Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, December 08, 1922, Image 4

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    Page Four
various com ™ s
;• that is placing the game of business on the square every X
I- day in the year Many Clubs to Run Annual
> a m v > . , • -j- Dances on Business Basis for
P Wtshcs yo “ ada M Z r * X V S ' apLeasant vacahon j Welfare Campaign
; and a Happy New Year.
;i 1 hanging you ail lor past courtesies and soliciting
C for the f : litre
>:iliiril;i}. I»»**'**m »*cr H.
:n. «■» N''*•
v :"i !’• »-< «*■
ts.i J. Hi. V. ,M. <■. A. m*v
Ui.y .n Th~ V.H;tir— S:*-i
M'linlii}. II
7:fn* |». in. !uir **f •'J’**nn*-
l*mn-r' Sitin' tit :!k* <-Ht»
m .if rnit
:t:;.n;iu**!> :»t lh<* A. A. fill ••
:«(*» i». m. M«
iComitiued from »irf-t pay*-.)
starving: they are discouraged and -ick
in h-art. th-ir families h.«ve 1-<-n wiped
out. llivif fortun- taken away. an<l
many of them are still suffering from
uv.ikni 1 gained in tlu- trenehes light
ing i)u- fh-rmaiis. Worst of all. they
)i:ivf lost their faith in fit**! and man.
Might i?! apparent right. Nothing mat
ters hut to take cure ot one's s-ejf.
TIo-v an- drifting fast into a mater* and the philosophy of life ns
dangerous f.»j- tin- world a- that whi<-h (h-rtnany to defy th«- world.
"Now t’apiain. you go and tell your
hard-boiled guy to picture himself as
having had breakfast only for a y*-ar
ihi ;!<•« *.un: of the short time mitil vided tin* randidntes Into two sections.
i 'nri-t mas %;««•;,tiuti it is to the sidvan- ' 1-ach si*etiun has been tfoin« through
:au.- <>; oa.-h unit to get organized as light practice on alternate evenings
soon as possible ami hand tin* names of! after the varsity has completed its
lie* managers and players to C. M.-work. -N'<> real cut hits been made yet
uyborm* on or before December eighth, in tin* squad by Mr. Meyers except for
Th.s iist will be posted on the bulletin , a few whom it was necessary to drop,
board in the locker room, ami the teams; Oach Haines will start intensive train
• •an b-gin praetieinjr in the gym when i’ng immediately after the Christinas
it is nm in use for classes. The regu- • holidays,
parity ,nv broken with gratitude aml.lar tournament will not begin until .
or two. as wearing the satin- clothes
hi* had six years ago. as sleeping
in Sim’s theatre without* h*‘at or light,
and then ask him to picture P* himself
h-*w he would feel If from across the
water there caul- a decent meal a day.
an and firewood for the thea
tre. It is not ditliculi to imagine the
resulting feeling. The hearts of these
Itussinns with their great spiritual ca-
returning affection.
(Continued from fast page.)
another guard who has not yet been
able to come out regularly for practice
«m ni'ioutil of footbll work and will not
be avail.ible for tile quintet until he
returns from California.
No Christmas Practice
Iteing unable to schedule any teams
l * be met the Christmas vnca-
fmi in order to keep the squad tip t<>
top notch and prevent a slump In their
a day or r.vo early before the college
opens next month. *mly a short time
will be available to prepare for the Syr*
artist* itatno to be played hero on Janu
ary sixth which makes it very hard to
set the players in the right playing
I.OST—Somewhere between Kim. A. tint
track house. au ( l the A. D. S. house,
twenty-six dollars. I’iease return to
First National Bank
\V. L. Foster, President
David F. Kapp, Cashier
State College Hotel
Cream of Tomato Soup
Roast Chicken
Bread Dressing Gravy
Mashed Potatoes
French Cream Peas
Fruit Salad
Ice Cream Cake
*£ . Jabs of I'enn State over the coming
H**X-v*HX~M*‘X**M**H**X**H**H**l* vacation‘period. Most of the clubs have
i'A CL'I,TV JOIN FORCES u , ly , ; „ h(lhI
ninli-i' a b.*tu*v under- Armory **u December t\venty-s.*vcnth.
\v.-n stud-ms speeializinu ; the Lam-aster Chib will hold iis
■ tnl tn*-ir instructors, regular 1 dam tin- >ain«* dal** al tin* Hotel
tii- Kotauy Jh-parttm-nt, Ihunswi-k at l.anrasu-r. Tin* IV.iwr
I twn-- .« month, tliis s-m- County Clnh llama- \v*ll also 1»- hold tin
i.- r-i;v.-rsi;y Clnh anil at tin- owning of tlu- twomy-sownth at lleav
tin- •lilt--;«-nt instruotors. or Falls, tin- Kovstonc- Soroiuuk-rs furn
tV.v siud.-nts spoi-ializing: l,l *‘ nnisi«- for tin- oooasion. Tin
. th-v -.-iimol form them-i ''"“-■‘toun Clul. 1n,.-, nnnoun—il its
s a,;.. .-Inhs or sor-io- m-vonth annual dan.-o for the twonty
>u.d--ms in ••thvr eoursvs. : ninth in tin* 1. <». i>. F. Hall at l’ntt>-
j,; ,:ri--<l out is this: the- :mvn - ami Whitt- (hvhestva
is ami tht-ir instructors have* din-j' ht-iitK engaged fur this aflair.
T-«.-tit.-r at th-. various pla.-t-s ! l-Maw.-ire County students will stago
■ I r ilinm-r. dis.-uss matters per-! *'» thirtieth of L)e<-em
i: itu- IJotanv. At tin- last nn-i-t-■ ~* 'r al tl, ‘‘ Twentieth Ct-ntury Club, at
am tin- sul.j.-.-; discussed was "The 1 with Ar.-h Morrison’s <ek-
History of liotaniral Work at Stab- i orchestra supplying Hu- mush*.
• .mil in Ponnsvlvania.*’ i 1 ho swornl annual dunce of the IJutier
.... , . , . , -C.-unty Club will ht- put on sit the Ha
lite plan was started at the begm-i ... . .
ntnu this :.n.l it has ..rovod- s """' II " 11 '•"tl-r. thv ~v,.,unK of th
ou.,.- „-i,h 1,,.h suaU-ms .«■•••**■«»■ »>>■ '-"mhurlund County
j Club will put on a dance before Christ-
htsie. in Hiimler Hall. The Hanjo-Sax
teams must organize:.
______ turn th" ovi-r to the Campaign.
Meet Next Wednesday; °
to Foimulate Plans—Teams FROSH BASKETBALL
Must Be Posted Tomorrow SCHEDULE ANNOUNCED
i fn-re will be a meeting next WYdnes-
! :iy. D.v.-mli.-r ihir.vimh al .In- A. A. -'imilar ta .hat af last year hut liar
attire, at' ali unit lu.'iiuikurs amt men in* .hree new *>;■ t ll r* 111-a. Indiana Normal,
a.,..>i.,1 in unit nianauenient reKardinirj '.jnl:..:. ties,-ryes, and the York folles
the “eh-daled inelhad af Idayinu art' the iau ' inatitute. As yet nu (hum.* has
...urm at af the unit luisketbal!' , '«‘ n '■"' hied with UollefoiiloAcademy.
league. Mr. C. M. Oglmnu*. '24 and' Many Frosh Candidates
Chi-r Mevei>, physical director, have! The firm cal! for freshman basketball
working on plans that will faeili-[ candidates was made last Monday when
*' l * e playing «.f the sanies and main* , a hundred and fifty men reported at
' lit! belter order, and less confusion the Armory, ••itinkey'Haines has been
ih.m was oxper.etioed last year, and ar-; -hosen to coach the yearling squad this
ramtomonts haw also been made so; year but as yet has not started his
that th»-re wdl be sullicient equipment j work in training the first year men. He
at ai! time*. It is planned to have | will probably return to town today and
••:i.'b unit supplied with l»ody bands; take up his program immediately.
so ihi.t each team rail be distinguished u lh ,. Jh . sl appearance of the riesli.
;i• *iii ih-other. iiien. !•:. Meyers took charge and di<
I ?
.? For x
Found scilin;; tickets for the Yule» A Qn <» • • <* * m T
Harvard ff.inic, James DeFelice of New T Kr,A I - iVi FA I„S ?
Haven was arrested last week. Fe* ■ ? X
live had sold four tickets to the tfamejx
for live dollars each. Before the ap- !■ •
plications closed, he had succeeded Ini]!
iM-ttinir two girl students in the Music-* 1 Q. - g* f
."■'•h"(>l to sitheir applications for'!! 1 6DTI kJl£lt6 v£tt6
him. When the tickets were issued, '**
h*» himself secured them. •
ticket speculator is
tuc d e n N Otate
4* pal femur** for inosi «*f ihi* county
mmiitees at w.*rl; jirrangimr the de
tail-- an,| plan- at*- being rapidly ft*rmii-
annual affair at Hmiesdale in tin* Hta
mas mi Ui-remher twenty-first, at Car
(Continued from first page)
Continued from first page.i
football Kami* with its earnest and
whub-hearied from tin* entire
st mien t body for Hezdek to stay at
IVnn State, and the smoker that was
given the night before the atinual
Thanksgiving Hay game at Pittsburgh,
had ti powerful inlluetie** in shaping
tin Nittany mentor’s deeision and fur
ni-him: the straw that broke the cam
el’s bark and made him agree to stick
to IVnn State for better or f**r worse.
(Continued from first page.i
ne hard in the time nllnled to them,
’•in as tlie players can get out only two
nights a week, the coaches have been
• -on-idernbly handicapped. ? The fresh
man coach is M. 11. Gatchel! ’23: the
sophomore coach. •’Hap’' Coulter '23.
Apparently the interest in this game*
is on the ascendant, forty freshmen and
a like number of sophomores having
-cgned up for the sport this fall. Thus
; -Jonty of opportunity Is afforded the I
• -.inches fur picking a team worth rep
resenting the classes, and all lacrosse
"fans’’ are certain of witnessing a real
•attic on Holmes Field tomorrow, with
the sophomores )>oss:biy 'having a little
edge on the freshmen due to the exper
ience of the '25 battlers.
Wrestling Scrap In the Evening
.Much Interest is being shewn in the
sophomore-freshman wrestling scrap
which will take place Saturday evening
in the Armory at seven o’clock. Num
erous candidates bid well for the sever
al positions on both teams, but nearly
all of the eliminations have been run
off with the following results, classed
by weight:
1 la —R. S. I-ehman
125—1* A. Cary. \V. O. Hurhenn
1 :i») —H. S. Osier. A. Machrach
M3—w. It. Black
1 "*S .?. A. I’arthemore
175—G. M. Thomas
Hwt.—K. S. Wetzel
. Freshmen
115—E. Z. Kohl
125—F. W. Sands. D. N. Ball
135—0. H. Seeling. Harrold
—K. U. rteiy. R. 11. Adams
MS—K. A. Hugh. J. 11. Dowd
ISS—E. M. McCoo)
’7s—l. April
Hwt.—No candidate
Serve them
Smith's Quality Ice Cream
A Real Food.
Bell 250
Anniversary Sale ends Saturday, December 9
40 per ct. Mark Down on all College Seal
Jewelry, Ladies’ Hand Bags and Purses.
A $4.50 Memory or Stunt Book for $2.89
20 per cL Mark Down on all Fountain Pens
10 per ct. Mark Down on Xmas Cards
PENN STATE CLUB WILL jbefore. The activities of tlie Club
NOT HOLD WEEK END HOP h:nx ‘ ,ioe " “ ulle extensive and reach
on account of my i, amities ! " ,u "’ 10 '-•alifornia. The lilee Club has
.ilmat tile campus as m whether or net " ,: ' u leiueaenied in distant parts
tin- I'enn Slate Club will hold a dunce, M ' "''" W ,l,u Valsll - v WurM
over the week-end. the Sueial committee: ,n!ufc “ tri '’ 10 ‘he I’ncitlc Coast
lias aunouneed that no dance will* he; in laM allJ a ‘ the World’s Fair,
stuped. Negotiations were opened with i "ews|)a|ier comments followed
tile Ten Virginians, hut tlie eltih has' this I’erforntanco and credited the Club
d,sided nut 1,. imiii its dance mail t1,,-:" 1 ' 1 c hiartet with the («st cn
enil of the fast semester. The fall 01 .. 1 le«nutntent ever offered on the Santa
■-•a tibia tint, I,f the hie a.m-fn.teniiiy IPe.m C. invert I’rop-ram.
i-lub has n-.-.v been fully effected and (lu* * n UO2. 1913. ami ip.1920
"Mirers ini- tin* year an*: president. n. f »biar:.*i sailed t*. tin* ranama Canal
Hawk ’2::: vice-president, in charge' * ,,v { * {| d staged concerts in numer*
«.f athb*ilt-s. C. ,M. Osborne '2l: vice- “ liS Club Houses under the aus
j*i* -icli-ijt. in t-harui* of s.n*jai aiTa-vs, '*- I ' PS r, f Dm I’nited States Government.
\V. U. r.a-- >m ’23: treasurer. Professor During tin* munth of March each year
I’. W. iv.s; ,s*M*n*tary T. 10. Cmmel '23; !, ie Club competes in the intercollegiate
i*x**--tutive committee. K. J. Duone ’23, <s leo Club cunte-si held in New York
i’hairman; .1. A. Km* ’23. and J. J. City. About eleven of the leading col-
f *' “25.
Th- Thanksgiving Day dance was lhis ‘■‘‘•"‘Petition, among the most noi
sihti<.-,si'ul. ami the Club hopes to make u ' > *° '"‘‘"B Harvard and Yale. The
•.Ills year the nmst successful one for ‘‘""Petition for the annual cup is ex
ilic units. ieeediiiKly keen in this contest, and Penn
0 [ State has several limes been honorably
uuiiriMVfro \irif * ; mentioned. This is a distinction well
.VjfcKLrlAiN lb \> ILL -worth attaining, as Harvard and Tale
AWARD HARRIERS have been the stronKest contenders for
; the cup in past years. Before this
(Continued from first page) contest the songsters make a ten-day
two p. m.. .Saturday. December ninth.-tour through the New England States,
for the La Vie picture. j The history of the Penn State Glee
Although the merchants of State Col--^ u '> dates back to the accession to the
leg,, have cooperated several times in Directorship in the Department of Mu
the past in providing awards for spec- by Mr. C. C. Kobinson in 1912. who.
:al handicap track and Held meets, this - •*! short time, built up the reputation
s probably the first time that they ; of the Club to its present high stand
have authorised a merchant handicap *' u ‘d- -Mr. Kobinson left Penn State at
cross country meet. The innovation was! ihe close of the last college year to as
originated by .Manager T. S. Coyne '2-T su >nc his new duties as Dean of
and Captain S. C. Enrk '24. Enck has! .Music at Ohio Slate University. He
also laid out a special course for the -
run. and has so arranged it that the 1
contestants will be in view on the camp
us during practically the whole race.
As the meet is for all students who
desire to enter, handicaps will be given
the more experienced participants. All
entrants should remain in the locker
room of the gym and be In readiness to
start at two twenty-five, the race be
ginning at two-thirty.
(Continued rrom first page)
establish it as an annual event.
Tin* Club has an enviable record
which has been established by past per
formances, and from all indications the!
members of this year’s Chib will con- 1
time* the same high quality concerts!
“The Fastest Growing Store in State College.”
“We are always trying to make our store better for you.”
from coa-i to coast along the Santu F\»
leges and universities are entered in
in “Oliver Twist”
A Special Picture
Thanksgiving Game.
Friday, December 8, li®
was succeeded this year by MrswT'
° rant ' ° f Bo***™.
whe has a wide reputation 1„
circles, and who Is sirlving t 0
Club .-urpuss its letW(l • »>
■ioneerts are siv-u annually Ihrouiil.’
the state. and are usually drawing
for large social gatherings of Pena St!?
alumni and friends. Towns ; n
the Club has created a lavorab^r 1
press-ion durin B the past thtee
elude Titusville. .\«>rth East j fa *
town. .V. V.. Chambvrsbur-
I>ort. Ellwai-thtown. Lock ££
AIa.MH.t. Indiana. I»hiUdJ'
phia. Xew York City, and PittsbnrghT*
The Penn Slate Give Club furnish*.,
least three regular concerts on
Penn State campus each vear Qa*
| IVimsyh;,„ia Day In November. a J
winter concert. and .mother at Co»
inencement time. This year's p
sylvania Day program was an
making one in that it was the first
that the Club tilled the entire
without the assistance of outside soj>.
The mid-winter concert this year
be given on Saturday evening. Febnaw
third, and will be considered as pre pJ
ation for the New England trip and fti
Intercollegiate contest. The program,
offered this year are of the usual hiri
standard, combining ditlicult and **
ious numbers with the lighter varies
of music. The quartet, assisted by
several soloists of merit, will workfc
conjunction with the Glee Club orcht*.
tra to make these programs highly**
joy able. The jwwsunnel of the G'«
Club consists of forty-four membea
who are selected annually by
itive trials similar to those conducted by
the Varsity Quartet.