Page Two -- Penn _State Collegian Published semi-weekly during the College year by atudents of the Pennsyl. Tanta State College, in the interest of Students, Faculty, Alumni, 154 birlomb of the College. H. B. Colvin, .24 —.— . _ C. B. Tilton, .2.4 ASSOCIATE EDITORS F. P. George, .25 J. if Lum, '25 Women's Editor . -. ..... deeletnnt Women's Editor- , ==l EL R McCullodh, 4 W. W. Shad 14 L. IL Arc.., '24 ASSISTANT BUSINESS MANAGERS J. M. Eisler, .2.5 J. H. MeOulloch, '25 I=l lIEPOII ERS J. R. Dunlap, , '26 II Butler, '26 R T. Kriebel. '26 R. A. Shaner, '26 H L. Kellner, '26 S Rosenfeld, :26 W J. Durbin, 2C 11. W. Cohen, '26 A. 12. Smith, '26 The Penn State Collegian Invites communications on any subject of college Interest Letters must bear the signatures of the writers All copy far Tues day's issue must be In the office by noon an Monday, and for Friday's issue, by noon Thursday.' Subscription price: 12 00, If Paid before January let, 1924. Alter January let, 1924, 92 71 Entered at the PostoMee, State College, Pa. to second class matter. Office: Nittany Printing and Publishing Co Bonding Member of Eastern IntercoMeath Newspaper Assoclotlma FATHERS' DAY Within the walls of Penn State there are assembled some hun dreds of students seeking higher education The doors swing wide to admit them into the collegiate brotherhood and they are accorded the hand of fellowship from the time that they first set foot on Nit tany soil. The undergraduates of this College have made rapid and lengthy strides in their pursuit of knowledge and have learned, in turn, to ex tend that true feeling of hospitality to those who follow in their footsteps But may it never be forgotten that behind these under graduates there has always been someone on whom the burden of sup port has devolved and who has made these opportunities possible That someone is the Penn State student's parent. So once again the doors of Penn State are swung open to admit a guest. And this time it is Dad The keys of the College, with which they may enter and examine the innermost recesses of their sons' and daughters' work shops are placed at the disposal of the fathers The COLLEGIAN, on behalf of the students of Penn State, welcomes them and bids them take full liberty of their visit. A goodly program has been arranged and it is the duty of every undergraduate to sue that the fathers of Penn State do not miss a single event planned for them Fathers' Day has been supported with great enthusiasm in the past And this year will be no ex ception. It is a day rightly set aside for the honored guests of Penn State, a day for the entertainment of those who have made it possible for the undergraduates of this institution to take up and continue their work under the watchful eye of the Nittany Lion. SPIRIT WEEK The poet tells us of King Arthur and his knights of the Round Table as they sought the blessing of the Divine hosts before going out to combat. Such was their procedure for instilling vividly in the mind of the warrior that his mission was one of honor and for a worthy cause. It was to strengthen him and give him courage and spirit that would serve to carry him through his dangers without harm In every war the soldiers have gathered together on the eve of battle to receive the comforting words of the chaplain. This idea has not changed, it has survived from the old legends to be put into Ac tual use today. \Vherever people assemble in large crowds, there is a danger that the cause may become obscured by the growth of per sonal ambition and the desire for self-advancement which eventually spells defeat for the cause. It is even so at Penn State. • To offset this unchecked tendency, and to renew the aims of the institution, its customs, its desires for advancement and growth. and its ideals there has been set aside a period designated as Spirit Week. It is a time to call together the hosts of Penn State to renew their al legiance to its traditions The Penn State spirit is not dead It is contained in the breast of every loyal son and daughter of the College, but it does need awak ening; and to this end Spirit Week has been devised and is being dedi cated It will be only by united afforts tnat such a result can be ac complished successfully. The fire that now smoulders must burst into flame and must be kept burning fiercely as a beacon light of the very life of Penn State Student Council has worked hard on a program which, it is hoped, will serve to inspire the undergraduates and renew the traditions of Penn State Beginning on Monday morning and continuing until next Saturday night, the various organizations on the campus, includ ing the Student Tribunal, Blue Key and the several class societies, will have charge of the events which 'have been planned. But these plans, however well made, will avail nothing if the undergraduates do not lend their undivided and unstinted support to the undertaking. To better instill in the minds of the students the importance of the occasion, it is suggested that the characteristic Penn State "Hello" be adopted as the slogan of the week, and then be wholeheartedly continued every day while there is such an institution as Penn State in existence The challenge has been sounded. Let every man with a spark of the true meaning of Penn State spirit rally to the occasion. A NEW STAFF The COLLEGIAN is pleased to announce the personnel of the Board resulting from the annual elections held recently. It is to them that the out-going Board turns over the management of the paper, with the earnest hope that next year will be one of real progress .for Penn State and for its student publications Within the memory of the present senior class the COLLEGIAN changed from a weekly to a semi-weekly publication, although the number of editors and business managers that had published the week ly edition was considered sufficient to publish the paper twice weekly During the past year the fact has become evident that the task of pub lishing the COLLEGIAN effeciently while keeping up a high grade of scholastic work is too great for four junior associate editors. It is for this reason, and in order that the publication may enjoy further progress, that the junior editorial board has been increased to six members Elections to the Board resulted as follows. On the editorial staff. Editor-in-Chief, W. L. Pratt '25; Assistant Editor, J. H. Lum '25, Managing Editor, H. S. Morris "25; Managing Editor, F. P. George '25, Associate Editors, H. W. Cohen '26 ,W. J. Durbin '26, H. L. Kellner '26, R. T. Kriebel '26, R. A. Shaner '26, A. K. Smith '26. ,On the business staff• Business Manager, J. H. McCulloch '25; Advertising Manager, J. M. Eisler '25; Circulation Manager, Ft. C. - Body '26; Assistant Busi ness Managers, T. Cain '26, G. L. Gay '26, H. A. Warner '26. ...... . Editor-in-Chia( .... managing Editor .........Managing Editor E. S. MOTH..., 15 W. L. Pratt, 15 Wee E. E. Lowry, 14 ..—..—Mlas M. Farley, 11l ...... _Business Manager Advertising Manager _ Circulation Manager =lllllll PENN STATE ALUMNUS DIES AT WILMERDING tt•aa tl hus nerds etl It the Alumni ugh ii tilk ureic telling of the tie his of Vat ellon 8 I). Is 21 no met !unlit thilan of the it on Stole thitrittet Da,ls died It his home In 1511m1.1 sling nn Abril tutint)•fout th tales in Hine s brought on lo In att it 6 of 11110111110111 I 11'11llo a n indent at State, 1) It nn 1.111. blab If 111111 UI t 41111:1‘14 lit I Sas 111,0 Not let llt of the t oalbinbii II:It:Inert log hoeletiin, nit btt II It mennii r of the Agin t T 1u Pt riot tilts Thoughts of Others LITERATURE AND SLUSH (The Ihdb Illhin 111, In NI irkhent. the authre or the poonet .. 1 he Mae With the floe" and "Lincoln. the In of the People ' .11 oung said In II 0111 M Me bits neck tint in hit opinion thele I. a (tiling an ty ft orn the higher etatta. rude of forts }earn ago . There a lends no ton titi keg le , CI rot e for tiling, stilt sthile In eel - lain Ili:mints:, but In eel lain thtne only That Iv partis due to, the oar We'll it ts e to get au In front it, he thlti He nent on to 511 th tt oung people 11,110 too 'men "of an Int lin idon to teld the books that deal In vest slush ' We di e got r.) to hate to ulmlt that Mr If it 'thane% gt itengintg ue true The tendency togard the 1.11151 of end ing. nuttisle tit it Iv tilt ectly 1111 mf ul and =diet the test Intel ettg or the initliyitinul Is appal ently lime LOT:. ne :0101 especial].) to tilt lentil m ig -111•It Inc gee in Intl egging num bet and s It lets on our nowt , t Indy Three mug vines In titian pit[ alitl tl only to 1414(1 11.1,-.10114 of iii.inUnd and gest e no good purling. deggits theli 41:dements tint they • 1111151 lift Ins the reality • We do not liellete in iitilet reniier iihip nor tie we inelinid thud. Ulu the %num; people of toil, do not tide hove i elide fin higind Ilteto tote thiln I, bete eishlhited. but Ito do thit the dlopiny of the, maga alreii and their attiletitenesii and uncleteloped eon,tfinteii niennue lit it should be Feuded rt;aln,t Uniteloiltv men or m omen, It 101,2. ft on n 1111011 the, 0001011,111 and In It In their lion el to dkcoui - nue the le Wing of them They Itnios hatyl la good 11101 Iture and 4hould 1, Ille till, hnnn ledge felt GENERAL MUIR TO VISIT PENN STATE FOR REVIEW OF R. 0. T. C. ,REGIMENT Coming here with the Mel of re %felting the 12 0 T C regiment nod chumming the rompetithe dl ill and militatl field Inn. Ct coral Muir. rem manding orlicer of the third corps nen nisi he the guest of Penn Stile on Mar tot nt-ninth There effort is brio.; made tointe tile reghnent An tht inert possible shnhe for this et rat Crptain Duller Node andond Lieutenant Moreland members of sec the torn of Engineers at Wsshington C ogle visiting her e lint neck to look mei tile facilities of rite college snd the possibilities for the new It 0 T C engineering unit to he esthrlished nt Penn Mate In the nett tutu, e on engineering officer ,111 be gent trout htenlitunt tern to ;the the in esent t.nphomoteg the nppot tunity of hat ning mot e tibout the engineer's ad, uncoil count , Pt en- Went Thronatt enteet9 to Unit Maio General If Tte.teh. Chief of lingineert, this ueelt at hi, office in Intahington. to make fin then pinny fin the inttiii ttion of tine nest unit FYES FOR Groceries Notions Dry Goods VISIT TIM .Stafe College Hotel Tea Room 7:00 A. M. Till Midnight Open After All Dances THE PENN ETATE COLLEGIAN Registrar Cornp.ares-Grades For First Semester The roglnti It his prepared the fidloulog list of figures ithonlnz the 'M othe standing of 01000015 in tills college both on 1,11111 Munk and lit Fl noon; fen the Illst .41.1111`.. Of the eutient star This tenon nhoo , lhot the 'l5- rlllo moinin nuilntalits better 1111110 than the 11 01 ISO min. 1111 t Lliete In little Iliffelence betueen the 01 ode of the 1110111„0iniin mil that of the itterase ntudi nt It is 111.4,1100 to note tint the pollen of freshmen Ire murk Inner then they sltnlllri be Fratennlts fieohnien fill tiller, polutir lolovi non-ft, fleohnoin No none) of the piolitble rianon 11.1. been ovule but It seems did. thole ole too 1111111 111'41/L(110115 110h1 ntuillen I 11 0 1 he ooplinnune tone there is .1 ollght gene!ul rise and thin Is continued in luilh tile Junior n 1111 senior loon The oaths eollege at Nage Ix headed ht - tlt. campus chili all In Rllls 7<9 The non-e amass club 1;1114 folloa ith 771. non-timednit) . nine None nest. oldie the traps nit) Itei Ige is at the bottom of the lint Al IMAGE GRADE 1 , 1111 TILE RST ntl'IlE511:11 1923.21 An et tee ntudent 72. n As el age man 72 2 tge marann 77 7 Avetage ci...)ent At: 71 5 An or ate Spin 11l student 1.9 Eolire Trash Soph junior Svntor College 710 725 75 7 781 737 I=l=l Nen'..elmine; Club glib 570 707 Loinl fmternlt3 men 710 S N Won:4l Ii 11e1 nlb men 00 7 19 5 Campus club SIC 1s 702 17nth elooG 713 71.4 "PREXY'S" MESSAGE TO FATHERS IS -BROADCAST WPAB Sends Out Spirited Address on Wednesday—Self-thinking Boys Are Commended "It 19 Ibeautiful thing in be a child. and It 19 t gmttotta thing to be i man, hut It In tot y unoninfot t able to he beta btt ancl bet, eon." an id 'PtcCS" Thomas Wetlne9cl it night In metuthlresti frontIPAP. In the Intel • a of Day tt lith a ill lie oh 9e: ed at Penn State balm t on "Pres> . oent on to vhou boo young Intl•. ill ed In deuth 01 being n boy ambitious to be a man 0> to 'Via It' no ,aridly and thoroughly as bnvvtbte In ea:pi:lining the feelings of the 'mal boy, "Plea)" tent on to sai Theh norms' lint reaches .t stage 001 n he pulls nit and is contests Ile In fond of the noods and does not IN ant tine - one to go saint hint Ile will 'lt on a lock In the deep, deep amid:, hide In the spruce branches Mn that men a partridge cannot see hint nd feel that there, in the 'altitude f aith no master, no one to fondle and 1,0,3 him, he Is himself Then he mill plan tot a life in the open a sod-house alone on the prairie, long matches done stalling deer, full brothelhood ht I ttlbe of Indian," TbIA For Themselves 'tried"" tinned Ly shorting that It' is thrt"Eation's moat prianislng ouths that ;11. - ant to thinks for them sehes and, as noon rts - posslble, be en tirely their nym master "We might Ilke to base the change from the boy to the man made abruptly beautiful Irtnocent childhood one day. and the next complete manhood. shong in judgment mil in self-tonhol. and suf ficient unto every tesponalbilit, But that Is not nature . S . W.I ent on the renn State 'president Stating that rt should hone Inns Highland Cleaning Co LAUNDRY AGENCY Call Bell 261 Torrence '26 Batchelor '26 . ... ___ . A Place to Make and Meet Friends Good Service State College Billiard Rooms Under the Movies' Textiles become tired, too Haven't you noticed how droopy your fine blankets become, about this time of year* , Textiles tire, too—they need a spring tonic. v We have this tonic in our modern washing process It will renew the life of your beautiful blankets, restore their fine soft fleeciness, prepare them for summer storage. Send them to us—you'll be delighted when you take them out next fall to find how much better they have kept; how much warmer and downier they are. Just phone—we'll send our driver promptly Penn Slate Laundry Phone 124 . W. Beaver Ave. 797 9 779 CI t dada friendship, ther mn o unted tile f ohm le. re the neceaalt, of freedom and the difficult% Of Its Ott ilninent To 11,e 11, me con e' lenre to hen It a h nil to stand thel 0. when imaolon emir., us and filenda lilt., and enti uit ua uhr , 'n ad, Image and , min flaunt Pali gaol, P.M- Vent before us. sullen Ise roe tiled old diaelmingeol Yttd om [Mori: ale eon fuaerl, .41 It is not ens, to Win% rleorba and to hold our thought— Mill thinugh ill this to aLand feat to our honest opinion, and to sties the colic of our heal lii it emu, nil la quiet. that is Oon 1101 111 I Me and that Independent manhood IV OM fot the lota,: man in to 110111 e ale intererted I=2 earn a good Income Ishlle learning ne 'bow ion bow: begin actual Work at once; all or acorn time; e.Perlenee I=l c Tol AWa eit's.a.oes A new sport oxford for campus, links, court or veranda! Soft tan buckskin apron and side panels of calfskin artfully combined for servis and comfort— John Ward s.ppt Soles of cruderubber —TheScapuit, and many other new models, nal be shown by David T. Kirkpatrick at State College Hotel Thursday, May Bth and Friday, May 9th EX= Stonsin 1111a..2 fr aVess creMitrd ew'k eni a2a Mate sorect-AlneYorkeaty Good Tables NITPANY BAND TO , GIVE CONCERT ON THURSDAY tto port of tile progmn for !half Week, the Collage Pond will glee conceit on the front compon at PPV. o'clock Thum enening, eighth, On Sonia*, Moe eleeenth, the band gill ploy tit rtnekeleee in ienponire to the loth:Won of the rhoplrlo of tire Proßental, p. On Sondrei,iamy eighteenth, the Col lege Onehentor v.lll glee a cony orl nt the State Perritentlort. lurk mg oil/. Won tell! not he title to glee a roo ter t nettcreekno planned, doe to tar (net that the Auditotlum will be Inn tree evert mooing of the creel. THOUSAND FRESHMEN TO . BE ACCEPTED NEXT FALL Applicants to Schools'? df Mines and Agriculture , Pctically Sureof Admission The nt,t fteshmnn Om 01 Penn %Ile ulll be limited to one' (bony ant neeordlng to .merlon by the college /1114t(C ,, Pot mqll3 were 1 1 013 331g^ 1.1.1111bel i of apolleente Inle boil to 13e -or Need nilrolselon due to 10010 of tecll nod departments, Ind Um e hna been nr Inez cave In throe tkellltles dui nn I=l W S Hoffman, the college reglstl announces th,lt usual the full t I cis 9 111 he rulmlited during flue month of Tulv, utter high Sr herd commonce. menti b tee been held Nil pl lot of application tt 111 he cimshici ea and ad. 1111491011 to r u ltd courses 9 11l Ito .111.1 entirely upanschni tstir Assur puce It en at Ilk time DRESS - SUITS TO RENT -P i r" OUR AIM is to RENT the best dress , I suits possible at a reasonable It'ate. to 1 , e Our *fatly band tailored suits cut and designed by us assures you of absolute :•-• correctness. Everything from head to foot for rent. - • r ft sy-..s ; Largest stock between New York and Chicago WHITTINGTON DRESS SUIT COMPANY S. B. LEVY Beta Sigma Rho House Phone 199 Are invited to attend a- SPECIAL STOVE DEMONSTRATION By an expert direct from i2mailfacturers of the GREAT .MAJESTIC RANGE WONDERFUL ,COOKING MARVEL SPECIAL FEATURES EVERY DAY • Beautiful set of Copper Cooking , Utensils FREE with each Range sold Do not miss the BAKING DEMONSTRATION COME ONE, COME ALL One Week Only---May sth to 10th Keefer-Nolan Hardware Company State College, Pa. Watch for the BRUNSWICK 'RADIO 1; W. R. GENTZEL FATHERS' DAY let lijm, select your SOCIETY BRAND ,SNIT, SCHOBLE HAT, EM ERY SHIRT,ind FLORSHEIM SHOES. it will be a pleasure for us To show you our lines. All lOndi q cir SPORTOCASINS AND KNICKERS - AND SPORT SHOES GOLF HOSE' OUR SPECIALTiES TIIE QUALITY SHOP M. FROMM ' OPPOSITE FRONT . CAMPUS OPPOSITE FRONT CAMPUS Friday, May 2,1924 not qualified apolfronts for admigolon to the ochnolo of,nta oultute and mitten - eon he admitted The et - Align trustees at, the some time nuthot iced the mantilla of the denim, of 1 /mum of Phllomplo, to tho , o Fl afinnte students meeting the sti in teinthements laid down tit tile Cl ommenthttion of the f trolly of the Or oh) the School 'rills Is the 11l tit oil [llo.l4loln for Penn 01 ite to nu at doetotate dem ec Is the eultnin °lion of mote th In 011.11 wrlls of elfin I' gl situate stud% Tireltagl i ffeafre Cl l 3 Vhaojko 0.51 V CASTIAIr rRID VS - T 111 1 ,.. ISITIIIIIAN In 'tried Pip, NAlone . junk %ninelt fnnwd) "The 110113 000 d hld", S %TURD 1.1 - -- JACK 1101,1% ASNIS Alitrs 'lnd NITS NILDI In ••Dan'l Ca It Loie'. I=l • NITTNNY -111113 NY F.. SAIIIIIDAY— =STET!. ItEATON in Av rrel of Inn "Shnrlin k .Ir.” araNnAv 4 'I:I:SDAY— , CORR! \\ H HILIITITIf In "I.lllco. of lho I'loll .. Non. We ohIS PATRONIZE; OER ADVERTISERS %,V4%.C%.1.'1....MVMV4%.MG,M•.,.. •