~f n , . ~ _, ~~~ ~~e~ =- fir' Don't Forget That Little Prayer! VOL XIX, No. 12 YEARLING GRIDMEN ' CLASH WITH KISAI IN MORNING GAME Penn State Freshmen Will Play Second Game of Season—To Be Held on Old Beaver GOOD DEFENSIVE WORK IS SHOWN IN PRACTICE ' Kiski Academy Team Has Strong Combination—Will Give Nit• tarry Nett Hard Fight 2desting the strong Klekl teem tomor row morning at ten o'clock on 'Old Beaver Field, the Penn State freehmen . will play their second football game of the season. Dissatisfied with mac ` Mx , during the week, coach Hamm= him made seveml changes In the line up In preparation for tomorrow's game and expects nothing but strong etigm *llion from the etrong aggregation from SaUnhurt. Since the showing made by the freeh men lost Saturday against Carnegie Tech, ..Dutch" has been greatly die satisfied with the work of Ws men In practice. Several changes In the line up of the first team have been the re 'cult and if no improvement le shown in to-dare practice, Were will be forth , er changes of a more. radical nature In the backfield no well as on the line. • Many of the men who have shown the greatest proMlee up to the present time have Canal to come ho to form. Team work seems to no melting and , while eons of the men allow good de fensive work, they are lacking In the 'offeradve The main fault with the backfield Is that the rillnYors fall to make use of openings made by the line. Throe "men on the line are doing eat bdactory 'Nark, Plain at tackle, O'Dea , ~a t renter and McPhee at left end. Page and Meng have been moved to the nee mid' teem. Willson hen been charged , from left guard to right tackle and , Gieski will take up the left guard Po - anion. Weston will Mart at right end' (Continued on last Inge) IRItiEETIO - BEIELF FOR CROSS COUNTRY MEN Contest Will Serve As Guide for Selection of (reams—Much Material Available The members of the varsity nod fresh.= cross oountry anunds will compete to a, trial meet to he head to morrow morning, Marling at ten-thirty o'clock. The barna., at the meet Is to give the coach. 'Nate" flartmell, or chance to see the relative ability of the men Who are out for both the var sity and the freshman more country tem= The mute for tomorrow's moat will Include two laps around the track on New Beaver field, •one lap around the golf Course, and a final two laps around the track. Both of tho squads have keen con/thing their practice rune to the golf course so the route laid out for the trial meet Is not an entrame/Y difficult one The - earalty squad contains much good material from which to bulld up a team. Prominent among I.hootronger amtendera for the varsity °manna aro Orptaln Enck, Decker, Yeager, r?Wandler, Arm, and Chundres, the latter having been members of last year's 'Creasman team. Coach Corns.ll hopes to whip a. Last team Into shape so Am to make a creditable showing at the annual bstercollegate meet to be held ' to New York the week. at Thankagiv fag. Much promising material Is also available In the freshman squad to form a fairly good team Stewart, Kraftle, Harris and 11110 aro all men who have had experience In running prior to coming. to Penn State And are showing 111 , well in the daily WoikLouts. With pouching and eon:tinned Wootton a win ning yearling team may ho whipped lute shape.. The freshman cross country team will accompany and vatsity -combination to New York and will also Virtiollude in Rho Intercollegiate meet. I On the Gridiron I Saturday, October 20 Penn State vs. Navy. IPiitt vs. SYrneima , Pena vs. Columbia. Weet Virginia University ve. Marshall Washington and Jefferson va. Yale vs. Buz Hamad vs. Holy Cross. Princeton vs. Notro Dame. Lafayette vs Springgeld. Cornell vs. Colgate. Dartmouth vs. Vermont. Army ye. Alabanul Poly. Centre vs Oglethorpe. lowa vs. Mingle. West Virginia Wesleyan ve. aayneeburg. Ohio State vs. Michigan. Grove City Ve. Allegheny. 114 7.7irit:;, Sc 1 - - -:iio - i-tlifookly , y . 4. .. . ——, - z s. , Ap „:„..,55. --13 4 t PENN STATE READY TO GREET ALUMNI Big Program of Activities Arranged To Keep Five Thousand Visitors _ Busy Over Week-End PRESIDENT THOMAS WELCOMES ALUMNI I would like to add my weloame to that of Nittanyond Old Main and" alls the old familiar manes and long-tried friend.. Welcome back to old Penn State on her win day! The beet Dort of the day win be to see your, Moot bright with enthuslasm,and loy alty for P.M State,' - You will me some, ohanwes and perhaps some improvement., btu_ wa do not believe you-Will see anything that hi not.,irile" . 10, - the ideals and hovers 'of the; Penn State of the post. IlletSivilind to see the men who wire here in Your time, for it will do; them and you a world of good. Viscose also do not forget us who hove came more recently, because wo also wish to be your friends, and it will be good for you to hoop in touch with the steady succes sion at men who are working to realize your greatest haves for your AS= Mater. JOHN M. THOMAS. NAVY CHEERS MAY BE SENT BY RADIO Midshipmen Will Attempt Novel Stunt—Penn State To Broad cast Gdme in Detail , WILL MARK REOPENING , OF COLLEGE STATION An, tiutuaLpdiq,,,atuat.... terniatai arlzurthe and° wa Navy aa Saturday afternoon In addition to the college radio station staging a broad casting program of the game play by Play, the charm of the Midshipmen who are left at Annapolis may be tranemit tad by radio right to the playing Sold here to urge on their team and to com pete with the Penn State cheering Elec tion. Early In the week word reached tho local radio officials from the Naval Academy that the attempt would be made to broadest the Navy cheers which would ho received on New Bea ver Field with a powerful apparatus and distributed through special ampli fiers for the team and the crowds to hear. On Tuesday af terno on n special test was conducted between the radio sta tions, of the two Institutions which evi dently proved satisfactory to the Na vy officials The folowing day President Thomas received a telegram from Ad miral Wilson at Amman°Us asking per mission for the special stunt. There was no objection to be raised here, In somuch as there would be no interfer ence with the local broadcasting stunt. With the local station in operation, however, extra good receiving appara tus will be needed at the field by the Navy to make the reception a success This condition may dampen the suc cess of the attempt, but It may be ar ranged to have the college station (pilot until two-fifteen and between the halves of the game. So far as known, no similar project has boon attempted In tho radio world In connection with a football go.me; and thl4 oltcome of the trial here will be watched with Internet. After working diligently since the first or September, the opemtlng etaff of the Penn State radio station, WPAB, will have the plant ho bettor working condition Ethan ever by Saturday. The footballibradeast feature at that time will be the first progrern attempted since the etation wee closed down for the summer loot Commencement Week. (Continued on fast Pere) - SOUVENIRS MADE MADE 'FROM OLD WILLOW FOR ALUMNI Souvenirs of the "Old agcne. which was blown 'over in n storm just be fore gehapt opened, will be Pleats' on sale at the alumni headquarters In the Armory this afternoon and Saturday Many of the Alumni have expressed a desire to obtoM a plow of the tiqo on a remembrance of one of the 'oldest landmarks on the campus. When the tree was deetroyod, the branches and the trunk were saved and turned over to the shone of the Indus trkd Engineering department, where the souvenirs were made About one hundred cutting° from the old tree were mode for distribution among the alumni. Orders for the cuttings will be taken at the alumni headquarters. The remembrances that have bee male are In the form of ash tray", candle slicks, pipe racks and other elm liar artlelee. It is mmected that th , proceeds of the sale will be turned In to the Qua Velma read. STATE COLLEGE;:t i A; FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1923 If the steady Influx Of Peon State Alumni...continues as is ennoted from the replies received at the Association headquarters, tomorrow will see the biggest gathering of former Nittany students over assembled at the institu tion. , Total receipts Indicate that the at tendance will be far greater than In former years. Almost five thousand have signified their Intention of re turning for the gale weekend Upon their arrival, all alumni are requeeted to report to the Armory to register and receive their room aseign- Intents The, Homecoming Committees with P. B Brenneman '94 as head chairman, are COmpOrsd of a housing committee with F. If Torrence 'O6, chairman; 'W. B- Mason 'l7, H. L StesVert- 11 and A. 9 Snyder ID and an entertaonment commtittee conalet- Jur of H R. Smith 'O5, °badman, Miss Mary WlBard '2l, Charles Gorier '10; F D. Beyer 'l6, J. D. Davis '24 and E Keller '26. Theee two committees have worked hard to make tade the biggest Penn State Alumni Homeoom- Ins ever staged. Big Program Ready From the time that the football mass meeting opens .1n the Auditorium to night and the student-alumni parade whgeh'vrill folletv, practically every available minute will hold something to demand the attention of the visitors At ten o'clock tomorrow morning the Yearling grid team will battle the ICistkl eleven on Old Beaver field. Immediate ly after this event the alumni will be entertained by the Parent , Pencbers As sociation at a cafeteria luncheon In the Armory. The niunini are Urged to attend the numerous exhibits which have been arranged by the various schools. Sev eral departments of the School of En gineering have arranged a number of Interesting cuchibits. The School of Ag ricults9,ol,cundlletjtsaarbibitspon Ag thilf - A. viola. attraction is the State Standard Poultry Show, the first of Its kind In Pennsylvania , which op ened yesterday and Is to be in progress toda) and tomorrow. Armory Smoker. Tomorrow afternoon the alumni will once again root for the Penn State eleven as It battles the Navy team on (Con mod .....) 'LAYERS TO PRESENT: FIRST SHOWS TONIGHT Program of Three One Act Plays To Be Given to University . Club blemberii In their first appearance of the sea son, the Penn State Players will present three plays tonight at the Urayorsity Club as a part of the Alumni Day pro gram. This entertainment will be a stag affair for the members and alumni of the club and not for the members and their partners as was announced previously. Heading the Program Is a brilliant skit from the ever-witty pen of Booth Tarklngton entitled . The Trysting Place". The scene is laid In a quiet nook of a fashionable hotel where tour patio of lovers plan to meet In compar ative seclusion Their plans go awry, however, and an amusing predicament arises which preeents serious difficult ies to the conspirators The second of the Players' productions Is “The Oonfessionalo by Percival Wilde, an Intense moment taken from a dra matic crisis In the life of the Baldwin (Continued Ortlast pate) HOW THEY WILL LINE UP TOMORROW PENN STATE L E. Frank (5) .'• . ':" - . ' H. 6,00. W. 770 L . . O. B. L T. Wilson (10) McCann (16) H. 6.08, W. 170 H. 0.00, W. 175 Palm (9) Wentz (22) Gray (2) /1 5.11, W. 185 H. 5 OD, W. 182 1-1. 8 00, W. 180 or R: G. Light (8) Bedenk (I) H 5.09, W. 170 H. 6.11, W. 186 R.H.B. R. T. Johnston (11) Prevost (7) St. 0.00, W. 174 H. COO, W. 111 Buckley (12) H. 6 11, W. 17 Substitutes: Navy—Brant (19), Herlihy (33), Zuber 435), Lentz (13), Shewell (37), Kampine (38), McKee (1), Flippen (23). Penn State—Patton (14), Ellwood (15), Falkner (17), Onyx (19), Murray (20), Anderson (21), Schuster (6), House (26), Helbig (27); WEST *TICKETS CAN BE APPLIED FOR TODAY . - Appliattious,for tickets for the West Virginia gam e , will be distributed at the Treasurer's . . Ogles today. These applies- Wm , . Properly filled outonust he return ed to the f/Yeasurer's °ince on MondnY, October metity-setiond. Tickets will be given out on Tuesday. October twenty third. This le pritudoly the onlysaie of tick ets which be held for this game, so it Is necessary to get al applications In on Mon*. A. A. coupons will not be .charidd- tor seat tickets at the out-of-townAgames; but seats can be punchased - at' the Treasurer's Office in a manner eirrilkir to that employed for the NhvY gaine:lThe Athletic Office wishes to ample:mine:the fact that the Identi fication carde „must be retained by the student when the application blank Is returned HINDUS WINNER OF:tOLF HONORS Downs Stevenson Three and Two in Final Thirty-six Hole Match for tCollege Championship BOTH MEN;PLAY GOOD GOLF IN CLOSE MATCH J. W Klndt clinched the college golf championship on Tuesday by defeating R. Stevenson '26 three up and two to ploy on the cohege links The morning round was marked by a good brand of golf. Kindt rinshing the eighteen holes In seventy-eight, Stevenson taking two more strokes, giving "Benny" a lead of two up, Thc'afternoon round lacked the conalstetitiwork that featured the play in the first eighteen holes. . _ . For the Milt nine holes Monde Kindt played Par golf, taking the first on a. birdie thr4 and the fifth on a bir die two. Stevenson played good golf and made the 'sixth on a birdie four On the soventh'"Steve" made it in par and "Benny" took one more due to er ratic putting on the wet green. Stev enson sank the/eighth bole on a twen ty-fiva.fodt pi* for a birdie three They hnlved the ninth scoring thirty seXen-fiii:tßandtiefid,:druiLzaiitefor,Atev- Orlson. The eleventh hole was marked by bad putting and was halved when Kindt failed to take advantage of Stevenson's bad approach Again at the fourteen th the putts of both men lacked force and each took four. "Benny" was for ced to play a stymie on a long putt at the fifteenth hole and Stevenson fin ished In par, Kindt taking one more Windt's drive on the seventeenth took him ten feet from the pin and he lost an eagle two when his putt stopped on the edge of the cup Both sank the hole for a birdie three They halved the eighteenth hole, leaving the score two up in 'Kenny's" tamer. In the afternoon round Captain Kindt started off In fine form and was lead ing "Steve" five up at the twenty third hole when Stevenson staged a rally and brought the tally to one up at the twenty-seventh hole. Long suc cessful putts were a sensational part of this round. Both mon teed off In fine form and halved the nineteenth hole Stevenson drove off beautifully on the twenty first hole while Kindt's second event over the green. Stevenson laid a sty mie which Kindt was successful in evading making the ecore five up Both drives on the twenty-third hole landed on the green Kindt laid a stymie and Stevenson played around It to the edge of the cup making It In three, "Benny" taking one mored Brilliant golf was played on the twenty-sixth hole when both men sank ten foot putts each for' a birdie throe. Again on the twenty ninth hole Kindt made a fifteen foot put and won in five On the nee bola Stevenson made a twelve foot putt for a birdie three and brought Kindt's lead to one up The last three holm were hotly contested and both sank the thir ty-fourth in five. ReE' Brown' (21) , H. 0.00, W. 109, R. T. R. H. B. Walker (Ii) Dbvens (27) H. 0.00, W. 170 H. 511, W. 176 R. G. Levensky (31) EL cm w. lea C. F. B. Q. B. Mathews (15) Barchet ( Shapley (77) H. 6.10, 182 H. 6 OE, W. 182 H. 5.10, W. 170 G. e Car ,op 2n0y17)14 L. G Michalski (3) H. 6 00, W. 196 I. T. Clyde (9) if - 6 02, W. /85 J... E. Taylor (5) H. 5.11, W. 1 75 R. E. Artelt (4) 8 6.04, W. 194 Toilrgiatt. GRID COACHES CHANGE LINE-UP OF PENN STATE AND 1 NAVY FOOTBALL TEAMS ON EVE OF GREATEST ALUMNI DAY BATTLE CLASSES WILL BE SUSPENDED SATURDAY By action of the Oouncll of Ad mlnkstratlon of the College, all regular college exercises and dames will be suspended on Alumni Home Coming Day, Sat urday, October twentieth Wm. 8. Roffman Secretary BLUE KEY TO PLEDGE SEVEN NEW MEMBERS Ceremonies Will Be Held Between Halves of Football Game— To Function At Armory Student Council lolled to not upon all fifteen men to were elected to the Blue Key Society lam week and, as a result only doyen men will be pledged tomorrow afternoon between the halves of the Navy game The pledging cere monies have been arranged by a com ndtteo by president E L Keller '25, and will consist of several features • The members of the society will be attired In their official hats tomorrow and at the concluskat of the dootball game the Navy team will assemble in front of the Armory where the players will be presented with blue keys The bearer of a blue key will be afforded the hospitality at the college and fra ternities and clubs me ,asked to coop erate whit the Blue Key Society in en tertaining the visitors Parade Will Be Formed Prior to the mass aneeting tonight, the Blue r Key will Floe on Jade /awe badgii-on which : As-written; neleziatite Navy" Allier the mom meeting the organization will assist the cheer leaders In forming a large body of the crowd and will parade around the town in a monster celebration and song fest. The band %Ili lead the procession The elder and pretzel feed In the Arm ory tomorrow night, Whin' , is being conducted by the Blue Key, will end the functioning of the society for the day Emenedve preparations have been made for this affair and at least two thousand Alumni are expected to at lend, The program for the evening has been outlined by E K. Keller and will consist of wreertling, boxing. music by Auchenbach's Serenaders and a five minute vaudeville sketch by kiYors and Schlosser. There will be no speech. FIFTEEN MEN INCLUDED IN TENNIS TOURNAMENT A round robin tournament was In augurated among the college netmen Hodnesday afternoon, October seven teenth for the purpose of selecting the men foe the varsity squad. The entries In the round robin tourna ment include fifteen men, two of whOm played MT their Bret sets lest Wednes day afternoon, October 17. This tourna ment differs from the all -college tour nament In that every player will play every other player Dash contestant in this tournament must play at least three sets. A sot won counts one point and those having the largest number . of points at the end of the tourna ment will matte up the varsity squad The all college tournament V91ic4. 4 131111 a wealth of geed tennis matorlid , Will probably roach the semi-finals thh3lf torn... Friday. October seventeenth - , •04.• Ii•NAvY L. 0. B. Cullen (2) R. 5.07, W. 370 CROWD OF .TWENTY THOUSAND PEOPLE WILL FILL STANDS ON NEW BEAVER FIELD Coach Hugo Bezdek will pit an untried eleven against the vet eran Navy team before the greatest football crowd in Penn State's history. The cheers of twenty thousand gridiron fans will echo across New Beaver Field when the two opposing teams line up tomorrow afternoon. On the eve of one of the most important games of the season, there is no undue optimism in the Nittany grid camp. The past week has seen several radical changes in the Penn State team and the line up will not be definitely known until the team appears tomorrow. Last night a COLLEGIAN reporter braved the cordon of guards that surrounds the practice sessions on New Beaver Field and gained several interesting comments from "Bez" When asked for his opin ion of the probable outcome of tomorrow's game, the Nittany coach said, "While there's life there's hope. Last season I made the state ment that it would be two years before Penn State has a winning team and this is 1923". When asked if this meant that Penn State's chances were slim, "Bez" gave the terse reply, "Very slim". Before a big game the Nittany mentor has always refused to make any optimistic pre dictions and tomorrow's game is no exception. MANY EXHIBITS WILL BE HELD TOMORROW Every Shop and Laboratory in Engineering Buildings To Run Full Force AGRICULTURAL SHOWS TO BE OPEN TO VISITORS Numerous exhibits and shows will be featured among the activities of Alumni may, "Tht, - "lnMr rus Erigraicerfng Including the Civil. Industrial, Electric al and Mechanical Departments will each furnish est exhibition while an Ap ple Show and a Poultry Show are to be held by the school of Agriculture The sowed annual exhibit of tho En gineering Departments will be held from nine to twelve o'clock tomorrow morning and every Shop and laborat tory is to be running full force In or der to show the altmmi and other vis itors the w ork that is carried on by the Engineers Preparations are being made we handle u, much larger number of visitors than \ vao present at the e‘hibit a tear ago and a regular itin trary has been artanged in order to cut down crondang to a minimum The noun entrance to the aeries of extll,- its will be at the Allen Street entrance of Engineering ...A.". 'The small scale models of Civil En gineering construction work which ate located In Engineering .. .A." promise to be one of the most interesting features of the-Engineers' exhibit An exhibit shnliar to these models tens ProliatLil last tear and Area a large number of visitors 'The exhibit of the Industrials to be hold In units end "C.' of he Engineering Buildings The shops till be In operation turning out ti.e egular work of the students In these •urses, but In addition. numbers of the students will be engaged In making ouvenirs to be given am.* All of the NVOIXI shops van be full) armed. no nih the forgo shop and the (COnUntioa on last page) REV. C. A. BARBOUR TO OCCUPY CHAPEL PULPIT The Reverend Dr. Clarence A. Bar bour, president of the Rochester Theo logical Seminary, pill address both Chapel services on Sunday Dr Bor hear, who is an alumnus of thrown University, is one of the most noted theologians in the country. He holds honorary degrees from the University of Rochester, SY/11.0.0 University. Wil liams College, as well as from Ids alma mater His attainments as a scholar are unlvonuilly : recognized He was ordained to the Baptist min istry In 1891 after irailuatlng from the seminary of which he is now the head. His success and popularity as a preach er, his clear thinking and forceful per sonality wen him rapid promotion. From 1909 to 1916 ho was Association Secretary of the International Commit tee of Y. C A. Association of North America. In 1915 Dr. Barbour Wes ap pointed president of Rochester Semin ary. In addition to his executive dut ies be holds the professorship of Hom iletics In that institution. Ho was presi dent of the Northern Baptist Conven tion 1916 to 1017. Dr Barbour Is ono of the moat popu lar college preachera that has %asked Penn State In recent years. Ho is al ways In demand and. has preached at many of the loading educational Instl tattoos Ho is always greeted by large audiences, and was especially selected for the Sunday following Alumni Home coming In view of the attendance antic ipated on that day. The Town Is Yours Old Timer! PRICE FIVE CENTS Three changes In the Ilne-up of the team that met Gett3sburg, may be made for the Navy encounter 13ezdek has yet to make his selection for fullback, right halfLyck and left tackle The rest of the team trill be unchanged A bitter blot, to the hopes of the Penn State supporters stas the nets that Johnston had torn a muscle In tste shouldet on Tuesday night .. Nate" Cardmell has been working on the In jured muscle and there Is a possibility that the speedy halfback may start In tomorrows game If he is unable to play, Buckley, halfback on last year's yearling eleven, tcltt Oil his place. Evidently ... Bee' bee not solved the troublesome fullback problsm to his satisfaction. Dtsphe the good °lre.- ,lve stork of Barney Wen. against (yettybuitt last Saturday Light has been used at fullback sot oral Limes this Neck Thus far Bezdck has not lot selected the man subs will till the full back Position, McCann May Mart A somewhat UtIOSPOOtta more on the part of the Nlttany coach Is the trying of McCann In Dick Schustet's place at left. tackle Plating a hard aggressile game. McCann has made a strong bid for the position .1111.1 it is ...Able that ho will start against the Navy Last tear he was an end on the freshman team but this ...on Beg . shifted him to tackle and in tbe new• position. tile formal end has rapidly rounded into shape He is six feet In height and oelghs about one hundred and seventy the pounds. Led by Captain Catney and Coach Bob Falwell. the Nav gild machine will swing into action with a line-up that will be an ebanged as that of the (Continued on Page Threo) SCHOLARSHIP DAY WILL BE OBSERVED TUESDAY Students and Societies Will Re ceive Awards for Highest Scholastic Records' Professors nom the nations depatt. manta of the college gill don char caps and goal . . next Tuesday mottling Clams the annual Scholarship Dty exercises he held In the Auditorium. Classes still probably he excused at that time and a large crowd to expected far the exercises alit be at Interest to stets student. Besides the scholarships that will be given out, thew will be announced at the wane time the elections to the hon or 'societies that are represented on Penn Staten campus These societies are Phi Kappa Phi fraternity, Tau Beta PI, Sigma Tau, Gamma Sigma Delta, Eta Kappa Nu, Phi Lambda Upsilon, Alpha Xi Sigma and Ka' Pile Delta Pi The presidents of these honor fraternities will announce the elections Alpha Zeta frateinlty, a national pro fessional fraternity will add a now foe, tare to scholarship day plogram when it presents a cap to the sophinnoto who has maintained the highest scholastic standing in his freshman year. It Is collected that this awnid will be pre sented astir year In the future, upon the same bash of competition The Pan-Hellenic and the Inna-Uut a] cups will be given to the national fraternity and the local fraternity, that have the highest scholarship marks for the semester ending last Juno. In ad dition a third cup ,11l Ise presented to the gill's club that has obtained the highest scholarship mark of Cho sit girl's clubs on the campus It oat voted at the hum meeting of the Gills . Campus Club Council that this cull should bo awarded at this time. ,