Are The Stunt Knights Ready? VOL. XX, No. 5 SCRIMMAGE DRILL LIES IN STORE FOR YEARLING GRIDMEN First Contest With Carnegie Tech Plebes One of Hardest on Freshman Schedule LEFT END POSITION IS NOT FILLED DEFINITELY Backfield Men Doing Good Work in Scrimmage—Substnutes Show Up Well Long, stiff act inimsge Collude and constant signal ill 111 tot the rem ilmi oi of the neck Ile In the pith of the Lion's fieshman tooth it a.phen•a lit foie the 1928 combination opens Its season s ith the C trnogle Tech etches bite Saturda9 aftcrnoon Coach liet - Ma nn expects ties elash so is one of the hardest on the schedule of the 1.1100 and White %ceilings and 1. there fore spending much thee in Pre]. ar Son Tel it Various cobiliinationo hate been tiled by the Nltteny mentor dining the lust tfio fieelis but et in at tins time stoup of clot en list-)car foes can be definitely picked out is the teem that will take to the field in the 111 it en tounter or the )em "Dutch' Ime made set nal shifts dui hig the gist trick end has experino:ntedwith tatoos plii)ei s In tin Ittempt to untie, hie fit et-string tr., together Left End Troublesome The position that Is cautang most trouble to the tetutan teatltn, in ert octet 14 left end. At tenet foul Enamen hat e seen set lice al that terminal but none of them h .01, it sash Dam an to al ant till selection too a regular hen th Lt 3 tot, Wilson. Slump, and Du laugh taint Om hun ter that has seen sem e a left tad Dull laugh Is t nets candid to canting here from Klisid, ulna e he sort cd as ene and hainnek The zed-heided hiltditnd eotnii :11i :waled in uniform roi tile Ilist time hint rilila t e .ind nits Inimedintele sent in nt tit. tomitleeeme dermindi putt The neat die. hnueem, Slump le in eiretoil an HerumnWe tituice to 1111 the wenn:, The noikoutn thin r cek ulli mobabb detiele tile lin a 'unmet of tile tight for the ninft Pucitlou limn tit 'tight End litall his been seeing I egulai sol e ce ne the Mint w Innen in and the laanin rani, with his 'weight and tg st essi‘enedi will be counted upon in the fluid eneountei S !Auld o Annth et Ohio booth, Citeensolelit, mill la ob ni ly stint in tin initial game. Ming weed at tackle Alithonm w 11l likel> lie found at the othei I nide, w ith Scott held in teem e for thes nue po sition At godill It appe u s tint II it 1.- man and tiren h ate It st call mitt the lest, although Bald has been fight ing on almost neon loons with %lien stiOng the paid t col. Hinting, at ontei, completes the to I. of line men ll= . Coach Herb ton hls a 4 el. , idle 14- .1140004 of Ltt hltioa.l, bn.ll 414111 g hi. bock rind call At quo.. Mc- Linn has been doing home e tt in I. The Halt Inburg Tech bo, to n good field gene.] and In also a natm ni barkei..glelng all of WI sip:llos In a nnoppy and Itb.ular fanhlon lof his Laken s. he has Lesko and Lund (Continued un Itit I)4kge WOMEN STUDENTS RANK HIGH IN CLASS STANDING Records Sh - ow Three Co-eds Among First Five of Sophomore and Junior Students Three of the toe student:, st tntine highest mholastlistlh In the sophomore Junior cln,ses st Penn St tte ate n omen t [talentsouting to el iss standing I cum Os tot the last nemestet posted recent') by 110i:14n - it S licit:min • l•. , . . run. a . r .,,,,. 1: •-,. ; ,..*,...,,.,‘:.,„ 2 ,;... .:,,,e,1 0 r..„, _,.... ....1.56,4., • DIRECTOR GRANT PICKS 1921 VARSITY QUARTET Solution of members tot the 1921 trsity male quartet oaa announced by Ditet.tor Grant Mat ta.eniuga Glee Club tehearail The tattooing men 11111 matte up the itetaunnel of the gam bit tills 11 • 51. 1: :ticklin 35. Mat tenor, 12 P Itutib '2O second tenor. C slegatgel '2l, button°, .tnd D Bul let '2G, buts The competition lot the varslt3 nunt tot. altch occupies pet haws the place of fez emoat musical Importance on the tomm.. ills been a:mm1111 keen tills o and It h is been difficult to secure 111011 "Atilt ItLeptub4 fill the ettiSed 05 the meduatlon of Cilf fold Finley end D V 13 mac! W 13 timlienlitch '25. Si ho sang first limit°tte un the lost )ear gum let, Wes forced to pile up all musical at:hales on account of an co, mmoadea schedule Tills va c left Ogee pontiona to be filled lioaecel It is inpected that the nem men a ho sieve selected alll a ItlsfaFtor -113 malntain the tiedltlonal standard of the Donal tr caganization, TM., !tan tt 111 stait at once to ulna to n t opertultc tt Mich 1,111 he presented In tile mat [untie PENN STATE HONORS "ANDY" LYTLE AS OLDEST FRESHMAN GREATEST TRIBUTE IS PAID - MOST FAITHFUL NITTANY FOOTBALL FAN AS " OLD COLLEGE YELL", FOLLOWS SPEECH AT CO-OP , rain] on es or) Itnnd the guest. of hero, of the Mulct gendu tiers f rtult,l and ton nspeople argot ”And) Ls tle a• the tooth ill gone I eft Saturd It e as sh i n one of the gle t test rg aliens etc! offered lit Intl!, ldu d not issocl d er! 1 Ith the College In tin ollltl I t ract Flom the time ashen llAtuls" vlepped flout the moral that 'nought hint ham I 14 home on South Pugh until li.u It (0001 tad 1,10. Intin Itt hun thode dooted ltarllngs, hen Iv the ollieot tuory Ittantlon tit it could 1172 1112%1.1,1 I:scoted to his .1 me in oho Prmd de nt.'s I to- , P .'tlnni Secretltt. 1r L. Pr it It the cor,Lhx; and 'Dot' W9O - loe ddent of thL renlin Class, "And," mounted the loot if tile ill if dugout and ;,.i, on- ot his I'tm oU ; sheathes I=l After Ilk tall.. v.hith ,‘ 1.1 hailed hith ahhhAll, fi om both Lheel ins gel Lioll, "\ , L.) tle, fle,htn In' . mas feint dl, , I Lhen Into the Cl is of 1028 Penn `t Ito 4 old gi , t 1 boom, booed Unit ~ Et en 30114 111010 01111 the tllotted tined stole and ten, 1101 •1111 ot mint; undue gumbo t. hod tg oln lt,onte Non btltev oldott fte4ant to SOCCER SQUAD WORKS HARD FOR FIRST GAME ,Tentative Lineup Picked by Coach Leonard—Thirty-five Boaters Turn Out for Practice Pt...thing vl,vill pith a dint emit d of e alto conditions. the Penn State so. et •quad to I tot duelling Into shape for the lit st g One 01 the se.).- SUPtt itil the S• tatu.t Oct to on 0, Whet Meats-111th. Little Is Loottn of the sit of the Change bootees. but Judging' I* the canto of ttams the Neo 1011. state Institution has teptitit ell In the past, this tombln Won 11l be One nut LI, of the bent lit it the 1, on plinths tau put forth At tot v.:tool In at tit e sessions Coach '(.coast d. nen hl-spott mentoi IL Penn SI Ile, has Intuit selected ft um the flirt tt -tit eon Olt •YOUnd tellta Li, lineup lot the 4.2.011 Tills PI Lb. 11,10 MINI!. is Its [ohms s Goal. Itihitmtn, Hight Punt, tit. Corwin Gluon, Left Cullbiol, ft.Va ugh, night 'llalflta It, It OIL Conte! Half bad. NlcVlehrt I.eft I bilflrit I, lint, nhoth, Outside. Lett, I' Pine, Inside STATE COLLEGE, PA., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1924 COURSES ARE OPEN IN ADVANCED R. 0. T. C EME=I It ore still open to till znenthets of the Junto, class oho desire to enroll Is s,pdent officers Those Intelested ie ' , quested to lepoi t to Colonel 'Mt.L.ltt- gl.lin In the %mom. The mit anced course Icquit cs live hoursat week for two )eat s, and mix weeks spent at on ad, toned ROTC cumin stag the summon of 1925 Those students who me' renuh ed to take %unmet practleum In ,sachet college course may al range to taint theft c tont wan k nftct gtuduntion Ile•ietefote, cadet enters hate ptlf ansetl theft ow n unifot ms it hick amounted to an expenditure of thins doll:us. but beginning this )ern, tine got ernment will Cut nish each student enrolled In the course a face uniform unifol to. at }deb Is talks made, be comes the to nom ty of the °Meet when ho finisheo the con se In addition. the ROTCdepartment ofeaa the student at highly Inca nth e inducement by a)- tog hlto • IPPI oxlmotely two hunch cd and tw only -lit e dollars tot the two )eats' work At the 'end of the fir., half, the un de: c I issnsen poured don fi inn the Cast Stands, the sophomores to spell out in great, Ila ing letteis the I; me -N-D-1. the [trth:nen to faint on the hack and heal them: nen t,oin lie ut et to theft theft lint ',salon on float hls NEM. of honor dating the ',it of rho contest ' lOU to been here mil, fout lint, and lOU htte made good I on- P. hope tit it Jon ton be 111th the bop , op long WI I hat eta) . trt M 0.,. bore "Anth bold.. to Pt. dt nt Tloomet t, he made a addle.., at after being bon ne a n t the he td trade from Nett. Field Ith hlt c l li.nom lr, bit and Levitt roe ommandlng attention he emel t anell ho," fol ten minute, with anal4lng anecdotes .11.1 Mend!, ...tyke "Ne‘ei put art tll tumnuow \lila 1011 1,11 110 Mid% • he I Id, "If NMI dont eat three 111,134 today. 11111 haw, eV, to eat tomm tort" "And," tenth ttt (Inc of his gie ileat beam/4 alien Co-op fesounded 0 Ith the "Ohl College Yell" aftei hiv speet Eifel) git en to alp one nut affiliated Ith the College It nas the It finning ti but, of And, Lail° Dvl =ES 111 an antetvlen eal Sall.d t% night (Continued on lint page ) PENN STATE CONTINUES EXTENSION TRAINING AT WESTERN PENITENTIARY CP,tn .1 fine hand and full Leone:- 113011 I.) the I.lll4telY of the ltoel,len Penitentlo.) the miles [toot hole, the tutu: ttional needs of the Olsen hund- rea in Nonce 4 tt 11l ht tin be In chat ge et the Engineet hitt Estenslun Dee it the.nt of Penn Plate tills 3 tau /tent esentatitim of the aullege lute foot completed the entollntent of 131 pllntalept at the pcnitentlam and foul 01 the lamt uetoty Mt 11l LOttlittl 101) hmse, eat h Lad vdtl nlghtv fluting the fall and mlntet tIIOII- Ills The lh It 11.1,05 mill he held ThaPala) menial; About 143 nrlsonels took athantatte Of vintflint Ll.ppev nt 1101 111 len tat 10111101 Mien thht edu cational Name 11 m Iltvt Mat ted Penn State The it Isonets hate selected to enter L1Z14404 In leading . and n 1./tigllsh hompooltlon, shop at Ithmetle, atlt anted shop methetonths, nut...ohne meritnt• les am! Vet .10 outlet Inlshello neon, mil/Penh mom of them being studied In the tot t espondent e method NEW HONOR POINT GRADING SYSTEM FULLY EXPLAINED Registrar Hoffman Gies Inform ation on Merits of Methods Recently Adopted AFFECTS FRESHMEN IN PRESENT STUDENT BODY Arerage of at Least One Point Is Required for Each Credit Towar.:. Graduation The nco lion),to. scent of Intl Its till Int igetc, .41 111 not fvll undetstnotl thenun,- bet of Penn he-'e stuck. oIse• - rtalned In clettal ot gl•tt it of the Colc, in I It o t lonsltlet tttlhut the xa lAN .I.goln publish tt tuna of the s.l sten, [o,le tt Ith int ts to thc 1111 1 - ntllct I of ruling Thu ncm wltt.tent affe to on], tin n: 1-4 1' , 23 In the prc tachlcnt Lod)) tindet tae 011 •vltet» of RI t schedule u 11 111:z , V; bcIII 111401111 tl is arniet Vta tzuple a 04211101 2 n 11111 ir, S. 7 (Contlnucll on loot pogo) PLAYERS PREPARE FOR' FREE COMEDY Tickets for "Facing the Music" Arc Distributed to Freshmen Without Charge D. D. MASON AND A. C. CLOETINGH DIRECT PLAY Inttrigho rob. ^,1.4t e beln. I,ltl dtdl3 ..t, sbtlr lilt moth...lon of the 3e ti 'l•'t lug the \tuck ti hleh 1. t nee et t'l 1.1 ,he Autlitet till oil I thlti'il,ht Att iloution 01 tl.ktt, h 1 - ,tti - ‘1 13 and In In> that tO u n1(11 ippt isl fot the ft 00 r lot) bu /1113 th“e no stilla ntinibet of good 118 krt. M bit h nt he olrtalned In it the tollk e In Iho Atulltol lOtll The 10. i o" D'iLLttn Cottln-Th In n,kollto; ill's Ph* •,, A... , I , '''' . '' Iq ill tequ.tlnt the not tie is %silk the t% ire tot 551,115 Out the PI 1.,,, tl e 1em , ,1n4 to 1110110, hire Intl, ill till, IS It . ht.: the \t I/ i/111, 10 II out let p 134 ,Lnd alto 510 min igln..: po•I.Ions 'l'lln I Acl Lamm]) I the 1 tusk• t (lute tt tont (tit ts Int. Ides/ 1.441 1111 :a 1111 U 111,14113 Club and st ot et' hig nit 4114/1 f pit% Int tnhel s Ind 'hell ft lends The Id, II untl, the tllt,t.on ut I) 13 hi 1.1121 tntl Cloletintit 11111 In. ahead! Itten t,011.011 up to 111dIt of pet:o.ll,lll,e 111 , (001111 Intludl d 111 the on of Cs.lng tilt Musle• no AD— C LILL L,Ln 25 Ind \ Lunt 26, 'Loth of nhom gnt twllein LULL I LDlGlllons In then lon, of Nltti l'oatlnz and lohn Slnllli to.e. itetthoD MILD niondLot., of (hoot'.. oho do' 'nun' U 1.1%. no. 11'64 I. II Lull, 21, 'AIL, I 111ko ond MI .1 11 C Ponoll A .1 NI (Auth '2l, In SLL gent Duffel' duce u good ILILne of acting mHe It I' 11101,1 It, mon n- Ing the lent of Re,dend lulu, ',unit (Continued on Its: It .4e BLUE AND WHITE RIFLE TEAM ELECTS CAPTAIN J. K. Vessey 23 To Lead Nlltany Marksmen—Several Colleges ' Issue Challenges Tatirgiatt. 1928 HOLDS MASS 1 MEETING TONIGHT 51.311 In to Iw tneetln , mill lot inn In the -Umlaut Ion; ,tt °Lilt h tonlAht nn Oa. put nn c of In4tl luting . thest- > e it snot on co.itonts, tlte oft.: to- I ,! I/ ttlmit II 111111, 111 go,l ninetit the lIMUM 11.1, ,11/1114 and ew- I I itit,t‘mg of vtutlent to witch, Dt. to {Cu not.l. II Is 11114 OIOi -1o td to kilt t 1 ill. 00 l't on St tit , p tit Plunging Fullback 'n'lntrlp) . I Inltr. IIne.1111.11:100 . to sotord.l3 , / pontp4l 1,1% a .purer Of .at. I'u,l.l.ard.. to l'olll 114 - 74111.. - form: er College Mph st hool lire nalluil more than sltt) ,ard. In scrim nun,. ei tdolltlon la•,orlitn ono of P.n.] SIMI% si tilt. NO. on ter 192; elp‘pn, I.tntit I. 0 much Improunl plit3er this )Par n. lilt .orh In thp p.t•t too prante. •ho.n. HARRIERS START SECOND WEEK OF HARD TRAINING Few First -3 ear Runners Try for Berths on Yearling Cross Country Aggregation \ /tit lit', I °mph tton .a,eta t‘ to, tt ou I 'he \ Itt tn% toot Kt the Pt.. ht It.t 10 , 4 11011111. N 01 1 11 Id nitttnul 41, 1111 1. Italnlng In ntot oat onfot tltt I'l.l +t hetlui t.t 11 111 tilet maul La s at to tlalu: }to , wea, but ti tnt fen tin nh IS ill` 1/. ti 0111 fin t I ht.-11111Ln /111111 lo t (men f 41.4 I 1 it tin. n 4.1 41 44 4.4411111.1+ 4.44,4 ~4441 In Ili sink haa nii. act been Ineught 111(1 he lug, th it at men elit 1nter , ,,,1 In ta 11111 i nu nom OW 1 . 1,1111411 01 11t / au% 11/111 4.11 t to begin moth Pia,' • hi held ita .114,111 It f4/11/ -01 h Is Wiled. said ill int it %OM all to run iihoulti be I tintindi tog+ it th, Inlets nt the ine dyne It I, Valid, 51551 It 1 51. nn tthp to 155 Dude 151 the 11- It t 1 11111 . 11 i On Os tslse: ..1415teenth. 15511 I, 15011 on 1151 t oni s hg I, Itllll3 It tht e. 1% p 1 . , of Hest steels C 515- t 1111 I) lists 1511 5115551..1 1,5 the 1 0[0(111 Ind he .. .let, t 1011 1 . 11111(1 1 1, lisle Isletsnut Itatullng 1.5 the ,1111, of the , 011111 du: hi e : the alt.! 1t eels I ..11:5,1 ite 1.•%1 5155-55 0M..,, lit ho iiiovt st Isis 5111 ont tam. I I, little 1111 While 11111 le, 01111 ale N 111111( 0 1 / 1:11 pi sus it/ 111150 11. 0 10 11 II" s 11011, 5111 LIONS OVER CAROLINA Visitors, With Vetera Make Impression-- Roll Up 51- ,SIXTEEN JUNIORS PICKED AS BLUE KEY MEMBERS n tocrnbet4 of thc lun`ot CI to.+ ed In the Blue lone ..Sole. finUIC members of the mg tnlz et on. it It 4 mectlng In 311. Old \I tln I ,gt night As the a tiollilatlac ha, ro, Not ill. 1p:owl:lied tins: ;tante. v 111 app.. itln a I t'el I,te Amon,: th. I r Its Incamltt up tot d.c.cto lon mere taelloal , 'Ol soul /net tie Ito coopo ttlon hlth the Soda , on the Pitt of the 1. Ito ratio+ IC titbit, .213 pt cicnt ca iced that P le 0114 In few 1,1•4/ 1111., Ili it I•nmoe tent t p0.. 1 / l a, Inlt that item, etTo3 t hould lie to tile to ,eettre ft In ,he,e c into The dc hablllOof he itlng the nth Id. h MI the qnpua at tnt tam h II 11.0 (115.95- "Y" WILL PRESENT WELL-KNOWN OPERA "The Barber of Seville" To Ap pear Saturday as First Fea ture of Classical Course TICKET RESERVATIONS ARE STILL AVAILABLE Ito -Inn nell-knonn one • t 14 41 Inn of net unit. the - t lon 4 I I'osien tall hr intt ntea In the Auilltot Inn, , 4 IWO it n.gla at elght 00110, to the tent- In lit tht. • t nr . 4. V C' «met • inntni In at , in , 'Ant t lon be in. one ot the hil en. in the opt t 'il toil is 'unit ts 111 ninth lib till, no It n nth popu' lll ia a upon s nn bt 4.114in b t.tito tit Itit, tot ilt, 1' t 111,. fast t nil If ,•t 11.10114 ll_ 11 , 411..1i ',hunk] Is ,nt ttittit Inns ids milt Its Kett+ 1.,111 In 011 Tillll,i.l} I's lil I.t at the tltleilt. 'stint Mill,single +eits tin St - turtl 5, '+iitotint lion In. -.old tic n'titht ul the Petro...tit l'ld 'Tlt, II tlbet .pf so% lilt ' lit I 1 -11.1 II 1Na...01111k,, 1 / PA or ~,,,,,,- 1,1 Ibili, 1111( 1/11f , N 111,11111114 1 r.,101,11 Ind.,ttlull trq Inn tI,I th it the cl tin tot Int, Inotthlt I tog, thet In Ins n tifot It t nut tlOt. f th of It 1114, tikt.ii,lL(l 1.) I,lll,ht`llN Jal !II tin Alen onnlit ttt ()pt t t Com p 11% .1111, lu ation-nide point -1111, Elt follo lug sell In the foul (continued o, third n.tce) DEBATING COACHES HOLD MEETING AT HARRISBURG Professor Gates Represents Penn State at Com ention—List of Judges Submitted DO, 1111111 ‘OOll.lO O l I'lo 11 1.11,11 1111 t Of I'c •11111.1 1111.1 g 10.1 at !tall kbliaa I Inman, to lII' , 11 1 N 1111114 I'm the 101111114 fOl 00111 se.tion and l'iofe.otot (.110+ to Ith of the itlue 11111 White tt 1111 11' t•ttteil nit St ito it the on% a, ition 1 hat Intel tatiltglate Ithig vlioultl lie 1.10,11 to t bight: 10111 intl al It It , 110t1111 he 0f 1110, 1111- Itltt. 10 `ltllllllll4 Of tlifterent titsti tuti.m. it as the genetal thiana of tile t/1110t1.1011 A11101"7 outer thing. th tet,lll It the meeting . the nh.l. tot faults of the t t t‘hu had Net I ut .11 IMF h m t lim