
.3 The Ite'ullon of C11E111.4, to At
tlttiltnine on Pon est,
4. 'file Intl ‘llOll of Chtollstat to a
Ilona! 'Men,
The Udall. of Citentlgti,) to the
It The ❑elation of ChetektiN to hit
I>eteloptoont of nn lotto." to
It 11 , 011 ICC Or Stittes
This contest Is open In lIIIN
geminate college student blio hits eitt
isile 1 the college entetante lellllllc
entx, II entollell in 811111 an 1114t11.11-
t 01l 11 81 01 1. Or
itglate glllle Students bhp e n ultittle
In 11101-)eal tile niso eligible to vont
".`",`, es.% onls Mal be vultnilt- juntl Inltile club to he held thet Wetl.
Application ' s lot loath all tick
cis rot the tPitt !rime um, be
lit dned from the .li k ed.oll It.
on AN eilner 111 and Thus sl .1.
Not tr.*. Ire if th And till, It en• 11
Students deals led th hots rot this
Moue mast In the tooth adon ..n
thee dtys ottic All India Inu
be ICI ned fn Illbet `left 11.
tecnth and I.4,MA:intl.
Varsity and Freshmen Take Me, is
From Tartan Runners by
Vide Margins
Outs I.t.tlng the 1. tt nettle Tech 11111-
.Id-a slew 1,3 a stole of 19 to 37, the
Penn S. tte sat sits ts
9 • ountz I 1(.1111
kik( d up oho gr )ClOl of'ha
t °ltem -e.etott 1 tot S nut cl Inotulnu
In their .Ist ntLl,, hunt osct the &WC
tout ne Coach Cat (men un t no, tt took
foot Pk. e 9 out: of the (Ito Il tisl it
Innln e t the run In she f ett. lime of
mlnutts dud GO %second+
iseman. the s ham R e tut] I un
nol -up in the Inft thani pion
ship tool, novena pl iD, Inenin e r rum
le, of ;Penn Slime I .1 tilt m tr e nn
Sten a-t, lohneofi, Reis, .Iml Ch indre.
at the Nit: .eun. finished In the
oldienatilDl .tnil thee note
tii In Ili hitt, Peek, Cuing, Ind De
besot, .11 I'llllll men
The C trnegle Tech plebe 1000111 On-
Inhul fat behind the Ilket Illue nut
NI 111, t.ulm In Unit 1.1.. ml .not it. shin
tulle cunt fe 11,1sinn hum] Enet
the llklance In the fah Ono: Cl ruin-
Int.+ and t second% ,Ith II ttmlleld and
II tg ttgel both 101 11 ("tinning at ht.
heels Hobe 11.11 the thst to to
finkh, 1:11.nh tell Mantel d
hi.. [lmmolate/I, bi r k_
40. , .;;; . .tm1.1ity10r both Nlttnne men
Ilnlshad ..uventh .1111 eighth 1 elute 11113
and 0 1 Sinno,llor, of Teel, alv th,
!ant m In , to ern, the line
In the 0.11 11 1 13111 I tx P 1,-
m/In. 1111 am. te 41.10011 t duce-cot 11-
Fed 110th t tot the uhtnln: Po.. lon
ont let, sulYeiut .111111 In Ilk 111.
at the Litt et-uu 11 101 omit, unl fell lon I.
to tegulmt.tte leathtg the first tno men
to A,,101 Into 11101 place
,tenal I. Johnn 11, 1101, LAil Cllllll.ll,
0 . 41.11 tile. litre bunt 110th tomtit( t, Inl
setonoln Loot foul PI hnn icl
lone Into 010, Ilitlnhlng the ntet.
tithe Th e
te tut 01111 he t 011.1/11 in
of th Lean nl4 houch,th lu to,
uhtle the n Nltt tml-1 Ott nhon -
111 gm 11 form In th,lt ll.tom
A4l tfr or luso utiut 0111 In. Peon
SI Ito 131.InecnItl, Es It rtsllol IX to
111011tctol.I.itIng \ lillcl
(I 1/111 11111 hide/I/ e el 1114 l
it of lec Au, 1111 foletu In 11 Will, to
s it Wu.. Id
Ito oughout 1110 .1 111
Ite eout o,ls. of It itunthet
open forum 11 cu--lona Id hi-,1,1.11,
,lath t tin t ~e nt e 00-
'l,ll 1 mimt 4111, 111111 dirt 114 the
thought and al, uNolon don,: megle44-
he tbk enel4 Pi efet.t.ot (1 'l' (401111
.0111 'l' F:11111 41101111 about half tlo It
time engaged In Oar It, Thelt ef
fm, •• e supollootnted 1,, ote oLlon 11
let tut eg 1.1000 of the t omit% of
the blthool t f 111(11141 col Itlnglnet I in,;
ofto44ot 11(11,., Ire 01 of the 18t00-
41,,n Deg II tott nt, o *.t ''ol 111 the III!-
001 tt
811 Lt 11t1111 a IfeLt 1111111011) 1011 I,
I 111100111 11,11 the 0111 tut ono 1. ,
lb It or Intelligent lendo ship, de
monds of on tn,lt, ot odtnt t lon the ((I
!mos of emten , the Itet'omthl ttnl I toge
in mint don Mgt tll rot 11111 qu 11(1
mote loan, th 01 In the 1101,.40f the
tnnall 41ton 1101 Il got gmg The Col
lege 14 n ttentmlng 10 110 114 41.1 0 In
tomph in,; the fel , men and men
II ho
e potent! 11 000111 n 111th .1 volld
tlatlon of (01 1 011 theou 11hh.lhC
n 1 , 0
ontmged locally , Ilona upon In lot LI
. Inactlee."
Wayburn Studio Representatives
Select Thirty-six Students
for Parts in Comedy •
Arrangements in Progress for
New York Shoning After
Christmas Recess
A ttntrtht e tst fur 'l% onden Shoes,"
014le II xTheqpian in oductlon, 0114
, eleetttl duo noon 1, 31
1,,0 Zito t Non canting till eetut of the
. 7,lgdleld Mille,. and Maul ILe
alit,. the roach nom the 16'a)bute
311 'lot i 10000100 odectlono wele made
boot in eseeptlon 'large turnout or
good itlent, and It is his hope that the
lst DIN eto o 111 pip thelo tliftetenl
oeo, In 11 toe !gore-..awl a '•ols to .3 1 1
Moo o 'Non, together n 101 l Alt Dort‘ nod
ro 1t Vo.,loonno . 21, the unite, or tile
plll‘, Irate es 'sett the co 'glom] ooeript
In older o 111,rt gleit .11nutlittof
neLessals etont 111 In, the shoo Set el -
at neo I Ills It it e herootolnged, loot
the to Iglu of 1110. or I etokanoin ulterior,
11111 he olooetttol 0110114h011t the vro
At the tlusa of the tm-ou • s in th •
Autlitinium 111 qt Ited tin It
ngel] e non Ming' made to
hot e the The•pl in Club play ht Neu
Yolk tit) shoe la it tet Olnisttna+, Ohen
the Ilk .le l el4oll in the tnet l ol l oll ,
it Its height Ti,,. till, tooethet oith
theno lot emeimancn + m m itle
the In in 11.01 of the Club, ',lll
Penn St Inc + male the /0 ie 11 orgtnfii
t ion to a vt indlng ennui to tll It of
tle 13 hum home!
Puling the 0 Intel month+, out Int..4lent
-0111 In lug Penn St ite into the rot e- I
.0 mind of the am tteui Manhole 1, othl
Tilt ~tvt and elinitiana of till plat
fits bean select td ex foikm L
Cot.henne _ r+tet .Ifestien
, Pennington 1 21 to Su ebble and
(Continued on lug page)
State's Representatives
at Annual Conclave
Pit tIL nt I 'll linen together
tinrth other f u ult,
VI fill Vub of ik no hi. am. gatt•
to the Tau ti Anon it
n of the .111u1 I ttlon of 1. Ind GI to:
College+ to lie held In lc . v.1014;1011 1)
Con No, t ntbet tnelttl, t lilt 1,11111
it , I Imo ILentit.
lb nJqu 1111,14 of the Cunt entlin 11111
he at. tht Nth A% lllud Hind SU het e
thi, v 4.11004 I.t 111 1,0 held It 1 , 1
1 1..1.1 11111 .111 111,3,11101114 Wlll/, 1111111.
fin ph I tled of e•d
-thlltg 11 'it ttlion tilt the of enolneet
In, than, of emeieilon let "to; •nod
home e , union!, tiepin itimotol he ed.;
!elm evidllth.: eIN. o clot 1.
\ !mount tint nts as to I , .Wolin 0111 he
niado it tht cot don d and 4ub-4eellion
Oil 1% 0110 ,, i1 huh him;
h cot lion onelvtln4 of
ulturi EnAlritt• togand 11orne
IR uncouth 0111 hold It Indlehlu
nil.t 11110 ttit Morning to tlWru.ot the
eoloh net
11l it ctool cant tht t.ltluu4 01-
or ,till,
ht u• tt ;4, net , C,i0114 111 he held
I tteh4 it time :ill tine delegate, to the
CLllll.nrott alll.l,einitle Inn thc op
t Wog. 1.e4 the to ,Itient'tt I
dtt i t I/01 t, 11rto 100, Iolll3llltlt
moo. ell tro au, in 1 4 .11 0 ,4
wart Penn , b,to to ,111,..nted
the ilsectitise Cottoolltt t \lloo I.
P 1•11 t.tet let of I I:(o
-ni tolt • tool Pit 41,11 nt .1 NI Timm
the Committee on NIIIItto (tt gao
l/ Won and Poll,
on 1%111111,111N DI .111 htt kett xtil
In event n topott tt lilt I:nAlt.
Stt don 1/11 I.tnglneetlng nil Intlun-
Et Ilmenslon t Inlet .. offelatl Lt the
1.111111 01.1111 Colteg, 1 1111,t101111 01 e
la. tit 11( oni I to 1111 I f 111(111 111111 It
1.1 ought out the 1111 that the Engl.
t'l 'nye I:stt mien I)eit ta l'tt
Ito 11111101 the anon tlon of 1-n oreqsot
( Illltet tanks aecuntl !Neon
t tthes4ll.l ml. l lll 14 doing the ling
tenamount Of eaten 'nun 11 011. clungllll,
This looms still ASO be pi esentel to
the ❑seeutit. Jolt consisting of the
lit eslik not of I. old D.ant Colleges. on
11.11.1 D De in :Nickell still tilso lead
Rejuvenated Nittany Team Makes Good
Showing in 22-7 Win---Watson
Is Individual Star
Finds Himself
"gimpy" Rill Halve First Shim
ing NoN emer Tx enly-first—
Ticket Sale Announced
1. inks thin of A C Clout
irgli tin 11111,411114 Dustin, in. twit
I tin, put on tin next Penn `3. Ito
PI,. inn% On nts
ColllCli , • ntuth oat be int
etnta fin tilt Hint thaw it !kiln
n\m inert tiientn st
h t In inieti ut II 1 . 1 flan necks
Ind ttt WIC tin. lllitniur
tn NS, sie inaptinapt
t lion ill tile th n ecuacteii.
.14 . 1111 II," tt l t° tt ° Olt 0104 !MIMI,-
111 110114 Plant, h txo tn.
mouton d Tht PI , ht, loo
,enntl Nt n loth. lona I, autlhnut
In on Ililll,ll of I,IIIIIICM I:1(1 It 1114
Into ono nctl tlt ott on the toll
Cono!, II 1..4 .11%, tts 1,01.11 t 'Mt/It'll
rotot of eon, t nno. nt II Penn ht...
o Kt min should too, t Ott talll nut
'No tornitht, vit, 11.11 e lilll
1.1 Ito :111. 111 It 11111 I) 11 1 to.
41 1111 1100111 1. St 1111/101 1 / 1 11 ,
•41 0110 1,111. It 1,111 b..
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tnentA-11,4 dilllll.l .ntioun , ..l
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' .1111 e NI. ellk 1111,:h 1 1 1mon th 111
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Lotl .ILII.I 10111111 to to 11,0 'lOllllll
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the 1 04 11/ 1 1.10 1 1.• Ir In, 111.-
11 1 ...1 1 11/1 Uted I) I. Kl/./ 1 0
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1.4111, 1, .I.llln, the II not rot the
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I 1 1 1
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01111N 1 nll,l 11 11 1 1 been 41,nt.1 tot
0111 'lllll berme thy 18011 14 /1-
. 1 11011 /1111 / 1 114 /11 111 / It not mole. nlll
I nil... nost sp. 111,, Ihe 1 1 / 111114
• 111 11111 1 1 1 111 /1 /11 /41. 110410 11101 1 11 •
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.1. On tin 5 1 .1e4 of 11 1 11
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,tit Winn 1111 It. 1101 1 1.1 the 1 1 1 -
t • totnol The 1 1111b0....1 mar, vine
tht link 11.1,t slily I , ln'alm -
en In th It I lIIUMIN plc tin or the
t. In thOt p t.l le odu, ttoun on I
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lid,. I'm the 111 41. 1 , 4.1 r... ,m ~
II , 11” stetitell a all% VIII° little the
she at tin St It). :Alla "hop The
tttltu ,
ls4lmt its c.l tie Ilfq and ,vtlt‘•
tin. tentv
The S‘seetest
Daze of
College Life
/ . 1.0111114 I. , onc entl 81E41 Ito I. l o t
the 10101 time 0110 Sl 14011 PI 1111 Stir-'c I
du, natttl , fog b tli le Int h nntnel t4l
Ito , II to .1 22 ,o 7 II to 3 0155 (7 u -
negle T.. h 1.,. , 111.11111 ale' noon Ile-
to, a Mond of 15,000 utudan v 1114
Um The e, of tile 11 Oa
1 , 4,4 1,111 0114. I tnedu t
de, nth, 41. tttle ,olnst It 0444 ICU
tulip unable to hold htt 1. 4 Lll4l til4t
uould not l. 11 , flied
Tin_ lllot HO hilt, elm., of :Nat
.rtlat. Hayh,t rdh. tecoattlA II tv tilt
• 'me atm] th It •tt ,that tit], In
lattt It 4( 1 , 011 t neoun t•th The Ihte 111),
1.11,01 1.11 1 1 / 1 /11% on both offt tow tnat
fet,tt 'Flint tntl dint na - tin the huge.
111111) 101111,14 mould le it tilt ott,lt
ml oven a - thin r. Ito!, In tilt 000 0011,
line in .oltlltion to forming .rim •t: ntir
ut Intel fin enu and 110%N:100.. 0,1 It: 11 1
01.,1 u ) &lenge
IZtr Lt II Ilti4i, Be.leh .4 11,,, Mill
. Shol t, . 1% iiVion, %%ay ti. 11% Ilk ~n1:
111(1111,, .to Int the tl
Inlr-I.llensh. I tninent-fiLit,
and Itout. on tie_ ,eLeis tut] of
tentl:l.l p P.,0, tt o, lattl u,ll tin . 114
Cot t ten g tmev, Philo tilt tunoln, be IS
pun.v Idd.-offi it 11101 I n
It t e flint lin see a mini au: I. of tin
Pluto. nail, It ilson on Nett
•'ll ink'' 1. artr tn. tt otu ot te:loth
tht it rrn btth • Satuttlan th tu lit h
It nn):hue tills neat um] lilt thin tn
nd 11111 the khlt.l t, os
Int it) 1.4., of :tut 1t.04 1 , 1 tin
(1111111,11 Lt Int r rot t tom luluu n rn
~tllutl litrkunan d uh in.
Or ,1111 P 1111 hulk lhu Orrell'iV 1111 i
ucttote 1.4 4 , btu,: ,700 , 1
In lint out of t At . tinp...4 for u tht
.cys. - 3 -tun tn
1 . eh Score.
Thr f', lid gl Ulu i illd not batik In
tin (In In th , tout th '11.11,1 I
wt ttne g t‘L than 1 toutls
it th it ti , il ItonnL (if the stigin
of ,Icrtat Thi final PO lo(1 (look
tho hall 1111 Penn ate-,
‘.1.1 tin T.lons In I"' , s , +lon
tote off (I :lin
.. 1 . 111“ I:11,1 Ind „tit hit .othltrl
nul. 1 t,., plat. %I,t , snn
Inol, I, it fit lon
tidy 1111 f.l Rtrt tnno thiuu,lk ttith
Five 2,len From Last Year's Trim
Report to Coach—Freshmen
Bemn Real Work
11 111 II“ ,11, tau thl/11111 1/111 I'.
1 /I', %.. II 4 fon tt•lt It int .1..1 t I It,
ituutht 1 ,1( t 1 , 111.,t, 111 111, I, l'o,ri 4-
I C. lIS Is hoplll, COI I
n 1111' Ii oann tnol, I
of II 3 1 ountio ,
1-11^ . ki1 I), I` bill, "Id 1.-
, (Lullllloll ,111. 1.11
Is I. n NC, It 11 f.s teal,
11 1111, 014 sat 1.,
s 111 •I Pt.!. int L or
tot It dkh .11 1,, tot, Is t r
tml ttlib „111 .11 , 111. tll. 11 11.
.1 0 tit boitl“lng the 11Iw In Ind 1./ s
n Pm. Ltd,. • sill IK 5t,1,111
Pat I% I. tlngito: tilt] It•lTtl•irat nu,
I nl,t wit, 1/1, I.ln,nu .11111 h
-I,t It 1,4 ( ,0- 17t. ,t,11111.:1,1
rni,tlls 11:11 01,011 V 115 .%.0 11
t 111 it r Ono, Tht 1 +nem to 11 , II
11e a sal kt lool4tt
xl oula hl,e the 'Hose: lik t Mll-001 /I.
1111. I 0 L 11.4 LllO 01111111 II Its 1111.111011111 -
I'd 01101111 , th 1111011.11 tile llt OA
twe Cum: '
'llll`4 - 111 pot tneoti, .+ltelslng
foe t 1
, ophonencei. AS 11 1 1 It In I,
l it 11.1
1111 1120 11 (1110111 01 11t,11.1i 0 111 11 111 111
01 I), mules laltoath 111 Int ut
14 ono sloth nt. ‘Oll le I ittee 111 1011
111 51 tleii of l'11%;11 I but 101
41/1111011101 ex 111011111. til 0111e2 tit% 1.00.
lest 11 1 11 11e nu 1111%1111 , 1 111111
of lift% 1101111, hI, been 1101111%11 lis
the lollt and tWelllt -11, doll It In
fot SOOOllll 111,110 11114 been 2,1%011 le tlo
lot , 11x11 lou 111 11 \ 1,1111 11111+1 11111111+
Nt 111 (0111010 e 111 the 111011111111,011+, 01111
10 tlll.OO o'4ll (111 4 111
Pram It e 111, .1110,01 51.01111 101 tie