Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, May 12, 1922, Image 3

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    Friday);May 12,1922 „..-1.
. .
:=. GRAHAM & SONS 4'l
On the Corner
A Box of Nice , iFresh Samoset Choco
lates for Mother, with one of our Moth
er's Day Mottos.4
Organization Adopts Code With
Two Amendments—Election
Of Officers
The - .tof by-lows for Penn Stnto's
onorri:Soolety Council no publishod,in
a recent edition of the COLLEGIAN
was 'adopted lyith two amendments at
a meeting of the Boom Society, Coun
cil held in,De.tri M. A. Knight's office
last Tuesday evening The first stop
In thavarganisation of the Honor Coun
cil was the election of officers for the
Connell Dr. S W Fletcher. Head of
the Department of llorticultme, , was
elected' chairman of the Council for the
coming year, with Laurence S. Gross
'23, ..secretary
Theamendments as adopted at the
meeting were as follows. To be eli
gible. for representation in the Honor
Society Council, a society must conform
to the following standards First, The
basis Jot membership in the society
shall be high. scholastic standing, but
not necessarily that alone The mem
bers of the society must be Mown from
the upper fifth of the class in average
Second, .Elections to Honor Societies
shall take place not earlier than the
second, semester of the prospective's
Junloa year, but one Junior may be
elected in the first semester of his Jun
ior year distinction is drawn be
tweenomder-graduate Honor Societies
whiciv,elect earlier than the second se
mester- of, the Junior year and may
hava=social features, and societies
whicirlelect near the end of the sta.
dent'sl;course and In which social fea
turesvare Incidental.
Third, The determination as to sabot
,shiponly shall be in the hands of a
acuity. committee of the society
Ocelot -the important duties of the
onorpSociety Council shall be to no
•perate with the Senate Committee on
endemic standards in the observance
.f Scholarship Day. It is planned to
•old .the first Scholarship Day some
!me -next October. At that time, the
ollego will be addressed by some, dis
inguished. personage and the elections
the various Honor Societies and
edma k
rolarship awards 11l be announced
WOZlonor. Societ uncil will award
rolarship m the members of
re'r — sdhous and jun r
or classesi at
urt time who have attained high echo
stic.sectirds. About fifty bronze med-
H for - this purpose have been donated
ry an. alumnus of the College
Representatives of the following ,so
riettes were present at the meeting last
Tuesday •levening Dr. C E Mar
ruardt, PIII Beta Kappa; Dean. , B 9
Moore; Sigma Xi, Dr S. NV Fletcher,
it Pays to Read: "Ads" ? ibe initabeitibia Restaurant
_ WE invite you to dine
This "ad" accepted as fifty cents on v T here where th e
shoe purchases,May,l2th,and 13th. . Service and Menu are
. . metropolitan. S It A '
6. N. FISHER': ' College Billiard Parlors
Pastime Budding , JURANIS & KEPREOS, Prop's
In line with our attempt to improve service to the
- people we are adding another delivery _truck to our_
4t. -
: :1, •
Phone orders given prompt and
efficient consideration.
Phi Kappa. Phi, A. F. Parent '22, Eta
Kappa Nu, Wm R Errett, Jr, '22,
Tau Beta Pi. B D. Klinger '22. Sigma
Gamma Epsilon, R H Beck '22, Sig
ma Tau, Lawton. 9 Gross '23, Al
pha Chl Sigma, S 1 , Hinkle '22, Phi
Lambda Upsilon, Dr R D Anthony,
Gamma Alpha, Dr D A Anderson,
and a number of ex-officio members
Including Dean A. R. Warnock, Dean
U, A.Knight, and Professor B D.
Walkei. - ehairman of the Senate Com
mittee an Academic Standards -
In co-operation • with the Forest
County Improvement Association, the
Agricultural Extension Department is
fostering the introduction of better far
ming methods through the formation
of boy's clubs It Is planned to have
every business man of Tionesta buy a
bushel of disease-free seed potatoes and
give them to a farm lad of the club
for seed purposes At the end of the
season, the boy will retain to the bus
iness man potatoes of equal value to
the heed potatoes he received earlier in
the spring
Fey having the business man take
dinner With the boy and his family at
least once during the summer and by
holding a banquet In the fall In which
the business man Is host to the boy, it
Is hoped to induce more familiar rela
tionships obetsyeen the people of the
teen end the, farms and so stimulate
the business of the county and possibly
bring about rho greater development of
Doe natural and agricultural resources
of Forest county
A MON ement has been introduced at
Trinity College favoling optional class
attendance, and several other colleges
are taking up the idea. The upholders
of this moo ement hold that as long as
a student le above pausing grade he
Mould be' -ranted to talon',
ould be permitted to at, - classes at
his own discretion, but as soon as ho
falls below grade ho sbould be compell
ed to attend regularly.
Albert - Deal & Son
Plumbing & Heating
117 Frazier Street
Many Changes and Improvements
Noticeable in 1922-23 Col
lege Bulletin
First copies of the new general cata
logue of the college were received by
the Registrar this week and a number
of very desirable changes and improse
ments are noticeable The catalogue
was printed this year by the ll' C
Dunmire Company of Altoona.
Among the changes that have been
noted Is the revision of the General
Statement, particularly the parts deal
ing with the history of the college and
im Ills finances. The history has been
covered In complete fashion being built
up in chronological arrangement from
the founding of the college in 1855 to
the present academic year
This year's catalogue Includes sub
jects for graduate study for the that
tine and may properly be termed the
first step toward a graduate school A
separate bulletin covering graduate
study is now in the hands of the In int
el and will cover the subject more in
The general list of faculty manes be
fore each school has been done away
with and Instead, the names are listed
under the various departments with the
departmental head at the top Wirer
evein possible, the name of the instruc
has been placed after the course
which he teaches, thus enabling the
students and others ty know In advance
Just ache are the Instructors for given
courses Another convenience to stu
dents will be the listing of the person
nel of the various ndmlntstrathe offi
ces of the college, together with the
names of the_ tecretaries to the various
The Registrar has announced th.
The Varsity, Pool Room
Pool and ,Billiards
Cigars, Cigarettes
and Candy
Summer Work for Students
What aro you going to do thin iSummm, Men , Will you take a Job
that will tie you dont?, keel , You In - Sool , the whole Sommer long , pay
SOU 115 or $25 a meek. and lertye you feeling like the very old dickens
when College opens next Fall'
Or have you In mind landing something that mill keep you out of
doors, enable you to travel, 'WAY you $5O etch hook Sot expenses,,gtve
you a good sum of money to defray next year's expenses, and at the
end of the Summer leave you with the feeling that you have ‘ haddt , r,eal
Every student desiring employment fot this Summer hill do well to
look into the opportunities which he are in a position to offer A let
ter of Inquiry will bring you full details
Our Publications Subsc. 'piton Depot tment
Notion Picture ➢lagazine For Particulars Write:
Motion Picture Classic BREWSTER PUBLICATIONS, Inc.
Shadowland 175 DUFFIELD STREET
Beauty BROOLMYN, N Y. ,
of smokers have proved it—and now give the
T ! erdict to you— ,
Of all the other tobaccos NATURE has produced—none
can approach the finest vaneues of pure Turkish for cigarettes— ,
None has the delicious FLAVOR of the finest Turkish—
None,gives the ENJOYMENT of the finest Turkish—
None will SATISFY you as will the finest Turkish—
t - i RQD
there h 11l be no eatalogueit available
tot genet/II diet, Ilitition until titter
twin, itii %Timidity. May llth, niter
it Well tint, 41111101aq nate I amity° a envy
IA t illlng it the littigivtrtteiii all".
The esetcken coincident to the lay
ing of the corneratone tot the new beef
cattle ban on Ag 11111 were held In
the Stock Judging Pavilion Thunnda)
Often noon Onto to tho lain which fell
du: log the d lot It woe found Impossible
to conduct all of tine osereiteo on the
site of the new Inn n Hannover, the
spectators endut ed the rein for a tow
minutes for the Lonng of the corner
The cei etnonles note presided mei
to De n Watt.; Addiessev WCIO
1,40 I* PI of \V II Tombm 0, head
of the Deptitment of Animal Husbanii
, the bloat Fled Ronnmenen
head of the State Department of Agri
cultine, in Hoopes, Wilming
ton, Del to an, and nesident John M
'l looms
LOST—An owd, gold locket mono
gt on one side F W P Two photo
mrtpho Motile Finder Menke rotten to
107 W 13eate:
A Job For Summer
High Grade Prop-
• Will refer you to good State
men with us last yearns to k .
• possibilities of work -
Not a map - or book, but a
E.- good paying, self-resoechng
• engagement.
Our contracts appeal to con
o scientious men.
A new worthwhile business
• proposition
• Call at State College Hotel
Friday, 1 to 6 or 7 to 10 p. tn.
See J. R. EDDY
here or write him - at Paradise, E .
E. Lancaster County, Pa -
None but the highest
grade and personally se
lected Turkish tobaccos
is used in MURAD.
To enjoy 100% pure
Turlash at its VERY
BEST—to reach the
PEAK of Cigarette qual
ity you have but to
smoke MURAD—
Try MURAD today
"Judge for
(Continued from first pare)
be It gilt cirri speaks, assigned to each
The meeting In the Auditorium will
have Eliot E Overdorf, President of the
Student Council, as Presiding Officer,
and here President Thomas will make
the address
In Old Chapel, M L. Shields will pre
side and Professor Bressler will speak
In the Chembitty Ampitheatto C. L
Mellinger will conduct the meeting.
which Ns 111 be addressed by Professor
Kills the adult and egg. Stainless, Non-
Poisonous. Odorless Non-Explosive
First National Bank
W. L. Foster, President
David F. Kapp, Cashier
Blum & Koch
They're Here Now
Where Society Brand Clothes are sold,
One team everybody
can make
AFTER the big game, if you don't need a box of voice
lozenges there's something wrong. A hoarse voice is
evidence that you were covering your position on the bleachers.
The harder the game the harder it ought to be to talk
afterwards. Your "Ataboy" and "Line it out" buck up a
fagged nine—and so your shouts give you the right to rejoice
in the victory, because they helped 55 in it.
This spectacle of a grandstand full of men fighting for
their 'team is, one aspect of a very splendid sentiment—
college spirit.
When you show college spirit you are doing a fine thing
for your college, a fine thing for the men around you, but a
- - finer_thing for yourself. You are developing a quality which,
if carried into the business world, will help you to success.
The same spirit which keeps you cheering through a rainy
afternoon will in after life keep you up all night to put
through a rush job for the boss.
The same spirit which makes you stand by your teams
through thick and thin will find you loyal to your shop or
office, always ready with a shoulder to the wheel—even if it
isn't your own particular wheel—giving suggestion and active
help and a word of good cheer, once again earning your
right to rejoice in the victory.
In business as in college make it a good, snappy "Yea, team!"
est-era Electric Compact)"
Since x 869 maker, and darrikao, of elearicat of wpment
r Published in
the interest of Eke
trim, Development by
an Institution that will
be helped by what•,
ever helps the
In Room 100, Horticulture Building.
there will be still another meeting with .
C. T Douds presiding and Dean Sack- The meeting, ate solely for the pur
ett speaking pose of sequaintlng the student hod ,
Then in Room 200, Engineering D, With the Purl'.. of Sic ihocomma
there will be a meeting for all students •t Greater Penn State Nothing will to
from outside the State of Pennsylvania ....lid or done looldng touaid a sub
or from other countries This will have setiption to any fund
The Standard Reference for Fraternity Jewelry
will be mailed on application.
Factory, Attleboro, Mass. Pittsburg Office, 299 Union Arcade
Badges , Jewelry Stationery
It looks good It tastes good
It good It is just like mother's
sei TAIL @if"
In Leghorns, Tan and White Straws--in styles
to suit every taste.
They're Blum & Koch hand made straws and
that' means they are as good looking as they
are comfortable
Come in today and see them. The prices are as
attractive as the hats themselves.
$2.00 to $5.50
Opposite Front Campus
Page Three
IA C Pratt os presiding officer so
Mrs Lucre(' t V. 'l'. Simmons will mak:
the address.