Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, May 02, 1924, Image 1

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Puppets, Pants
And Paddles
VOL XIX, No. 57
Annual Industrial and Engineering
Confetence Will Meet To
Discuss College Men
Alba Johnson, Member of Board
of Trustees, Will Be Main
Speaker at Conclave
With the pm iszse of lAlntsint; the
ledusteles employing ttehnital l .cl
- In closet assoelstlon pith the
college, Penn Stale 11,111 ,114 non:
fut the Plfth Annual I ildu4u and
lEngineoring Conference on Hits 'th
tecolll tnil set enteenth Mt Alin 11
Johnson, a menibet of the Ile oil of
Trustees end president of the Penn
sy luania Chamber of °emote, POOH
tir Oho min spooky! of this 3e It's Lon-
Doom 20U, Elect, ical Engincei ing
Duilding, mill be the scrim of tote tit st
seysion a Pinto urn be held on nici tt
afternoon at Cu° o'clock unit cs)"
Thomas delivei log the acid, ess of cc ol
come Three imp. tant subjects con
cerning the college engineering go ni
nate and his tel Ilion to Indust. 3 :till
be discussed by Dean II 0. Sackett of
the School of Engine. Ing, Ii W
Cope, of the Westinghbusc Old Ind 11
Company end Professor C I. Einclue
of the School of Engineering
"Dow con ne train men vo that llic3
rill be more elnelent uhcn the, at.
promoted to P 041001 1 ,1 .14 311.1
ecutlves"ll be the second vubjet
of the afternoon stostion uhlth ulli b
taken bp by Lieutenant Colonel It I
ne - el4 of the Arnerle'm Telephone ant
Telegraph Company Anothia subjett
dealing vilth methods to built colteg
engineers, tclll be to noted by IV
Wieksinden. Director of Invemi s tution.
Engineeting Llducation _
Delegate, to the confetence will me
aL McAllister Mdll .at scam oclocl. to
Limner and this sill be followed be a
open meeting In the :111111U/dune wit
Mr. Albs Johnson Inesiding -‘11111) ,,
will be given at this session Is MI
Johnson. Judge IV D 13 .liner
D' II Connell. Ungineeting ecuti,
The third anal lent session of the eon
fcrence sill be held SaluttlaL motnin
and at this time. tepotts 1), Industile
which hate studied theit futute nee
fot technical men 0111 be given
C Moon of the Cat negie Steel Cont
Puns and D C Thinnas of th). Lola:
Steel Company
Put ther discuistion on set te tl Intel -
testing; nubjeuts uill Ito ghein lit II T
Itobinson of the Westinghouse Ali
Drake Compant. A.l Wood, °foss..
Jlttihinirid Llnglncel in,; at Penn
State and J Clmsto non of the DUI
Telephont Conlannt On Sttot d if
lei noon. the doles - Mt:4 Si 11l 1.110 golf
n. the Cantle 11111 s Causal Club and
still also witness Lilo Inlet scholasllt
atic matt and the s
fest!, Ili.
Coach Ham Will Not Pick Line-up
for Opening Contest Until
Day of Match
Penn Slate's ‘arsit3 tennis team u 1
swing Into action tome.ow aftemisou
for the tilt time this reason viten
the strong Duqutime ILlnheisits situ ul
is encountmed on the Atinms counts
at one-thirtv nuts k Inclement
muddier dulling the pant Pm da” has
prevented Coach Ham from taking the
Me and White squad °tattoo:, but,
1. , run .. 4
tt . r ,:,,,,: ~,,..-,
Program For Spirit Week
To Start Monday Morning
Rigid Enforcement of Class Customs
Will Be Observed---Freshmen
Wear Green Ribbons
11,1117 ling the need tot a general le
thal of Penn Stales cuatones and ha
dllioll Slttdtnt Council has set avide
nest melt to, the [miaow of stimulat
ing and fredeilng inteioll in both cla•v
and rencial college Lustoins on the
Meetings of all classes lit c been
hold this neck itnti tho goners' Ko
olau, toil outpost. of Sahli Neck hin
been outlined The closest cooperation
of 00.3 el its It is been letiocisted in
order to insole the success of the col
tut e
Starts on Monday
Stalling Monde% mottling and con-
Putting to Wetinesda‘ noon. 0.101, flesh
-11111 be resulted to uttar two
gteen 1 Ibis.% six inches long told one
butt uitle. 00 his Oink and must keel/
these !Mons oatallel to the ground nt
all times The uppetti Issmen will to
'Paddles and u 111 1100 them token-
Lore the Italling. slum slam, of ston
ing up Paddles may be used in the
Nittany Freshmen To Open Sea
son With Orange Team in
, Tno Week-end Games
Aft. .t neck of hod mattlre nub
the vnrsit3 , nine. 'Coach lao Houck
has a formidable freshman diamond
again- ye piing" 'ln a too-game -So
les The opening tilt on Old Deane,
I'teid at four-tnenO &Oak this af
ternoon 0111 he rationed I.* a seLond
g Line on Nen Ilea% et at ten u'Lluti. to
mutton morning
The thin, In n tires hi, e nl ollutta
s. MI lug Insults to the Nlttans Coatb
but the loam Pt, but tot the 11, st ens
tountet NO( not be tit ept esentath e
nine tot the so loon The Probable
l're-up Int ted.o '0 game nlll be. catch
el —Po levion, Russello Lonehtt ger,
p.tcho—lnote, Hoffman, Hoot to Kour
y. , Ihst_ b we-110111, second base—
O'Conntll nt Ste] ling, shot t‘tult—lla
rn on 0 Dna ot .llaboffes outtleltlin s
Thompson, Platt. t, Allen or
Pete: son hag bean shoo Inn' good
to: in In the 1111151011 Inciltlon and .xl
oo to hitter but the ling . coach
II Is 50010 good sulcatltute 111011 a‘llll
- If the hit entchel 11005 not Lome
up to °Nino t itlons Page m 111 111 ,1 1 -
.11111 stlt t the 11,t !hone The ft 0111-
In In oonthoun hay beat
pron‘l•lng [Ol 111 on the mound but the
other nvollont4 fin the po4ltlon bate
110111 in oc+lng hint 11 11 11 1111 1 10, mho
11111 1.00 01 the 111111111 4110, loot been
Vas Ing the 1104110 n on the •-o-t. 1110
1 <OOlll lean, nod 11.15 dlsillo3
Hash% In and of ban
O'Connell .tt the lsetstone
11 ts shoos a decided Intplotonent and
lOU inoliablt he found wooing' thin
station In the first eneountel. nlthough
he has it spout; opponent In Sterling
Ct to unit hod boen ',holm: the second
sad. tuts thanged to shullslop nhleh
pesitlon he hat been ooterlnt: In good
Coon .kith lots tot the hut-corner
It shonn catch competition and the
Nittino .on telt nlll outhe his neleetlon
bunt linnets. 0 Dot on Nllollol'o. 'Wil
son In the outfield hes Impros ed dur
ing the Cu olc and be found n
the oulet oraldon nhen the Change
3sarllngst Mu met loth)
dintilot Bunn Beater At anise ant the
south to Palk Monne urn the math.
and nom Pugh Simnel on the Cast to
}lnuits Street on the nest The lilt I
In to keep the Irtmlnutn un the mote
and to discourage !taming. 0'q.c1 , 115
In the sicinitl of Co-up wont,
The to. Peal of spirit [till be Birth.
Increased by a Penn State mass meet
ing to he held Tuesday °toning
Pants Fight
On Wednesday afternoon the ft e• 11-
in en and sophomores ale anklsed to
attend classes In old clothes A Pants
right is scheduled for the etening.
either before on after the dinner hunt
On Thursday the sophomotes nih
sell the freshmen their annual post
ers telling the Brat leas men of then
restrictions and of the adtlsabliltt of
adhering to them In [emu tests
these mochimatlons new Issued in the
fall on Post. Night but smith the
abolishing of thstt etent permission
(Continued on last Page
After mote than three beers of lu
tenslie tri -nuts A C Cloetlngh, di
rector of the Penn St tie Plasers ht.
srleeti it the Iln tl cast tor "Captain
Appkittek " this }cat's , Commence.
eat production "Captain Applobick '
ban at i I tten by IN - Alter Hackett and Ikcs
crJosecl long Professional runs In el
ery lat Bo tit} In the United St ties
The cant is :1-`) Cottons
Ambtone Applejohn C L Kahan '2
Agatha Whateambe
. . . Ellz.tbeth .21enri '2
Faire . Ninlta Roof '2
.42Lizati? . '". Mt--Ztmitltrmalr'2.
Annu Vate'skil 14,11 a 04 lest '2.
I,an Dot ollik3 S P. L 4.42 '24
Borneo Pengtu a G A GI abet '26
Pongold Duluth. Wuwier '2.
Bennett Alan 13 win 101 l 25
Probable Line-up for Tomorrow
Is Announced—Two Regulars
beclared Ineligible '
Holding, drill elimination% the Peon
Slate golf team la rapitih being 10U1111-
ed into 41111 re for its matell nith the
Clinton Conflict Club at Loth ila,an
tomorron afternoon The Club it to mitt
one line-up that fated the Blue and
lb kite golfers lost teat, oaken the :Nit
tent pla3ei4 bele obit. to bin out IA
a nation mat gin
The Blue and NVhite loon p 1 II be
hit hold h the los4 of I L H 00111
.21, and P U Dale '26 .110 Irate been
declared Ineligible amt .1, L I.lllt 21
.hu 1e11,e4 111th the Thespian shoal
no their road trip Bah, ..ho hal been
pining secondclan. mill his
place taken be C 0 Cletbardt '2l Tilt
team hill convi‘a of 0110110 men Ind
the probable lineup Is all follooa
Captain 11:Intit 0 (10111111dt '22 L
T. Walters '24, 11 1' TaNlut '25, 11
F. lige '2O. S T 11unhall 21, J. C
.Steeds '27, J W Meade '2li, 11 Wet
'2O. 1' II 1100111 '25, h Wli.e
1111110 the laid man .111 be picked 110111
12 11 Cot ibth '2l, W D 111teh0itet
'2l. L W limper '2l and It. blod.l.
Eliminations trill be behl nest noel.
for the selection of it font-man tenni
nhich mill alai rho I.7nSmith% of Co•
lumbla at Silicone Counti Chili lit
I folk c ghee dad comev to loon
The hut., go lather slue,
They hateril time to lug nound
Ut tithe t,111.5 to the shoe
Wu‘‘ thole's' not ninth
money spent
POI i( V ere 1111 r.
Vol 1) pl most .Lln 13 (out. tile
whu, tenon' tveats
0, It lid to gIIPAIng
lint "eV, 4 . 1,11 It prowl Unl
And plill Itus herd VAL*
Hallman, Eastern Sprint Champion
Will Oppose Conway in
Speed Etts
__.. l
In 3, 11 tt eland:3es Pr he tilt ht, let
du II met,. of the •eitioil, tilt Penn Statt
tiatlc team v.lll meet , tilt all one ae,
eg.ttlon (ton S,t 141. e L n130141(3
Panot arta, noon at 11111 °clock on
3, Ile LA el lit Id The ti nl. ell
33111 be telloued 1,3 117 1 ICI 0510 111.1101
ith It Oleg: 05 lot k, 11111 A
A Pellet nutulneed 1111011-.lx 3, 111 ad-
Ink the Ile net to il0(t tannest.; To
tho, not 1.1,11)14 eettl ntP , Ott ttlnda
,aun 101 both t, ents .15111 ht one del
It ith tho rid tot hotline ot the Penn
Hello and t 7t to 37, hoot of 11,
ginm tut l,od .IN, so, the 01 tnge tee is
men ot r corning to Venn St de to:I
-nd ent of anothei iti v Co mit
C tame!! has no Weil of no 01 do r m
viLtin t, bona ei. and Ithe Nitt tot In
del men Note been Itaf d at It ca It 1% hen
the it eatheo pm noittedVtuing the N,
Although the Blue due.' White team I',
trung.xlno-tha—uank-Iterate. Zvi alum
alto, e tell, defeated In the — Alright
et entu bt. VII glnia 1 tot ueelc, unit the
N'tt'lllN °Leh hope , to annex 11 num
bet of the (kid et onto, tomonou
Chi,tet .Tion man, teputeil to he one
of the be.t II tuh nun In the count*
tilt he 4eint In mann toluene, ulth
the Sy 1 elite s e tt Intcri The 01 toge
tenet leo% IfJtlt the one lion& and
the tuo-00 110 ti the Penn etunkul
lefeatlnii Conn 15. eta Ilnlulled thlol
Inch, In the teeent 111 itch with
the Cui ttllet 4 Ileum In 4tepped the
intuited In nine and tour-fifths 401.14
nut 1 in the tuo-inino ill
[condi flit
1100 nothout4 ntth held 1.01 Ind
Co tell C u tmell 'daps In glat t the fol.
Ing tnen fel 80 Mu° Ind Width
tannn on I lundted I ard flath—Con
ma.t. Di le. Is 'I at e 81,1403 and
tn ottn enlx—Cont‘a,>. Tel plc
P 1 111 11. 81 NVlenntl, the
le Idlng entendt s In the tout-Cori)
1111 In 'lei n. 11 I lelll% It I, \Vie and
oudroot. 00.1 Klx,elleff. In the Light
eight, ,tllll—lltlll% It,
Cat tut ,I.helps I:lnvelltff 01/111e:1
(mama .11111 I'll7lllll ILI, 1110 11,11,
11111 Int lude 111011 0.1 It It. Ch int
.\,m Ind 01.111,1 d. 1,01 the Inn
othe-41 lit ',Melo,. De, r end-
It r 111,1111111 flltmll.nn. 11111 Cll.llllll en
In the 1,1111, Ind loa lull die% 11001,
1 1.11,011. anti Sneettn 1,11 l t Tlotri •
ed In the 111811 1,1,011 ire
P. eel,. Ile, la I. Sullun e .11111
11010 h. 10 old )111110-4k It I 1, (111 Tot
1, %veil I tkII 01111 1. 1 1111,11% pule N null
—l)Ln hot ten l'aze. and \lontwannell
41lot Otltea Wel and
nold. 3 Is elln —ll.thert4 Amulet -
111111, '31,. I. P 11,11 I.ltl
Student Council Adopts Revised System
of Voting for Coming Class, Elections
Either Fortna or Slattery Will
Hold Down Initial Sack in
Today's Contest
Enloe, of No-hit Fame, Likely To
Twirl Against Lions—Wycoff
Stars for Invaders
111 t brace of unmet with the Geiagm
Tech nine thin meek-erid the Blue and
VI kite team will endeastil to take
test the utlnd left it, the defeats Mur
iel ed at the handy of the Yellow Jack
ets on tin. recent Couthirn Manakin
Today v onteat In al tted to begin at
foul-Barmy o'clock and the Maul, to
notion afternoon null get uncle'. tan)
The Penn State pl t)era wets bled
clad In their piactlcea It) the heat)
rainfall on Wetlineadny afternoon. but
- 1:1113 - managed to gine Monte added
attention to the hitting of Ma dia
mond c tmlltlateu, notnithatanding Mir
handicap The final line-up for the
tilt this afternoon Ima not been de
cided upon, net erns multiunit being In
blultery rrer4lng. Fortran
Ilecentls tlicistrect eligible. Shlttetl
ha, been putting up a strong tight for
the til st-b tsem tort job and is lit es,
Forma fur this assignment
It is possible that both !nen ma, be
used in the set of games with the At
hint t collegians
Tint third bast position is still Cll..
ing Co tch itiiiinger some not* At
pt cent, 3fah s and Alisenbuth at o
Lighting It out for this aca no Lat
he tan be thusen front the of
bl th men although Ii ties gnlnca some
t•pei knee in his Hutt collegiate con
test last &Muria) and for this rent
vt n. 111.11 here that call tomorrou
Thlgeker has been showing 'heti( r
- hitting during the' pint fen' days and
hill In oh tidy tltat t the game In Ight.)
held - 1%1 thones stems to be the choice
tot the left garden root, although
either he or 11 A1.1t" MI, he IMsted
fl um their pl rtes by 1111senhuth. If
lairs Is found at the third bag The
tent of the line-up will be the same
is the one sent on the 111111 lust t
in dot against Boston College The
hurling staff Is in good shape, 1111.11
HIM °Non. Longhtti st and rlxter
wily fur (ht. double-headel
Gporgin TPeh Stroll;
Co.minti ht former Tech
itaninat S. I 'canon's Southern Con
fers:no Lit unitions come to l'tnn Suit,
oth unustutlis strong agglegotion
With eight letter nutn on the esuati
this 00111 and White nine tomes hot.
nitit to enviable record fin 'ilk Y.-
41311 Splitting the opening uttles Situ
(Cuntinuea on last page)
At 1 nttetlng of the senlot this,
laid In the Itun l'en Tueatlnv night.
tilt folio, Ins 11, c men 0010 clot ttAl Wi
c antlltlates tot ,ttletllette lan: I) V
Lautlet C I: Chile,. II C Ifelnt, u
S I Alen. in and I A Yost Flnttl tie
leetlnn 0111 I ett. 01111 tilt demo intent.
or Crigllgh
Uthcr etentlonv I e•ultttl It Ratan
Spoonatan—S C Each Cat relman—
II II Palm, C mann n—II. Il Bina
Mau Mao: C Cannier and Claw,
Donor—J It illleman J C Kincaid
mai ehoien rental lhowball manna,
hilt A It What ton retched the tract.
Hultman +lna
Penn State Club S
of Parents' Assol
1 .----..
1 111Itui-In-Chief 13 1), 11,nr,
Aeemlate Edge) 11 P To)lor
A‘soelate Mittel I It Dun
hp and II W Cohen. (tied)
Llusineev Man tgel C E Megargel
Athol Cs'ng Manager
Intricate Apparatus Makes Life
size Figures Possible in
Noel Production
PPM, State audiences it irt,e an
lit pal malt, to uittlervi one Of the most
tne! r Melt ilnatenta In the "matt:,
Lamm roh 111;111. 0 hell the Penn State
1.1.1‘ et, bring Tan., hug 111111 1114 tiled
of Alai lon, ttea to tin Auditorium fur
a pedal nature tt eight-11ft. to °clinch
\lt rug 1921 in ocIuLII.J. to "The
Chin( ye Wilirsu l'lrrte - and In coital,-
ot Ulan Nl. lii lh lon 111 I hell mlur
urote thr tatmit tot the show he tell,
the delightful 'OA I_ .1101) Or an 01 I.
ental couple
One of the featut es of the nen 'fro
ck ellen Is the int, easol ales of the
)(at lunette), Thls )eat. the) ate life-
Weed stfol- Will appear en e . CWIOI3
prepal td cetera In In Illfent end loin-
Irons coke s An trtltcoan It 11l pla)
timer fierbel I's special unpile Ind a
ottl oln announcet such ns
I hale f mums ill "Chaos e hoopla,'
(Continued on lout page)
Game Nlarks First Intercollegiate
Contest in History of Penn
State Lacrosse
The -It ong I 111 0440 team .of 8% eat 04.
t'niter,ttt 11111 oppose the Penn State
stickmen 1011101 1 1111 att. noon 1111 Nettllea, et 111 hi In the 111 41 In te.
lata 10o1e•+1 of tin 5 ea. tot the NlL
nt 111 110(1the mono has 1,111
Lulled tot tin ec 1/ LIM 1. and 0111 begin
!anneal ttel, ate. the 11(101. meet
~bleb Is also 111th St . Ouse
.%thletle 111 het numbe. 11111 11 -41 x
10111 admit the bottle. to both the traLl,
meet and tha In , t 00,0 g 110001 the
pt 110 of .0111114 , 14 m 11 1 211001 the A A
1 ( 1 1101 14 111111 11011 ir foe both Ont. st•
Lanh et t nts 111 held 1/11 Neo
1.11/11 01 .1 1111 1110 I Let mow game NOT
keL allele, 0 , 1 .00in 14 the 1.1004
.Ind livid enbi e 01111)14,1ml
Ilne•1111 Strengthened
Mot Sigel, and Yost Ito were
ntherlnfr ft ton thr enrounter Ith the
:\ brunt \\ ' u - hlngton Club, 0111 appeal
In tom,r torte Ilne-up and w 111 aflrl
rotwlrlemble v,r 110th to the Islttuns
mar him fol wan has bet, itlrrNlng
0100 .t better minor than 10 lola, erl
Ireit e rind 10i)11` , 1,11 1111 , 1 Him p
lug ell dm lug thr. it active of the
wort m
rblin e the it's of hi' ntle,ron '25
It has bee, nttevw.ttr to rlertlol, n new
drfens, .11111 COIIIII ial dine exper to to
Enloe And
Behold! They
Did Not Hit
.moker and Session
ciation Complete
's Program
11711). .1 7 )10t.t..1111 that ........1...... t..
nlitl, It , 41.11 Hr.! vs IIlos.• of f..,1
1.,11 genQun till' 11111 z`i 1111.1. ling
at wren 014,1; 41notall 10l t 1111111.7
in Pning fur the tutu tls LI II In 11.1011 I.r
th et 9 . Dtt /ho 111 E ell n„ u 111 be
fullunell tom.), by a n,svitni of the
ntentn and the Penn Stmt. Cul. bowl
P 1 ealdent Thozorkv I, 11l I,lle Ilm oi.
tonight. neleornlng the glleslY of l't no
' , tote tt. the 41/111,4111.111 ilr thef.l, oh
-13 Follonlog hint ott the too. titt
Nflwq NLntl n '2l and L I
Helm if, spe iling tel the nom. lila
men xtudenf 4 levlicc (II e 4
Introdut lag tin_ sphlt of dhletas ta
to the occasion. 'Mike . I' ilm "II tip •
Cr Ink and ''Al'llelfft it h art so lo ll
dled to alma tadoi 0110,0,11, It
Ills not been final].airaligad It Is
oosdble that elle.' :nay .114.1 he In
-11000.1 to speak Thsre Is lio,l
uneertalal ls to the sio.oo 0 1.0
will lepresent the slshols sln. I. Wa
ll.. Conner. nho had htln .1,TC.11 tO
Oise an allthens toa. tot 10 dd. to 11-
tend the meeting r 'JO
thalrintn of the 1 - ltheis h is Coo,
1111t1OP is znahlw: ete. ellO, los.
m.. Cop 1110 i . 1.1.1/I . ' to 1111 NV p 1.,.
Inn thin Innarifn TIII. enths Cana toti
the cheer leaders 0111 u,he u.the
In the meeting
nen. To %pooh
At ha third annual nutllnz toniol•
ron mornlng it ten o'clock In the Au
tlltorlum the Penn Slate I atilt,: in
qocitttlon will have tot speakels John
Ituneer, n , :eldest of the ot,anlt I
lion - Proxy Thome% Dtans Chal
lutte Rh} • at.. it 'Warnock It 1.-
Ott. It I. 'Prima and DI navel Metz
;cc IL la the puilloae of the both to
hose rich eat then gist a Inlet. ill—
Intricaltal at dement of a 'noble.
whh h dlrettlttonteina stud. nl
hod% Aftet etch adtheaa tht suer Una
n 111 ha tin °lt n 010a1 flll 11114,11N110,1
A lighter ctent on the plogl Int 1111
he 4. numlnt of atleatlons he LI, Vat-
Qu Met
Smoker Proem m 14 1 nrird
A no lei Intl In tel grog, tar his
ht en az ranged fro the an St it.
Club Smolter to be held torten No,
night at o t. In the Ar nen e
• Pres,. • D.on eackett t url Dr t
ger will be the speakers of thr eue
nlng Poling ing 111.11
!Wirth in and It S Iw hot or '2l.
gill ' , urge an exhibition orestling bout
I' II ashin.rton 21 rind I 1 Mr Ch
nan 2G are nest on , the 1 , 10.41 Ito 11 ail
I reNV 101111(N On the 1.1111,114 1111
the nn,l attraetion rd the econiuc
31 and II \ Walnut'. '2l 0111 ap
pear In.l no. It. ballet 111, Tit"
Cioll 1,111 for oink musk. rut
the occasion
Two Showings of "The Magazine
Cover Girl" Are Scheduled
for Tomorrow
.. % moat leg In rittoinli gh i.e tho Ilt st
Unfit oint e 1911. the 'I heoplo n Chit, of
Penn ' , tate n ill tit count "rile ii,;,-
vine Cos er 0111" u t itton I, It I.
Vuotsatnit '2l tit mollusc Ulla 111,1 ill.
pet renounce% In Lill' SI hen],, tin .tll 0
lemon on To (sit inet, end thd tt lit
to the Stooks Clit, Ull'i 010 0/ I/10 ili n il
Itgitto of the '1 heoplon neaten, but ethos
ti. ./11 ill she Oot, tilt t WI. ‘o 1 , 4 Tot. tot
to discontinue the Itittolun Alt +hots -