Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, November 20, 1923, Image 1

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    ”Caste" Your
Money For A
Good Show
VOL. XIX, No. 21
'isitors Outplay Coach Hermann's
Weakened Eleven—Final
Score 3's 27 to 13
I er and Green Score for Penn
State—Penn Cancels Final
Game of Schedule
Ulna Inoue,' to be the huld,ll. and
.t game on the schedule of the Pcnn
ate teach:mu" footb 111 squad eav
led last Saturday afternoon on Nets
er Field in hen the 3\ h Kiehl team
n by it mute or 27 to 1J The visit-
fought loud item fire %cry statt
the game and It lore only In the this al
ant Let that the NM tn 3. 3 L °ling , ' mad,
y kind of a shooing andlnNt tutu
IVtot Vtr,rinlr ie.:lied the hist Mil.-
mid taplilly !nought the bill within
riling Win:ince of the Penn State
iil line Mill \titbit, fine mlnute4 had
loucluloon Thl4 1,114 IleCollll/114ill11
gain of fifteen 3 oils on it tirev
om Parle3, titer aliectly
Mutiln Olio slat Oil left halfback
.t slmll it gain tins mole h 5 hett
I an ton After gaining mound
lenenteil Mutim.4, iiii44 Rent
uilln to Lool4 enabled the ho.
oho n touchilimn Mule.) a Kick, hoo- 1
m W. blocked ninon he mole a (33
the estin point
I Isllors Us° Aerial MI.!
P.IB4CS wete fiequentlt omit by Oa
short; to make substantial gains I'al
-04 mock at noosing the ball stay ax-
Pent and colts In a huge Pal ...Mon
te An the:meccas of his tett] In stoa
t Its touchdowns Slimily allot It.
' , lt tan), \\'mt Vliginla met 'outlet
alstance on the Pa. of Coach tier
ann's men and onto tomtit to kick
o balls-,Dalter received-the kitty but
mbled and the bill nos leouvered by
'bet Vitglnlo on the flft rad non
trio) again resotted to Passes A fill
till pass to Patrick n MICCIViSIUI
d. tooth elem. Odd ahead of him to,
n fut anothei touLlitlonn
Neat the end of the Ihst half, - tint
c ball In theh 'possession, the 31uon
liwelt: mut,hed steadll3 dont] the
:Id Farley tutted the ball 01,1 fat
third time tot Ole team, blinding tht.
etc up to 20 to 0
luring the iii St hilt' of the game the
Je and White fiethrnen did nut nun ke
tingle first duhn and here fortel to
J. the ball each time Ii has In Hill
Netet theles.t, Otte gut Ilt.
stiff defame and the 50000 'Maintain
vane also fortad to 41.111.11(.1 LIM
II set (nal Chessl,ll3l . l tart
ide In the second oat trite
Penn Slate Scores
'then the latou s it tut HI it to tha field
the accuntl half, the punt lo.;, 011 I
vomit stspeat . The Ptlot St e f Loh
inatle too (010.1101.00 timing tla
,ti (Waiter Aftet emit otglitg
010 Inlet "laud a tot %tat 1 Vt.anti
ale a tidily-Ike laud t It Ith Oft
II On tho Ihtctn )tutl line, Clot 111.tlie
nth, at left and tutu Llt.t o Site al 1301
eon talvatatal the b tll fot touch
II MI. Ul Inn 1110 st tont! 111111, Ii Iln
een 01111 (11L3 elan nut 1 , . 14 1 one.
,11 11111111 tW ll' tuulllllLl IRO 1 II
I the 11.111 1,10 ag.klu 1040 10 Ihe
II line 1:,11301 IA lean 1011,1,11
kli n. ompleted but 111.1 II& gain
111 munn,l lII_ 1131.1111 111111 11 the
1 tin °ugh lart t.t3.131e 101 1.133, 3.00,1(111
Nittuily dun neetnut to Jet loan
dere.. In the last 1111.11101 nn It
not able to check the att.. I. of Its
penents Buth shit 9 exthante LI a
robot of hunts doling thl4 19,1t91 01
y and Pal le) 00010 tool. on hie
Mottlit eauttla a miss (Moon float
to fifty Yard Vito soul Lau Clout the ihtii
the ate pout Ihue bulblo he tumid
• stupluell Path y tattled 1110 lt.tll 00-
.. the hoe soul .hod male 0110 extt,t
hit making .1 total seele 00 toolltut
-001% fel the West Vlteanla freslttion
thltteen fot the Penn Slate
Co. The Ilta,tip mas fulluos
'enn SLAW AVLet VIII:Inla. '
Igo I i., ratrlLlc
awn I t 1:,koge11
(donllnued on WC pa;:-.0)
hoteeeor J. AI While LI hes tetentl>
ut ned hunt the Bullion., Iltualtal
ally 'minuted Iu health lh amen
Mends feel gkeatly oat/biased b)
If Iralauttlllellt ,uallosee
It has su fat, Ptofessur 11Illaid m ly
able to take up sumo of Ills duties
ettu bt.tte Mat )eut.
1 .
, am tatr ~,,,,,,
Dr. Thomas and Dean Watts Will
Be Feature Speakers Next
Tuesday Evening
Student Committee Is in Charge of
Publicity Work—J. B. Park
Will Be Chairman
Th e School of Am'culture at Penn
St.tte has ego taken 1. loading Dalt
In the momotion of high Ideals and
isogrcsshe agilcultural Sulk, and this
activity h is 1,11110,1 It among the rum
:m.sE agticultufal cullcoes of the land,
Isskles making . Penn State mell and
&mutably knots among all classes of
topleultui Pits The -Sehool has ILI eat-
Is' announced it n 9110 that bld.l LI 11
to consldm ably (ultimo plooscas along
this lbw, is m 5,11 as to dl in checking
a thtettened lapse of Penn St.tte SPir-
It An "all-Ag' Lousier Ineetlno
mlflch "Plex.3" Thomas ,ttul Dean It L
Wattei 11111 be the Inaln spetkets, has
keen scheduled fin las.trucsday menlng
at omen o'clock In lioum 100 atllcel
e Building
Imitates All "Am."
All the utganlamluns on the 11111 me
behind then om ement and It Is
111 th tt cooly student ln the School mall
be on hand to hem the knout t alt 11109-
,tgev to be dclil et ml by 131 'Thom is and
Dean 3'atts, and to take pot In the
dlmusslon .111111 11111 folks.
The 1150111, of this net plogtesov.
undertaking of the Agliculturtl School
1,111 Is mot 5 (all) 051111100 d at the
amain,- combo, although It Ls 41-
lead, knemn that the nancment Is nut
confined to students atom but is being
at thcb pushed by all the agricultutal
extension morkets of the college Theso
Include County AgenLs throughout
Pennsylx-mia and ectendlon special's. .
In all lines of - 11,01 imitate The mem
bets of the loaulti of the School are
also heartlli behind the baustel idea
Committees 0100011
licskles genet II committee consist
log of Mc llllsldeno of the agtkultut -
al organle Worm fit Pcnn State and sm
et al memitels of the FaCtlll). .1 LLIDI-
MIME, COM pi 1.41,1 L: W Selpt 1, NV 12.
011 101 . 2 1. and C C ICuppenhes el '23
has hem chosen to ad...mdse. the 1001 L.
log . .1 1, 11(11 11111 act as chat.- I
man, at the meethor
Takes Lo3alty as Chapel Sermon
Theme—ls Classmate of
President Thomas
"Wt. bale bum nook-toad, toe
wont pages or nut nmspalats to
million Igo. mulattos," 11,11(11 Dt A 1
Alcsandel. 11111101 of the lhM.Plcsby
hi lan Chug], at Past,t, Posinsylm
nitt, In Ills address at the chapel mt
. hos Sunda)
Dr Alesandtt selcctuti as Ills Ica
the 111 Ott'
, of Da UM 11111111 ch dais •
of Romans, "bet 1 m 3 soul be subject
onto the 111001 111111 013', and the ,
tut eau-ninth go se of Me firth chaplet ,
at An ot, "Ltgally" is the suldmt ut
Ills iltscoume
An 1011.1101 on on ti log chologv. the t
speaket 1111111,0 that "Loyalty In 11(111' 01
111 UM accomplish nuthine 10111-
114011 to that he said of post -mat lety
choloig, "Mel a 111sts Dam Is 111.01 v I
to beIL lovlsal of egotism tool self- I
IndulgenD, stall et %NO t. today". ,
lilies of 101 ally met e mell °mind!.
Mal In 11110 season 14 the yeat mas the
opinion of Alomfalm, and he chod •
the Ave, tone of At misllcti Day as 1
en Instance of pattlotle !MAIM. and
ThanksgiVlng as an esample of the - I
ally matt holds In his Moot Cot all true
end Cl eat ideals
"!.Malty Is o pettimnent 0111 Ica .
human life and such ti.' la .01
living being bet mos ah
. ac count t
mall It becunit s the ttemant of II high. I
et Integoit and pl./imago Itself, capable 1
of commanding all the poMet et !HMI"
That all ,smell tests un the ludalti of t
14DIN lee to one ancallef, 11 118 Made plant
by Di Alcsantlet as be condemned the ,
days egotism 10111 Jealous.. m Ith li .
threatens out ...leg of tech)
Pleading fw loyally to 1111 1111111, tits
speultet of the day excluittool thoo Matt
10 mauling Imlay Is faith In the tooth 1
as god sees truth. and ul ged It gicatet
icandlnallun betmemi gmetallurts
11l A .1. Alusandel I 0 a gtualunte nt
Union College and a [comer classmate
01. Piesklent John 31 Thomas. Last
minter De Ale-mullet Ilslled In the
Neat Nast and 11111 upe, and spoke 1
set mal tinas befog, the studcnt bulb
of the UnlwMalty of anyc Uth, get -
Faculty Committee Must Approve
Budget—Sixteen Hundred
Dollars Is Required
At the last meeting of the committee
on the Sophomote Hop a budget of six
teen hundred dollars was decided upon
Tile appro.l of the finance committee
of the sophomore al'ss composed of
Dean yatnock i Neil Phoning and Ray
!Smith Is necessary before the budget
may be adopted
The budget of ill,teen bundled doll
01sIs neeessaiy to make thls annual
social function a success IL ens trained
the Sophomore Hop eommlttee that
they uvula be allotted only a budget bf
ten bundled dollars At the last meet
ing of thls committee hosetet it 11 as
leaf old th it tile budget allotted them
mould prote Inadequate and that I
budget of sixteen hundred dollars uould
be nceessaly to cutstile Holt in
a manner fleshed by the students and
theft [fiends
It man point"d out that the 1101'
could be ntagtal ulth the budget .t
lotted but ht a in tenet th it ottuld notice
it app., nu one of the usual d times
held at the At niece It oa , YeadilY
seen itootnet th tt thhi ix one of the
pt eminent social functions of the )cl'
and nhould be dealt mit). uccottlinglY
4lcmberu of the committee, stated that
pith the budget alluoad a toll n
tr t could be secured and the use ti
At mat) d ince, 4.01111cd but In older
to ..mean
out of Loon orchestra
suchthe “Nentucky Set enotlerti'l
ninth oouid featut e the d met, the eh.-
teen hundred dellat budget mould it
Nothing. has been done conconlng
an orchestin, facet, 01 dacolationo, but
In all mobability the dui/rating mill be
done by the committee then - Nelsen, no
it ems Lint 3e It In expti led ilium
no contlactn tt 111 be cloned until after
Eight Students Selected To Take
Part in "To The Ladies"—Tick
ets on Sale for "Caste"
With the selection of eight utuilenti
ulto xlll "aim the leading tolts, noth
n is dellnittly begun lust ',tell on the
1 tteit pioduction of the Penn St.t'e
14.t3e1u, To the Ladles"
As I. ',tilt of the ti3-ituti. the fol-.
lowing pluyete utile Liaison I A
Januar,. '27, 51Irlitm 1:03 '26, MutJatit
Lunen '2l, 13 .1 ()Donnell '25, hied..
Copper man '27. IT P n Sutherland '2l,
Prank Neusbitutn '26, and It J Be °n
isi' 7alus Taxi lone 15c111111, assotlate
Wits to: of the otglinTAtiOn, st 'tea that
the._ else netetnl mole toll, 'Math halt
out let bun Tilled, and ataiine Into
ested In the hoth nt.* tatang, fin .tit
itnineilliat. trial.
70 th, nee tomtits, "To the Ladlti t .
George S Kauffman .tell Mitts eOIIIICI
- Ole olso the .tuition of , •
hose depleted t usilst Il mOlllOlll In
mauled art 1 het. 11,110 in 01, thel.
e‘posltlun esiatlall mmHg able 10 the
moment (line 0101 existing conditions
In Amerlea, and have Wane It 111011 iii
and delltietately
Tilt 10111,11 In tin pli* lie
units I.l.olHild Iletlin rind his wire, 1.1-
Ole 1 0 Ise Illtle Ali I Dom 1101111 e
Latium 11 in an as u Idc Jollog Apo titan
lell,, 11000111 of ambition 111111 v. 1114110.1
0 101 elediel I 0 tatttesat Illuto, hus, (~ I I
has doles 01111011 to make of 11110 smut
thin,: mow , than the Gum,. She i
Lomat.; almost Insui mountable 111111-
runlet., 01011 him to in Ilse an atm din
-1101 apeeell rin 111111, but isla. dot, It ail I
the play tells 1111 slots. 1101111 1I i 1 en
played Mile mid 01 to Mug. Impel son
11tell 1,001111111 In the of
at the Llbet t) Thttitte, Nen Yin li,
n late 11 inn rot an i Mire Bea ion
Woltotl la the Ntw loth times
miss, "I"et I a unlit 111111 mate dm lista dug
Manta It has 1.11 els been 01illt
In Amu lean plat sit Ights l'ull to the
hl Int of thlntai that. n 111 ['Lisle mot talc
el 1111 suits anti tunaltlons, It Iv .10 1111-
I Mille. Jullltluillun Those rile ha,
a toilet thin of the all most amnia.,
tool ales of tile n19:11111111 11 1 0 lu
faiths UM tele 1/f them (wait 111011 Ilia
In main to of
Gana ?in "ro the
Ladles' .•
lho ticket 2. Lle tot 92.iste.' . Lbwlhet
• Mt° , -in °dm tlun to he Pk tin by 111
I . la)titii. will Ix held Lltiv m4_111111; 1
he Slate Shhl Shut/ at set en
Tin Itels rut "1 Pug Hatter, It Melt
nill int ithen nutlet the amine..
of the btutient Vulunteets Ott
Stitutdur night, Mil rtie sulti nt
ihe hut tinting oilitu 410011
this neelt An ntitlitlunzi sale
n 111 be held on IVetinesdto night
fruit% sewn until tight dclu.. ul
A genet.) tycet Pale fol
"Crib?" n 111 be held tonight at
the estate Shhr Shop et seven
II clad. Thin Is the Iti YE m Our
in oche:lion to be Prevented 13
the Penn State Pk.)ery title toe
end blll be glceil In the Au.ll
- !um en Thuredd‘ cn ening, No
, onbec tnen*-seeond ut eight
fifteen o'clock.
Western Trip Milliße Taken Dur
ing Easter Vae:ition—Home
Contests Ailnouneed
, 04101 T d (:.tte4, ail extemillc sthed
Ule has been att.ttlfivil fat the Moe
.t.tte forensic at lists for the 1923-193 i
A uumhei of home 001111111.
Mt, mat... 11,4 h no beg.. Hu...AO ill 11111-
Ilia Will, nod Ih a A
ale to be Imitated on a u evtt n nle
Mali nlll be takcn am inn 11, E vial
On Deteinbo thf ''beienth the Nit
ta* deltitery tt 111 melt bans titan the
llnlfettan of Pittsburgh and 11ttS11111.:-
ton and Jeffet sun toilege Arlin the
Chtlatmlot holiday petted the thst de.
bate to be ataged by tin. Blue Owl
%%bite taunt alll be the College
of du Clii of New Yeti. In the Audi
tritium on 'finnan.
Staging .1 debate In a neutral tot.ii
for tin, firat time, the,Pcon St at team
0111 meet S3lllOBO Bnivemlt' I itii
iesentalhes at Lock Staten on relit ti
ale Metal-second A. triangulat de
bate 0111 be held on lebruair me it"-
ninth 011.11 "Bicknell iand Dickinson
March nest and secedth am bang le
scitun lot Geoige 1111sitinglon Unit or
sit' at Dashlngton I D. C and Us
rum teenth and ment
. 1
lilest of tile same
month fin Clink Unlv mit} hers Mon
tana- 14 , cdein, M 111 . V meCaomeDit-
In March at the Bellefonte couithouse
During the Easter vacation lcrio , 1
the leant 0111 trace! tin ouch the 11 oat
cicatins: Ohlo State Unlveislt,t, the Cm
mash' of Indiana, Kansas State Agri
cultui al College, and the St Ile Bid
(Continued on at. , s iiii,"
Question of Music Is Most Import
ant Problem—Date For Third
Year Classic Undecided
Penn StatL'o en,atcstOil 01(111,
tile Junlei Pawn, ininnlsk, to le.
h h,tt 11101iiiitg this )ila 11 the PLSUIIIe
or the LellegL ;11.1ii101 ltice lot material-
It has lung httu the tleshe to Lott,/II
the suclil funt.thots of tho tt.ste,the
doses to ‘llllllll aI e estnablt.
Unlit and it Is to this tot! blunt the 'ten
ant Junks Piot° conititlttce Is tusking
At inesent the 1,0111 altentotlng to
obtain sultAble nitwit Cut the allah
Thiee tell-lows ottliestlas hate heist
tthetl to submit. blots tt tl Include II ai
ling., (halm, 1).1A Is' trill Ishatu .loots.
011 1111.114 h 1,1114 til ts , totottls for the
Pliontejittiolt CutoltSAY tot
matt) tteasuns
Lunintittta aositc, none en
tailitivlng II 11111 111. 111sluticltla to /101/-
11111 plans anti 1)1111 lotevet the 'Mtn
-11, of the L. 111.1 1. 100111 fel the nom
altova bids mtrat be In the liatitiv of
1 1011/0 111e1111/01 of tile ...late Info,
the Glitiviattan hvilda) Petiod
ittnel pint of 4/ veiling thaAnatlonn
fin the tlanta lies Lein suggivttil It
Iv Übe en to 11.1 11 doIIaILIIICIII4 of
Atrltlte in iltne .1.1 Atly 11t tile collide
1111b11111, 1 11,01.11.1 hone hallo 11 ut kid
mit ILL the disposal el 1110 Luttittiltke,
Uu nth 111 of in the ',nerd! malto-111,
of Ike 1 . /11111 A/111 hawe token a oktkle,l
01,11 this stit It all! 110 hnpui+llllo
111 1114111//1111 /ill' 1,1411 bootha at the
1125 d'llll Satold. Ilso xlll 1101 he
peimitted An tinlitnned nunthvy of
Loopier .111 be .11hasttl hu,e,et. 'rho
date for the /11T.111 Ins 111.11. ILL 111011
'rho dedication ut the now dettnitin
boo 10 11 1,0 1111,11 1111100 011
SllttlYll.lY 11114 been lnliclinltelY Iloblltch
ed by the Lununittee In thntge. The
planned fon, was to luttl 1/0011
Ulle of the blggc4 alralitt in the Idotet)
01 the edluol and attracted a great
deal of In 101 091 As soon tut a dennitt.
dale leas been doubled uhen• the com
mitters bill one° mote take alt thole
bulk. This date nal be unnuatmed In
the Widal_loLlN.
Copley of the sell 1923-1921 Student.
DII Leto, y m 111 Lc placed on sale this
neck The non hubllentlon hi slat
In appcmunce to the general Lattaltteue
ninch Is pulallohed b 3 the college. anti
The net dlrectin) contain s
the nanit
and resident of the students
and faculty and Is alto saleable for the
idled Information concerning the col
legc The publication differs item th it
of list %cal In that It contains no mi
tts tragnents This Is because It PI 1101%
.wmullet publlcgtiun of de_
collect. The price teinglns the same
lionesel, at Lucnty -the cents
Is Making Extensive Tour of West
ern Colleges Accompanied
by Comptroller Smith
That tI life of a holing° titer Mutt
tono ett'q task In Ibis tlw e
ment tut higher education Is unit too
‘llld4 oxempllllul by PrLoWont John
AC 1 boom, ho, In conlpan 'A Rh ft
The dilect obitct of the Piety'] Jour
ney hts nut been .innounend. but It Is
milk a lieu or dimulting genetal in
form Won as to the develoPment or
othei iligtitlitiOlN of higher education.
leAuiling Melt methods of inatruttiun •
mode of tosulut t and solution or genttul
1011140 ntublems • that the nip lids item]
The nisi stop on the president h
vt hedule ns made at Chicago on No
enthet thirteenth, ei Ilene he attended in
I on, ention of the Land (tent Colleges
k•csotinntices, ohich I eitcci until tht. !U
-nit nth Undoubtedly a goodly numb°,
of hicas iiea prcsuctlid 3it tills meeting
olthill ant to be tiled to cithantage
those oho intended aunt Institution,
nunonoi tut by Unit reconeeti, nottes
("lies ('tint OE. i lint A Mill.
On Nosemlat ashanth, the Penn
Oldie 'sat) slopped oft at the lima
State Colic,re at Ames, Ine r , here
hlent Thomas tit 111. red the conct atoll
addtevc Tile fogo,lng da) vuu) 'Wm
In an Ingpection tour of the college
According to 1114 et hedule. the :Satan)
leaflet, x s tine to ail bit it the Unt
wist() of 11Inin sofa nt
wsto tia , Ile trill look user that Insti
tution today html it 111 then depart fur
the Util) et at) of IVivounati la not
-4011. %% Isconsln the Pt esy iv all' bids
111. St tic un et about tilt t,ent3-
1111.1 of :Nowt:gun
tilt e11.,111i.t11114 I,tille. tts In_ seen
In Old Chapel nest in lain attct nun. at
font -thlt t) o [loth, oull tonolloit Lugo ly
of 001110 1111114 1,10.1111ng . the Goillbou
It) th toelettllo dell loptuent While Ulu
to(ttuleot ate leittg shoo", Leon it
t-otthett Of the 5111001 of 1111,;Ineetlit e t
o 111 t.olk un the In clots It 111111 Is one of
the Int geon tones of the oust
'I he Into wliklo 110. fulnkhell 111 °ugh
the Mildness of Stone and I% chalet, otetto
of the longest thins of englneeiv In the
toottnlt). 11111 shoo tone of thole Liftst
I'll , 04 of enkliitet ht,; '1 Ile Con Poo
phut lot toe tted un flit ( o toithei Idt et
.1110111 tllu !Intuited miles out th ut San
Plano 10000, and o hen Ilitlootio.ol t mill be
the sound longtst plant 111 1...111C01111.1
The tut.lneet Ingo stollen os to le to
-1.11011 shoot. len 1111101 fiont 1110 loot,
toll, the oo let 1101110 Lon :le I thou s
,untettlettt 1.11111). 'lllO 11uIW111,f of
the 41.111011 .1101 1000100 itettetoootott tl
the Minding of 111110 tunes on Lutonett,
lion 1111110101 111 01 clot to haul the ma
ke Isis twin the neat eat line of the
IVestetti I'.lolllo
A meeting ur the flotlinuto tan
tlltlatett rut the etlltutlal ~tar It
the COLLEGIAN hill tea laid
l'ltuthday °tuning, Nutt:4omi
tatenU•xeaontl, In I tIII Oml
slttln t at neten
Many Penn Slate Students_ Re
cone Sixth and Seventh Des
grey at National Conclave
Hating eltetist Its nut illicit. the
lot nl tiwntet of the thents at ct 111,
14 lion tinning Its attention to the *g t
tlonal and St ite tL line, l unventlon
whh It is being held in Pittsbui,ele fen
Eno ueeles beginning Mond* of last
'Me 1'0110,0:14 ollk tt.o 11 too 'teen t t
eli .1111 i 0111 Lt lust tiled In .Innitato
Alantet, C. 1 Ito In, Ooototo i, It I'
Nltars '2l, Lot linos, 1 1.1 Wood. oft
Sten od, I' AI S tltttr'2s, Ansistant
Stt Oat I C Collins, C Implant, IV 11
1 0 10 i). Tttnsut rt. I. H Stialt '26.
Soot 00.113 Altos Borilltc T.tolor, Gat,
Itoopet, D C 13 to '25, Cclt4, Allis
Lot t aloe Way, l'oinon t, oil i
I' . 2.6, lima Allot I linen", hunt-,
01, Lad) A,s'stant Stessald Albor AI -
inn Iltux '26, titbit 11 S RI, 25
4_ .1 Irvin has been stilt del
gate to the Coll%ol[loll but mar* olio I
Penn State men buttgone to Plus
lidrgh to lett/he thc shah and stv enth
degrees Itetu Len ten ind melts le
vel, cd the shtli last Thui stlit) night
aphis thin)nmn of Penn Shutt t.
Leh.' the se,11(11 01 Nation
on b tidal evening
It has been a anal tel of tenth*
since the Natl..' Onlege met In Penn
.l3lV.llllll and several .v ems mince the
State Ch inge met In the 11 cstri II 10 11 I
of the state It Is e .Petted that IS,
attendants it lilt Pittsburgh ton, n
non u 111 tot 11 Oven -the thousand
.k page int 1 eines, oiled the detelop
unnt of immulture nom the e idlest
time to the protent hlth n foieutut of
Its (11tIll 1, nitl be Ittestntut tt the tn
centloll pith the Celltle Count) l'utnOn , l
(lunge .10of the thtee couno
tZtttn,te4 point/
/tint; It The oust hill
be made utt Lithely tit students colt hut
1, I that - oath. tit shit lallst
10 ittchtlun to the T tkcant, Penn State
stUtlciits 0111 ,:Ito Itnirothint "tile
play ,Itlch 1,111 he 1.14111 4WD& itt•li
'I he subottlin tie ,tr Inctits t Oct thin'
plat as 00. ins of old doing fund,'
to Ito fot thtli shot of the lti tug,
pledge hill( 11 Is to Lot tainted fin the
building, of tilt pitottu,ed 611 In dot:n(-
1013 pt 1%1111 511110.
Plays Handed In Are All Musical
Camedies—Elaborate Scenic'
Effects Requested
ext lattlittei 01,1111411 MM I 1.,. It Ins
ultb tlt enthisula sun Ott vtl Int, 11111,11
In 1111: submitted In the Theld Ln
tuntilelllltell In all lhtle lilt 10111.
In .11111 Al
though they hit e not betel examined
tul°l'lll4 the tuttunlttee Is et y hub ,
t that une till, still I, 11,1/1111JILI
tub I/It/due lan Theta ut still ee
hm lulu L.lllllO 111 It t, t ngt most,
ut Ing been Inatle 11 It 11 lilt LIM/ 141
I Ile eglutt alien
The 1.13 s that haw: In in ballad ht
gto .111 lIIIISIL tl .111.2111L5. SRI I
type flout utuilis of the booth Sea
Isles thlottgli the tuudetts of old Jtll,lll.
la the 1 / 1 1111 int lights of IL :SI. 1011.
oglotiet home of the hills till fot
ti.lottlitial3 °fret is .inil LOStlllll.
tl elloula 11011, out vet) , °Ms -
thely. The mush. Is rut the jad:
et 141013 and the uutils of the 11l-
Its ate suilklent Itt theinsch es to Lail)
nong allot sung.
Il ht honed b 3 the Mitt tuts to 11.0 i.
. Ii lilt nithin IL Luuplc of %%Lels all
the submitted initittite. tnts nu that the
Luitunittee In Lino ge ut the play L
test t tol begin 1101 1 11 utl the final m
lee Lion. Set vie.; on the Luttintittut o 11l
be the pion...doted tilt Idol of the tot e
duction tills Oa, The thud 4eltetion
11111 be 4110,011 111. i in ufes4luital tilt et..tur
fut. of Lours, he bus had mule expel
lent, limn litet 11111 bud) oil tile
Thus the Luntestouts may Lome that
theit tall be 10110011 fait!) tool go
t o t 41110 to profehslunal
TI)-nuts tut the Theitolust in educ
tion ate set fut the ot.elc of demon)
eighteenth. Vol the heit twenty-net en
) 1 1110 tunntention hay been keen tel
the 1141 to In tile ofinthil Thtoplail
When We
Du On
Saturday ?
inn f di"! to ,trop 11,11,, '.!11 tt I
the 'lto, of b atoll i i i ',i bittli iiii I i !W
nn 11011 01./t slat i'lllll 1114%11 111 , It l'i it
L) t to 0 •,c , O e 71t, Nitt tit) o
outpl ocd and outfought Ito ti ((111100 11
11,“14 .tiltl the Ittllliant tt mit or 11 iii
'WINon gnu Men St to lal t illei
that hi ought 1. It tuts
IVINon, a giltn thing or hulllt In
t.,(1 don n the 1:111 net I:ltie tit f, H.(
Tint Q 11,11,0111 M 1 .111,11011 111111 111 1 ,14 Ille
Knottthreat of tint Nun 111, 1. 1 1111
1111 1111.4 01 1 / 1 1 not stu.l, him 'L11141111,1
J 1 It ng and floubllng to It VI lIIa
field, the 11011Ing . Intl fotntht Inv .
tin °Ugh tht Penn clo fens,. fon lon, r.. 11111
111111 10 a 11_111111 loon di on tilt Nlll ,
111-1111E4 /1 t, on unit tint, 1111,
hl ol.e 10° , 7( iml e, h thin
lilt 1:1 11 ln I
u.ov plunnelll//11,
gloom of I trte.hln: 111 ft II
I.ast ‘o Pc nn 51 ite It 1111,l!
but he ,as I hint in inn nut mil
h. It ann 111. 111111.111 of
point On h the \ Itt in% •Ifti n
h ttnnlnt , hlp oiltlne Ind tin
the tnl4lity h tin/ nit the onnoi /11111Ilt
ind ,Ul,llOll. (II it en /hint Win to In Jn
about ti. L 0121 1 ,141, NMI of Ilk Qtl
But OIL t .griell 11 II 101 l a .them 1111-
4t/l) of the :silt le 4114 t whim n.'
bore the blunt of Its att. k 11n Ls-11,
times 11/.U1.11 LO llt tho
hall In lima lttttet vtru,4l4_ .111 11., It
sponse tt nv Inlarlabl) t kiln
As Um hint half tt thhlng , I, on
'nate began a this lin, ad, titre that t it -
tletl the ball 11111 N. 1.114 1.0 tllh
lard line Then Pllnt t fot Intl 1,1,11 t tent It long 10i t• tit
ll titan hho 11 ol gone fat to tin ft
Penn has taught n tiopin-t I/111 hlth
eplendld Inter fel eth I that (11 11111 II i
1/.11, the II)Ing h titbit!. th_ottd 1113
MY( 0.11.1(.11t10,11
li lI%MIS (ire./11,1 EMI
n.: 0 -eight 3...1 run, the most tt
k tilt In his gt kilt,. in
It" t t tl
the .1 Lund tout Mot, n tin stal t
the third ittt Intl AS Ikon (114111,1 1111011411
I t W•11/1114 11011 In the Penn lust_ tucl t
OW 110% t,ttt ml titl,
1100 /10 e, tiled tin, Quaket It tt l.s titt
one 1.111 till II 111101 11.0. tlltht tl3 in 1111
t V'tt It and tat kittcl hint but tin +t ths t 1 t
0 Kit tthotttl, him ofr and +pi hat tt It tin
L, l O lint The,,,tttnethlitt: 110
1140 111 the Of 0..104, or {III 111111011 I, I
hn VlOlllO.ll - .0 /11,0 i Ilk :40.11 lint Ili.:
111 11,111 g Off lane Penn It
Ihnn St !at_ Ito t Olt hts I 0411-
4tillonal tot I. h unt,p,tt.,l A Ion;
fat h lid nom M4Ol lA, to Ti 11011. 1 .1 W 0
.1 tit tinned to t ornithlctl Itatt I% I.
nunll.o 111, In. 11 11011 111..,i1 /111 i
11/0 1/ „ r A tie tt Held M. 1 ,1 .00 all 1.1
the sp. ilt litd, 110,4411 Oh. , : ht,tl it I,
Ihnn ‘‘.l4 the .Ml.l of
the ellt.Lst 1,111. eh, uLLtu • Llt ktty 1. 1. , if
1111‘4,1 1,1:1.i11, Ode„II. 1 111. 11111
OW l 'llll,ll 01.111,41114 11111 .1.11.1
111 LIR Nlll l llll II Ilt lip
11°1/.4 011°1101 „111,11 the :Silt hat 1.,
. 11,1, 1 1 l fel lung ~..11114.
Li nling dm 1,101 and l'l Intl lin , tn.!
,Is Captain 1.“1,n1, Int Iln 11l I' n ,
helsay of tht• In Llll,l 11, It till \ll-
t.llll 11 on and 111, tholly ink ifi z , nt I
ma, ,i. fn tol In the ' , mut of 1 . 4 11' . -
rl . ll`ll. 11 11.18 /it 111 111, th It I . (1),(11 till.
1,14( 011. IIILS 110111 IVilgoll 4 pith ill in.
filst dash fen a WO lulu,.
Itl, Ike Illictuvls II it
laddi 4, A/it/1.1/%10 4 i•11,11.i• Or till 11,1114
11111 Mil 111. MI, hll4/11
onate pla,comols llld I:l.(iii 1111111-
1) 1 of )11(o Comb). 11l if •
nll,. 11 411c1111 1111 111 1011 1.110 VII 1 111,
„111,.111,1 11 1 1 11.,1 .1 II 1111111 1 11111114
1 11. 11011,i1,112 fOl 11111111 111.
(Continued on met page)
C 1,41111 iii b I Jut tblii I Mall! al' 1 'I lit
111011 li,tll beell 1(1101111$ 111113 I~rl iii
nutubeted In the list mill of the, If otto
of l'aNi 114. Iflgh ho
fot um., uu thdt. Is uu. I ti115M11,4
111,11 e ate .1140.1 0010IPel 5,1 Ile,ll
In, 11 11110 11111 he 01111-
ablo after the gliditun
Uf thete. Nlul'hue, Itn d .lllli
have Nl6nltled Olds Intention to
Cot belt!. 00 Lilt 3(411111: t.ljt] 154112.