t,/; 4 47mi,-J- -• Wonder Who Will Be The Next Proxy? i VOL XVI. No. 31 VARSITY BOXERS DOWN SPRINGFIELD New England College Represented By Team of Hard-Hitting and - Scientific Pugilists PENN STATE WINS 5 TO 2 Captain Kahley, Vasilia, Cooper and Aiken Win Bouts—Red and White Forfeits Heavyweight The Penn Stale baiting team allotted Its aupellority oval Stu:nab,id College In the first varsity ring battle fot -the pi went year last Saturday night, toinn ing the meet 1,5 a score of five - to two. The NltUtny mend took honors In the 111. 125. 135 and 160 pound classes and In addition sikured :mother point to mid to their more bythe failure of Spring field to enter a man In the heavyweight division. Tao technical knockouta wore recorded during the course of the 7match. the first of these coming In the 16 pound class in favor of Captain it'ahle) while tile other occurred in the 145 pound division In fitter of the Springfield num.boxing at this weight. Eitery ono of tile matches - 550re fought at top speed, with hard hitting and feat foot work as the salient characteristics Seldom hati tile Armory seen such a 'monster moull as_was assembled lust &mutiny night When the too teams entered tile ringside silent> after omen frelnek every atallable scat under the roof had been snapped up by those who item eager to witness the inaugunttion of tile sport hero for this season. It In estimated that nearly three thous and persons were on hand, occupying anything from a place near the coiling down to a mean auttutting place In front of the ring. A large number of women students sere in attendance also end occupied tile section resolved for them In all the athletic contests held In tile Armory. Although It was the original intention of the oppoxlng teams to run off the 115 pound bout, the opening attraction on the evening's sport and was the battle in thisl2s pound division betiVecn Vanilla of Penn State and Snyder of Springfield. In the first round, Vasille. ehoweti that ho had a 0110111 edge over Snyder, landing many blows to the head of the Springfield men. At the end of the round Vanilla showed the effects of his efforts and when he retired to his corner at the sound - of the gong, he appeared to be rather groggy. The urconkl round begde Ith both b core ^ • took, a lively torn Seed el rusherlVatillia to the ropes many the Penn State boxer rebounding soleral times with a forco that nos not at all to the liking of the New tngland er As the round wore on, Vas'lin be gan to, piny the waiting game but at the same time landed himuo uhenever the opimrtunity afforded itself When the round Was up Vnsilla hod Snyder pretty , well played out but th • e Penn State' nine's mistake was that he failed to follow-up his punches sufficiently. Tile 'third round nns a - repetition of the preceding round with Snyder still rushing Wallin to the ropes and Vanilla on the other hand still lathing the proper • follow-up en his Vows In the last round Snyder penetrated Vanilla's guard on many occasions and landed bloyys of much force Au there Was no judges to doable the winner of the bout, the referee's decision was awarded to \resign. Malloy Defeats 3fcCamber Tho Lght In the 116 pound class which ens run nit next TMs one of the faetest !louts on the card. Captain ICahley of the Nlttnny spend faced McCarreher In tide weight The round started oIT with a bang. (Continued on third page) Benefit Movie To BeShOwnTomorrow In accordance with the precedent sot by other motion picture exhibitors throughout the country, the Nittany Theatre Company has announced that It will run a matinee tomorrow after noon for the benefit of European Child 'Relief. Thu matinee will start at two o'clock and will feature tile troll known motion plainly actress, Bebe Daniels in ono of her latest releases, "She Couldn't Hap It." Twenty-live cents with no war tax will be charged for admission with the, maim proceeds realized going to the roller mission. Sioro the cessation of hostilities, the European Belief Council for whose benefit the matt.° Is to bo given has been rendering invaluable nanlatanco to the starving children of Europe. Monet has boon raised In this country for the work, each industry pledging Itself to it certain part of the fund required. An appalling lock of food exists In practi cally all of the countries of Easturn and Central Europo and according to re m:wt. received through the Council throe and a half million children face starvation and disease With each help as the Council will twelve hero tomorrow, meals and meal , cal aid will be given the European chil dren. Only ono meal a day will be giv en each child but the meals will be of ouch a character that they will save the lives of the children and than avert a major tragedy. Only undernourished children are fed and all meals are eaten on the premises so that there is no div bling up with the adults Tho molten picture industry which has aided considerably In the work of tho Council has pledged over three mil lion dollars to the cause. This money will be raised by performances such an will he hold hero. SAVE! TED DATE ARCII 4, 1921 .... ~ sari, -Weekly '''''' -ruti tatr-,4,,:4---,.,, ; . r . c I :'' l) n ,- '. .'.., 85 ...,„ FAMOUS ORGANIST WILL GIVE CONCERT SUNDAX, The students and faLult) mill be no odled one of tile finest musical en- Minments tam gh.t.n In Mato Col lette next Sunday 0(105 noon when Dr. J. 1 , . 'Mlle, tile noted organist 0.111 give ceitni hi the Auditorium undo] tit. auspil I of the Detest totem of Di Voile in ono of the fete:oost organ ists lit the Lotion y and honors the col lege thiough his %init. Put yeArn he Ilan been the lender of the Duch Cholt of Ucthlchvm and In recognized as a numtet of the ottam The roles liens *titbit Ito will render will be of a maitre to animal to oleo one and will include unit the choicest ititx...s of the great mentors of musleui componltlnn An inutortant feature of the CO M. u 111 be the annotutionn whit h Di. \Voile gameys gives bolero owh number which enable ever) ono to °oh.* the selections to the utmost. JAPANESE JIU JITSU EXPERT ENTERS HERE Nipponese Student Will Continue Agricultural Education at Penn State—Attracted by Athletics That Penn State'n athletic tame and the reputation of but School of Agri aculrt e . t l l l r l c o v n o o r t confined n of rttoly Unlled States sum foto:fully brought out last nook, When Nateutoshi Nalte, n Sap omen student and Nu Jitsu expert. uho for some time has lived oh the Pacific Coast, arrived at-State College, and nue admitted as a epecinl student in mud- culture—the first _of his nation to I, enrolled here. Before 1010100 to thi COlllll.l y, Naito was a student at th. Inmeilal College of Agrleulture v in Jan an, am well no ono of, the foremost 00 portents Of 'Um anti, art of self do fence He came to this country to con thaw 1,111 eduußlon along scientific as rlcultural lines and mince arriving I. ho United Statoo h. maintained 1 mutation an a MU Ann performer to mean utlibre Fro was attracted to Penn State be can. ho had heard td the college as an Institution %theta athletics wore kept on a high Dia.°, and because he had bad the college recommended to him for MI continuance of bin ugricultural utudlutu For several months before coining met. Naito helped to manage a farm In thu state of Oregon. Ho In spucbtlly illeoloBtOd In vegetable surd ening and It In expected that he bill devote moat of hie time to special work In horticulture fnito is to master of 31W - 31taii. - , flip '.panes. ave , of - wroattlnst Sense He studied It for fourteen year. amino which time he obtained a grnd ante degrtat and advancol to the chant plonahip clam In Mu own countm I a Japanese ',reading tournament belt In Sacramento, California, It cently, It defeated five men In succession, a re Intuitable achievement LLCM= He Is greatly Interested In American w tending and itex already reported to Coach Lowis to learn the game . It It Waled In thin country. Ills weight still place him In tho 141 pound class most likely. Ile hae had no 'experience whatsoever in our mole of grappling, hut It in expected that he Will develop Into good material along tills lino. Bor fore coming here, ho received offers front four of five western universities to teach to Stsu to their students, but having hoard no much of Penn State oldie Ito (iced on the western coast, he decided to come oast and join the NICAny institution. It is poselide that while he is hero ho wild organize a class In his cativo sport and Impart some of his im.Jetige and skill to Penn State students who dosire to learn Mu St. FROSH DRIBBLERS AT WORK FOR NEXT GAM Bellefonte Academy to Furnish Strong Opposition in Return Game Here Saturday The yearling basketball team will op pose the Bellefonte Academy team In Its first home contest on Saturday. The Billie at Bellefonte on Friday evening January fourteenth was a hard one and It ma only through extra hard effort on the part of tile Freshmen that they emerged us winners by a one point margin. The material on the Bellefonte team Is above that which is generally produced by preparatory schools They proved their abilities In the remaining. five minutes of play in the recent contest, when they scored eight points against the constant guard , ing of the yearlings. Both teams tire on a par and a lively contest mill en sue when the ritais meet here on Sat urday. The Academy team le pleased eith Its aork on 1110 home Court I and they feel certain that they can administer a beating to the Prosiness. The present Freshmart squad con elate of twenty-six men although the oilginal number exceeded the century mark. The team Is the Macao Wan topiesented at Bellefonte which int.lud en Turner -and Frank at the roman] positions, Schoenfeld at center. and son and Cornwall at guards. For the last ten days the Freshmen hate been resorting to strenuous practice and no ticeable results kayo been accomplished. Coach Davis hoe been tutoring them in eystem of signals which aro counted on to spell disaster to the future op ponents. The development of teamwork Is another essential which is being em phasized by Coach Davis and the year lings are mastering this art to a high degree. Thera Pas a noticeable weak ness in teamwork In the initial content but this has been practically overcome In ,recant practices. Tho Freshmen have been making rapid strides since practice began and they have now reached a stags whore It will require ' (Continued On last Page) ' STATE COLLEGE, PA., T, GIRLS INCLUDED ;i IN MINSTREL CAST Rehabs Hard at Work on "Jo111(4; of 1921"—Proceeds Will Be Used for War Memorial Songs, daneen. and Jolters to ho suro-1 teal Jokes. and 41 leant) clan en which is actually bietutiful. 111 flood thl Sehwah Auditorium nith hilt th, laugh tot. and Joillti on Prlday and Pater.: day ei °flings. 14.10 unto the eighteenth! and nineteenth At tint time the inn-4 &mile" Is the 1 - 4414 ibillualun Club of: 0 combined minstrel mho, and too act maga' comedy "The Jollien of In.:1" 111 bo In full suing. Songs, ln fact the, latest masted numbing Just off the press 0111 be sung by the chorus, which in addition to popmesslng beauty alll be compelled of the most versatile "co-ed" incatintn at Penn State. Just who the Cab) Dentin. Theda Bares, and the Nora Davi of the strew will be, ls tooter not to be divulged at this time. ColllllolitiOn for then Litt , Ix undoubt mg) Cory keen and up until the present day. Director Aloyel has nut Rioted defin- Italll concerning his selection for these roles The ballet in expected to pro , duce some of the best dancing that loin ever boon seen In the Auditorium, and the Jokes ore bound to bring forth Inane hearty peals of laughter Thu Production now amain In such a any that the minstrel and two ant comedy aro cleverly knit together. The. first act Is divided Into two 0t enes, une or wldrlt taken plate In a dining car. the other oectun In the home of a mind render. second act is net in rite winter home of the hero at Palm Death and It In In this act, with In cidents• that the minntreln, choluo, and enpecially the tad men 01.0111 to fit so plennlngh together. One of rho features of.the inaltseLion will ho the singing of two songs written expeclalli for the occasion la William Caputo 'l3. Lent year Mt Caputo ar !limed a genuine success In him man) undo 11411100 n with the Pons State Play. (Continued on last page)' TRUE EDUCATION IS *, THEME OF CHAPEL TALK Reverend Charles Monroe Sheldon. Mitts-Ins WM of the .. Chrlstlan Herold" govt the students tlw benefit of ' Ills can) and wide expert.. .4 last SumlnY orning nt both - cluipel net v lees itt toll-n Ing them tho nix thins:saw Ir 1=13=2=1221 t"-: 3!!" -a r ..P e '''ig Vit 4° •in books In - addltion to his togulat du rl ties In the pulpit. He reg.helly trmels to all parts of the United States In earn ing on his clerk, and being s' true of vti f life, Ile is We'l Sued to speak on such a subject Elktore commencing, Dr Sheldon stat ed that he was neither delivering a to_rmon nor address but lust a plain tall, on the subject, "Some Results of the TrunUducatlon." Had not his sub ject alone linen of ‘ltal Interest to stud ents, his sincere and plain manner In the treatment of his material would hate held their attention. He used many illustrations to make the hearers understand the meaning more clearly. He said in choosing a text, If a text was necessary to a plain talk, that a verso describing Jesus lilies He leas still young, best suited his subject, "And Jesus increased In wisdom and stature and In Cater with God and man." Dr Sheldon's definition of education is the growth In every tight direction of all the papers, physical, mental and spiritual. of the bunion being and to use this growth to make a better world. There are six different results of the true education. Theseare a great. deep sense of humility; a love of hard work; a clean life, Ideals lived up to, a sense of the brotherhood of omit; and a reli gious conviction. Ho sold that many titian that the proper attitute of an educated person should he of pride, but this Is not the case. There should be humility instead, for score body Can tell on something that we do not know and there are many things that no ono can explain. To Illustrate thin point, Dr. Sheldon produ ced a brass container and stated that It contained-a small particle of militini bromide When he had I,lsitcd the col lege eleven years ago he had shown to the students the same thing. If seen in the dark, it Is still as brilliant es It Pas nle‘en years ago and the mole cules arirstlll bounding back and forth In the container at the same rate of (Continued on last page) BULLETIN - TUESDAY 6.00-8.00 p. m —Programs for the Senior Dance, Co:op. 7.00 p. m.—Bible Discussion Normal Training Class, 10 L. A , WEDNESDAY _ . Q.OO-8:00 p. m.—Programs for Senior Dance, Co-op 7.00 p. m.—Current Events Club, 10 L. A. NOTICES The Pledges for the Student Relief Fund may be paid any even mg at the Co-op between 6.00 and 8.00 p. in. or at the "Y" Hut during the day. Tickets for the Penn -State Players' production "Seven Keys to Baldpate" may be ordered by mail from D. D. Mason, 218 Main Bldg. Seats on the main floor are fifty and seventy five cents. A stamped envelope should be inclosed with the order. ' Tickets for the Rehab's "Jollies of 1021" are now on sale, at thi. Co-op. ' • All Freshmen who wish to try out for Second Assistant Thespian Manager report to Room 14 L. A., 6•3o‘p .m. Tuesday, Feb. I. Final trials for the Lehigh Wrestling Meet will be held Feb. 3. All College fees must be paid by Feb. 2 `at the Treasurer's of fice. _After this..dateen fine of one dollar will be charged. CrAitirgiatt. SDAY JANUARY 25, 192 ABLET PROPOSED AS A MEMORIAL 'rominent Men Suggest Bronze Plate as Token of Honor to Penn 1 State Men Who Died in War ) ~...1 Several ante before the beginning of the Chrintinits nice., n. number of ' 'prominent nien about I allege Ink at tio,hoine of Dr. Sparkn to confer on he proposition of a memorial to those -icon State men 0110 ante up their liven n the uoild liar. The eon..ue of pinion of the :nen gathered, among them wine H. II Smith. Comptroller: n Watnoelt, Hugo Bezdek, Frank imittittl. n ii AM., President of titudent Council, Piesidents liauch and rhunter of the Junior and Sophomore Kneen and neveml representatives of the Relmblllattion Club. wan that Penn , , tints r,‘. i sle t u l a tl n have d n oiirentios herl tt I gr. dead :0 int the mutter one taken In hand 011th AM. Smith . the leader. Lust ueolc another meeting uan held at Mr. Smith's i3III. end at that time It one decided lint the :natter a ould be referred to tie Student Commit for denim' and hronititlon. The mu denim'. end had also been Luken up bt the members of the Ite ltibilitatlon ChM and the entire club h.,e enthuslantle over the project. tot- - 1. a portion of the proceeds of the ..tollien of MI" . their offering to ivard the inemorinl 1 Been.° of the n...t that hupes aro kill onto mined In the erection of a Ifeinorifil Hell in the future, it has been thought hest to remininnind the pure.se of a bro.° tablet. Thin tablet would aiiproximitte 51000 to $l5OO in value; by placed at some mien:Dago:am posl- Akin on the mit.us until the erection lof tile bullill.: then incorporated In the building itself uhum It rlghtfullt bp... ti'llte Rehab Club has started the ball 1 li-trolling 1* offering a portion of then. , keeelidn of tilt inhintrel and it M ex peettd that the matter will be taken up I Sinfully by the student hody at the I next meeting of Student Council ,i. PLAYERS OFFERING IS ''',Y RECOGNIZED SUCCESS cnn State can expect to bo well an- Mined %viten the Players' latest oft, Inlr to presented. When this play : re‘caled for tho [lnd time to an ;Peetant audience It V. QS found that AL Cohan had combined molo- . 0.111111 - 11TICralre0 Into Whitt Was hailed 7;141 , nve 010 v ,t l4l tie critic of the New York e, who gave the piny the following Tito up" Immediately alter Ito epee • ilerformnoce• 'Ofall the seven keys to Baldpate • Ir a n, the one which admitted Peter the Hermit to the scene also unlocked most of the many laughs last night at the flo ening et George Ai. Cohan's now reo nbeven Keys to Baldpate," nt the . dor Theatre The play' is announced as a mystery' rm. and It liven up to its name, for n one hi, has te at Dart Derr Big g is net el of the mine title, front which din play Is t then, mold have guessed at it mold possibly inovido such good x ge ...Man:laza no the clover Mr Grail il I'4 1,0111.11 from the rather t ibola , a , ..ve Not only has 1110 adap tor load, the elstractem and plot over regardless, Ina he has made the char acters talk 1.1.e11y, and one of them. • Bennie, dell,. lously funny. William Ilidlono Magee, a maker of hammock no, elm, comes to Baldpate Inn In the dead .4' winter, to win a but • made with tin, hotel owlrr that 110 0011 min Oak a ten thoummil word story In meta) -foul houm ll,' has what he belie,eu to be tiro 01110 key to the hotel. I He starts, Just Mails, to work In the bleak and lonely hotel, Cohen melodrama real, best-seller melodrama enters and keeps him busy through a wild and pistol-shot night. It develops that there are six other keys to Baldpate They turn the lock, ono after another, and let In upon 1110 harried novelist a 1 crook, an adventuress, a grafting may- I or, a ghostly 11001011, a corrupt corpora tion president and his aid, and also, to the thumps of the novelist's heart, a beautiful ''star" mporteresa who minx Inlet with a glance After the plot has thickened until it becomes able,- finely solid still mystery, cuss words. and dark deeds, tho Om nor of 'Baldpate appears with 1110 'last key and clears the atmosphere by explanations, and the "star' . reporter proves to a Mom (Continued an last page) NEW DEBATING COACH HAS BEEN SELECTED Professor Theodore Gates of the De penmen, of I:tigrish lets scented the position of conch of the debating mined milkir nits left concur ll> the resigruttion of Professor Millet. Professor Gatos hair hurt tonsitimartie e•perlence in de letting tut it turd Ix expechdly fitted for hisposition 110 filet became interested in the forensic art In his under graduate days at Alma College it here he seemed a trim.e on the debat ing team the enthusiasm and ability Wang this Ilse none him considerable I.srognition and ha- represented his Meta stutter tot three rears In intercollegiate circles. bine° that tit. Ire has retained his teletext In the art land the study of Its Intl becies eminenti3 fits him for his nun duties, One of the moat difficult problem. which the debaters are now facing In the question of finances. A certain amount of mime> han been clotted to the debaters for their expen.en for the season and the num In only sufficient to cover the new/Hedges for tho two triangular deliaton filch are nclieduied for rebrunt tweet,)-fifth and Afarch fourth A men, -foul hour tilt with the debate. of Princeton IlnivernlO had also been contemplated and tentutlveO arranged but ham had to be cancelled on account of the lack of fund. , USQUEHANNA LOSES TO VARSITY TOSSERS Blue and White Team Experience Little Difficulty in Winning Over Selinsgrove Five Penn Suite's basketball team defeated 1110 Susquehanna quintet last Saturday afternoon In the Auto,* 47 to 13 In a mallet loosely pla3ed and featureless game The brand of basketball of the Sellnemove manbinutlon tins not of the Ihighest t olleglate calibre and the Blue and White tossers nero tonsequently not called on to shot, their full strength At tht beginning of the second half, Coach Herman substituted an entirely 110 W trim and the second siring PlaYeve rolled uP tie lv POllltx an the first team Several members of the visiting rite secured to hate trouble In °lamming the lulus governing fouls and consequently the Nlttan3 Imoketeers Ind plenty of practice at shooting from the foul line, tthlle the Penn State sauna play td an exceptionally clean game making only seven foul. In the entire , context ax ngainst thirty by Suseee.l henna At times the Susquehanna team show . tannut.trooll_defensive Mar Auld. took. tbechaaroutmacrthe , pesebssion of the Nittany eager.. with tactics that sav ored of the football field but the Blue and White men here not caught nap ping the second Sine. On the whole the game has not one that caused the Blue and White aggregation to exert thentnels es In the opening minutes of the con test. Wolfe broke the ice oith a too pointer that Marled the Penn State ccore on its upoard trip lllliinget garnered the second tally and otts tot lotted b 5 to field goal through the other basket [tom the hands of Ilogaulta This u. the first and onls Susque hanna field goal shot daring the first half midelt deelsicels shooed the Imp ellorits of the Penn State team Lehi- Ink, tine Selinsgrote foroard, nude a hundred per cent in his foul shooting doting this initial period I/5 malting four out of a pooslitie four At the beginning of the second half, a nett team composed of Ititnet, and Whiteman, foroartio, hhnlr, center, nod Hunter and Koehler, guards, toothed out on the floor,to represent the :Nitta.* Lion for the rent of tine gatne Later Mal shall and Was oent in for Hunter and Itittner. Susquehanna, sought to strengthen RR line-up b 5 set eral sub stitutiona anti replaced Pas 'nor and Soecley by Bannon and Penner rot peed, WY As soon-as the ball oat put in ph* after the toss-up la the second half. Susquehanna. got the Jump on the rri Sr Blue and White combination and in rap id succession dropped too field goals through the net Venn State lartnedlat ely retaliated bosses er. oboe Whiternan caged too baskets Right after tide store, Leidick made the final Susque hanna too pointer . The sees of the g 03210 Ulla devoted to 1 egistering l'ina State tallies ohleh were made by lilt (Continued 011 hag gage) "Y" Deputation Team Plan. 4 Trip A deputation team from the T. 31 C A ronalstinir of the student. will Into Slate College for Lealstoa n nest Brldny and will remain there ;luring the meek end While at T.ewlstnan, the tam, plane to tome In Contact with the high school and younger brqs nt several meeting., at a banquet and while joining mith them In Sports. The atudents who have been picked by the T. SI. C. A. to matte this trip are A James Tl, Ray Baer '22, H. A natal:lgor '22; Ko Donnas '23, and T L. Baler '24. The menthe. of the team will first Ken on their nor'