Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, November 18, 1921, Image 4

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The Little Store on the- Corner
The Big Line of Fine Candies
Direct Factory Shipments All The Time.
Coach Pakenham Starts Gruelling
Workouts in Preparation for
Last Game of Season
Announcement has recently been
made that the Penn Stato soccer team
will not take Its southern trip duiing
the week of Thanksgiving as has been
the case In the past, but will probably
tra\ el to the southland sometime before
the Holiday recess This decision has
been inado^.because of thut fact that
Hxvertord cannot schedule a game un
til the close of the football season,
v hen most of the eastern soccer teams
sunt llieh schedules
Coach Pakenham has started the
booting squad on Its final period of
tiaining foi the climax of the soason
which will no doubt take the form of a
series of unusually hard games on some
foreign fields Although the Blue and
■White eleven was able to defeat both
of the teams that have been met so far
this ye*u, yot the coach is far from
pleiscd with the work of the squad
and w Ith the first team Endurance
was lacking In the final minutes of
play In both games and all efforts will
be put forth to eliminate this defect in
the Xittany machine
If the manager of the sport Is able to
ai range tlic schedule that Is proposed,
the team will be called upon to plav
three games on as many successive
day s and this exacting program will
call for cveiy ounce of endurance Some
of the games that will be played on this
trip will be much hardoi than the ones
on the early pirt of the schedule for
the opponents arc rated as the best in
the east at the present time The gam
es and the dates hive not jot been de
finitelv decided upon ms the manager is
iw ilting favorable uplics to the offcis
sent out
Bv the end of this week, all undor
cl issmen who selected soccer ns their
till and spring spoils foi gun credit
should have signed tip foi thcii wlntei
expert The last day foi the underclass
men to leport will lie next Wednesdnv
when aie supposed to
1 epoi t foi ihch winter classes
Satuiday afternoon, December thhd,'
Is the date set for the annual under
class lacrosse scrap between the 'Fresh
man and Sophomore stickmon If
weathei conditions do not present, the
scrap will be held either on Holmes
fkld 01 the tield back of the Armor>
Thci e ai o a 1 irge numbei of Freshmen
as well as Sophomores out foi the team
who hat e been practicing faithfully
each evening In an' effort to become
proficient In the art of handling the
stick The annual undeiclass game
premise* to be a teal scrap this year
as the rieshmen an. showing up well in
pi ictice md piomlso to make it inter
esting for the Sophomores
Wishes to Announce Their
Wednesday Eve, Nov. 23,1921
Special Dinner Served 6.30 P. M.
Come All and Look Us Over
, *!**l-X!**M*^*!-*M**i*X**l**l**l**X*Xl*Xl- , M*XWH**l*X**l~M**i**i**i**»**i"«~M**¥'*4* , i*
(Continued from Hist page)
put poses In the case of State Col
lege this will greatly aid in the fine
service which the local chapter is al
ready tendering
The State College Red Cross Chap
ter has been very active duimg the
past yeai and deseives the support of
evoij person in tho town that it may
be able to widen its activities During
the y ear the local chaptct among other
things, has accomplished tho following
its Red Ciosa Communitv nurse has
made 1079 health visits, a clinic was
conducted hoie lust June by a Harris
burg doctor, who examined foity crip
pled children at the invitation of'the
Red Cross, service has beon given to
seventy -flv e ex-sei vice men in filing
now claims foi compensation, following
up old claims that arc still pending and
helping tho men to secure training un
der the Federal Board foi Vocational
Training, and tho Red Cross nurso is
holding a weekly Well Baby Clinic at
tho Red Ci oos office
Membership Dollar Does Much
Tho membership dollar will help to
stiuiglhen America, becauso It is help
ing to sifegnaid American Life, bo*
cause it lelievos suffering from .dis
asters md accidents because it Is help
ing the nation's disabled service men
and because it Is still helping in the re
construction of the world
, Tho f ict that the American Red Ciosa
stands equipped and re idy to cope with
disastci is sufficient to justify its ex
istence Howevei it rendois many oth
er services Bv its Congressional
Charter ( it is officially designated '
To furnish volunteer aid to the sick
and wounded of amnios in time of war
To act In matters of voluntary relief
and In ntcoid with the miltUuy and
naval authorities .is a medium of com
munication between the American peo
ple and their Army* and Xavy
To continue and cany on a system of
nation il and international relief in
time of peu.o and to apply the same in
mitigating the suffeiings caused bv
pestilence, famine file, floods, and oth
ci gi eat nation il calamities
To devise and t-iny on 'measures for
pievcntlng the same
(Continued, from, first pace)
•tiicate and tikkv charactet hive been
devised a lew of them having been oi-
FOR that real
tastes like home.
FOR Country Sausage and old
fashioned Buckwheat
Stop at the CRYSTAL CAFE
JJtttattp inn -
Under New Management
Home Opening
to all the people of
State College, Pennai
iginally sot lor the Middles last weok ■
but not having boon used at that time, ;
and many hours have beon spent dui-
Ing 'tile jaiat week in peifecting these
movementb In addition to issucing
new play s, "Boa" lius attempted to speod
up tile Xittany offense, strange us it
may seem Tho attack of tho Blue and
White eleven,in the last four games has
been unequulcd by any team in the
East but the coaches are still unsatis
fied and ate tiying to raise the offense
to such a height that it will completely
smash the Pitt defense Speed is a pass
woid on the field nowadays and without
it ami m is lost Each day* the cat Lie
squad is sunt tinu sprints of various
J As a result of this attention to speed,
Penn State has a romorkably fast and
hard-hitting backfield, a combination
that is without a peer in the country
5 If the Pitt warriors arc able to stop the
' bi liliant ‘ broken-fioid running of Kll
lingci, the Ughtnlng-llko jabs of Wil
son, and the murderous pounding of
} Llghtner, they will accomplish eome
j thing which the best olovens of tho
t East havo failed to do Never has
. Penn Statu had a gioup of backs which
’ could equal the porfoi nianccs of this
•trio With tho addition of Captain
Snell, who will in all probability bo In
shape foi the Turkey Day* battle, the
backfield will be well-nigh -invincible
and they will give the Pittsburgh foot
t bail fans a view of a champion running
attack *
Strengthening the Defense
While paying a great deal of atten
tion to offensive tactics, Coach Bczdek
has not forgotten to bolster the defense
of the Dions and It is expected that they
will be much strongor in that respect on
Thanksgiving than they have beon in
the past The men still have almost a
week to prepare an adequate resistance
foi tho famed Pitt charge but at that,
tho time is rather short. The Panther
attack has always proven somewhat of
a puzzle to Penn State teams and every
precaution must bo taken to thwart it
Tho Xittany line especially must bo
stiengthoned All of the legulars are
back in the game now but *>»<« Awt
does not necessarily mean that the line
Is invulnerable
The present week finds the team, as
a whole. In better physical condition
than it has been for some time With
Snell rapidly recovering fiom the op
eration which ho underwent last week
and with McCollum, star end, reinstated
Into the line-up, following his recovery
from a biul&cd shoulder, the injuicd
Hit is almost reduced to nothing Frank
ra n
| Quick and I
f Efficient f
hs n
| Service |
la tr
breakfast that
who played at left end in -tho Tech and
Xavy games in place of McCollum, |
twisted his knee .during the Instj
quartet of the hoi ond contest hut is |
coming mound Into sham* and will be]
i exflv to fill dn*at end In case of furthei |
Injure to McCollum!- It Is slnceiely
hoped, though, that MeCollum will com
plete the season at lils post Inasmuch
as he is a very valuable man to the
team and deserves to play because of
the long and faithful service which he
has rendered
With the exception of McCollum at
left end, no material changes have oc
curred in the Xittany line-up this week
and it is very doubtful if any will take
place before the Pitt game, unless it is
Snell for Knabb Every man on the
first team is playing a fine brand of
bail, so much so that no subatitute has
been able to surpass it and thus earn
the right to play on tho varsitv i
Continued from first page
erica Is determined to play a hand no
less fiank than the one played at the
opening of tho conclave It is com
monly acknowledged In Washington
diplomatic circles that the United
St lies will suppoi t -several policies
American Pacific Policies Outlined
The United States will oppose Japan
ese nggtcxsion in the Far East and
will disapprove a renewal of the Anglo-
Japunese 'Alliance ’
The United will recognize a
reasonable outlet for 'Japanese econo
mic Interests hut will not agree that
political aggression must follow trade
and population.
The Unlted'*Statcs will agree to no
alliances, no matter how attractive
these pioposals might The
lure of even a triparty agreement will
be disregarded by this country
The actual decisions will 'bo arrived
at publicly when the delegates think
that the conference has proceeded far
onough that the ftsutts of the con-
THE tables have been turned. Now
it’s Edison, —who gets here first
with Broadway’s newest song and
dance hits. !.
Edison scouts constantly cover every “Flashes from Broadway" are sent
Broadway show, restaurant and 'ex- usj by fast express, as quickly as they
elusive club. They get the new hits are issued,
the moment they break.
Mr. Edison has installed a special de
partment of manufacturing, with special
equipment, which speeds these hits
Remember, too, that on the 20th of
each month, Edison issues a fine sup
plement of classical and popular music,
rendered by world-famous artists.
To hear any of these Re-Creations
on the New Edison is to hear the finest
'music which modem homes, are able
to command. For, the Edison Re-
clavo may be considered doflnlto and 1
final |
Pi Sunils of tlio Into Di Ai mubv ltud
nn oil jKilntlns Tit ulo of him just pre
\ Sous to his death which trill bo pro*
seined to the Saddle and Sirloin Club
in Chicago within the next week or bo
The Saddle and Sirloin Club has a por
trait gullety In thoh club rooms in,
Chi* ago which contains a rare collec
tion of oil paintings of the foi em'ost live
stock bleeders and ngricultuin! produc
ers In the countiy
All the fraternities at the George
Washington University aie taking part
in a bowling tournament, a cup being
presented to the winner The cup is
otfeied by the Inteifratornlty Associa
The formation of a joint mechanical
and electrical engineering society is
well tinder waj at Cornell The need
of such an organization has long been
felt, and It Mill now no doubt become
a reality
Are bime-cured— mild, sweet
and tender. Hickory wood
smoked making many
fnends wherever sold.
. Mail us your orlers-^—they
will have our prompt atten
tion. We pay parcel post or
express charges for all or
ders, large or small
652 Manor St., Lancaster, Pa.
111-115 Allen St., State College
.. •; , READ ' r
; 1 ENGLISH???
You can?—Good for you!!! /
READ!!! .
Where—At Montgomery & Co. ,
When—Tuesday, Nov:-22—11 o’clock,
ijow Long—Nov. 22-23-25-26 inc.
f —A limited supply for cash sales—
Thanksgiving Victory
Issue Number
through in record-breaking time. In
some cases, the Edison Re-Creations
of a new number beat the sheet music
So, if you want to keep up with
Broadway, watch our windows for
“Flashes from Broadway” and visit our
Re-Creation department
Creation of an artist’s performance 1
can not be told from the artist’s origi- ■
nal performance. This has been.proved
by thousands of tests of direct com
parison. ""
Before you buy your Christmas pho
nograph, be sure you hear the wonder- •
ful New Edison.
Friday, November 18, 1921