The Blues Follow The 1 H. P.____ Q's I ____.., VOL. NVII. , No. 39 EASTERN CAGEMEN PROVE TOO STRONG FOR NITTANY FIVE 'Variity _Basketeers Drop Games / to Rutgers and Princeton Following Penn Fray STAGE GREAT CONTEST - AGAINST TIGER TEAM Touted Princetonians Only Win By Small Margin—Teams lied At End of First Half IBy dropping games to Rutgers , and Pt Inceton on,Erlday and Saturday even ing% respect'', My of lost week, after having fallen prey to the fast Penn five on 'Wednesday night, Penn States baelteteers lest the , entire series of con test% on the annual eastern trip The respective scores of the last two games uere 35 to 28 and 22 to' 19: On Friday 'evening, Hermann's t 00.., ers were prepared for a herd battle at New Brunswick but really did not oz pact the Rutgers quintet to display suchia brand of ball as they did They were consequently taken by surprise and before they realized it were trail- I log by several 1,01010 Field goals "g -isinted'by Shair, Miller and Koehler, in addition to four fouls shot by Reed, sel ved to keep Pens State right on the heels of the home team In the Bent half but' the latter's passing and shooting were too good, and at the end of the period. the score stool 18 to 14 In favor ,ot Rutgers. With opening of the second half, the Nittany Boatmen attempted to stage a comebacit and succeeded to some ex tent, but remtukable shooting' again came to the rescue of the New Jersey institution and it bung on to its lead with great determination. Enander mined in three baskets for the Rutgers five„ while the Blue and White repre sentatives were striving desperately to break through Rutgers, defense and Benzonralso mmo through with a nice abet, thtis increasing the difference be tween the too scores Reed, Loeffler and' Koehler responded gradually with field goals for Penn State but Benzoni was on hand again,with another basket and shots by Dot - Binger and Enander placed Rutgers so for to the fore that the Nittany Lions could sot catch UP gactuiclinsßy 'cleSed with`Eatt?,- ~s leading by seven points ',Cho lino-up. Penn State Rutgers Reed .-R Benson! Mlllcr...—__.- _F.--- Enander Shair C _ DettUnger Loeffler _— G.... ___ Dornan Koehler G - lettub Substitutions—McCollum' for Reed, Wilson for Loeffler, Gibson for Dett linger, Ellis for Benzoni - Field Goals —Reed 2,61111 m 2, Shale 2, Loeffler 1, Koehler 2, Benson! 5, Rounder 6, Dett linger 1, Dornan 2 Foul Goals—Reed 6 out of S. !McCollum 4 out of 6, Ben son! 9 out of It Referee—Wallum. Princeton Wins Close Game Full of fight and determined to make up for the defeats which they suffered %Continued on third page), SOLOISTS START! GLEE CLUB'S SUNDAY CONCERT Program Composed of Numbers To Be Used In Idtercollegiate, Glee Club Contest, Combining pleasing effects of bass and tenor with piano violin and vocal solos, the Penn State Gle Club present ed their Sunday afternoon concert in the Auditorium filled to capacity. Those who beard the Glee Club Concert had the opportunity of hearing the organi c/Ilion at its beat sloee it has been un dergoing extensivo training in prep/n -ation for the Intercollegiate Glee Club Contest to be held neat Saturday night in New York An interesting feature of the con cert was the rendering of three selec tions which the Club will use in thell participation In the Glee Club Conteetr These pieces roPresent the highest trio of Glee Club music and it Is upon them at the Club hopes to obtain high honors at the contest. The first of these three special numbers'was Bantock's "Glee a Muse." This song will be sung by all Clubs entering the contest and will be In a' large way, aid the judges in chore leg the winning teams AP quer. by • the Glee Club it wait r eDlritedpleco lull of rousing Parts and martial character (sties By the constant blending of the: various sections of the Chili, a very ef fective impression was ptoduced The tenor and bass combined and separate • served to create an unusual Irapresesion b. Its uniqueness "On the Sea" by Buck which is to he the light number of the Club in the In tercollegiate Content was a piece of somewhat a sontimental,nature but full of Parts which held the audience's at tention Dealing with a !dorm at sea, the song involved several times a roll ing effect produced by the Dart sing ing of the different bass and tenor sec tions of the Club Each Glee Club entering the contes next Saturday night will be required u render thole college Bong The Blu (Continued on third Inge) . , t..- . ~ - s . Semi -Vlleetcl + 41 0 A 57 4 : , e , ~-.,7,6',r IP. ut', #..tai. • •,, ,, .. c , ..........- ...p 'l'lBss' NOTICE! CHAPEL ASSIGNMENTS! Neu sent assignments for nll eh ipel sonices are posted on the bulletin hoard in Main 'Building These assignments are to fake Minot March second end thhd (Marsh 2-3) WM:JENNINGS BRYAN COMING HERE TO SPEAK ON - POLITICAL SUBJECT Former Cabinet Member To Speak - On "The Fascinating Game Of POhtics" . William Jennings Bryan, for many years one of the mint prominent fig ures in national politics, trill deliver the fourth of the series of lectures be ing given under the-auspices of the Phi Kappa Phi Honorary Society in the Auditorium on March fifteenth Mr Bran wilt speak on 'Mee Fascinating Cann of Politics" , s This lecture by the "sliver-tongueil orator" wi.l, present an entirely differ ent aide of the great lecturer, states , man, and politician from that present ed last year, when he spoke to a Penn State audience on evolution and the Darwinian Theory. Mr Bryan's ton gue has lost none of the persuasive eloquence that has dominated a groat political patty, swayed conventions, and influenced presidents ever since ISM when he was known au "The Boy Orates of: the Platte", sin hie lecture to be given on March fifteenth, the lecturer will discuss certain questions that have arisen as a result of the Dia firmament Conference held recently in 'Washington, D C and will, no doubt, (Continued on lost page.) MTTANY SONGSTERS 'LEAVE FOR NEW YORK Thirty Members Of Glee Club Will Smg In Intercol ' , legiate Contest , - - ' ~. At ' lldon on next Thursday the entire vuniistia`diretai firm. leg of Its journey which Is to In clude the frit.' , collegiate Cleo Club contest in Carnegie Hall. Neer York City, on March fourth. heckles ci.neetts In WIIII-unsport and Philadelphia. 'TheAongsters gate Penn State stu dente the opportunity of hearing them last Sunday afternoon when they gave a concert in the Auditorium and In cluded the three numbers which they will offer In the contest This concert sorted a dual purpose in that It not only gave the students and faculty an unqualifiedly enioyable afternoon but It also served to accustom-the anen_to ringing theft test songs heron aud iences, as they will have to do in New Tech This Is likewise the Purl..e of the Williamsport and Philad9lphia trips The entire club will participate in the WilllammPort and Philadelphia concerts, the latter entertainment being given In conjunction with the Hahnemann Niedlcal College, at the Bellevue-Strat ford Hotel In Philadelphia After the concert o formal dance will be held In the ballroom of the hotel and alumni of both Institutions mill be Invited to at tend , From Philadelphia thirty members of the club will betaken to Now York to compete In the Intercollegiate contest against Harvard, Princeton, Columbia, Dartmouth, Amherst, Penn, Yale, and - Wesleyan Each club must use the , amo 'test song, "Give a Rome," by Chanvilla BantOck, and In addition each organiration may sing two other num bers of its own solectlon, those to bo used by tho Nittany Singers being "On the Sea" by Dudley Duck, and a Penn I State song, "Pennsylvania State" Each club is given equal privileges Mere strictions with all other clubs compet ing The judges, for the contest will he Air Walter Datnrosch, Conductor of tho New York Symphony Orchestra, Dr George Chadwielt,, Director of the Nets England Consetyatory of, Music, and lir; Henry IC. Hadloyear Ile met "Ting" McMahon and lost Although the names of the other men on the Indiana line-up are not fa miliar to the students of this institu tion, the men are by no means green at the game, most of them having wrest led tarsity pr,,lowdy Easton Rules to be Used 1 In lest year's bouts, when these two I IVEO9 met on the mot, Western rules were used These rules are similar to those of a having meet, the winger be lch the man who gets the best out of three rounds Next Saturday, however, the Indiana x grapplers hill use Etunern calling for a nine minute bout instead of a twelve The Crimson wrestlers are all to fair (Continued on last Page) 1 FINAL EXAMINATIONS ANNOUNCED The following instructions con cerning final examinations for! the present semester huge been Issued by the Registrar At 6 30 P M Monday, May 20; 1022,,111 lectures, recitations and practicum for Seniors will close At noon, Thursday. June 1, 1022, .tll other lectures, recita tions and ptacticum for the sec ond semester will close Prom May 30 to Juno 3, 1923,_ flwil examinations for Seniors will be bold From Tune 1, noon, to ,Tune' 9, noon, 1922, final ernminatione for all students but Senior° will be held. Tottrgian. NAVY RUNNERS LOSE TO PENN STATE IN BALTIMORE MEET Five Victories Scored By Coach Martin's Trackmen in johns Hopkins and New York A. C. Games RELAY TEAM, RILE, AND SHIELDS VICTORS AT BALTIMORE-BARRON AND ROMIG WIN IN N. Y. Iris than fhe victor let were seor ed by tepresentathcs of tln. Penn State track teals in :netts which Were held in various ,ctiona of the Lountr3 111'4 Saturant night The Nittan3 tned- Icy Oat tom which met the - tanners (ram the United St lit,. Nat al Aell(10111) It I) ‘ltitnore completel3 outcl instil their opponent.: and finished at least thht3 - fit e 3 , 11 d. ahead of theft opponents Fine nun the 100 n and lon hurdles event In thn some meat and "L Shields - non the trophs in the 1000 yard race In the same conning CaPtain running in till• Neon Toth Athletic Club Inept nt the Twent,,esond Tteginualt \ rn'nn, New "I nlk Cit 3 bon the 70- 'land high hurdles and Biond3 • Romig an the three mile race I=l At the Johns Hopkins tfeet, the Penn State relak team tied little tiouble in triumphing ova the 'Cary Edgerton slatted the rice for the Nittanv team, unnlng the quarter mile lie finish , rd his quintet in fifty-lout seconds, finishing too - cords behind the mid shipman Hite tin the 220 for Penn si a t, anti soon taught up to Ids op- Ponent. passed him and gave the li tteen to Erick ulth a four turd lead Deck m the half mile to 2 01, gaining Mon ty yards on the :silk% tepresentatike The inchot men on the tan It ims acre "Lai re" Shields of Penn State and Cur tis of the lit”, Both of these men CLEVER IMPERSONATOR COMING HERE SATURDAY Thompson Blood, Entertainer and Humorist, to Appear Under Auspices of "Y" Course 'Thompson Blood, the well-known humorist and entettainei, who will ap peal in the Auditollum on Saturday cloning as the next numbet' of the Y C A llnterLtinment Comse, has the enviable lontation of going about the world in thing people happier and ba wl for having knomn idol Mt Blood is an onto tainea Al the higilcat class, and his talglnality of chat tclet, nit and expression place 11110 in the front rank of imPelsonato, Not only is he a Linter entettainel ma excellent unmet senator, but a pleasing and hats speak el, and teller of Mutter tuts stories which are sure to Laing a laugh from the and- The program gbh:ll.hp will present on Saturday conning Is most attractive, consisting of a aeries of Impersonatlong using wigs and hats, each atilt its fun ny start', a fen aelectlons from noted authots, a notions number, a burlesque lecture on sketch, a n d a' series et char octet studies In costume. Introducing few songs. The changes in costume we made Mole the audience In a fen sec onds. and the characters and Imper sonations stand out In all their natur alness, oddity and qu ant humor PLANS COMPLETE FOR SENIOR GIRLS' DANCE Final neorations pace been com pleted tot the benefit subsetiklon dance to be held In the Al nwo on Ml dao. Match .3, at S o'clock The stoup is In eh age of Miss Fannie J life '22, tielcets nn3 be obtained from my of the Swaim girls 01 at the does, the as sessment being $1 to The Intro:errs, are Dean laltugalet D Raight, hits Warnock, Men Itty Smith, anti Mrs Jacob Tangos Thompsona otchestra had been secured tar the occasion. \The proceeds will be turned over to ‘the Alumni - Association by the Gans of '22 Committees have bren appointed and anangenients base been ovule lot a dance to be held at the Sigma Pi house on the evening of March 3 by the Town Girls of Penn State DR. WILSON WILL ADDRESS SIRLOIN CLUB WEDNESDAY Dr I D Wilson of the A. II Dept. will given talk to the Sitloin Club In the Old Chapel, Wednesday, March at 7OD To Inlng out his points Dr use 2 reels of motion plc. toles, "Health of Home' and "Control of Hog Choler i"These McMinn have been olUalned from the U S 'Omit of Agri eultute This talk will be of Interest to all Ag students bee tus7 . i s of the preval once and destructhenoss of this /Us. PROFESSOR DIFITIIER SPEAKS 1K PIVISBURGII Professor It. A. Macho, beail of the Department of Agricultural Chemis try, °poke berme an nuillence of eight bundled mothets, f.oheae, and children in the Kelsey Nigh School at Pitts burgh, last beak, on the value of milk for growing children, his talk being from rho vitamin standpoints I tn rot the United States In the teeent 013natlt Crimea at Belgium Shields taatted off alth a Caen* tlatal lend and Mulls w ne‘cr able to get dan getously Close it; to the 1131ns Penn State tulle! I . L.ta I 3 Increased the le al !loth tent) to thlrt3-fire y ads in the outs° of the Conte.[ Tilt, time of the Main State team ass 7 46 I=l 'll lir 11110 won the 100 yard low lnd!, event, beating out Harold Par ent, a Penn State timbet•tonuer hho glatlunied last 3ea; Hiles time m 11 1-5 seconds Hudson, n repro s•iltathe of the Nasal Academy finish ed thhd I=l A mistake tootle by one of the offi cials tt the Baltimore games caused 'tLatrp' Shields to be kept from get ting full credit, for winning the 1000 )aid run The race took file laps and at the end of rite third lap one of the officials shot the gun, thinking that the nest has the lap of th erace 'zany' visited out 01th a sprint and seas close follohed b 0 Crawford the Lafayette vial Cruhford also thought that this was the last lap to be run and the two :nen st mod off at "brook-neck" speed Shields !stoke the tape a good distance ahead of his opponent By that time lioneven the officials, realizing their mistake, told Crahfotd to take another (Continued on last sago) INTERCLASS GRAPPLING MEET WON BY SENIORS 12 Falls Feature Exciting Contest —Juniors Take Second Place —Winners Score 22 Points The Sonic.i ojestllng leant oserliow et tit Its opponents In the Interclass Meet staged In the Aonors last Satur this aft, noon Themeet uas filled sOth estitlng Incidents nom statt to finish One of the featuitu of the meet is the f ttt 1154 a total of Loch o falls ow+ seemed doting the Contests Seven of these acts mode by the Seniors, four hi the Josiah,, and one hI the &MM.- mores In the 115 pound class Lehman '25, nen the light to meet Watson '2l. In the prtliminniv bouts, Boger '24 fell be the nassicle sifter being on the mats fol nine minutes slab Watson The Penn stalesarsit4 captain had a time adsantage of 8 (11 oser the „ Sophomore axpiesentatise Lehman non his light to Inset Watson by defeating Gregory of the Junius class The Freshman loge steer his Ilse] In the final bout of this Sit melon, Watson took the sg nrcssise from the xery start. Lchmsn Slotted good form but was unable to meat the test placed upon him h) his more experienced opponent Watson thiew Lehman in J 18 11 Jot Decision In tile pieliminaty bouts of the 123 pound class Weinsehenk '22, teen a decision et Bunten '24, by a time ad tintage s ot .3 57 and Coleman '23, Cunt% Laurie '2l in 520 This gate Coleinnn the oppoitunkt of meeting Weintebenk in the finals The latter Reel, the sggressive from the lieginning of tile bout, soon had Coleman on the mit ,and final') oon a decision to a time ,ids image of 530 Coleman put tip a splendid fight, making several not4ble arils hotly foils, thus getting the (Continued on last page ) VARIED PROGRAM MAKES UP THESPIAN PRODUCTION With the date of the March pelform 11.11Ce fast apploneldng, the members of the Thesaltn Club me norklng earn with in an effort to make their offer ing the beta of Its kind that has ever been it everted at Stato College This avid-ytar presentation It to In clude oh. parts of tYPiCall,,OldeVil/O, a negte comedy, the ever present juggler, a. dialogue net, a flu trtet of llhank Thi ne,. offering% and a gitly-girlg show Sevemti lavitatlons have been lecelved It) then anagement Mont tonns uhere the or ganlz.Mion has appeared before, remlesting them to Otto a pet formanee In Allege Mans during the Easter ve- Less A trip through Central Pennsyl tania and Non 'York State Is being con- Miller oil st Pt event, and if this trip should become s reality, the organim tign nill isite on the road the show which the) mill present In too Audl tot lum on Marta tenth The annuls, at the Thespian Club' ate Weeds discussing plans for a Commencement production, and several scripts have been submitted and are bring let lowed. 'Work will be !started on the lone peifornmnce as on an the Al isch production has Wen no given and the cast will bo chosen by student competition. Our Debaters Spread A I Wicked -Line PRICE FIVE CENTS DOUBLE VICTORY WON BY DEBATERS IN CLOSE MEETS Nittany Forensic Artists Prove Too Strong for Opponents in Triangular Contest DICKINSON AND BUCKNELL DEFEATED LAST FRIDAY Both Allirmatne and Negative Teams Win on Unemployment Insurance Question Penn State &balms scatcd a double 'Doty last Fria* acnlng m him both Dustmen and Dlsltlnsuntbl,l esentata lost to the Nlttata spe tkets In u nil titgulat debate betmetn the thles col log's- oil the question of mliethet the a eminent should establish a system uf tmemployment Insurance for em places In American comma , ' Indus try Arguing In f "lot of unsmploY - :ant Insurance the Penn Stals Idle team defeated Michael' in the Au mhlle theli team man, mho tat ored the negatlss, mole moaning ou st DlLLlnson orators Catllsle on the same evening At State College and at Catlisle, the debates sole Itotl and rather evenly ontested, as the tote of the Judges In dicates, since at both places only Otto of the thtee judges decided In fmor of the Penn State teams Since the Blue tnd white bpeakets succeeded In pun.- log both that unemployment insurance should and should not be adopted. In the too debates, the - nprld Is still at a loss to Scale n hat to do on this Im portant question Basta mound Bic economic inoblcm in business cycles and the resulting un employment In time of depression the question of the advisability - of employ ing the Insurance method to alleviate the hardships of the unemployed was defeated from many angles In a skill ful Intoner Both Bucknell and Penn State speakers showed that they had made a study of this problem by the clear manner in which they presented the subject und the problems connect ed hith It In the twelve minutes allowed the three dobalvvi o( - each, , teas, for—corri struetive argument, the question was presented, discussed, upheld, and erlti aired almost equally %tell hi the two WILMS, although the Penn State repro sonvithes seemed to lut, a broader (Continued on MM. page) THIRD HANDICAP MEET STAGED LAST SATURDAY 220 Yard Dash Proves Most Ex: citing Contest on Program— Taylor Wins TIN o Events The third handieM, track and field incLt nos staged last Saturd.” on the nd [tack besides the Atmol3, Ini nedintel after the illletti,l44 Mg Scrap No hut dies .01.• dan in this neat. but most of the other u•o II OS ents ',ere held Tn the filet event. the tun-Tulle t Ile t altountnol tl h old can of tun opu m alien Decltel u.ttt Ind Sig % th chile &hull/ W., dittoed I tart of one in;, Thou,. and rom ser ItchTle Snu dm, Stalcklei I nd Coollel The u I ate, thruc dkplaued helr chvacteristic tanning ,hlle :mutters psettlu finish Its usual to nl.hed oor of the thrills of the tuo the Itt Ind Decker bloke the tape Imt, hating made the I un in nine min ter, and Tot tt -MO and three-tent hs chile Sign orth Lame in amond, Ms time haulm; Seen nine minutes :m -u-three se ands Set dct WIS the tilted I cross the line The slxtyymd Lrmh tenoned the too e‘ent and the first to finkh ranitn, tt Rh SA3 les ti n e‘cLedlngly lose second, %011ie 'Mills come In lost rv,lors time nos six and three tenths condo Bush, Council, Ind lirtsciloff ['trachea it tho older named In tile 830-yard I ash, flush doing the distance in two sintacc nine tad four-fifths hecond, lend hating been [went, -five voids dusell bad ben given d fibril-yard IC td, tt hile Nisallort h nit star led front eratch The closest and probably the most ',Mug race was the 220-card dash - in Illicit the lead that Revs]ct had over oenay and A Smith nho stern re , ectively second and third, so small I at the [Mee seemed to cross the line cacticalO together Resale, s thne . tmenty-sis. and too tenths second, .nl It in possible that he would hate II oshed more In the advance than he di I had ale shoe not flown off Just I. he tlaited down the "home stretch k Clue., Inn the one-mlle owe Inc fan, minutes and eight seconds Pont the ivr itch and finished almost a on tr ter of .1 lap ahead of Dents and Ryder respectit ely The fanner started from the l.n t --yard mash, while rtsder's bandlcoo 1,18 twenty-lira sands The I e-tard dash in ON Ott to be no °Pao tinl.ll., the tluills being furnish ed by Tat 'Or At ho had been following Noble throot.hout the race On the I ts ,- Pus ho a began to lesson the lead maintah tel by Roble who also be (Continussi on /Ant Pone)