You're On The Last Lap Rosh— Finish Strong! VOL XIX, No. 31 FRESHMEN PASS IiALF WAY MARK -7 `IN NEW CAMPAIGN Total of $65,000 Is Subscribed b 3 Freshman Class—Co-eds Make A Good Showing WORKERS ATTEMPT TO END DRIVE THIS WEER Campaigning Teams Vie for First Place—Some Upperclassmen Also Contribute „The. "thermometer” On the pet tent age sign board on the flout cottons that shoos the Otto: , ens of till "ta•n student' . campaign, to glittluttl4 nom li.g opeards sod last night had liogsei tile math Thereu.tx Iftth. mll, It) met an week-end. mid the Impel dans n °then gut together lost night - to pray.° fn. final area that in °spectral totunt ig.cte tlic work u Rhin a fen dap.% I=ll „The new women student, 1,00 thus for that in NAP, than tin of tile men in lemma to tit; net ion. of pal ticlpation. Sineti-too of the IP uomen ,tutlenL, uhu enteted flat State last fall hate 'divined Mond support to the ditto, and within a feu dos that feature of the campaign till Inlet been completed. It is ems/Lied The new men Ming at the IRAN° reported one hundted piaLent participation' on Filth*. One of the tesnitv of the umkins . meeting List night. 11.14 till till+lion bring the arm to a close as 40011 1/034ible Ly thuluughLi Lumbing tie touu fur nave nsii student, not to. Inteitieued Mittman Daudet to Ported that team mention, tole har ing illiticulli In lin:aline: mom student who had Lhanged Pule could not he found in their itioutv The mutters announced that the, iilll heel, at it until the highest Possible done , Lit participation is rembed‘ is my expeilenee.” sold linuilo List night. "that thone students oho do not support Old Penn State In thin rojeet, nlll cot:attune Hee the d to that they null deeply regtot their fall tO---totoe.,4o.—.toto,a4this.. mul. of students o be failed to subsents (Continued on last Dere) o FUND WILL PROVIDE FOR ANNUAL FORESTRY PRIZE Charles L. Pack Endeavors To i, Stimulate Interest Among • Nittany Studjnts Ti. Mall to 8011111111 LP Illitlevt among Ml' future forestels of the aoinitiy In their ability to eat. h 11ui Jir attention and shape iodide opinion In In aloe perialning to the ail dill cutout of lot - wan, Chia les Lalithi oh lilt It post of the Abel kan Ti to Amon lallon has prot lded a fund of one thousand dollars, the Ineunit of 1l bleb, nlll fur till Annual prize pf dollais to the Ntudent In the tot estiJ coin se. IY, PeIIII Static 11110 ollte4 the he at at tic lo oil foil Oltl. The offer law Just been ma elottdln the college It 1101000 oho ha 0 at tang 'col for the 111100tH timults aletllhtro to, coattita,L the conterot and 11111.0 tle auttrol each soill The .11111111 111 1111,1. 1•111.1%,11 14 till. "Chatleir latiothion Path Foontlatlon 1 0 0re011 3 lie '• In a WWI to lb ofwerta I, I rotgob son, In that ge of /clear) loostrutalun at Penn Slate, 311 Pllel< "The inoporte of the pilau Is to oe letup among . l'otwitottri an 1111111) to lead the general hubllb Into tithing an h terent In the subject of toleoll Vr.tttroot wadi Interest there ,111 be no latonselling Ines:sire upon out legirda the Itudles, and, wiless 1111.10 be much Lunrolling inecitote, 11111 legbilatlst bodies will not be apt 111 tn.( 411011 1.1.1111 as the futortets convidet to la netaroutt) too the 1001111) x good 111thout much an Intel ert. ileac 11111 Ls Illale nonal sepias of (0100113 as suet, "lie fin tine meatel tendon of all that teen hetetufote been mitten Inj [musters hits been' pit:seated In such n tilt as ma to intent the attention of the Ametican nubile. Thule has been A lack of uhut thu etlitetv of the pop- Whir inagallnes ' Seemingly, the Antetkon nubile Is Pill- Mg to imelte hint, tittle.] In inn sub icct, but It Impotently will :melte the 'lnstinctlon .11 .11mi, and If, the mil,. jt.ct is intsented In a manner ahead, inclicelbed by tine nubilh. And thin 'cannel lettultes, an expel knee v.ould omit to shoo, that the inetentittion cotailin 'human intetest. The g,nt.,, 411 'politic Is not Intel extoll h 1 tho genet - technical inn pules ten item lit fel , ettets These is Inn suggestion that thin prize should encourage initconate, misleading' or ttltial piescntation of the subject. I belies° that this sub lee( can be pi esentcd In such In tint nn to Wake the public Iced It.' ` ;~;, . ~.....~:,.~ ~.... .~.. .. ~ M."k. 1 flit tt it _ , ....4. , .%.,74,:,, , ,. ' V f . : . T -g • V ' ' lOP COMMITTEE COMPLETES PLANS .FOR ANNUAL DANCE 'Dave" Harmon's Orchestra To Furnish Music—Two Interior Decorators Secured UNLIMITED NUMBER OF COUPLES TO BE ALLOWED No Booths Will Be Permitted— Floor Space Is Sold to Various Fraternities and Clubs Iralklatt overtline fin Ma 1. t4t (Cu welts the Suithuintne Ilup Lomnilltet tunialeted all airange nenta for the annual undelcht4s affair Alt!eh will he held In the Armory on tanning. Match 4elentli 31aiw it the ftaterninea ate holding holm. inncea on the following t‘tning• anti athletic events, 'minding bon (COMM gllll, N,lth Allegheny. on the d•th and Lafayette on the eighth, arc I=l With the toislotant, of 1110 Into tot rile tierl ' es ' " o n ; t ia t tZin tuil ulnnv itt! 1n..; the eltivi Lolors Old Cold itild ding Blue. pi ohtlnentit . Sr ul h It of non-lull iinintible eve itimi hill Le sti etdied .ntuvv Lilo tell -44; anti hit go culutetl 1151115 hill to ti tted .thole, tin olt lit„ beautiful Mit tale 41111.11 es littroms the floor Ft um a list of co, et tett to Litwin ts t 11.11 c" that tnonls foutous muslciune "ot Winiantspot ntt u stletttal to found , 'h the 0101st COI tile Ann 'Con 'astir.: of 0101 10 tikees allot II in ftssiontil cults tale.., fawn tilt Keith title, ille circuit. this otgltuirattion has f 111 ablemoment till outrituiti he • tooth, and is 110, Cllgdged 111 110 c‘tausil 0 tom about the Stott The plan of Mu to chesttits fut con tinuous musk. onskitrtul but It 11,111e11 tu obtain 011/ 40011 atottuiritintiun Insttaul of too In fo lot ones The G. 'garner e 011111.111, isl . lo "jcn; s. tints TO: elicit the contract for line facies and ittinethln,it nletidn diJ nen MI! Inc inte nt until to the gin Is it this a rab A ins. I design fun the piegasini has lice ti nun knit out and the little huoldct .111 as In formica Ned, lical the it LIM, tine OA/ 004 O 0•. ,, 0r0 . V‘OlO4 as 001 as incitibina of the 10111. In lice 1. shouted :Soother Allowed ochled that the Iccent °liege rub. lb: of non-intianinutble decurstlons and tot mutating In the At no nn3 Is ca led toot an unlimited Iltinibel of t tondos ugh be droned on the flout. nu:nolo 11.1,e citeulated about the college that t Ilnuted number cc ill be pes mittad to Mold the hop but the t manatee tt lalns to I.llllc, this (lice 1nt1....M0n kithough no booths 11 111 be .thinned floor 411.1", Mil be sold to Lite tilt tulle ft :get nitics and clubs tot the placing of fut nitui e. No at huh-len - tents tot the Llieth-room InGe been m lde nn set. but iIP -41111114 to sitll,llllt. et hid 14 I etitiesled to do so al oa,. end into It In to me n elnlns of the committee As unl) tin otynnlt toil ott In .Gullahle fot II 0t him: thin )t at. 11tu pet 'mu turn . In o 1,1,1 In ales, temteslcd lu sub thlt .1 Oen as well as the num bis of helnms to be used The LottnntlMe In chatge of the hop 13 Lomposetl of .1 Diemen]. chalt- Mtn]. ',V \V Alien. C. 1: Nlepruhel. lhantse‘, (f Realm, J l Kennetl), If T*lot. 1 , G. Mout, W C Liggett. end L. 11 1.“1.7e. SPANISH CLUB PREPARES FOR COMING SEMESTER While tho fltst se:natal at Lit MON of the elmult: de Its Amigos do to Leteola Espanol.: Mite., established the club oil the Penn :Stole campus, At as sistant intifasoi of Spanish, Is ;timely making plans tout nest sentestet so hen YU,. di - Meetings till ho hold The !digest :omit that has coot attended a meeting eta stettpus t WO, Wild II O. Nellt. to W 1/11021 , 1 the pi:mom gine', lust Wednesday :setting In Old Chapel (Joe of the Rattner of the 11100 meet- Ing nar the optimum., Of the welt 'l:otudittote Edinutolit', under the di teet not of .0 K LOO6llO '26 Thir nen I,f tel MoUP 1.1 I.molierld of C. 12 Memo/tut . 2G, C .311,001.1 '2l. 0 C Rellutrilt '5l 11 Itueltle3 Entlirott . 26, 12 L. Schwitet 111111 If Undarnood '25 and hell retolon Of popular tommt, tl ainolutetl into tile Spitolith language. .lust Pith !orlon( im moral. IC (1 Sage] '26, IV .1 Ward '25 und R. C Dixon '26 compered tile et thentia fur the otlitg4o.lo. Although no definite dote 11110 been eel for the 11l rt meeting of the oen remerter. It will 000111) be timing the may putt of Match. STATE COLLEGE, PA., TUESDAY, JANUARY 15, 1924 QUOTA OF MID-SEMESTER ENTRANTS IS INCOMPLETE Few ➢tore New Students Will Be Enrolled—Three Co-eds Can Be Admitted Opportunltil fon entolinecnt4of n feu inure prospecticc [terbium] in 41.0- tents ulth odsimetid standing and of liner When In to be In ttl sit Pt nti State rut the mid-neinentet tom eine!' tt ill men within it short time Incleased Intesent Is Laing '410.11 1 'l)tt helhet or not thin new inojebt. van nnne succannftil The additional bun ,Ii id students 0 bleb .ne to he ndtoit td In Vein Italy mike up the balance if the Imola of ntudents trio utile im 'need admittance bunt Senteinlim totem la the 'eduction nolo one thou sand to nine bundled applicants al lint (l u te Good l esul is n obtalind In ill tide published in the C01.1.1.1(.1 I \.N beret e Chi !tinnily anliing ilie student hod) to aid in soon, !IL.: the flesh ed nimbusn tot the nen class 'With the it °rage of lift!. or mist% students that le lie the institution each )„1 it thli, time. the total noolinient of 111 ear men n ill not he Intl tzpo tl to al* :a en t extent. 01111 a small no "nder of girls in e to be admitted at this time lloffnlon, Ole I et,tl it ..tatell that moons bill 111 mailable rot thi `4P nel,Mon in W 3 ILM hall. 11 MK the 11,13 enrolled notnen 4tlidelitv bill be 11111011 Clip of nt the tlorinitio - len Of the students ahead., einolled tot the inlil-nenie•ter el ein, not 0110 ho, applied fior allndvolon to the 1,110111 of \line% All undo vtllool3 ha, one 01 nude aPl,ll,•mt,' PLAYERS TO PRODUCE NEW PLAY NEXT NONTH 'To The Ladies" is Under• Direr lion of Miss Keppel—Leading Roles Are Well Chosen . I TO The o lke , the neYt of tin full length Penn Slate 1 1 1 1)tI pto cluLtlonts, ohkh mlll I asenhal In tbe ktialtut bun on ty emu:, Vein nary eighth, Is undo, Um 1.111 ac -11011 Tom - .1/011. ni_late tilt mitt of the Play et s The 1111115 10 tho Ill', play a nblv token J N Sienna 1 27. Sill lon MIS '25. I' S Noun]. min 46. 1: II buthol lend '55 .111,1 I:llaal, Mt I s .2 I Them in lentils tail shoo 1111 n moat letble 111.111111 1 untl t stint one inonototnt situation ales 001,111,1 In 1111311 ehner Intel fret Ilion Ind in sight Into the sehlt.t.‘ of the 1111,4 Al though rehearsals haw t laettanti, nu) for toll!. a ft, mit 1,1 tin'. in ti pie lint, made tonshietable Ptogte's ,11th the m esentatlon Cum el nlng one Leonatil 111010'. tibt3- 41 1,1 1 N Stenavt. and one Usti ti e, 11111 1 1, ed , Ant hon 11,,,, 1111. plot 1, 01 1. 011 1, 11111,11 to the . +ll 11' - l'uta of the 1101.1440 1,1,1 t, et k one cis'. Ll/111 . 11 1(11 In th, Inul,l(ot The al4o 011111(1 114 it At, and All 4 John Islnutlch plated 111 1: 11 hotinitlatol and I.lllgtheth Ale,Pv. 111111 hate 1.1 oh km, toe, and not until, th it of 111,11 ft lentN i the Beebe, 1)1n log the t °else of II ,1 , 011,111, 1110 f 11111111, 111/1/ fore, and suLt. 'Ad In to et London unit ',Steed% e Another lint to i let het IN of 1111.11- lion Is C 111,11.1 Mlllllll4 1/1.1,1.11 N, 11 11 ml, Insight 11111/ fill' 11( IC iNettsbatun nit° 11111 lro lountolnot,l 10, 1114 ch., et Inlelluetntlon It, ...0 000- " In th, ol I, Allllllll4 14 the nem oho Moo 'Cisme the Itethes 011,1 1110 blue. wit tied 111 11.111 0111111 11% 111111 111 C 1111111111 °UN xlt 11111111114 111 the 1 11111 The Me 1,./t,14 plus 4,, ellent 11110', and that'• is ne doubt cont." ,'ling the success of tho 1 , 11,1 Annuontomento 1 inlng the .111. 1 n(u 11,1,01 male 1,111 11l made to the neat futulo. GLEE CLUB TO STAGE CONCERT AND DANCE ON FEBRUARY SECOND Sit innuintlon In the line of elite, (Minima trill take Phu° un Katilila) omint: Felon/al, emend. mine, lit Penn Mato (1110 Club mill tango a tont, blunt!. eunteit and dance, The ion tett nill be glien In lite ip bonen [oily-Hie, the 0 ince folios lug In lite ,1l mutt - at eight forts-Ilse 'the eungsteret turiloted by hull, the, :Late and fttnalo tenuity guattettot lir, Chant, urganint, and it !umbel of artleits ale inquiring an in - Iginal unit attiattlie ringlet. Ale,- antleCii Otehentia lulu been aetineil fel the Pate. Thu untie eienlng trill be In Linage of Dliectur of Monte It IN* Grant she phalli to 001010 the ino• aretie for the 1101 eh..o of neh Pint tlee pinnon fur the Depaitintnt. Too or the 1114/MIIIIIIIItti lute hi poor shape and need leptiteing at unte snit It I. hoped to leallze enough money to do thin, A 1111,11M01M pike of one dollar ham been net tel tliketa Mil ailing to both tuneeit 4111t1 Noted 'Celki,st PABLO CASALS SALE OF"Y" CONCERT TICKETS ANNOUNCED Pablo Casals Ilas Recei s itly Re turned front Exley ' s) le Tour of Europa; INTERPRETIVE SEMI, 4E' 'CELLISII.UNSURPASSED 'ln 1,14 tot Ihtc °not t 1 . , 1 tin nont ,io 110,1 In lin Ainlltollunt'. , l,llurd it , fling I Inn 11% 11 , net,nta .111 o i . • tIL at Co-ulll7ll us OVIAIiPIg . rlOlll Pp.tli II 1111111 I glut a lot lc.' i7'I)C11: .111 'ninth ltx ILA! ...Id and wll1 1 Lo oil" e,l nib t t .ts el, 71 tl ul,ling pi2gc n ill - 1,, ~ail, , i4Vjo.l 1:1111. Jullll 1/4 1111111.11 nome•- t, n 111 tout of 1,1111/110 ,111,1 1,11 1111114 , 11 111 1 1 11111 V 111111: NO 1 0111111, //1 1.0 1 111 1 11 IS 1010141 111111 11 11 Dll,lllll 1 ,11111110111 1111111 111 1 110 0 11 111 1 1111111 11 1 111,11 11111 N 1 1011, 110 10110 10 1 . 1 1111 41 111 11110 1111 11 11/11111 the 11/- 11111011 th.• Intl mmt, °twit. (IC- Cllll7 In 110 Joltst .1t thou of Um 10t - lllllunt of Alus , c of ft._ Luage .1111 the 1 \I 1' (Continued nn lor noun) DR. MACKLIN LECTURES TO RURAL ECONOMISTS President Thomas and Dean 'Watts 11111 ,peak Tomorrow Afternoon 1)1 Tin mho, tt 1.11, of,lsto lot A-Ts It olltit 1! ononalt It LW. I ni , id IN 1, ten ,1), I.lln (Jp 'lt tin oniku \y:,i,ni lin 11 1.111,411111 Oen!. lll.lng lucid it nit tilk I 1€ !din • liitill•4 btrol on% volloil 1,,t. I I Itl %ening to 'Thy I:o I tlnn nf I mi. , : to ou I.lit I T an 111111- l "emu It 11101 1.4 thue la Itink , ln.r, and n Om hin 1,111,e . ' he 111 eml tilt, to Olt it ~1, 1 011 a II 01001 ,11th fug Chit the manila, or the Int w In In 11:,,,11, don. , tn , nine tiont a nu( hilt tuna 0! 'lute nt .11111 the 01111 lent It 1.11111, a. 111,a 110( 1 CIO -01 run the Immo'. Mt la n m a tin. faint" 1, • 1,11 101 11/4 11101111( 11) 11l 1.1 11141 111 11 11110 1 1 . 0 111 1111 , tint 1110111 11 111 10 10. 111. 1110101 10 ,the n aui 111-V.llllO 111111. tin ...Ntlat i•tn. le Thu 1.11, ,:1111 /Will 111 , 111 Ulllllll2lllll 111.. 1.1111,111 A 110111, Plllll./1111 11 1/.1/1/111 111%1. 11,111,111114 Ile st nest i hilt thu P011(1- nlll lit itiet hi, illstlia t ail %.11111140 11,11 11 0,10111 1111'1' 1 " 11 ' lin 1111 1/C the high Cleh,ht totes hUi 111,t tlik ',hat illstam 0 tit the 1 est el 1 Nolte et I oin Ilit 111111 hots hls (011.111 Inaul ot Ile si tat in mintier to heel 11le Iholl 11111110U/14 11,41.11111 111111 111011 1111,111 t is 111111. 1111 , 111110 stolen Ifeite 4,111'0.11 111.11 ko.l. 1111111 PCIIIIIIII,IIII i v 1.11111 , 110 1/111, 11101 a good titan, ci lhl adt.ittatises uC ill.nun•nnlle 111, 1.1 1111/4 i'l 11 , 1111111 C Tlll/11114 .11111 U. 111 1N . 111.1, 11111 1111111( is Oleissetabli /omit) .1, 01114 41111 N 101141.111 SIR it one , the t, limnoitou tile, no. Ir. Ii CllllllOl spot lallst In shoe). a 11l sla eh It ten oh. loch In the aim un the "hurtilottng of I.lle-stoic and 1.11 ti nted. le tette is" ten Thin sila) mut n log tho e 11111 in. thi tiii 1.11111. tin nen Its; In LI I. Miallt II t Belot. and (Continued ul, tout ell Page) Totirgiatt. CHAPEL SEATS TO BE HELD NEXT SEMESTER 'I Ito llnd t 11 wet t set t Ist, tot the set tot stet tt 111 be held on Sun Jut, tI tiot Ittoilleth The. tt 111 he no Omit' I ftlont 11411 date mall Mond IN. J - 14/1111 1%11(11 t 11 toot At 111 be I esuottA roe the m. cool! tionestel , Ch.titel ones nov. In elTet a on- Unite lot the set.ond sem'. stet An' • 11 tog° lo c•eltst, .11.'111t1 lie It it'. I's! to Ito ot or Ilan 'rfic Vl e,ltt tlt It lul,tnttetnio ty 8, 111 held lot the list tientestct FIRST-YEAR FIVE JOLTS BUCKNELL BY 42-15 SCORE Minus Leads Nittany Attack utth Pile Baskets—Recd Scotes Four Double-deckers LION CUBS BETTER TEAM WORK IN SECOND PERIOD Reithelderfer Is Huhn°ll Star— Visitors Use Numerous Substitutes at Start nn hhtte. 4t.stllnf24 huh 111114 cllnlcolt, In . 41;111117, 42 In 11 •I+4n% sat I:nt kmll I'l e4lnnt rt li. sk, 1 1/ 1/11 /1511115 111,1111 11111104 1111 i 1:1 11 st 4 the 141112111. 114,1t1+ nn 11Ine soil AN - 1111, te , ml,lllllhon. Mllll 1:411 hel+l,lls t 010,441 the I'm hiss hits 41410 n. The 1.,,1510n, Ilse that •L ittul th. goon. 14510.4 Nlllhmet v uuohh ttom not 11,41 long mil 1111111 , .111, vtitutlon. loath 111.1Ing lin thy( 51.4100 of the sot ount, MI!!!! Allllllll,th 110 :,1.1.111% 1 ,111111, 1 ,1111 111 111 \ll/11 1 1 111, In on, Intl 11',,1011a ',,1011a n-point It 111 osu 11.11 11 1'11011.11 , In rote 1.11 11141 I,ll' 11., 1'111.41 to 114.1. In ...moth' a./ 1.4 ,11111 thm. 1 1.11 I'llll.ll , 1,1 1. 1 Men the, WI. 1.111 1.. 111 1 mu mt Im, m \ Cm .111 1.'4 1. 1,11 111,11 111 .111111% 1,111 11,1. 1 111-111 dmlng 11. tuo or 111.1 4111114 11/ 1110 11 edit .n 1 \ Into MIIT, 11 as II I'm 1.111 lift I 1. 1111 111.4 11,1 \ll •+l5 fir Om 12111.1 111111 11.11111 111 lilt (1,11i1 1 4 /1111111 In Itinning . up tl. 1.11111 It 1 11,111 ell 1,11114 from 1110 (I. 111 11 t .l is 1111 1:1 tII 111.11111.1 In 111 1111 I'll/1 1,141.1.,,1t sir" 1111111 II U.l and 311 Ph 1111 m Ilut knell , . Poor Def.... fe11•h1101]1, Ol 1/1111w 111 1110 /111/611111 11 1 1111 111,11% 11.01111- •11.1 t fn Iltv Lim Ina tl tllc til 1111 N it/ 111/ 1 / 1 1111/11111 Itl /Cal, Vl.l 1 1 /110 1111/S Ilsll 111011 011 1111. %!,/11114 A/111011 10 1.111./111 In 1/0 1.111111 tortleq Irstitt (le Is tin mailt 1111101 1/10411,/ 111 1111. .0101111 ti[ 11111 SEM' ell till] torn of the clghteLtt tlolllJle olochot4 ( 1.11 /1 Glynn 1,11131,1 tali IN lid hi lt. 111. fiat .1t ttnlrl ti ln l n 1111 Imllial,4l that. tlp I.ltp and \\Jilt P.. 1,14 tit to ,tifel, MIL Pht • (Jim. tluilti..,ll lit It tgut. -t, In In Itinglitg tip time IP oil, Is, all sl ols tttlu faith long t 0,40.4 =II IL Al 14 %%Ito blithe t'st. h f. the 1.1111,111111.111. It (.1.41114 ii, 11l rt field goal fss hitt tt %In tint t aft. t ht' OW ill ill I lit.% Os tilos nous tht. ts\lt Cot soli l.s 11 Ins tool.atlllll life Ind put fol th a but 41 of 1,1 lista fos n thnt 10111,11 otstl , fos .1 1i1,i111.1 ,illlll. •111/15 and isot 15,41 homes t t toll 7 . 1 1111 lt.s Igt .tt 01115 bolo tilt lead • 'llO. 1 . 01111 title 1.10 1.10 11 1, ullogv l'o , lloott 1 1,1100. ii 1 lam 14 [tot tl.l 1101.10 lilt i I.i 1 ;toil Ito s‘ll 1 mlllll 1 Mel 11,111, It (YD. I 1..11 11 11 11 olt dim 31 - t I'lo t Au 11.1 It Cie it) 11,1.1 kg. II) 1 latn 1:1,41. 4. P 'I, 0 1. I, 110., 'I :,I,lt. Ittithtlilt 4i Ch. yips It tilt tt lieltiltt 1:101 1 \ latt 2. \ kelt. tt ti t 0I)t 111 It t I SW. itl,ll- 0.,11, titl ft tt Iti titllff. 101.0 cot 11..11t It. Al 111• fttt tlitffeN lit. ft t iii (tel,l, PENN STATE ATHLETES TO BE GIVEN BANQUET :ast n Penn ht.ite ntillete4 m 111 Li these honottil at it hanottiLt in Lu st ltltt It lit the \ vie! in Alltleth A. 41411001 .11 lite Ilellt•tue-Sti Ilfttil lin tel. Ott ,I,t111111), the nineteenth 'rho alums Is on annual flit an oil In hotut of athletes hoaen floe, the 11111`,q 01 'llllO it I MIO ‘ll tilld.loll ill the athleth 110 01 11X s.w hillun Its laltkell tins Won St to "due" 1 letlenl, I I I W 11011 .111 1 I \like" 1 loin, tot that 1.1111 tot 110111 111 the olltllton...a N iletn‘ki, .1 1 t 1.1/1001 to atoll 1: I. Cm let. menthe's of the Lhatoplun It u-mile Id) Leann PLAID FIVE BY NITTA Second Period Rall 47 to 25 Victor. Features I i . . . i REGISTRATION i DATES , tt n l ,l l. :, t , itth tut! ',atilt] It I,lt u t tt t ; „,,,,,,1 ' et :1.11, ,,,,t . , 11 , tt , ttit , lt : It, qltottltt iOw • t ttncl ... ill( Sal tor a t ' l " at " I. r t:I ' ll i l,,- Jtt•tt 1:.U.:-....1 STUDENTS PLEDGE TO ENFORCE LAW Snenteen Colleges Represented at Lan-enlorcement Comen lion at U. of P.. FIVE NITTANY STUDENTS ATTEND AS DELEGATES 1:.1,1,•,. 11,111,1 (11141] 431. -I ttl. nol. a (le I tw.enrol. Ltut n 1 • iellon 11.111 at ('llll Kit 11)111 sump. of Om, 1114/111111011 , ,(le. '14111.141, 111 1 A ,11111111% 11111 11,q Mt 11 111111111 111 1.1111.1 ,Ist, Piro, 'lnto 1111 It‘illlolllllllc, 11 11,11111111 111,111, In of th, 1 NI 1. .1 , 111 1,114114 , , 111/11_ , L111 111 OwNoang 1,111114 ,11111111 of It, (` 'l' ' , i. 1 NI 111111 •1•1111I1‘1, 1: IV tilln lilt, lit of th. `quilt and It 9- 111114 of 1.1”. 0114- o,nt loon, 9 1111 h., tin .1. , h. hi d tlm 1111111.11, 01 1511111,1% mil to no loth .It 1: it n. ~ 14 41111 1. 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