FifdoitEepf*mber% . 2B;4923 DAIRY iIDSBANDRY 'CLUB PLANS-ACTIVE-PROGRAM Sixty Members Attend First:Meet ing—To Finance judging Team to Syracuse Fair Discussions 'of hoth the National Dairy Sheer and of the prospects for Penn State's Dairy Husbandry 'Club were In vogue lost Wednesday evening at Room '249 Dairy Building, where the pre-mentioned organisation held its In itial meeting of the year, This first gathering of the-ehth was marked by a: display of spirit on the part of the members, and by an unusually large attendanm, there being ever sictY men present,' Including-faculty members. Reports were heard from V. K Heck el '24, who - was high man on Penn State , . Dairy Products Judging team, recently returned from the show held at Springfield, Massachusetts L L Hug '24, who Was high man on the Dairy Cattle Judging team entered at the same show, also gave some reports concerning the show itself and the re sults of the different Judging contests. .All the men appeared to 'be very well satisfied with the trip and they wore anxious to have Penn State enter the National Dairy Show, Which will be held at Syracuse, NeW York, the week of October eighth &11l Send' Helm On the recommendation elf several of the club members,' it was decided that the Ohl) should send a judging team to the Syracuse show, and that it should furnish the sum of ono hundred and twenty-five dollars, which is figur ed as two-thirds the approximate sum necessary to send the local delegation to the Now York elty. Dairy depart ments of other colleges throughout the United Staten are able to finance their judging learns on tripe, but Penn 6tate in not wealthy enough to do this In order to make the gift of this money boSsible, the club decided to sell ice cream, chocolate milk and other dairy products at various tknea throughout the year. To makepossible the - realliitik of this money. It Was em- Phasised that the full cooperation of all the club members was necessary, and in order to effect this and also to make preparations for these several sales, a committee wt. appointed. C. B. Tilton '24 Will act as chairman of this committee, which is composed of W Burden '24, M P. Soponls '24 and 6 H. ruhrer '24 't A social committee. the duty of which will ho to furnish entertainment for the meetings, was also appointed by the president of ?the club. II A. Body '24 was named as chairman of this com mittee. and he will have us his co 'workers, C M. Ogborno '24, GI W. Moore . 25 and E W. Smith '24. An other committee eves named to make e. signboard for the purpose of an nouncing the meetings of the Dairy Husbandry Club This was put In the hands of W. R. Willet '24, with E. M. Myers as his assistant. Quite a amber of Students are plim ning to' attend the Syracuse show and these men will leave State College eith er on October ninth or on October sixth All who are going have a special de sire to be there on Wedneeday Octob er tenth, ealhat day has been set aside ge Pennsylvania Day and will be fittingly celebrated The Dairy Husbandry stu dents will not he alone at the show on this latter date as Penn State'e renown ed student band has been obtained to give several selections at this time. The Syracuse show has grown to such Immense proportions that it is now a national exposition, and not only the UnltedfStates and Canada will be represented in the cattle show there, but there may also be quite a few for eign entries. Exhibits of the latest Inventions and Improvements in dairy manufacturing - machinery will be on hand and demonstrated. A great many of - thergy - extdbittrwlll he - modele of me chines that are not in use now and PrbbablY-will , not be in use for a few years to come, so the opportunity for all to see what - future dairy machinery Nlll 10e1t- Ilkelti also ~preiented The Club 0111 ms Th'e Dairy Husbandry Club, this year, 20,000 I.2ophiphyll7,ooo In ono om 7 to hear'Sottsa: A broad i toeßluclier Oxford with double welt. Made in , Black:Scotch Grain Leather. t, Priced at $lO.OO \ ''l2oth -- Century , Shoeloi ; has . Its president Wilbur Selpt who Is starting the activities of the club in such a manner that nothing but a successful year can result As sisting Schit, and occupying the el. 'of vice-president Is C B Tilton '24 Et W Clarke '24 Is secretary of tho club and the finances of the organization rest in the hands of W R Willa '24. The Dairy Husbandry Club Is malt ing 'preparations for having the bmt authorities on the dairy businesc.ap pear hero this fall and - winter to speak some time this winter In Old Chapel A moving picture film Ivhich will prove of Intermit to all will probably be shown at the regular meetings of the club JUDGING TEAM CAPTURES' EASTERN STATES TROPHY Men Win One Hundred and Twen- ty-five Dollars—J. P. Willman Is High Individual Scorer For the fourth consecutive time the Steels Judging tram representing the Animal Haub filthy department of Penn State .on the Eastern States Trophy at the Eastern States Erposition held at Springfield, Massachusetts, Septem ber the seventeenth. In winning the trophy, which is a three hundred dol lar silver cup. the Penn State team beat its competitors by the - largest score that over won the trophy, scor ing 4200 points to Cornell's 3900 points, the latter taking second place Each team was composed of live men from each of the various eastern agri cultural schools The team represent ing Penn State was composed of J P Willman '24, H E Warner '24, It. H McCulloch E 03 Kirsch . 2.4, and II 13 Ucker t '24 The first live win ning teams in the Exposition lucre Penn State, Cornell, University of New Hampshire, Connecticut Agricultural College and Massachusetts Agricultural College. Besides grinning first place, the team won ono hundred and twenty-five dol lars in mire. money Jr P. Willman was the highest individual scorer, lead ing his nearest competitor by 13U points 'Warner took third place, Kirsch fourth, McCulloch ninth and Eckert twelfth. The team Judged three classes of beef cattle, thtee classes of draft homes, three classes of sheep and three classes of swine Penn Stutz Cattlo The cattle exhibited by the depart ment of Animal Husbandry at Spring field. Massachusetts Avon the Grand Champion Steer award and the Grand Champion Steer Herd The (hand Champion Steer alVald was won by a Junior yearling Abet.leen-Angus stem, Cedet Dell Prince In the Aberdeen- Angue steer Wass Penn State won first and What places on the senior yearling, first on the Junior yearling and first on the steer herd In the Shorthorn chum, first on the suitor yearling, first and second on the "junior yearling, first on steer calf and firm on steer hard, In the Hereford class, third on Junior yearling steer and fourth on the steer herd. The Champion of all classes came together to pick the Grand Champion steer. Penn State received Grand Champion steer, Champion steer Herd and also fourth on the senior yearling Aberdeen-Angus heifer: The total premium money received at Springfield Ives five hundred and forty dollars. Porfessor W. H. Tom have, director of the Eastern States Exposition with the assistance of Pro fessor P L. Bentley wore in charge of the cattle show and spent the en tire week at Springfield. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS TIE; LUTHERAN CHURCH Invites you to attend tho annual student re ception, to be held In tho church to night at 7:30. Everybody Is wel come Do YOU believe in a perma- vent investment? ' Buy a share in the "Y" work %fouls Vor Your Seat -APS.lo(nr , :e4, , New College _Chaplain Is Impressed By - Opportunities Offered at Penn State kLUaAI . "I am deeply impressed with Penn State and her possibilities To my way of thinking she has been firmly found ed and is on the road to being one of the greatest educational institutions in . America," said the Re‘orend Dr Fraser Metzger in speaking of his first impres sion of Penn State. Entering -wholeheartedly Into the pork which has been accorded him in the !Mice of the official college chap ! lain, Doctor Metzger hoe already be come one Of the loyal supporters of Penn State Speaking of the Penn State spirit ho said. "On no other campus, has the welcome that has been given me been so pronounced as It has at Penn State The faculty, Including the! This space reserved for Penn State Laundry , 320 W. Beaver Avenue Phone 124 Make Your College Paper Write your "copy" on a Remington Portable. Clean, legible copy will catch the editor. Use the machine also for your everyday work and personal correspondence. You will be surprised how much time and labor it will save. Compact—fits in a case only four inches Conurnient—you can use it on your lap, if you wish," - for it tames ICS table on its hack. Gmtletr—with four-row keyboard, like the big machines, and other 'big machine" conveniences Price, complete with case, $60. , Easy payment Imes if desire/ R mmeow enal - Pori For Sale by ATRLETIO STORE Milne BOOM CLAUDE V. SHOPE, lith BEMINOTON TYPEWBI , .. Wllllamiport,• r, THE , PENN,STATE.COLLEGIAN respective deans and heads of depart ments, and the students as a whole, have that wholehearted spirit of ser vice and lo3alty that counts so much for the success of my undertaking" Doctor Metzger intends to make per sonal contact with the vtudents part of his daily nark He has been named "daddy" by the students and no better mention of the devotion and service which Doctor Metzger will render to the student body can be found than that ashen ho rushed with all speed to the bedsides of those Penn State stu dents who are confined in the Bellefonte Hospital The new chaplain Is a man of pleas ing personality and possesses a voice that carries a nate of friendship to his hearers The father of tno sons, he is capable of ministering to the wants and needs of the students as only a father knows how. He will have an office on the second floor of Old Main, and with the following words to the students of Penn State there le extended an Invi tation to the student body to visit him at his office for any advice and counsel that may lie in lila power to minister "My feeling toward Penn State is best defined in the cordial good will and kindly reception that has been ex tended to me at my coming to the campus I am particularly grateful to the student body for Its chapel spirit and the respect shown toward that which is spiritual In life "If I can play some part in the de velopment of an Institution of so great promise I shall count It tm the greatest privilege of my life. To that end and with such vision I gladly give my sin cere pledge" HEALTH SERVICE GIVES TIMELY AID TO STUDENT The service Which the Penn State department of Health Service is rend ering to the students becomes more ap parent as the circumstances surround ing casco of Illness unfold themselves from time to time J. H Smart '27, felt 111 last Saturday and followed the advice of the college,physiclan, Dr J P Ritenour, to report to the Infirmary upon the immediate discovery of illness in any form A speedy 'and accurate diagnosis of his trouble resulted in having him re moved to the hospital at Bellefonte for an epee:Won of appendicitis Smart nag rushed, to the hospital late Satur day night and was operated upon at me o'clock Sunday morning. His promptness In going to the Infirmary ma, or may not have been the means of saving his life, but at any rate, hie condition at present is reported as bet ter than If he had neglected to make use of the service offered by the col lege FOR SALE CHEAP Vega Tenor Banjo FracUe;ll7 Nov GLAZIER, 807 Allen St. FOR SALR-1923 Ford Roadster—ln excellent condition. Same as now. Bargain to quick buyer. Pane State Auto Company, phone 282-14.. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS . , VISIT.THE :.-. State, College; Hotel , . , Tea=.ltectm 8:00 A. M. Till Midnight Open Aftey,..4lll,Dances To The Evergreens -TOiNITE WRIGHT'S ORCHESTRA COLUMBUS, OHIO FROSH , . CUSTOMS OFF Busses will start leaving Co-Op at 7:30 and will continue during and after dance • Let's_. Swell The Campaign Fund CLASS OF 1924 HOLDS FIRST MEETING OF YEAR Meeting for the first time this year. the senior class last Monday evening selected from among Its members those who were eligible for the Louise Car negie and the John yv White Scholar ships. Twenty-live names were chos en, six of which wore women. The pe titions of ten men were presented for membership In the class of 1921, all of which were accepted and the men vot ed In The resignation of E. IL Jameson, class secretary, was read and accept ed The following men were nominated for this olllce• G W. Boyer, W. B Oliver, H N Pat"lnger, J. C Kinkaid, Leon Lentz, Wm. Haas, H .1 Corswirt, E R Schultz E B Sterrett, J V. Chapman, C. T. Anderson, W C. Pier son President D V. Border appointed a committee to arrange for the annual senior dance, and after making a few remarks the meeting adjourned FIRST MEETING IS HELD - BY COUNTRY LIFE CLUB More than sixty students In the Agri cultural Education course were present at the opening meeting of the Country Life Club, which was held Tuesday rivening In the Horticultural Building S. B Park '24, president of the organ'- , notion, welcomed the old and new mem bers and Secretary L S. Bailey '24 out lined a tour year plan of club activities which will Include play production. or ganised play supervision, athletic dl redtlon and musical productions Among the &acuity members present were Professors H. G Parkinson .d R. G Bressler and the) spal.e on the advantages and alms of the club The next meeting of the club will be held In Room 101), Horticultural Building, on Tuesday cc ening. October ninth at seven-thirty o'clock All students en rolled in the course of Agricultural Ed ucation are Invited to attend Keep the Penn State Beacon aglow throughout the world. The "Y" is the home fire-- Keep it burning Thanks! We take this means of expressing our gratitude for the splendid spirit shown us during and since our opening. We remain Yours for service STATE SHIRT SHOP "Haberdashery of Merit" Page Three LOST—Tan camel halt sweater on golf course Reward if returned to coddle LOST—Pair of tortoise 11:0 gleaners ward B. B Kern. Sigma Phl Sign "Whenever education and refinement grow away from the common people, they are growing toward selfishness which is the monster evil of the world." Eme rick's Motor Bus Line, • Inc. Bellefonto WEEiCLlY Sto S to College to to • State Collego Bellefonte 6:45 A.lll. 9:15A. f 7 10:00.1.][. 1.. 1:30 I?. 3t. • • 3:10 r.➢l. 5:10 I?. 31", ~. 2:00P.M. :., 3: OP.M. ::: 3:10P.M. + 0:30P.M. 4: Saturday Only Stlturda) Only 11:10 P. N. .4. . 10:30 P.M. .4. 7:00 A.M. 1: 0:13A. 31. lowo A.3r. X 1:30 P. 3L 3:30 P.M. 8:15P. N. 1: BELLEFONTE-LOCK RAYED SCHEDULE WEEK DAYS AND SIINDAIS Bellefonte for Lock Buten X 7:00 A. 31. 2:00P.M. Sundays 8:00 -• Suf. and Sunday °nit, 0.20 P.M. Lock Maven for Bellefonte ;;; 10:00 A. 3L 5:00 P.N. Sat. and Sunday only 10:30P.M. "Take Yellow Bus for Sertlce" Fitro 135 c SUIsD 11S S:l5 A. 1.1 12:30 P.ll 2:00P.M. 7:00P.M. 9:00 P.M.