Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, October 26, 1923, Image 4

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    Page Four
That Lade Store on the Corner
Do you know that cleanliness and sanitation is
our greatest object in handling candy. Every
thing under cover.
By the way, have you tried our 60c lines of
Chocolates. Hard to equal them.
110 It In—Lee tore In Dean le nlcett,
"Induet, I II Conditions In
Engl Ind —Old Chapel
Saiiirdit3. 011oNT 27
IJOp In —Noc. k e IC u k meet—\e\%
Ile 1, er
1 top gll --0 .n , lit) So€cer. State NH Li
fa% ettc—Nev, Be v. er
2 10p m —We, t Vlttrinla g tale returns
~t mdit3, October 28
II 00a m, 6 .10 p m --ICh ipel Sentee6
131 Allied 13 Steal!. speak-
3166.163, October 211
7 00 p m —MLetlng of rre.throon De
i. atm; Squad—Room 316
Old Mato
AU won Muttons for the Penn State
131, a should he sent In at
unee to 31, P II DOZ., lit West Col
lege At enue. <htttnt to tit the 1111.1 ht .
Committee This liar tar ulll be held
on Not limber 1715 Proereds nlll go
to the C trisiaign Fund
Tomottou night, at amen Weloel. In
old chapel Rot Po. of flettnantoun,
Philadelphia, ulll Otte an Illustrated
teem e on conditions In South America
The first of n smies of Engineering
lectures still be gli en this sflernoon In
Old Ch fuel 4 30 by Dean Sicken
of the Engineering School Dean Sack
ett has Just fawned from a two
months . int estigsting tour of the tech
nical institutions and Industrial condi
tions of Emit Biltain
Di A Patten Curry Tr, Pt ofeAnor of
the English Bible In the Biblical Sent-
Ina* of Nev. York will sight Penn
State next neck to conduct a series of
norninl climseu for students Intelented
In Bible studs It Is nos.sible that Dr
Caro trill addiecn the ohole student
bothon a. iniiinv litoblegcl lie still or
the next Tuwitln) and 0111 leave on
satuidns, Istrucinbei thin]
.Plofes,at Curti is slidels known In
student Y .L 1 C A /itch's and for set
mal tears Ills been In ehalge of the
1111110 COIIISC at the Sitter Rat' Confer
alter His keen an dish of the plob
lents of Chilstlanlty, scientific, social,
ethical and inaustalal, a 'nen as Ills
broad-minded seholoshlll. hos raised
him to the tank of a leader In prevent
aty religious thought A eomparathe
ly toung min himself, he has aluttas
been inovt Inteusted In the problems
of the coats:. nt in. and mans of his
books deal 111th their side of the tines
Dr Cutit prevents the problems of
college life In tt vtai that grips the In
terest of eve, student An endeavor
n is
mule to Induce him to lengthen his
to Iv but his program Is so extensive
th tt he seas compelled to refuse
What about come home for the Nteek
end" litre a ear and drive it )ourself
Drho-It-Yourself Auto Co
221 U CoUego
:4•:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:• , ..+•:-:.
:1- Emerick's Motor Bus Line,
T .
•r• State College
1 . to to
.... State College Bellefonte
•s• 6:15A.D. 8:00.1.11.
...f : 9:15 A.M. 12:30 P. M.
:!. 10:00 A.M. 2:00 P.M.
i. 1:30 P. M. 800 P.M.
..r. 3:10 P.M. 5:10 P. IL
t 5:10 P.M. 41:30 P.M.
XSaturday Only Satnrday Only
10:30 P.M. 11:10 P.M.
.F .
• 7:00 A.M.
.1. 9115 A. M.
10:00 A.M.
1:30 P.ll.
11:30 P.M.
8:15P. 3L
1. 1
Bellefonte for Lock /laven
7:00 A.M. WO P.M.
Sundays 8:00 A.M.
Sot and Sunday only, 6:20 P.M.
7 Lock Haven for Bellefonte
.7. 10:00 A. M. 5100 P.N.
::: Sat. and Sunday only 10130 P.M.
'-' "Take Yellow Bus for Service"
Fare 050
sac .A.M.
L.:30 PAIL
7100 P.M.
90:10 P.M.
(Continued front PIM Pogo)
ultu epthe ch unge of once Ho In the
star of the to um out hen been mention
ed for nil-American honors
Otis Eno, g is regiuded lo many as
the to tin cog of the Mountaineer M.l
- lie t ths signals from fullback
1101 18 consideied one of the s tartest
baths in the East of
specialty Is
line-plunging tied the 178 pound full
telt often continues to cam, the ball
vlth five and three tacklers clinging
to him
Co Leh Sine irs rap) use either Pete
B imam, a rugged youth of Ekberg's
ti no or Armin Malirt, a 173-pound
'speed met chant . ' at quarterback
iglinst Penn State Barnum has been
pl M ing the position for sm oral weeks
but It Is realized that Harry 'Wilson
must be stopped at any cost In tomm
rou battle and Aiahrt's superior speed
a 111 pi olmbly aln him the assignment
uttb - Tallman rind Hill Still
fill the nine Positions Both tue tll,
an*teed-built men and are soteran
NUN They alit be outnelghed by Prank
tml Amelt but still Bite the two Nit
, uu terminals a hard fight.
There is a scarcity of tackle m steHal
it Went Virginia Davis and Howard
hate been showing up fahly well, hoc
and may rise to the occasion when
they face Pres oat and McCann Quin
lln and Mahan form a formidable
brace of guards The former played a
duo game ag Pitt and Mahan is
noted for his fiery temperament and his
habit of putting merything he has Into
cam, play "Pat" Quarles completes
the line at center He is a good pass
er end a scrapper
Support Will Be Strong
Both colleges sill send a loyal band
of rooters to the Yankee Stadium A
-.pedal Pullman train of ten coaches
left Molgantosn last night with the
%unity squad of forty men, the college
bind mil about four hundred fans The
West Thginia delegation sill make Its
headquarters at the Waldorf-Astoria
(Continual from First Pao.)
original one-act pl•tls written by the
members of the Piny Shoppe The
nark that Is being done at present In
the tills %witMg courses Is of such high
th tr Inter that It has been deemed ad
els Win this season to present an arts
'hull program The roles toil be tilled
1,3 competition, and Announcement will
be made later of the date for Orb-outs
The other bill of one-act plays Still
on the nest Plater night thole It is
be presented at the 'Unit erslty Club
.1 bill of three one-net plays all at
tthieh ere written by J Gordon
Amend These plate are being present
ed in tadsus little theatres In the
United States this season, and the Pro
duction hero will be their first local
appearance The program will bb un
der the direction of Mr, Amend
Try-outs for the cast will be hold on
Wednesday °toning, October thirt3-
Man) Penn State Bets who hale met
Aunt Mary might ho Interested ao know
that a largo quantlt) of her Homemade
Fudge nos shipped to Belles ue, Pa., to•
dal to be Introduced &here.
Are you going to see Mother and
Dad this st eat? Hire a car at the
special weeh-end rate
Drlvo-It-Yourself Auto Co
"The Fastest Growing Store in State College"
Are you ready for the opening of the hunting season
on Thursday, Nov. Ist? We RENT and SELL GUNS. Also
all kinds of equipment. We are also prepared to secure
your license for you.
Hallowe'en is only a short time away. We
have cards, cutouts, hats, masks, etc.
We have just added a new line of Rust Croft Narcissus Bowls and
Bulbs. They make good and inexpensive presents.
Underwood Portable Typewriters for Sale -
We Rent, Sell and Repair Typewriters •
"We are always trying to improve our store and service for you."
L. K. METZGER 111-115 'Allen St.
had trot lousl3 conducted "classes on n
small scale nt the Penitentiary, Is help.
Ing Ntlth the Work
'Lack of class room equipment and
state funds Is somewhat of a handi
cap. but In thin instance the college
Is making a special effort to make ev
ery concession possible In the way or
tree instruction. flee texts and equip
ment moan. a good beginning." said
ofessur Miller today "It is hoped
hat the state Still see the urgent need
- in this tyre of M ork on a larger scale
all its penal institutions" last year
murk gas carried on with great
-uccens at the Eastern Penitentiary in
One man desired musical insruction
M harmony, his desire being me'
through the mush, &MO...nt of the
college Two men mill receive instruc
tion ib)correspondence In mining
through a special arrangement ulth
the college School of Mines,
The classes are being conducted at
no expense to the prisoners and rem
ittle to the penitentiary The college
rises all Its service Gee and esen sup
plies most of the necessary les.,
eats without charge Professor b 7
Miller. head of the engineering exten
sion department. says that this is in
lee with the department's policy Of
"lacing all its facilities at the dlepos
it of the serious prisons
All the men who came through the
111-college tournament as winners are
tutomaticall) in the round robin
aturnei. The men are. Canta LAN% 9
24, C C Geuther '24, E R. Eggleston
26, IV Gillen '24, R. A Garman '26
.1_ E Hellmich '2G, E D Mitchell '26,
f lf Price '26, C L McVaugh '24, II
f Dul6 '25, N, C Hartsmlre '24, H N
Patzinger '24, G E Beard '25, P. 0
Nolte and conch W. R Ham.
Any other men - echo think they are
inalitted to enter this tournament may
lo so If they can prove that they are
.atltled to enter. In order to do this
hey will be required to play some man
rom the last year's squad and if the)
ho. up satisfactorily they .111 be
ntered Since there are already M
oen men In the meet and the limit
eon been placed at seventeen. there Is
en opening for t.o more men.
Each man in the tournarnent will
Pay every other man three sets and
reecho one point for cools set he
sins The men having the highest
lumber of points at the end of the
•nset will form the nucleus of the squad
or neat epring
See the Syracuse game next neck
end. Go by automobile. Cheaper than
I allrond faro. New cars—open and
closed Melee reservations now.
Drive-It-Yourself Auto Co
The Slickest Coat ontheCampus!
No well dressed college nun is
without one. It's the origami,
:ng as smart or sensible for
rough weather andchillydays.
Made of famous yellow water
roof oiled fabric. Has
tic at wrist bands.
Clasp-closing style
memory, and buy no other.
The "Standard Student" is
made only by tho Standard
Oiled Clothing Co.. N. Y. C
Slip one on at
New Constitution and By-Laws To
Be Madez—Officers Will Be
Elected Next Fall
A committee of prominent engineer
ing students under the leadership of
the officers of the Combined Engineer
ing Sodety held a meeting TutwdaY
night to take the preliminary steps In
the reorganization Of the society Since
'he Society tins tar:nine vo active in the
dliection of 'WI -engineering" activities,
Its machinery hay proved to be loads
smite to handle its work
The present draft of the reorganiza
tion includes an entirely new constitu
tion and by-lava uhich scorn to cor
ed the weak points of the present
tonstitution The executive power of
tke new organization is to bo vested in
an Engineering Council, PhielYis corn
,d of the usual officers of the or;
ganization, two student representatives
or each department included in the
octet), a faculty member and a pub
licity; manage*,
It is planned that an election will be
held Just before school is out in the
spring. at which the officers and the
student representatises are to be elect
ed In general, the officers are elected
from the Junior class and hold office
for one year. Tho department rePre
sentativm are to be elected front the
, aphomore clues by the members of
their own class, and hold office for two
}ears, that is, through the Junior and
senior years
One of the - difficulties with which the
Combined Engineering Society has had
to contend is that the organization is
enth ely new each fall The provision
for the election of the student repre
sentatives on . the Council for a period
of two years will always provide a
membership of the Council, half of
s hick has had at least one year's ex
perience Thl4 will Insure that the ex
ecutive body of the organization still be
able to work effeciently as soon as
college opens in the fall
Tho faculty are represented on the
Council by a faculty member elected by
the Council at Its first meeting In the
fall At this time, the Council also el
ects a publiCit) manager whose duty
It Is to handle newspaper publicity, ad
‘ertlolng and so m This latter post
, lion is regarded as a very important
roe, for the actual membership of the
organizatiOn -le hold together very
loosely. ,
A. meeting is to be hold next Tues
day night at which the final revisions
of the proposed constitution and by
laws will be taken up, and the new one
mlopted In its noel form.
Go when you will' Come when You
Me , Rent it ear and drive it yourself
Drive-Ft-Yourself Auto Co
224 E con,
(Continued from first page)
log, colleges fro points as far away
as Kamm and Colorado have been
heard from
Freshman Debaters Organize
The freshman debating squad, keep
ing mice with Ito fellow forensic artists,
In working diligently now under the
direction of C 0 Ridenour. the coach
Mr Ridenour Wends to select a perm
inent narking squad of twenty first
/ear men These twenty men have
sot been selected yet and there to still
lime for all of the pos. of 1927 who
so desire to yet enter in the competi.
Trim; to the eastern and western
parts of the state are being_ planned
'or the yearling debaters As fresh
non debating Is a now thing in eastern
allege circles, some trouble will wob
bly be experienced in arranging
qiitAble schedule, Tor this is the fleet
ieihman debating organiattion to ever
epresent Penn State
Not 3fonday evening at seven
,'clock, In Room 316 Old Main Building,
he freshanan debating squad will hold
meeting, at which time several pre
qrlinary speeche, will be given A die
tvislon of the principles of debating.
td by Mr Ridenour, will also be in
rder at this meeting Ail freshman
andldates must be out for this meet
no, and extra effort should be expend
,' hereafter, since any freshman who
remains with the debating squad for
.he entire year will receive ono full
credit In return.
See the Syracuse game next week
end. Go by automobile. Cheaper than
railroad fare. Now care—open and
closed Make reservations now.
Drive-It-Yourself Auto Co
Have you noticed that some
men have the knack of always
looking well-groomed? Is it
,or is it the Hickey-
Freeman Clothes they wear?
Form the Time-saving Habit Now
The use of the typewriter is a tremendous time-saving
help to anyone in any walk of life—business or profession.
Use the handy Remington Portable for your themes.
Typewrite your lecture notes and assignments. See how
quickly it lightens and lessens all your writing tasks.
The Remington Portable is easy to operate; light,
compact, and can be used anywhere. Full, four-row key
board like the big machines, and many other big machine
features. Yet it fits in a case only four inches high.-
Price, complete with case, $6O. Easy payment terms if desired
CLAUDE T. SUOPE, 140 Athe,
Williamsport. Pa.
Is it Knack?
` Friday, October 26, 1923