, r - ),- - 2 ,,-- , ,, I M Nearly Time : For A Good Campus I)og Fight I _1 VOL. XVII. No. 45 DEBATERS OPPOSE COLGATE AND PITT IN TRIANGLE MEET One Penn State Squad Argues With Pitt Here While Team mates Talk at Colgate DEBATE SCHEDULED TO TAKE PLACE ON FRIDAY Subject is Repayment of Allied Debts—Nittany Team Was Victor Last Year Colgate and Pitt wilt meet the .). It t Int debating LeaMY Pt Ida), 0 hen the Wangle diet.usses the quopobilion, .Resol‘ed That It should be the po- Mi.' polity of the United States to elate, lull payment of the debts owed hez LJ the Mad notions" These de- t stabile nal, Sy mouse liniceisity, and on Apt it With by a twenty-lom hom debate 511th Colgate, at Slue College One Penn State team coniplislng Oceolotf '22, W B Romig '23, and 32 C Blame. '22, with J. F nen '23 on alternate, 0111 go to Colgate to AI gue the negative side of the Allied debt question The other team, so hlch in cludes B J Boone '23, filet speaker, J B Flynn second speaker, and either I 5 Gress '24, 01 H A Boland '24, as third spealtet, mhile the other of these taco 0111 act as alternate, debating the LlllllllOOllO, 0111 clash pith Pitt In the Auditmlum lime, it eight o'clock Col gate and Pitt 0111 also debate the same questions at Pittsbuigh This 3 eat's battle promimm to be in tanse, rot the Blue Ind VIM° team 1,13 N. iCtOliol.l4 eve. the other members of the tliangle last year, while Colgate non thst henol the year before, and consequently considerable interest is manifested as to which team will ex hibit the greatest skill in the coming debate Shine the Nlttttny Lion hue come through undefeated In the algu mentatice contests thus far this season, Penn State has rlsteon to hope fat facorable result of Friday's meet The next debate Is the first of a so les of three berme the western trip The two which will follow this one are with Colgate and Spleens° Syracuse Tints costly still eolne to State College on the first of April, while Colgate will strive on the tenth for a twenty-foul bout debate Nothing new has been announced in tegard to the westetn it 1p , hich the debaters will take this spring INJURY STOPS "LARRY" SHIELDS AT BUFFALO Trouble With Leg Causes Nittany Runner to Drop Out After Lead ing for Six Laps of Mile 'Double with all injulol leg, kept "I -01 W Shields Dom finishing in the sped tl one mile 11111 111 the One Hun ed ento-foulth Regiment Arm ory, Duffalo, last Sattioho night In this count, Shields ttl. entered against some of tile best distance tunnels of the of At the end of the shah Imp, bon °Net, when he had about a fort) yard lead on all of the contest ants, an old 1111015 began to give him Double and he was forced to discon tinue the race “Sid . ' Leslie, m.mem het of the How Volk Citd Athletic As sociation, non the lace His time teas 4 27 The trouble nith Shield's leg started several months ago, nhen the Nlttany tmo-mile trial team bloke the notld'e lea.' at the Mlthose games In Non• Yolk. City Thls trouble appmently disappeared until about two nooks agO and since that time the same joint t has been giving him trouble Before going to Buffalo, Shields nas instructed to discontinue the race in case the old trouble should del clop again Shields ran splendidly at Buffalo At the end of the chili lap, so hoe he was forced to stop, he had a lead of forty yards oval his neatest chat Trainer Martin ex pects to hate the star miler In condi tion again In less than WO necks In the same meet„ Cutbill, the "fly ing poison," oho ian against Shields 0050151 times during th% past indoor track season, set a new world's resold in the 1000 ymd event Cutbill ran this race In 2 12, breaking both the in door and outdoor records in this event Cut],lll held the former world s indoor record of 2 minutes, 13 2-5 seconds Joey Coy held the outdoor record In the some event, his time being 2 Min utes, 15 5-5 seconds HARRISBURG MAN SPEARS TO STUDENTS IN A. H. ON SHEEP I lent 1 , 7 Turner of the State Ba re at of Animal Industry, at Harris burg, n Nutria Penn State teeentiy and stroke to classes In Animal Husbandry His subject Wile the pros onion of dis ease and restraint of actrasltes In sheep The United States Department of Agriculture also showed some free 'movies" in the INlttimy theater last meek, relating to sheep products and the preparation of mutton for home canning The films were exhibited un der the auspices of Tim Sir/on Club. • Sarni-Weakly ilfrutt # tzttr ,i , ,,:. ;; ,.., 11:79_ ,41855' WRESTLERS READY FOR EASTERN MAT INTERCOLLEGIATES GOLF COURSE IS CLOSED The Penn State colt' court. Is closed until an annountainent le nude offlclalb opcning it, ac cording toan announi ement made In Bob' . llutheifold, the golf coach At the in event (bile the ground Is 4oft end the use of the comae Mould be vet) desuur live to it It is exittated Ilia the 11111,0 101 l be in plover condition fol 11 , 10 in the first of PLEASING PROGRAM AT MUSIC RECITAL Piano, Voice, Organ and Violin Numbers Will Be Given By Pupils in Auditorium TONIGHT AT EIGHT O'CLOCK There ttlll be a recital by the pupils If the Depot tment of Music, at eight o'clock tonight in the Auditor turn The genetal public is cordially invited to at 'end this recital, and the students In the Depot talent of Music are requited to be there The snogram is as tenon's. Polish Dance ___Xaner Scharnenke MEM Loses a Merchant____-Ek Io Coates Miss Ester Priest, '24. Mezzo-soprano (a) Serenade Ilyinslo. (b) Uncle Remus iltacanNell Miss Eleanor Musser (State College Nigh School) The Cormorant Dltty__lV IT Squires E G H31,'23 33asso Consecration Manney ,_ 100 Gladys Fulton, '22 7 Cantilane Nuntlale Th Dubois Otto F Grimes, Chganiat Autumn lfiscDonell An Old Tooting Place VacDenali :569 Ch trlotte 1103 (State College High SehoOl I 9 Thee el 9 No Death o . llam C E Flole). Tg Tenor 0 (a) Canronetta Drahrnns (b) Prelude Chopin I Allah De With Us (Lou et In Da mascus) Woodeforde-Finden MI., Rosa D tna, '2l .Soprano 12 In Ida Procession Grieg Miss Mm} Steno Ft ear, '24 No eneoi es n 111 be gi4 en Cot my of he numbers BOTANISTS TO CARRY ON TOBACCO EXPERIMENTS Professor C R Orton who has re tained ftom tlecent conference of the Llncastet Count Tobacco Gaon Ms As sociation, ',colts. that the meeting eats eitheis successful, and that plane pro siding Lot considerable l 'etch along tobacco lines wete made at the gather ing Dt SV W Cotner, Otto Olson, Coble o exert t Re the United States Dewitt meet of Agricultuie, Professor Genteel of the Agtonomy Department, Pt ofessm Ot ton of the Botany Depart ent, and It IC Hibshman, Assistant to the President of the College, ityPub lic Afairs, and formetly associated ulth tobacco vairk. met 'loll the ditec tots of the tobacco Investigations of the United States Department of A,gricul tote to consider expel mental work for the coming seat It way planned to de vote a good deal of the nark to the studs of tobacco diseases, especlalls Root Rot and Wildfire, and the Botany Department at Penn State will carry on experiments on Wildfire NUMBER OF SICK CASES DENUNISIIING AT COLLEGE According to Di Rltenour, Director of the College Health Service, the mum bet of cases of contagious diseases is slowly but surel, decreasing Although there seems to be a slight epidemic of pink eye at pi mica, the general health of the College is much Imploved and the number of influenza cases is rap- IdlO diminishing. The one student In confinement In the Infirmary with scarlet fever Is making splendid pros ims on the load to recovery BOTANISTS WILL COMPILE LIST OF FLORA IN COUNTY Last Saturday after noon the mem bers of the Botany Department met to consider plans for the compilation of a list of the flora of Centro County. Nothing, definite has been announced ela to the results of the meeting, but it is eapeCted that the work of listing the local flora mill begin very soon, and will prove to be of unquestioned value to the people, living in this sec tion of the state, since the need for such a book has been felt for some time. STATE COLLEGE, PA., TUESDAY, MARCH 21, 1922 Lehigh, Cornell and Yale Will Enter Strong Teams CONTESTS TO BE HELD FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Coach Detar Selects Team to Rep resent College at Lehigh In Annual Tilts With the I tot collegiate meet on the season's margins . plea:am an esent In Penn Slate urestling history, the Blue and White mat enlists are pi c oaling. rot the climgc, the Intel colleg- I de champlonahip matches at Lehigh nine, ill) 11111,11t4 st hick are scheduled for Frida) and SaLuiday fore noon constitute the finale of a success ful abetting season and also a gi set- Ing test for the Nittans matmen For Sour >ears the Penn State ',sing ling team has participated In Intercol legiate bouts and at the end of each it has been accorded the lauiels of the victor The team that leaves for Beth lehem on Thursday has before it the pt aspect of emerging front the contests With the coveted championship, for the fifth consecutive time, although net cent strong combinations loom up as con tenders that can not be Ignored Col umbia, Yale, Princeton, Penn, Connell, and Lehigh ate sending representatives to the meet but the last three are those that 0111 furnish the strongest opposi tion The fact that Springfield tree able to conquer Yale by is narrow mar gin should not verse to underrate the ability of the Ells as the Ness England institution is sending a team to Penn sylsanla that Is second favorite among (Continued on test page) MARTIN GROOMING, MEN FOR OUTDOOR SEASON Handicap Meet Reveals Possibil ity of Future Development of '- Many New Candidates As a itteliminal i reparation foi the coming bust outdoor Clack season, Coach - Bill . ' :trat tin staged a b Indleap meet on the board tr telt last S taut dav Last noon I'h, io nit Is stoking nen matetial and each meet of this nature sem es its purpose in 'Wing!, to light possibilities among the nen leen t potting Sato, aIN 4 I et less not Ithout the. custom/It s tin ills, the dashes, in particular, furnishing a gl eater amount of excitement than any other ON cot, on the program Mint tanning off the inelimMattes In the 50 ottril dash, Moote, Rile and Edgerton took theft mratlons to run in the finals Edgerton had a handicap of mom, feet hutUR, unable to beat Mooreto the tape Monica date UrlS 11 75 seconds Hite, alto also lin rim munch, came in third Captain Barron did not take patt in sat of the huldles ecente Kauffman and Hite exchanged honots in these ames, the former stinning the 50 turd high hurdles and the latter scoring first place in the 50 yard no hurdle. Mlles thee in the lots Sulkies soon 7 1-5 bee onds and Kauffman s time in the high hurdles Vats 7 4-5 second. The 2.20. 440 and 880 }lord runs mov ed to tio among the most interesting tents on the program Edgerton, with a handicap of five yards, took first place. and Snyder. with a handicap of tv ento -five yards. finished second Third place was mon lio Kene.o, who had a handicap of floe yards In the quartet mile. Taylor tan a speedy race until just before reaching the "home stretch " At that time a cramp developed in his right leg sod he was unable to finish the race Kiss cleft, who wns gly en a handicap of eight yards, and Ching, who had a handicap of twenty yards, finished in first and second places respectively The half mile was won by Noble, who had a twenty yard handicap over Coop- The latter ran a splendid race but was unable to catch up to Noble who finished with about eight yards to spare. Vincent. a freshman, finished in third place Warm weather brought out more contestants in the field events, all of nhich attracted considerable attention In Saturdays games Grubb continues to be the best broad jumper on the Nit tany squad Hanover, first place in this event goes to Gifford, a Freshman, who had a handicap of twenty inches Gifford jumped 19 feet 4 inches, which nab the handicap made a total of 21 feet Grubb, whowas. jumping at scratch, took a spring covering a dis t taco of 20 feet, 10 inches Sigwarth and Redingor jumped 19 feet 8 inches and 19 feet 1 Inch respectit ely This distance includes the handicap, Sig (Continued on loot goes ) VARSITY NRESTLING AND BOXING MANAGERS ELECTED As a result of the elections held Lenin) , afternoon, A. J Idarceau seas elected varsity boning manager and 3, V Griffith It. Was elected varsity vnentuns I DAYLIGHT SAVING ADOPTED With the ainirmal of the Col- 1 lege Senate. the Council of Ad- iministration voted faimabl) on 1, m n the petition vuhmitted by tilt Stu dent Cot mpnt, in tei.aril to i Change In the tame schedule at Penn Static during the summer i months As a result or thin ac i non, the clocks nall he net tatted ! one boor on Sunda) Anil] sec ! end. and the) will be set back on um as, c o tat ,fir S I Ott ,fi FRESHMAN PUGILISTS WALLOP SOPHOMORES Fieree Fighting Features Struggle for Class Honors—Yearlings Win Five Bouts Fighting Unreels (Cl class honor the novii pugilists 1111 loped their Sophomore opponents, hi five out of eaten bloody bouts of action last Thum duy e, cuing in the Armory before a mond that thrilled int the reckless man net in which the underclass scrappers eschangml hard blocs Science cos forgotten as the fighters hied to at sage the is tongs of their elms in the ring and tile meet turned into a real scrap as the mitted battlers mined gloves Ones spirit reached a high point as the scrap athaneyd round by round, and the yearling boxers slowly' gained an edge user the boxers of their rical class After losing a slow fight in the 115 pound class. the Froth cto the fore and won four bouts befo ame re the Sophomores could come back and take another decision' in the tight homy weight division Two filet year boxers h incied knockouts Ito their opponents ci bile tote mole - of their elassniates con only after they had fought an ex tra period Rothreek Tw las Etage Exhibition Eight bouts werelon the card, an ea ten exhibition battle being fought 1,1 the Rothrock tninsl,as a mellminary to the Soph-Froth Scrap These two lads ire both members of the Freshman . Ices and have been booing for the en the season Althotigh too light for the ttgular weights scheduled, they hate shown so much skill .tt the game that the estilbltimmniV2sitt ..., Brotherly love mas forgotten'us the tains eNchangetl pimeltem in a demon stration of skillful boxing Harty ap pealed superior to his brother, Arthur, being slight 4 howler. Both did some 'cat slugging to the thine tounds and :tatty seemed to specialize In hard punches to the bed) .No decision was anattled In this bout. I=l In the slowest bout of the e‘enlng Register. a Sophomore, non the deal (Continued on last page) FIRST SOPHOMORE HOP PROVES HUGE SUCCESS Affair Expected To Be Made An nual Event--Three Hundred Couples In Attendance The fhst dance for loner clansmen user attempted at Penn State was held lost Ini idav night on the Alma* . flout In the form of a SophomOre Hop which NVvs pronounced a brilliant success In vt.t respect by nil who attended This Initial underclass dance. as proposed and undertaken by the members of the Sophomore doss. maxi In the form of on esperiment to see how the lower classmen and the college as a whole would favor and support an affair of this nature The huge success of the dance last Friday night proved, beyond a doubt, that the college Is back of the idea and practically insures the Sopho more Hop being made an annual event at this Institution The Armory wan decorated In a nov el and delightful manner on the cantle and court Idea under the direction of F L Cropp '2l, a member of the Hop committee The receiving line includ ed Mrs. J 21 Thomas. Dean anal Mrs A. R. Warnock, Mr. and Mrs Hugo Bezdek, Dean AL A Knight, Mien L V T Simmons, L T Walter and Mist E J Reese, T 4. The Sophomore Hole Committee, componed of L T. Walter, '24, Chairman, P .1 Morgan, '24. Wul ff/lenge '24, J F Wright. '24, F L Cropp '24, and Miss A. 9 Ruehn '24, denei yes much credit for the scess of the Initial underclass dance at uc thin Institution The gala affair seen in the Armory last Friday night was the result of many sleeks' efficient labor on the part of the members of this Com mittee. SOPH CHEER LEADERS ARE CALLED OUT amore canditintem tt ho nlsh to try out tot Junior Assistant Chem Leaders to meet in Old Chapel on Saturday afternoon at one-thirty This Is In aceoldaneo ‘lth a non plan to have competition for Vat - sky Cheer Levier begin In the Sophomote Instead of the Junior year as has horetohne been the custom. Tottrgiatt. CAGEMEN DEFEAT ALUMNI IN LAST GAME OF SEASON Rally in Second Half Prows Too Much for Former Floor Stars —Lose by 24 to 39 NUMEROUS DELAYS TAKE INTEREST OUT OF GAME Milian, Wilson, Walton, and Adams Play Well for Alumni— Reed Gets Twenty-one Points righting an uphill battle lot the en tire length of the 4,1111 e acainst a team th tl elell4 outclassed it In all depoit meats, Penn States Alumni tossets fell before the efforts of theft younger op ponents the Nitton3 %mini* cagoule. last Saturday caening and lost by the count of 24 to 29 Thus ended the 1921.- 1922 floor season for the otiosity quin t, t. n year 1,0401 ulth a string of re ies In the middle but crooned 001011 thl to clean-cut sietories at the closc 1.114,ht triumphs satire red by the green Lion aggregation in sea c0w1...100n to floe defeats receded from the best teams of the East Saturday's game Alas gloom than the average Alumni contest and oas un marked by spectacular play lag on the part of either five Fouls were called continually, both teams shot poorly, and play can broken up 50 frequently for numerous reasons that In Barest In the contest never attained a vu's high peak The Alumni display ed a goad brand of ball honer el, de vile the difficulty ohlth they encount ered in gathering a team together for the annual meeting o Ith the varsity and, at the beginning at the battle. Luntletlied Coach Hermann's proteges to hustle Better offensive omit by the latter In the final period accounted for (Continued on last page) DR. HILL TO SPEAK ON HEREDITY AND EUGENICS Botany Professor Gives Illustrat ed_Talk_Tonight In Liberal Arts Lecture Course Just chat are the latest deaclopments In the extremely populat tattles of Heredity and Eugenics' Di J B Hill, Ptol'es‘or of Botany, en 111 dinettes these ntattets in the eleventh lactate of the Liberal Arts Tuesday BYenlng Ftee l,sore Course In Old Chattel tonight at croon o'clock This topic, at the prevent time, It one of much distension In Kentucky, a bill has been intioduccd into the State Legislature suppoiting the suppression of the teaching of es elution in the schools of that state Honorable J Bryan has, in nmctint speech, made soe ladical statements ,ith regard to this m subject In addition to .t dibcus slot, on these mattes, for o 'ltch D 1 Hill is ,ell capable, he will speak of Otto outstanding examples of heledity, the physical basis of hemdity, and of enampies goner tl in animals, and in plants Outstanding examplei of - edit) In human beings, ,111 be gisen consideration The relation of these MO latter matters Ulll be considered ,Itis regard to es olution Dr Hill 1,111 make his lecture in treasinglt, Interesting be the use of slides, of uhich he has a ♦ery fine col lection Many of these slides hone been obtained from the Eugenics Of fice, Cold Springs Harbor, Now York, and from Southuestern University, Winfield, Kansas PLAYERS MAKING GREAT PROGRESS ON "CLARENCE" Scenery for Booth Tarkington Comedy Now Being Prepared By D. H. Porterfield '23 Already the scenery for "Clarence,. yihich in to bo the next feature produc tion of The Penn State Players April tighth and ninth, in under eat and The Players promise it tery unique perform ance, eclipsing any thing that has prev iously been shoran hero The nets note designed by D hi Porterfield 'ml, and they aro original and striking in their Interpretation Simultaneously, rehearsals hate been conducted story night and the per formance has begun to nork itself up into shape very nicely Lang ago the acts were committed and nil attention Is being centered upon the interpreta tion "Clerence" in a play that depends for the most part on its interinetation and, In the hands of the very strong imst that Is presenting It, it promises very bell: The urnk of 11 C Allen Tn, In the tole of Bobby Wheelet Is quite te markable He Is et the usual Mlle brother type and Allen things out many of the humorous sides of the eheracter H. G Hochler . 24, In the role of Din tsiddle, plays a very good part It le the characterlzatlon of the servant In the house and much Interpretative abil ity le called for Undel the Interpreta tion of Hoehler tho role la very amua- MASS MEETING AT • 7:30 TOMORROW ' An Athletic Na, Mteting will ba held In the Andltmlum, Wed - 'wadi" e‘cning at 7 JO p in The . ea estkrs toot. Thurela3 m - i lug fel the Inwteollegla tee. and . 1 tht meeting 0111 la_ In the form ' of u. xend-off to them c..................................c. NOVEL IDEAS IN ARCHITECT'S PLAY Initial Production of Architects' Club To Be Given March 24 In Engineering "F" ADMISSION TO "INFERNAL TRIANGLE" BY INVITATION The munimra of the cast of "The In fernal Tilangle," the play which still be given by the Architectural students In Engineering I' on Friday etening are note putting the finishing touch., to thelt initial di unatic offal t Under the able direction of J. Got dan Amend they hate been gradually smoothing off the rough spots, and the turning week will be spent In daily rehearsal. In order to make It a finished produc tion whop they appear on Erlda) .ten log All of the merit In preparation for this production, from the designing of the COYLLIMOS to the progiamo and the Imitation, hae been dont by the mem bers of the Architectural Department The designing of the teener) it under the direction of H H Dakar., and it prondoeo to be some of the most siftr the escr seen in any play guest b) Penn State students Bookie the pin) itself, the audience mill be alttn the treat of seeing some of the best murk done b 3 the studento in architectural design The idea of producing such a play is In itself a unique one, and one which has never before teen developed be an ingunlmtlen of this nature These nuatentl are showing tea/ PlM' , lli hot,- , that they are quite capably or branching fot th into other lines of pork not pet mining to Beauty Arts The play ha, Main revised by Mr Amend so that it avh, fa in olth - the - ttetting at Penn State This ittoductlon trill be eit en In En gineering F the home of the Architec tural bunion.,on n ,3 Cr ening. 'Match the) nt-foul at 30 It hill be Cottoned by a fano. dress ball for the nentlArs of the Attletects Club In the Wont tn s Building Its ties, of the f tit that tht. limited rifler in Engineer ing Ir trill not accomodatc a I tree nuns bet of people s oult. those rerbons Ash° hose !teethed set 'tenons from the men, bets of the Club s will he admitted PROP. FOSTER TO SPEAR AT 1. M. C. A. MELTING The aetll) meeting of tht Y IT C A UM be held In the "1" Het on Wed nesday canning at 7 00 P 11 Pt cites oi I L Foster a 111 speak at this meet ing on • Temptations We Meet In Col lege ' It is possible ill it Dean II L Sathett 11 in weak at the nest meeting on "Chrhtlan Sett lee In Buslntss " The meetings ate open to all the stu dent beat Pt\. STATE 611A'AGE 11 ILI, CONFER 'DEGREES TONIGHT The Penn State Grange mill again confer the first sod second degrees In Room 100 Ilm dcultute Building tonight at sey en °clock mhen all those mho desired to take the initiation three muds ago but mho mere not present at that time mill be teethed At prev ent it is Loom° that about thirty ap plicants still comnrlye this class The third and fourth degrees mill be conferred on Saturday. March tmenty - fifth In 100 Horticulture Building. be ginning at four o'clock in the after and Mating until six At six o'clock the Annual Grange Banquet trill begin and will be followed nn en ters thin - rent and dance. In the Odd Fel lOUs' 111111 on East College At entre BRAAN INTERESTED IN NEW NITTANT TOMATO STRAINS Pt ofeasot C Emory :Boas, of the Department of Horticulture. biro le ant', pet feared three all tins of tam totr thot bate bithin the lost satral months gained nation-mida tam., lms himself gained do little lame tinitugh out the country One of the firm re quests mode by William Jennings Bry an ,then ho arrhed at Penn State for his address kris that he might hate an opportunity to meet and talk still, Pro fessor Meyer. concerning bin new to matoes He hod heard about the de ',lomat of these varlet!es while he NI,. in Florida Mr Bryan Is an enthusiastic amateur gardener, and In especially nklliul in I doing r•tdishes and tomatoes SCABBARD AND BLADE ELECTIONS E S Fteneh, '23 13 II Rolston, '23 R \I Munn, '23. E C. Dinkel°, '22. J .1 %orient,.lt, '23 E E 'Welles, '23 W R Lubold, '23. 11 S. Oliver, '22. We Can't. Even Believe An Marlll I Clock Now PRICE FIVE CENTS MATMEN TRIUMPH OVER SPRINGFIELD WITH 17-6 SCORE Watson, Wemsehenk, E‘ ans, and Runser Win on Decisions— Wetzel Gets Only Fall SPRINGFIELD FORFEITS EXTRA 125 POUND BOUT Coach Detar Presents Line-up That Will Represent College in the Intercollegiates With a maJmit3 of se‘enteen pelnm tccumulated through the one fall utd four dcadvions that it gaimal, tilt Penn State oriestling tenet decishob defeat ed the Springfield grappling aggrega tion in the last home attraction on the 1922 schedule Last Saturday's coon! also marked the final apeporame on the Armor) mats of Captain Watson, Wein whenk, WeLeel, end Wilson in the uni form of a Blue and White Ito ally meatier. 12= Although the Springfield opponent Wall only slightly larger than the Nit tany general. both began to stork from ft kneeling position immediately after the start of the canto. Captain Wat son attempted to secure set oral holds on his Red contender but the Neu Eng- Punter 1.9 wary of all and as nue cessful on staying on his feet for three minutes but then Watson v,orked to the side of Anderson, made a quick mot ement and had obtained a body lock on the Springfield grapplet before the hold could he ayulden Antietam ttS. taken to the mats and although he made see teat attempts to rise to his feet and throe. off the Nittany leader, yet the footwork of Watson prosed hie undoing and he had to be content etith a mat position Several times during the bout, the Penn State tuaslet start ed to turn Anderson on his hank but the squirming that resulted could not be overcome. At the end of the nin” inmutes. Watson had scouted a topic and ctotch held which pouted Le be of no use ns tile bout ended Tile derision yeas avauded to Captain Watson of Penn State pith a time adeantage of one minutes .and fifty-flee vecontis Score, Penn State 3 - , Springfield College, 0 I=l In the 125 pound division, Wein. hulk opposed Stab.* of Springfield Aftet an abucme of sestlal mocks, the ',gn iit 125 poundet tcprestnted the cJiltge in the second bout of the 'all noon (Continued on last page.) FIRST HONORS WON BY PENN STATE RIFLE TEAM Nittany Shooters Take First and Fourth Places in District Intercollegiate Meet She Penn St Lte It 0 T C rhganent son highest honors in the Thhd Craps Atoll linercoileginte Rifle Alatch ac cording to a letter recently receittil hl Lieutenant Colonel G D Comly, of the Military Department. Dom the Com manding, General of the Thild Corp, Area, United States Atmy There Pete nineteen ent les in the meliminarying match, from lthich Ms teams ',sere designated to compete In the National Intercollegiate Match Ths teams listed below, With their espectis e tabulated menthes aro those a hint qualified to enter the National Into collegiate Shoot t lirst Tern, Penns3ls [kola State College, 93.43% 2 Vint Team, University of Mary land, 9037% 3 Drexel Inatitute ROTC Rifle Team, 8928% 4 Second Team, Pennsylvania State College, 8910% Georgeton n Unlverelt3, 85 73% 6 Cettpiburg College, 8505% EXPENDITURES FOR DOORS EXCEEDED BY DANCE DILLS According to a sunny made public not long ago by The Phoenix, a campus magagine at the University of Chicago, men students of that Institution spend losproximatel3 815ty thousand dollars for books in three months while their expenditures for dances over the same length of time run about one hundred and seventy-five thousand Comme They also spend eight thousand six hundred and thirty-three dollars for cosmetics every quarter Of the Isola-four Freshmen &ousts] (tom College, according to the Mundt% Bulletin, tor unsatisfactoly seholaiship at the end of the first semester, thltty four were graduated from their high school In the middle third of their class, eight were graduated front the lowest third, and only two In the highest thlid Si n ce the sin:ind of admission to the College hos been robed, the ran jotio of Freshmen admitted ire from the highest third of their school classes TOPLt\S• MEETING The Toplona will meet Wlnlnes]lot evening . at 7 30 in room 100 Bert.