Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, November 29, 1921, Image 2

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    Page Two
Penn State Collegtan
Published Semi-weekly during the Collego year by students ot the Pennsyl
vania State, College. In the Interest of the Students. Faculty, Alumni and
friends ot the College.
A. O. Pratt '22
G. H. Lyale, Jr, ’22 _
J "W. Selover '22
Assistant Editor
...... _ Senior Associate
ES R. Auman '23 D. R. Mehl '23
■Women’s Editor _
Assistant Women's Editor
G W Boyer'24 R. B. Coltin'24
J. F. Mullins ’24
H. B. Prinekj '24
N. O Wattcraon ’24
W. E. Perry, Jr. '22
H. R. yEerkhelser '22
E S Yocum ’22™..-.
’ assistant BUbL'.Efab managers
W. G Davis *23
n. 1. Axford ’23
'i lit «_oilegiun invites all communications on any subject of college interest
.pi“ mum oeur signatures of writers.
(subscription prlco. $2 50, 1C paid before October 15, 1021. Alter Octobei
16, 1921. $2.76
Entered at the FoatotHce, State College, Pa., us second class matter
Office. Nlttoay Printing and Publishing Co. BuUdlng.
Office Hours: 6:00 to 6.45 every afternoon except Saturday.
Member of XntcrcoUeglnto newspaper Association
News Editor This Issue
Generally speaking, everybody hates to work, so why work? Why
not go ahead having a good time continuously s Ask that question of
the registrar and he will probably have something to say about the
matter, for more below grades were sent out this past month than at
any other time in the history of the college. "Work”, said a prominent
writer, “is a panacea for many an ill of human kind” and it is also the
only remedy that can be found for the present plague of below grades
at Penn State.
We have had our fun We have attended numerous celebrations,
anniversaries and football games. In fact, many of jus have lived
from one football game to next and it is our belief that the time has
not been wasted, for Penn State students will undoubtedly profit by
the lessons of the gridiron, just as the college will profit by the in
crease in college spirit which this year’s victorious eleven has
brought. Primarily, however, most of us came here to get an edu
cation and the report of the registrar certainly indicates that a vast
number of Penn State students are not getting as much out of their
college course as the college demands.
Work is the only cure and the time to begin is the present The
three weeks that are directly ahead, are undoubtedly the most im
portant of the semester. The work done now will greatly determine
the grades which will be turned in at the end of January. This year
no re-examinations will be given, and what would have meant a con
dition last year will now mean/a repetition of the subject. Every
.J" manWha.xbcervfe'd a* “yellow"slip” will haVe to 1 get to wort. ‘ rio not
pass up the opportunity. Get busy and help make Penn State a
champion in scholarship as well as a champion in football.
As the greatest religious leader of students in America, Sherwood
Eddy came to Penn State for three things. He sought to teach the
dynamic power and love of Christ as the father of men and arbiter of
human destiny. Next he endeavored to show the power and practic
ability of prayer m everyday life. And lastly he sought to help Penn
State students with their daily problems to be better, cleaner men
and women.
He took up the problems now facing the world, explaining the
disarmament situtation. He portrayed the tragic plight of the starv
ing millions of Europe, and showed what a little charity on the part
of America can do to relieve the situation. He outlined the inequal
ities of our industrial system. In all his talk, he displayed a profound
knowledge of his subject.
Following his visit of two years ago, there was a noticeable lift of
the moral plane of Penn State. He brought vividly home to the
crowds that listened to his message, the advantage of the Christian
life. Just as during the past week-end, he flayed the weakness of the
flesh, gambling, drinking, and lust, and as a result Penn State became
a better, cleaner place.
It is unfortunate that Sherwood Eddy came to Penn State when
a large part of the student body was away visiting in Pittsburgh or
home celebrating the Thanksgiving period. By reaching the entire
student body, his visit might have had more far-reaching effect, had
he come at another date. However no matter what the date, Penn
State was proud to have had the opportunity to listen to such a man
Just as two years ago, study classes will be established to carry on
the discussion started by Mr. Eddy. This evening in the Y. M. C. A.
Hut all men who are interested are to meet in order to form such
groups. This part of the program is of just as much importance or
even a little more, than the meetings themselves, and the lasting effect
which is f to come of the meetings will largely come from these groups.
Animal Tuburcular Conference
Considers >Vays of Detecting
Dreaded Disease
Professors A. A. Borland, TV. H. Tom
have, and I X). Wilson, all of tho School
of Agriculture,' have returned from
Harrisburg where they were attend
ing a recent conference called by Dr
T B Munce who Is In charge of tho
Tuberculosis Eradication Board of i
Among other Important matters con
sidered were the rclaUvo merits of tho
sub-cutaneous method of detecting
tuberculosis in cattle, as compared
with tho intra-dermal method Forty
two out of forty six states use tho
latter method for detecting tubcrculor
animals, while Minnesota, Now Jersey,
Ohio, and Pennsylvania uso tho sub
cutaneous method us tho official test.
Dr. Munce had collected data from
E D Schive’23
A. B. Post ’23
„ „ Miss Boris Browning '23
Miss Sarah E Croll
E E. Holm '24 E. M. Jameson '2
C. B Tilton ’24
„. -.Business Manager
. - -Advertising Managci
Circulation Manager
C. D. Herbert '23
._-E. D. Schive
three hundred herds in Pennsylvania
which served to show the reliability of
1 the two methods It was found that
i the intra-dcrnial test was the more
certain to detect all animals afflicted
with the disease, but that the oub
' cutaneous test was not so likely to
condemn cattle that might possibly be
freo from tuberculosis
Pennsylvania ranks high In regard
to tuberculosis-free cattle, being now
tho third state in the union for horde
which arc accredited and thus found
to be absolutely free from tuberculosis
Seven per cent of tho cattle of this
state are found to bo Infected, while
in New York State, for instance, four
teen por cent of the cattle reacted to
tho test
The Athlotic Department announces
that not nearly all tho sophomores and
freshmen have registered for winter
sports Classes will begin this even
ing for winter sports, tho Department
stated and those who aro not register
ed will be given cuts
:30 p m—Butler County Club, 306
W College Avo
.00 p. m—Outing Club, Old Chapel.
30 p. m—Dr. R. N. Leo, Lecture on
Teast, 20C Ag Building,
7 00 p m —Mercer County Club, Old
Main, room to bo announced
7 30 p m—Free movies, Old Chapel,
by Interstate Milk Producers Ass’n
Out of tho 855,856 cows two years
old or over In Pennsylvania, 75, 180
aro pure bred In other words, eight
and orio half por cent of tho cons of
this state are of puro breeding Those
pure bred cattle, it has boon proven
are much more valuable, even for
milk and butter fat production, than
cither grades or scrubs, whilo their
offspring ore usually sold for prices
greatly in excess of those commanded
by grades of animals of Inferior breed
Nor is Pennsylvania by any means
at the bottom of the list in regard to
the number of purobrods owned by her
farmers This state is'the third state
in the union in tho number of Holstein
pure-bred cons, and also holds third
place in number of Ayrcshircs and
Jerseys, while fourth highest number
of Brown Swiss and is surpassed by
ono state in tbo United States in num
ber of pure bred Guernseys owned.
Many people are inclined to think
that the Keystone state is a poor
place for the man who would be a
dairy farmer But tho above quoted
figures certainly indicate
and the large number of high class
pure-bred dairy cattle In Pennsylvania
shows that It is ono of tho moat fav
orable states in the country for those
planning to enter dairy production
Someono has said that the darkest
of all dark places is the inside of a
dairy cow The intricate process by.
which hay and grain are converted Into
milk and butter fat Is a most interest
ing one and has lately received a good
deal of attention from various author!-
Professor S I. Bcchdel of the De
partment of Dairy Husbandry is at
present just completing a scries of
digestion trials In order to determine
just what becomes of the feed eaten
by young, growing animals, and thus
to determine the protein requirements
for growing cattle This experiment Is
being conducted In cooperation with
I several othor^cxperimei^t, stations, thru
the 'National Research Council Valu
able information has been secured from
these trials, and when this has been
compiled in with data
from other research stations some very
useful facts' will be mode known
The Liebig Chemical Society of the
Department of Agricultural Chemistry
announces that Dr R. E Lee, who Is
chief research chemist for the Fllesch
man Yeast Company at the present
time, will speak on “The Manufacture
of Yeast and Its Uses In Bread Mak
ing” tomorrow night at seven thirty
o'clock. In room 206 Agricultural
On the following Evening, this
well known figure in the research
world will deliver a second address on
“The Biological Chemist in Industry."
In order to make both lectures as In
teresting as possible. Dr Less will pre*
sent an exhibit on tho subjects of his
different talks that will .border closely
on the essential points that he wishes
to emphasize to tho public. Both talks
will bo free
We have on display
the.largest line of
ELRY in ‘town.
We are showing new
designs in Pearl
Set Seals, Bar-Pins
and other novelties.
The Love Letters of
i A Shorthorn
Blue Monday* agiin
Dear Pansy,
I had a dooce of a time at the dance
last Saturday night 1 wus 100 popa
iar All the fellowh was .usiin me to
dance with theie gluul An light out
in tho public to, on the Anneiy ilooi
Can yon tm iglno the UKivi of that goln
on in the VbTKlosvlllc V O fa oL A
Hall whenever we had dim in demon
Coarse I wnsent biung up a IJiptt&t
an on Mclilns food fci nothin I .stood
firm on booh any foot an one of hern
an announced that oven If I was in
college, they woodent ketch 1 ispol
Stubbs tumin bigamist !>v clinchin
with moren ono girrul p<_i evoniii Fel
lows respected me all tiic rest of the
ovenln to Let us stand lound to get
our breth an watch the hind play in
without say in boo to us
An even let us walk out before tho
finish of the fifth d ince cause Miss
Tinker, that .was hoi name, had a
sorta sneukin idea that she hadnt blew
out tho light in her room befoic she
come out But of all her <falts the
werst ono wo&rhcr tolkin .ill the time
It was a good thing nothin disastrous
dklent happen over to the mmeiy, cause
I woodent of had a chance to yell File
—l'd of ruined bout two paragiafs of
her conversation
Sorta puts me In romomhi once to
wat Jake Baldwin said when ills wife
axidentelly got her jiw unhooked wile
out to a gossip paity "With all her
falls,” ho says "I love hei still" The
only time,where Miss Tinker wood of
bin still lias at her own funeiel an
even then, moron likely tlio spiiits wood
move her' Jaws If Id of had the
chance. I was goin to ast her it she
was a koyet, but I jest had to take it
for granted ontil she said I could take
her to the next fi ee-foi -all dance if
nobody else was willln to risk it. Then
I knew she wasent no koved—she w is
too good natshored
But right _off youUl be sendin mo
same male astln me isow good looirin
she was An befoi e I nod my head
vociferously yes I hive to tell \ou
bout the other male I got 1 ist Toos
day It was a^below—a below in the
litorchuro' of lernin how to speak .and
write property lou not having took
foreen language or mathematiks wood
ent understand how intricate a below
In the farit place, a below moons that
your werk don't amount to nothin No,
Pansy, a below aint nothin oi less than
nothin Best way I can explain dt is
that Its the nearest thing to nothin
that somethin can get to in the coarse
of Events, which means 9 weaks
Belows is mainly distiibutod bv in
struktors that ain't leglstcied pure bred
porfossors, so we just call Uieni scrubs,
mostly on account of there mean
tricks sendin belows to us with postage
duo on ithom One of cm must be pro
dudiced agenst me The autobiografy
which I wafcto.bout,niysUlf ho calls im-
W3dlbie?~s*r tiifils ,why T , was’sent a
below I know you wont understand all
of this, orjany of it—l don't expect
you to, only dont tear your jaws open
to ast a question, Pansy, old blossom,
ontil I read some of it to vou
My Aulolllognify
Me an the twentieth century begun
bout the same time Which will be
come more importont remains to be
seen soon to become Juspei
T Stubbs began snlffin tho light of
day somewheres between three an four
oklock the road from Wiggles
vtlle to Twillbwy during a bllndin
snowstorm In February 1900
Things had sorta bln lonesome round
the Stubb3 homestead befoi e it was
know n wothfer I was goin to bo a boy or
a girrul, cause the only other stock on
the place was a pare of giay mules, a
mare which had the heaves, two spav-
• • Money - ''for your spare 4-
I 1 time —day or evening. Write at A
± once. C. J. Muenzen, No. 11l v
• • West 42d St., New York City. |
ins an a moon disposition, 1 con, an
a swav backed sow that had Jest two
ohlldien So It wusont hard to calcu
late whv paw* an ma was so thankful
to have nie'around
An speakin of thankful, Pansy, mak
es my hait want to bo swallowed, cause
we wont have no time to bo thankful
this year When I think of all tlho
chances I’d liavo to acquire a stumick
.ike. If wo whs only* celebratin Thunks
glvln nccoidln to tho dictates of our
on n appetites—but avals the use. Any
how. if we was goin to consider
Tlunksglvin a holidiy. I’d he all the
time h ingin round you, 'getttn under
foot and making your eves forget they
w is stlriln giavy or eewln up turkey
gi//oids—-so maybe its for tho best,
even tho we know it alnt
Yours till my mouth stops wntorin
Many Students in Architectural
Engineering Department Sub-*
mit Original Designs
Monday night saw the last of a very
busy pel lod ’in the Architectural En
gineering Department when Juniors
and Seniors sent the first of the year’s
,work to tho Beaux Arts Institute, New
York The students havo been work
ing on .the problems which Include a
dtsgln of a Doorway for a Library by
the Juniors and of a Golf Club Build
ing by tho Seniors.
The work this year has in many
ways been superior to that sent In oth
ei seasons due to tho fact that a great
deal of detail was added to get more
pleasing effects Judging by the great
number of medals and mentions that
have conic back in other year, Penn
state should receive high honors for
this set In this department the Penn
St iteuichitccts have been holding their
own with the students of the leading
Aichitectural Schools in tho country
Engineering F bos resembled the
Latin uuaiter of Paris, In which the
home office of the institute is located,
during the past few weeks when the
artists were drawing, shading and ren
deiing tho work, ruining and fixing it.
Following is a list of the students
submitting problems.
J M Judge ’22, M H Lohr ’22,
E Maule ’22, H A Gaul ’23, J H. Sav
olainc *=3, J. IC Kurtz '23, J K. Hill,
J il Dowd, D M Carr, W. C Root, E.
Wilson, H. Eden, H, H Stewart, 8
The Honor CouncU at the University
of Pennsylvania is placing colored post
ers. dealing with the Honor System, in
conspicuous places Now thojt the
are on dn full foroe a special
effort is being made to bring tho system
to its highest point of efficiency.
The Freshman Crew'at Harvard
might be said to havo put one over on
the varsity crew The Freshmen wal
loped the first, second, and third crews
in the last race of the season The
loughness of the iLower Basin greatly
handicapped the-men, but they com
pleted the full distance with tho Frosh
in tho lead. '
X ‘
Prices [52.25 up
Ijl 301 W. Fairmount Ave. 39-J T
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Every day MURADS are held
higher in the estimation of the men
who smoke them.
They are the standard of Taste.
They never disappoint—never
fail —never change— %
They arc 100% pure Turkish to*
bacco—of the finest vanenes grown*
You are proud to smoke them
in any company—on any occasion.
They arc the largest selling high*
grade cigarette m tne world.
The cigarette smokers ofAmenca
DO prefer Quality to Quantity.
“Judge for Yourself—}**
| Out-of-Doors
Trails Leading to Charter Oak
Cabin Offer Interesting
Views to Hiker
"Roads arb made for horsos and
men of business I do not travel in
them much, comparatively, because I
am not in a hurts to get to any tavern
or grocery or livery stable or depot to
which they load I am a good horse
to travel, but not from choice a good
roadster" Thoreau. On Walking
Thoreau, If anyone, know the charm
of the lesser traveled by-ways—the lure
of old .abandoned roads and the trails
that strike through the deepest woods,
taking no heed of the contours of the
Jand If the public road and tho trail
led to tho same place to which you
want to go, take the trail Forget
business, studies, all worries Travel
with open 05 es and open ears and you
v-111 learn to know the woods, then,
knowing them, to love them
The most direct trail route to the
Outing Club cabin starts through Mus
ser's Gap One cannot go through the
gap without finding tho trail. It pass
es an old reservoir and turns to tho
right Perhaps a hundred yards from
the reservoir the Musser Trail turns oW
to the left and goes straight up the
mountain Tho climber is usually
ready to rest when he reaches tho top
of the second range and finds there a
wonderful view to examine Down at
the foot of the range Is Pino Swamp,
then Hublor's Gap between Kocher
and Rudy Mountains, Laurel Run Val
ley, Greenlee Mountain, and tumbled
heaps of hills stretching out to Broad
Mountain and the high range that
bounds the Seven Mountains on the
Following the trail down the moun
tain we cross a small stream at the
foot and soon come in at right angles
•on the Pine Swamp Road The trip
for several miles down this road may
seem monotonous, but alert eyes and
ears will catch many signs of life
Birds, including pheasants are' plen
tiful Perhaps a groundhog runs nols
'lly off through the brush In the
warmer months there are snakes, and
the big frogs in the swamp keep up a
continuous deep bass croaking Tho
tracks of deer, too, are often seon We
walk for two and a half or three miles
until wo come to a largo hunting
Charter Oak Camp Crossing the
creek on the log bridge and continuing
down i thp road a short distance, we
tako a trail that cuts off to tho left
and goes- up the hill until it meets the
High Grade . Groceries aSpeciahy,, r
Confectionery and Fruits.
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Tuesday, November 29,1921
Third Mountain, where wo turn to the
right and travel tho Fire Lane. From
this point, wherever the trail branches
wo hoop to the left. Duff’s Camp is
reached, and It Is only a short dis
tance past It that the road comes out
o? the woods at the back door of the
Outing Club cabin.
A good map Is a valuable companion
on'all trips in the mountains A cer
tain small section of country may con
tain many trails, most, of them leading
past unexpected points of interest. One
who has been In the woods must know
the pleasuics of exploring new trails
A map enables one to keep his bear
ings and to have some Idea of where
he will finally anlve Thore are one
or two very good mups of the Seven
Mountains that may bo had for a vory
small sum, and also v ono or two on the
market which aie somewhat Inaccur
ate and incomplete The novice would
be wise to seek advice before buying
one of them
Announcement has recently been re
ceived that Pi ofessor Elwood S Moore,
Dean of the School of Alines and Dir-'
ector of the Alining Experiment Sta
tion, hats been elected to the Execu
tive Committee on Education of tho
American Mining Conference Tho work
of this committee Is exceedingly im
portant in connection with the increas
ed interest in Mining and Metallurgy
throughout the country
"After Every Meal" .
L 8130
The Flavor Lasts !