Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, December 10, 1920, Image 3

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    Friday, December 10, 1920.
Tho Rending Alumni Association Itolil
an Informal dinner ami meeting on Dec*
umber thin!, \\ lion a Inrgo number of
the members assembled In tho V. M. C.
A. cafetei la. Di Wayne L. Shearer 'OO
presided w Ith Charles Adams serving In
tho capacity of secretary. Various com
mittee reports aero given and especial
attention was tfiven to tlie one on
"Publicity,” mado by J. 1«» Frizzell
who is now principal of the Boy's High
School of Reading. It was ropoitcd by
11. II Kirkpatrick that the committee
of which he Is in charge Is extending
every etToit to coupeiuto with tho stud
end count) club ia regard to a dance
that alii he held duilng the Christmas
vacation. Olllcots of the ussoclatlun
for the ensuing year veto also chosen
at this time and arc ns follows, picst
dent. Dr. Way no L Shearer; vice
pi esldent, Chat los Adams, secretary and
treasurer, C. S. Vanlleed
After Urn holding of the elections, tho
Alumni Secretaiy, Mr II N. Sullivan
told of tho aork that could ho done
by the alumni In tho securing of an
ndeiiuato approptintlon for th« codego
at the next session of the ’egistatuie
"Dick" Harlow of the coaching stall
then spoko of the difference In condi
tions at l’enn Slate at the picsont time
as compaud a ith a hat they aeic some
years ago lie also outlined the pro-:
sent athletic progrum and touched
briefly on tho need of the ono hundred
thousand dollar track house which will
probably ho staitcd sometime next
Tho opening week of December has
always been an Interesting ono In the
hisloiy* of Penn State Coming ns it
.usually docs light after tho close of tho
football season and light beforo the
commencement of the winter sports
season. It is ono that is marked by a
spirit of retrospection and anticipation
Many times the students, at this period
of the collego year linvo looked back
upon triumphant football seasons and
have had awakened In them Icoen expec
tancy at the thought of further suc
cesses In athletics during the coming
w Inter months
In 1910, In tho early part of Decem
ber, thu Dluo and White basket ball
team opened Us season with a -II to 0
victory over Susquehanna Unlvoisity.
Considering tho fact that this contest
was thu first of thu term, thu Penn State
tOHsers showed especially good team
work. While the shooting wns not ns
consistent ns that developed later on,
Sheep-Lined Coats
Price $20.00.
Cordovan Oxfords
At the Special Price of
212 E. College Avo,
| tIK. Metzger L. K. Metzger |
11 ■ i i - - .« | —^.3,
The Fastest Growing Store :j:
in State College |
•: a|sso.oo Reward offered for the arrest |
•: and conviction of the thieves who en- §
tered our place of business on Sunday |
:: night, Dec. sth, and Monday night, Dec. 3:
6th. . . |
• • It will be for the best interests of the town and student !£
• ■ body if these persons afe put behind the bars. Robbery $
•• is very much on the increase in State College. Let’s put
•; a stop to it. £
: A wonderful assortment of |
4 Xmas Gifts. i |
: Xmas Cards with the Penn State Seal. |
Join our Library—only 25c to Join. ¥
ii L. K. METZGER f
Captain niythu and Couch Hermann hud
ovury rcaoa to buliuve that a highly
siicicssfu) season confiontod tho drib
blers Tho largo percentage of victor- :
Joh accumulated before the close of the
season Justified their expectations.
During tho first week of Decoml>cr
nine yearn ago, I'onn State students
weie looking hack upon ono of tho
grenteflt seasons in the gridiron history
n'f tliir alma mater. A rovlow of tho
schedule showed ono tlo gumo and eight 1
victories over strong teams including
Penn, Pitt and Cornoil. Tho one tlo
wns with tho Navy temn which was
especially strong that year. Tills game
was played on a field so muddy thnt
neither side wns able to accomplish a
thing In tho way* of scoring. Tho flnnl
victory of tho year was tho clotso 3 to 0
triumph over Pitt. Football exports
conceded tho supremacy of tho grid
iron for tho season to Princeton, al
though Ponn Statu scored moro points
and played onto ono tlo game, while the
Orango nml Black team played two tie
In tho Issue of tho COLLEGIAN
which camo out just: eight years ago
wns published a rovlow of tho most
successful football season that Penn
State had ever experienced. Every
game on tho unusually hard schedulo had
been won by a comfortable margin.
Most of the victories wero registered
against gridiron foes of no mean calibre
such us Washington and Jefferson, Cor
nell. Penn, Ohio State, and Pitt. The
reasons for such a phonomonnl season
wero many' No other team except, pos
sibly Warnor's Carlisle Indians wero
so well drilled In tho rudiments of tho
game The clean, sure, hard tackling
nml the low, swift charging drew forth
the pmlscful comments of many of tho
nation's leading coaches and sporting
\\ rltei s. Tho great v nrlcty of plays and
tho advanced uso of open formation
nnd shift tactics were used effectively'
to tho iKiwlldcrmcnt of all opponents.
No less than ten members of tho 1912
Penn State team wero selected by' var
ious authorities for places on tho mythi
cal All American cloven. Captain Very
was tho universal choice for All-Ameri
can end. Team work nnd unity and
nhovo all, hard clean play wero largely
icsponslblo for the success of this glor
ious season.
In December, 1913 was announced tho
organization of tho Penn Stnto Varsity
Club, to bo composed entirely of letter
men Tho purposa of this club was tho
stimulation of athletics iu general, and
in particular, to carry Information con
corning Penn Slato to prospective col
lege men who hnd made good on high
school nnd preparatory school teams.
An additional object was to try* to in
dueo former Bluo and White athletes
to return to tho collcgo Just boforo im
pel lant gnmes In order to lend' their
Influence in propaiing tho teams for
coming contests. Tho club was divided
Into *wo bmnehos. consisting of gm«l
uutes nnd undergraduates, ami publish
ed a pamphlet devoted to college nows.
Tho publication wus oxpiuted to show*
tho alumni tho needs of tho collegu
teams. It was tho desire of tho club
that every member feel some dogreo of
Individual responsibility In securing
promising athletes for Penn Stnto and
to foster In overy way possible tho ath
letic Interests of tho college. It Is sig
nificant that one of thu big fontuus
nt tho recent first annual Alumni Ilome-
Comlng wns tho of tho
Vnrsltv Club, nnd Its pledging of over
thirty thousand dollars toward the now*
track house.
The Cincinnati Alumni Association
met ut an Informal luncheon on Decem
bei third nt tho Business Mini's Club
of that city. Among thoso present
were- T E Thomas 'O9. Fred Iloehler
•IC, Boh Richardson 'lf». "Dutch" Hoi
man nnd “Hlnkov" Haines Tho same
evening tho 111-Y Club gave a benefit
at the University of Cincinnati com
mon which was attended by two hun
dred high school athletes. Mr Gamble,
of tho firm of Pioctor and Gamble,
presided The speakers for the evening
included tho captain of tho University
of Cincinnati's football team nnd Coach
Chambers. "Jlinkoy" Haines spoke
briefly on the subject "Wlmt It Means
to Play on Your College Football
Team” Following "Illnkey" "Dutcb”
Herman talked on athletics In genera!
but with particular regard to football
An enthusiastic reception wns accorded
tho Penn Slato men and close attention
wao given to what they* hnd to say.
While the Nlttnny Lion w*ns giving
hattlo to the Pitt Panther last Thanks
giving Day In Pittsburgh, a largo num
biu of Buffalo alumni gnthored togeth
er nt tho Hotel Iruipiolu of that city to
licni reports of the gumo by direct
wlro from Forbes Field. The event
proved so interesting that it wns decid
ed to mnko it an annual affair nnd in
addition, to includo returns from the
Penn game next fall In caso the Red
and Blue nro on tho Nlttany cloven’s
schedule as has been tho cuso in pre
vious years At tho moating it wns
also decided to hold a got-itogethcr af
fair beforo tho Christmas holidays
(jit the Realism Test
help you “measure”
WOULDN'T you like to know why
the family will get more enjoyment
out of the New Edison than "out of any
other phonograph? Come
In and ask for the “Per
sonal Favorites" Real
ism Test We’ve said that
listening to the New Edi
son is the same as listening
to the living artist. We’ve
said you get the same
emotional thrill when you
hear your favorite music
Re-Created by the New
Edison, as when you hear
it by the living artist
'Hit! Commrico ami Finance Club of
the School of Lllieml ArtH held Hu
icgulm mtmthlj meeting last Tuesday
cvcunlg wlth an extra largo numt>er of
students In attendance A very Inter*
estlng Icctuie was delivered by Dr.
J'ouclco >m "M’lmt Am I Fit Tor” and
was one of the heal talks that him ever
been given 1m fore tho club. The speaker
outlived tho vuilous positions for which
the Commerce ami Finance courso pro
pa: ch the students and oxplntned how
oveiy man can pick out tho place that
he Ik bent milled for In life
Tho flint dance to be given thin jear
by tho Commerce and Finance Club will
be I veld nt eight o'clock tomorrow' ev
ening at the Fhl Delta Theta Houkc.
Judging fiom pieHcnt Indications, a
large numbei of couples wilt attend nnd
will undoubtedly be icwarded with a
plcaxant evening. Tho miiHlral part of
tho program will Ihj rendered by [Wig's
OichcHtm while Dean and Mrs. Stod
d.irt and Mi h Martin have kind
ly conseifji-d to net us chnpcroncH All
the club me uiged to at
tend the dance as the committee In
chat go dc'slics to have a hugo crowd
iiMiiiisinim: ai.u^ni
Moie than seventy.fjvo Penn Stato
Alumni of nurilshiirg gathered at the
Colonial country Club on December
second to discuss the work of tho col
lege Mr. J. W. Forlcnbaugh 'l2, pres
ided with Druco McCnmint as socro
tarv of tho meeting, talks were
given by Mr. It K. Spicer, president
of the Harrisburg notary Club, nnd'Mr.
Trunk Musser, picsldcnt of tho Lehigh
1 Pies and Cakes
Penn State Bakery
* 1
as a Xmas Gift
will know the New Edi-
Every New Edison it a Period Cabinet son is the phonograph
Select from 17 Models your family wants for
Christmas. You know
, > they’ll get more enjoy
- -} Tj ment out of the New
mm ' ■ Edison than out of any
other musical instrument
Valle} Railroad. Both are men of Im
portance In theli communities and are
vitally Interested In thu succuss of Penn
Stutu. Hugo Bczdok, Director of Ath
letlca, spoke of tho utliletlc prOKrum of
tho eollego and analyzed tho football
season Juki completed, Including tho
prospects for next year. A abort talk
was also given by the Alumni Secretary
on tho alumni otgunlznllon. Intense
Interest was shown by all tho alumni
picaent and a desire to do some real
work for the college was manifested
Tho winter season of athletics am
ong I’enn Statu women has opened aus
piciously with a lurgci peicciitngc of
| Home Baked Pies a Specialty
j Strictly Fresh Eggs Used
2 A.. B. DIETRICH, -20 2
j * *
The College Boot Shop
Nettleton & Florsheim Shoes
sl9 & $2O vaiues at $l6
$2.00 off on Whitman & Keith IBrogues
(Nothing' Better Made at any Price)
The Realism Test will help you test these
claims for yourself.
If you find what we've said is true,, you
Xmas Tipi Investigate
our Budget Plan. It *
brings your New Edison
for Christmas —makes
1921 help pay.
- Page Three
candidates enrolled for thuuo sports
than In tho fall soason. Onu hundrod
and four girls havu electod basket ball
while tho all >cur sport, hiking, still
seems to rank thu highest In popularity
with onu hundred and kovciU} -eight
girls enrolled Enthusiastic stippoit of
tho nthlctlc program is also shown b>
tho fact that 0110 hundred and nine
teen girls have ulrcudv seemed points
toward their Insignia, varying from ten
to onu credit each Arrangements have
been completed whereby tbu Odd Pel
lows’ Hall on Hast College Avenue will
bu uvnllublo for women taking an} of
the Indoor sports every afternoon. Sev
en hours a week, In addition, nru sche
duled to bo held In tho Armor}.