Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, November 15, 1921, Image 3

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    i^sday,,-November. 15, ,1921
itire Country tp be Canvassed
in Annual Campaign—Dean of
Men Heads Student Work
All, pi eparatlons for the annual Rod
ross Roll Call have now been complet-
I, and the drive is well under way This
>ll call is foi five and ten dollar mem*
?rahi|>s, 'fifty cents of which will bo
:nt to National Headquarters, leaving
10 remainder foi the use of the local
laptcr The canvassing of the town
[ undei the direct control of the locnl_
eadquarters and will begin November
ventloth Sunday. November twentl
th will be known as Red Cross Sun
xy throughout the town and will be
by special services by the win
ters of the various churches Sunday
ftornoon a general canvass of the
>wn,will be made x to stait the cam
aign. '
A., canvass of the grade school of the
,vn resulted in a one hundred per
nt enrollment of the child'ien who
ve a .total of sl\ty-flve dollars'and
irty-ono cents The'schools were dls
seed Tuesday afternoon and through
i kindness of Mr Baum the children
;re shown throe Red Cross films in
i Nittany, theatre An interesting In
tent occurred last week when a four
ar old child came'to the Red Cross
•Ice window In tho Bank Building
th three nicldes clutched in Its hand
give to tho Red Cioss They were
zepted and tho child was made happy
having a membership, pin pinned on
rho roll call among tho students is
ider the charge of Dean Warnock.
i jet no definite plans have been
ide conccining the method of solicit
y*the 'memberships but it is likely
at it will be similar to that of lust
ar when the group method was used.
io man was put in charge of the
nvass in each fraternity and each
arding house Tho drive among* the
idents will bo completed this week
that Thanksgiving week will not
:erferc with the roll call
Since the local chapter of the Red
oss is not in any too good financial
inding the results of this roll call
11 determine whether or not the chap
• can afford to carry on its work
om all Indications, however, it is ex
cted that the drive this jear will bo
successful as any held under the
lluenccs of war time necessity
"I have been crucified with Christ,"
is t?VJ text on which Dr. Irving Maur
of Columbus, O, delivered his address
- Sunday Chapel. Dr. Maurer spoke
his audience as college men, pointing
t tho necessity of subjecting all odu
tlon to the test of‘character. If ono
>uid follow. .entirely
ar witness the -truth Life and
jth ore always bound together and
len a man has one ho always has the
her ■ "When a man lives the best life
at ho can, he is bearing witness to
e truth
In witnessing to tho truth, a man
just face all tho effects of the world
i order to get a love of the truth The
>ve of the truth is tho one big thing
x the life of a Christian and for real
ucccss in life we must get a’real ac*
uaintance with the truth Men of
ducation are expected to become lead
rs when called upon .and must not he
isappolntments But no
auch education a man may have, he
annot be a successful leader if he does
iot love the truth and is narrow mind
d and prejudiced. .'The love of the
ruth and open xnindedness should be*
:in to be taught to the children while
hey are in the grades Eventually,
he love of truth will grow up In a
an to an Ideal which will give him
iw light and hope.
pr. Maurer compared a Christian to
ship ladened with freight which has
son out to sea for several months.
hon It comes to port the hull is cov
ed with barnacles and they must he
raped and cleaned off. But no mat*
r what tho condition of the hull, the
Fortify your system
against Winter Coughs
and Colds by using
Cod Liver Extract
contents of the ship are still good. So
it Is with tho Christian If he is bear
ing witness to” the truth he has good
stuff Inside of him, no nutter what
people may Judge from 'external ap
pearances .' Dr. Maurer pointed out
that'ln time men will find that lovo
and ’truth are the same and that fln
nlly all truths , will unite to form one
great truth which will serve to unify
the world ’ 1
In this world It is not only neces
sary to have a knowledge to tell us of
tho things that are not true but also
a knowledge by which we can recognize
thosrfHthings that are true Truth to
day is hard to find ' It has been brok
en'up in_ small pieces with different
meanings duo to a\great extent to the
disturbances during the last few years
It is the need of a crucified Ideal
that the world needs today In closing
Dr Maurer issued a challenge to col
lege men to bear witness to the truth
and have a crucified ideal by going
through all hardships os did Christ
and not dogging thing that are unpleas
ant or hard. <
The Glee Club, under the direction
of Dean Robinson, Is at present putt
ing; the final touches on Its work in
preparatlon-for a trip to be taken dur
ing Thanksgiving Week Monday night
the Club will appear before the Shrln
ers at Johnstown and from there they
will journey to Indiana to give a con
cert before 'one of the churches of tho
town Negotiations are also pending
for a trip Wednesday night to Pitts
burgh to appear before 1 the Alumni at
their annual smoker before the Pitt
game Thirty men from the Club/will
compose the group to be taken on this
trip and if the trip is as successful as
the recent visit to Elizabethtown, the
Club Is certain of having a very good
Tiie recently organized Girls’ Glee
Club Is planning to present their ini
tial performance before the students
on "Friday, January twentieth, In tho
Auditorium. This will "consist of a
general program Including the Glee
Club, the Girls*' Quartet and various
readings Tho girls are also planning
a trip which 'will be taken sometime
during the second semester and will
probably extend as far as Pittsburgh
r . ■
Order Them Now
220 E. College Ave.
I PHONE 211 '
All lobal subscribers to
the COLLEGIAN are re
quested to verify their
addresses in order to in
sure the delivery of then
[To do this please write your name, your old
and your new address on a card' and drop it
in the box which will be placed in our office
for that purpose.]
Rehab Club Entertains Members
of American Legion at Ar
mistice Day Celebration
The Rehabilitation Clubs celebration
of tho thiid annlversaiy of the signing
of the vVimlstlce look the foim of
a most enjovublo mllltniy e\ ening and
smokci, last Fiidav evening
PiosiUeol Tosopi F Millet opened
the evening with a few words of wel
come to the memberH of the Amei lean
Legion who weie tho guests of the
evening, and then asked Colonel F P
'Schoonntnkcr to spuiU Colonel Shoon
makcr, who is at piesent Lieutenant
Colonel of the 112th Reg, was former
ly Commander of Company C, Brad-;
ford, Pennsylvania, his home town At
the time of the war he wns sent over
seas befoie his division and eventual
ly became ‘‘o3” of the Twenty-eighth
Division Aftet win ris he was made
Judge-Advocate of the Ninety second
Like othei sprakci s of tho evening,
Colonel Schoonnmkoi remarked on the
great seivice that those who are now
Rehahliit itlon men performed for tho
nation He expressed the great hope
that ever jone has for world peace, and
that Armistice D.ij, which will'un
doubtedly be cekluated, not only’.as a*
National holiday, but as world holiday,
is a day of sadness, of rejoicing, of tri
bute and honor The Colonel then re
marked on the fact that so many people
think that America is today headed for
perdition because its young people have
no other than selfish, materialistic and
pleasure-seeking desires There was a
time, before the said, when it
really did seem as tAouijh the youth of
America had no fightlig spirit But,
tin let Colonel , Schoontnakot, the war
proved that wc still hid Ure spirit of
Americanism us of 'old and there Is
little cause for worry that the present
generation will not have the alillliy,
courage, and patriotism to perpetuate
the ideals of this nation He believes
that tho pendulum of materlnilbrn has
swung Us full period and is now on tho
point of swinging hack.
President Miller then introduced Mr
Steel, Commander of the Local Post
of tho American J/Ofcion The main
point that Mr Steele brought out was
that, although the war itself has been
over for three years it Js not yet over
for a great many rehabilitation men
twho still suffer from wounds sustained
in that-great struggle
Major T C Pakenimm then spoko'on
the feelings with which Euiope receiv
ed tho American Armj Ho said that
tho „United States ,soldiers acted as
missionaries In that they completely
changed 'the ideas that Europeans once
entertained concerning Americans,
and that no people In those countries
think and speak of Americans ns thov
used to „
Other speakers of the evening were
Professor R G ,Bresllei, beloved coun
selor of the i Rehabs, Captain C A
Fowler, who was a'Student at Penn
State before entering .the first Officers
Training Camp at M'udlson Barracks,
Captain Lydlo, who gave .a'very
straight forward talk,
Mr Flamson, midshipman. Professor
E D Walker, of the Engineering school
formerly of an engineering corps, H T
Bailey, *24. 'and E -V. Armstrong, a
student in the School of Mines, both
of whom aro Rchabs Bailey and
"Army” gave some.-very interesting
and humorous reminc<f.Gnees
The remainder evening was
’ pure Turkish to
stvaVicnes grown.
> Of smoke them
’lrg«t c feiling high*
lokers of America
to Quantity.
for Yourself—l u
( Sg£SgS5KS]
given over-to-music by P G Brown
'2“}, pianist, and R 1» Aitliur 24, vio
linist, and to a social time
With an entire!} now tvpe ot music
this je.u, composed and arranged es
pecially for m mdolin playing, the
Mandolin Club is uitciirig into its fall
vunk with the interest of oveiy mem
ber behind It Piesldent Shopo of the
Club stales that the members of the
otgani/ution are working hard with
the puipose of pi icing the Club among
the leading oiganizatlons in the college
One of the main points On which the
Club is at present working Is that of
funning a schedule of several tiips
similar to' thoso takon by the Glee
Club The Mandolin Club has taken
such tiips In the pust and It Is entirely
possible that such trips may be token
this y oar In order that the students
nidj have an opportunity to hear the
Club .a its best, a Sunday afternoon
concert is ulso being pi tnned Tills
will take place duiing the winter, sim
ilar to the Band and Orchestra concerts
The Music
>J iswiVtMiig for
Homing- hr show
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Camels are made for men who think for themselves.
The Club now lias a total of thlrtj eenth at seven o’clock, the
momlieis, fixe new men having been announced later It Is impc
icecntlj chosen from the Freshman a jj members attend this m>
Ua», WJth an anlanad Club and new* rohc „, alll havo bot ,„ bro ,
music the ot sanitation is eeitain to
ha\e a successful 'season The neM 11110 to 1,10 numerous games J
t cheat sal. wilt bo held October eight- social activities
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