Friday, March 21, 1924 ' R. iy. GRANT DISCUSSES MUSIC AT L. A. LECTURE Ditectcr of Music EATloins Attri !butes of Musical Art—Shows Dangers of Critics ';The armlet! attribute of music is tegeneratho influencer by that mean that there is n inertia that to that bt matte," , nit 11 11'. CI Int, Pi- IPtitol of Murk.. in discuaaing "The Ault:totes of Music no an Art," loot Tutorlay night In the Auditorium on the oteavion of the ninth nuttiest of the liberal Aug Lecture notion D., ector Grant pointed out bet In OP 1 ite World War. the %Richly and mm ilc of mode had been thoroughl.l dl monsinctod Scope, the range OE% and the Inendth of %talon, %%a% th u e met attribute suggested by the aim thee "In natal e and In literature:' th :arra Pinfo,sor Giant, C can Ilnd many an tingles to Illuatrate Reol/e.. ,he cited se oral such Illu%trationx and oleo demonstrated the ssrinaa gradations of scope by selectlon.s nn the piano, organ Intl ,letrala. Class, Stile and Quality The second attribute that Director Or int considered was cluss Ostrich he it, as the ratio of the emotional to the Intellectu it Bach on on iegaided b.% the sneaker as the most Intoner , ti ul composer, although Wagner al avit r cached his triune. "As In litelature and nit no have put Nti," dell wed Pt ofesoot Ca tnt. aso In music an base purists. lloaatrt lot example; the exponents of the Clot d style, the =dein chetneteristie style and the colorful style" After style, the nest attribute to a., carte the attention of the sPe.lhec an. quality Quality, he defined as the lel ne Lion of a piece of music to the be ca m bother It sins good, chsradny, or a i etched In coneluolon D.reetor Clrant tae tinted th It good music wet the mu sic atttactive to the gicatest number at people and the nitrite that 11.11 N uNI tilth the greatest number of peo ple ... The elides do not , determine this." concluded the speaker. "The t'-nger of the chile is that he gets into opt. nntl non thing that is paltieular lv good' nt patticularly rem Is eon" demned, lint anything that is latlfttny, good he still praise.' FIRST PLANS MADE FOR.. YOUNG FARMERS' WEEK A. L. Baker Arranges Program Tor Week of June Ninth—Prizes To Be Given Prelintina+litacia—Arriving tot:nu b:tea under the guidance of A t. Bakes, State leader of the Agtlcahn, a, Extension Club, for the Annual Young Farmer', iVeek, done ninth to thnteenth when lour huntited boys and Otis Dorn c4l over the state 55 gather at Penn State to engage In a series of lite stock judging contests based on team competition There still he prizes tot the n inners and floe tither losing CUM ore attait. , log the successful teams FINC sotto rate judging contests mill be held. namely. subtle, (Lair) elate, fat stock and horses, poops). and corn and ro tator,. Members of the fita atoning teams and the lite highest hunt blunt scorers aill recelte ribbon, !The hlnnlng team of the dairy cat tle contest Will probably tepresent the State of Penn*lsanla In the Doss' and Ohla . Chile contest to be , held at the Nations! Dslr3 Show In October. The winning team of the the stock con test Is lll,ety to pat ticheste In the non -collegiate LIN° Stock Shoe. at Chicago In the first neek of December N. AC. A. A. TRACK MEET IS ABANDONED THIS YEAR The National Collegiate Athletic Association track and field meet imbed-, tiled to be held early in June at Chica go van lie abandoned 'for 1924 The determination to do away 114th the meet this )ear bag occasioned by a desire to promote the various sectional sleets Cot• selection of athletes to Midi Part In the Olympic game tryouts to he held at the Harvard stadium ee June fourteenth At the Chicago meet lost .Tune, "Sky" Ench won the mho In excellent time, thereby capturing the title of natlonul mile champion A good place to eat THE PENN STATE CAFE EYES' FOR - Groceries Notions Dry Goods REGISTRAR -FORMS-•LIST , •OE'TECHNICAL 'DEGREES The 'legMr. hug 'cunt completed a tvhul•ation chiming the number of L•nchalor degrees In engineering intli iects conferred do Pennnylerinla dur ing the.coliyge year IT:2-23. Thin In eludiv graduatec of Duel:nett, Carnegie Tech, Lehigh, LaWette. Unlveriaty of Pennivivant% 11alversitY Of Mimi burgh and Penn State. Tho tabulation- Included the course In Industrial Chemistry at Penn State on this corresponds to .Chemical neering at the , other Institutions A total pr 782 engineering Jlegrees here, granted: and of , that nunrher Tenn . , Slate had 228. or, praetically one-third I The combined graduales of the °that Instituthms toiled 522, so that Penn Stair graduated practically half as many ,tot all of the others combined 7bIG college..nas4he only one to give degree , . In Milling Fingineering, Elec trochemical Engineering, Railway lfe chanical Engineering, anti Architee tut .d Engineering. The totals by' dollegra_avere,as cal lous Penn State 278, Cernegle Teel] 120, Lehigh 108, 'Penn 107; Pitt Si; Intel.nell G 2; and +Late) ette 10 DR. McFARLAND 1S NEW .CHAIRMAN OF A. A.' A. S. 'Entire Staff of Officers 'lnstalled at Meeting—Technical Talks Are Given Di 1) P McP,ulancl, , profoesor of nietnilurg3 at,Penn State, nag linden m. n 4 chall'inan of the State College chapter of Lane' American -Association fon the Advancement of Science st Iscent meeting .. .of that orgnninatiOn Ctines °films are alco-chairman, Pta feesor II A. !Dutcher. treasurer, Mrs Pauline Beery, Muck, „executise com mittee,".lll44,lldith P Chase and ,Pro fasvor A “Perguson The (dike of %octets* Is ,a•jfour heir office and dies not esplre until nest yesr. Pro tensor J Den-711111 being the prevent Incumbent "-,,. Following thdlostallation of officers, Ihe shoat talksrxere oaten by 111.1- hers of the organiattion, the „addresses dealing nith,thrnaturn of a *moos t"ni on nonciffiitr,ehemberS Professor W Liss, of the department of Chemical Agrkulture nos the first ',maim of the - atoning and for his subject, he had chosen "An Intiodue. tore Talk ma' Colloidal Chemist*" Professor L -It .-Parke of the ,depart ment of Choivditry neat dineunsed "Some Theoreti4al Considerations of Colloidal Ch try:" On the rnantsineral line of topics ups the tallArProfessor H It. Pierce W the CheMicad,,Agriculture ..Depart elect "Some Phones of Ceiletdai Chemtntry an Applied to Ag• riculture, Dri - dOT... Schott of tho de partment of Chemistry woe the fourth spe.ther and he'eomPleted the Sat of thoso discussing, at:11101dd chemistry, using as his theme "A Pose Apollo, hens of Colloid iiChemisby in Indus by" The hot sneaker to appear 5.19 L, AG FACULTY MEMBERS TO SPEAK 'FROM itDICA Members of,tl3:etirtgricultural,Exien ton Faculty havAMeen invited to give educational : talks .on ,agrlcUltuial sub ject, from Tt o itlio station XDICA. at Pittsburgh Vl Fie talks ntll be broad cast as a part,of ,the National Stock mon and Former farm 'program whioh. , Is rendered on'the second Thursday of clots month. 1 Stullents nvontea In ovary common 1.5 for Darter 'and summer vaentlo employment. 1 .• end remuneratkEr Write, giving you , street adtlreqa. , to . Clark Bros, Parl liullaing, Pittsburgh, Pa Send your ,Safety **or . Blades to me 'to have them shirpened. '.'Rates Single edge blades gets. each Double edge blades acts. each Address.: .T RICHARD T. CAMPBELL 18.11idooFe . St, Huntingdontfa. Chi Wen &tin Sing It ~ .!tk:. —but mothers no longer live it "''blo;longer a definite "baking day"—the baker has banished that. No longer, a set "cleaning day"—ina pretiOf noingmethods.have put an,end to that. And— no'loager a single ''washday"—the 'laundry has done away with that! J ~i nstead you are offered your choice of four wash days,Xonday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. ' ~, indeed, kis ll:trough this "wash-week" that we are able tp give the prompt work, the variety of services an'd,the low prices that we do. Today—if you are not already using our service—phone ns 'to send for your bundle. Penn State Laundry Phone Igs r - " -- THE PENN STATE COLLEGIAN ', - --" fROGRAt - WAND flit - ENGINEERING CONVENTION P,ublic Session Will Be Addressed by President of Baldwin locomotive 'Works The thteineering Estenhion Depart-, ment has rerenttt completed at tents the proprem•for Its ninth anneal eon ‘ention %%bleb ‘‘lll be held at Penn State Way fotnteenth, fifteenth anal alateenth. In addition to the usual Industrial (raining projects considered at that lime a special section, • Economies for the 'Worker" has been scheduled A st.balisision of this subject entitled “aonemics for Public Utility Work ers" still be treated by public sort'ee and street retina:, delegates Public .SOWOR The public session of the conference trill be addressed by Albs 11, John son, President of tile Unlash, Lone. motile Weeks and member of the Board of Must°es of the College. Tie n all slosh on "The Mussolini ]lose-, went' . uhfch i.e studied 'tory thorough ly on s recent trip to Italy ito xlll also discuss tho industrial conditions tit that country. From the Was presented at this conference 'the Extension Department 1;411 prepare a brief course to be ef fete.' to employees all met the 'state This feature of the conference has at- Cr:taloa nation aside attention and Is perh mg the latest development In 'Ex tension Education in "Atnenea Convention at Wisconsin Dean 'lt L. Sackett and Plofes%or C Mier, head of the Dv.ten%len Dep trtment nt Penn State. 1011 at tend the annual convention of the Na t:card Univergity Dxtelution A3130d0.- Van to be held at Iltaditten, Wisconsin: May ninth And tenth Them men will be accompanied hp a number of other member% Of the Detenelon gaff A committee of Dußole eitiICTIS, headed by W , C Porde held n contei•= core with Professor C C Comm of the Extension Deimt tment to consider courses of study n‘allable for meil employed In the industries of their City The public libraly of Dab:dß tridemorlng to co•opotate with the, committee by offering rending courses In itllled lines. SEVEN SPORT MANAGERS -, ELECTED BY SOPH CLASS] Election of spt ing spot is managers took place at teeent meeting of the , Zophomore ct vs ulth the folk - ming re kulto• lymolrtll—J S. Brennan; ban% ketball—H Johnson; golf—S. LI Her -I.lcro9se—C. H Cook, tennip—K. GUM,. trnek—r. It Schuetv ontl soecol—C H Hold, rolimving the ,eicetions. J J Brett: tiny reported for the Soph top com 7;, Ittce and the report was accepted by" the class. W. at. phenol '25 nett epolte a briefly to the rhos on Spirit Week: and enlisted the cooperation Of the scrond•Jear men to put more spirit; irto freshman class meetings Winter Tonic You need a tonic to build up your system and fortify you , against coughs ,and colds. Cod Liver Compound .Hill do this. It is pleasant to take, and effective. RAY D. GMLILAND Druggist W. Beater Ave. 4IANDOLIN , SEiTET-GWES ' RADIO PROGRAM TONIGHT fa nanlin lin ' xlet, a Part of the I Penn Sett° NI/nt:111n Club, still lno el er,t • radio concert Clam elation AN:PAIS tohlght !The group'll enmpnn ed Of Z. M 1C ,ralton.,.lr '2l. 11 L. Parker '2l. 'P.. 'll Ortrne '22, 11. A ' ‘ iVarner '2C S. 31 Terehla '27, Ind 1' C Ruth - Tito program 0111 !nein& impala raleetlona Sam pen known nomadic', nnd In addition to the numbem that will be shun by the Septet, S II Torch!, .27 0111 play ainerrd oiliet .ind „nil' acentnp in 3 11, A. Wutnet . 21, In .a mandolin duet . The Penn State Mandolin Club tmo ri concert In Bellefonte on last Prld ii e) ening In the dint numbea of .Isit les of entertulnments non being alten the Bellefonte C A The Mandolin Sextet, a recent addition to tile Club. ufq. fe'itured In 00001.11 910- t4l selections tD. IL SENIORS CONDUCT ' DAIRY REGISTRY 'TESTS ~ S ome of ' the ,Dalry' Monandry nen- Ars hay., been conducting recent Ad lOnced Registry test, on the d iitl Coen at the Conette born. fig part a their senior orteticurn Inc ork sueeeises form the result, of their etforts - ii ‘ nd . only . , last meek tutu of the seniors completed n 4 set en-ant opicLtl record pith a _pule bred Hol stein Penn Stair guern - DeKel thin cosy producing Derr tuenty-one IcOunde of butter for the scenic. Is large man 'bur of °filet students are enraged In experiment nark' In calf feeding and still others One running PI acliCd front trite " altie4 should be the succog, o the tea son.. a night of keen en jr) ntent "—London li% ening. Sta State College Bakery Mother's Bread PASTRIES.OFALL KINDS CHOCOLATE ECLAIRS Party Catering a Specialty PERCIVAL RUDY 121 South Atherton St. State College, Pa. AUTOMOBILE TRANSPORTATION ,Between State College and Lemont, meeting all trains Open and Closed Cars. Side Trips May be Arranged For. Reasonable Charges ' Phones: Bell 176 Commercial 116• W A Place to Make and Meet Friends Good Service State College Billiard Rooms Under the Movies PEOPLE BUY WHAT -THEY KNOW • ; MOST ABOUT --; If You Wish to Sell You Must Tell! Tell!! Tell!!! Do the.faculty and students know what you have? Are they acquainted with your stock? . The PENN STATE COLLEGIAN is your me dium of becoming introduced and better ac quainted among the "Boys." Are You Using ft? CALL US PHONE 292-W I .IIN 111:11SIT3 Or _OILI,GON 1 \ TUC Fit.vrnicN pry .ATIILLTIes All laterfraternity athletic war," nt the I.lnlverdt) of Oregon mere le centle bartcd by the Interfrfieroltd Council The rouge.; riisen mole that th, mount at radml cciined Iy the th 'patine . ntglal4ttions and the sit) home+ did not lecrrant the atnotra of time %lent the fraternlthm, 01 //ZEN TO BF UNANNOUNCED AT UNII.EDSITY OF PRINCETON The Theitlb, of the Ilniocralt) of Princeton reernil) p Issed a resolution to the effect th it in the future notcho- Innate. junior and scalier teats ti ill 'be tin innouta " The notion UMI.4 tul.r n .t c halt of roosted compl lints of net Lilo (Ica ci talents that students nen le, tell their norm. to in epare for an noun( Oil tests In other deportrnents, ' ' . \ Iromlerful eveltlng, drutratie gtor) ( lA, ritlerr) It 19 Ur CMlsuorthl. .rt 110 1 qt .. ---1 onion Tim, TIIRIULEDI YOU b 4 t he 01. Irp's makang a tri.- nicticl t.• lull Sin hw hat tuld v. w hd th.t I. ts: iM 7 aie VtT. ' l . rie r ,:i/n ' " " lla:7n t H "I:l's: 2 'Psb rrn ttll.t \2:l.laga 1 4' 71 ' 1 ? f h2l , hr h. "4 a„ , P 7. "' Xt ea ' :ll...g and hullo r chop. CIIESI.DROUGII MFG. CO K..lodated) Vaseiine HAllitoNlC rro.r .• Nmeline• Prodrrt Isrercomfsda ew, wterebrrawrohtsabsolorepuritrondelfwinme. Good Tables .ERIE BISHOP TO ADDRESS SUNDAY •CIiAPEL SERVICE Tfivhop Tohn C IV tt .1 of Et le, PUTIII. dylt on! t t tt 111 be the eh thel she thet for Sundly Itishop ti Ihevith • rr territory In north twevtt to Penn etlvtnil etatn (Irking totter t 111 14 the sucnoesor to Ilethent rto tts e, Ivrnel oho died rertantly , resutt It sacrifice, toady In Pt lace .101 ittr the oar PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS • 11114 I (Lamm th‘ , , effot t to Pile. • full. ..r hot:INN, mol ;Ina rltlttn. Entlu Illingl, hat, it Is loten,O, • t tl, (.0 , rx , tleq) ,Lnnann Sunday Ilmov The Practical Man's Car r ~... .~,,..n.,,» ~;~ ~_ I_RbF~,KUL'Fy~ 2-Pass. Utility Coupe $640 Decker Motor Co. 1 •c-:44-4-:-:-:-:-:-:. , ,:÷:-:-:-:-:-:-:.-:••:-:-:-:-: SMITH'S QUALITY ICE CREAM That Good Old Fashion ,Kind. Excels in Purity, Richness and Delicacy in Flavor Fraternity and Club Orders receive prompt attention Alanufactured by SMITH ICE CREAM FACTORY Bell 250 State College, Pa. Greeting Cards Birthday Convalescence Condolence Announcements Acknowledgements Thanks Invitations • Watch For Our Mothers Day and Easter Cards The Athletic Store _ On Co-Op. Corner Page Three EMZEEMI 2 double deeltc 11 Imd., I II on bed. 2 chiffon:el 4, R student t II: bed and hnte an. I dining table, I, o 1 It 101(4 1 otIL h, I flu ee lemon Pei - lb lit Inu4 I.ltt filF -I,lung, 311141 ,11 born, 111r1 II 20 11quito, Po, 11 I' 11110 0,11, 114 1 1 t1et 21.• PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS etx We a Shoes for Spring A variety of styles for the new seaton, plerantly fresh and refreshing, wil be shown by D. T. Kirkpatrick at State College Hotel Wednesday, March 26 and Thursday, March 27 culla $9 Store/ InNearYork,Deooklyn,Ntwark and Philadelphia .e Address for Mall Orders, 121Duana St • New York City El=