Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, March 17, 1922, Image 2

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    Page Two
Penn State Collegian
Published bemi-vieekly during the College year by etudents of -the Penney)
'lonia State Colltge. In the interest of the Students, ,Faculty, alumni and
' , fiends of the College
G. H. Lyele, Jr , '22 ..
J 19 B'elover '22
W. R Amnon D R Mehlo2l
Women's Editor..
Assistant Women's Editor
N. 0. Watterison '24
N. E Perry. Jr.. 22 --
H. It aerkhelser '22 _
E S Yocum --
R'. 0 Davie .23
'rho Collegian Invites all communlcatlone on any subject of college interest
Letters must bear signatures of writers
Subscription price 52 60, if paid before October 46, 1921. After October
Entered at the Postonleo, State College, Pa, as second clam matter
0111 co Nittany Printing and Publishing Co Building.
Office Hollis' 6 00 to 6.46 every afternoon except Saturday.
Member of lutercolleglate lievrepoioer Am.°.311,41_0p
News Editor This Issue
FRIDAY, MARCH 17, 1922
The action of the President of Student Council in appointing a
committee to provide for the observance of Fathers' Day this year
is the opening shot of the student body in following out the cus
tom established last year For many years, the college calendar
had not provided for an occasion when the fathers of those attend
mg• Penn State might visit here in order to become acquainted with
the real work of the institution and to get - an intimate glimpse int.
the everyday hie of the college Not until last year were step
taken to till this void and then it was that Student Council suggestea
a week-end when the fathers should be invited to visit Penn State
The committee that was appointed made all arrangements incidents,
to the celebration of the holiday and were responsible for the marked
success of the first undertaking of the nature. Besides the athletic
events that were scheduled for the Saturday of that week, there -wei
smokers, plays, and a mass meeting characterized by speeches fron,
leading officials of the college, from athletes, and from famous Dads
Thus passed one of the most enjoyable times on the records of the
Nittany institution
The opening shot is but the forerunner of a more and greater
campaign. Compared with the committee that was in charge last
year, there are nine more members added to insure the unqualified
success of the second observance. The support that the movement
was given last year is sure to add to the impetus of THE DAY this
year. The success of this annual affair is dependent almost entirely
upon the attitude that the student body assumes. Even this week
is not too early to inform the fathers of the intentions of the college
and to invite them to participate in the joys of the week The mag
nitude of the undertaking deserves the cooperation of every student
and merits extensive measures
If the student body supports Fathers' Day as it did last year,
then the fathers will come to they college in unprecedented numbers,
the committee will be encouraged to plan for a banner observance,
and the second celebration of this new custom will go down in Penn
State history as the brilliant success that it should be
It is commonly accepted that the true basis of progress in pre
sent day civilization is health and that without this keystone in the
arch of life, no one can hope to reap the enjoyment that is his in
heritance. Science boasts that the laws of nature are inviolate and
that he who transgresses must pay a penalty No arguments can be
advanced against any of these statements and that is the reason
modern hygiene strongly advocates any measures that may be taken
to preserve this priceless gift that is given to a great majority of
the world's inhabitants. Nor is this sentiment a "fad" of a few
past years Some antique philosopher is responsible for the saying,
"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" which has a modern
application to be sure.
One of the striking characteristics of Penn State life which nev
er fails to impress the average visitor to the campus is the stalwart
appearance of the average student and the healthful condition of
the student body In fact, it has been said by the friends of the
INittany institution that a Penn State graduate is able to cope with
the problems that he must face in after life more successfully because
of the healthy state of mind and body that he possesses when he leaves
the rank of undergraduate A better site could not have been se
lected by the founders of the college up here among the hills of Cen
tre County abounding in the clean and invigorating atmosphere of a
country community. Sharing with these, conditions is the attitude
of the student body towards athletics. The inauguration of mass
athletics at the college has been heralded as a no mean aid in insuring
a sound body and its inception received the whole-hearted approves
of the students With the approach of spring and the desire for MOl,
out-of-door life, a desire for an extra hour after classes in the after
noon to devote to physical training and exercise has sprung up an.
has sponsored the recent action of Student Council.
A petition was submitted by Student Council to,the College Sen
ate last Monday night requesting that body to consider the advisabil
ity of making some change in the daily schedule in force at the col
lege which would provide for an hour of daylight after classes foi
iecreation. fhe sentiment of the Senate seemed to favor the peti
tion and it was referred to the Council of, Administration for final
action. It is within the power of this body to reject or approve th,
plan and to advocate any changes for bringing about the desired ef
fect. A majority of the instructors and members of the facult,
have made favorable comment as have representatives of the promi
nent civic bodies in the town. Although these bodies have taken no
official action regarding the petition, yet it is highly probable that
they would not hesitate to support the Student Council in its action.
When the Council of Administration meets next Monday night,
the members will have given the matter, the full consideration tha.
it deserves and will vote accordingly. We•hope that the result of
tile poll will favor the adoption of changes embodied in the spirit of
the petition and if such is the case, they will receive the gratitude of
a grateful student body.
-—.- Editor
Assistant - Editor
Senior Associate
A. E. Poet 13 E D Sohivo 13
- .-_ Wes •Dorle Browning 13
_Etas Sarah E. crap
E E Holm '24 E. M. Jameson '24
_ ..Business Manager
-.Advertising Manager
.--Cireuintlon Manager
C. D Herbert '23
_A E Post
9 DO p m —Sophomot t• I lop, Ammo
2 30 p m.—WA eating. Penn State
Slut tout kid, Armory
6.45 11 m—World Fellowship Dl6-
cusslon Group. 100 Hort'
7 00 p. nu—Basketball. Penn State
vo Armor:.
3 00 p m — Peno State Club AM..
Sunda), March 19
13oth Chapels—Dr G. L Omani,.
President of Urslnns College.
1 00 p in—Orchestra. leave, Baud
room for 110s1Gien Penitent'my
Monday, -March 20
7 00 p n —Leoluto,."Methods of El
!uncial Forecavting." to C & F Stu
tenon, It L A
"0 . 1La11.1 of the Mounted" Is the sub
ject of the free nun Ic that I/ 11l he
shown In Old Chapel under the ass
pkeg of the Y C A on Suturdat
esening at eight o'clock Ptof I L
Foster of the Department of nOrnan,
Language, will speak on Student
All students bho intend to schedule
Photo It this semester please report at
the office st I 30 o'clock Satnrcbg. aft
ernoon, Mitch 18 rot a feu minutes In
ordet to sriange schedules Cltp , se,
bill begin 3fonds3 morning
Isnitructot in Photogr ipin.
Church Notices
The Rev F K. Stamm, pistol. of the
church, mill preach Sunday morning on
the subject "An Amhassadm"" and In
the evening mill speak on ..The Religion
of a College Stan" Morning Worship
at 10 45 Evening Worshlll ett 7 15
mind ty School 9 30 aThe Young
People's Socials mill join m
in the Lnlon
Sam Mrs held in the Lutheran Chinch
at 6 30 p
The. Ite, Edward ht Frew - , Beet.
Third Sunday In Lent 7:45 0 m Holt
Communion Corporate Communion foi
the Brotherhood 930 a m Sundry
School 10 45 a m Morning . Pr.tser,
Litany. and Sermon. 7.30 p 01 then-
Mg Send. Our friends are eordialls
9.30 Sundt* School 10 15 attuning
Worship Sermon by the 1000 J 11
Price of Huntingdon 0.39 Student Sp
north Leahue 7 30 - Evening Worship
Sermon by the Rev A E Mackie of
Wednesday evening•at 7 30, Church
School. The annual Student Banquet
ill be held on Friday stoning
The regular hours or worship mill he
observed on , Sunday This Is the third
Sunday in Lent The subject of the
morning service still be "Peter. the
Boaster, Cured" The Man Who Never
Errs" still be the subject in the evtn-
A short course In catechization and
Instruction for students uho hate net er
been confirmed will be ulten the into
cocks before Enmet Those Interested
ue nem. , to se_ the 'wool en tine
All Sunda} se/clues ale held In the
- "Nld Fellow/4' Hall Sunda} School It
145 a m At 7 95 p m the nem 'no
the- Itec Paul E Keen, 011 l be
niesent and base charge of the Nei
site Mid-Week Praser Setslee Wed
wok} ecenlng at the home of MIS
Sunda, Mass at 10 a m, Benediction
of the Blessed Sacrament after Mass,
Halo Communion at 7 30, Menlnt; aer
01VC9 It 7 00 p nu, Conft,sions c‘ery
Saturday at 7 00 pto . Werh-Da)
Maas daily et 7 00 n m
Notice to Men
of Penn State
Mr. Carl P. Boger will show the
new Spring and Summer• FARR
styles of distinctive
Collegian Shoes
At The Nittany Inn
March 20 & 21
New nifty styles and new lower
Orders placed with Mr Boger dur
mg. these two days will be deli , /
er-ed in ample time for Easter.
k.y 11111 77 ./ , 9
- .t 4 „
The Love Letters of
A Shorthorn
Swing Is tome, M.N. old blux4om.
like the felloo sos that 0 titeo
r profesies lot the tolleglangoo
guts homesick seein the stteets 00 Mee
to muddy an not bets aloud to make
mud pies to put his glrrols inishels on
to Spring is .1 tweet solt of holitisy
azoloo It effects felloos all dlffrent
Some felloos onnt to moo intgeashes
On themselfs—sentltuentel, you
Lots an lots of lespeeltuthlt fellows get
thole pants messed
then the ho) ohs feel tilt rsll of the
inner man Most of them has taken
off there golooshes Fellow that dont
hose a strong mentel fiereelt Ilke me—
you throw, Pomo. follows 111.0 Bill Dom.
er an Useless not sotto tender hearted
lords them 131110 as petambulatln
round the 0001180 on Sunday serchin
out dandyllon blossoms for Ills hugol
ogy perfesser
Ho must of 00101 ed hisself ,onderful
cause he come back singin somethin
among his teeth bout Oh. I mood Mme
a herd to flitter hither an thither found
1 the 1111011 an louttelelllei /111 Mho
soectsented blosoms Bill o Is sayin
to an ,tastmble of us felloos that Ile
net up pith to sole signs of sin log
110111 bete Seen a gator 01 sptl tots an
bunch of 011111 s 901.1.111 011 the toll
roll of an 01,1 oenn fence—they must
of bin oettin thele stothins haf
Irelions th It is afflicted with slug.
glob dispositions in feel thenmelf tann
in in lose man._ tracks up to the doe
tots to get some suite) an molossts
that Is. if they dont like the ate tegeler
hind of pills Useless Is uobblin round
cal 1310 avacant smile on his face sly
pelt° to hlsself bout fate tnsidemt
whose paps, let them go out in the
back mod Its there bare sect an hoft
I.lld the arms stile tile :natl. beams
of the pale moonlight bleaches there
Considtaln that Useless has a paw
mho om no the Tat Nest hats'', factory In
Pajama, Pa an a sister th it bites tier
tinsel nails, Useless sure Is one roman
tilt child Hut et en then, Its hard to
NI at effect that might have on hhn
hen he touches nuttchui Its—he's lia
ble to become a dcmoctat
You should of bin hoe the other
night. little playmate, cause I know.
soul Intl ested In athletilts ever since
me In you used to go fishin fot min
-114 Bunch of fellows wits haste fun
with each other thlow in somethin
round on the Al otters floor that 'oohed
like ac lose between a horning an a
oterglown tennis ball
One of the most opeptivlng ports of
the game is lookin at the costumes the
fellows have on Beulah McCracken
wood of said OM they wasnt in
looked like tt set of abblevinted paid
mas—thattitcause Beulah used to work
In the cloifin , ono of them swell stores
that fit ton up with exclooslve furnlt
chure Jest imagine yourself in a bath
in suit that neodent shrink, Pansy, old
dear—then,you can understand mat it
is that makes college life so excltin
The, Os a clowol of people lookln
ot the fellows plaMng (AIM it 01110
ralele outside an the free mesas tie
ent onto set But you know holy tire
some people get at a game with nothtn
on there hands but some ink stales
Item °min huckleberry pie Somethln
has to be done to cheer them up So
they got eler,body to single for there
teethe altos Meastuln the noise that
was m tde, there more enthusiastlk bout
the meat aggs Alnt It wonderful how
1n1i0•ineki115111.111,461 ,
Quick and .3
notthetel It Is for peoplo to elmpothlze
olth the sok.
Von dont know him many thmesa day
I hats to swaller my amblabens Pans),
old blossom, at nottbeln able to mea
-1 the up 011 Moen both sides of Wiggles
silk 01111 the party sitting air delicate-
It flat ored with , Mettle Bettis dustln
het 110, Mith talcum pondet an Monet
liip see e it In at Cleat emancipated Inokin
natal home of Mehl
Ilven little things like watchin you
Pate potatoes or hangin up the wash
has a halt to halt meenin to me, frond
of in, better days I cant Jigger out
sat 01 makes a fellow feel like as it
he %%anted sluing to come bout as . often
as dessert Fell., like Gurus.. Hack
ett can get hisself worked pup into
tiampin oat to see Bildie Andm son, an
all the time him knouln that,sho didont
Irate no double chin to speak of That°
sent spring does to a fellow that has no
stoso of directshen
nut Pans), little CllOllll, I have to
keep settle on nip mean) like t bunch
of thorn Ito to pervent it front Minn
me hots happy you was when I nits In
Wlekleesllle I can see the toosters
chitpln set round the dog box an my
inevints Pan* elimmin up Into the
h.* 1110 M, to bunt up a bunch of duck
cogs to het under a do:111,1(.0c hen,—but
nuts the Ste. the folios, that writes
nether profesles was tight in the forst
plare--epting Is c
Yettie till tile
mud drys up,
If the 111.100 of the Athletic Associa
tion Imam 1.11170. the elndo tr tek mound
Nell Ite met Field 11111 soon be In the
ueti,s of completion It has been an
emmtitllngit difficult t Lid, to locate a
sultilb 0 smitll-sind chubs mith
to 1 01 the flack At onc time such
cinilets timid be puiehmed [loin the
1.11 lous 'Ahead companies but now
the 1,11110.105 use a gtel piimentage
of soft coal 0 hid, felons ilinkcis en
-11011 too big to he used In title, con
sti uctlon No other motel !al his been
found 11111011 11111 give the 1011 lee and
1111111111 e the lesults 1,111011 hi, been
opt tined fioni cinders The Athletic
Association intends to again 1,11,10 the
stone ctushcl into amyl., 111 (Lll at
tempt to in educe °lnds, Ithlch will
solve the purpose If this machine 14111
turn out the nlatel 1M it 1,111 not be
long before nnem, blight-led 1/Ith 1110
folin the bolder mound the green of
the gildhon The hope to
1111 e the 11.101, completed In them fot
the first duel tlack 111001 hole
First National Batik
W. L. Foster, President
David F. Kapp, Cashier
But he's really trying out
for Sales Manager
V Published in
the interest of Elec.
tried Development by
an Institution that will
be helped by what.
ever helps the
L Industry.
ester,: Electric Compazy
The Registiat of the College, in an
attempt to cleft tummy questions which
111111 e 1.0111.01 • 11111 g the ndmission of
nen students to Penn Stant next fall,
It is Jesuit' the folioning facts regrad
ing admission.
1. ror the conning college year. se
lection of studonto oball be boson], not
upon pnlotity of application, but upon
the n °lathe schola4tic lecold of the ap
2 The College mill not begin to
grant andrnissions until often July .the
fir"t wines all the high schools of renn•
vlh ntil butte graduated their Sordoni
ant tint In Inripab hot 2 .1.01 tone to fill
nut ^not send in line tontoni t-ntificntonn
of en bonLe LI edit
3 Applicants cannot Octet it [our
course 10 of tint Its 011 rinse
e .t. of high school
4 'Ohe °nit nig. 10 ginsit an 411011-
Lunt can omen benne completing his
high school comet, Is by passing en.
Did You Say lee Cream
1 4
.or Smith's. Ice Cream
Special for this Sunday ,_.•
Smith's Sun-Kist iOrangalce Cream
Bell 250 or Leave Orders at State College Bakery
The Right Clothes Make
1 The . Man
The College Man's Shop
llt's time to go over your wardrobe and get ready for
spring. Jot down this memo and call on us.
Ties Hose Shirts
Robison Block
•-:-,-: :-,: m
THE freshman who comes out for baseball
manager and who sticks is, learning a lesson
which, whether or not it wins that honor for him,
should win some honors in after life.
He will learn that his plugging on the diamond,
his efforts four years hence to get the upper hand
on his first job, and after that his striving to climb
into the` managerial and executive class are all
part of the same game.
Now, just as ten years from now, he will have
to do many things that are hard, many things that
are unpleasant. The more willing he is, the more
work will other men put upon him. But by that
he grows.
The rewards after college are given on about the
same basis as now. Theygo to the man,who besides
doing his main job well; still has the time to reach
out after other work and the spirit that masters it.
Here is where this comes home to you. Don't
be content with standing high in the classroom.
Support your college activities and go after some
campus honors too. This broadening of your
interests will becomes habit that in atter life will
prove a mighty big help.
&me 1869 makal and dutrthugart etharical rguipinart
Friday, March 17, 1922
Dance examinationx in the neeesser:
fifteen units Credits seemed hy pane
leg entrance subjects Mote the Collet;
Enhance Examination Booed pith
grade of sixty pet cent in mein, an
5 Not mole than five per cent is
the total nandet of appileants admit.
ted max come from outside Pennstiva.
Ida, and such applicants must be “ex.
eoptionally well in qua ed " Student,
Lem outside the state mutt: My a tai.
lion fee of $l5O eel tnnum
6 No students will bo admitted wit
entrance conditions
Special Students—Since, fro the ptas
too years, It has not been possible to
ohnit note than about one-half of th
tpplitank oho wish to pursne a logo
lot cots 40 fin a degree, opthiol student
can not be admitted except fot vet
urgent rein... and then-only who
theft ittlmixsion Is otrongly Itccounixod
ed I* the Deno of the School tont:cote
State College, pa._
Number 16 of a series