Paco Two /Demi State Collek3ian initalohed Seml-weekly during the College year by students of the Pennell II I. State College, In the Utter-et of the Studento, Faculty. Alumni ,lid i, lido of the College. A 0 Pratt '22 a H. LA ale. Jr, 22 _ _...... I NV Solover 12 . ..- —.. ASSOCIATE EDITORS W lt. Auman '23 D R Mehl '23 omen's Editor.- - Women's Editor I=l3 N 0 Wailers. '24 E=il W C. Perry. Jr '''. d li Morkhelaer '22— E s Yocum ASSISTANT BUSINESS ISANAGIIRS I=l I=l :he Collegian Invitee all communication. on any eubjem of college nitetest re must bear signatures of writer. bubeLtiption price b 269, if puld before October 16, 1021. After Ottobei i 5, 1921, $2 76 Moles! at the Posted's°. State College. Pn a As second class mutter blittany Printing and Publishing Co Building umee Hours: 5:00 to 6.46 ovary afternoon excel.. Sa t urday. Member of Intercollegiate herrspapor Association News Editor This Issue— FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1922 THE "S" CONTROVERSY Opinion seems to be rapidly dividing on the question of con structing an "S" of living evergreen trees on the slope of Mt Nittany. A short time ago scarcely a word of disapproval of the project was heard but recently there has arisen a slow but steady stream of protest. Ls: Li.jAtet Was the first thought upon the matter too hasty and has later contemplation revealed objectionable disadvantages, or is the protest tne inevitable accompaniment of every forward steps This question is answered according to the views of the individual. If he is an Lnrritisiastic supporter of the "S", he believes that it should, be built iegardlesstof protest. If he is one of those who have come to the conclusion that the "S" will mar the natural beauty of our scenery and will not be representative of Penn State, he opposes the movement Among the opponents of the "S" are numbered men, who, during their years of service to the college, have shown their loyalty to Penn State and their interest in student movements They are men whose opinions have weight and deserve the most thorough consideration before any opposing action is taken. On the other hand, the cooperation offered by several depart ments of the college in drawing up and developing the plans for the "S" would indicate that a considerable portion of the faculty is will ing to back the placing of the letter. Somewhere in this maze of conflicting opinions lies the solution "I he proponents of the "S"'saythat Other notable editCOtonal - inst: tutions, especially in the western part of the country, have similar insignia or letters built of stone and concrete. They are placed high upon the side of some imposing prominence and make an impressive sjmbol of the institution. They say that in foreign countries strik ing and effective use has been made of similar arrangements of trees of two or more colors They say that Penn State may well follow the e \ ample of these other schools and that the letter will serve to attract much favorable comment. the opponents of the movement answer these arguments by as serting that the letter will be nothing but a cheap advertisement and indeed a desecration of nature They plead for the preservation of the natural beauty of our surroundings and liken the planting of a hugh "S" upon the green slope of Mt Nittany to the placing of a "Is" by the University of Buffalo over Niagara Falls. Fancy might even picture the planting of an enormous "G" by Georgetown Uni seisity on the dome of the National Capitol. This latter comparison is of course far fetched but it serves to illustrate the fact that the opponents of the "S" consider the letter on Mt. Nittany to be a cheap , auvettisement, marring the beauty of our landscape instead of being a worthy symbol of Penn State. One forceful argument against the "S" is the greater need for things right on the campus The opponents of the "S" state that the money required to purchase, transport, plant, and care for the trees iequiied in the "S" high up on the side of a mountain could be used rs greater advantage for the construction of much-needed buildings or other improvements. 1 he movement was inaugurated in the Senior Class and given substantial financial assistance by the Rehabilitation Club so that at pi esent there are available funds for starting the work But before any actual steps are taken we believe that the entire college should be consulted and even alumni opinion invited This is a project which concerns the entire institution and no action should be taken without the approval of all. The project should he thoroughly explained by capable author ittes to all the classes and their approval secured together with that of the resident college authorities and the Board of Trustees, before any construction is done It would also be well to secure from, the Atumni Association an expression of its opinion But whatever the decision, let it be made with the greatest good for Penn State always in mind. COLLEGE ORCHESTRA WELL RECEIVED AT BELLEFONTE k,tts -list, members of the College Inn .13 mulct the direction of Band .o4,t W. 0 Thompson gave a con ort In the Carman Opera House In ilt feet° last Thursday evening The •Isn made the trip under the aus- I on the Bellefonte Lutheran Broth enlists] The concert was very success in, psi the opens house was crowded ndi 1g by C .1 O'Donnell, '24, a vo -lids by Bl 7 O'Donnell, '22, aecom p illicit by .1' AV. Vannucci, '24, and se, I elections by the College String c:ln in tint aere leading numbers on the 1" ono nn that inclined the organisation is else one of the most stacessful ton g Is In tin history mark of appreciation for their ,plendhl poi formanco, the Brotherhood Fare the musiclana a dinner after the concert PLAIU COUNTY CLUB DAY 11011) EASTERTIDE DANCE IN ALTOONA _ Assistant. Ctlitor —. Senior ABSOCKIV A. E Post '23 E 13 Schl‘e '.1.1 Miss Dorls Browning '22 Miss Sarah P. Croll M=212713 V. E Helm '24 E AI .tatn,ion 21 I=l=l I=l Athertislng Manager -- Circulation Manager _E. D. Schive Club on Tuesday evening, February 21, C 11 Hare, '23, has elected president of the club, to till the vacancy canoed by the graduation at mid-ear of C Kuhn Plana scare amassed for malting nr- 1 rangements to give a Spring dance ear ly May A dance committee ,vas up pointed to take care of a dance which Is to be given In Altoona after Easter The committee appointed was Edgar Fields, '22, chairman, G "Hauser and E ,eAratur, ,T 4 LANCASTER ALUMNI FORM' BRANCH or ORGANIZATION N Sullivan, Alumni Secre tart, attended a meeting at Lancaster, Pa, last Monday, for the purpose of or ganizing the Lancaster Alumni Asso elation. The officers elected aro Pres ident. E F Guilford. 'la, Vico-Presi dent, E W Glavin. 'l3, Treasurer, E W Molten, .12; Secretary, H A. Barr, 'l7 Mr Sullhan is also organizing as sociations In York County and Schuyl kill County BULLETIN 00 P \I —lOOl ato tl Indollo Club In Auditorium I 30 P —lActme, ”The 'm1.471 IEII Condltlon4 In 173 n one 01111 A:notion' . by )gnui Alosandot Sitturdit3, Peliritur) 25 8 00 I' M —Oceanic Ladies Quintet in Audit. turn 2 00 P M—lntemil‘e Wientlinn, At- ot 3 3 Oil P id ;deet (Dorm] Ti nck ) I ter Alm le, Old Chapel. lloth Ch mew ,em. Ices Sermon M the Het clout CoMor A. II Bindford a 30 P 3I —Glee Club Concert In Itulltollum Momthy, February 27 7 00 P It—Meeting of the Combo, land Countt Club In 315 Old Main Notices The local chantet of The Arnett.° Attsoct Won tot the Adsancentent of Science still hold a meeting In the near rotate in order to bet emu - dud tot the comlng year tinder the 11114PiCe`l of the Y. M C A, flee Inedlen nal be shown In the Old Chnpel on SnOnday night, A see 'eel felttne has been secured Church Notices St. Paul's Methodist Episcopal Sunda , . School at 0 30, Morning War subject ''Soul Grouth... at 10.45. G 30. Student Epuorth League, 7 30 Evangelistic Services "Almost Per suaded' An opportunity to unite with the chutch still be given 'at the ssrviscs Sundae mottling The woer meeting at 7 30 o'clock Wedittsday es ening Searle, on Sunday as .fOllOOO Sun dot School at 9 30. Public Worship at 10.12, sermon on "God's Fellow Work- CIV Young Peoples Meeting at ti 15, evening sortie. at 7 45, sermon toplc "Fes Ile of Middle Life" The evening mi. hour has been eh'tnged flora se 7 20 to 7 45 MEE= Irrtdo, es cuing 8 p m . Student So da' Sunda, 1.0 45 aillorolrg nosslup The tue Elders- elect ,I 1) he ordained 'at this service 730 p m. Cs cuing W 0141,11, The chub v.lll re des sevesal selections; IVednesda3 7.30 p rn The Concluding Stud, In the book "The 'Kingdom and the Nations" MI by lb of .r At. ;Willard • linked Elangelleal Church All Sunday semices in the Odd Fol iose' Hsi! Sunday School at 9 45 a. m at the evening services at 7 45. the pastor sill preach his faresell sermon Pint m meeting Wednesday night tit 214 S Allen St Res C P Haim, Secretary of Stu atm W'oak in colleges and uralteralties fon the United Lutheran Church, will spend Sunday with the church Rev. it aras v 11l spell. to the students during the Sendai School ham, 9:30 a. at, and vlll prowl, at the morning and even ing net %ken, 10 45 am , and 7.30 p Pies Ham represents the Luth eran Church In Its relation to the Loth elan students hole, and all Lutheran studenta me urged to he present at one 01 All of these services Christian En deattax v ill meet at 6 30 Sunday even ing, and mid-week piny er meeting will be held 'Wednesday cunning at 7 30 St. Andrevh: Episcopal Sunday before Lent Holy Commun ion 7.45 a m , Sunday School at 0:30 la m Morning Prayer and sermon at 10 45 a m , subject, "The Day of Vis ta'," Stoning service 7-30 p, m, sub ject "hooks That Have Helped You" Out friends ale invited to 'worship with Our Lady of Victory Chapel Sunday Mass at 10 n. m , Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament after Maas, !lel> Communion at 7.30 a. m Con fessions eery Saturday at 7:00 P m Week-DaN Mass every da3 at 7.00 a m NWOMMUMUMMUMUUUMUMUMMUMUMMUMEMMUMMUUMMUHUMMUMMMIROMMOUUMM,II HM. A Perfict E i Fit , , OUR AIM is to fit you k , with a pair of a Crawford Shoes ‘s„, N. '.-..„,' ~.,.' that will give you abso- 1 g VEV'. •,-.4„ p . lute' satisfaction. TRY 7 ' -..., - - US, and watch us make ''`.----..,-' goodt g , Special this week Dancing, Pumps E , $6.50 and $B.OO P... • 1 F.- QUALITY 'SHOP ... •,.. Opposite Front Campus Ig , E .• a &fIWRMUMMINUOUMMUUMMUMMMUCIUMMIHOIMMINUUMUMWIMUM I UOURIUMRUMMOUJ THE PENN STATE COLLEGIAN BANQUET MARKS CLOSE OF SHORTHORN COURSE The 1022 :4101t Coml. tame to a clove Werlne,any cooling unit .t Iran-, Suet at "..lfcAllkter llall at ohlert the! member 4 of the foeultv oho hate been Infatuating the Shoft Bra nn gone ono eant inter,ting talks to the men om it er fling the tontine of the Short Cl/11190 In Agfletattne norl the benefit% doh ed from It Another Impottant tat Ise of the han gout unit one of the most Intetesting ant to of the melting Wit s the Onarillnfr lot the medals. C t. White. it Minim Penn State student non of the Pennayhanin Normal to the hest short Course students In (atm machine" norl: The enrollment tills ',cat In the short course numbered 120, the largest since the couple tea The blurt of the cse has been to tubemen, mho are unable to attend the longer courses, t Itninsledra of the fundamentals of sc Imalfic farming The b mama nos tenoned by speeches' Pena Watts, Professor It C Bress - Professm T.' Men her. Mt Ii L Clihert. the president of the clans, and a number of the faculty that lutve been connected nith the course The speethes nere fanned by college and patriotic snorer under the leadership of Mr Wahl nho also conducted the olchestra coot- In bad of menthe)s of the college band DECORATOR HAS FINISHED COLOR SCHEME OF PROM Word has been teeelved 113'Mt LW. Etter, '23, Chairman of the lunlot Prom Committee, Item Hugh BimeLon- I lige. et Los Angeles, California, to the effect that Mr Blackenridge Is making plans Le come to State College In order to personally superintend the decent don't for the Junlot Prom Mr Brack ridge sketched In brief Ms color scheme and it promises to be quite the moot elaborate setting that the Armory has met had It is nem and unique Al oady he has the color sketches demo and he is ctotklng out the detail pith a great deal of aptendot , Mr Brackemidge is at present theatrical decorator for the Allen Thea tre in Cleveland and his originality has caused much facorable comment in theatrical circle, this soamn The cos tumes in the Cleopatra spectacle thnt the Allen Theatre presented this Win ter mere all conceived and executed ho Mr Brackentidgo with such brilliancy as to merit seteull estenslie tevleos among theatre cment Previous to his stork with the o Allen Theatre he decontted lot the Circle and Ambassa dor Theatres in Los Angeles His ca reel has been spectacular and In wtlting him up one mine has said that no man .n the uotld of theatrical decorators promises so Militant a future The Letter Box MEM IS= H`e 4- 4 4 1`: - ..., i, ICnture;lth absurd expense, I Not spoil her simple charms by vain pretense, Weigh troll the subject, be pith cau tion bold, Profuse of genius, not profuse of gold" Exactly mho has e found fault olth the eh tem and benuo and the inspir ing solentnit,s of Old 1 fount Nlttany an she stands is difficult to discoser The "s" la cones etc passed the pale for poor taste and bad judgment and the idea 'NM propel') quashed, but pill the let ter In green trees improve the land scape? Certainly not Mln n of Penn State seould thlrthinglv . mat the helot) of that mountainside Unless the pork and ONPOIIditUIC be certain to benefit Old Nittany and the scene which salt dominates, the plothet should he drop pod - ARTHUR W. COWELL, Professor of iLandecaue Architecture Albert Deal & Son :Plumbing & Heating 117 Frazier Street The Love Letters of A Shorthorn I=l In the qiiollo4 of out I..ocnn BESZEZI \Vat could Inc Attire Intrestln,' I snn)s this enenln to the lotions lila come In U nto to sell us some second h nod Val entines, than hanln to denote a fen, Plesant nuts ton emipla clutptels deal- In alto the racial can alttentstles of pigs In things Well, he sass, often some nnentel pnotubeinsbenn, [lndio a pack of Chen in gum or htltlin to snot hest glr lot Is tome elevatln If I Mood of nst hint it it 51 as Into Idea. Or HeVon he it toll Innolnly bore said the same thing Soot llhe 01 the rest of the door aggs—then think unconshusly. An thats ant stmted me Waldo my self 1111113 flout nobler thollatta an de- Notln several pages fords dean Pansy Not that 1 0110 you a. letten on that [lime has bin big dohns going on within hearin dlstence of State College Nothln nnet linpens here Whene‘er anything doeo hoppetiaorth celebratln, thel close the post office on look up the golf hot. How the poor fellows [akin - e` nn f renege to put In there time Inn oils el} to at er}bUd} but themself Vet o, I met down in the pule 1331101 b Pill o set Ids watch b} the ealendat was emarkin that they spend their Idle less In tryln to snipe to grate ques ions, When will the Bank be open an s Meek Hall still busy Wet little time hey have left Is spent lookin for oP -30/tunltles Contain kinds of opportunities Intl est them more than others Jest menshen- In one of them, the oppot nullity to sleep whit make you tare yeut hansom jaws apart in plesent antlehlashen An speak in of opportunities In a nane Webb.. atmosfere Wll3 look at Wiggle...Me hobbiln along althout an adequate corn binashen plumes and Paperhanger. Puts me In lemembrenee of the moon trick Jed Hackett played lust spring then he took newmonla an up an died An jest after he had promised to put In foul man sized bathtubs that had jest come In from Seers an Itousbuck an to hang the nen - unlipapes In the Metho dist church 'nate sat COllle from de muffin on a hold shell Mantis to do the werk The way a folios shl disgrace hls self jest to put in spare time Is awful Useless Sorted himself up Into gots to hear a shon the other night Must of bin MI bout girruls cause itsas elk named the Mollies. It hod the desired affect on U s eless cause no had the %Milks 'the next three dare Sorta kdo Min homesick to be back In deny old Priama, Pa, lissenin to the toma toes in his pass !fatal!, factery Msrbe I am homesick, Pansy, old blosront but I wont admit it Remem ber shen all the dramatikolly inclined born Wiggiesvllle, Trvlllbury Junltshon an Mumford Crossin united In present in there °Min in the POS of A ball 11.12..211.11.131.GM15K5Pd.8.5tM19 iE. W. Gernerdi Ed 111 i Merchant Tailor 1 . 4 s s Next to Post Office ! rmimemmwomitimmaiviammania cAielachrino " The Cigarette Elect of All Nations" It Mll3 Tin Nights In a Um Room I ra rmolle/A that much of it cause %n n u ClOCkett re. 201 the time mantle to May the not of the taco on the her zoom dm But Lem Squlllers an Hal lehhoh Paolo .110 was dhectin one, lishewl inns 40t Min i GAMIC Amy had the jilts sopmno Voice In the aunty &non Hipps said It was °HO nal taus° Melo sagent none others mar like It Shuts about all 1 cln lemon - 113er of the petfoimeneo eNeentln that lon 1100 to big to net In your nllOO lap an I Nets' to Juno to mle:stand wilt they dldent ' get a bl e met barn (loot to phy on An •mealsla of bola flow, dear) The) got Op hole big enuff to tutu a horse an buggy round In The unit Mao. the) hilt It no Mg 1108 to akomadato the ttou do Vliennotciowd gets together, .hos dot Itio to have soma rastlin They out home pule out on the barn floor an entmla follous dame welkin out with talkie on but a half doren bandages ati it suit of Id telt underware. Then VIM put there orate around there nein+ lent tgoknt oneanother till ono of bet to tin aos .t a fit, an stall,the foist thing sell know, there anuirmin all mei that bun floor like a litter or nulls its a nice game to play, Panay, jest like leap frogs tom keeps The only re.- quirtroont Lein that after the game is ore, theme has to be enttf left of the underneth tenon to be recognized. But I hnon thin aint got a thing to do with spit Itchellsnm 01 the funny papers, so nut tour hare up In curl papers, rangy, old blossoms, so you can think of me You m s almarn bonny, JASPER PATRONIZE DOR ADVERTISERS Film fit for a KODAK Eastman Film WE have it—both auto graphic and non-auto graphic—in all the sizes, carefully kept under proper conditions and ready for your Kodak. Let ; our experts, criticise_ your negatives—they may be able to help you makegoodpicturesbettei .' The Penn State Photo Shop State College, Pa In Engineering- EN you' come to apply for that VV let's hope the chief will say: He's a hard worker—clean cut—well ed• ucated—with a scientific bent—and he knows his way 'round, because he smokes Friday, February 24, 1922 N. 1. U. SOPHOMORE OLICLH LAY DOWN STRINGENTFROSH RULES The Sophomore girls' of the Now 'York University Commerce School Minot laid doo n the lap error oil to the fresh girls Ti,,` mohltrition of eosmettea perhaps tire er uelest of the command ments A formidable list of rules In clude, the following ordmst' Thou shalt not use any cosmetics but thou must always he beady to furnish thorn to mints Ciiissmo. Thou shalt not wen. any eat rings or Jewel,. of any land Thou shalt not weal any collegiate ties. Thou shalt not speak to opposite sex In the no, lama On classrooms swirl 111 E CORNELL MEN HAVE REPORTED FOR BASEBALL SKIS-floc men have already report ed fus stonily baseball at Cornell. Couch Cal:ley Is sery optimistic about turning out a champion team this year nit twelve of lost year's lettet men have reported for practice One of the vet etssts who came out for the team In' Nate, the all-Ametlean halfback Quidk and Efficient Service PENN STATE CAFE ==l 'lend mired !now know right.