Page Four GRAHAM & SONS On the Corner , Never offer for sale any exposed goods or merchandise of any kind. Everything is displayed in dirt proof or dust proof windows, show cases and containers. Our efforfs are devoted to giving you clean, sanitary up-to the-minute service. BRYAN LECTURES ON “BROTHER OR BRUTE” (Continued from first page) mo Just out of a wui und hivo laon killing people, which is the bi ulo singe Wit nt its Inst Is not much botln than win nt Its woist Uoth tend to pmduio the imlmnl Instincts The Inst win was the bloodiest one l'heie was mole destruction of piopeiiy und loss of life limn cmi} before. "The distinction between tiro man re cognizing the lights ol Ills fellow be ings und the bubnlnn Is not new In the Bible, mention N nwilo of the two classes Both Solomon nnd D i\lil made statements tlul some men me brutish, Christ also mentions a speclil instance of them la the hypoultiH The taking of am thing b\ foico 01 by unfair ad vantage throws us back to the animal suite label Ued land was often won In the lllst pl.ue I>\ conquest Our own land begins with patents from the gov ornment who fought for It Never was there n time when more ricvouilng wns going on, I’reitUeeis, mid stock gamb lers ate now in ptomiimncc ".Mmij uphold w it for thu reason that It gives a chance foi supreme raerltleo Many win iiumoitnl heiolian by lighting fires, but thev do not tight them for this reason "Uni In atl iaspects Is undesir able It looses the biute in nnn. who seeks the llrst oppoittiiihy to take the life of another. It makes false stand aids of houm A man once had to up hold his hoaoi by duelling, but now It Is a eilmlnal offense to hive amlhlng to do w Ith a due) 'I hoi e Is a new stand aid of honoi. W.u cienlcs lndustiles that depend upon carnage und blood sbul foi lluli livelihood 'these Indus tiles sth up Joalousness between 1 commies so that they mnv pio lit by them “in nrdet to establish thu doitilne of biolheihood, U Is iictossaty to hive i belief In t.od Wt tune oin Unship nthci thiough Him. The (onsilousmss of t.ods being In life helps to ovetenmc leniptatioa and to keep fiom thu biute The clystnlllrji tiou of a <<>nsn but It will be one of the huidust fought ami most inter esting contests of the season. INITIAL PRODUCTION OF PLAYERS TONIGHT (Continued fiom first page) uf the arena, , < >l (Is lint the lion Is Uio same one «h< i he hnd befilended In the woods, his life lt> spared, nnd he Is raved from fuiihci potsecutlou. Run ning along with the main theme, the* plot is widened out and enhanced by tho pm (nival of tho foi tunes nnd misfor tunes of othet CtulsUans. The part of. AmlroelcH Is taken by H. A. Matslngcr •“j. while K II Hoffman ’23 will enact the tole of tlvc Uoa, as well as that of Kfffntho, « Chi Nil in. Miss Aleen M l'ell 'S3 wilt bo the tending lady In the tote of Lnvlnln. a Clnlstlnn maid who Is about to lm tlvvovva to the* lions. II IS Taylni '2l will bo seen ns Caes.ii, while W C Shull? has a strong purt to play as Utuovlus, a Christian prisoner 'Hast l clmracteis are nbly supported by tho ulhci inuuibeis of the east, who ninnbet about twenty. As a cm tain miser, a special feature will be presented In the foim of a short liish piny which will h<* given undei the X-*X**X-*X*-X**X- , X--X | ANNOUNCEMENT j 3: Wm. McEachren has turned his Grocery Store 3: j; at 115 Frazier Street, over to A. B. and FREDREICK 1 3* V. STRUBLE, and it wilt hereafter be known as It. I STRUBLES’ GROCERY * *!• The new firm will appreciate the continued pat- 4; $ ronage of all forriier customers of the store and will J $ gladly welcome any new ones. | COMING-' " ' A DISTINCTIVE LINE OE XMAS GOpDS * t ■■ ?!■ THE ATHLETIC STORE On Co-op Corner ! dli ectlon of Mr. Arthur Deerlng, of the Duput tiiient of English. The scene Is laid In the kltu|ttiiri>f Mmirteen Bruin’s I house, and tho uist will consist of si* lehumclciH. These Include Miss Buth Ui b ’22. as Bi Idgut lh uln, Mi Deering, as Slmiin Bruin, Mi. D D. Mason, as Mnurlocn Bruin. Mr Gordon Amend, As rnthei Hart; Miss Lisle Kohler '22, us Mu Ire Bruin, and Miss Elizabeth Kui 1 7 '23. as a Faery Child Tho piny Is one of tho best of modem short stoiles and was written by William Butler Ycutes “Prexy” Gives First Lecture Of Series The Hist lecture of the Liberal Aits Cmnse wns delivered by Dr C 12. Spniks in Old Chapel last Tuesday even ing on the subject "Martha Washington, the Home Woman." He gave a splendid talk on thu progress of the human rate »\ contrasting the life of Mnrtha Wash ington In 1800 with the Mitt thn iWnsh button of 1920 He also portrayed viv idly the life of "Tho Father of His Countiy" by comparing him with the other prominent men of his time. Dr. Sparks said that Martha Dan in Idge was horn of a good family In tho South. She married when only seven teen y ears old to a farmer named Cuslls who lived at a place called thu White House along tho Amaukco River In Vhginln Four children were born, two of which lived nnd two died Short), after tho birth of her last child, hei Juislumd died nnd left her a widow with two rhlldrcn nnd about fifteen thousand dollais in cash which was considered a huge sum at that tbno in the South. Dr. Sparks explained that, owing to tho fact that woman was not so prom inent at that time, it wns necessary to in to the biographies of mon to get ac counts of women. In this way ho wont on to portray tho life of Gcorgo Wash ington und Us consequent relations with that of Maltha Danbildge lie raid Washington also came of a good family and one which belonged to the arlstoc mev of Virginia They* vveto of a high social class, being tho fourth of their Ph'ofoplaifs of Qualify' ~ i’latg Cdllocfo 'Va. In “OLD KENTUCKY” Comedy— pi chhluiih waa "Oeorgu la right, Qt-uig la always right” Bho was a true an loyal wife ami nbovo all, a homo womai PEN N STATE COEDS FOIIM DANCE OHCHESTJI The organization of an orcheatm 1 the women atudonts of the collcgu attracting much attention and marl another important atep In tho mualc ptogierm of the Inutltiilion. Tho tnus rluna Hint mnde their aiipcumnce h foie the notary’ Club duilng tho recc Booatei Day cclubrallon and crcat auch a sensation that they huvo bc< engaged to play* at aeveial dancea to given In tho ncur futuio at tho womor dormltm lea The peraonncl of tho orchestra lnclu cm Anna Morgan ‘2l, lender and planli Until '23, banjo, Mary Mui fold '23, traps, Mario Corboy '23, troi bone, and Louitfo Still *22. violin.