Page TwEi Penn State -ollegiatt PahlPilled seml-weekly during the College year by students of the Penney'. ♦anla StAte College, In the Interest of Z,edonte. Faculty, Alumni, and Friend. of the College. E=i TV P Itt .1 II 1 n 1 11 1. 11...314 '2l 1' P 1,0 op, '2l A‘ON11(ItTI: I DITOII9 11 1. 1 , 1, liner '26 IT AV C'olwn 21 11' 1 131121.4 n '2l ornon v flt A94l4tllnt II (111(n 11111=111 1 \I 1 1 , 1 1 P C 1. , 1 ' I=l ISESIZIEM The Penn State Collegian 'mites communications on any subject of college Interest Letters must be it the sign (lutes of the syrlters All copy for Tuna day's Issue must be to the oMee by noon on Monday, and for Friday's W., by noon Thursday. Subscriptlon prlco• $2 GO, If paid bo fore Janusry let, 1924. After January let, 1921, 02 75 Entered at the Postoillce, Shin College, Ps cc second class matter. °like Nittany Printing and Publishing Co Building. Telephone, 29210 9 Bell. Member of Eastern Intercollegiate Newspaper Aesoblatlen FRIDAY, MAY 23. 1924 DOES HONOR COUNT? Some years ago at Penn Seam there existed an Honor System which entailed a general and thorough observance of moral conduct both in the classroom and upon the campus But that has passed away and today tie find ourselves back into a state of depredation which is ultimately worse in all its aspects than ever Wits conceived while the old system was in vogue That there is no honor among thieves is an expression which probably has for its foundation but scant authority or little truthfulness Let it suffice that the college man and woman is not to be placed in this category and, therefore there must be honor existent among them. Surely there is contained in every man n desire to von fairly and well in a contest calling for supremacy in active endemor, whether it be physical or mental in it:: nature The sad truth of the whole matter is that the easier way lies in the forbidden and tends toward the path of least resistance. It has been shown in the college classroom and it is preponderantly evident in the outside political world. Never before have the newspapers been so active to take up a campaign against dishonesty and dis loyalty to the rights of others; nei,er before has the war against il legal appropriation of finances and betrayal of trusts been so vig orously pursued by the American people than it has during the past sii, months. , , When men of national repute are sidling to sacrifice their posi tions and their bonds of fraternal friendship among men to divulge and stamp out that which is strong and corrupt within the business affairs of a nation, there must be an overwhelming abundance of good to be derived from seeking that which is essential and most de sired in citizenship• honesty.. Thei.e are ever a few individuals to whom the importance of fair play and equal rights, built upon a system of honor, makes a stronger appeal than it does to the mass; and it is a welcome sign, for it shons that the good eventually surmounts the evil however strong she latter tnay be. At Penn State there has been brought to light a goodly number of such men and women, who, believing that honor is , still a desirable quality to be locked for in man, have taken it upon them- Sets es to again revive the long dormant issue of loyalty to one's self For that is essentially what honor means, loyalty to one's self There has been no mention made of an attempt to resurrect the Honor System as it once was, there has been no propaganda directed toward the establishment of an Honor Code. What is wanted and, it is believed, desired by most students, is a general understanding of what constitutes a plane of equality and Justice for each individual A simple and straightforward conduction of "classroom ethics" is entailed in the pledge which has been put forth by those who have a desire at heart to see Penn State students facing each other en a , •otind. moral and unquestionable basis. It is a good cause and the instigators of it should not be allowed to die as martyrs of an attempted reviv,tl•of one of the best traditions a college can possess The pledge merits support THE OLYMPICS Perhaps one of the most discussed topics current in the college man's daily conversation of today is the coming Olympics at Paris. With the voluminous amounts of literature that are being sent out by the parties who arc interested in promulgating the affair, either irom a mercenary or educational standpoint, there appears to be a dearth of attention paid to the problem of accommodating college stu dents while in Europe Steamship lines and educational bureaus vie with each other for honors in the field of college patronage, for it is from this source, that much support is to cane. It will be fortunate indeed for the American colleges if there can be represented some eight thousand American students in Europe this summer Much educational pro gress can be made and many a different and far-reaching idea will be gathered if the student merely keeps his eyes and ears open and observes the conduct of the new types with whom he comes in con tact The advantages offered those who are fortunate enough to go abroad are many, the disadvantages few It is to be hoped that the men who will be abroad this summer will endorse and maintain the agreeable sense of international friendship that has existed among college men in the past To them will be entrusted the honor of re presenting the American type of college man to foreign scholars; they will have in their keeping the American ideals, and it will be well that they deport themselves with clarity and honor to the credit of the greatest of American institutions the college. But in all this excitement of preparation, the attention of the prospective voyager is called to the importance of making some pre arrangement for accommodations after he has reached his Ebropean destination. In this connection the Institute of International Edu cation has the following comment and advice to offer the college man or woman who is contemplating a trip abroad this summer. "Stu dent third-class, properly organised and directed, ought to be nn im mense advantage to the travelling college public, but, springing up as it has done, with an unprepared-for, over-night growth, it might have serious consequences The steamship companies will, no doubt, keep their agreement as to the good accommodations for 'student third class' But it is net their function to sec that such lane, groups of students are provided with accommodations after their arrival on the other side" It is feared that if eight thousand students are landed in Europe without pre-arrangement under the conditions of ever-crowded hotels, a situation might result that might have unhappy consequences es pecially for women students And if their visits were not properly planned, they might return less interested .in international good-will than before their departure It is for this reason that no little at tention to this phase of the trip ought to be carefully considered be fore the college man or woman sets foot on foreign soil. DOCTOR !ANDERSON TALKS TO PREMEDICAL STUDENTS 1)1 A 1: Amino:on of the AAt 10111- tl C hentl.ot 11.1.11 totemto. 'the ht In: 11.11 NTHo Chet at the nte. clog .4 the Ito -111...I.:411 So. 1.. t held Toe 11.11 01 ti . ttgnt tIl Allnttot 1 I ill 1): Atolo:- ....1 ottl.Jo. t . "I he Itel tit :It of CI :onion I to Inoles \lt :P. Ito.. In 114 toll. he Noon tdie,l the noo.l of op...anon 1111011 g 41 letltt Itl In 01 al./ othato e noolet 11 1111'1111..1, 111011.. El= ___As4l.+l int raum __II Ina:zing 11111 tot in min,; lwlltoi It A Sinner '26 A 1: SMilil .211 11 n . 24 .2r. A ftel 131 . \ ncle!son e I ilk on eine m h of olllvei 4 hod,, 11l l tee ntl the fel n of ~p mPI I. (It l 1111 1 . 1 Kap. O pi e.ltle en n 1 . I.' \I Duo k %NI %It 0- e•tlilt nl. .1 It 11, 011.4 '27. eeet et tit, 10 I: I Cough 27, 11 e our. 111111 gel - VI :Lying Min .gr. —CII eul Won 3lgnage3 ELTA SIGMA RHO GIVES BANQUET FOR DEBATERS EEEE=II3II Debating Squads Are Guests of Lo cal Chapter of National For ensic Fraternity Folio" ing one of the mot uttectou -101 delioting vc Isom) at Penn St Ito. I.lel to Sigma 11110 tuitional fin ()nide ft 0- tt initx tendet id 1 1) motet to ment hol it of the 11)+11) and ft esionon de- Ittalng equitil4 on Wetineql It niaht Tl'tre•ent Ahit h pionikev to hector) on annuli anti tot Penn tante de ha 1) )), »). Inungur tied with the of Setae, acquainting the mem bety of the viivadv It lth the 1)0 )10 10,1 limo of MIL I Signet 11101 Intl t IM In keeping 011,0 die Flowing !tittle) , In (10111011 g Si steal znentbei s of tile fseult.t mere int .ent 11111 spehe enneet fling the bene fits to be &then tient the to) ensie It t nil petit Ind hunt ir In I) A %tle,on of the &hoot of Ulu atop In qut 11tIng to the men, turn ine , ont toltatril to Ilthatlnt, unhet 0It) at thlts ulllOll hi Ingo ott• the ilOO, gntlities inn 01.01 001 th it M ing of the tralnlng In 0, It unlit in dtbatee tenni", Antleteon rtigretted th tt olchitlng might beton. it Int - requ'glte to tenth .\ thtteseful pet .nn 11041110'a h Ingthnethlng Rto 01110 t htliM hoot . 0 .+O , , it A good dcletter. tin spetket fluthet pointed out to altto • a e tood .1 nthet It [laths In the 01.11117 Won of onet though, and the ablllt% to 'nine them to a point In clotting DI Xt :lett:on urged the teen to lodize that thlutlng Iv an extrt tuttleultt tit - I, to none Pointing . oltt some nr the dlffelenrem beiheen deb Itlll4 it Penn State In the P 1 ,4 anti nt. prevent. Ptnftv.nt T P. Teeni,l, who non a dchatel tot tit. Mae Ind White eleven No Irq ngn, Pas lie to the lest flees hhele the train ing In ttelmting at in MI In puffin. n. nernsv In hves nftet grml antlon A member of the 1 1.1t3 ilf bating . team for 1110 3 ern n, To I{ll4l wnhe tit, the tan peers' of lb ln Inglng debating b.k to vt nl dot nr•ltlnn nmong . .fetn. Ines and alen feen,:ninon fnt alfllltl In PuLtic We Ming Others Indent A‘lin nprthe on tin ml. of tilt ton envie t eps esentnth cnt the temente 110'1,01 Intl the (tot II rn Del, I SlAto I Ilho Included C 0 Itltl nolo , Of the L'lntikh DCI,II tment n it,, It roach of the fre , Thman grtund II Patine, .27 of the ft eehtno tnnt ol 1. K tut tr P (Wort ntl Pt oft gent T f Cotes n lin h t t o tchttl the 11l ilt lentils fot Intl tact ,S 1 \ lOR A \ II I'ItrSIIIIAN GIRLS lIOLD DA \ el S OA 11t II LE It•ENP Ton Slily' cl trees are scheduled fn ti Is m eek-end Tonight the senio clt iv trill Matti tlll , Itvt 0.1%.< dant e "belt tnllege titeet 10 Women's mild ing The ft eshma n mill hire ten dunce nn Stall) d afternoon. all, W0111011 . •4 I:lnkling The to chestt for the senior dance is “The Munn s thtet s „bil e the "Penn q htte co te , it 11% . trill Cut nisi) the mush Sstutda) octet nano ~ . . • 011: ' ri t r • A. . '° l • 7he Stag, lie has the pride of the peacock. the courage of the lionand the combined nerve of the whole menagerie And why? Because he is sure of himself —and sure of his appearance As the last and cleverest touch to his toilet. he smooths his mane with"Vaae lial MlrkTVZaVtlralisite. whirls ”Vueline drugnic improves the hair At altores and student harbor alums Eair Vaseline" _pyritic. lrem. r=fg I,=titfitul Vaseline HAIR TONIC r' Chipsebro — u — • hlillfg."Csil adiad.ii4l PATRONIZE] OUR ADVERTISERS =l= THE PENN STATE COLLEGIAN SuperintendeUt of Grounds Comments Upon New Campus Traffic Regulations The foil:mingthe au tomobile tinting the :amp. Isle Ken rut ttlehtal the COLIANtr N in It I Wehluo SUIT: intend. , or rboundo nun 'lull:111mo A grntt 11111 m Itueottona hale In. nfhol Tam et ring the I ,wilatiolis adontell lit the Tloot it or Ti INtrea tegottling nutnmoblle nn rho enum. To mute Meat , reg. Wallow: la cleat fl 4 posalble the tol l:ming commento ot made The II attic egulationo c otnlll ,, lted In the Float CI et Tt oateca anti am. In formation regal ding their t :mut rioter Imre been plancd not :11411 Mut. Copies of there egulttllnna Intl hr toil upon :upbeat:on tit the office of Ci ounclo nml hlullningn. Tlnotn 21'1 thrill Itulltling No nmeaoonthle oat unjust regulation In intrmied. but e lIN uawl on the camp. . moat be antll In the Moe. am:I:mote:1 101 Ilmt Duran, ni in PI men iknignatect bt operlal lamted Lt the 'mum intendent of oundo anti Ilan:Bawl One regulation which mar need ri little addition d lien tegnenin the Ike of ram An Ole common htMu- Mot, Titla regulation 9.11,s ink ntu 'dentn nlny oat operate onto e‘eept I, net mit of the Salim intentient of fitotincla and iltuldinga Thia reguln tinn ti ldnpicol nt for to the rerun. tegelation Amen ding the linear..lon of ea ht students ohne evident In State College , ft aimph mean , th it atudents, uhethet permitted to hoer, ev while l e4.lent in the or net, nine not nee thew coin uonn the cimpue in going to and ran donn. It nine, not mean that a atuilenk %%lin Loo parenta cir Intends ‘lniting him may not shon them alinut the campus It an autemniille, but when on lining if n ear la. Parked. It ritual he pal Led in n designated Place tut ‘. kiting fraternlta house, Inent- Ni on the erimpua 11111 Y no pinked on the prix ate dtheoio a within the Sean grouncla Speeral net Inuits will he gamntell re, lain college employeea reeldent on the elonllna, for pan Ling Melt ram in des- Ignutrd quota ether than the general pail s ing pineen. upon' tnnllen lion to the Superintendent of Ornunds and Minding. k'ng of enly nn 911CCili ocean lono ouch no football on baseball now+ , 1 -t -‘ ' Yt; "/ ' '-- - 1 -. , -- i - =,,,, 1 .1 • , : ~,,!, t . .!:'; . dr,f,7,"'q.':.,:f::,N _ ''"C. - ;' 4 , , N • t - , . , {...i Z . „ .. ' . s f' 4 ....) ' ‘2 • 0 ''''' e d r' • ''' &0 It sums up like this: First—the very best Burley tobacco that old Kentucky grows, then—every single bit of It thoroughly aged in wood to take out the raw strength and make it mild and mellow, and give it a fine flavor. That's what you get when you ask for Velvet,-Tobacco. Remember—aged in wood. 'l/41e1 k i 'ft ; ilf -.' • H I it I 7Y r:..l' :' ti It's Made For i* .SifilitiTifi E 1 ili l 4 agiiiiqlrigiiii Punishment' .dr ,i-Trift[ifilfe. , yi. / '-. t.' i, HE small, tubular steel fame,,,'''''', of the Dayton Steel Racquet 1 1 . cuts through the air with less resistance. And because it is made of steel it is unusually durable. 11 1 1 : 1 le ;1 1[ 1 Intl for entet t tinments At the Atoll tot hint et AllllOl% M 111 be In Opel IN t nred for The Intent of then tegniollono is to Mop the ptoluloommo puking 01 t Ito In photo uhete hit been Mine to the hullo 'loll In keop till' molt, tirlveun, open to 'liming Until,. Tint Timm of ntotteoo conttinplatoo no un ittot ne unteolmnoble &mond. °Pon pita° the emplinero of the college oi the goner n publlo, but the) Ibuinti It Ie in prole, t college opet A% IeCOS,IIIIIV been oet lotols num igen In, the It tlt bt blih atmoo omit& Intl unthinking 'Mt.,. 10 au tomobile P.1111,111(.4 lilt boeeted nn the en IN v whlt h n e to lie loved be fore the end of the nrettent leek and on 1101111.1, ALIN IN, Plll, 41N1.11 enrol ve to], ement of the he title t egnin Hon.+ will begin. "PREXY" THOMAS SPEAKS AT FRESHMAN MEETING Urges the Abolishnient of Class Politics—Commends Spirit Shoran by Yearlings 'Prex3 Thorns,, nititearing before 5 ft esionsn tin's meeting for the list thee this Teti, Rl%O s si ntl till. Too, uIN night thnt shuck t nt it note of et rout ngement in thenem men (cm,- : on hienls fm n Mlles 11 nn St to Di Theists commended the doss of I . 21 on having . it Is. cl the ft csiman sear sc. suecessfullt Ind spobe ugh fasor on the spit it lit it exists In speaking of cllss Dt, Thom is sent out nn Itahal rot clean pill the lie pointed out the es its 111 Cul shiniest politics .11 111.11 Ott the xtiertlon of men he done calefullx In cud, tit a the class positions ht Oil i esgsble oaken: in sticlition 'Pt co," disc us.ed ulth Onset the ex , Istlng t ustoms of Penn Stile log to g ed th it the supet noon, abuses he alga- Isihd Ile asked the ft eshmen not to forget the nee-ideals set 111 k 'le 11 04 DeVl,llll since the in esen 0111 1111 P, milt he the "1 tiling visas' nest DAYTON 'Steel Racquet sln addition to these qualities you will find the Dayton Steel Racquet unaffected by dryness, dampness, rain, heat or cold. Its steel frame never warps-never even requires' a press. Its steel strings retain their tension and liveliness. And it is almost unbreakable. sYet with all of these distinct advantages; the Dayton Steel Racquet costs only $lO. Isn't this the kind of a racquet you would like to have? For sale by L. K. METZGER 111-115 Allen S. Allen St A f tot' . au tin eanunentlttErda • elg to, holding so midi tottothel lie utto statistit a ...honing that rAtA ) ¢ rho. of one thouaand fottb -13 N pilVajlenta en lotiod this bear, nine loath NI SMOIII, lilies totaaln, nhts less than the at wooden QllO4lll, Ili, 11 10`0111 Hutt is conimenclalde Dt 'Hennas spoke (1) (het on the his It the telle,te Is .N 11111.114 1 ,101, x ltlt the money th It It ton tot line Although little building Or being done. the I °liege I'. molting nutell Inogleau In I 1 king It. tolueutlon . ll Ulundi:lg 11.1110,01. ih Thotnu. , , nxitcrosed the hope that In Mr nout futute Penn St tte u 111 be 11110 to elect coma 1111,1't.1111 briltllngu that 1,, the Mine the , 1 oot of 27 lu re 1,1, to Iry oluute 5111111 Stale 11111 be tt different In , ttltutionothan It Iv now w A - NTLip-9%.,0 u.tho‘s fat hnu+r- Inrtl CuO 134 n4l: TN I ltelor 11A Nl'l,l>—llookkeep.. qlt 1. Innl , l .4ted. hittit 4C linni ttltlel Linn )31 ofot - toil Espet lento not neetnittn (11 egg 1' 0 In. r,21 Prepan"ng: , _ for Busin9s? Wanmous to rise to r tfokas Of re rsanstilty in busineatopould invest course%l . X.rairgn r agrZ Classes are conducted on' the conference pl The histructors expenenced You massen, successful in their own lines. You re;s k '' Yt=gros,nig t' w ' rentl e eft= hind of problems that will confront you In actual bust.. °make. Int m Write For Booklet Sod for booklet 'Training for Business Leadership " Descnbes ther,otopes indetall and I, CS complete Informatitnt nbout the factlities of Babson Institute and show, how todayre trained far eatecuttbe gales Write No obbganon Babson Institute Uialsl t 332 Wasblagtou Are. Babson Park, ( B, =r) Mass. I.OOK I'OIL THIS NAME ON THE NECKBAND . ~.., , - 'n•Y."7- 14 ,." 1, ... ,' . ,;:5.: •,. .4.1 , ,i , t 0 0 m . . 0 .3 i a . ' ' O A • This tie is proud ...) ,- (.lt of its associations ~ 5 ,., , ~,,,, LIKE attracts like, and Cheney ~.%.. Cravats are proud of their as- r) sociation with well-dressed college . % men. Moreover, the confidence 'n, ' which men place in the name 0 Ctip eliene.'y is a constant inspirition-to, ~.,). surpass their expectation of correct- .. a Cal ? ' . ness of style, excellence of materials , 0 , 2 and beauty of patterns. . I•,GC 141 cHENEy scE&%Nkas, ALSO TVIIULARS 4\U OAI l‘loos Made /y The milers of 6hony HARRY W. SAUERS . , Allen St. L'7,t L^J.?3Si SATURDAYL"PECIAL Brooms Opp Reg. Price $l.OO "Yee, Sir, All of the blades pre made of crucible steel" Pennsylvania Quality Lawn Mowers -1 Easiest B'unning :Cleanest Cutting Longest Lasting Leave your orders NOW for the famous HEISEY Table Glass Ware Best pressed glass made. KEEFER-NOLAN,HARDWARE It's the:.:Cut of Your Clothes - that _... Counts. is • Society Brand Suits include fabrics and tailoring. You know the cut of Society Brand 'Clothes. There is nothing like it. The proepective buy p! can have his choice from a large selection which we have just received. A visit to the store will convince you. Sportocasins apd , Golf Look our selection of Stockings Our Specialty Florsheim and Craw-, Sport'Shoes aTTRO ford Shoes Over. M. FROMM Opposite The,Quallity Shop Fro O n p r ite Front Campus I Campus Fred y, May 23, 1924 I Ilit sAI,I: OE ICIMT-12-loomflionse 91111 11tle fm 11 t tot ;MI mte - Ttt tt It Itli-, Ilit elt tnllM9 01111 11 110 tlnrml tot 1. $llllO Twnlo'o . ft 1 ternltlftt 11111110 I 1 dnelt. Student Cu Mtm P • 0190 fmt 0111' l'hnne 211-Tt m 111-1 0 1-1 9-2 t * l ee. ThaftiluttiedreGo 4,44. VhdoP6P oraafg NITTANY— 'I OD \Y— . (ILIA 111'NTER and and )I 'Meal 01 in .111,1 of \ the Water Toner' laettle Puthet elr4 'tho P.ot Inue" 1 , 11(11, it I,lo— liroaildo. of A merien . Spers 1., Vile 1. 111,1 , 111 S Prp ,, , Al.l, C01111`11) Spet inl Prl, SATMII3 Vl'- 1111111'111' 31 AN T/. I, and A LII A Itllll,V. In "1 Tiller l'ln. Rini hone' Nen 4 At eel,IN P V'Tlltl7 FIZIDAY c SATVIMAY— ItIC II A It 11 ItT111:11.NIESS I'l,ll.llllyd Chrl , lll , Come.l3—"l'n front:' 31')S7DAY h TVIIST) \l' M. , of the Errol psi (•nuts A•qentbleil in "The Greet '.ll Sp , t 011;1, Led Weah Colll\l—Tune 2ml and lid JOHN BARRI )111111: In a Sunlit (Towle "Beau Itrummer