Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, February 27, 1923, Image 3

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Rules Omitted.'iff.
-~yZ / [ by Gus-
Committee;.. «.•
: •,
The 'full .text of the-new set of cus*
“-‘-toms'as adopted-at tho’lost meeting of
tho Student-Counciirincludins''oiarroi
<. .vised, now regulations S is printed
- * herewith, that.all'niemUera ofvtbo stu
•'->dent‘body may"become fully
f -<xl with'-them .'Those
at-tho" opening of school In ;Sop
tember of this year and will bo printed
"I 'in- tho Freshman 'Handbook. ”
\_l ’Every student-shall salute the-
tZ. 27 .Every student shall ’ dvo tho
right-of way .to those dn-tho-classes
above" hlm;ond-to the'faculty.
_i • 3;‘All students shall’stand with un
covered-' heads - during-the singing", of
7 tho Alnia Mater. ' - <
"4 'Students" shall not'paste "stick
crs”-or seals, bearing college'insignia
oruthe outside of any baggage.
~ s.'At all Jndoor'athldtlc evontSr all
-.students sball-romove their hats.
r ',G Smoking 'shall not.he permitted
'in the - classrooms ~of any * building 'or
'at any'indoor athletic, event. ‘‘
r, " 7* No" unsportsmanlike or ungontle
... manly, -conduct shall be permitted at
- any '• -
B. Tho.'ringing-'of. Old - Main , bell
'7shall, bo restricted' to. sanctioned - oc
caslons - ' r “ r . . - “
' ,9' The wearing of high school or
Z preparatory - school.- athletic insignia
','shall not be 'permitted • ~ ,-..1
z -I The privilege of going barehead
ed is' limited 'to seniors.' *
-v2_',The privilege of occupying,. the
“ senior benchos is limited to seniors and
’'alujnnl* ‘ . _• ’ - _ '
-'-.3The'privilege of walking across
-the front campus “Is limited to seniors
'and-juniors, and the'privilege of.oc
.front campus wall'is Um
.--ited'to tho three upper classes'
. f> ‘ ‘4.The privilege of,using the'iront
entrance"-to-“Old Main"'is limited* td
• ;.the three upper-classes. _ !'• _
When leaving chapel, the faculty
. 7-membors pass'out.first, and thonithq
J senlois,-juniors,'spohomoreo, and fresh-
y men in order. - r y i -
."IT6 Nor member ‘of’ the'three upper
• - classes, has the. privilege „of' granting
''.immunltis'tO'froshmen"o.- - -
—' -“.I J." No" class shall, bo, allowed, to. wear
caps or-hats'.bearing class initials' un
r ~tll after . the , Easter vocation--of’’the
- -soph om ore; yea r'v' o'
>^-4*B1 Sophomores hhnii one
- year; - the*freahmon
' , -shall
y-not>‘bo posted' on v *a‘ny'Vof -tli£*cnmpu)i
'jyf hiilidipgs;,' 7-,?^-
P Sophomores-^an
on'Situnt.night;-the.'night of the
-i.flrst’lfreShmdn class meeting,“and,'‘at
' - times ,of-ehgaglng'ln class scraps .
_ - _ 10 Freshmen - must-j always - wear
. - ‘ green“ caps /and plain' black,-four-ln
; ba~nd. except- when on trips,, on
.cj'Sundays, and on holidays, or when en
young ladles at'the'tirae of house par
, .tlos'Mjr house dances, but in no case
shall ' .permitted to go
■ > ~o> (tie or.a'hatl The "period .between
'; .semesters ,1s 'regarded os a" holiday* per
" -'lod ./’i . - .' _
11. Freshmen shall _ keep, their coats
completely buttoned -.when 'in > public.
- 12. Freshmen shall wear dark -col
-_..ored socks ‘at all times v J
1 -'l3 Freshmen-shall he' permit*
..tod to-.use tobacco in onyr'fonn via"
public 7/ .n
~ - 14. Freshmen ’shall not7lotter‘*ih *tbe‘
vicinity of_ 00-op corner.'. , }
tho freshmen'defeat''tho'SOph
7omores*ln’ t£o Intorclass'football game,
-.they aboil bo’permitted’-to-carry"caitbtf
-Rafter tho gome, but only' for,.the "ro
• of, tho^day.
‘'lC. Freshmen,must at all times keep
off the-grass. , 1, r _,,r
_-'>7 17 Freshmen shall not talk. v back~lo
upperclassmen whon_ being'‘lnstructed
-•-by them. __ - '7,7.'. v . •*' . _
* ~ 18. Freshmen shall. not _ frequent _the
where" the findings .of-. Student
«i Council oro'being executed - ‘ . r
7 ,Fre*ihrnen7 shall' be -permitted to
give sanctioned'yells at their, ath
. 'letic contoots'-and class •"meetings.
, -20 Every freshman sbail wear dur
,,'ing7the'first two weeks of college, a
' tag upon which his-name'ls legibly
~ printed ’in letters not less than one
~7- quarter of on inch high ->
' - 1 21 Tho .painting .of class .numerals
7 shall be restricted to -the freshman
' y oar,, said painting-to be done on' the
: * Armory.* roof-on, the ■‘Satunhiy night
.‘‘^before-Baccalaureate' Sunday,, - '
• -‘"l 22" Freshmen kshairiTbVwedr.’athlet
’jlc, society, or‘class, insignia from pre
,-paratory schools. - l -C ” v ,
-23 Freshmen “their'hands
_, -_out of their pockets at all times.' -•*
Freshmen 'attend all doss
.“.meetings,-' athletic meetings,- athletic
tcontests, and moss meetings, and shall
7- not leave the same until closed by tho
i 'proper unless/a reasonable
--.'excuse can bo>offered."_ -
jp-*7,,';2G Freshmen { shallnot associate
Radios-within-a.-three -rallet \Wnlt
of'Old .Main iat regular'house
portyu;poriods, or, when ■’attending* au-
r f6esteqpathic Physician
-c dff»ce-above' Varsity Store
, K Hours —10-5 ~
"V' -'Bell.Phone 74-M.
*: --risV r >
thprised '.organisation dnncos_or when
escorting- to r or from such , dancos •.
2G7 Freshinon “shall ‘ not, ho- fermltte^l.
•to ontof pool , -~~y
cadet-.unlformss«re ' C-\ - t /ir 1. - i, '.- ~t
! tbry must lie k won;«.u rt} , ‘V_e v, _ .
'tmist'oiiivnja bo_'biittono<i' 7 vy" Proceeds Will k ße t Divided Between
i', 28 -W entering, riain^fredfyej,,. Collefr&'Building'Fund and Re
inaaln tuiy four-year coursoishall jbo |, „ H , -
as'a freshman’ and 'shall i A hab Scholarship Flltld
bo required to”undergo, a > ear's 1 col; |
lege-*" customs - All * special >' students
enter'ng 'college w’th' appro'clmato’v
‘lie rating of afroshmun arid u)l sfu
.dents changing from, tno.yoarjto rffg-j
ular four year' courses shall bo.’re-'
qulred to .undergo one "year’s college - ]
‘ .29“ There 'ehull bo‘ no indiscrimin
ate hazing'' * r '
30 The 'privilege of'"Q(Jorhlntheir
faces with hair growths’ Shall' Ue llm-'
■ited to members of-the 'tHro'e’" upper
classes “ i ‘ % * *,’* 1
J ' Freshmen ' mtfat'vspiSik 1 to ' all
-other freshmen "whon passing ‘on' the
streef'or In.buildings '’f ’
* 32' When" In cadet uniform, ' all
freshmen d band of block
braid, one eighth!, of'an inch “wide,
about the crown* of' their cadet caps
33. ln'each” year to"“be" des
ignated by Student- _ Councll shall rbe \
-lcnown as" clean-up day > On that day,
ullu freshmen shall-report os, directed
by Student'Council’to of the
sophomore class and shall proceed‘'as
Instructed-to clean such parts of
college property us are deemed neces
sary. “ 1 ' .
34 Freshmen shall .be required .’at
all times, to carry matches and to lur-
WskTsome to the members of the three
upp’er'classes' uponHhiir request f ’ f
35 Freshmen shall be J permitted* to
attend'authorized-church, social func
tions held at -the church, but shall not
accompany . la'dles ..‘to or«from 'such
affairs v ' The ' regufaV , frdsh'ihan’' at
tire shall'bo-wonfat., that time. J ,*
- 36 .Sole powor'shall'b'e vested in‘the
Student',-Tribunal to:lnterprot,.any’ of
the ifdregolng; customs JVill .violations
of .thesoT; 'customs be : reported
to the Student Tribunal *7 \ *
Opportunity r Will Be . Given;for
Study of Industrial tife. f ' >
1 “ of-It&iy —•: 'J •'
' -Paul - D . Crivath,’’ _ ’President
fit - < -the - _' America' l }.Sociot>».
,announced -'J.recently that '* J* a
group of- American students
and * Instructors 15 'being
travel In Itqly “next summer .unddr ,ijie
Joint' ausplcCs o'f the Italy. Aitforiba
Society’ "and 'the Institute of
plitea that^the purpose^of the’uhdgr r
faking'.ls '“to^furnish'Janoppor^un^t*
i°£;{American - college'-.
studentsCCto a 'scholarly
JjtstnuctlonJ > the- n
menu, of “ancient v ßome,, the r vaat cul
tural and"artistlc bequests bf'Rtmals-;
SrinCO It£fly I -."and-l4te , *soel«lf , &rfll£isiiM&r
and commercial .-lifer of 'the
Tfie~ students will sail from New
'lTorfc- on the S~JS “Saxonia”- on Uune
thirtieth. : After landing at Cherbourg
they. will traverse France and'Switz
erland,-' and enter Italy through the
Italian Lake 4 district- -They will" I ,visit
the l * great .international' plants • near
Genoa and .then will travel
southwArd t_to -Naples ’and“ Ujj
- •Pergula
and Assisi, Florence, 'Bologna, Raven
na,'Venice,'the Italian battlefields', in
the Dolomites, U\e -redeemed ’ clty f -of
Trento; 1 'and' Milan They- -will 1
to,, this countryvOn Soptembor. fourth-
The' - M facultx| l , ,‘ , l wnL''Jdtluye.
gelo ggT.'Ro'jl
mtmeo rLinguoftes'
o'l*;'WHt«(}fi9in/faSv v jC<;turciV{ i 4tJ-'.modefn :
parijirp£go>~Professor. ’iEdwonl 1 ifi' -T-,
f3pbhcer, in,'*Rbn&6‘
and'nW;'Professor.. at '<Srls»y;'ll~Cb'li<3sCl
ft* lo'ctufer-Mjn* anc!Gnt' , ltolhb l
sic < art;v- Joseph.-rUopkinson,of
the Friend’s School? Brooklyn, -as-lec
turer on - Italian - Medieval- Jiistory'Ond,
Other-members of collogo
slty faculties 1 7 v 'i T
AUiSlgp^i(^;;V^.. V-:/
- : -' -.For Service and,Satisfaction See Us , v
• Agent for ;Epipire Laiindryof Lock Haven -
: .Highland Cleaning Company
.220 1-2 S.-AUen-Sr. . 'f 204
■; -c’vyHair^^i^';
* Stacomb keeps your’.bair *•
, justas you comb it and at the S
same time .supplier -, r:
•' beneficial oils which, th&"sVafp .
- .J,' ■
■ i -Ideal .-also' 'after"washing your '
‘ -hair. 'Adda lifejond luster. '--
' Ask. r your. barber-for a Sta
• comb .Rob, - * -
At all druggists.
- Vor ,the,- fourth yoar. > tho
-6/ £lie BehnbiHtaJon Club vvMl s‘ng*-
iholr .annual -production . • Bright
Bits' oti. 1923’; "will bo_ tho show this
j ear,"and Vlll’be held in tho Auditor
ium ..on ’ April twenty-Beventh and
twenty-eighth ' A considerable portion
of-the proceeds of theso two"perform
ances'is* to bo donated to the College
campaign* building fund,.while the re
mainder is* to be turned Into the per
manent .V'itoha'trilJtatlon.' Scholarship
fund. - - ' ' .
“Bright Bits _o£ ,1923" is a musical
minstrel,'review composed',.especially
for male' character It has been pro
duced by- Mr . E.„G. Moyer, who, with
the .presentation of production,
will-conclude, his fourth year- os' a
producer of shows-for the Club a,i
Penn State The cast calls for" forty
persons, and from the willingness dis
played by .the members to, take part,
it is predicted that an unusual amount
of talent will bo revealed -. J '-
—This .show has been, staged, at'other
colleges with, much success, and it is
hopedwthat- Penn State-students will interesting' .The show has aiso
been produced In Beading by tho Elk’s
Club, and received "muoh favorable
mentioni In* local papers This same
show* is, to" presented before the
Eik's' Convention to be- held at Erie,
Pennsylvania, this year. ’ .
and the Silk .Worm
Indtlstry” was’ "_tpxt_pf "‘thq, lecture
KJvAn before the members of the-Crab
\ppti’ l Club of Penn State, last night
by"*C. „W Howard, Professor of-Seri-,
culture, „ Canton Christlnn College
Professor Howard is a Penn State
rraduate . -
The club endeavors to obtain speak
;r? every week to address the mem
;ers, upon topics rotated to hortlcul
uro The' next lecturer will be Rro
■<«mr B."l«-jNixon, of > the Plant Path
-*ogy division of Penn State. Ho will
alk on ‘.‘Fire Blight”, and the follow
ng week Professor H* E Hodgklss
»’ pn of Etomology Exton
lon, 'concerning “Progress
n the Control-of-Sucking Insects" <
AG. ed: seniors have .
. Twenty-four seniors of the Agricul-
L”ral Education Course of Penn State
are'teaching In rural vocational v hlgh
rchbols. of,-Pennsylvania.'thfs mbnth
fEhey^-.obtain - teaching in
,:Ji&'inciHfers*d6rlnfe’.'tbeJ fouh v w6slwjsr
JtbVbnry,- *undqr'' the" supervision " of
‘ketfacalty State-and-of the
During" the last two weeks ’of June
also,' those ..students .will acquire ad
ditional experience" In project super
\ .sion, directing boys from the 'voca
tional schools ‘
'• - Penn State Plans Unique
fho plan - followed -by Penn State
unique There Is no other school
w.nch , c has attempted it, r and it has.
for>some -time-, -bepn .watched with in
est'^y;-the. agricultural "bftlcials of
aoveral states" *' - -
and alumni*of-the 'Untver-
slty- <£•. Kansas, where S2Ts > <TOO.of'tax-.
‘tbhjalifraternlty,. "ipdatfrd,
&x'iirtatef7iiljr'' property^whlch^was
1 *
p'fonos^ft'th’o'j'iaTV“■ ‘
n;TaSattorii cjf property' hak
-the Kairshs"
legislature, and In' 1914 the 'Supreme
Court*of .that state decided that’“all
propertyvt.used fqr* .educational purpo
ses. or~'connocted ‘with; educational Jn
b tithes', 1 should be tax free Fraterni
ty -houses were construed os literary
halls dormitories * : . -
_ ‘ i uc. do. rxr. oms ,
ZlaJces the Hair Stay Combed
Two members of th’o Penn State For
o-ttry, Do 1 artment* 1 attended tho meet
tug' tif ‘the "Pennsylvania - "section - of
American Foresters held at Harrisburg
on February twenty-third Professor
J A Ferguson,- and Associate Profes
sor W.‘ G.- Edwards".represented Penn
State at this" 'gathering 'Professor
T’orguscn read a paper to the members'
of .ho society on* 'Recent Develop;
meats of Forestry “
Governor Pinchot;'\yas also present
and gave a baked apple feed to tho
foresters ,on ."the 1 “eve -of February
twenty-second. 1 J ~; - v *’
C R. 'Anderson, Associate Professor
of 'the Forestry Extension- department
vill attend a meeting-of-forestry ex
tension. spedallsts'-'at .New - Haven,
Connecticut, orf March .twenty-second l
Twenty-One Counties'Each Show
Yields of 350 Bushels or
* _ More .to Acre
Records of potato yields collected by
extension pathologists- for the year
1922 have exploded'the idea often ex
pressed, that potatoes }do ,woll only on‘
certain types *of soil County agents
In twenty-orie-countles of Pennsylva
nia have reported - yields of over 350
bushels oC_potatoes' to? tho acre grown
in their respectivejtSbunties last year,
in ten of these' counties the highest
yield was over" 400 bushels an acre
it must be remembered too that theso
y lelds were made du ing one of the
poorest potato growlm • seasons in sev
eral years - - .
•Bvery Soil Type Bcpresentcd -
Of theso.twenty-one counties report-
ng J highost i yields," torwllo in the west-
ern J half erf the state s nd eleven in the
In the northern
eastern‘half, eleven'll*
lalf -and ton in "the r southern half
-Tactically every soil ype in'Pennsyl
ajiia is represented including heavy
hnestonc.i soil and looie Berks shale.
These data" verify* :he teaching' of
'iio extension- pathologists to the effect
hat profitable _ potato}. production_da-,
, ends, more "on the type of-tho grower
rd his methods than] on the typo of
.oil Whether a- soil be ' naturally
reavy-.or, loose,-the, addition of libera,
applies of humus in .the form of do
er sod, manure, sweoiA clover, or straw
ra 1 combination 1 . off-tAeso;will make a
■oil which is both'molfow_and retentive
jf moisture ' , f ' *- ' ,
Thousands'of "demonstrations 'during
.ho last five* years "In. Pennsylvania
)uve shown- that of. dlaeaao-
Voc' seed 'and 'thorough spraying, will
u ioh add “one-third t* 'the yield- ob
vainod., by grower. ‘
"The landscape moh[speht an enjoy
able evening.on Wednesday by-initi
ating seven new-men-ijnto the Topians
Of tho seven men initiated all wore of
the-class of ’26 Tbjoy. were D li
ahenk, G E Bumgatjner.'' G Stoudt;
M Ai Bird, W P Mortw. E S'Chap
man, and S. B Sputz&an -
After the ceremony! the ClubVwas
addressed informally topics of. in
terest by Professor CroweU. Following
this talk the men were entertained byr
music .furnished by different members
of the organization j Eight retresh-j
jnonts were'served and after discus-
of- business thet, meeting ( wni
cfosCd' -The Topians rare becoihing
I Billiard; Parlor
f - Drop in and win a • •
t prize. Get *some- ;;
1 thing while“«pencl- Y
j*, - _ ing your money. ~* *£j
H. G. MORRELL? Prop, £
-* Under Post,Office \ £
_ ' ' .£
The Laundry of
l "Service and Accommodation
Collection and delivery every day
feilenn State buuhdry
320 West Beaver Ave.‘
Phone* 124
Tito . Leading Teams in Each ’ of
Four Divisions To Compete
for Individual Honors
Inter-unit basketball eives > promise
f some bitterly contested cameo for
the matches that are scheduled, for
this week, are between the two leading
teams’ in each of the four divisions
The four winners of-these games will
enter the semi-final round which will
be completed next week.
.In the first division. Unit Four has
been giving Unit Fight a bard strug
gle for leadership and the deciding
contest between these two teams on
Thursday night promises to be a close
and hard fought game On the same
night Unit - Twenty-two will contend
with Unit Seven for the'honors In tho
third division ' Tho lead of the fourth
division 'will be decided on Tuesday
night In the game between Old Alain
and the Rebah Club
The final schedule that will be played
this week, Is given below.- , ,
Tuesday. February twenty-second,
B*oo p m
Unit 4 vs Unit 28
Unit 21 vs Unit’26
Unit 16 vs Unit 22
Unit 24 vs Unit 27
Thursday, March* first. 8 00 p m
Unit 4 vs Unit 8
Unit 12 vs Unit 16
' . Unit 1 vs 'Unit 22
With tho completion of the games
scheduled > for this week, as they cure
listed below, the interfratornlty bas
ketball tournament will bo narrowed
down to the leading team in each of
tho'Bevon divisions. These seven teams
will then stage the semi-final matches
and tho winner of ithc tournament will
be decided before tlie Eac‘cr' /aeat'on
VtVfinepdav F®bnuarv ‘von.j -eigV
c rft . m —Court o< e Sigjra Alphu
Epsdoa vt Phi Gamma Delta, court
two. Theta XI vs Beta Sigma Rho
' 7* pm.—<oirt one. Pi Kappa Alphr
/** .Mali?. »Chj Signal, court two
•'* h.- Drl a Sigma * - Phi Sigmn
ICnppa. • .
"OOi.n —rourt one,-Phi Delta The'-
a \*■ Sigtr.a Phi Sigma conrt- two
1 rlcnds' Union vs Do’ta Upsllon
.Friday, Mar oh second
* 00 p m—court one. Kappa Sigma
•r Omega Epsilon, court two. Sigma
PI vs I-ambda Chi Alpha
-i r. p m —court one. Kappa Delta
Rho vs Alpha Signra.Phl, court two
Phi Kappa Psi vs Cuhoco
9 00 p m—court one. Theta Xi vs*
"Phi Kappa;, court two. Theta Kappa
vs -Sigma Chi
Tho results of last week's gomes
were os-follows*
Wednesday, 'February twenty-first
Lambda.Ghl. Alpha, 11—Kappa Phi
- Delta, .6 , • '
AJpha_Gomma'.Rho, hLUpallon, - 2
Thursday. February twenty-second
.alpha Chi'Sigma, 16—Beta Theta PI, 6
Theta XI, 9—Theta. Chi, *3
Sigma Chi, 16—Phi .Kappa Tau, 6
Cuheco, 17—Theta'Kappa Phi, 9
Phi Kappa Sigma, B—Delta Upsllon! 7
Alpha Delta' Sigma, 13—Sigma PI, 7
Phi Gamma Delta, 14—Delta Tau Delta,7
Phi Delta Theta, 28—Kappa Delta Rho 10
PI Kappa Alpha, 14 —Delta Sigma Phi, 3
Cod Liver
A valuable reconstruc
tive 1 tonic'for Chronic
Cough,s Bronchitis,
etc. *
1 his,preparation is.
especially valuable ‘
for run-down
ditio n* following
("•ippe _
Ray O. Gilliland
Several perplexing problems are
facing the committee appointed by the,
President of the Junior Class to takc :
charge of the* Prom tills year Selec
tion of a suitable program, and decid
ing upon tho scheme of decoration to
be employed Is but part v of tho task
that confronts chairman D V. Fcast
cr '24 and his corps of helpers
At present, tho committee Is consid
ering the various orchestras which
are open for engagements at that
time and which have won recognition
for the type of music they produce
Among the organizations bolng con
sidered might bo mentioned the Mason
and Dixon Orchestra 'of Clarksburg,
W. Va, Harmon's of Williamsport, and
C H ICeer's Orchestra, of Philadel
phia Tho latter • has recently signed
a contract to appear at Keith’s Thea
tre In Philadelphia for the week of
May seventh
Several representatives have sub
mitted programs and these ard now*
in the hunds of the committeemen
At an- Advisory Committee meet
ing hold Inst Saturday tho Athlet
ic Association turned o\ u to the Col
lege a clear title to tho section of land
bordering on the west boundary of the
golf course This land was taken ovei
for the development of an oightcen
holo -golf course, which is now under
construction The title was donated
as a gift of the Association to becomo
permanent college property. The trans
action involved 311,036 GO
j The committee for educational tra
|<>r n e hna_nnnounceci a seventy
i»y da., fur tho summer of 1923 for
ti-ujiy momuus and advanced under
• jdunies of Amoi lean colleges Tho tour
i. o* na at New York about July first
’,d includes a course of four weeks
n one of nine leading French uni
ersltics, an elght-daj tour to inter
iJng" parts of France, and a two
peek’s course at the Sorbonne The
'(i,t averages less than nine dollars
» day from New York to Now York
Information pamphlets may' bo ob
tained from tho office of the Dean of
is a Real Food |
Eat more
of it
220 E. College Ave.
Phone 211
- “The Fastest Growing Store in State College”
A short time ago one of ou^
- customers came into-our store
. said., "Metz, do you have any moth
proof bags." I said "No, but V
imagine the cloth] v ig v -
have th«m." "No they -do *'t" h-*
answer d. -i 'hen told htn h'-
to return m About, two
which he did. He asked* ratler
dUL.iOtisly, "Well, do you have
those moih. bags 0 " 1 said, "we
surely do." He replied, "Well,
that’s what I ’call service."
The rapid growth of our store
has been due to the fact that we
try to stock .the class of mer-
chandise which our customers de-
Moth Proof Bags in Various
Styles and Prices
We are always striving to give you
“A Better Store” “Better Service”
L. K. METZGER,. 111-115 Alien st.
Page Three
Alumnae urged to join
American Association of Univer
sity Women Offers Many Unique
Privileges to Members
- Tho approach of the Commencement
season as a part of the American col-
lcglato calendar finds a number of
the graduating class emb.u king on a
now phase of life and this transition
has influenced the post-giaduate soci
eties of tho counu j to In ing' the ad
vantages of membotshlp to the atten
tion of the and women
The latest-bulletin comes from the
American Association of Univusitj
Women which is composed of the
alumnae of one humhed at|<l thlitj
colleges of the union .end which Ins
its headquarters it Wihliligton, D C
'Being miniated with sixteen otnet
national college oigamriUons In the* In
ternational Fcdeiution of Unlveuslty
Women, the association is able to of
fer many unique ind pmllegoil op
poitunltios to Its momjius The id
vantage of .1 wide ucquiiiuunoeship
Is valuable whether the iliinin i fol
lows her profession In home cu lmujjn
fields The club houses that ato m lin
taJncd in tho principal cities of all
countries fncillt itc this companion
Those Intel cated in foreign wotk,
travel, and study mav applv foi a fel
lowship of which a mnnbci ire print
ed ever* >e3i On"* 'n *v( 1 > i.<
here is held a eonf i m » > < > i -
russlon of the* tuna] *n o' » ii'iii
Membership u,ul 1 ,i*
may bo obtained upon irpbc ulon i
the Executive &<crctai\ iG’t T stn<
Washington, D C
j Your i
| Dollar, |
jj Is Worth a Dol- |
5 lar and Twenty £
| Cents -
AiDollar |
Briar Pipe - J
- A Twenty Cent 5
Pack Smoking <;
Tobacco FREE £
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Rexall Drag Store I
Between the Movies '