Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, February 25, 1921, Image 4

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    Page Four
On itl-ie Corner
and Lovell & Covell Chocolates
..1)01 . 1 Orme a 01011 knoon melo-
Mannaio sketch lit C (Melt, oi
presented 010101 the auspices of the
Penn State 1 1 1,octs to omall but an
t..chaise audience In the Audit°Cum
I tst Tueod is °sealing The plot of the
play Is I ad In England shout 1630 and
hts us Its thone the stots of Don'l
Dome oho, holm: been dkumointed
In lost, his hithlan himself In the little
shle village of Notions One night
n 110,11151., oho ate entle,ollllo to
escape trout Commell ale, enter lilt
house to bile and olum they ale ilk
toteled flee .nul litre behind .1 bob).
that hits etch Intl usted to Melt cate
she bobs s ineeenco In the but coin
plctelv mgt. linucti outlook on
and he tesomes hltcl.mlth un
Skater; bet. taer the man oho left
the child In Dime's hut and Oho In
the tneantlinc his ce into the pOS
-4,,,10n. 01 5 1.1.1‘, om
ohleh In
cludes Drucc's forge, tomes to the
lilachsmlth's and oscidentl3 ellscoseto
that Doloths Is Ills child 10 the soil,
It Is cllscoseted tit tt 00001110 Is 00011>
Dl uoe s Mon 011111 and th tt the landlord
oao the non oho "tined Domes life
10 1110 utl,
Mks %Mita Ch lf, as “Dcnothe Dime'
oatnsli the ot ti of the ...Ong
and did o goat deal tooatils making
the plat the n sitonS 1101 luting
ors quite alms e Ono sort of Ming
01,1111eeen In Sla Ii cOnialnle, and ho
facial esplesolon oos especially oral)•
of note
IV titer milson who pki3eil opposite
Miss Clint in the title 1010 is also
of noir_ In tint tlt wt net as the nal lied
ems tuba main the stolid this
the datk nl moos of Ills-,reclied life
anil late, as the tillage blacksmith
whose °nit desire was to keep Doioth)
it him Ills Interim citation lt a , 4 almost
The difficult put of the bailiff Mi.
Intermeted ri South. In a Ner3
con - lendableminuet Souther s
part MII4 Tor them ost patt comic but
ashen It called for real dramatic acting
hemanaged It In it nay desemlng of
Among the other chamstels of more
rn levy minor _parts, Ira Keith, oho ap
pe tt ed In the fh st act as Di ace's broth
and hates as Doroths . s sailor loser,
and Edmund For,le, a Slr Jaspol
Conde: of Combo Raven, the a titian
recelsed much tacos able comment
The entire east Is given below
Ripley. a lishertnan • .3 13 Souther
Marine, Druces Brothel Ira Keith
Reuben Haines. a Sergeant of Horse
Dan I Diuce Walter Pi'son
Sir Jasper Combs Edmund Fordo
A Set Scant Stank) Truckle
Doelam, Wine ad, a Sailor Ma 'Keith
Dot °CM Drum: Miss Sham Cant
(continued from first pane)
mot en of much ,alue had the confer
once been em I led out no at ranged
from Crida3 until Mondat the con
tinence ootk 0111 he taken up b) the
Y. - .11 C A and the dirtornt chtuchey,
and during thin thee an arm t 0111 be
node to detetznlne the number of stud
ent, in college oho Jte Oiling to de
tote filch lives to Christian moll,. On
Match thild, too hundred actlte 0011%-
Easter conies early this year, March 27, so it's up to
you to make an early selection of your new clothes.
There are four things you
demand in a suit: -
Style Wear 4
Fit, Good Tailoring
We can outfit you to your
own satisfaction, for we --
Kahn Made•to-Measure Clothes
SMITH'S Tailor Shop
"The Shop with a Conscience"
Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing
O Neatly Done -
CI of all denominations meet 11
.t hammet In tile basement of the :troth
°dist Chuith 111111011 las
Melt plans le 11 111011 u,es hOPO to ca
sas Cu student hod, C 0 es n lake
„ill le toted to matucint thc stud
ent' 111th the alm of the comet ones and
to see th tt as mate men s possible
1 1.010 0 Intel stools The ill mof le
11 students In this tinti
tnesented at a llt go clotting ill Nell
Yells Cita M. tem tilting . tgents of all
denominations not long ago and those
111011 me looldng 11 lth eisceptlonal In
[most Unsaid the success of the con
fine:lee If the plan Is suteessful It
111 undoubted!. 110 used In othet in
stitutions A list of ndillesses and n°ll
- nt ranged Its the - 1" M C A Is
extenslse „111 be to, DILL,
0511110. 1.111101 1,011 11 11 111 11011101 .1 stet
eoptit m 10111110 in the Auditorium on
r% lain evening, on sCiti/ens of the - New
\Vol Id' nhlch 11 111 be la old In Its :mope
1011 11 111 be of Intent alonal Intmest
Conon Mg tills 1111111 ess, four sectional
eonfetenees 01111 110 110111 in the 0111
Chapel and tile Liberal Alt, Buildinst
and sill did 111111 the needs of the
...hurdles, met, Is Christian sank the
not tile M C d, and 100 1 / 1 1
pel ties S gurdav be let oted to
thon 11 inttmlens tenoning . up Mt
.thole named coact oaths and to small
tonfetenees dialing 011th the 1101 It of
the loral thumb, the educational 11110-
slon, ett
On Sundae, a. special Chite will he
mule in which - the inemant needs of the
cam eh 0 111 be elophssized anal an uf -
gent plot will be put loath tot mod.-
et% Men whoa le hest fitted to pre
sent the mese. ethical situation 0 111
sheath in the f talons Manches anal st
m chutch mill conduct .an lratensice
camp algal among its, constitnenev on
the campus In Me alt. noon of the
same day two -- confefencea 0 111 talc
place .tt which the specifiic, needs, both
foleign anal home, 0111 be teem esented
The ‘ocational guidance Ind life weak
ta tilting conference win close on Mon
dot. the totarteenth of Match tt hen the
church represented,es and secretaries
of interdenominational agencies m 11l
meet for a general discussion of the
campaign and for a tabulation of the
The church no, stands In a sem
em ideal position and it is pith a lealiza,
clan of this blase of affahe that the
yminus churches and the C A
bane planned the chive rot next month
Not for contusion has the Church had
such little Influence, but feu people
seats to realize it Only , [we', hunched
men mill graduate from the numerous
seminaries throughout the country this
summo and an average of five thou
sand ministers 'all° emery yenr ftom
the ministry. This means that the dif
ference will have to be made up from
college graduates or from untrained
men Just out Of high bebop] At the
same time tuenty -flye hunched social
um kers sea needed annually and, lodg
ing from lenient Indications, the supply
this year Alin be enthely inadequate to
meet the demands Oyet oe bundled
thousand 111.1 and unison will be ',cod
ed for Christian professions lit 5150 next
9 A Perfect Deal A
As we define it: A clean, comfortable, 9
$ well ventilated dinmgroom; plus pure food
S properly prepared.
12 Q. Et. ID.I/TRICI-I, Penn States '2O I,
the )eats tool thus It is because of
these set loos demands that' the position
of Cluisticnity so 11l be laid before the
students at the coming conference
There is t ',lntl need ftirmen in fet
ch. inissionto.t fields also and only
large tesuonse of solunteers st 111 be
sufficient to ear" out the proposed
n of It
(Continued from first nags)
of action nom omit to finish No in
formation as to the abilities of King
mlif fight in the heart weight class
at Millis mho a ill enter the ibis: whet
the 145 pound mobil Is announcol
the. men Nan ant fill the 125 and DM
pound het tits could be obtained but it
is higlii) inobible that these %%tight.
St ill be taken cite of os ho‘olo o hu. 510
of the same canine as the lemalnder of
the tenni
The sante team o hick hosed so tow
cessfolly-against Penn last neck, with
the exception of Cooper, will mahe the
till) to Annapolis. looting here this
°mmink and lemming sometime on
Stmdnt \ walla nal fill Cooper's place
inasmuch as the 1\ Ittany slugger fight
in, at 135 pounds has dropped belon
in some of his scholastic studies and
tt ill thi errs e be nimble to aecontint
the team
Captain Kahle , : 0111 fill thells pound
bet th asusual and It Is felt belt that
Hatt is o ho defeated hint last )ear
h tie to e‘tend himself to his fullest
abilits if he hopes to stop the Blue
and White le idol Nahley put up a
o undo] ful fight I Vie b.tut it., night and
should tilt things tonsidettthly when
he meets his t contest et of last seutee
Vavllln. the 13100 Ind Whitt bowl
ttho appeaied In the 125 pound berth
In the Inter. a Lit Sinlngfield and aho
iraira led to Irate left college for
tin. teal, h tv retained and will he sent
In to oppose the midshipman In the
lii linund dhision Yeah]. Is a clews
box, but It it calculated that he ail:
hale mighta opponent 0 hen Ire laralr-
Cs inltts nMr Captain .Tones of the
Nan, team
The lemaintlet of the Ilne-up mill
consist at Atibuish mho has appeared
this yea, in luo Intel collegiate meets
Clot!, mho shoned up exceptionally
meil Inst nook but „ho lost by a shade
to Besse' Beck nho nall b) a technical
knockout ON or Lamas, the highly touted
Penn siugget. and Medici. who sewed
the s ensation of the evening Mien he
hod Connell of Quake, ring fame In
le, than tno rounds
Boeap R 111 Again Ede:rep
William I-I. llocap of the Ledger has
been practically duelded on 'as - the man
trill olliciate at the match tomtit
Throe has been some discussion
reel thenoan oho trill fill this !MIMI [-
ant post Octb the eoneensus of opinion
Coq.) body 'Notice f
Fresh Me4ts
do - y
seems to indicate that Meat, n ill be
the man picked run judges a 111 also
be present at the ringside and n ill ren
der decisions at tile end of the third
round Should the judges disagree, no ,
cup. in case he is selected to oniciate,
alit either order another round or bleak
the deadlock by aearding•the decision.
The Netermn referee did this last Sat
urday night and In every care his action
was such as indicated that he was en
tirely unbiased and that he knew the
fine points of the game.
(Continued from first paged
Henderson '2l, I. B :nor. T 1 and J
A. Kenninian '2l. H. D HIM T 1 and
P La Mont Henninger T 4 will nerve an
ancient. fot Penn State ned Dickin
nen let,pectheiv The Chairman for the
meet will be Dean Sachett but th •
ludgen have not vet been chosen
The team that will travel to Buckn Il
to defend the negative side of the gene-
Son 0111 be an ranee: tV. E Romig '23
it C 'Crawl G W. Supplee '22 and
11 10 Sterner '22. alternate The line
up of the oppotting leant le not known
but It trill undoubtedly sell balanced
and will represent a squad of excellent
debaters Tmo of the Penn State men
Ti S Adams and W B Romig. who
speak this evening hate never before
upheld this institution in Intercollegiate
One steels from tonight the Blue
end White debate.; still participate In
oother three-cornered affair one team
tasseling to Pittsburgh to debate with
a team from Pitt and the other re
nyining In State College to meet Col
gate. The sae question which Is to
be used this evening still lye the sub-
Joel of debate mmln next smelt and trill
be of lively nature B B Oterdot f '22,
K D Hart '2l, G D Stoddard '2l and
P. S Adams '29 as alternate will debate
nt Pittsburgh on the negative side
hily R F Stet net 2. L if Runkle
. 22 0. W Supple° '22 and .1 L Packet
21. alto note. will uphold the affirmathe
In the Auditorium against Colgate
Communications are w going on
With other Institutions no
ilh the idea
of scheduling a twent, -four hour tilt
between Penn State and some other
college of note There is a strong pos
sibility. that George Washington Univ
ersity met Inc net In such a debate and,
If en, the Nittany representatives will
have a tcrs lit elv debate on their
Plumbing & Heating
I The big, or little
, company—which?
lit THEN the - talk turns to where should a
Y V fellow•start work, a question arises on
which college men naturally take sides
"You'll be buried in the big company," say
some. "Everything is red tape and depart
ments working against each other."
"Your tittle company never gets you any,
where'," others assert. "The biggci the
company the bigger your opportunity." -
And - that seems true—but in a ditreient
sense. Not physical size but bigness of purpose
should be our standard for judging an indus
trial organization just as it is for judging a man.
Where will you find this company with
a vision?
Whether its plant covers a hundred acres.
or is only a dingy shop up three flights is on
the face of 'it no indication of what you want
to know—is such and such a company mole
concerned with developing men and ideas than
_boosting profits at the expense of service?
- You must-look deeper. What is the or
ganization's standing in the industry? What do
its customers say? What do its competitors say?
'I here are industries and there are companies
which offei you every opportunity to grow.
Spiritually they me as big and broad as the
earnest man hopes to build himself: If you
are that kind of mail you will be satisfied 'with
a company of no lower standards.
Conversely, if you ale working for such a
big-soiled company, the very filet will argue
that you yourself are a man worth while. For
in business as in social life a man is known by
the company, he picks. -
Published in
• the interest of Eke;
trmal Development by
- tion that Mill
d by what.
elps the
an Institu
be hclpe•
ever h•
estern Electric Company
'Handbook_ $440 84
(3000 books cost nearly slooo—
paid by ads)
Telegraph and telephone .. 07000
Office expense -- 300 00
(New typewriter, stationery)
Postage— 250 00
(An average 30 letters a day)
Printing _ 250 00
(Bedsore. ballots, circular let
ter etc )
Buildin s, g
Maintenance . 100 00
(Bemire on Hut)
Social . - . 250 00
(Breshnum Reception, Saturday
Its, etc.)
Demo alien & Corn. Ser. _ 200 00
(One-half tmvEling expense,
deputation teams. Christmas
tarty tar 145 county children.
ltm d Sunday School Picnics,
alms _ _ 500 00
I Including Wilson Series, Re
r, eking Conference and some
',Way Speakers) -
°flue Secretary.' _ 1000 00
(Other sularicv raised lc Tr est
cos and Alumni)
The One Week Inn Long Time
+ —_____. 4 .
. i
I Two Snare DrumS and a I
I - Base Drum _ 1
1 Cheap for Cash ' Call 39. R 1
. _
IF you have an- idea in your mind
that clothes tailored to your own
measure are out of your 4-
reach in price _
for it is not so.' Come in' and
. . let us prove it.
Three tines to Select From.
_ IHarry W. Sauers
Robison Block
The electrical industry needs men who can
_ see far and think straiiht:
An organization which holds for Its
ideal the hope that It may measure up
to the aspirations of those who work
in it.
Friday, February 25, 1921
Summer Confetenee Fund. •
_(Providing loans to help get 10
days training at Sheet Eng)
Total Budget _ _ . 54014.34
(Used foe actual student Atotk) .
You'll Not Forget