Page Two Penn State ColleOalii: Publlnhed Semi-weekly during the College year britngenta orthe.Pennsyl. yenta State College, In the Intoreet of the St.:Wats, Fiteultg. Alnomal and , rlende of the College. EDITORIAL STAFF INE=2II3 G H Llele, Jr , .22 J W Sclover '22 AUSOCIATB BDITORO IMIE!Ml!IIMI:E:1E1 a\V Ilt, er '24 RB. Colvin '24 , Sr. 11. gala . 24 II IL Issoeson '24 MIT= H. R. Workhelaar 12 E. 9 Yocum .22.....—. ASSISTANT BUSINESS ILANACIERS W. O Davis TB C. , C. D., I=l The Collegian invites all commonleatlons on any =Meat of college Int:areal Letters must bear signatures of writers. - Subncrlptlon price 3260. if paid before October 15. 1521. After October 15. 1721. 32 76 Ent.led at the Poeta!He% State College, Pa.. as second clam matter 011leo Nittany Printing and Publishing Co Building, °lnce Houra• 6 00 to 6.45 ovary sliternoon'eszept,Baturday. Member of Intereoldesiste -Frew.P.7l. A....b.d.q. News Editor This Issue__ FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 1922 "COW-COLLEGE STUFF:" When a loyal Penn State man hesitateerto agree with amen who remarks upon the traditional Penn State'spiriwand when the - words "You certainly have a fine spirit at State- College" •brings.up in his mind- by way of contrast, the cat-calls and disorderly-conduct-that has taken place in the Armory during the - indoor season, it , is high time to reflect and consider just - where they ostand,oind see' whether there is present that fine, sportsmanlike, dignified, and gentlemanly conduct which was the ideal of former Ilittanytundergraduates, or whether they are losing the air of- Collegerifen and assuming the role of unbred, rather than ill-bred,- "cow-college" boys. - For some time past, a certain l element hasheen•introducing,con duct which is surely not that of , the dignified college man..on-seeing a boon companion in some other part of the Armory, the,"small-town" enthusiast considers it the proper procedure to indulge in cat-calls and other nursery tricks until he attracts the attention of his friend, who in turn tries to outdo the first man in the way of vocal eccentri- cities As tone has gone on, the malady has grown worse instead of being cured The "small-town" stuff -has been countenanced until now those men who do not seem to know' any better, consider these actions the proper attributes of the college' student,- • The lowering of the standards of' conduct has even , affected the coin tesy shown to feminine guests and visitors. At several of the recent meets, the wearing of a dress past a trifle shorter than the average or the display of apparel slightly,more colorful than usual has occasioned this same element, apparently ignorant of the proper attitude to display toward feminine. guests, to indulge in expressive "ah"s and whistles " ! As far as we can see it, the whole trouble has' been' caused by ignorance coupled with carelessness and 'forgetfulness. A certain element apparently does not know any bettor than to display its lack of breeding and the rest of the student body has been too careless and thoughtless to acquaint them with the proper conduct of the typical college man. Of course, not all the student body is to blame for the disorderly conduct, but the fact remains that' those who' de know better, and do conduct themselves as becomes well-bred college,men;have counte nanced the rowdyism and have pains to express their dis approval As long as the "cowzcollege stuff" continues, the whole student body is tarred with the same brush... , The actions of sl few affect all and the reprehensible act of ono man casts discredit on every son of Penn State. • For the sake of the good name of the college this conduct can not continue. It is unworthy of a college man. On matriculating at Penn State a student is regarded as-having entered man's estate. He is expected to assume the dignity and bearing of a gentleman and at all times to conduct himself so as to reflect credit on his Alma Mater. , , • Let us have-a new awakening here at - Penn-State. 'Let us not merely bring back the old spirit but let 'us inaugurate'a new one. Remember that the "rah-rah" days are over. A college 'student is no longer a callow youth with flowery tie and flashy hat band who at every opportunity emits the college yell: "Those days are over- and with them we had hoped had passed , the , cat-calls and such conduct as has been displayed recently in the 'Armory: -- ' The college man of today is a calm, dignified gentleman,- quietly in command of any situation and at ease in any company, without ostentation, and commanding the respect of all beholders., The idea' Penn State man possesses these qualities and in- addition he has love for his Alma Mater which' impels' him to work for, her at all times His every action is calculated' to 'advance_her -interests and any move which will detract front' the honor and good name of Penn State is instantly checked. Let us have a little monk of this spirit and less of the "cow-college stuff". LAXITY IN OBSERVATION OF CUSTOMS F. S. Huston, Chairrnan , Student Tribunal ,„ Any loyal Penn State student, who'has - been here-for a :year -or' more must surely notice the decline of the various customs, and the blame for this falls upon the shoulders of the entire student body because they have become lax in their ways and are allowing not only underclassmen to "get away" with many things unheard, of before,,but are even doing things themselves that they would never have thought of doing several years ago. —'-' = • --- ' The one custom which is being sadly neglected is Number 21, which reads as follows: „ _ , . _ "When cadet uniforms are worn they must be worn complete and the coats must always be buttoned." -•. • The Student Tribunal interprets this ruleito mean that no breech es of any sort may be worn with puttees 'or stockings unless the rest of the military uniform also is worn. Many students have made a habit of wearing whip-cord, cotton, woolen 'and other kinds-of breeches and saying that it is merely a ,"riding habit" or "golf-costume", but this is not so and any student seen wearing such costumes dealt with accordingly, whether he is a Freshman or not. This habit has grown to such an extent that at times between classes the stu dents appear to be a crowd of "cow-punchers", coming from a "round up" and this surely does not lend to the dignity , of 'our campus. , • Another custom that is subject 'to many violations is the one regarding Freshmen speaking to one another." If one should follow a Freshman for a short distance to would find that very few of them speak to one another and when they do, it is so meekly done that it appears as though they aro half afraid.' Much trouble could be eliminated regarding customs for the Freshmen if, when they are in doubt about certain matters, they would get in touch with any of the members of the Tribunal before going ahead At a meeting of the - Tribunal hold Wednesday . evening, 'the fol lowing statement was passed upon, regarding Freshman having our- of-town_ girls for the coming Sophomore hop • , • "All Freshmen having out-of-town girls for the Sophomore • ' hop, may continue to have them as their guests until sundown Sunday evening." • Some drastic action is going to be taken regarding•the students at the various indoor meets and games where some boisterous persons have made unkind and cutting remarks to the officials, coaches and , players of the visiting teams. This is, indeed, not the true State spirit' and is going to be stopped and an example made of the guilty parties. The help of all men of the different classes is asked in keeping, the classes separated different sections ds Marked out in• the Armory, and if the students will see that no one occupies a seat in ‘n, section unless he absolutely warrants it„ things will• be found to run' along very smoothly. The Freshmiin section is just-inside the main entrance and they are supposed to remain there and not scatter them selves all over the Armory and place themselves in very conspicuous positions, as they, have been doing at the last few meets No underclassman is allowed in public places; without a coat and if he should take his overcoat off at a meet or game, he must havo a coat underneath the topcoat instead of merely.a sweater. EtUtor A.:distant Editor Sordor dimmest.. --111 km Sara In H. Cr 01 7 00 P. 11—Lueorne County Club, 315 7:00 P H 3. Poultrymen. 200 Hort. 00 to 8.00 P ,M--Ticket Sale for Bryan Lecture, Athlotic Store 8:18 P. M.—Thespieme, Auditorium I 2:30 P. M.—Wrestling. Na7s 're Penn State. Armory. „ 7:00 P. sM—Basketball, W & J. vs Penn State. Armen), 8.00 P B.f —Free Movie, Old Chapel - _guttagy, March 11! Both Chapels—Dr 'Hugh Block_ 4 H P M—Mandolin Club, Auditor tut. E. D. Schive The 21arch Inoue of The Fenn_Eltate Farmer will be given out to aubscrlb ore to the Ag. Building today and to. morrow. Bring your blue card. All clan., do account of the tire, will be adJueted "The Y. IL C A , special free movie feature for this-steak is 1'2335 Hours ,Leave l• As.usual. the show will be hold In the Old Chapel and will start at eight •-ololoolr Protemor I, I. Poster will speak on Student Standards SO Part , - of the program. _ All atudente lntermted in poultry or who are enrolled in.the.ceurse of poul try husbandry are requested to meet tonight, In Room 200 Horticultural Building. for the purpose of organizing a club. - - - The Rev C A Mans: D. D i will dellyer another of his Interesting and Helpful Bible - Recitations at the oven- Mg service next Sunday. Without the, use of book' or manuscript Dr.-Adams Interprets portions of Scripture by a simple recitation of the text, with an 1 occasional explanatory note as to the place of the manage in the scheme of Scriptural truth, or on to the use which has been -. made of the portion In the Ylnorld'e beet literature - The annual Every-Member Canvass will be made Sunday 'afternoon begin ning at two o'clock. Every home will be.vieltol , for .the purpose of securing 'a 'weekly - sUbscrietion. to local church °IMP.= and 'a separate weekly , idedge for the benevolencee of the church ' , ST. PAIIii X. E.EIIIIREIIi 0:30-Sunday School - Special for studente -10.45-Morning Worship, Tenth Anniversary Service Short ad dresses by .prominent laymen. 6.30 Epworth League -.7.30 Evening Wor ship, Anniversary Sermon by the Pas tor Subject "The Well Beside the AI --The usual Student Social will be held next Friday evening —This will be n St. Patrick's social In Margo of Dr. Bat tenhouse's ,c4a.m iFAITB 11871031M130 , Services for next Sunday es follows• 9.30 A,M.,Sunday School., 10:46 A. M Public Worship 6 , P SI., Young Peeple . e Meeting. 7:40 P M. Public Worship. • -- - • '" The sermon - topic for the morning will be , The , Men Who Zama to Hear John and. Wiht Heo Told. Them", • The evening tople-ie , the second In the nor lee on - the . General Toole. "Christianity and , lien ^ The Man In the Gap" la the • SNITS)) ,1 . 9.1.240)3L1CAL ' 'All- Sunday • vervleen. will be held In Odd Fellovre•Jiadl. Sunday School 9:49 Evening, Woniidpy 45 ,At the even- THE PENN STATE COLLEGIAN BULLETIN Saturday, March 11 N6ticis Chtiieh Notices Have you tried our 'ICE CREAM Manufactured fromthe ~ Beat:Grade Cream, Highest Grade Fruits and Flavors. We . give c rniinthly terms -to Fraternities and Clubs. I!lo%;,lierl'in our new building 500 W. Beaver Ave. Ice `Cream FaCtory . Bell Phone= —Conmerual Phone Ing sertice 'the pastor will speak for the last time before leaving tot hit new charge islitl-Nook Prat or Service. Wodne4da3 night at the Immo of lire Zerl9. 234 9 Allen Street GRACE LUTHERAN CHURCH Tho regular hours ' ot v,orship will be obsemed Sunday . " Sunday School at 0 30, olorning norshlp at 10 45: Chris tian Endeavor at o'3o, and Evening marlines at 7.30 311 d-week pruner ser vice on Wednesday otening at 7.30 T. ANDREW'S EPISCOPAL Second Sunday In Lent Holy Com munion at 7.95 A. 3,1 Sunday School at 930 A Id Morning Prater and Set mon at 10.95 A. 151„ subject, "The King in Mel Beauty" Stoning Service at 7.30 P IC subject. "Better Habits" OUR LADY OF "VICTORY CHAPEL Sunday Maas It 10 00 A. M Bene diction of the Blessed Sacrament after Mass. Holy Communion at 7.30 A M; Confessions every Saturday at 7 00 P M ; Whoa Day Mass story day at 7.00 A M- ENGINEERS PERFECTING NEW HEAT LOSS APPARATUS For several)airs the Engineering] Experlmelit Station Is is been studying the loss of heat :an It passes through serious materials from a high to a lots-1 er temperature For about six months! stud) has been made of an apparatus I designed for the' Pa... Of comparing the insulatite effects or the relative ' losses of beet through any kind of a flat stall - It Is 02.0 adapted to finding the loss of heat bons steam pipes] steam and gas cylinders, and in fact can he applied to a wide sarlety of Pipes and materials Thisrapparatus Is being standardized so 'that If successful It can be employed on tests of materials in place, such as the'less of heat through sorter setting° or building ss Nln - This! work' to being Perth sups., fed [lb American Society of Heating R. Ventl luting Engine°rs and also lks the con tributions of a number of firms manu facturing or dealing in refrigerating npParatus Plates still 'lsc,rnade for different ranges of tempfra]llkPe And for different kinds of practical,'ee'rvlce It is believ ed that this app aratus will be of con aiderable use as a „practical device for I use in the field rather than the labor atory So far the tests hate been sett Is Wearies and confidence In the ap paratus seems to be well founded Pro fesses A J Wood IS in direct charge of this work WHALLEY-FORD; N. 10 East 44th Street, N. Y. C. BEST BRITISH ' FOOTWEAR EXHIBIT AT NITTANY INN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY DICK WHALLEY - ,~~ 1...,, ... The LoueLettersof A Shorthorn, (Con)tighted 1922, In H E rn. h 1 Alone but nut Innenum E=l One h if the a erld dont knot eat the othm hat hoe fot bt elifust—that , tint a. tenon Inroad In a mob sliology clans the other day ashen he happened - to be neake An then you wonder at me intin to heir all bout Otto Intricacies of Wiggleiwllle from eon I know your ti oubled alth my trouble. Its hard to find any thing to eny—aomething that Is subatnrinhel onuff to-be exiled news Hat 0n the Ay:Mental Happening Commu of I.e Tltc Wlgglest llic Astonishor 14 aelcome to a now/doss community Prom readln It, I norm Insinuate that the hisneva enternrises of our fare ham let Is langyvlshin For instence, right off Is Bride Stover offrln for solo Yung green parrots. garvanteed not to swore An tight under that Is the followin np petlzln nnnouncement. Twenty years experyenco In the un &Makin bisness enables Peter Hickey to do up funerals to the .tisfaction of all concerned. Its a pity folks In Wig glesvllle dont patronize there home In dustries a.- little better—no wonder Seers an Roebuck does such 0. big Ids ness But theres follows unite to take a chance oven In Wlgglessllle Can you Imagine Mart Blackwell an Esther Took gentleconnected up after havin bin friends to one another for so man tears Its a wonder Maks paw aka bankrupt Wily durM the alx an a hat loam that Mart was courtln her real regular an stody,' he bought near all the gum drops that Sam Hipps had left ovur_from his old afore down at Mum ford Crossin But it must of bin a happy eanualtY after all or else Mart must of ordered bout ten extra copies of the paper Cause the peace bout It In the — paper wan vat the argik people call glowed. the only part that intrested me U. at the tale end. After receisin . conglatulashens an many useful an Octet Miran presence, a sumptuous feast was distributed to those present, the In Me wearin a white satin dress of her ma's done cum. garnished with teal !see trimming an wearin a happy smile an a bunch of posies at her waste Theme no use readln any more of it to you, Pansy, cause you can do that fot soutsell men If you do base to spell the welds out on your fingers an usd your paws spektacles An anyhow whenever you see marrege celemonies bets wispered bout, your all the time h Inherin to net down in the rocker an knit wash rags an put your hare up in cullln Irons an pick dead loves off the Everything For the- Table. 4: • • • , 1 ic it GENTZEI2S, t . t - U RAO THE TURKISH CIGARETTE Every day MURADS are held gher in the estunauon of the men ho smoke them. They are the standatd'of Taste., it—never rkxsh to ns grown. coke them y occasion. .11mg high rld. )lAmerita t may. goranyunie In the tottin room Dot jest cam poured!, Pansy old blossom, cause a felloc has to be real Insole to tell a stern' cat he thinks of IfliSclf Puts me In romembronce of a follow that Onto next' to site in chapel when nobody else Is in his soot Tills felloctome near wlnoln a ben tiful mocand hand Alidale hound Mt dole enmethln heroic—he almost pain an ex, zmlnashen in military science, Only Jung agemit him css beM to teknlkel —he must of spent his childhood In Scranton an In Sunday School I'm [akin pains to get myself Per on tiled Into thlnklii of bowtlful thingol all the time, even if Pallq) , Briggs orcupyin all the backgroond of my thenMe an Useless woe lookin in the window at some hansom purpel notches I was thlnkln bout gain In an puffin down a deposit for one of them only Useless Intercepted Ina with the only adtice he over give. He *MS actin mo need I likely to go to a funetel in one of them an I says no I Iroodent Always lookln on the bright an sheet fat side of life, that boy Is Its hard as the"dooeo to tell the diffrence between Uselm'nn an egg Ho acts Jest like one,—got sto the free movies, v,alkain the mud an wears his short as long as the beat, or the corer of them College is awfully Intruded In all sorts of livestock They got o. bunch of sags rounded up an treated them to a meal over In Meek Hall. Jest for theM to Bee how it etas that the Koyede was gettin so thin an peaked lookin. I shouldent mooches eatln ogle or' aloe >ou'll be wrltin an tollie me wat all you had for Sunday dinner when the Meth edict minister dropped in uuexpeckted. 'plc° you a message to-nut, Pansy WHAT'S NEW FOR SPRING? LAFELS have changed a bit and body lines are different, but that's not all. :You really have to see the „new Myles before you can appreciate - how • much they've- changed this spring. We have them all—the two buttons, the three buttons, -the, four -buttons, the Sport models. They're Society, Brand and they're splendid values at The Quality Shop Friday, March 10, 1922 old dea. loot ao you can gallivant over to home an gaze upon the feetshures of 3:Stubbs hangln over the mantelpeace In the spare room Jest tell her to short en up that next pare of pants she's go in to send me bout, four Inches In the waste—l'm gettln Intelekshel Your guardln angel, - JASPER FORESTRY PROFESSORS INSTALL S. A. F. BRANCH AT HARRISBURG Professors J A. Ferguson and George It Green of the Forestry Department are attending a meeting of the Society of American Foresters at Rirrisburg today. in order to instal the Pennsylva nia Drench of that organization 'ANTLEFFENINACY SOCIETY FORDO ADDITIONAL CHAPTER Osamna Chapter of tho Anti-EV=l - Society was recently organized at the University of Cinalmuttl Ito mem bers have pledged themselves to shun all effeminate things such as cigarettes, Ponder, loud neckties, “Nothing that women use, will we,.: they any Quick - and - Efficient Service 7, VENN STATEGFE