Page Two Penn State Collegian Published semi-weekly during the College year by students of the Pennsyl 'ante. State College, In the Interest of Thndents, Pacoltl, Alumni, and Friends Of the College nwroul tr, yr tIT L Putt'-. 7 II '27 11 S ILnris '2l %Imaging 171110, I` P. George '2l \lmaging 11,11101 1 4 51111 tTE EDITOIN IT W Cohen '2O II 1. Bennet '2l, It A dinner 20 W J Durbin '2O Tt T Etlebel '2O A IT. Smith '2O Woolen's Editor C R Lours '24 Assistant At'ntens Editot 711's AI trier '2O ill SINESS J It MeCullnell 21 rosiness Menage% .1 'll Ilislet '2l VI, el dol. 11 man, It C Limb Ch enlattnn )Image, IET iLixAtalits T Cain, .Tr '2O C L Gin 24, TT Wuner '2O The Penn State Collegian Invites communications on any subject of college Interest. Letters must bear the signatures of the write. All only for Tues day's issue must bo In the office by noon on Banda), end for Friday's !ague. by noon Thursdad. Subscription price: 3260, If paid before January Ist, 1924 Alter January let. 1924, 1276. Entered at the PostoMee, State College, Pa as second chum matter. OM.: Nittanv Printing and Publishing Co Building Telephone: 292 W, Bell. Member of Eastern 'lntercoHealth Nenspapor Aoonetntlen FRIDAY, MAY 16, 1924 TALK "PENN STATE" Within the nest few weeks Penn State will have completed its way-ninth year as an institution of higher learning in the State of Pennsylvania—and a most glorious year it has been Much progress has been made during the past eight months, but more still remains to be accomplished. It seems a long time ago that the campaign for a Greater Penn State was inaugurated, a campaign that was broad cast throughout the. Commonwealth wherever Penn State Alumni were to be found; and even carried into foreign fields It received sup port wherever it was talked among men, but it was not talked enough It is surprising to find how little the average citizen of the State of Pennsylvania kpows about this College; how few people under stand that it is the only truly representative institution of higher, learning maintained by the State Here is an opportunity for the li undergraduates of Penn State to perform a good service for their Alma Mater. Talk Penn State , There is no need, as some have done, for the Pcnn State man or woman to place h,inself or herself at the head of a group and declare "I'm a Penn State Man", there is no need to make onesell an idol of curiosity. Better would it be for the vacationing student to spend his idle momenta in seclusion rather than to bring disfavor upon himself as a Penn State man by any such show of autocracy There are countless instances wherein a good work may be per formed among the citizens of each and every home community that is represented at this College It is not intended that subscriptions to the campaign fund be solicited, neither is it suggested that the " home town" people be bored with endless tales of Nittani valor But it is essential that people of the State know something of the college which, primarily, is an institution governed and conducted by them It is essential, moreover, that they take part in the progress that is being made in higher edacation. It is part of the code of loyalty of every undergraduate registered upon the books of Penn State to impart this knowledge to the people The College is fortunate in having such a widely distributed re presentation of students There is scarcely a section of the State of Pennsylvania that has not sent its youth to this institution. Let there be created a tidal wave of information concerning the develop ment of the College, its traditions, what it stands tor, how it is man aged, what it has accomplished and hopes yet to achieve, how it is governed,'what it offers the field of information is unlimited, let the undergraduate impart this knowledge to the citizens of this Commonwealth Ample and instruct'', e literature has and is being supplied by the College, any of which may be obtained merely for the asking. There are tuo groups of men employed by the College that are, perhaps, shouldering the burden of "talking" Penn State wherever they go; they arethe County Agents and the E\tension Representa tives They have set an example that might well be followed by the undergraduates with much resulting good being accomplished There is one thing that must be remembered, however, and that is that the "talker" must necessarily place himself in the background he must not try to put himself across, but he must put Penn State across, he must give the information to the public, for they :re paying for it and should understand its value A NEW GYMNASIUM At last comes the welcome news that a new gymnasium will be built on the Penn State campus Already the erection of Watts and Varsity Halls has started that Greater Penn State project on the first leg cf its Journey After making provision to house the students the next matter of importance is their physical well-being, and the new gymnasium, as it has been outlined, will amply provide for this phase of the student life at Penn State With the growth of the institution both in numbers and physical effect, the College v.lll take on an added importance among the in stitutions of its kind in the country and it is predicted that with such growth and enthusiasm it will be but a comparatively short time be fore it ranks second to none It is planned to have the building complete, or at least well under process of construction, by the fall of 1926 That will be an op portune time for the dedication of such a building as it.will then stand as the third landmark of Penn State's progress since the inaugu ration of the two million dollar building fund campaign. The new gymnasium will be complete in every detail and will afford many ad vantages which heretofore were deprived the student One notable feature of the proposed plan is that provision has been made for a swimming pool; a long felt want at this institution. It is assured that it will be largely patronized The student body is to be con gratulated upon this latest building project and the College officials commended for the forward step which they have taken. PLAY TO BE GIVEN AT UNIV. CLUB TOMORROW I=l I=l 111= 010111,1 rot Its members Salado et, ning nt night-thitty o'clock the Pens play rot the Club ntembet s only Ft la 13. 'MON tuent3 -0111 .1, la aet ashle an Lad le,' Night 1111 a Illnnes goal lit nice to. the nltecill realm ea of the pie. ning. He/4(.0.111,1nm tot thla function t.lonntl he to ale tin °ugh the Ken, .1 by Wellneadt* noon of that meek S ita 111 t) 21 Ina 11 ly .11, 0111 eatiln tell to the member of the Val vet situ Club unit In the COI 111 Of Club Nights at n Inth dines a tanolot nntj I=l Letter Box fahming Inteiectlnp ,oinnlmil vitlen ~,01„4 (tom \ lei. A.....1.4t1n1 more .101 ,ho +pouting 1114 le Ito or ilNenee In —0:4104'4 :Vote I I=E EM=l Cheer up, the . tN he In the l'enn St tie I.ihl lIN NO 11 01 At le int the n1(-I 11114 .1110 001 onntet. In In to f 1 teltt‘t n %molt n e (IV- O MO \Nit/I'll 11 Collpie of bout tool Nth Pet tltt 10 PeetotIIIIII , the Mend eent to ',ant ,tut to lotto ultlttuttelt, Oho Imo!, AOll 1 . 109!le 0 NOOIN 111101, 111, It At the Uhl lIN of 1110 1T111,141t, nr ropenh Wen. In tot , tt moot I:ltttope Illtrut It. toe at tt nil inPtite t e t. 001 1 lil . ll. 11111 1,01.1, 'ON, • In the ‘A Irlo unto.. u t ut. 41:1,1111 N rt . t nt 1(11 , 114 . 1.1 tot the rt le eq. A e nt tol tools 0011 01 Cl toll tote, the I,:br . loh 011 o 1 , our yucp,,101. , 41V t Ibu loos In let - case )nut , t ell ntt (fit lit ettnunotlioug pocket.. I- 1 LI., n Into eustotl, Its in old mom to nail the hitironit of a fist., Ito You Ile nom enntluctetl 1010 no ante-1 moo It , cot, into t huge teem,' tIl the eel thont to tutu self nod to the net Ann m Intim ,11 11110 11.1F1,4 , 11 1,110 tlo unenl I title 1070 of FU it int , . The rost thing it to lino, gt • lt man, Po Is enotnett 011th the Wok 1 At tnt In , Ist Loh! Intl , beet toot abode ou fill out Jo In, niet,e toteetionn tire on 1 110 11001, oou will, hI You • the the title nhirh nln 110 loom 11 to) 111110 It, It, C W, 11l Colloquial tingllsh " The ittrothnt. 110 , 1‘un l fel to e•enfitli t e th it or 1 Pe1111,1,11111 1 1111 0,1 COII - accept. 10111 4111, It 11 11 the gt - t, - it, of I Juetlee Intl he 11111e0 11 11 11 1. to MY Wiley It hoe he ,onehl,r. It 11.71 his ot Ps of Miters ftelt,ln lntn tt moa 1,61 oket 11 Itruh, ‘ou nt the the tettol'otant 0 of qnothet 0111010 mho Ittittt Noll I nut, ef entltut 1 , 1100 titte , tton , %%both et the boot, to .t thnhogt Qat, a It Intl- In t °molt te -dentine It e 11 , to th. 111 let qua ,11th of hot pulale ,than 11,1,1tiott In thht mono. nt Itt ftt 11. nu mint ulth Intittete.he Itt toneyt -•9u u 0 In Eutopetn 'limn 14 nn nlttnt t s athe +4I , ICPY 110 11. 11111 lilt ',mitt., re, — , n t tnltt• NMI 011111 tott 4 lntt out 10111, tnt 111•41untn • H tzulltonts I.nzttlon 1920" Th l •4 nt :nod tnt 0911104 1110 4 0 htt• ltnfore ilk Jun ist,t no, 'too 1011 flog t tiling oni of the t.t.non'i tin Mesa muth lie I,s et, Phil Inalspenstsble. oil 111% ke the tht to boutv ill It [talon 1, II minors nor I`ll4{olll . llN 111101 f nit to • t his In , st Inossl.ll.ll whom eon 11, {, Itogun to bole is son swot.] Innis satin sting dingst at length cornet hook Ts lumih inch pointing to the s on hole Ili glen, lie sit - Iss whether t In The ii 1 ,1,11 of Col 1{5511 L:11411411' 15151 em I eth out rnlsst he 'I hen follnus .snoth,r set le. Is, v Ighn tools souses. hi 01( 11l 1,11 Oftilt 0111VO, lost go 014111 on claim-7 ft it Ps xts 1.11 king 1111 the nines to mein', In Inset pret the monus , hit h come to sou firms within lost lie iii% ore ott•esiesl. Insolle of 1:1 Met, ss stlitnulaulng ols en tor, a s w ills VISIT THE State College Hotel Tea Room 7:00 A. lit Till Midni g ht Open After All Dances 0 411 a i high a . bra*? Not naturally—but IVn getting higher The Prat lino of hair la in retreat. Blung up the “Vaa ohne" lialr Tonle! And hoer do you think the collar seloertieement men Cot that PO, 7 "Vase lonic. of course. It .111 lInc.. In, tour llolc rebellious curls In the soma clerk and rblny manner • • "Vitneline" Mir Tonle will impnlve the condition of 1.01. hair .3 Wolf itAIRMOUVILICAL At all dna: atom and .rodent bar.' bur ebOPS Vaseline HAIR TONIC THE PENN STATE COLLEGIAN the We, that• the roniiiihnis 0111 dere it 500 An the allotment troll to I done. Nit° betAlr vim tell%nlllooo In Me mo:litho of the told SOU 11111 swot, latch ttlttlng foul 1101110 11l II how,- MOO Of ,1 1 ,111 11 111111111 41 111111 111 unlfno ro oppronnten I% lot Itont . the hook It hen ton no 100901 hoe time to It 13111 no he to motel) trlllott olt the hilt It, 110 1 011 11 1. 1 .1 1 1 1110 111101 s, noel If 011 \llll rtttitn 111-11101 lONS at trier In the teat:loon. the , . hill Inmte It then OTIS, Ol WOO 11 11l I eqlred, toil 101411 Minn fel Puttrunt Thu nti ill 01 the dcet In tilting .out nem check Illncen inn i lititlC 011th no inn mote tie trio thin the o onto he eon . , pronounce - See here ion Incnanln' I I. INloll nit lit, to, and It. mon I Ile holds OM Ills Mind fir nonnithlug, nod 3ott fumble an tem it foi the liTitt Vile tip, It en It occult. to inn tint NOlllliie neg lected to inoilite inureclf mint thc 0115 ulthout moll It soil mmild PPM -0011 inicnd the night In the Police It. tinn,—. In the 0110.01 You let: 10 Mery lOU go thni ugh smell] unlntetectlng - n 00911105 ulth the nt temlnnt to 11110111 Inn .11)111IV11 Po the book In nnothei ten mlntiten 100 me on the ntreet EEE3MIIM SONGSTERS PREPARE FOR JOINT PROGRAM IN JUNE After re% erni meet, of Intermitotlon tile Glee Club tone. et' its it tit jells Monti.* night In the form of t !nitr ous reheat sat TM_ ',meth e during the fen renutinrnr. nett.. before Com mencement m be enth eh de, °tett to the lice) , ti ,lion or to Interesting Pro . Int to be in esented jointly it lib the College Chtihe-h 11111 the Al intioltn on Satin di, of Commencement Wet It \ F\\ ItATES-21% reduction in of lit W borne Toonts-roto hoot to rice Ilthtle-11•Ittumit Auto Ato. hell :176 118 MeAlllster tit I OR 111.VE,-The I,et, r tbln In Shin glotoo 1 1111, 1% for tent tot ..notnet .Apols to IMO t in \ Its lo,rolt 1 .%rc It 'pi log t'tt tn. TN I nue lull. 5. 21 25% Et:nu-mum on di enrs mile for open Ile for Cloned irs I\'e 't lie non Invited our net% I 111 r Suee_ ]tell-174 11th 041.1.1 , 4 qt Auto en. FOR SALE-9-room house, Fosse, rangy tts L Folttrost 5-9-St :,t ltp, AVM .............. ' Always ...11 4 NKr " 1 r - ,4 01 1 : 3.1 5 1 . 47 4 ! i r 5 181 f , Ready! iti . mi.r• , 1, •W . .• l i t. • ': V ..".. ' It ..11. HETHER it is hot or cold, -'. \ 1. / - IF ' damp, rainy or dry, the Dayton .....i f wows Steel Racquet is always ready for play. It is impartial to any dim. ... atic condition. 5 And when you ..;: . have finished using a Dayton Steel Racquet you can toss it into a locker, or hang it on a hook, without fear • • of the frame warping or the strings losing their tension or resiliency. 5 Because of these unusual qualities, and' its modest price..slo.•thc Dayton Steel Raquet is the most serviceable and economical racquet you can use. For sale by L. K. METZGER 111.115 Allen S. Allen St , ~....,..vm,_......,....,.....„....„......,„,..,...,......,,,,,..",1 Pa ally of every other sport -1 KO AK FOR Kodak, amateurs this store is G. H. Q. Cameras, photographiC helps. and conveniences that make picture- , making all the easier, film and pap ;r =everything's here. N N QTATS The HOTO HO P 212 E. College Ave CONFERENCE DELEGATES TO BROADCAST TONIGHT 52.1122121 \VPAII 11111 hat' for the Coa te, 0 of tonlght . 22 herlea of .hot till., 1,, the men mho .22 nt toulln,e the 2 , 210,1221 °mine. log eon re, Ohre and the Pen:lash nit St Ite College englneetlng eNtehlon conten t 1021 me, 1111,N bring held It Penh St Ile On \IOII4IIV cloning the hloggtol 1t 11' 0h22515t of 1110 moat 11111M10114 lIMRIO2II foll Ore (lot 1.011111E4A1 Sent the Pent/ St 210 11210 1,2 2210,24111 g studio n 112.22 •othlent t dent 11211 offer the a genie 01,- 02 2, 'lf 01021210 - Mora,e, 2, of the men', and notheff4 0110 club Woe lien trhe22212211fin , 1 , 1 22002 2 11121111 V, 22 121 g rtnec2s doting lfte2re Week Onlng to the stn tII , 21 of the 111.00 021221122. oh], the in 121- ,211221 k 111 the 0202 12111 he used 11121 50- lrellong nlll ontslst Inqlnl, of rots. dt its 2(121 gun ,02211 C 12 010100 '2 1 1) V I'2 2.112 'II, it Boller '2l W 124 henh h'2l C 'Meg n gel '221 Bitty I% 4.1121011 no Ihn 1211 '2l, end not nth, Mundell '2l Ire the memhet.+ the Metro. , 0111 Mho nlll 0105001 the fehtthe FRATERNITY GOLFERS TO FINISH INITIAL MATCHES rt ne•t. Mooch} all 11,1 round noun he , In toe fmtcrnitt ,00lf tom n ment muot hate ph, ed oft' on tin „mutt M he rot Pdted In defalt On ng to the Inclement no abet thh tel. the }noon In eat hoe been 11011 In getting undmlt and lel • fin nn an he , into Incen plhhl off It It tit ged. Imo et er lb It the tmternita uolfem 411 he bird to dui It Melt MIL ,I tl nmtehto 11l Month} If the mantel are not kept up to dote the Munn 1- ncut emnot be completed Inn the do.. u or the ram }cem The 4thedule loarlzem for the tournament me po.t ed on Comp and it the eadan house Business Leadership EARN the fundomental principles of business and their implication to doily bus ess emblems To help you mini mize the in time, usually spent In gaining experience, the intensne, one year training course of the Babson Institute is offered. From octual expenence made ndamental prompt. of busiress ore clear By positive examples, the student Is shown how to apply these principles an the conduct of army day commercial attars. Write for Booklet Send for booklet "Training for Dusinese Leadership " Describes the courses m detail and glum complete Information abnut the feedlots of Babson Institute and shows bow nien are trained for menthe roles Write toda) No obligation Babson institute HMV, I 3j4 Washington Ave. Babson Park, ('..-",;f) Blass. DAYTON Steel Racquet 11 ANTI' I)—Young els' to belt, le ',helm, and to do olo•tah s Atm lln II des nit% house Call `dt .A , l: tut Ca Sono 1,011 ILVITs of 11.111.411,1111- lion. Open on, 11% e-p pet ran 05e to Vont route 101 l rotor!, ltr.,e-lf•Yottroolf Auto Vn. Itell :176 lilt Ilt Allloloo ht. Visit the KNOX CAFE After the dance Treat 71 . Your Friends To the Richest Ice Cream in town. It costs no more Candyiand Yes, it does cost more to make VELVET Tobacco and for this reason— It's the best Kentucky Burley tobacco money can buy and then it's aged in wood. All harshness and bitterness are removed. It's mild and mellow. You will readily notice the difference. Lulrrrr & Myrna TaitiCZCo ;;.10VCIOMEMIPM.,14,;% " 4 4: : ' • loze m a ..- aec.ooao m 0 :3 .., m m. , o L - .. c s ,ust . , 0 4 FRESH STRAWBERRY , IGE CRE A M ,t , fo. FOR SAINDAY DINNER ..-- Pluge Your Order Now it 1 ..t..., 4 1 E. Col 22 lego Ave. :HARVEYS A 7 ...x•cooN.W...rornOCKS.VMQVLN.VOMPC,V,. y. 1111' 1111.11,111,11.* *III* Inner's Sugar ;cured Hams The quality of our hams has built their own reputation. SPECIALS SATURDAY • Week End Specials TUXEDO SUITS $38.40 and $40.00 Suits at $29.50 Patent Leather Ind Duli Kid Dancing Pumps at $6.2 - 5 I _ _ 7 \ I SPORIIVASIN OUR 7 1 o isM. FRO Opposite The .-. tzuatit. e Front Campus 1.1.1_ Friday, May IG, 1924 TER fitinitTfiaire Co vh04 ,1 .93 ecNouy NITTANY— FRIDAY S. SATUTID kV— tILI.F.N OLE and CON RAD In Elinor (ay n'n ..Three Weeks^ Clyde Cool. Comedy—"Droncho Evinese NTTI3III— DAY 1I1:111: DANIETA, ERNEST TORREN(sE dad NO.III EFAtI In Zane Grey , . "The 'Heritage of The Desert^ Shin Lam el Comedy SATURDAY— ALL STAR CAST In "Second Louth" Ne 00 Wtekly MONDAY & TiTanDAY— WITINDE: DAILY AT TWO HAROLD LLOYD 111 .11,1•11 Oloom CL n vin;; ENO "Girl Shy' Nenv Weekly fl a vor; isms JcoolA oa , a , N O , thaff!.% A large selec tion of - Knickers AND Sport Shoes Opposite Shop Front Campu