Page Four GRAHAM & SONS =l= That Littlc Store on the Corner See our Buntes Hard Candies and Jelly Beans. Nothing Better. tt::11 Bulletin I 30 p 10 —l:ngineering Lectult.-01.1 Ch 11,0 30 p-I)o,qt, 14 1111 Mate , Clot k vit3—Autlitol litnt 00 V ni —lntel collegiate 13cAliig 1,1 UV 1. 111—Intemullelate fluxing ritt ali—Armul S 15 it nt —Como t-51.trIe Sunklulltir —Audit. it'll! Sunday, March 2:1 1 00 I HI .11111 G 15 p 111 ^Cltaml -1514110p 1 C Wald 31oltda3, lturt It 21 Oil p 111 —"lus :Ailey ' Tlthet Salt, — State Slth t Shop Notices 'The catering 0,4 111 Home I:mon olith, ttlll Kuhl an open dinner in the Women', Itu!Ming ar fito lot t, -ft, e o Limit on Mitt It UM mt 1:1(11e 11111 11011.11 01 so ent3 t tint itin may be 011101011 Itenem atom+ fin noct,lat 11.11 lieu Mon 110 :mole In notlf , lng the I tonic Ilkononitto off', I.n.forc nc,t Wetinentlay An Imputt tnt meeting uf thu Ches ter Count, Club UM he bald In Room tit Old .51.1111 Mond., a enlnd . .tt se‘- 1.11 0 . 130 Ch MC.OIOII of ullltery for the en ;tang o.di hill t the Pt Ile thk hlreth.g Oiautients oho tetelkal ii 1)" glide la 212 in 12 It the end of Illy first seinestei tt 111 11,11, an Donor tonne to tenio, 111 k condition Ttiiii+- 11n3, Ilinith Monty tho p in Room Phyiiacs Buntline; H. E. DICKSON EXHIBITS WATER COLOR PAINTINGS II 1. Dlcknon, inrtt mho of 1\ ater Conn in the Ihnn %tate dep. tinent of Art hitectute will gheal,lllbit of lii• recent paintings In tilt Art Mince blinding. Phil tdein6l 1. thin nett., beginning toda Dlelt,in bay an inlet t,ln,r glom) of •Mitlll.4 7, tint, 11 In tilt •11 Initn of Pr nil Included In the gamin ich t.ll, 'The Ito id to Beal 11k.itilun 4." "I at C. tlLl^tllli n Gap" .111,1 • rho I:iircus " Un id IN aritrieton I It, will lie n In lily honor gni `11.4 h /Nl' 11.4 , 111 n It,,llntl the, nlll lie k I, I lonr, NV.iittn noltil 01 11111 nil D Aneoizo, vlllOO,l gl.tvr nlttilun Tile In log: ani of the 0,1111. ter. to till loom I TI. or of dtol "The Trttnitt t nil Camp, . tho , 'ten Ittuntalt. t\ Ito N. Chit d I H.{ Si,tl 1.:0191% tll 1 Pael: to flee. tl the Ikautlt•v of out Loutl GLEE CLUB MEMBERS TO GIVE COMIC OPERA 1\ Int the lottleollegiate Alei clnh 1,11111.0. :I thing . of the list. Dirti tor It \\' Giant ' , kiwi hi det ate cousin, 1- lit line In Iglu,: ...Ilion 9.114 he Heaton " Ilium it Ind `nen, in', omit OW /4 Mll.ll %,111 Lt glue to the unit ,;hishlte 1111,1 Oil NT, ninth The pun eon, lir 1119 pia% pill le tin noil Into the (111111 tt. 1/11101.0 nun pi inoo 101 the 3lte9li Depot ton n t et '2l nlng the laadn In thlx upta a 0 111.11 Lomat nn It gill 0 hone fillet nlnlnn Ina to 01.11 1 0 a man not or 10 Inoll • lionnlng• I:Lheatnals hunt. In, I,lnwlng hn the pa,t f. og. ho nn It PI PI ielhnll,l nnul .01 that the Ncellent .“1 1111.1., of thin Dina t 0111 of In handl...wind In Ile Inha tlon ht 0001 tent, THESPIAN ELECTIONS It V 041,111 1, I. I. ICauti.4ltn 21 D. II 1 . 01 tI.I Hilt/ I PATRON/Z1 OUR ADVERTISERS SATURDAY SPECIAL "Copper King" Tea Kettla, GUARANTEED, made of solid sheet COPPER, lined with pure block tin and heavily NICKEL PLATED. $1.49 While They Last $1.49 Get your MAJESTIC repairs NOW—A full line of castings on hand. Red Star Oil Cook Stoves, New Per fection Oil Cook Stoves, Electric Washers. Keefer-Nolan Hardware Co. FROSH lIIITMEN WIN FROM SOPHS IN ANNUAL SCRAP ool< the lo id it the beginning, but lie Lsil Cite found Sigel old twilling Lot hint olth both [lido thing Toutitil the tout lint t of the vi.` Otill I Oland. lb, oolilionitue rotund') got In vhoit nun. Jilt to the moo ohleh seat Sl iiiivl.i lo tilt !loot Ile Ills unable to un , uel the tdi tot the tutu round and tile bout 11.11 Ltztlited to the addl. 011101 e 'The tout-fine pound. o fut itiolleti the lit of eNitililtion of boxing gines In the whole e‘ening C W litter '24 quid. to follum tip the opt oho.; Minh II lt,to offet 'Tilt. [lesion t knocked to the touts In both the -to tool Intl link tl net hob+ but he Lame Wit ho It with it tenet alto., The tutlgto illo lib et if tn. the Montt and tenet 'ilia, Abide', to del tot in et- Ilit 101111 d he Judges .11111 etoithotl bk.l aft. the tondoolon of the relit tin 41.L11,ct anti i; the tioibilon to Ilittot Shl3 Pound Bold Slopped I'l 0111 the 111,1 01/1.11111 11riite 101 l C It PIA gm 111 . 27 \teal 13 00111100.1 la N bnank 1 totting 0e \ etal 1011111 e 1011.11., to the faat. This bout 1) 15 stopptal .111010111 Ohmic or lighting in the 0.01111 1511.11111 At this 11010, tin 011, . 1 , Mtn, pommel.' .0.. \ lot Ills opponent 1 tut notan nas one of the t ve Min, that tame tin ongh nilil It lo at Ann 1110110 C 1111.1111 II I' 1 I Ist Int^l of tin- /11 g , l .11111111 10011110 111101 3 to Ills "edit Athol% Ito tat 0011 the 11.101011 10. \V II 1101.0 '2l, In the 0,111111. 1111 110111111 111. 0 110111 111011 40 11111112 1111/11 lit the 11101 'no 1001115 In the 0111,1 1101 1011 ht. 11e111) 01101102 his tin It ). 111111111,; Mon at 11111 on 'ha +uphonno. • 1110 111.1 bud> W Orlin Whiner (Pi er Mlelinishe 111 tin. dei 'ding light of the Ottnine. I 01 elrlto %ton the flung • MI1,0'• MO linitt '1 he eat ling hos et • Ilurtel tlx •It.o t but lit 14.11ut d ISIS lit uingS Its theNti oral ll.lllllll .11111 flout tht n on hi_ uutliom tl 61, heat let 11,10 .1.1. ,, utut "ALI." l ii luyty bilM tO S Lao, vending 111, 1 atti b , 1114 knees, but till , : Si 14 t,,,,,hatlimul 111 the (tit buNlng MIL UP by the twill man DR. TILRIRELL REPRESENTS PENN STATE AT CHICAGO S 111.101 i tint•ent,il Penn St it, at.l coatit nu_ on giadniiti coin 41, SIP 1(11/11.1i eileitatlon bend it Chliii4o the Ildiitl Unlit of \ui itlonal Lilutatlon Di lII.i nll tt apionlnti tl 10 1 nenti tl conitintti.c. of Ih 1).1.1 Snethl. of 1 ulttt sit) n is appointed tlt ilium], to lIP a i epoi t on {4l 'titian study to lii it it the in ',t Sitting of the •11/tiL, to 110 huld at !nen initPoll, \ I'l 1111 I'. PLANs lOC tTION 11, TI.STS Ti) AID NLW STUDENTS It Is pl inn.Al to Late a tttultt e t a tlonallllndttu tt the Int, slt,t Nt tad 11111illtt I , Ith a IL of vottgestlme to stn -11,1. the OlAtil.ll4 Lot sthltit tle-3 ett Ilth Sint, stud.t+ ofl.Ltitome to LA./11LP• utthoot hi,. it I. belle,ed th it the mlloote trot to lo tofu! IntylutiLlt 4EIII - lents Elmo ,111 In offuLtl IttlYid- IttilAt helpful to the bltsllt,,n ut oft,flon f.k..tottl \(lnt l) wt it ten I ill. .111101, 01111 , 111 \Shit 10, its 111. Intl .• 4t. it n.l. tight tin ough trill null.r leq iltlps .--.1,11(1011 1).01 /112,1111 QUICK SERVICE IN CLEANING & PRESSING Call Bell 264 Highland Cleaning Co. Torrence '26 Batchelor '26 SEVEN TEAMS GRAPPLE FOR CROWN AT YALE (Cuntlnitial twin glut 'nage) I'. on , uliaiila hi 1005 Thu amsotlatlon U.lB 01011 LOlllO.ll of the Yale. Col umbia. Pillittatin and Penn Cornell 01.10 admitted to the le.igue In 1000 anil Lehigh In 1913, nitne Penn State gain til iihnheilon 10 1910 Yule held flint lime In these annual 1110010 fur the fist 1110 seats but may not leinevent ea hull, 1810 to 1010. retninlng hou eiei In 1920 Cot null Wen the 1910 inert onll to lose Ili st Plate the N11°1,1111.; Muir to PI imeton Monet el. the !Mae too room bad. strong in 1912 anti eon - wilenti3 hell tile title for the next na. 3c us until Penn State made .1 len -9ational opening . in 1911 The Hun Int: was Penn St kte. 31, Sal nen. 17. Le -1 it.h. 17, L nivek sity of Penns} ania 7: and Columbia, 2 lean Stale Retails In no Stale then held tile eastoti n 1040114: eteon for the nest four seats by a side Insrgln Cotntll nos out the lithe Ind White in 192 Z by the score of 19-13 and also last lnsc 7-it. Of the nineken IutItCYLY held, has son nine times tie has tom line tholes._ Penn State four (Intel and Ihineeton once 11‘e of these sacts oere held at Penn, feel held an 11111155011, thine at Columbia tiller at Cot nell, too it Lchigh and one each 2 1 A' de and Penn State It II Fein '25 uao chosen laot 9ut r tl is nr the manager fon the 1121 :at tains e rertllll2 . 4.1111 and according to the 1001010 of fon 0101 s ears. Ito LI, tionitnnied the tston to the Intersolo It.,.latee FRATERNITY TOSSERS TO PLAY FINALS NEXT WEEK El= Alpha clog nett PM Dolta The! t to the tune of 14-11. Dutlng the 111.4 It di both tenns plastd a loose game find seemed on lie to locate the baslfet \\ hen the Mtn gong sounded PI I:altra 11th t 1,14 le tains; S-G In the second flame the playing ughet and fretment fouls stele c Ot to Mmulm plaf Ing Its the PI braps ne hunt tcontrollable lc td and ti ll ough the PM Deltas attempted to Si tge t rant In the last fen minutes of plat. Melt idiot is nue futllt and the gong sounded filth PI I:nittla Al p -t thlce )101111,1 to the good Intro Period Called The strond mune beta [en I:.appa Mita Rho and Phi IC Copt Sigma n co , 'cost and at the end of the grate the ta me Is tied 6-1, Phi Emma Sigma rank,' in the extra lit e minutes and ch cowed in too raid gobs the gam,. ending 10-6 to Oath Cater Dui Mg tint ‘ct half tooth twin, set c clizry p me, c 'though the shootingn as en ratio. When the tingeay up Phi I:Lima Sigma ucts banding J-0. In the second half both in inns distil tied better leant moils tad Kappa Dell t itho WI.. lead ing In tto points up until the l oct minutt of lii A double foul nay c.acitilon Rapp t Delta Ilho and llensth of the Pitt Xappa Sigs tit ale botit points. tying the scot e it mom ent boron c the gong rounded In the 0N.t1.1 period Phi IC Ippa Sign". man plttels °Midas ell thtit oppontnts and doubt, cletidg s 1,3 :41144V1 and J 0111.9 thin the 110,13 In the 11 , 11. 1.:111111. of tine night Signal Pi mcl a Inclined Alpha Tau Omega in a 11a-11 gam the final snore tattling I I-1 In OIL half both tc. tots 3 taw t 1 fist basketball and close gum d ing ',opt tine ' , MAO in,,, Sigma PI ..111 1,1111. 1-3 n hen the Intermission nacc railed In the setend half Stains It_ completelt outclassed Alpha 'Thu Cane nil held tin m to one ileld goal tuttat foul :Mooting . end ih eful shots nom the 111.101 Mlle them a nine point lead lt hen time nay called Immediately alum the gime tonight the in.inimig et the tine° nuithinn It tins nlll nicer nt the Kappa 131.11 i house to 11l 11l tot povltluns In Ills. 11111111 LOOK FOR THIS NAME ON THE NECKBANti. The name is all you need to know! HARRY W. SAVERS THE PENN STATE COLLEGIAN FIRST SEMESTER MARKS AVAILABLE NEXT MONTH Delay in Publication of Reports Is Caused by Scholarship Day Preparations For the benefit of mans students vho hate Lnen it °miming alum the) nill tocelac theft grade relict is tun the Ih st s - ernestei, Henhat n W S Hoff man ammonite; that Shy a 111 nut be iced} for distribution until the vac tend as eCk In April Title is a Mac later than the date on stalely the) 1, et u issued last )eat, the delay being due to the [ant thst Scholarship Da) this trar is a heel. eat tier than HP and its litelfatatioe is taking much of the registrar 4 Ow The'cataloculng of the mat lie is he lm; done in sail a alumna so that ar en um eon also lie beet 'al to mhethe , the student is a [rater nit) tn non-ha lm nity man In the ease of the as men students the classification at ill Indicate ultethar she Is ,t club 01 non club mombel Announcement hill he aide lat. Is to the date hit. students tan te tch e theh .I..ttles by calling at the ii gibtrat his h 111 he some time neat the middle Of Apt II ARCHITECTS HOLD THIRD ANNUAL DANCE TONIGHT Dresmal hi E....nail! in toslunlea, the At anglnents and the Land aa ape trehltas is cili halal their thirst annual ball tonight at the Alpha Cbl 'ferna Prat. nit> House As the dot:- mations ate alto to be of an !Alan nature, It Is e‘peeteal th at the dance flew still Present a nos tl app. tram, e Bell Auchenla teh's faLrenatlers slaa off the ca ening Fur tbk teallo attall. it hot been decided that each eligible tichilet t in* ii Otte an exit l pox sun to the ball Thit to the Pitt lime that such t procedure hit been folleued The committee has scanned IN. in ,11111 It a X It Wm nods, El5lll Ch.ll. It 11.0 I•I MIS toil Nitre...or toil Airs A I. Kochet as 11,010115 and p tttort- 11EISMAN (OILS PP POST AS W. AND J. I. 00T11.11.1. AILSTOR Thu I exign Mon of Cohn II I h Pi n on, Mend football coat It at It' eating . - ton and ~ tl egerson College, nax in no uneed t °mai) Ills action Caine as o complete ;In mite as tot max expected to t onain for Lao 11010. 301110 Da, Id C Marron, form( r Pitt slat, has bten licismatex mod:dant ax line "melt and lit will remain In that cap toil) No possible successor to Heitman has been considered lot tile 'Washington I end JeffeMOS athletic author Ides “.1 clunk drama. 'WI ill( n hi a master xelting through ee ei 3 nulnut, ci Itv courxe iLtivaltie4 (tootle us In real auvitenxo until the lust half min ulc” —Loud. Dall 3 Cite °nide VISIT THE State College Hotel Tea Room, 7:00 A. 111. Till lilidnig,ht Open After All Dances A good name and the high standard which it invariably stands for arc inseparable. So it is that, to well-dressed men, "Cheney", in the neck band of a cravat, has come to mean correctness of style and pattern, craftsmanship of weave, and excellence of materials. CHENEY vekvATS Ilfsde by The makers of Cheney Slat Allen St BOXING INTERCOLLEGIATES START•AT TWO O'CLOCK I=l the NIP up li,tht L 1 the 115-pound s'itilon 'Gull Jo booing well Apt] call most Hitch be used by Coach Hooch Flank of Caffrey mill he In IN the IGO-pound 1 eprosentathe. m Idle Al nold, Plank or 'lit, e' . Feast- It It ill be used In the 175-pound di , ' , don Captain Ilatleht is scheduled rot tile heady-It eight bout and ullt be t 'hong contender fel iltst place. Tilt Nth oto to cll, Leo 'Tenth, /1.14 Leon writing thO Blue and White 51111,15 stead'', anti has chipped llie nien !Ink, estellent condition ]:tery one Or the P.ll State 'snots II Ito 01E119 Into the • Ins tontot ton, \t ill do so ulth a tips ough training behind him Penn's biggest bet in the intereul - ate meet alit be In the Ifssliound baffle a bleb alit be fought I* Da Cs. 0.4141.4 in of the Unlvea shy team The Philadelphia ggrention bar a good amend for this 4,0011 and will prose stating a ontendern fur rho Champion ship tide Not much Lan be predicted collect n lily the is)tactice combination because C' its compatatively I emit entry into Intel (Alegi de boxing Lit cies The Ist., tel k college mill enter a tease. lame, cr. IL hick must be reckoned with in POOOllOO s meet The Nacs aggregation will he one or rile ht blest asphitnts lot honors In tile meet The middy team has gone though Su et teon ulthout u defeat, being; lied, houmm, In Yale lost Sa m d it The refine° and judges lot the In tr molleglate meet are W Rocap, at man of the State /toeing Com mission, I' llcetachen, sports writer tot the Public Ledget, and 11 rolbes, sum is writer rot the Itrookls n W S Iluffin in and W It thin et the allege famtW tt ill act In the capac 11l thnelmepets PROM CHECK ROOM AND FLOOR DETAILS SETTLED (Continued from first Pugh) oue+ In emit . epace tot Melte pLo- Ple 'the 1100 l spuren .111 1m ...numb ed (lulu eath Mho be lot, partitions and limit 1,111 be deem:lied to Immun ize mith the general scheme of decora tion Although fruternitien still out he Ptt mitten to Use their umn furniture un account of the limited site of the •1111 Lev, thee may Ming root and Itool lamp, to the Anuors Tht committee nucgcnty tit It II ttellgb bonnets be tined to identif3 the .11111C09 NO dellnitt ‘antinents Butte beta, t• Lae as to the scheme or decorating Tilt tootled has bten ILL, Iniuctet, to liittdungh studio Ustt tots been sue -4,4n1 In doing the decorating let tile At lists 11111. the biggest event of Slit Carneglt Tttlt social cdendar THE (?) 4f4g< , • P recommendation of your friends—the .;., . reputation of the shoe—they name on o aCzatt every pair—offer ample evidence that FLORSHEIM shoes deliver money's :SHOE worth in full. THE CAMPUS • $lO.OO M. FM3I " The Quality ShopFr Opposite ont Campus L. K. METZGER L. K. METZGER "The Fastest Growing Store in State College" O-KEH RECORDS They play on all needle machines. Hear the "Ten Virginians" and Vincent Lopez "Hotel Pennsylvanians" • . . . . The Incomparable Edison Phonograph A Beautiful Console Model for $135.00 Other Models $lOO.OO to $5500.00 Easy time payments if desired. Arrange for a demonstration in your home. There is no obligation to buy. Phonographs for Rent for Special Occasions Crystal Radio ,Sets $2.00 It has a radius of 20 miles. Listen in on the College Station • • RADIOLAS Made by the Radio Corporation of America. Sets $35.00 to $425.00 The Best in Radio—a Super-Heter*r Set $286.00 to $425.00 Sturdy wear, comfort and lasting good looks are the embodiment of every MARSHALL SHOE We know there is a pair here you'll like. , PRICED AT $8.50 "A L' S " SHOP Allen St. ' Gernerd Bldg.' REVEREND E. H. ROMIG TO BROADCAST FROM IVPAB (Coutinurd from Brut Purr) formed church S 10 p Gm. & 45 0. to—Fourth nitelast of Hon4l , nod Grounds Seik, ••Into for Decorations for the Nett home" to A. 1. Koehet. head of deli trt inent of Archltectuttn Solurdnl. 31 .r01. =2 01) ar .. lirit annual I, tercolleglate champlunalilp bouts 111) p —Musical Ptngt nol n Ith C Coyler aE the plant; Sl5 pm —.Farm and Garden Pro gram . Weeding outs the L'oardel Cow' by 11 It Fitt9, y Hut bandr3 exten4lnn spec! Illst 8 30 It m—"Prnanning Qualit) Pota toes" lil 1: Li Nixon+ Plant diye.tau extension spexlitlist S 15 p in—" Disease Menacing LI, e stuck" by Dr .1 F Zbigley. collegL %Mei inni I in , 9 00 1, at —Flrm nail Gimlet, Hints and aluvlcal aroatami INTER-CLASS QUINTETS MEET IN ANNUAL SCRAP (Continued from ❑at'Page) the first csteept for the feet that the juniot I spurted neat !.he put of the period and meted three field gods 112 Fortn '2l, president of the lotto eta, spot is tountil. Is in slutri.ut of the inter-class tout Imment In 0, tier for .1 Junior or yenim to still his numo.tls. he must. play n full half in e-this do of the regui.oly sehedult d mom, 00 Idle a flesluu ot or sophomore t 1 it In numetals,. must collet plll roll half in tuo-thirds of the restilati beheduled games or the ' full ftosh soph scrap Visit th e KNOX CAFE After the tiktee Friday, March 21, 1924 ' THESPIAN CAST WORKSON ANNUAL PRODUCTION (Continued Caom first Pugo) I. 11 -Coclttnne '2l. S 11 Lettuce 27, W Stelling '27. "1.1111" C 1 Colima '26 onl C S Steele '27, MeCoid '27 is the estra Chola mull The gilds' tholes Includes If Stein '2l 11 W. Stull '2l. W 11 Res '24. hi' .1 McDonald '26. C.S '26. 12 11 Reed '2l. II II Drain eiti '27 and I '27 S C Itunitle '27 his Igen selected as the exteo gill The scenic erre, is lot the show tine pt mtleally completed and hunt nob until the lest cppeerance s pf the lee ductlon the time will be spent In de typed w orb Theconstruction has been going on undo the direction 'of J A Patton 'II andkl). II Pin terllchl Tat while the costumes lone brie de signed hI Miss Helen Sat mil of the Inc Ants Dent u Unent, and theh emi t Litton has been nutlet the dinictlun of IS If. Murray '2l.