Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, March 24, 1922, Image 2

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Fenn State collegian
Published &mi., eekli during the College year by students of the Fenn.'
mi. State College, in the Internet of the Students, !Qui& . 4 autill and
.'riends of the College
A. R. Aurnan '23 33. 2E - 111 - ttl'22
Women's Editor -- '
Assistant Women's Editor
G W Boyer '24 It B Colvin.'24
N. 0 Wattersan '24
NV E Perry. Jr. '22 -
H. R. Herkheleer '22 --.---
The Collegian invitee all communications on any subject of c?litmo ymreet
Letters must boar signatures of writers.
Subscription price. $2 50. if paid before October 15, 1991. After Octobe
15, 1021, $276
Entered at the Smitten., State College, Pa., as intend elate matter
Oilier, bilttany Printing and Publishing ' Co Building.
°Mee Hours: 5 00 to 5.45 every afternoon except Saturday
Member or Intercollegiate Nempapor Assealattork
News Editor This Issue__
FRIDAY, MARCH 24, 1922
The calling out - of cheer leader candidates in their Sophomore
year instead of waiting for the Junior year is in line with the move
ment to obtain more highly trained ' and experienced cheer' leaders.
With the new system the candidates will have a longer period of train
ing and will have more opportunity 'to ledrii all . tno'detoili of the nil
of leading the cheering of the student body. Under the present sys
tem, the man who has had previou ' s expettehne holds an advantage
over the man who lacks the experience brit possesses an inherent
ability that could be brought out by a period of training. The longer
period of competition which is now being instituted should produce
a better trained cheer leading staff.
Another feature of cheer leading which will bear scrutiny is the
selection of the varsity and assistant cheer leaders As it is now,
popular election is held at a mass meeting of the student body. ' The
entire student body does not know all the cm!cifdates by name and a
full attendance is impossible to obtSin at any mass meeting. In ad
dition many of the voters do not take the trouble to vote intelligentlyand cast their ballots in favor of the man whose name appeirs'firston
the ballot As a result, we are never sure that die best men 91111-oh
tam the offices they deserve.
Would it not be possible for the method of election to be changed
so that the selection rests with the retiring cheer leading`staff' ,- This
suggestion may not t be feasible, but nevertheless, Are'Sliffuld leave no
stone unturned iii an effort to obtain the best cheer leading possible,
as it is an activity which means much to Penn State and which demands
the best material in the college
We wonder how many students will take advantage of the oppor-
tunity to hear the debate this evening between the Penn State debaters
and the team from the University of Pittsburgh. The number which
has supported this activity in the past is small—a condition which it
does not deserve
The mastery of forensic art is one of the attainments most desir
able in a college graduate, and many will regret after they have been
out of college a number of years that they did not,pay more attention
to public speaking during their undergraduate days, when they might
have secured the necessary training Of course all cannot become
candidates for the debating team, but they can at least show their
interest by attending the debates of the varsity team.
The men on the team deserve this small measpre of support
They have given generously of their time and energy and as a result
have produced a team which is now in the midst of a successful season.
The debaters have defeated Bucknell and Dickindon so far this year
and with proper support have a strong chance of completing the re
mainder of the schedule with victories Litus shoW our interest in
debating and our appreciation of the efforts of the team by being
present at the contest in the Auditorium this evening.
The outlook this year for our winning the wrestling intercullegi :
ates is not as rosy as in some past years. liaviexer;we,kneVi that we
will be worthily represented and if:it is within human power, the
Penn State representatives will again return to State College with the
Championship Belt
Although hampered by injuries throughout the season, Coach
Detar's team has been able to defeat:all cotficrs , with , thc . exierition'of
the Naval Academy, and with
r ail the_ varsity meu s in shiipp,:for,the
contest today and tomorrow there is kchance for the laurels,to again
come to Penn State. On the other hand, the competition this year is,
strong, and only an exceptionally able, te,am,sip,,,has tp, secure tug
The loving cup, which was presented to "Dick". Harlow Wednes
day night by the students of the College, is a symbol of the feeling
which Penn State men and women have for him, and,* an expression
of their appreciation for the great service that he has rendered his
Alma Mater in the ten years that he has been conieetcd„with:the
coaching staff of this institution. The prolonged cheer with which he
was greeted in the mass meeting was one whiChhe, will never be able
to forget. "Dick" bears a tremendous love, his Alma,Mater and in
turn is devotedly loved and respected, by all. Colgate is indeed fortu
nate to secure the services of such a man'.
CHANEVA) }OR SCIENCF. SCHOOL nEFosr.i,Tit,*thicailzp,sosiNa
The specific i noulrernent of two units Intercollegiate boxing received a sol
o!' edit Insome foreign language has hack at Harvard when' a petition for
been done au with In the School of recognition of the sport' failed to meet
Noma] Science This measure was de- the approval of the athletic commit-
I Idea In the College Senate March four- tee at Hanard to whom the petition was
teenth instead of the specified tun presented It In now oneof the fen .,
credits In foreign Inngunge, too eler- universities which do not havn boxing
tire credits are to be permitted teams.
Aseietant Editor
A.E. - -Post '23 E. 32. Sehlve '23
---111na Dods Brow . n . lug, '23
13n14 - 13 'E Cron
E. E. Heyo s ll . ,4 E.,lll....Jarnepn 1:1
C. F. ,Tp4. , on 24
--- ---J3uelneas Manager
------aaAdvertlelns Manager
* ----a—Circulation Manager
, J ,:.•cyos 4 `'
Frl!la), liarch 94
,8 00 h m —Varsity Debating, tins'
of Pittsburgh Nii Penn State, Auditor
130 p m —Stock Judging Content,
Tv.° Year Aga, Stock Pavlllon.
2 30 p m--Handicap - Track Meet
Armory track
6.45 p m —World Fell. ship Motu!
Mon Cluny; 100 Hort
• ,
Sunday, 3farch
Both Chepele—Zdualcal Service.
3.30 p tri =Band ConciSrt, Audlitor
The Detainment of Physical Educa
tion announces that an) ntan nho has
any oa 'ln physlail education anus
remote them hi pirtlelpating In ono
of the handicap track meets which
Coach Martin has been holding each
Saturday Men may sign up %nth any
Of the assistant track managers before
the meets These runts aro lacing held
to create an interest In track athletic",
and to Bite Coach Mu tin a chance to
'Unearth ate nen material before the
season Ls adtanced too Sat for him to
let clop it
Candidates for Junior Assistant cheer
Leaders' report in Old Chapel on Bat
urdar afternoon at ono-thirty. This'is
in accordance idth a nest plan to have
competition for Varsity Cheer Loader
tiepin in flue Sophoinoro instead of 'in
the Junior poor vs has heretofcse been
the custom
The Senate Committee on Student
Welfare desires to meet ttith student
16ders'in dramatics and music on Wed
isday, March 29. it 7 '3O p.rn in Room
315, Main Building. for the Par Pose of
discussing plans for LIMBed control of
dramatic and mnsimsl activities bilm
ogeL.Phed copies of proposed plans
May . bi obtained for the alike of ;the
Dean it Men on Monday. •
I .
Church Notices
The Rev Robert C Peters, Minister
—Sunday School, 9 30 a m Morning
Worship, 10 45 a m Semiten by Prof
H M Battenhouse, Ph `ll' Epuorth
League, 630 p m Evening Worship,
7 30 p m 'Address by Ho'n Cl4de 31
Kelley, under the auspices ,if the W. C
T IT Wednesday at 7 30, Church
Friday at 730 p m a student
social In charge of the_Peak Sisters
The Rev. 1' T. Hiniiin4, 'Pastor
The hours of aorship next Sunday are
ns (oboes gunday: - 5ch001,"9.30 a 171 .
Morning Warship, 10 45 a m Chris
tian "Endenao . r. G. 30 P. in. Evening,
Worship, 7:30 p m 'Prayer 'Meeting
Wednesday evening at 730 p m A
htudent eoelal um - be held' on Friday"
evening at 3 o'clock.
- ,
Rat Edward St Fr - eaT, 'Rector
Fourth Sundt* In Lent Holy Com
munion, 7 45 a
_ro Sunday School, 9:30
m Morning Pra y er and' pornpmn
lon, 10 45 a m Etonlog Semlce, 730
P m.
Out frlende roe cordially nelcome at
all the eelnlcee
The Rat Peel E Keen, Pa9tor—
All sertleeg will be held In the Odd
relict ‘4 . Hnll Simla} ',..henol, 930 a
m 70mniint St. ti..e 10 13 a in and
the Lt emng bet Ace at 7 45 p in
The Bev. Samuel Martin, Pastor
Sunda) School, 9.30 A M Morning .
Worship, 10..15 A 31 Chrtstisn En
detvor 0 30 P At and Evening Wor
ship at 7 30 P. M. Christian Endeavor
Soeist on Fridal_night
The Re, F K. Stamm, Pastor—Sun
day School, 930 A AI Morning Ber
nice, 10 45 A. 51 Sermon subject,
"Wonder and Fear" Young People's
Society at 0 30 P 51 and the Evening
Sen lee nt 7.45 P.M Sermon subject;
"The Manliness of Jesus"
Sunday Mass, 10 A. M.. Benediction
of the BiCased Sacrament after Mass,
Moly Communion at 7130 Everting Ser
vicea at 7.00 P. M. Confessions every
Saturday at 7 00 P itl Week-day Male
Dolly at 7.00 A M.
ness men hay been
buying their shoes of John
Ward for these twisty-five
years. Collej men who ar
particular ; ar equally enthm:
unusual ivear, and moderate,
prices which distinguish ev 7
cry John Ward production.
Shown by,
at Penn State Hotel
cjohnWai e d.:
101.5 .Sho es
Storrs otitankailar4Brooklymaddrlidua
....,_,... ....
A nearby and concrete essmple of
what the Rural LlfeDepaltment of the
School of Agriculture' Is doing Is the
transformation at an old ,barn into a
community ,building lit. Spring Mills.
The old liarn maa originally of a
heavy hen n frnme' r and of sufficient
aloe to provide — a play center for all
,mete in the vicinity of its lunation
- Alone, max rained through conwriunity
nreetiagtrand the student., In the coca- ,
Donal scboo l utilized their pranticums '
for placing a new roof and a net, loft
floor on tie teenier 'shriek Coveting.,
have been placed over, the windows, and
a basketball 'iloor has been fitted out
The dnlY palealsaistance N,l2{ used In
the erection of the frailest°, Is for the
roof and In the fitting of braces to
make the building sound In all respects
Their plalis haze not been all tarried
out since the grOunsi pool in to be ce
mented, atolls 'for hoyses are to be dot
ed at ono end, and a Forage at the oth
/er end , the menthol. .boarding Is to be
repaired, and the entire structure gh en
1. cast of paint
Word has recently been recehed td
the department -that the farmers inlet
ested in the. Washington Township Vo
c-ttionni Scheel hats ,lieen influenced to
start Ttibercidosil, Tolding of their cat
tle and that twenty-three herd om nem,
hate signed up Also, three spryers
have beeri'purchasedmith more In pros
pect to Corry on a potato siwaYing cam
paign this summer The community
has : seleetee..ifirli - twenty-eighth y a
date for holding a Communit, Da,
ashen athletic and literary °Yenta, "ex
hibits, and' a field meet will constitute
interesting p-rogram Professor
Dressler has been incited to speak at
an evening gathering.
The Love Letters of
A Shorthorn
(Copyrighted 1922 by H
Watchin for spring.
Its funny the effect art calander,l has
on humanity this here wethei• Statis
tics las dhowert that"alnst seventeen
fellows took a bath In the lint this weak
11713/2111 , tit water—an jest cause a
fellaw that' Come' in from Tyrone xaid
that spfind . wits'comin Like as not he
had tan Soln round ptlcin hard cuts an
Ice cream cones
Thorns nothin unhasty liks that goes
on'ilOffigglestille. Too dont catch no
body out ' c'hitertasbin there chicken
cop or disk. for'nCrms to go fishin
with till all the rane order catalogs has
bln k distributed an''9arn Hipps takes oil
tinderuare an horse blank..ts no loot
u'armers In ear tabs out of his store
Then the qt.immin in the Ntethedlst
Lefts Aid quite hat inn rummtuft sales
an gossip parties an start Lommentin
pesterin round far stmw, bats an new
come. far the sit,Lin rcurn. Reread
Sslnti Pottiralway . enT"Sys 'when - spring
hangs op ltehat eau,
then he has to be saleround gctting
his salery collected an thinkin np nsmes
for people to crlssen they; t hlithen
ulth at East.
Puts me in lememb,ance of that nu
merous family 'bin 9n the outsicerts
of Wicalosyille, you can remember the
kingest yhild real well, Pansy—you
know, the one that fell In the horse
trouff on the Fourth of July Seems
111,0 they had forgot the name the min
ister ghe them to use on the Child so
they got to callin him Blister cause he
yeas raised ed easy
But thst aasont nothin tutu the pro,
Jenny of Moses BLit; Moses unithad
to children an the? was twine. Was In
a awful tea) for n wile castin round In
hit mind to find out, wat to call them
He finelly arbitrated with hlssolf an
had them called Jenny'sls an Exalts
e.t.a ho bald he supposed he'd never
hear the had of it.
'Something like the fellow down at
the bordin house Somebody with an
General Contractor
Building Supplies
"The Fastest Growing Storein State College"
SPRING IS HERE, but conditions
- 1, remind us more of winter
weather. We are all hoping that real_sptingweether,
be with us very soon.
. • • • .• effect. on-
April 2nd, will give much more time, for, athletics. We.
are prepared to offer a betier line,of athletic material,this
year than ever. It is not too,early to think about the.weeks ,
to follow.,
here in our, store. A good range of prices—work guaran
teed.,3o,days,pn gut.,cof $4.00 and_over. A, 24-Itput„service,
"Always,Trying to Better, Our,,Store for,,You7, -
114-115;Atten Street, State College,
wwwww w
Ingrown tense of humor gpt to
Not Pretzel on jtenolutt„ot blot gettln
thlinrs e po twlSed,up. 4est cave' ? he
hula kkuilp, , on hls seralAor brektuvt
do'nfit ARodent.e.yßrlclate Atm,
An speakin of flowers takes no back
to Mrs Josh Pawners parlor, the to
that was Lulu Flinchbach before Josh
Veneer come round_ with_hbt rubber
tired buna7an liuskskin horse. If Josh
anent had the.fatal habit of (Whin to
het an stutterin at the same time. he
inlght able to chow Cob taco
same as the rent ,9f us ariLbe
find his short when he Wanted one
But I was talkin bout Boyers Lulu
had rows an rows of tomato sans fill
ed with seramoms. say,she
kept geraniums an tont eats for cop:
army an rt.kusband tooapport herself
with. Lulu was sorta fond of Josh
when she got to feelin IlLe a tlingin
vine Wiltenmer Josh wanted to go oaf
to the lodge or up to the nmetin of the
LightnitiQuielt Fire Comilla*. Lulu had
toot of settin on his,lap an porta
meltin all over: hint After a-wlle Josh
begun thinkin maybe it I{l. better for
hint to stay home.—no worder, him
lumin his mind paralised front the noes
But I dont want to see )(nu hart
eke, Pansy, old blossom, lest win. I
um mria hiotin at old Um. I was
iert uonderin If you left the hammick
hanging out mo winter in the corner
by the 111ak bushnu Like as not tour
pan will hate to blid a new one now.
Dont think I'm makin fun of you lit
tle pl *mate, cause I know tout tern
torment is to collapsible to stand for
anything that !sent up to the latest
titileu in etikette
But maybe your hankerin tot some
sollege,nens If theres any that hap
pens. I can easy send it to yoU On a
Poet card Follette that had Poi , Fir
gels up here an a lot of time to spend
INAS all the time treatin them to Mkt,
mo pies an havin it punched on there
meal ticket No header the two: air
tuts Wll9 90 _embarrassed looktn in the
face all the time Only the neat time
you send me a pie thru the male, crimp
the lid on fast an then freeze it- then
maybe I might be able to test:talc°
nhnt flavor it was
Unfortunately )ours,
In reply to a questionnaire sent to
the seniors at Columbia pnivetsity re
garding girls, Prohibition, and campus
good taste, varied sentiments were reg
istered, sonic aNtFonsely radical, and
Others conservative to a corresponding
The majority of the replies expremed
the belief that the present day smok
ing, rouging, dressing, and dancing on
the part of the fair sex were not signs
of decadent womanhood. The ballots
also express.' the opinion that girls
uere not a disturbing factor on the
campus To some of the voters the
nulling of galoshes did not appear to
ito good taste, while to many others
the,weat - ing of knickers was acceptable
S gran Tau and Phi Lambda
lon honorary Scholarship Fraternities,
are holding a dance at the Theta. Xi
house this esenlng It is to be a for
mal affair, and iiTonimyin .. orchestra
Si furnish the music Dean and Mrs.
Moore and Professor and Mrs. Cryder
are to be the chaperones Members of
the ma honorary societies look forward:
to, this affair as a means of creating it
spirit of co-operation in working- for
Penn State Scholarship
First Nahooal Bank
W. L. Foster, President
David F. Kapp, Cashier
1 Out7ol=Dpprs
1 , .--,,,,---,...
rThere - time, before the Lake
ore deposits had been discovered when
n meat deal of iron ore nine remoted
front Nittany Valley. Sonic of it was
smelted in the old iron furnace.; that
dot the_countr3.round about We are
teminded of the familiar names such
Centel Furnace, Monroe Furnace,
and _Clreertbood Furnace But the
;neatest Amount of one Itas removed,at
Scotia and ,shinned to Pittsburgh A
slsst .to the site of these old wolkings
make., an upusuall> into °sting aft°,
noon's hike
back..rcud through the berrees is
aixaymthe most.lnteresting route. It
is.the shorter also To find It ac go
nal!' on Allen street. up through the
solkmotyroundo and out the road back
of the college Paxoing.the first group
of Atom. outside of lain, we take dhe
toad turning to the tight and follow It
It after a while and
I maps .straight on through a wood lot,
pad a farm house, and into the Dm
' mans Here description is at a loss to
follow it. We simply.trovel -the twists
and turns of the sandy Barrens road
',ay until it meets the main road on the
other bide of_Ahe Barrens WC then go
up ,the first gradual rise, of the Innis
rood and from hero ,the ore pits at
Scotia can be men across the fields to
the left. The,easiest and quickest Mal`
to mach thorn is shnply to cut acrom
the fields In that direction
There is a Imam', lake on the out
skirts of Scotia that cot ors a large ex
tent of land in the "sinter and provides
excellent skating We pass it on the
pay to the mines These diggings are
quire large and, xith their brilliantly
colored and rain-xatfhed sides, look like
sizeable reproduction of the Yellow
stone Canyon An emerald pool at the
bottom of the largest pit provides good
swimming on ,the hot days In the pits
and ,soar _them are tho remains of
sbandoned Maxi roads, xork shacks,
and machinery
-The loan itself is a small outlay of
redrpainted frame houses, typical of a
I small mining village But its inhabl-,
tents are few now Some of them .wlll
welcome the chance to toll you about
the days when Scotia flourished and
their tales rival in action the scenes of,
pioneer days in a Bill Hart movie They
will be anxious to tell you that Scotia
is the place when Andrew Carnegie seas
started on his way boards "big mon
ey," and there Is some truth in this, for
Carnegie did own a large share in the
mines and several times visited the
place All the operations have now
been dmerted for many Years. The old
mill %Oleic the ore was washed is
crumbling :May, although a lot of the
complicated arrangement of bucket
Belts, slides, and sieves used in the pro
of cleaning is still to be men
There are extensive flats ri,S mud to the
tooth of the town which show where
the wishings veto' put.
The post office name of the town is
Benore, although the station on the
railroad that comes up the valley from
Tyrone and stops at the town Is label
led with the more commonly used nine
of Scotia.
- .
The Standard Reference for Fraternity Jewelry
will be,mailed_on application.
Factory, Attleboro, Mass. Pittsburg Office, 299 Union Arcade
Badges Jewelry . Stationery
The Time to
Buy That
, New
Spring _.
- Suit
of yours is before
you really need it
and Have , it Made-toNfeasure
Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing
Neatly Done
Friday, March 21, 1922
The hew catalogue which Is about to
be dist‘lbuted by the Registmr of the
college contains Infra motion MIT 0111
be of Interest to the fl lends of Penn
State in that It Prot no that the college
today ham a huger enrollment than it
has over had before Tn justice to tills
statement It must be noted that the
figures ghen Includes all those alto use
receiving Instruction at the college, ir
respective of the length of comae and
does not Include theme enrolled in and
of the extension groups
The number that attend Outing the
regular scasion boldslo closely on the
three thousand monk ulth the ft esh
men class In the mnjotite 01111 e the
short session courses account for the
temalndet of the nanma on the 101 l The
new catalogue to authol lty for the fol.
Inning Information
There ale 132 candldatm for advanc
ed degrees, 110 men and 13 stamen Four
neat course class enrollMents follow
Seniors. 563 mon and n women, to
tal 634, (Including those glsdnated
mid-s ear)
-- Juniors, -GO5 men and 70 aonten, to
tat 675.
- Sophomores, CBB men and 81 women
total 769
Freshmen, 844 men and 77 women,
total 921 Grand total, 2700 mon and
:199 women, on 2999 students
There are 41 men and 8 women in
the unclassified list In the two year
agricultural course there are 2zn men
and two women The enrollment for
the hinter cow se in agriculture nsts
124 In the last Summer Session there
µ ere 631 man and 1374 women. or a
total of 1906 students
Allowing for names occurring twice,
the college dming the year 1921-22
boasts a total mirollment of 9507 men
and 1680 women, or a gland total of
5187, the largest In the history of the
President Thomas is traveling through
different parts of the state this meek
addressing gatherings of Penn State
graduates He spoke on Tuesday to the
alumni at Erie at an alumni luncheon
He also addressed the Erie Chamber of
'Commerce at a dinner on Wednesday
Ha spoke before the alumni at Indiana
on Thursday and ho addresses the
Pittsburgh alumni tonight Nest Mon
day he still attend a gathering of Penn
State graduates at York.
Albert Deal & Son
Plumbing & Heating
117 Frazier Street