Page Four GRAHAM & SONS That Little Store on the Corner The oldest business place in town bids welcome to the fathers and and mothers of our many friends, the boys. PANISH CLUB PRESENTS LAST PROGRAM OF YEAR ceting Is Marked by Numerous Musical Numbers—Dances Are Well Executed .1111. rtllll Sine :•1/ 1111.411 Chill untlsl the lit stAlen of tied-dant tttufessol of illicit 1 :NI Lulus, 1.e . -tutted its du d Ind int of the N.II itt oth Chapel I tat Littlest] is es ening' Ths pion ant ts *mitt! and Intel °sting and the a tolls ntt «filth ittentittl the dual no tiling of the dub to on dial the main 111.1 Ind It tit unity to s Its The meeting upon,' \\ tilt bet el al i. 1011.1 b) the !upholds, Esti Inol 10111 LI the chit etitlon of it. 11. Smith 'lt, Ind Its 11111111 , C, at sit lot.t thus.. tinting the es eninge heal Ws a 3lbi D Ileffelman and L I. tufm to Icte+en led t 11111`ill 11 pla3 let Ith.l. then In in) laughs, ltd Imo Int leatalt son e, In .Sit Inti-11 met gls en In t. 15, et sb le Id Miss C C C Lu nen m intinlin l‘ll.ll [Wm of the Penn ht ite indollit Club drpueinated etuot to is, Ith ton hot 01 l ill II- In es. tilent -'tile A. It .1 II ads"eNented Lt 1V V t Bunnell, dud I II 'lin in The follou nunibel • In 11111th 11 IV Jiilintion Vt evetttetl . .no 1,101 tat bums, u is De aully told °dui helttl ol i.e., %um pt,ented dm lug tine In inp lin and these IA limed tint molt ittentloon nom the tudiente The Intl.Sl MIMI,. 111111, Or the et ening U, WM` :MISY Kitt hin and I! 1: Keii Ind the on in en tot ill the ‘t nu el Nsine nno. enthuslasth. The I in'sltall in tool t, tunliniseit of fni Yttl , lll.ll. ft out the c otnsesln commiel LI kh in in e.ented I so ie4 or tmule undo the dile,. thin or (' it, 'theirxsin inn of tin, distinLt Itltn of e, ll t hough the I mite PI Ogl 1111 11.14 n ell dine and Lntlntslastkall3 ieLelsett I=l Nen. loan Collar,. of ItlTta son Cats Tenntsiitt, ho tutu of has hag flue tallest hl it Cut In the state and pet h ths In the tonna, Ile Iv :MCI Shout it. untie stands 40,211 feet anal tutuloth,'' In his stocking duct anal tune !ninth tit anal ailnet3 en pounds Ile lit etfan hit al on tl,ls Lai Ilte and Is it (amanitate tot tht ill tint footh ill It inch THE SCHOOL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING PRACTICE Or THE MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY A GRADU +Tr Scuoot. offering a course of study lead- C ing to the degree of Master of Science,with field stations m the plants of six different companies. These corn- • panics produce steel, pulp, paper, caustic soda, chlorine, E. heavy acids and salts, sugar, gas, ammonia, bencol, etc. " 4 The more important unit operations of chemical C engineering arc studied systematically by means of tests and experimental work on full scale plant apparatus. The work is wholly educational and independent of e control by the plant managements. The attention of the student is directed exclusively to the study of Chemical , Engineering. The total number admitted to the school is limited and the students, studying and esperimenting in small groups, receive individual instruction from resident pro. lessors For entrance requirements and details address R.T. Haslam, Director, School of Chemical Engineering Practice. MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY CAMBRIDGE MASSACHUSETTS MOOMes9o,7t Just received new sam ples of the mill's new est weaves, and a new English Lounge model. SMITH TAILOR SHOP Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing SARG'S MARIONETTES TO APPEAR TOMORROW (Continued from first T, go) %. 111 aetithtint the amlletit, ulth the %tut', mut Lit it.lett`lb Vol the thq tin, 3ls Sallg i 4 hell/- 111 g Mall% of tanallot hll,l,l dtt ueta et and flu ale nllontd to , the hulking 01 the 111111 e to non Ira. It hit it 1111 ken possible this notel int/dn.-lion The annountet Cot en 11 puppet Into 111. et mith It negnithone 4110110 to tho, tewed ht tout:nal:ls on tuning alone kith en 111101 anthem,. In the I ttgeat onlitothun to 111 11 the dialogue plain -13 She suns 1,1 "phe Chlneve It illoo Plate - his to du olth Chum; Ila:e Vuoh mt• In on .111 d ceneml 11,111 to the llonin Audknce and 111 Cl shod, st htt Its 111 :hoot" This pia is t then hi hauls Mason v.lllle 01101 popplt pttis at opei ittal ho hamllton Condon, E•telle Thelmod, Ithit nil °Linn 1111 i Sill id Neu ton The mchestea 10 1 the in oductlon is com posed ut Helen Chat, 111 tnlst and mu cllllll et on le in Stoeho ell. • 1011, losophlne Mee, ',hist and /hat -1.110. Ohio el. obuelst Itetlal mating, Petro , .lnca tot tidbit en Iris Idolaz [tinged for bat ty.* afternoon at too-thlt If o clot I. The ii toe of olndsulott rot tblu Lon -Irg it 1.1 been fixed at (bitty -the tents Si its fot tontot tutu olgltt'u pctfot m ince at e tot uet out, ,ants and one dub o and tlchets pill be on sate In the lobld of the Audttorltint tonight arts, tht mess meeting - 0 BATSMEN MEET GEORGIA TECH IN TWO CONTESTS I=l Uhl° Mate and tit upping I Ott ugglty Wit h DattinOuth th taint MLII Ittl tilt!, ts Inning the expunie of the Nittano trtnn, taltino both tont,. Enloe Is the stn blabbbn fan aleiv, Ins most notentntl* ante Linn; the tettnt hitloa that hi 10111t4I Enraneit Pent Dattles In the tlean-up Penn Uhl Daunt has been doln4 son) hitting . let the Ins alt,, xl moth of WI colt, at Hist base niche tt Iteond. has been one at all tlmes n St t kn. Ctp htatt hilt the tool Do- tutosin IOR RENT—SI♦ oo' "pat to tom eilltmes Inquhu at 13 111 1 • " " I,Y;), NEW VOTING PLAN IS ADOPTED BY COUNCIL (Continued from MAL hogs.) toogenlents bad been completed fur the orals of tummtun - At the time of this stliting there had burn no "Duds' secured to speak nt the Mass meeting In behalf of the fathers Enemy ment he, of Student Council piumleed to aid in this respect by endeavoring to ob tain a man to ap.l: at the big mallet inn Longl,re. apanklng tot the CIASY tits .1110 cotondttee. otated that the Sand Dag Scrap would be bold In the next fen meet,, no particular stuck-end hating let been picked out ton the Site The nuts Pants hernia mill be held next Wednesdno afternoon. and thole 14 a pooslblllt} that the loot tint,' ton thainlet still ha coiled Off In old" to Dunne a lunge turnout Of sunbonnet, Ina freshmen Oil= In telling of the plane tut the corn ing SOIL A X init. 11' di. Helin . 24 In ought out tile fatt lb it sunbelt.. t ot be gi t rat the privilege of eiml inn paddle, en Menlo Timed Is end Wed nesday uf nest meek A Mty nieellng it planned tut Tueethq night in the Auditor lam At the strap On Wednesdat atm 1100n II note! pi in of deciding the coin net still he the num'et of kiting the detstmlnlng factor mentioned In other columns ,of this paper, the Student Tillinnal oil! hold an open meeting at CO-up on follott ed 1,3 rotettt Da) on Satindiu, An the final bit of business tot tine ning. Student Council expressed Itself us [at ming the Blue Fq sendinb a delegate to the con, ention Him- II nr societies in Philadelphia Tim fled 1.0 organization at Col nell and tile GI een Kt., at Dartmouth si e among the et imps tin it filescent represented II this big meeting and car will matl. the lii st time that l'onn State has hail delegates it the gathering FOIL M.:NT—After June 13. furnlnhed ay let:neut.-1 I uunni Ind kitchentite —Mode n Ih ton n, Gl7 Rest College LOOK POE. THIS NA This tie is proud of its associations -,1 ? e 4 L C lK r E ava att ts ra a c r ts p li r k o e ud ,a o n f d t C h lr as 4 n ey ' 6 sociation with well-dressed college • ~S men. Moreover, the confidence t which men place in the name/ca, TA ••• g 4 Cheney is a constant inspiration to Ile • 9 surpass their expectation of correct- CV Jness of style, eicceilence of materials 0 a 0 , o. ' Vi c ' ; t 4 beauty of patterns. , OVi c' se 10 ' , U, , :) CHENEY _ 3 0e CEiAVAIS 9 9 4 47, 42 , 0 4 S 0 ALSO TUBULARS AND Iln WINOS (+` 0 I Made by g 4) The meeker+ of Cheery WI 5; i 9 . 0 el HARRY W. SAUERS Allen St DANCE EXTRAORDINARY The Peer of all Orchestras "Whitey" Kaufman's Original Pennsylvania Serenaders Victor Rccord Artists of New York City This Famous Orchestra will play at the =I 'COLEMAN BALLROOM Lewistown, Penna. TUESDAY NIGHT, MAY 6 Dancing 9 to 12 Subscription Gents.l.2s; ~ Ladies .75 :~.w~aw~wc~.~cw'+.a~► THE PENN STATE COLLEGIAN WPAB WILL BROADCAST ATTRACTIVE PROGRAMS College Station To Continue With Features—Will Not Observe Daylight Saving Continuing the feature, that hate been In onewn ft um the college t.ttllo tuition during the p tit fen month% has nit urged for a qe, let of CM= of the college ...eal. diunth tals of com munication.; are pealing In il dim to the Publicity Mee, commenting on the hi ogritmo as sell ao the clai 11l sill] rhiell they ate 1 eceiced Accondlng to a levant nenuencianen , an tile by D Ciesseell. nenounnen lit the college station. WPAII still nut cbserne daylight , an leg thee but will cretlnue to broadcast by Einstein blan d nd. Practicallyen a ell-Innen n campus dance t nochesti atlas slgnnal up an. bioadcantsni let, notmole lin no gtain horn INIME hill gist an fan,an °ppm tunlty to listen In on seine excellent musk hem Penn State SPIRIT WEEK PROGRAM STARTS NEXT MONDAY (Continued from first page) has been granted to the stunul Nt it :nen to issue thth Lusters timing Silk - It Week , On the m toing of 11 I% ninth. "Otitc.lft :At min utstet tun] Ills ti ibutt 0111 hold court on Co-op Flom .1 pl tt tot tn LUNN etn the entea. inhale tot' freshmen 0111 be tt 101 l null punkheti A numbet of halt -cuts 0111 be admin.. 1 ittted ut that time Satanday, 3tat tenth 11,1 been oet aside as Put er Dl3 On thin dit Me Droll:nen ill) ut thenvicit cot as nearly Mtn common illation' . ay Imo sible. An In Inn mer yeat". a 'toad, trill be held In the aft, noon rolloninci which Pt teen nill be nit lit cloned on the most lintel E 4 ON THE NECKBAND dl , THESPIANS TO PRESENT , COMEDY IN PITTSBURGH (Continued num fleet Mtge) houses me e•pLetett to meet the tiles- Many at both of then pct ut mance, tumult°, Nu , houing 11111 be 011 en ((night but menthel I of the nett 11111 he the gut '4 , 4 or till 111114 .001.11 func tioll, that het e been al ranged tut them In Illtbantigh In commenting on the 7 lievel 10 4 uettlet n tile Nett the but n elated "rhe These! eon tine nettling to feat In le esen ting Melt 11,1111 to IL tudience tot both book and b finitele n , 1 edit to lIIN In.titution lln acting met choi tin unlit 1, 111 0,1,1 .t. I here met Neon 111 ,till tellelelatr iru ttnetion and L tun .411 0 the Thelel net 11 111 111001 11 1 111 gteat stiLLe4a" A good place to eat THE PENN STATE CAFE Spring Showings OF READY-MADE SUITS AT GERNERD'S Announcing The Winner of the Search for a Slogan OUR NAME GRIPI.I3 OUR BUSINESS Submitted by MR. H. C. BENTLEY 306 West College Ave. ROLAND S. GRUBB WHOLESALE GROCER L. K. METZGER L. K. METZGER "The Fastest Growing Store in State College" Wright and Ditson and Pennsylvania Tennis Balls - Some Real Values in, Tennis Rackets, "seconds." Only small defects. Rackets at practically half their original value. FISHING RODS FOR RENT I RACKETS RESTRUNG SATURDAY, MAY 3rd ONLY 2 Packages Lucky Strikes for 25c ....—_, SCHRAFFTS. CANDY Regular Prke 60c per lb. Saturday only 47c per lb: in pound lots only :÷3-x-m-x•i-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:•4•I-r• ,, r-1-:4 "CALL ME AL" WEEK-END SPECIALS' Crew and V-neck Sweaters, special at . $5.0 Emery Shirts . ° . . . $1.85 to $3.6 AL'S SHOP lawnwarimiemimilweipmmorTinriemimingli MTWW‘TTIRTMTRTMRTTMT!! MAY 11TH IS MOTHERS DAY Remember her--- Say it with flowers THE MUSIC ROOM .01.•• • , •1 / 4 • 0006%.141WW.N . i.N.C....C.16.C.N.NIKSTOMMMIWIZ' Friday, May 2, 1924