af.vddayikaot63r,lo - 4923" TEAMS , ' , CHANGED 9 FOR ),TOMORROWS CLASH (Continued from First Page) Nittany to0.1:11. A telegram from the Naval Academy last night stated that Bream will replace Stoltz at loft end and In the backfield, Outplay will start at quarterback instead of McKee and Doyens will be used at right halfback huaend of-Puppet. Stoltz, the regular right end. broko his lei in practice this week and his absence from the line-up will be felt by the Navy. eleven. Brown is a cap able man, however, and will be ,well able to handle the poeition.. He is of a tall rangy. bold and has been giving Stoltz a bard, fight for the varsity berth. Backfield Changed The changes in the middy backfield come as a surprise for-until Inat night it wee general thought that Barchet, Flippin and the two veterans, McKee and Cullen, would make up the NaVY backfield. Both Devon. and Shapley are of Nita heavy linee - plunging" type of beaks' DOVEUISI hos' sulso , bem starring with his defensive play Hatchet will still remain one of the most formidable threats to Coaoh Bet •dekb,men.t.•The.middy made a_brilliant record last season and was generally regarded as ono of the best tullbatice , ln• - thv East. , Weighing but a little more than one hundred and fif ty g, pounds, Barchet has been a bi amend gainer with his speed and Shift iness in running. He will also hurl the forward passe. for Holwells team. - Cullen.' the lett ha•dcr will be re membered as one of the - factors In Penn Sinte's defeaLlast year at Mash- Ingten. Ho Is a ,veteran back and will do the punting for the Annapolis Team Alike In Weight The changes In the .iine-un will bring the Navy backfield on a par with the Nltu9iy. backs as far+as. weight and tureen the two elevens there will bard y be more than, a' fewrpounds differ nee. The Penn State backs will aver ego about, one atundred sad* soventY pounds and the visitors will tip the . st a few pounds less. rho Navy •e, on the other hand, will have u /Ight edge for It will average ono hun dred and ellrhty-alr. Rounds as agolnet the one hundred and eight-four ;rounds the Blue and White line. Captains Oppose Each Other two teamsfeature of the line , up of the two teams Is the fact that the•two.captnina wilt face each oher at guard. Carney the Navy captrun and left guard, la a giant lineman, weighing close to two undral and fifteen pounds. Lan year e played a fine defensive game agar= 'owl State, breaking through and spoil • : a ',amber of plays. imposing. him will be Penn State's lath, "Dutch' . Bedenk. The blittany ender but ,weigh Skilrty-divet pounds me than his meaty opponent but his peed and strength should enable him ':2%e Hoover - , t , -Itaßeats . -As It Sweeps , qvAs‘ltCleans • , _ - ELECTRIC - SUPPLY CO. - Greetings, Fellows: Enjoy , youn ware ,hours State College Billiard, and Bowling Co. - O R C OATS All Styles—All Kinds of Fabrics AllAnew - froingtheAVOrldPs Priced $2516 - $75 ' ',7SMITH'S frAILORf. SHOP -) Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing Neatly Done t You will enjoy 'the'game Get Quick Service at '‘ COLLEGEiQUICX LuNut" (Hole in the Wall) s • Allen Street to give the - Navy captain the battle of hie Me. Navy Center Strong Bee Gray mill have v. busy afternoon handling Bob Mathews, the Navy cen ter, who will be remembered m the heavyweight boxer at the middy team Cast winter. He-played a fete defen aloe game againet West Virginia Wes leyan last week, Intercepting two for ward passes and blocking a punt There is but a few pounds difference In the weight of the two Pierer.. Levenaky will 1111. the right guard position on the middy team and Clyde and Walker, the two tackle positions. rho tackles are both rugged men and Should `give the Nitlany linemen a tough battle. Taylor, a new man this seammteamplotes me line at lest end o ARCHITECTS CLUB TO ,STAGE NOVELEXHIBIT Class Rooms Will Be Converted into illuseuni To Show Col lection of Treasures In connection with Alumni Day pro /Tarn of the School of Engineering a novel exhibit will be staged by Übe Axibiteots Club and will be of interest to the students and returning gradu ates. ;The Architects •Club has decided to change its class rooms Into one large •riaseast Using she separate class rooms ,rs individual gabled.. One will be .the Blat! or 2ifYsterY", giving the depart ment un opportunity to exhibit greet .treasures which they have been ,col testing for year from every whet at the globe. One of the other hulls will contain portraits of famous artists and architects tient =Mem times, 9000 C., if.. .through- the ages The last gallery will contain a. great masterpiece of Jihilaguided Inspiration", murk which may some day set the world airs Thi exhibit icarrled - Is pub with dash and thoroughness by the Archheets and will be worth visiting. do addition to the exhibition of color prints of Italian masters whioh will bo held In the museum In Old Sdain, a group of pictures In water color and 01l of two former faculty mosolbera of Penn... State. H. Dickson and E. Waters will he shown. During the past year Mr. Dickson has attended .Tzturvord and studied under Maier and Dodge Mac ifnlght. The water colons of Mr. Dick son aro full of color and Interest 'and will appeal to the visitors. The wOrks of Mr Waters In oil are well knawn:, The museum will be open on Sa.tur4 day mousing . and until two-thirty in thet afternoon. CM Sunday afternoon It will be open 'from two-thirty until five o'clock. PPM If"PLANSIEPUTATION "WORK FORVRESENT YEAR students signify Desire To - Aid In Work—Developinent of Sun- :Any. Schools do Planned At a meeting of the deputation com mittee of the Y. M. C A. Cabinet hold In Old Chapel Met Tuesday evening, plane for the year-woro outlined and different phases of We work were pre a group of now men who hlWriltled their desire to old In the work. • 'Howard'-B. Steele '25, chalnman of the committee, ems In char ge of the meeting. 3. - A.'Parthemore T 5 and J. R:BUnial , ' 26 , eaektinol t]e value of the..,deputation work. The Reverend H. r. Babcock, etudent pastor at the Methodist Church, upon whom the ac tive work of the committee falls. spoke for a brief while on the personal re action that comes from this phase of the .Y advice As announced in a previous issue of the COLLEGIAN the deputation work this year will center around the devel opment of the Sunday Schools of Centre county. J. E Kradel '24 who is In charge of She lowa Sunday School work announced that three such schools had been-already started In the vicinity of State College. A fourth Is being organ ized. R. Dunlap 78 Is In full charge of the Sunday work at Rockview Pent terrthuy In addition to the Bible class which meets every Sunday afternoon, special meetings will be bold every two weeks. At these meetings remortnent men about the camp., both undergrad uatcs.mul. faculty, will be the speakers In addition one of the college inueical organlzations.will present an•entermin mont D L. Hagreis '25 is In charge of ar ranging tripe Into the various com munities. Plans are already being made to visit Huntingdon the week-end of November third. SMITH'S QUALITY ICE CREAM That Good Old Fashion lad. Excels in Purity. Richness and. Delicacy in Flavor Fraternity and Club Orders receive prompt attention. Manufactured by C •A• AC 0 • I Bell 250 State College, Pa. R. CAR Antomobilists attending the Penn State—Navy Gime --will-find-parking accommodations Oct. 19 to - . .21, day and..night, on the private .parkin' g ---..groundsmorthwest of Park Avenue; five min utes walk from football field. - Cars guarded at all times. Rates—Day .only, 50 cents; day and night-51.00 Follow theL white, arrows on die blue cards leading to,parking field. _ G. A.SHIJEY,-PennState '22 Souvenir s-Can& and Pennani - FOR - THE " 'i3NAVY -, :GAME . The_Athletic Store -•-• On Cci•Op Corner N The-Photographic Re- - view ' , Of Events - 'Over - Alumni Day ii t 4:• AT 1;1 -1L f rhr REIN N QTATE , HOTO b„3H 0P , In THE PENN 4STAICI!:;I4MI4,EGIAN ,REGULATIONS'FOR USE OF - AUDITORIUM Peraone will n ot be allowed to eland or ell la the (dales of the gallons(, except.tintt one row of Persona may..ets.r4 along the oat rade Stamping With ,Oho feet during cheers or forbidden. The above requirements are In accordance with law and are nec essary for the sake of safety. All chairmen of meetings are re quired to gee that the above reg ulations aro enforced. MONSTER MASS, MEETING: ' '..: WILL it IIFID: TONIGHT 1 Football Team' 'add' College Band Will , BeiPresentr-.4'rominent .-, tAlunmiao Speak ' A. mass meeting will be held tonight of seven o'clock in' the -Auditorium to give - the football tours r erousing cheer before the gante`with„bravy tomorrow Appearing on the platform[, besides "Proxy" Mamas and Coach ,Bezdek, ‘,lll be Judge H.itS..liditohell,..Fireeldent oLthe Board of Trustees or,the,oollege. Several prominent alumni will oleo be' Present "Bob" Higgins '2O, captain of the undefeated football team of 19111 and 3' A Leyden ,'l4, „author of "Vic tory'. wig tell shout the "good old days" Other alumni are expected to be on hand and they Willehe coiled upon to give shirt addresses. Due to an out of town engagement' . "Prerry" &parks will be absent, but he will be present to seethe Lion meet the Goat tomOr row afternoon. The football team Will be present and each member will be called Upon to give a word or two As no mess meeting is complete without the college band It will occupy Its usum place on the Plat form. Committees Appointed By Student ' ' Council To Probe Campus Problems A number of varied questions were brought up and comidered by Student Council at a meeting on Tuesday night. No Important action was taken by the body but a number of committees wore appointed to investigate Quest: l 9es of Interest to the student body. First and most Important em the question of the use of the Armory for the Junior Prom next spring C H Gough, president of the Junior Clam. rend a letter from R. I. Webber, Super intendent of Grounds and Buildings, stating that only three hundred and nt ty couples would be allowed 'on the floor at the next Junior Prom This decision 0711.9 made in accordance with nreVrevention menaures adopted by the college authorities. During the Pre gross of the debate that followed it was suggested that trusteed of the , annual Junior classic, Junior Week be observed With appropriate entertainroente. In corporated in this plan was a eugges tion that house-potty week be colebrat- of/ at ibis time committee consist ing of C H. Gough '25, M E. Mitchell '24. C A. Kissinger .24 and J H Gould 15 'ems appointed to Interview Mr Web ber Ia order to affect a ma/Meat:Lon In the ruling concerning the Armory ion SALE—Sts room house and other • buildings on 4 acre lot, five miles from State College on main road.— Angeline Mcßride, an V. - Fairmont. 10.19.20 FreshlFruit and' Cider Special Rates to Smokers and Feeds SERFAS and SEARFOSS • 0 ,nGernerd Bldg. . ; I iY C. 51-- I, 1 3; Fine. autumn weather—clear,. bright with just enough_ tang in. the air—business starting in with a zip. . 'i; z'L _Pet in line_with anew Hickey-Freeman !! 1 6i.;:, ~correct styles for well dressed men, corn ' bined with , supreme quality in materials - sand ivorkthanship. The selection is at its best right now. MONTGOMERY & CO. STATE COLLEGE 'BELLEFONTE . LEWISBURG The matter of a nag Polo on Now Beaver F/old was brought up and a committee was appointed to confer with Mr Webber concerning the pro ject. The committee 10 no follows: W D. Price '24, H R. Fulton . 24 and C W Borgordlno .24 A discussion was raised relative to permanent class records. Heretofore class records have been lost as soon as a class was graduated The following committee was appointed to work. with E N Sullivan, secretary of the Alumni Association, to devise &system of malt ing these records permanent. W. F. Munhall J W Ktodt '24 and E lit Bell .24 The emergency building fund atm- Pnign cent occupied the attention of the body. A committee consisting of D. V. Bauder '24, M. E. Mitchell '24, E E Helm '24, vir 0 Mond '25, W S Poresman '26, and .T. Gray '25 was ap.. pained to cooperate with Professor A. F 1 Espenshade in directing the work of the campaign among the freshmen. S C Enck '24, W. GI Wiand '26 aad all the sophomore memtrors at Student Council ware appointed as a committee to Investigate the matter of class scraps ....„ .0 ~.... ..,,,,.- ... alumni! Let's Meet and Eat at the Penn State cafe 6 .) ;;I I :' Get in Line! 1 14.777 1. Page Three MISS EMILY C. HARTZEL DIES AT CHALFONT, PA Students and frlenda of INlles Emily Coulter Hartsel '25 learned lost week that their classmate and companion had died at her home In Chalfont. Penn sylvania, last Saha day mailing, fol toning an attack of huot't trouble Throughout her too se irs at Penn Rate Miss Hance' etas aellsely engag ed in girl's athletics, but oils forced to discontinue any strenuous engagement In class contests during the Irmketball season of last 3 ear. Tier condition grow worse as the summer neared com pletion, and she won unable to return to college In tho fall. Mks Hartzel was of an .unl LW die moltion and was held In high regard by her aseinclates . _ ... o A universal custom After that benefits every- Every body. Aids digestion, Meal oleanses the teeth, / soothes the throat. WRIGLEYS a good thing to remember Sealed In Its Purity Package, • THE „if •, A ; .00 0 ' FLAVOR LA TS