Page Two Penn State Collegian Published dutlng the Collo, lei, In R111,1011t9 Or the Pennedl tronla Stile College. In the Inlet 0.1 ocqtudents, Vtoulto, Alumni, and I - fiende of the College. , El/FF(1111SL STAPP W L Pratt '25 Editor-In-Chief. J H. tuns '25 Aficktnnt Editor 3forris '25 Managing Editor AisSOf 117'1' VISITORS 11 IV Cohen TC di 1. Milner . 2(i 11 A Sharer '26 W J. Ductile '2ll It T Kilebel '26 A K Smith '26 Women's Editor Mice 31% Parley '26 111'SIN1' 1 .`s ST 11 l' J. H McCulloch '25 Pucine‘s Manager J. AI Plnlorhits ertl.lng :Simmer R C 'Body '25 r Cui ut ttlon Al inner .1..1'.F I\'f 1:1 MANASTRIs . T Cntn, Sr '26 C 1. GM 26 If d 'Warner TC 4.. - The Penn State COLLEGIAN Ins ilea conunonleat'onc on nns subject of college ltderect totters mu , : lie it the llutil'ut of the voters It 10411r11e9 runison..ll,lliis, hones er, for t,nitnt eisin unit, 0114 he id trill e. serves the right to eselude i whose tub', hien mould he bile 0,15 In illPeo- Pilate. All 00111 Sri TuTsil is o row.: be In the °Moe he ton mon 'Mon day, and for FrliPts'4, h 1 ten lin Int,slto Suletta Iption Wee $260. pill liefote Tantivis let, 1925 d'ter .11n vary Ist. 1921, 22 71 Entered at the Postollloc. State College. Pa In second class matter. 0111ce: Nlttany Printing and Publishing Co Dui/ding Telephone: '292W, Bell. :t , lrner of Eastern ham .eriate Ne•ttspaper Assoc!Wen News Editor this issue_ FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3. 1921 CHEERS AND CHEER LEADERS Criticism of the cheering and the cheer leaders has been a favo lite diversion of the student body for the last two cr three years It is good news, therefore, that the campus critics may soon be forced to find some othei subject upon which to heap abuse, for signs are not lacking that Penn State cheering will soon take on new vigor. There is substantial evidence that Penn State is at pi csent bless ed with a hard working staff of cheer leaders Reference is directed to the cheering of the Freshman Class at last Saturday's game On every side there has been nothing but imorable comment on the allowing of the yearling rooters No Icss an authority than "Prexy" Thomas stated that the present Freshman Class has shown more pro mise as Penn State rooters than :my of its predecEP.iNors This favorable show mg was possible, rot because the first )ear men have been endowed with special talent or highly de \.eloped lungs, but solely because of the fact that the cheer headers put the yearlings through almost daily cheering practice for nearly a week It was suggested at the meeting of Student Council on Tuesday night that the middle portion of the East stand, adjacent to ele fresh man section, be set aside and designated as a cheering section for the - members of the three upperclasses Students who hruie followed the Nittany gridders to Franklin Field have had ample proof of the efficiency of Penn's cheering section. Concentration of the cheer ing, on one side of the tield in a comp: t mass gives remarkable re sults. The suggestion has been well received and tomorrow afternoon a cheering section will be reserved Its success depends on the willingness of the upperclassmen to give up the privilege of occupy ing their own . special class sections Certainly the plan is worthy of a fair trial and should the student body support it, there is no reason why the cheering section cannot be ultimlitely e',tended to the football contests on foreign fields But in the final analysis the leaders are lan gely responsible for efficient cheering And when it is remembered that at a big foot ball game the cheer leaders. as representatives of the College, per form before upwards of lift) thousand spectators, is it not important that the most capable material be secured for these positions' , Depressions are numerous among the embryo cheer leaders Competition begins in the freshman year and with approsimately seventy athletic contests each rear and a host of public demonstra tions, there is plenty of hard work In addition to the long grind, there is an added disccuragement in the fact that he must his own uniform in his sophomore fear, the principle item Of winch is white flannel trousers Now no self-respecting cheer leader, at the height of the athletic season, can get along en less then two pairs of flannels. This rather important part of male attire costs about nine dollars a pair. The uniforms should be furnished The soluticn is to purchase this equipment from the Inter-Class Budget This fall two of the junior cheer Gders failed to return ,ta col lege - A call was issued for Junior candidates with the provision that the successful aspirants would receive equal ccnsideration in the elec tion of head cheer leader nest spring Believe it or not but the appeal was answered by ONE lone Junior. lhe obvious conclusion is that the rewards thatigo with the pcsition of cheer leader are not sufficiently attractive. If so, an effective remedy should be de vised FRED 1,E5; IS PAI'TEE Thirty years of devotion and set vice' Such is the enviable 'rec ord of Dr. Fred Lewis Pattec, head of the aepartment of English at Penn State and one of the most highly respected literary critics of America today Dr. Pattee is to be congratulated upon the success that he has achieved in the literary field The COLLEGIAN, on behalf of the undergraduates of Penn State, welcomes him back with a warmth of friendship that is wholehearted and sincere. A year ago Dr. Pattee was granted a leave of absence from his duties here to become a visiting lecturer in American literature at the University of Illinois He was acclaimed in the west and received many offers to remain, but Penn State has recalled its own and Dr. Pattee is again back to further the interests of Penn State Graduating from Dartmouth College in ISM, Dr Pattee came here in the fall of 1594 lie is one of the few distinguished men who have been instrumental in laying the early foundations for an institution that has-since gained nation-wide prominence That his interest in the welfare and development of Penn State has always been a subject for his careful study and thoughtful pursuance is ex emplified in the Alma Mater which came Jrom his pen. When ccllege students 'respect and acknowledge a man, partic ularly when that man is a prolessor of the institution, it is a good criterion that he is worthy of that respect College men constitute the most cynical group of people in the world, and Penn State men are no exception There has always been a feeling of admiration and fondness for the presence of Dr Peace on this campus and much of it has come from the undergraduates. Penn Stake is glad that Dr. Patter is back; glad that he is again to assume his -too-long-vacated place in the faculty. Penn State's undergraduates repeat the words of one member oL the faculty. "Professor Pollee were glad you're back." A K SMITH A. H. TUTTLE '6B VISITS PENN STATE PROFESSOR Pi ntmmor A H Turk., of the elnta of fC, nne or the nkleit ;mil oinw to now ni Plmn Stile ',Letting Platelet, t• L Kflistne Proftetnm Tut tle, .t lobo, man of t•ittliti. Iv etlll enthunt title worker not pktne In &- tote mock of 1114 time hoe to botonv eve tith moan/Mon i likinge,br Tuttle a lughtlog) snil soon hernme Pen reqmoy of Biology al the Bnheleity of Vltginla 1)1 W Iluekoot. l'olenee Pt ofessot or Bolan), nt Penn State not el isoniate of Professor Tuttle Ai,. reaching In ,n) )ears. Pi °resign Mtge , 19 loth ell en the Catnegle 1 . 1111111111111111 Pllllll. 11111 eine . ° his lethe em he hno Yorked ilillgentß on on)- thing pet tilling in Wont life, spending most of his time in and Piing. The inlnelpsl re/pcon for blet tint, to 141111 State In to tone, aegulln egg. ulth Ills Borne: Blends Pinfeggro Tuttle. mins shut he Is le lining nen things, slid nequiling Cell Inuit Irian 014.1% do He plans to go on till , ulth Dr I' D Hein. Pi of,sor of Homo,. It Idle here Among 011111 things Professor Tuttle 10 ornized the rapid grohlll or Penn Stale since Ills graduation Thoughts of Others A RUSHING SEASON (CO ueu Dill See) Although the gt nem! gubect of I unit- Inn undoubtedly 11,10 not been entirely rbsent from the student mind during the itch heck toilet it hymns plena] , linePll tie it tomb ton et h helm ft It , rr nit, men mil ft eoltmen alike, In nit Its retirel, en Wetinersdny The Inxiet lePpr of dire ill drlng. and the untet lain 'deg In IdnlFing ore to beset the most War 'EI of undergraduates The mote In terrritelt denutmled freshmen, Mali - nett 1.) their sudden and possibly unlooked for impul 11110 1 , Mlll 401111 111,11,, flint dr op' .tab (lire, Punted 40110111 s for Pp oeleoo conceit, It tiieh tins long been grin in In the sides or soli, Pious ft Ito, nitt men Phieep hill be forgotten In the 11(011 of reeking the mole eimPite pr lees re, rn though the rules forbid noels, n -111 11;41111hr betheen eertnln (tourn), boor, hill I nmin closed until such 111111 .10 gunner 'lre completed, 01111 nnl morn possibilitLes meet the solthisti c der) el,. of the rued. 0, meals hill be I Men, not hith art Idea of nourishment, but shier 1n means of Judging goent , It nether consume delielouo hits of ft 1101 nitr, house fare .Ith knife, or roil. Cl both "We Intl utter these Congiao.tionq of Ate none matetial side of rotating . , a . 0: toln sat tube on the pont of undo ...loam, a certain lolallt tomattiv theh ftatetnitien Were it not for the fact-of selfish desires motivating them, me cotild, ;It ['inlet), say there Is tilt, vat their Is some generosity and hosplt dirt intolved In the attitude of [rater nines tomard fietthmen But, net. et theless If one otellooks the inttiguen 51id(.0,104 that ate bound to opting' up undet the bent of t °lea bell ern (rat et unit., anti often Intmeen freshmen, he mill not 1111,1 outdone:. In three an. nual notations of old students :Bound Pealmpaa alma of the moot ItOutluus tel of the plovent awaiting aomtem 1. le, effect 00 111000 ameltllt fortunate NE.IIIIIOII \S hp, eltho I , 3etomn 01 pante•petience i of bee tune ' gteat self-,onlialenee, are tilde to eonunand name than usual attention Often they hall Utica Met (tom tile sualaleneQn of hating a tag blanket of polattlata ill thonot mound them aiming the!t first fen Week, of aollege if the le:titration n, taint tame that thin ett4lls glten blan ket nlll not plot lale the nth nth do 1111; foot teat.; that It data during tna , tel ft ealinnen nould emerge tan- Mr .10,1 foam the 0.11,01, anal the etllo of 1001110 g he teduted ton minimum STUDENTS get a shoe of style and ser vice for a reas onable price at the State University Shoe Shop S. Pugh St. Loose Leaf Note Books Guaranteed at popular prices. Soccer Shoes and Equipment:. , The Athletic Store On Co•Op Corner J. ':: 44+1.1-1-H4114+4.+44«,:t•1-t+++444-f-2-H-X•it ?Hi ttl , 6l . S ; rAtt. CbLLEGIAN, COSMOPOLITAN, CLUB TO REORGANIZE TOMORROW Dr. I. L. Foster To Address First Meeting of Body Composed of Foreign Students Thr Cnomopolltan Club, an ro gonlr ollon or the foreign Pori :Intr. pill bold Ito nest meeting to trun rem evening, in Its room In Old main Serge K Onimugln, t Itudal in opulent, In prealdent of the atlon ind Wllllam Clatic In, one of lha ,Mort lean 1111'1111M '1 14 see, et to The club In mode up of net unison (In elgn rtudenta Si Penn State, eight of ohom nee from Pmt Mee, ton ti tint Rt 1941 I, and one each * , loon Km the Phllllpine lolanda and Coati lth a Seen it AMPIICIin mtudentv aloft belong' to the club and one of the flint thlnna ohleh It ttlll take up la the Ineheaalng number of Arnellean studenta mbult- The dub's purlitete is to beget legun Int tin MPlllbel .1 IN Ith the on and elleitolll4 of tile imet le in people Thet . Mt to acquire the ,pit It of MIR nation, and eapechlit th 119 slump here at Penn Pt tie It will later . or ganize el sans MI ant of lie membem Mi.e'uenic In Engll , ll attot other mud) ;then at tile college Profettot, e int Heil to attend the meeting, yid ndlt ee, the stutlent,. tail Da I I. Millet , tend Oli the deportment Of Ili maned Languages. , 111 be the •penket = nt the Not meeting Another Intorenting bt tneh of Conmopolltnn Club In Ita Ilonolt a Con flation, Ohleh ylnhn lts mernborn uhe,n they are sink and render, tall let them The motto of the club in . ..throe All Nato. Is Homnnitl " BEAUTY PAGEANT HELD BY PENN STATE CO-EDS E6nior Party for Freshman Girls Depicts Seashore Scene in Women's Building Po( one fleeting mom: nt the ,enlor M., (14 of Penn St deteel their [dim monde and rot the Ith At! astir Cite bolt dwalk. begot% pngent /In l HP PC it ell among the hill, of Centi e coun t, The orTaelon o,e, the Seidel Pit le ft t the freshmen, a hit h oet held Toe , olii,et ening In the WomenN Building - - The st.ene wag complete Cu,, bet rind the limo doalk, Si' etched a miniiltnic sr a. olth man) liters flung Ito elgo lt ao vie of, Neptune's o and the band peeled tool, the pageant ons on One by one the Iteatith, swil led along the bench, past King Nep tune, up to the boardwalk. and under the oltleal ,ligN>. of the tout judges, oho woe arralrged to do ,Iwtice to the nee scion The>. I c tine In net et-ending pt ta.esslon—sMiss Beaver field Track House, Miss afar Ilan, 111 , , lloltne, Mold. 311,4 Stork Pa, lieu 4 1 / 4 \ tik their fool so t ,00a. g It's a Fair Enough Question hERE you will relish the finest foods from Mother Nature's markets prepared in a clean, modern kitchen with the experienced cooking care and art that has made cooks the pals of potentates. The Lion Cafe Look for the Sign of' the Lion ALLEN STREET - ' 0: x r. 1 j: 111, I'll 1,10 11111, 51 - 141 Roll .enyee, :MI., Old Min nod Moo Roll I.lnlet, Alto. much dollhel ttlon on the put IC the .111 , 411 , 1. 1011000 (nod os moo 1.010,1 to the utroomt, the in Oe—n bon of elnll—lsn4 moudeol to Alks Rolls 1101 re mho wa-111 , ot 11,1) Ohre 1111011 25 and ,1,101 entriell tho 11,100111 In meat 110 le on a I,l‘lllle 1:11 Letter Box On len% Ing eollege her love of et, to in eh elonvonees. I feel it a dot% ta v,preov no - 11,1110 cl Won to out gene)oto evident rh0..., to the I'lllfevvaly Phu taught toe It hill in eellege and to shove rinvvnlatev II Ito Oil tingle 111th me to get an edue Ilion. Thvolsing ton for the inset lion of theve linen You, ten trills, S ‘NTI COO IGLESIAS Jr 2 PROFESSOR BLASINGAME TO AID RESEARCH WORK OF GIANT POWER SURVEY Profeamt R U 131aaIntntme, held of the Dena, tment of I.'llm Machine, nt Penn .3t an, has been appointed to in halpolt tot L./n.111,1. 01111111 la con dUcting eNtenahe 1 ese 1 telt Rork Inco opm Itlon tt lth the Clint L'ount gins ten of Penn, Is sat. the connuls,lort helm; Inaucan and In Cotenot Plnchot The 01 int P.mot Surrey la an organ ic Won that Is tonductirm capetlments to show the t 11 lona uses Cot 010011 In Penns:, It inl 1 The Penn Slue hi 111011 of the c- Mlaalon, 011 1011 La he uleil In 11l DI nornt log me, Pt doing 1 rao.ll 111 1.111 to ahoy. the economic uaea of elema 1010 In lc ult at urn All of the milking . . 11111110 of ullun. minding . of feed, and threshllng %%Welt Is done at Penn Sate s ronnolled 113 elect! 1011: All of VIP; I oleetrleal 001 1, ln conected olth met e.; 0 Melt bllO, the n amonnt of elreLo rltt mind and the pint, In 011101, It It dlsttlbuted The commlaslon ha also enn dm I'llo e,peillnents en the farm of f. It 10 Mather In Lanc.p.etel count, This 111 111. 11 11011 In flilly efillinded 11 1 1111 clean lent , Is an o,mle to othet f n era oul 511000 to whit usea ere; tool Lan he put In nmleultuial moll; Chant Lant.t hag bee.] an Domed asalaiont to :111 Illaahmame nth 11111 11 all. 110 Lantn uns glade I 100 ' ft 001 the .% meultuial Unglnemlng 1110 it tile Unl‘malt) of Nehntalsa last June Ind 0 11110 111010 ola oh th man of the honolatv engineellng ernlp. Sigma T.tu At Penn Stnte he oa, dal act as Inatrnetnt In the r nl.! Al',, Sleet.) dent talent • - cro I Pea and Ererebarp are obtainalle In matched rrtr ; • ~~,x. Complete Writing Equipment Side by side in your pocket, Eversharp and Wahl Pen are ever ready to serve your thoughts. Durability and dependability are common qualities of these economical, practical writing compani4s. The non-clogging rifled tip, quick reloading, and ... complete interchangeability of parts are among the six new features which make the perfected Eversharp And the Wahl all-metal Pen is at par with Ever sharp in giving thorough satisfaction. Light in weight, perfect in balance, resistant to wear, and beautiful in design—it is the ideal pen. Eversharp, $1 to $45. Wahl Pen, $5 to $55. FMade intheU S.A by THEWAHL COMPANY, Chicago Canerdran Factory, THE WAHL COMPANY, Ltd ,Toronto J I Manufallurers of the Wahl Ermharp and the Wahlelll IllefolFouniain Pen The New ERFET I E D_ IVA Hi fi r VfiRCHA RP i'..M. 'C. A. Mid: IS NOW ON FOURTH FLOOR OF OLD MAIN BUILDING A eletnre hen been neole ln the T. C . A In romlnix tin nlllre (tom the Wound (loot nt 02.1 tI On to the Alma/ boot, 011010 Coln bounty Conn n cult. e b . ( It bun been to the .Nno -0.11100 1201010 the Y II C. A It itt colt ton 1001111 111111 the octet on, nhl ore ttlt In the . I* . 11011: The dint, 'button of rooms in mode Moog 14 II student Itintnrn, Inet- Itue to thin tttn Nil lime Itostors lb. 0- o , ntlil It Al 13 do or], ltethodlot„lnd l:ettiend CI Utile! s. Ptenln teflon, hol their cttllocs tt lth the Y 11 C This or the oltninlsti Won of the college I milt tits n nett poll" of the Y M C ollotlng houtn to earl, de ntonln Ittnn pluton Ilona tls ttecol dine to the numbet of students college Penihn,4 the ileehdon of the adt 1.401, NI 11 II of the Y It C A. etch 4to dent ohntlo office space tab I ^AI , 1.11 loch t Intionellilp to 4onte Int♦roe of no the e moan+ octl4ltle., of the lf C n Room 122 to 110(ItIlliell II) tither., Pi calk toil in. and llos emit.] rie Li, 11.11eno il, 421 end rele, :110.1101114t. and Tin - flt nil it rhino 11"..uthei an In 1010114 421 in 2 121. oilJolnlng eon lie 101104 ei end if r Rotolo, [Zeno toed, Rot -114 Ironer 11, ingenent, and Doctor ititlnt FIRST POTATO DAY TO BE HELD THIS 'MONTH Snmetlnn net et 10 . `o^e held et the rennet min tn.e College mIII eke ph, undel then of of Pot Ito 1), 01 WTI,' MEM -11111 11 dill be the 11,4 time In the 111.t0IN of the college b hen le collie an, mill be dm otcd to SO .nn 111 0 111101 tl e pavan 'rite plogtorn mill Include the dig -90 of 0 pm Von of the nft, ,lie Ili ld COLLEGE APPLES State College grocerymen can supply the trade with our best apples. Varieties now ready : Macintosh, Jonothan, Grimes, King. Drops and cull apples can be secured from the De partment at the Fruit packing house on the College orch ard farm. Also apples for making cider. -. I± A salesman will be at the Fruit packing house all fall 's• every week day between the hours of four and - six P. M DEPARTMENT OF HORTICULTURE PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE Friday, October 3; 1924 olr the (nnogd fill tyl' 611 the log of tuhels to nun (rote reed of alf ((tent .I.IIICC4' tu Deniongtiatlont II rim Ile 'ttl eh Of the nehinet,“ 1, rue h 11,stIng 01111 the grading o the rota to. Another soarer of Interes 1011 be eNltihtt of the a treitica o the rot Ito When (tom mot, er throughout the hue Along 11th till MU he feu Inlet athlressea. concern leg pot tut tllver,eq nod the Insert Melt the of hat 111 to the putout roll:110 Imitation la est, ruled to 01 111%110 grout:l4 of Penngvh unlit to at tend T6eDiffam Tifeaire (lo lAt. Vh o 4 4 Qua* NITTANY— TODAY— I, CORI VS C GRIFFITH and 111 LTON SILLS ' , In "Moak , II Rev" It it lc Sennett Cnmetly 'Little noliinenn Cot keerett " MEM= (PI m lough shnu Aug MO COLLEEN If 001111 In "The lierfeef Floppur. N,, Nv ,kb rAsTimr.- 11111 D %)" S \ TUMMY— ALItIner Il hII3 st ALL STAIC PAST "li N 0113.0011 nilil PnlurL Q Per mutter" MOND &. TUESDAY— M nine° Mon lay at TO o— , 11111/01,1'11 IAL I.\'l'l\ ll "llon,leur Bowe:tire" Non n \\'Col,l%