Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, November 28, 1922, Image 4

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On Saturday, January 20, at 12 noon,
recitations and pructicum lor tho first
semester wHI end.
I Final examinations lor 'all students
[will be-given beginning Monday, Janu
ary 22, at 8 00 a m., and ending Sntur-1
day, January 27, at 4 - 00 p. m
By action of the Collego Sonato all
final examinations will, be two hours In
length and three examination porlods
will be provided doily
i Movies, Radio Service, Lect
e Course and Frosh “Y” Cab
let Result from Year’s Work
lit bi older and moie aggressive pro
-111 of tlie loc il \ M C A. vv hJch
s Initialed this fall has mot with
th favor among certain sections of
. .student bodj The series of small
•ties in private homes have proved
icclallj popular and have been help-J
in broadening the acquaintance of
.h men md women students Special
ics foi fieshmon have been a fea-j
vof the iv 01k List Saturday near
-1 bundled students enjojed an even
r of fun In private homes through the
iperation of this committee
\nothoi big attraction is found in
» bumd-i} night free movies which
> V M C A. is running A series of
i best Piromount pictures with Mack Comedies has been contracted
\ cMemling tluough the entire win
■ uul welt into the spring It is the
p«_> of the Association to run these
ou* legaldka. of contllcting attruc
ns, such as the Entertainment Course
mbt-io Thus there is always clean,
ullhj tntei talnnient for all who have
d lies. 1 Icli and pool alike It la es
aated that with an avoruge of five
tubed in attendance, those free shows
II &ive the campus SJSOO during the
ison The cost to the Association Is
is than one fouith that sum
An Aimstiong supcr-rcgeneratlvo
idlo ulicuit is being installed for tho
elusive use of the Y M C. A A
'extern Electric Loud Speaker has al
adj been obtained and when the ap
latux is compiete<l, it will place a
e dispos il of the stddent body one of
0 finest outfits possible Tho Radio
11 be used in connection with the
•ce Movies, and will bo available on
eclal occasions b> request
The speakers which the “Y” has se
ired in conjunction with tho Student
silow ship for Christian Life Service
ive meant much to a large portion of
ie student bod> Those who heard
r, Ai thur Holmes, Dr All> n K. Fos
,r. Bishop McDowell, Mr Van Dyke
ic Pittsburgh Banker, Mr Colton of
ussia, and others feel they have gained
new idea of the moaning of faith
nd the uso of religion. There is need
11 such messages in our college life
nd the ‘V is to be congratulated for
ringing them in Some of the most
continent speakers of the country can
ot be secured without tho expend!
ire of considerable money, and the
pe ikoi s Committee is anxiously await
ig the result of the financial campaign
> see if even a stronger program will
1 possible for tho coming months. I
Mot the least of tho new features of
its >eat a work is found in the fresh
lan Y M C A cabinet which has been
>rmed for the first time, this fall Tho
•exhmen now have their own “Y” pres
ent and chairman of committees with
loyal bunch of committeemen and
lombors behind them Many of them
ave had active experience in Assocla
on woik and are eager to help maln
dn Penn State's reputation for a
ve “Y” organization
The Mow* York University has a
ind fteshman this jeir who is
g to be a Inujer, and saja that he
:pecls to prictice law He was gradu
al! from elementary school with tho
ghost honors of his class, and has
ild his way through tho Do Witt Clin
n High School by teaching a Latin
elp Class, and teceived the highest
>llOl of a high school when ho was
octcd into AiNta, Mr Colye omploy
i tho Bniitto method of reading and
riling, ho takes notes In a manner
I Braille shorthand which he perfect-
Look Your Neatest for Thanksgiving
For Your Cleaning and Pressing
See Us
Highland Cleaning Company
220 1-2 S. Allen St.
Thanksgiving Dinner
Roast Duck
Bread Dressing
Cranberry Sauce
Mashed Potatoes
Fruit Salad
Ice Cream
Dinner Served From 12:15 to 1:38
State College Hotel
Make Reservations Early.
Conflicts, in order to bo adjusted, must
ba reported at the Registrar’s office on
a special form provided there, before the
| beginning of the Christmas recess
AgEd 11, M 10, 202 Hoi t
AgEd 18, T 10, 103 Ag
AgEd 16. W 10, 202 Hort
Agro 1, SB, 206 Ag
Agro 3, Th 10, 206 Ag
Agro 16, F 2, 103 Ag
Agro 20 by appointment
Agro 28, W 2. 103 Ag
Agro 201, T 8 103 Ag
Agro 203. W 8 206 Ag
Agro 206, F 8, 105 Hort
AH 1, T 8. Amp !
AH 3, S 10. 100 Hort
AH 6. M 10, 103 Ag
AH 7, T 10 206 Ag
AH 12, S 2. 103 Ag
AH 15. Th 2. 206 Ag
AH 17. W 10. 103 Ag
AH 201 T 8. 103 Ag
AH 206, S 8. 100 Hort
AH 207, bj appointment
AH 215, M 2, 200 Hort
AH 217, T 2j_106 Hort
Bact 2, W 258 Dairy, 100 Hort
Bibliog l. by appointment ■
Bot 1, Th 8, Amp 1
Bot 7, VT 2. 12 CA
Bot 10, M 2, 12 CA
Bot 11, S 2, 12 CA
Bot 19, b> appointment
Bot 201, Th 2, 100 Hort
Chcra 121, S 8.-10, 11, 12 CA, 4McAH
Chem 131, S 8, Amp, 8. 9 CA
Chem 141, S S. 121, 302. 304. 311, 314,
31G, 321, 437, 438, 440 Main, OC, 1-8,
11-16, 19, 20, 22 LA
Chem 229, W 10, Amp
Chem 283, TV 10, Amp
Chem 333, S 2, 10. 11 CA
Chem 337, F 2. 12 CA
Chem 373, S 2. 9 CA
Chem 374, by appolnntmont
Chem 376, by appointment
Chem 443, W 10, Amp
ChomAg 1, T 10, 100, 105 Hort
ChemAg 3, W 2. 202 Hort
ChemAg 4, T 10, 202 Hort
ChemAg 13, F 2, 100 Hort
ChemAg 16, by appointment
ChemAg 18, W 10. 104 Hort
ChemAg 20, T 10, 206 Ag
ChemAg 25, S 2, 202 Hort
ChemAg 35, F 2, 100 Hort
ChemAg 208, Th 8, OC
Com 5, T 2, 1-6 LA
Com 15, M 10. Amp
Com 20, T 10, Amp
Com 25, W 10, OC, 28 LA
Com 80. M 10, Amp
Com 40. M 8, 1-7 LA,
Com 42, F 2. 314 Main
DH G, by appointment
DH 8, by appointment
DH 10. Th 8.'206 Ag 11 -
DH 201, F 8. Amp
DH 211, F 2, 251 Dairy
DH 212, M 10. 100 Hort
Dom Art 22, W 10, 321 Main
Dom Art 26, T 2, 314 Main
Dom Art 28. T 10, 25 LA
Dom Art 37, W 2, 314 Main
Dom Art 38, Th 8, 4 McAH
Dom Sci 25. W 10, 321 Main
DomScl 44. S 10. OC
Dom Sci 46, by appointment •
DomSei 48, Th 10, 314 Main
Dom Sci G 4, by appolnntment
Dom Sci 66, by appointment
Dom Sci 58, b> appointment
Dom Sci 59. S 10. OC
Dr 70. b> appointment
EchE 2, F 8, 200 EngD
EchE 5, F 10, 201, 209, 210 EngC
' EchE 12, Th 10. 200 EngD
EchE 15. M 10, 200 Eng D
. 1, W 10, 121, 302, 304, 311, 314,
315, 437, 438 Main
Econ 14 T 2, 100, 200 Hort, 200 EngD.
259 Dairy. 200 Ag
Econ 15, by appointment
Econ 21, M 10, Amp
Econ 35, W 2, OC, 315 Main
Ed 1. S 8. 28 DA
Ed 2, W 8, OC
Ed 5, by appointment
Ed 10,'by* appointment
Bell 264
French Cream Peas
Ed 11. Th 2. 22, 25 DA !
Ed 22, F 8, 438 Main |
Ed 25, T 8, 22, 25 DA
EE 1, Th 2, 200 EngD, 200 EngE
EE 3, F 10, 200, 202 EngD, 200 EngE
BE 5, T 10, 203 EngA, 200 EngD
EE 7. S 10, 200 EngD
EE 8, Th 2, Amp .
EE 10, Th 10, 200 EngD
EE 12, W 10, 200 EngD
EE 18. W 10. 213, EngD
ElDes 3, W 2.200 EngD, 200 20G EngE
Engl 1, M 8, OC, 121, 302, 304, 311, 314
315, 321. 437, 438, 440 Main. 100, 200
Hort. 259 Dairy, 20G Ag, 200 EncD, •’
McAH. 104, 200 MngA, 8, 11-15, 20. 22,
25, 28 DA
Engl 4, M 10. OC. 121, 302, 304 311. :
314, 315, 321, 437, 138, 440 M.illl, 200
Hort, 206 Ag 239 Dair> C-8, 11-10, 20
22, 25, 28 DA
Engl 14 b> appointment
Engl 301, T 8, 306 Main
Engl 305, by appoinment
Engl 412, Th 8, 310 Main
Engl 152, F 8, 310 Main
Engl 465, XV 8. 11, 12 CA
Engl 174, S 10 310 Main
PM 1, F 8, 103 Ag
FM 201, Th 10, 103 _Ag
Flour Milling, bj appointment
For 3, Th 2, For
For 9, M 10, For
For 13, T 10, For
Foi 22, by appointment
Foi 33, F 2, For
For 48, bj appointment
Foi 53. bj appointment
Foi 54, W 10 Foi
For 57, b> appointment
Foi 60, Th 10. For
Foi 61, by appointment
For 69, by appointment
For 70, T S, For
Fr 11, T S, 100, 105, 106, 200 Hoit.
20t> Ag
Fr 13, T 8. 6-8.11-10. 19. 20 DA
Fr 23. T 10, OC
Geol 31, Th 10, OC. Amp, 100 Hoit
Geol 41. Th 10. 104 MngA
Geol 51, S 8, 104 MngA
Geol 57. by appointment
Geol 75. b> appointment
Geol S 4, b> appointment
Ger 1, T 8. 1-5 DA
Ger 3, T 10, 1-4 LA
Gcr 50, by appointment
Greek, b> appointment
Hist 4. T 2, OC, 121, 302, 304, 311, 315,
310. 317, 321, 437, 438, 440 Main
Hist 13, F 2, 28 DA
Hist 15, Th 2, 14 DA
Hist 19, M 2, Amp
Hist 20, Th 8. 100 Hort, 200 EngD, 8-
12 CA
Hist 23, F 10. OC
Hist 24, S 10, 28 DA
Home Eco 25. M 10. 19 LA
Hort 2, XV 2, 100 Hort
Hort 5. M 10. 100 Hort
Hort 6, by appointment
Hort 7. S 10, 105, Hort " .
Hort 8, F 2, 200 Hort
Hort 11, MB, 202 Hort
Hort 13, by appointment
Hort 14, W 10. 105 Hort
Hort 23, F 10, 202 Hort
Hort 27, by appointment
Hort 32, S 10, 202 Hort
Hort 35, by appointment
,Hort 36, by appointment
Hort 37, T 10, 206 Hort
Hort 201, S 8. 100 Hort
Hort 202, T 10, 200 Hort
Hort 206, by appointment «,
Hoit 208, by appointment
Hort 232, F 10, 105 Hort
Hort 234, by appointment
Hort 236, by appointment
HtEng 4. Th 2, 201, 207, 208, 209
HtEng 6, W 2, 203, 205, 207, EngA
HtEng 13, T 10. 207, 208, 209 EngC
HtEng 17, W 2. 207, 208, 209, 210
EngC. 10, 11 CA
HtEng 26. F 2, 200 EngD
HtEng 30. S 10. 201. 208 EngC
HtEng, 34 by appointment
HtEng 35, W 10. 201 EngC
HtEng 50, Th 10. 201, 207, 208 EngC
Htvy 7, by appointment •
H>d 1. Th 2. 201, 203, 207 EngA
, Hjd 5. W 10. 203, 205 EngA
Hjd 11. W 10. 203 EngA
, Hjd 12, T 10. 201. 205, 207 EngA
Hyd 15, by appointment
The College Men’s Shop
Colder Weather is forecasted
Sheep Lined Top Coats
Knitted Vests Reefers
Woolen Hose
Seasonable Merchandise
Right Pricfes.
Robison Block
Hyg 1,-TV 8, 121, 302, 304, 311, 314,
315, 331, 437, 138, 140 'Main, 100, 200
Hoi t, 250 Dairy. 200 EngD, 1-5, 8 r 11-10,
20. 22, 25, 28 LA, 4 McAK
Ind Art 75, Th 10. 315, 316 Main
-IE 303, S 2, 201. 209 EngC
IE 409, Th 10. 209, 210 EngC
IE 413, TV 10, 203 EngC
111 417, S 8, 200 EngD. 200, 200 EngJO by appointment
Latin, by appointment '
Math 2, F 8, 121, JOS, 301. 311, Jl4,
315. 321. 437 Main. 1-4 LA
Math 5, P S, OC, 100. 200 Hoit. 259
D.-iiij, 200 Ag, 8, 11-10. 20, 22, 23. 28 LA
Math 7, F 10. 11 12, 13, 15 L\.
Math 10, F 10, 121, 302. 304. 111. 314.
315, 321, 437, 438. 440 Main
Math 11, F 2. 12. 15 LA
Math 29, F 10, b, 7, 8 LA
Math 33 by appointment
Mchs 2, F 2, 300 EngA. 300 EngC
Mohs 7, M 2, 201 EngA
MDes 12, TV 8. 201 EngA
MDcst 31, T 8 201. 203 EngA. 200 j
202 EngD j
MDes 51, TV 10. 209, 210 EngC j
MDes 53, S 2. 207. 20S. 210 EngC
Met 51, T 8, 104 MngA
Mot 52, W 8, 101 MngA
Met 33. Th S, 104 MngA
Mot 54. IV 2. 104 MngA
Met 59, T 2, 101 MngA
Mot 61, T 10. 200 MngA
'tot 71, M 10. 104 MngA
Mot 72. tV 10. 104 MngA
Met 73. M 2. 101 MngA -
Mot 78, Th 10, 200 MngA
MIIDrIU 1, tV 2, Amp
MilDrlll 3, tV 2, Amp
Min 31. S 10," 101. 104 MngA
Min 53. M 2, 200 MngA
Mng 51, by appointment
Min 50. by appo’ntment
Mng 71, by appointment
Mng 75, by appointment
Mng "7. F 10. 200 MngA .
Music, by appointment
Phil 1, by appointment
rhil 5, b> appointment
Phil 8, by appointment
Phil 20. by appointment
Phys 201, S 10, 28, 40 Phys
Phys 211, S 10. Amp, S, D, 10 11, 12 CA
Phys 217/TV 10. 28, 10 Phys
Phys 230, F 10, 28, 40 Phys
Phys 231, Th 10. 2S, 40 Phys, 8 CA
Phys 305, Th-2, 28 Phys
Pol Sci 1, Til 8, 121. 302, 304, 311, 314.
315, 321, 437, 438, 440 Main ' *'
Pol Sci 17. TV 8, 19 LA
TolSci 20, T 8, 28 LA
PH 1, TV 8, Amp
’ PH G, TV 8, Amp
PH 6, F 8, 202 Hort
PH 203, S 2 105 Hort
PH 205, TV 8, Amp
PH 207, F 2, 200 Ag
PH 207, F 2, 206 Ag
Psy 2, M 8, Amp
Psy 0. by apponitment
Psy 12, by appointment
Psy 13, Th 2. 28 LA
Pay 14, F 10. 25, 28 LA
Pay 21, M 8, 19 LA
ROTC 5, by appointment
ROTC 7, by appointment
RME 1, Th 10, 202 EngD, 200 EngE
RME 7, by appointment
. RR 1. TV 2, 201 EngA
’ RR 14, S 2, 200 EngD
RurEcon 1. Th 8. 200 ffc» t ; s
RurEcon 201, TV 10. 200 Hort
Shop 131. M'2, 201 208, 210 EngC,
300 EngD
Soc 2, T 2, 28 LA
Sp 11, T 8, 121. 302. 304 311. 314. 315,
321, 437, 438 Main
Sp 13 T 8, OC
Sp 23, T 10. 121, 302. 304, 311, 314
315 Main
Str 13, Th 10. 205, 207 EngA
Str 31, F 10, 201, 203 EngA
Str 33, h> appointment
Sitr 15. P 10, 205, 207 EngA
Sur 42. Th 10, 201. 203 EngA
Zool 101. T _\ Amp
sE. W. Gernerd J
5 Merchant Tailor |
| Next to Post Office f
State College, Pa.
Zool 203. Th 2, 4 McAH
Zool 313. Th 2, 4 McAH
Zool 320, W 2, 4 McAH
Zool 365. S 2. 4 McAH
Zool 366, M 2, 4 McAH,
Zoot 405, S 8. 4 McAH
Zool 411, by appointment
Zool 421, by appointment
. Zool 461. b> appointment
initial Match With Lafayette Is
Planned—Difficult Schedule
Arranged for Team
Considerable information ns to the
iclntKe merits of the Penn State llitlo
Team was obtained .it the intciclas-,
match ''taped on last Frldi\ evening.
The sophomore class team won le iding
pi ice. followed bj the senior, junloi
and fre°hman teams iospectl\e!> in or
der The freshman team, while tom
-1 aged of a mimhoi of pood men, N
lmmpeied by laclc of e\pcrlence , The
to ims and scores follow
r W Aitois (Cnpt) 28
.1 it. Bossier 90
J K Vossez 89
H C Van Valin 92
P M Wentworth 92
O C Jeffries (Capt) - 90
W W Wilson 92
M E Monbcck 93
O T Grnser S 7
11 A Roxb> 92
R C Bender (Capt) 90
R M. Spenplcr 99
A. B McQuown 87
H D Eckert 8S
E E Brubaker 85
D E Frear (Capt) . 89
R. B Johnston 83
J B Voder 88
W A Richards 88
D Li McCulloch 87
The rifle team Is fortunate In bavins
a groat amount of good material, and is
rapidly taklns shape in preparation for
its initial match with Lafajette on Jan
uary Eighth
Although established in 1920 and with
a present student body of 450, the Uni
versity of Hawaii has an organized
football team which last year played
the Universities of Oregon and Nevada.
This year, Pomona, California, will also
be scheduled for a game with the new
ALBERT DEAL & SON I Don’t Miss - * .
Plumbing 1 \ Thanksgiving Day '
H 7 Frazier street 1 Philadelphia Restaurant
. “Your friends can buy
anything you can give
them except your photo
' • •
Special Offer for
two weeks only.
-T-i-icr O O tate
mt 0 HOTO Chop
, 212 East College Ave.'
Ten \ Have Been Secured
to Fumsh Music—Pleasing
Decorations Are Planned
l’> an unanimous vote of tho senior
classmen at thcii last mooting it was
dc-lded that theit annual dunce should
bo'a fotmil affnii. The danco. which
w'll be hold in the Armory from eight
to one o clock on tho night of Decembei
eighth, piomlse* to be the best scnioi
d inco ever hold at Penn State
Tiie Ten Virginians, popular thiougli
out nil sections of tho country and well
known nound State College by their
excellent porformanco at the Junior
Pi an lust year, have, been secured to
furnish the music. This orchestra is
one of tie host that could posslblv have
ren seemed but nevertheless tho coni
n'tteo In churge has managed to make
he pike oi the ticket" one doll tr and
f.y cents pci coupie
The decoßitlon3 for the affair will not
be of an elnboiate nutuio but will he
'•ufllclently plcising and harmonious to
meet the appoval of all those who at
tend All seniors are urged- by the
social committee of'the class to come
to this d mte make’it a de
c aled mucous is it is upon tho success
of this tfTilr that tho holdingof a class
dame in the suring defends
A modem club house foi the exclusive
use cf college fraternity men Is being
erected in Now York City Tho building
will be nineteen stories high and will
contain tlx hundred and twenty-live
looms, eich with a modern bath, which
,\IU be rented at moderate prices
The entire space has boon tentatively
i esei ved by thirteen fraternities, but
othei fraternities have requested reser
vations In tho hope that room may be
found for them
A new organization, the Knights of
the lion Sphinx, has been created at
the University of Nebraska, with the
purpose of seeing that the frosh wear
their green dinks at all times when in
public Offenders are severely paddled
or teceivc an equal torture as‘penalty
Tuesday and Wednesday Special
$9.00 Value SSIOI
Winter Oxfords e
Tuesday, November 28,1822
Final plans'have boon made for the
Grain Judging Contest to bo hold by
the Agionomy Department Immediate
ly nftoi the holiday recess All Agron
omy students aic urged to sign up on
tho charts In the Ag and Horticul
ture buildings or see either Professor
C’-omoi oi Professor Cobb of the Ag
ionom> department. This is a now
piojeot and tho success of tho under
taking depends chiefly on the support
given It by tho students During tho
Chilstmas iccess ovory one should sel
ect exhibits from his homo stock and
bring them back for tho contest. . - -
The exhibits this year will bo limit
ed to corn and small grains. Tho en
tries of‘com~wlll copslst of ten oars
each, and tho exhibitors may enter In
is many classes as they wish -but
can not make moie than ono entry m
nn> one class The competition is 11m- <
ited to'growers of Pennsylvania and tho
pioduct must have been grown in the
season of 1922 In order to allow for
a more even classification in com, tho
State has been divided into'five dis
tricts by counties and tho winners in
each dlsUict will then be judged in the
Unite class These divisions (do not
apply to the smaller groins The var
ieties of com which may be shown by
the respective districts ore yellow dent
white dent, and white-capped yellow
The small grain exhibit is to consist
at one half peck of one or more of tho
following.—wheat, oats, rye, barley
buckwheat, and clover seed. Frizes will
be offered to tho winners of the various
A report from the College Health Ser
vice states that two members of tho
clads of 192 G, G E. Rees and R. R. Mack,
had their ey eslght seriously impaired
during tho sophomore-freshman conflict
after the first freshmen class meeting
The scrap proved to be ono of the most
disastrous events of its kind In the an
nals of Penn State customs . >
Although every precaution was taken
to have the members of both classes
conduct tho scrap with every degree ol
unnecessary roughnes eliminated, it is
now evident that by some means, un
doubtedly unintentional, these men re
ceived injury to their vision '