PI Pagliner: VOL. XIX, No. 22 "IPAGLIACCI" WILL BE GIVEN AT PENN STATE TOMORROW Opera To Be Folk Med by Ballet at Eight-Thirty O'clock in Auditorium SPECIAL SCENIC DESIGNS ARE WORK OF TICHEUIt Critics Commend Every Detail of Production—Tickets on Sale at The "Y" Hut' All Ititot is (tom the tool of tile Manhattan Opeta Comp tny 11111111 ,111 . pi anent Leutka,ttiltis 01101.1 "I Pashto., el" faun ed by t 11,11101, 'An flout Mo rose the Cook Citrus' . In tile Audit°, lam Satut day e, ening, Nut man ly -foul lb, at eight-thit 11, and Illicit 1:1 vaob.tbiy tile biggest Inodtalion ultich Into Cool apt/tared at Penn 'at de, show that not only hale tile theattes of the 1 ions eittes Loans , but many of its oI Itkisins al tte 111.. 11110 in othallun 11 nlLiloUt .111 atival as IL ha,eling Lump oily SpeLial scenet y to (slut Cum mho 111(1 the Music lkt, 3101 ion, ten 010110011 a men flout 1110 llaunanlll and Philh 11 monk 0101100 Pa and Melt e gills hunt the Ruth St I/0111110 Slog field Folihx 11111 01 cum kit Village Fol lies Companies all! she 01/010 lolea of Ills beauty of the mush,' 0,111110 Nooonnnets 11111111,;111101the st rte ha 10 been loud in Melt in 1100 notable stoup of tilllool 1101 he heat 11 OW night iu 'l. Pagliat I ' - The 11,111 of Nedfla 11 ill lot lal.oll by Mitt's Mll 10 Louise St ors' She has a lulltltto %oho of 0111110111 811 eel.. 1,1 0 1 1/1100 of emotions and hoots lb at Is 11011 lit toll to the tole of C 111100 olla Chas Mll.llOllll has molt a 11(011 1111- preaslon 111 the lido of Lank Ile 11 11 a line halm 1 Oil 0 told puts a 01 0,11 do 11 of lot .11111 entlinalasm 111111 his Anglia; The beautiful hoeolltiss ,as mats by CioNter Talitn on In the tole of 8111 ore L 1 ((aline of the moduction Ile has a tick halftone voice The Cat lisle Sandlot - stales th it, ..lat otnatallo's moat human short 011011 mas t expt eased by soulttful, ambitious petaunalities lIIIL3 l EPILIIS in aIII 111111 I Ulla 11 hell 1,01111/ 0111/by tile 11-I.lgllin -1 eau 011 hl spa mulct the I 111 moo hull nreet tilt. %ear ling ole‘Ln on 0111 Lteaser 1 , 14,141 in the annual stl all to- SOCCER GAME CANCELLED BY HAVERFORD BOOTERS lia, et fold h to Laneelled its game milli the Venn State soeLet to on that was sLhethilLd for tam:nine aft. noon 'Van:mei TollL> teeel‘ed maid ,ntet rim the atilletin authot Ries at liaterfottl that almost tilt of the t,i.tt etv hale been die /bled h> illjUl .11,11 that the team 11 could be t ompelled to fin felt the game If the Nitton team mode the tilt,to Ilnelfold Motet Ouse eimuntstances DI inagor Tolley Ms Mid to tiot ee to dais/ fat equest tot amel the game The lint enuntatel of the Nittan bootees mill be malt Lehigh on DeLembei eighth at Inane JUDGE LINDSEY IS NEXT "Y" FEATURE Is Originator of Famous Juvenile Court Which Has Gained World Recognition LECTURES ALWAYS DEAL WITH VITAL SUBJECTS With I..ingsint. the In 141(1 111 I. le and gone the holders or Se 0400 Odd.. foi She 1 11 C A 1;.. ntes t thnnent Coutesnon n until the 010131 of 13eLenthei tnelfth ohen lodge lien -13 the It nhoudit sLgnl/s .1 les. Ins es ft on. IN nv n 111 ap peal al tht. Audltoduin and., Lholses Is of sold]. 0 1....tn1- age htt lug been loon In I is Itons., '1 Cos ne.s.de lit nus edtgated In the puha NLlsools and ri o t g 1901 Is Ls In Id the 110011.1011 or Judge of the du, esille Com t of Den,. and It In /1110lIgh Ills OIL it nosh In this t Igo lt, 11l it 10 gals.“l ILt fame th it non Mr. is Ids .10111- lo ttln les.ltnes 111=1 Fn, the 111111 , nisi took nooses. illll of the Judges seat in Dunne,. 1114' no I It hw bt on n net that Want! , ah l‘elUxeulle tom t oons Ito 111.1111.1- 0011 I/1 hint iAIIIOI,III hate sent te*.il commissions to Deem, to stud) Ids methods, ntol lap in lnas en Illicit nunthe uundei of him and Ills tosulta thut •the . n.unuesheiloteen s ft eta that eotente3 can loull Photo,. Ude , or tun. „o that It might be tc pioduicel In detail Judge I.lnelse, 14 the indent of the Colorado /ti,enitt Court Lin one Melt 111 has been eidennettel to man> When elate,. Del uhlth In 14 pl. en 111,111 %allot nit nit all tines I his lan pills on Drell leonine bo)s se latticed to the Indus-1 tilul School it (wide 0, Colotado. Inet mlttlet.; (1111/1 to 00 to the ,heel 1111- attend"' In all the 3,11 , 1 11,11 this 1.1 ,, has been In fence, there lyre been unit II n out of se ,e 1 hundred that In base ,t 1 land tht.ll Mend lehter .leithed (lee I ky bnlg 114 110 1,0010,1 1,110,011 mith I.lll*ol Pull, batho, and thlngn, he onv the unIN eIOII blob but the thoe tattle when he left Lq:notoutv 111,11 began to hunt the 1.111414. 11 1 1.411114 110111 to 11,1,1 the tc nonio behind tht rt tt henntoot of ntotiu Co .11111 theit th 11- clt en Thlv o thebeginning of n long min lood-fought LAI ugglt pith tht Lit t, eat lied Inn 1,44 of congnettial rile Nutoltlonandlng the tlinllll , 10010 .111 11l [Wing o 11101 the, .0.111111111101111111 /111 1 / 4 0 Lllllll.O, 11;14 41111 k to MN tnlgl,l.ll anon 111111 11114 11011 out 0.1111, all 111 , 0111104111011 /11 11114 111111 111110 111 111.1/11 1^•00, 00, 111x1 the 110111 rot th, ehll th n oils onto 111 the fight bn lllt (Continued on foul LII 11101) INTER-UNIT SPORTS TO BE STAGED THIS WINTER Penn State Club Will Conduct Bas ketball Competition between Non-fraternity Groups