Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, October 11, 1921, Image 2

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    Page Two
Penn State Collegian
Published Semi-weekly during the College year by students ot the Pennsyl
vania Stale College, in the Interest of the Students, Faculty, Alumni and
friends of the College
A G Pratt '22 _
G H, L,}sle, Jr, '22
J W Selover ‘22 .
D R Mchl '23
VV. R Allman '23
Women s Editor „ i. ..
»aslHUnt Women's Edltoi
•I 21 R B Colvin '24
H. B Prinsky '24
) U atterson 24
AV. G Davis 23
H r. Axfotd '23
Vim Collegian Invites all communications on any subject of college lnt**reM
Louers must bear signatures of writers. __
Subscription price. $2 50, If paid before October 15, 1921 After October
15. 1921, $2 76
Lnteied at the Postolllce, State College, Pa., as second class mutter
Ofllce Nlttany Printing and Publishing Co Building
Offlce Hours 500 to 5:45 every afternoon except Saturday
Member ol Intercollegiate Newspaper Association
News Editor This Issue
The mass meetng of Seniors and Juniors last Sunday afternoon
developed a wonderful change in the sentiment of the student body
in regard to the Thanksgiving vacation and the Inaugural recess
Previous to the meeting, the prevading thought on the campus was
that if the students were not granted the usual Thanksgiving vacation
they would take advantage of the Inaugural recess to go home .They
felt that if they were not given the opportunity to go home at Thanks
gving time, that they were justified in leaving during the Inaugural
celebration, regardless of the success of that affair. The mass meeting
however brought the real Penn State spirit to the fore. The students
there recognized the fact that they must unanimously support the
Inauguration of President Thomas and strive to make it a wonderful
success whether the Thanksgiving vacation is granted or not. They
saw that the honor of Penn State demands that they be here and do
their utmost to make this Inauguration the biggest and best celebra
tion which Penn State has ever attempted.
The purpose of the mass meeting was not to discuss* the relative
merits and demerits of a Thanksgiving vacation, and the resolution
which was passed did not say that the student body had changed its
mind in regard to the holiday We still believe that a Thanksgiving
vacation from Wednesday noon to Monday morning is justified How
ever the big thing is that the student body showed that it would not
-allow the_decision concerning Thanksgiving to interfere with the suc
cess of the Inaugural Whether the three days are granted or not,
we will abide by the decision, as every loyal Penn State man must do.
We have faith and confidence in our President and we believe that his
decision will be the best for Penn State under the circumstances.
It is indeed unfortunate for us that the two holiday periods be
came associated the way they did Prior to the mass meeting the atti
tude of many of the students was practically a threat They virtually
said “If you don’t give us a Thanksgiving vacation, we will not par
ticipate in the Inauguration.” Under these circumstances, the request
had to be refused
We are glad to note now however that these students have lost
their Bolshevik ideas and are now content to allow the proper authori
ties to run the college. The mass meeting showed that the Penn State
spirit is still here It showed that the student body wants to go at
least half way and wishes to cooperate to the extent of its ability. The
resoluton withdrawing the petition for the Thanksgiving vacation re
lieves Doctor Thomas of the unpleasant task of refusing the request
and yet leaves the matter so that it can be presented again when the
circumstances are mpre favorable.
The stand taken by the mass meeting with regard to the Inaugura
tion is the best indication of the real Penn State spirit for several years
The student body realizes that it will be the most spectacular event
which has ever come to Penn State They see that the name of Penn
State is involved and that the Inauguration is vital to the entire stu
dent body, that it is an occasion which comes but once in a life time
and which must be put across in great style if the many visitors are to
go home satisfied with those few days
WASH. A.VI) JEFF.—The annual re
ception of the ftcshmui class by the
college Y M C A was tcndcied In the
JO inn isluni, with a Imgc attendance of
the new men The reception was in
clmige of the local societary, who gave
i shoit tall: welcoming the new men,
tnri urging them to mike the most of
idv milages offered by this Christian
issoclution ami to, attend rcgulaily the
Wodnosdiy evening meetings After a.
musical entertainment and refresh
ments the paity bioke up
HASH. A.TUFF—It ha 3 become
Imperative In view of the immense
crowds that ate tuining out for the
home foothill games to supply addi
tional seating facilities in College Field,
an a result of the great advance de
mand for tickets foi tho Bucjcnell and
Carnegie Tech games New stands will
be erected one hundred feet long and
twenty rows deep, giving additional
seats to about two thousand
NUSQUFHAiSXA—Tho annual tlo-up
of the Sophomore and Freshman class
es was hold on Whrnor Field result
ing in a G-0 victoiy for the Freshman
This a-rap was the first showing of
united spirit on the part of tho incoming
class and. although outnumbering the
Sophomore's two to one, tho scrap was
full of fight and not wanting at any
timo for availing moments
RUTGERS—The growth of the Depart
ment of Education lias reached such a
stage that intgci quarters are required
and us tho loom at present occupied
by ilho Y M C A in Van Nest Hall
Is tho most logical addition, it is prob
able that in the n«u future, it will bo
necossary for tho Y. M. C A, to find
now headquarters Wdth (this end In
_ _ Editor
Assistant Editor
Senior Associate
A. E Post '23 D D Scliivo '23
Miss Doris Browning '23
,MJs3 Sarah E Croll
E E Helm '24 E M Jameson '24
C B. Tilton ‘2l
R C Welch '24
Business Manage:
„„ Advertising Manager
„ Circulation Manager
C. D Hotbcrt ’23
W, _R. A_uman_
view, plans are being considered to
lease a house on or ncai the campus
to provide suitable quarters foi the
Association until pcimunont buildings
aie erected Dean Martin, upon inlci
view, stated that It was one of his
ambitions foi tho College to erect a
scpuute building for tliis essential and
worthy Association, but it would suie
ly be a long while bofoio such an out
lay could be made, as other oufldlngs
vveie so imperatively needed
CORNELL—During the past year tho
number of Cornell Alumni Clubs has
been increased by twelve, making a
total of 83 In the development of
Cornell clubs It has been the aim of
The Alumni representatives to cover
the world with Alumni organizations
so that overy alumnus may bo an ac
tive member. One phases of the vvoik
has been ito send the names of tbc un
dergraduates who left the University
in June to tho Alumni clubs In the
particular section in which they reside,
so that tho propor connection will bo
maintained The greatest reunion ac
tivity in Cornell’s' history Is being
planned for next Juno The publish
ing of a now directory along the lino
of the Ton Year Book, issued In 1908,
was authorized at a mooting of tho
Board of Trustees, and tho Committee
was given power to employ necessary
clerical and editorial assistance
rccontly declared a work day to gravel
a bad stretch of road between the col
lege and tho highway A now coat of
grnvol now adores the road whidh
means many hard hours of labor and
includes blisters and soro spots Presi
dent Kent donned his working clothes
and lead tho students In thair work
For those who failed to appear for tho
work, a bath in tho irrigation ditch
Tuesday. September II
All Dn> —Penn Slate Engineer will be
illstilhutcd at Co-op
7 00 p m—Licoiiiing Countj Club, 15
00 p m—Clioh “A" Amlitoiium, to
lie u sal foi Cantata.
S 00 p m—Clioii "13'', Amlitoiium, io-
hem sal foi Cintuti
S 30 p m—Tilbunal Meeting, 315 Main
8 30 p ni—Endowment Memotlal Com
mittee Meeting. 14 L A.
W ediiesduy
7 00 p m—Lackawanna County Club,
20C Old Alain
7 30 p m —l E Society. 201 Eng C.
Cldor feed and smokoi
The pilnuiiy training in the forma
tion of a winning xoccci squad lias
been accomplished by tbc coaching
staff ttuough the untiling effoits of
the membets of the varsity elevens and
the peiiod of tactical insliuctlon slatt
ed with the piaotlce last night Foi
, three weeks the new coaching stuff
has been diilling the socceiitles in the
valious fundamental details of the
game and have hesitated befoic al
lowing scrimmage to -enter into the
schedule but with the approach of the
fiist game of the season, Coaclios Pak
cnhani and Dennis, have decided that
tlie time lemalning should be devoted
to the second and third stages of the
practice routine decided upon at the
beginning of the season
According to tho infoi malion given
out by tho coaches yesterday, the first
pait of the week will be devoted to
gruelling sciimmage work of shoit
time peiiods, giadually becoming long
er until the end of the week when the
squud will be put thiough the haidest
work of the season Definite teams
will not be selected until the week end
practice when the coaches will make
known tho line-up for the first two
teams The icmainlng members of the
squad will be expected to report at
cveiy piactice to substitute in case of
in jury or a change in the personnel of
the tonms
Another name was added to the list
ot cripples when Boist '24 strained a
ligament In his foot In a sciimmage
last Friday afternoon lie will be able
to return to tho field befoic the end
of the week for the injuiy was not of
a sci lous nature Paget '22 Is still
having trouble with his knee and will
not be able to enter scrimmage foi a
week at the earliest, while Longhurst
'23 Is back w Ith the squad In fairly
good condition
The Department of Horticulture an
nounces that the college orohards are
yielding an unusually good apple crop
this fall, considering that this Is a poor
year foi apples in Pennsylvania It
is un excellent and practical example of
what intelligent cultivation, fertilizing,
and spraying will accomplish in the
way of insuilng good crops
The aop will aggiegnte about four
thousand bushels, port of which are
being sold In Altoona and Pittsburgh,
for fiom two and one-half to three and
one-half dollais a bushel, and part of
wliioh aie being put into local storage
The students in Horticulture are pick
ing and inicking tho entile crop
The seniors in Agiicultuio Chemistry
will take an interesting and extensive
tiip In the eastern puit of the state.
Horn November sixth to twelfth The
object in taking the trip Is to acquaint
the students with the various indus
tries in which Agricultural Chemistry
pl ty s an impoi tant part and to observe
some of the problems with / which
workets along those lines must cope
The toQr will also servo to show the
students tlie conditions under which
they may bo woiking In the -near fu
Some of the establishments they
hope to visit aie the Suplec Dairy Com
pany, The Philadelphia Quart? Com
pam, foi tillzer soap and dye factor
ies, Tlie Congolcum Company, lhe
Shaiph-s Company, The Franklin Sug
*ii Company , the Colburn Spice Com
pmv. and the factory where Campbell
Poik and Beans are mule Besides
these the students witl visit the labor
atory of tho University of Pennsylvania
nml of Jefferson Medical College
The Music Room
High Grade Groceries a Specialty
i ’
Fruits and Vegetables in Season.
The Love Letters of
A Shorthorn
ACtei the Footliawl Game
Which we w m
Pansy Lb iggs.
■\uiii the goodeiest, besteiest ghrul
In nil creasln.ii, includin tho h unlut of
State College Foi a fellow to at live
to Ills bin dlu I urn!«. with nothin on his
mlndc but i haiccut an uieeLtn up
with a pue of lavender bodioom slip
pel s which was onlv 1 size too small an
home muds by his best giirul—why
Pinsv, I’d give up we.uin suapcndeis
if only 1 could feel that first spism of
delight tlcklin at my Inncids again
boil of an unnesossoiy sensation which
m ikes my Inteligcnce forgit she is gaz
in out over the bak yaid instert of Into
the glcmln orbs of light that makes the
delicious Pansy wise enuff to see the
glowin vhtues in Jaspei Stubbs an
blight enuff to bite them luvely Inishols
in the hind part of them slippois
You see, old side-kicker, the foini I
hive adapted'is love feist in all things
before dutv inkludln meets When
wuiise I tell you ail wat 1 think bout
you, it soitn cleais my konshence and
Pei pai es me fci mere detail It jest
reminds me of a fellow I met wile
jabbin for a hunk of bred an exfdent
eily punktuiln his hand acioss the
table He was cuiious -to know wat
mime the icgclct bony fide inhabltonts
of the humble town which ahelteipd us
In oin yulh went by "Well" I says
to him I says “If you don't know
theie kilsseud name, youd ptobly refer
to em ax Wigglesvillera '
•An I suppose" says he "that the
giuiils is nil Wigglesvilloresscs"
“Not on yout tlntlpe' I says, says I,
staiulin on my dignity an the uppei
pmth step, "there ain't but one girnil
there mil I woodent say that bout her "
Always cuttln up like that, some of
,the fellows is Its funny how playful
college boys act perticlerly at a foot 1 game Tho most playfuller of em
gets on the teem which is all diessed
up with kostumes which contain pil
lows cov uing tho most strenuous parts
of theie anatomy A football 1 game,
tot your cloosidatlon Pansy, is like a
kombimuion of lo rjv frog, high spy,
tug and play in mnibles fer keeps
Oi co trso. like any other amuze
monts, there is sertin limitations to be
konsideied Fer Instence, trampin on
nnolhei fellows face with 1 foot Is no
f.ues—you should use both feet. Then
wunso in a wile an axident happens,
mebbe a fellow gets hit fn the stumlck
fiotn both sides oi -gets a coupla el
bows unjointed Things like that is
liable to aggicjrato some fellows into
la>ln down on the grass and refusin
to piny Can't blame then none, cause
you know how huit youi feellns wood
be if somebudy hit you a kick in tho
bak of tho xtumick
An then us fellows that Is observers
to the peiformencc' an wish In to e\-
pioss our ainlnositi in some substan
shcl way, hellers out “Come on gang;,
wholes that old fito” Heaiin our
cries the docte- ' as out with a
buckit full of lours a bunch
down the fellow;
It fetches em aiw .ight off Youd
bo suprUed to how:! K wink it la before
the fellow Is *qipT oh "his 'hind legs.
Mampln round an blow In his nose with
his ringers an pullin out hfs shirt tale
Sorta ankshus >ou. know*, to start in
again like as if he was bashful at him
self fei wantln a rest
And then we all cheei him Choei-
In is nothin moie 01 leaa than a bunch
ot tollows hollerln the same'thine at
the same lime ur the slkologikel jnlnet
like the fellow said that was blow in
tob.iku smoke oxer me durin the last
game “For mjself” I says “It sounds
a wee bit too noisy to call It that"
“W'oll, If Its sound youi mecln" he
snorts,'coteiin me with a clvillj stare
•in a pipeful of ashes, “I think it sounds
| Quick and £
s Efficient |
■ Service $
B tr
S ' s
Brown Bros.
An organization which can
carry out efficiently and
at moderate cost every de
tail of your musical re
quirements -
1524 Chestnut Street
like—" An you know as "well os I
do. Pansy, wat Sherman said war was
But oven such a boisterous thing like
cheorln rekwires flslkel Icmershlp
Mot oily an lntelehtuollj, cheer leadln Is
-ated an a miner sport, same us kro
shnvin nn toodlin, or ds It liddlln—the
n irne of that new dunce wat mpkes
\om feet stutter
Fellows that do the cheer leadln arc
Intent upon mnkin up cuts akumutatod
akoulinuo the daws wat govern the de
partment of fisikel cduknshcn These
laws suj that two ouis a weak must be
spent in some form of atbletlk cntci
]u 1/e, altho running to classes an chew
in gum dont count An of course >ou
know, Pms>, wat a cut is It meens
somethin you miss To uneistnnd pro
zactlj wat I meen, simply refer bak to
last winter when >ou was choppln some
klndlln foi supper an missed the chop
pin block
An >ou’ll lemember Dave Sabbera,
that curious old kuku who ast me the
nokst da> wheie nbouts >ou had cut
%ci self You now my disposition,
Pansj, I woodent give the old lcodgor
no Information whatever so I states
bioefly. "Genrelly speakln, Miss Briggs
cut herself with an axe Tuesday bout
an Inch an a half below the knee"
But gosh, Pansy, I Jest now raises
my e>es to look Into the figured face
of my alarm klock Ten okloclt, is
late ours fei the yung, so hero goes
Your angelik,
The class in Matkct Milk began its
annual drive on State College this week
The object is to see how much milk
is consumed by every family, boarding
house, restaurant, (hotel and fraternity
in town The suivey made a year ago
showed State College to be above the
avenge In milk consumed per capita
The average consumption per capita
for the U S Is six tenths of a pint
of milk a day .while the average foi
each poison in State-College one >eai
ago was nine tenth of a pint each day
The consumers are classified as pri
vate homes, boaiding houses, fraterni
ties, and restnuiants At this time last
>oai tlie boas ding houses of the town
led in the consumption of milk with
one and two tenths pints por person
Although the consumption of milk in
State College is above the average, it
lb far below the amount recommended
by authorities on human diet, who sai
that each man, woman and child should
use one quart of milk every day
All alumnae and senior girls are urgt
cd to he present at a big "Get-togethei
Partv" on Saturday night, October fif
teen th at seven-thirty, in the Woman's
Building. The senior quartet, a sopho
more stunt, an alumnae impromptu, a
one-act play by the Penn State Players,
music and refreshments are the events
of the evening
Her pretty
little pink
-bare feet, feet
fthat carry her
into mischief.
Watch new charms of this
wonder-woman unfold here
every issue. Sec next issue
for full particulars.
Pastime Theatie
Self Filling Fountain Pens
We have a nice assortment in .
stock and guarantee every pen .
is perfect.
The Letter Box
To the Edltoi of the Collegian:
Might it bo suggested that In the an
ciently prccedcntcd custom known os
Povertj Day the so called "men" keep
to their own sex In its observance Tho
women pf Penn State-hud no part - ln
the building of that tradition and have 1
no desire to he amused and harassed by
unsought cscoits, pseudo proposals, or
boistetous cmbiaces of Freshmen egg
ed on by bullying Sophomores and ac
quiescent upper classmen The wom
en students by abolishing hazing have
shown that they desire to treat tho
Fieshinen of thclr sex as human beings
and not objects of ridicule If tho men
wish to consider tho Preshmen'as com
edians on a cheap vaudeville stage let
thorn do It without forcing the women
students to Join In their unsocmlngly
carrytn-on Tho demonstration at Mc-
Allister Hall Satuiday noon was de
cidedly uncalled for and unappreciated
by patticipants and witnesses That
part of the custom would bo "more
honored in the breach than in tho ob
sei vance ”
A Senior Co-ed
Candidates for Editorial Staff
Report Every Wednesday Night
fj* 7:30 P. M. Room 12 Liberal Arts
The Store Everybody
Is Talking About'
“Bob, do you'know,
when I found the]
/ sa~'- ’ Brand' that gives me
the most wear and
, fits best, was at ■a ■]
store where they ■ al- (
_ ways make a man feel i
that they want to sat- ]
isfy him, even though ]
: $lO, $11.50 it takes extra time. I i
tell you, they’re just
as careful as can be about giving a good I
fit. That’s why I am able to wear anew i
pair pt shoes with Comfort.” - I
i Yes, what he said was absolutely true.
We do want to be of real service to our
customers.' Look' on this as - YOUR'
STORE. Trust your footwear needs to ■
us and watch us make good.
Sheep-Lined Coats-Society Brand Clothes-Arrow Collars
Special $15.50 np, a*, n. Special-17c
This TneQuality Shop: Th is
I Week M. FROMM ~ Week
Only Opposite Front Campus Only
No Exchange Charge on Checks.
Between' the Movies;
Tuesday, October 11,1921
The Carbon County Club held a meet
ing: last -week to organize for the com
ing: year and to elect officers 1 The fol
lowing will hold positions In the club
for the coming year F La pitch '22,
president. Miss E J Reese *23 vdee
presldent, E J Bashbce ‘24, secretary,
J. Rlchardsrtreasurer
Special this week
Chocolate Ice Cream
* 20c pint, lOc half'pint