Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, January 07, 1921, Image 1

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    -- 73 2-
To The
Old Grind
Hon. W. B. Wilson, Pennsylvania Mem
ber of President's Cabinet Comes Here
Under Auspices of Mining Society
Penn State will have been honored
with the visit of two members of the
Cabinet of President Wilson within the
short space of four months, when the
}ignorable William Stauchop Wilson,
United States Secretary of Labor, ad
dresses the student body tonight in the
Schaub Auditorium at seven-thirty
o'clock. Ile will speak under the
auspices of the Mining Soc
iety, and has announced as his subject
"Industrial Peace" There will be no
admlselon charged and everybody In In-
Oiled to boar the distnitmished son of
Pennsylvania and prominent Democrat
and labor lender who has left his ard
uous duties at Washington for n brief
time to vinit.this Institution.
It was largely through the efforts of
Doctor D 9 Moore, Dean of the School
of Mining, that Mr. Wilson was Induced
to visit Penn State and address the
student body. As the director of the
Department of Labor of this country,
which Is constantly assuming greater
responsibilities and Increased Import
ance In our national life and progress,
Mr Wilson Is a man much In the public
eye today Ho is closely In tench with
the many problems that confront the
Industries of this country_ during the
present critical period of post war re
adiustment. Well qualified through ex
perience, both In private and public
life, to speak authoritlvely on the sub-
Sect he has chosen for this evening's
lecture, he will bring a message that
will be of great Interest to every Penn
State man and woman.
William Banshee Wilson was born at
Blantyre, Scotland, In April, 1862, and
came to this cduntry at the ago of ten
years, his family settling In this state.
Ho received his education In the public
schools of the commonwealth and work
ed'as-a miner from 1871-to-1898. in
1888, ho became President of tho.lns
[Met Minera . ,Jilnion - and served In that
.capacity' foe, twos years: During the
.A10.2r10 year. ho wan nominated no a,can
didato for the state legislature from
Tloga County. Ho ran for Congress In
1892. In 1890 he was a member of the
National Executive Board which or
ganized the United Mine Workers a
America t Ten years later ho became
Secretary:had Treasurer of the National
Union ofrAfiners. a poslUon which he
held until' 1908. Prom 1007 to 1913 he
represented the fifteenth district of
Pennsylvania In the House of Represen
tative., serving for one term as the
Chairman of the Committee on Labor
In that body. Since March fifth, 1913
ho has been United States Secretary of
Labor In President Wilson's Cabinet.
In Spetinber, 1017. he acted as Chair
man of the President's Commission to
investigate Industrial conditions In the
mountent melon. and on tho Pacific
Coast, and later became President of
the International Labor Conference,
hold during October and November, 1919.
Mr. Wilson's home Is In /Roseburg . .
Old 'Wain Is feeling the effects of the
Old Main Club, the latest activity being
the annplete renovation of the Old
,Afaln Clubroom. Tho building le under
, golnechangos and as "Mayor . '
guppies remarked the "Rats" are becom
ing almost civilized The club Is ac
tively behind every movement for the
betterment of oondltions In the building
and the paintineithd furnishing Of tho
club room Is the latest improvement.
The room which Is on the fifth floor
of the Main Building has been repaint
ed and completelFtono over. New rugs
havo been lald, furniture bought, a
Victrola installed and curtains hung at
the window.. Tho club eubschlbes to a
variety of magazines and several daily
papers and averything possible has been
done to make the room comfortable and
a piano has boon purchased but has not
yet arrived,
Over ono hundred and sixty men are
at present 1710mberli of the club which
taken charge of all things that concern
the men rooming In Old Main. It bac
various athletic teams, football. basket
ball and will have a baseball team In the
Tho club has had a very beneficial ef
fect In banding the "cliff dwellers'. to.
gather and has affected numerous lm..
prevenient. during the year of which the
clubroom Is a pert. The officers who
hove played a big part In the affairs
of the orimnization arc O. W. Supple°
'2l, Mayor; T. P. Hollis '2l, treasurer;
C P. Shalllie '2l, Athletic Manager,
AL F. Camel '2l, Secretary. Tho L'.o.
cativo Committee Is composed of M. P.
Carney 'II, NV. A. Schaeffer '2l, L. C.
Hunter '22, F. W. Hecker '22. and L. L.
\Vallee° '22
It may be of Interest to Ponn plato
students to know that the automobilo
dealer. of Center County aro planning
to hold an automat:4lo show In Hello
fonto nometlmo In the near future.
While final arrangement. have not
boon completed, It In hoped to stag° an
entahltlon of the very latest models
of pansonger automobiles', commercial
trucks, and farm tractor.. It 10 ox
potted that the .how will take place
during the first part of February, and
Preparations, aro being made to provldo
musical and other entertaining fcaturen
during the ashilation.
run tatt . „ - :A ,
Canal Zone Tenders Enthusiastic
Reception to Blue and !ffllibl,
Musical Organization
The Panel) Quartet ha, Just returned
from a tory successful trip to the
Panama Canal Zone whore they made
a big Impression. The quartet ems
composed of A. R. Kennard '2l, E H.
Ralston '23, B. W Knapp '2l, and W
A. Stoeitsing '2l. Them men, together
with H Plshburn '22„ Dean and Mrs.
1 - Whitman, and Miss Bath Jackson of
the Department of English, who
accompanied the party as a reader,
left - December Bth for Now York City.
On the following °toning they inng at
the Machinery Club In New York and
later on at the Cornell—D K. E. Club
where the Univeralty Glee Club which
sponsors Glee Club concerto has Its
rehearsals On December 10 theyssalled
for the Panama Canal Zone on the S.
S. Advance and were on the water
nine days touching nt Port au Prince,
HMS and landing at Cristobal on Dec
ember 19th. On the evening of Dec
! ember 20th they sang at the Cristobal
Club House and the following evening
l a to t rn th o LAn o rn Cl Deco u . l , ./ bo ll r ou 2 n. d OL y tho . f , ;
at the Leper Colony at Palo Seco and
in the evening they gave a concert In
the Cecelia Theatre at Panama City.
On December 23rd and 29th they onto
concerts at Colon and Balboa reapect-
Ively and en tho• evening of Um 20th
they had a return engagement at.Bal..
soa. -Their lest doncart"wreglied en
the'evening of December 21th at Pedro
Mlgdel. -
The Party woe entertained everywhere
In various ways On Christman day they
were entertained at supper at the Tivoli
Hotel In Ancon by Mr. and Mrs. H. W
Selover and In the evening they were
the guests of the Tivoli Club at their
annual Christmas dance. They took
trips Into the interior of Panama. up
the Chogree river. through the Locke
of Pedro Miguel and were ehown thru
the shops at Balboa and the Strangers'
Club at Colon. They made a big Im•
Pression everywhere and the chances
are good ter thy Glee Club going dawn
to the Canal Zone on a concert tour I
In Tune immediately otter the end of
the college year. Negotiations for this
trill are now under way and they will
be decided ulthin the nest tent months.
10 case thin proposed trip ehould become
a reality, an effort' would be made to
return by the west coast and the Santa
Fe route.
Tomorrow still mark the official open
ing of the inter unit basketball league
when the Old Main Rats will meet their
rivals the Rehabs At the same time
Unit Three and Unit Nino will struggle
for honors. Following closely after
those games. Unit Sir and Unit Twenty
ono will take tho floor against each
Several practico contests have been
Played for the benefit of tho player.,
and tho speed and skill of tho ball
tossers Indicate that those games com
posing the oorieo will be hotly contested
throughout tho season. It has boon
found to ho imposuiblo to make a com
prehenshe ochedulo duo to the fact that
tho neccooary information needed has
not boon secured from the pteoldenUi
of the different units but .7. a Ather
ton '2l, promines to publioh tho ochedulo
as soon no it is formed. To Medina°
the making of thin ochodule, ho wisheol
nil of the presidents to get in touch
with last year'n presidents and forwent
the necessary Information to him no
noon as they occur° It.
Tho Deportment of Physical Educe-
Con has reaerved tho basketball floor
for the Inter-unit games on Monday and
Thursday nights from eight o'clock till
'the gamea scheduled nro Played and on
Saturday afternoons from ono thirty
to four unless ammo varsity moot Inter
feres with this arrangomont. Pmetico
may be secured by tho different unit
Ammo at the gym at any vacant hours
of the day. -
Plans aro rapidly nearing completion
for the unit mono mooting which in to
ho held in the near future, but concern
ing which no definite Announcemont
can ho outdo at this time. Final detaile
of this mooting will Ito published in the
Tuesday issue of the COLLEGIAN.
Dean D. S. Mooro woo roelected to
the Executive Board of the Coal Mining
Institution of America at their recont
meeting held at Pittsburgh. He also
has boon appointed a member of the
Advisory Board of 'Tool Industry..
An Important meeting of no Women.
Student Ouvernment Atooelotion will
be held In Old Chapel Monday evening
to Animus,' POOOOOOO amondmonta to the
=iodation conalitutlan. ,
Romig and Barron To Be Featured
in Mid• Winter Track Classics—
Five Meets Planned
With only one month remnialg until
the one.* of the minter Indoor track
season, the members of the Penn State
running squad who participate In this
branch of the Noon t are now hard at
uork in preparittlen for ono of the
moot complete scheibiles at Its kind ar
ranged for Blue and White athletes
The list of meets uhlch has been tent
ativell compiled b 3. Manager I. W.
In chink this Institution will be repre
sented. Includes flee athletic carnivals
of national and International interest.
In ono of these, the Meadowbrook games
Penn State will enter a complete team.
while In the others, relay teams or
Individual competitors, or both, will
take part. Prospects for the approach
leg season look very rosy at the present
time, with the names of such men as
Romig and Barron and other brilliant
performers on the entry lists. The al.
settee of "Larry . Shields Is very keenly
felt in the track team, but there In a
very slight possibility that be will re
turn to college for the second semester
and rejoin the squad.
The first meet thnt appears on the
1021 Indoor tmck schedule Is the annual
event conducted by the Boston Athletic
Club on Fehrunry fifth. leer this oc
casion Romig has been Invited to take,
:net In a special three mile race while
Barron has received the Invitation to
enter the seven* >ard hurdles. An
Invitation was also extended to Larry
Shields to run In tho one mile race
should ho be In college at that time.
This meet Is one of the most Interesting
meets held In the East during the winter
months and attracts wide attention In
sporting circles.
Three days later ht the date net for
the annual allUrase Athletic Club Gamee
ably be represental by n. team picked
from Romig . , Damming, Newcomer.
Taylor, Carter. Cdgerton and KenUnger.
In addition, Romig ban been Invited to
compete in a three mile run.
Holzinger, Noble and Hecker are
showing up well 'ln trials, and It Is
from those men that the entrants In the
Quaker city meet will most probably bo
chosen. It Is planned to enter Way
and Grubb In the running broad jump,
and Beall-In tho shot put.
Tho National Senior Indoor ChaMplon
ships of America- aill be hold in
tho Taentv-second'ileihnent Armory
Now York City, on Saturday. March
nineteenth. Nothlpg - hos,. beesoloaldeil
definitedi„<ax,-.16 . wailer -Stmt . Slats
will-wilt representatives, but It - Je pos
sible that Itomig will run In tidal/mat.
It ',yin ho a disappointment to every
ono to know that because of being eon
finbil to hie home in quarantine, Romig
will not ho able . to take part In the
meet of the Wilco Athletic Association
at Brooklyn which‘will be held tonight.
.90 was Invited to compote in the three
hundred meter race, but his enforced
detainment will prevent hie participa-
Dr. B. V. Moore of the Department
of Education and Psychology recently
returned from Chicago where he at
! tended the meetings of the American
Association for the Advancement of
Science held during the holidaye. Dr.
Moore presented a paper before the
Pnychological Association on .. tt Method
of Lining Teat Reauits for Vocational
Placement, of Graduate Engineers."
The recent marriage of two women
I students of Penn State has been an
nounced. Miss Helen Zimmerman '2O
former Women'. Editor of the COL
LEGIAN, became the 0120 of Franklin
D. Teeple, In Newark, N. J., on Dec
ember thirty-first last. The other bride
was Miss Mary Glenn '2l of Bradford
Pa, who married William Morrow '2O on
December twentY•elghth.
6.30 p. m.—Johnstown County Club meeting in 314 Main
6:45 p. m.—Friday Club, 19 L. A.
6:45 p. m.—Pre-Legal Club.
7:30 p. m.—Lecture by Hon. W. B. Wilson, Auditorium.
IS p. m.—Cadet Officers Picture with uniforms, Penn State Photo
1:30 p. m.—Wrestling trials for class teams, Armory.
1.30 p. m.—Lackawanna County Club picture, Penn Static Photo
2.00 p. m.—Schuylkill County Club picture, Penn State Photo Shop.
All members be present.
0:45 p..m.—World's Problem Discussion Class, 14 1... A.
7:30 p. m.—Basketball, Armory. Penn State vs. Dickinson.
. ...
10:00 p. m.—Dr. John Wesley Hill, Chancellor, Lincoln Memorial
University. Auditorium.
.11.00 p. m.—Dr. J. W. Hill. Auditorium
0.15 p. m.—Christian Science Meeting, 100 Hort.
7:00 p. m.—Y. M. C. A. Normal Training Study Class, 19 L, A.
An important meeting of the 1922 Class will be 'held Tuesday
night at 6:30 o'clock in' the Bull Pen.
A meeting of the Class of 1924 has been called for Wednesday,
6:30 p. m. in the Bull Pen.
Each fraternity and unit is requested -to furnish a'list of the
players on their teams not later than the end of this week, in order
that they may be given credit for Physical Education. This list
is to be signed by the Manager of cued respective organization.
Carlisle Collegians Meet Varsity
Toßirrow Night—Changes In
The Armory xlll be the scene to.
mornw night at seven thirty o'clock
of•tilie annual cage battle betneen the
Dickinson. Ilse and the Penn State
qt.:nat. Thu viaitorx are coming with
a veteran team, every man a member
of last ear'a varsity so they should
not.lbe lacking In experience. The
Carnale aggregation has a large squad
from! which to mane op a team and
are lboking forward to a bright year
In baiketball. Thin game should Prove
mUctilf.ter and more hotly contested
than the game with Juniata. which Penn
Stata/won 45 to IL Tha Blue and
White vandty Is in much better shape,
an a'o . lenner and faster brand of play
can IV -sheeted.
Thq_ Unit State 11110-UP Will be the
awn , . In the first contest as Wilson
seemikto have annexed the forward
..Ition which was vacant at the beg-
Innlninf the season. The other bertha
will be . 4.he same as usual with Killinger
and %Unlace at guard, Replogle at center
and Wolfe at forward with
Coach „Berman was not satisfied with
the tilitiiring made In the last game and
has beir drilling the squad vigerottaly
for the., past week getting the men
Into condition atter the Christmas; boll
days. ..The squad has been reduced
isetnewinit lately and a complete second
varaltyVAhnsen with Rioter and Rhos
a. forwards. Shair a. center and
' Whiteman and Hunter ut guard. Koeh
ler h. Ween showing up very well lately
.d,hatit bone usta at both the gourd
and for Ward positions; at both of which
ha- le. obitahy proficient. He In shin
being. used extensively for ohooting
fouls andoeill %cry llkels substitute for
Wolle•ft.the game warrant. It. Other
substitution. will oleo be made in all
Flnel Banketball Sebedale
At lent the basketball schedule In pant
the gnawing stage nod in now definitely
aettled.•,J2Beveral change, have been
mode durft 6.the holiday. which Involve
the droppidg of the game with Princeton
and thif Changing of the dates of sev
eral of thi, other contests. The eche
doinna approved by Graduate Manager
Noll Flaming is as follows
January.:—Diekindon at home.
January 26—W & J at home.
Jaritim%,,7ll—Weat Virginia, at horn.,
January,2l—Susquehanna at home.
Janyarxf I —Lebanon ValleyAtiAnfola.
Cifiti6B76 — Tah hohla
Febniary - 4- - Pitt . .at Pittsburgh.
February & J., at Washington.
February 12—V. P. I. at home.
February 17—W. Va. Wea. at home.
February 19—Pitt at home.
February 26—U. of Barad° at home.
March G--Swarthmore at home
March B—Yale nt New Haven.
March 9—Penn at Philadelphia.
March 12—Alumni at home s
(Continued on third Page)
elastics for the first semester of this
college scar tcili come to a close Wed
nesday otenlng January nineteenth and
final examinations wlll begin at eight
thirty o'clock the folloulng morning,
lasting until Saturday, January twenty.
Registration days for the second
semester have been changed and stud.
ants will begin registering for the sec
ond semester on Wednesday. January
nineteenth. Registration will then con
tinuo to the including Saturday, Jan
uary twents-ninth.
Another change noted from the time
net in the calendar of the college is
published in the catalogue and le the date
of the beginning of clauses for the
serond semester. Instead of February
first, all classes will begin at eight
twenty o'clock mammy morning. Jan
uary thirty-first. -
The raid year convocation for eon
•ferrina degrees tvlll take place at coven
thirty, Tuesday, February that.
Harvard, Navy, Georgia Tech and Carnegie Tech
Among Opponents for Next Year's Gridiron Sq
---Five of Nine Games To Be Played at Home
Penn State Delegates Take ;Ac
tive Part in Convention of
Pennsylvania Teachers
Penn State was well represented at
tho soventy-first meeting of the Penn
sylvania State Educational Association
held In Harrisburg from December
twenty-seventh to the thirtieth, havnlg
ten delegates In attendance. Three of
these delivered talks before the various
conferences which were held to discuss
the eduizitional problems of the common
wealth Included in this number were
Mr. N. C Miller. Supervisor of Engin
eering extension, Professor A. 0. Mar
tin of the Department of History, and
Professor It 0. Dressler of the Depart
ment of Dural Sociology. The other
delegates from this institution were Dr
E. E. Sparks. Dean Stoddart. Dr. David
Allen Anderson. Dr. A. E. Martin, Br
J. 0. Knauss. Professor B. W. Daily,
Dr. I. 1.. Foster. Miss E. P. Chaco,
Professor It. 0 Dressler, and Professor
H. 0. Parkinson.
The work of the convention was div
ided up into various gentles who held
their meetings and came to some con
clusion as to the remedy for the ex
isting educational conditions of Penn—
sylvania. Over two thousand teachers
from all over the Mato were present at
these scattered conferences, or about
seventy five per cent of the entire
number of teachers within the common
, wealth One of the high lights of the
meetings was the outlining of the pro
gram that is to bo carried out by the
Pennsylvania Department of Public In—
struction. Doctor Thomas E. Finegan.
who is well known to Penn State stud
ents and who ut the present time is the
superintendent of the department, die
cussed this phase and wont on to urge
several 'cloth' melded changes in the
(Clentlimed On Page Three)
With tho commencement of Um now
calendar year and the rapid approach
of thu nratling season, the candidates
for the varsity grappling squad are now
entering the period of intensive training
and keen competition In preparation
for the hard schedule which faces the
Blue and White mat team. One Week
from tomorrow the annual Interclass
wrestling . meet 1011 be held In the Arm-
y and thin will, In a uay, Indicate
the candidatea from sham tho varsity
squad sill he selected. Trials will com
mence tomorrow afternoon at ono-thirty
anti extehd through the following too
In connection ulth the trials for the
Interclass meet, Coach Lewis Is con
templating a now ardent for matching
the contestants, with a view of getting
the best remits from the squint as a
u hole Instead of employing the usual
method of hating hto entrant. draw
lots to decide their opponents, the conch
Ing staff all! have charge of selecting
the competitors far the turboun trial
matches. Thin will protect the match
ing of the tuo most promising candidat
es In a certain clam for the preliminary
match, and the consequent elimination
of ono of these men who might other
wise go through to the final trifle His
Idea is to match the Weaker and strong
er candidates in the preliminary trials.
In this way he hopes not only to pre
vent the early elimination of the strong
er enndidatee but aim to develop now
material In pitting weak men agaimt
Another now policy that will prob.
ably be inaugurated in the near future
will be that of not conducting the trial
bouts for any set length of time. 'When
two candidates face each other, they will
be expected to wrestle until one shows
decided superiority over the other. It
Is hoped that by taking the stop watch
I element out of the bouts the tendency
to stall for time will be partially chalk,.
ated. In accordance with the now Inter
coleglato rules on this sport, two falls
will overbalance three decisions In in
tercollegiate meets, and consequently,
It is more essential henceforth that
wrestlers work for falls rather than
I decisions. and It Is with this In mind
that the new policy outlined above Is
Wag planned.
Another reason for adopting such
training policies In that during Its west
ern trip the wrestling team will meet
the grappler. of lowa State University
and Indiana University under the rules
of the Western Intercollegiate wrestling
association. Each contestant will take
part In three bouts of six minutes'
length, and the man having best two
bouts out of the throe becomes the win
ner In his clean, which will make It
essential to rely an much an possible
on falls rather than on decisions.
Work In all the.claases is progressing.
rapidly at the present limo. Tho squad
lino reached large proportion. In elm
and Coach Lewis line expressed himself
us being more optimistic no to the
outcome of the mason than ho wan a
few weeks ago. McMahon, In the
heavyweight class in giving evidences
of developing Into a valuable, asset to
the squad. Tho addition of Doter and
amber to the squad, if they return to
college for the second semester as Is
expected, will bolster the lighter weights
considerably, and the prospects for a
wall balanced team are growing bright
er no the training =clod progress.=
Sept. 24—Lebanon Vale), at home
October B—North Carolina State
at home.
October 16—LebIgh, at home.
(Alumni Ilamo-coming Day)
October :.2—Harvard. at Cam
October 29—Oeurgla Tech, at Nov
York City.
November s—Carnegie Tech, at
(Penney hanla Day)
Novetnber 12—Nut), nt Plllladol
November 24—Pittsburi,h. at Pitts
(The okegiving r):)))
Dr. John Wesley Hill, Chancellor
of Lincoln Memorial University
Is Sunday Chapel Speaker
The Reverend John Wesley 1111/
Chancellor or the Lincoln Memorial Iln
hernity of Cumberland Gas. Tennessee
will address both chapel ex.:rein. on
Sunday morning. lie in a clergyman.
speaker, and lecturer of world renown,
having taken a prominent part in sev
eral presidential campaigns of this
country and having Malted foreign na
tions at various times in the Interests
of world wide organisatlorm. Flu has
also Played various roles In public aff
airs as a civic, Industrial, and patriotic
speaker and an a platform arid Cimutuu- I
qua lecturer. &Manse of the acthe life
which he ban led, he In cell versed on
the serious problems of the day and Is'
aptly qualified to sneak on them.
John Wesley Hill, icon born at Hal
ide. Ohio, on the eighth of May, 11163,
received kis A. II degree at Ohlo North
ern University in ISM and attended the
Boston Theological Seminar, the fol
lowing year. He turned as pastor Of
the M. E. church of Sprague, Washing
ton. from tout to MSG and tree; yearn
later as pastor of the First Chumh of
Ogden. Utah torn period of three years.
being ordained to the Methodist Hera
copal Ministry. In MOM Ho elan married
to Miss Nora Holmes of Findley. Ohio
In UPI and until IDL^ served off and
on as a minister In various churches
throughout the United States, nis public
life greatly Interfering with kin relig
lous cork.
Bin first political appearance Ims hi
the Blaine campaign but in the follo a unig
yearn he became more and more prom
inent, Jahn[]; an actite part In the Mc-
Kinley campaign of 1806 and accom-
I panting Taft on his sealers cnntlntign
lie actinl as chaplain in the Pennnyi,
vanla Senate In 1000 and wan a member
of the Republican National Contention
nt Chithgo in 1008 and 19111 Dr 1101
Unit"! the Orient In 1911, e.ablinhing
hi Japan and China the Asiatic Branch
of the International Pence Forum of
which he was president and also organ
bled the IVorld Court League In the
United Stoles three )cars Inter.
Since 1916 ho ban sorted an Chancel
lor of the Lincoln Memorial Unitermity
of Tennessee. raising in 1018 and 1919
un endowment fund of one million dot-
Inca Ito is Ontnd Chaplain of the
Maxon. hi New York State and trustee
of Ohio Northern University and Moores
11111 College and belongs to the Rep
ublican Club of New Toth and the
Union League of Chicago. Besides his
A. B. degree. he ham received the degrees
of D. D and LL D. Dom Ohio Notth
orn University.
A tentative lint of chapel speakers for
the renminder of the college has been
drawn up and in presented berm, Al
though no speakers have yet been se
cured for n few dates they 0111 undoubt
ed]) In, obtained wtillln the next month.
January IG—Rev. Androw Match,
Bryn Mawr Prenbyteilan Church,
Bryn Mawr. Pa.
January 23.—Rev. Charlen M. Mahlon
D D, Toucan, Kamm+
Salto:try 30—Itoy. Barrio D. Atlrlitrico
Church of tho Son of Hun, Nutt
York City.
February G—Rev. [Men R. Lovejoy,
General Secretary of the Notional
Child I.alwr Committee, New York,
N. Y.
(Conunued on third page)
Put Parker, noted cartoonint, bunion.
Isl, and clay molder will nplienz In the
Auditorium, baturday evening. January
twenty second, as the next offering of
V. M. C. A. entertainment course. Mr
Parker In not only n skillful artist but
II clever humorist no well, and constantly
keeps his madlente In an uproar by his
witty remarks,
Ho le confined to no particular field,
for hie drawlnges are varied and matte
ouch an appeal to all Waco that lila
offorte have won for him the title of
the "crayon wlzenrcl" Ili. bow form
in dleplayed In clay modeling, In which
line he is a rare artbst and la probably
liar the benefit of theme not holding
bekeln for thin performance, a public
nnlo of neata will be held In the near
See. Wilson
Penn State hay o of the I
MI football schedule ne
/. In the at
cortllns; to the 31st of OltPon=
flounced today Cratlinttu Mt
Nell Fleeting. The wed is no
dlffet cot Aunt the 1320 schedule, •
lung tantalite; ilsols have beets 11.
and It nuttibid of co.ceedingly
teams added, lit Inclually
Gcmngla Tech, :sac), tuld Par t.
The opening tteratemweact.okarl
meaeon on Sete:nicer 21 with
Halle) and ell! be 1 1 103 ea at h.
ell] tbo gatnc with Gettsmburg - •
ober I Thula, two contests are t.
cams games on the cntlre eehetl
the goose mills the latter will U.
conical...xi (tont the shoeing nut
past seat. On October 8 the elect,
Penn State for the annual kr
climb. and can be Lsperted to offer
of opmalon The Alumni Day
ttlll he phi, id innifina out date-It ,
I hull (min Dethltheni. Lehigh Vt
It>. tan, surprleed th flue and
Into a 7 to 7 tie In the seam. jusa
Penn Statt'n salskale tclntiotla 01
Pao, 0 10111 White 11/11, e alas* II Is
the bust and It In 110111 a that Ills
There lute been long a desire
1.11111( xllll soloo member of th
tolled big Mite of football no Ito
has been schedules! fop October •
Cainbildge and tills hill furnish
bask for • omp 0 bion Mien the 111)1
1011/10111111111 In 1/(111g 1111 al dod. be
ytors 1.1410 111, le.utult Nett LID
10001 110011 111111 It 141100 on the Nil
selhelule and the gamma resulted
lie Thls game should Iwo , / One o
M m
g gaes of the football aorta
the standing established 11l the 11119
grldli on progress, and hill 1•0 ettidly
of the hardest eontents on the Nit
Ilst A big Intersectional clash
Cent gla Teel, lute been scheduled
the haloalng buturday hhich 11111
be nlolcd ahoy from home, In titla
un the Polo Grounds In ' t \Lev• Yen
Thu- foaiden Tornadoes 1100 t O 0
laded tltlo to 1110 chatoplonslilp of
south this p Lot 10111 and the outeon
this struggle 11111 go net In Judging
merits of the southern elm,. In
Pnritloll 11.1111 1110 1101E110ml teams 1
acme Tech et 111 be the tettra•Alon
Pcnns3, le atilt Del • Nue ember G.
Institution bas not 100,11 0101 for SO
yearn and the 1 crummiest of foe
relations 1inf0001.01.3.
h extern school atolls 110. 11. 81
eleeen Anothet Winne of tho
schedule Is the earnest et ith the Nay
Philadelphia on Not ember 1_ The I
Alex 1,11,1 1111 0,01/VIM llgglel.lloll
1110 Inlet reason and hltit It num
1 olhell to alOllOl there In 11,01 y 1 1
01;11111 tlett the 4111111001 N 111(11 tell
dange:ooB foes AN 11011 11 1 110 1.011
111 11000 11 11/1 1110 annual battle
Pitt/Mtn on 1).1y.
Some In the blgeest sump that De •
lots on Ids hands and nu beloslule v. •
be complete that did 1101 Milli 1111 I
1110 Pllll/Itl
It In to he tegiotted that Da: tin
In not on the tiLlitalttle as the old
J ear Lon tract mast eft sat lid y
Penn Stole Ilan ninaNs iadit3ed the
of relations filth the Hano‘eritan,
It In 1101,111 that the fittett nlll ha
place on the Laid Cu,, 11e3.1 3. Ltd. 1
also dote not 0011111 as usual. Ito
Qunkern did not Noe (II to tact I
Stale n game Thl , "%net/dile
It In rumored that in. that and
Is building a stet isitedule for
approaching season.
The toped mill be I Ither acid
on account of the t.raduatlon of eo n
mare lett their Antes rfll tto 1111trl
mune toilet,[ dot eloped f
the second team and front the l't out,
l're4hrnsin Si hvolltle
schedule has boom mumancred fot
3earllngs that alromm a it Ida rung,
opponents The Mot 1031 amen
have nix gentles among the hest Pr
man teams amid rmeintmatorN soh
Obtainable that should ha a teal
for Coach Ilea outlet, eollemAlon.
The Ilia Iv as -
October h—Bellefonte 10-ntleMs*.
October trk—lmllann Normal, nt h
00.01/01 22—lhoLeroborg Aendesn
Octobro -9-lOrltl, nt Saltoburg.
November Pt Mimeo, at lu
Oenon. I . lrtY)
November 12-Open.
At the lemma eshiblt of the 13m
Art Institute of Design of New 'l7
held December fourttenth, Neter:ll st
cots from the School of Architect
received honorable mention on tI
Prectimol3 nil the institutl
In the east acre reptescnted in
competithe exhibition and In order
receive an ituard the merit munt at ,
the severe criticism of 1101111.1 of
foremost architect.
llama to ecehe honorable men
on their drabingo acre• D. A. Ca
bell . 21, 11. E. Dielbion . 22, W. NV.
let y '22, C. V. Berl '22, U. n Cnl
. 22, L L. 'Wallace '2l and 11 T. Da
'Oa W. K. Jones of the Sl'onhd
Mwtroma mtto a moot Inter.Ong
dress on South Amyl lens Imo tinge
tonm and presnlent ottltudou tot
n omen ILL Otto Wedneodny evening in
inn of thu Y. W. C. A. In thu Worn