Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, October 22, 1920, Image 1

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    ffenn A
The I. N. A.’ers
Are Coming
VOL. XVI. No. 12
Representatives Of Eastern Col
lege Newspapers Will Arrive
Today For Conference.
According to udvunco Indications,
Ponn State's ilrst conferenco or the
Inturcolleglato Nowspapor Association
will bo ono of tho best over hold. Six
teen delegates, representing eight col
lege publications hud boon heard from
up until Wednesday evening and as
many, if not moro, aro expected to
come to represent tho other nine mem
bers of tho association. Arrangements
for housing'/itho' delegatus are being
made as rapidly as tho replies from
the delegates come in A busy pro
gram has boon arranged and tho visi
tors will bo well entertained wlrilo at
Ponn Stato.
"While at tho tlmo of going to press
tho list of delogatcs is in no wise
cotuploio duo to tho fact that ropllcs
aro steadily coming ln, x tho list up until
Wednesday evening Includes tho fol
lowing college publications. Th* Buck
nelllan, Bucknoll University, 2; The
Now Worker, Now York University, 1,
Tho Haverford Nows, Haverford Col-,
leg, 1, Thu Phoenix, Saarthmoro Col
logo, 2, Tho Uulvcrslty Untclurt, Georgo
3, Tim Turg
um, Rutgers College, 2, Thu Gottys
burglun, Pennsylvania College. Guttys
burg, 2; Tho Lafayette, Lafayette Col
lege, 3.
Due to tho short tlmo that was av
ailable to arrange for tho conforonco
it has been Impossible to orrango du
flnately for an out-of-town spoakor
at* tho meeting, but it is possible tl«4
such an arrangement will bo made In
tlmo for him to bo present. Tho dele
gates will, In nearly all coses, arrive
during tho afternoon of this Friday
and conducted to their abode over the
conference. Tho organization meeting
will bo held at four-thirty that after
noon In Bourn twonty-ilvo, Liberal Arts
"Building—-The main—business session
will biko plnco that evening at oight
o'clock In tho samo room, and will bo
addressed by Dr. Stoddart, Dean of
tho School of Liberal Arts, who will
welcome the visitors in behalf of the
college and speak dn tho relationship
between tho collogu and its publications
On Saturday morning tho dolegatcs
WIU , incut at tho COLLEGIAN olllco
and bo conducted on a tour of tho col
logo campus. That afternoon they
will proceed to tho football game on
Now Beaver in a body and oecupj a
portion of the now stands that bos been
soK aside for,that purpoao./ In the cv
onlng'thoy will bo ontortalned by tho
COLLEGIAN at a smoker and lunch
eon at tho Phi Delta Theta house.
Tho enthusiasm which la provalont
In all tho letters received thus far
gives Indication that tho meeting will
bo very succossful. Editorial policies
affoctlng tho collogos represented in
tho association will bo discussed and
a closer relationship constantly striv
ed for. Tho Business Managers of the
various publications will also moct In
a spoclal session to discuss rates and
advertising policies and to attempt to
roach some standardization In tho cost
and type of advertising used.
Through tho kindness of Graduata-
Managor Noll Fleming and tho Ath
lotlc Association, Professor Kocher of
tho Fine Arts Department and tho Ar
chitectural Society, the visiting mem
bers will bo taken care of at tho foot
ball gamu In a portion of tho new stand
spocMcally sot off for that purposo and
decorated accordingly. In view of all
these facts. It Is expected that tho
fourth convention of tho I. N. A. will
bo a most successful and onjoyablo
At an Important business meeting
it tho studonts enrolled In 'tho various
architectural courses, which was held
In Engineering F last Tuosduy evening,
tho old,Architectural Engineering Soc
iety was discontinued and a now-or
ganization which will bo known as tho
Architect's Club was formod. A con
stitution was drawn up and adopted
and an oxccutlvo commltteo consisting
of T. IL Hunter *2l, ,H T. Hamol *2l,
and J. M. Judge '222, was appointed to
soo that tho provisions of tho constitu
tion aro enforced. Professor A. L.
Kochor, head of the Department of
Industrial and Flno Arts, was unani
mously selected to net in tho capacity
of advisor.
It was voted to continue tho oMcora
ot tho Architectural Engineering Soc- - „ n , f . (n
i° ty x.r'S’f Blte
iarwasi'i’sii g- »•»ssM'sar*
sa -estsms -jt-ijs ™ »■ s*-
members will bo awarded the cartlfl
cato otter tho proper Initiation. It Is
plannod to have monthly meetings
throughout tho year and sovcral social
functions havo already boon arranged
for, details of which will bo announced
©n ®f)e (grfiriron
Following Is a list of games to bo
played this Saturday:
Font) State vs Lebanon Valloy at
Stato Collogo.
U. of P. vs V. U. I. at Philadelphia.
Fltt vs Go, Toch at Pittsburgh.
Yale vs W. Va. at Now Haven
Princeton vs Navy at Prlncoton.
HarvArd vs Center Collogo at Cam
bridge. ,
Brown vs Springfield at Providence.
Dartmouth vs Syracuse at Hanover.
Cornoll vs Colgato at Ithaca.
W. and J. vs Lehigh, at Washing
F, and M, va Rochester at Rochoo-
Members Of Forty Branches Plan
Visit To Penn State Tuesday—
To Meet With College Officials.
Delegates from tho leading Rotary
Clubs of the stato are to visit tho col
lege next Tuesday and Wednesday It
Is estimated that threo hundred repre
sentatives of the ilflh und sixty Rotary
Club districts which Include all of Penn
sylvania und poi ts of neighboring
suites will come to Stato College to
get acquainted will: the workings of
this Institution. They will meet with
the members of tho faculty, will be
shown about the cumpus, and every
thing possible will be done to give
them, as representatives of the Rotary
Club, one of tho most Influential organi
zations in tho United SUtcs, an Idea
of the scope of the work being dono
Over forty Rotary Clubs have signifi
ed Uicit lntontlon of sending delegates,
and some of them such as tho Williams
port and tho Wilkes-Barre Clubs In
tend to send as high us thirty men
apiece. It Is expected that uppioxl
mntely threo hundred representatives
will be in attendance They will ar
rive Tuesday afternoon and will stay
until tho following day, leaving In the
afternoon. Tuesday night the dele
gates will meet .with tho faculty and
the college ohluials The ppcakers have
nut been decided upon us yet but will
be announced later In these columns
This mooting will be devoted to ex
plaining to the visitors tho service that
the college renders to tho statu and to
the students and to sotting forth the
requirements necessary to Increuso this
service Wednesday morning will bo
devoted to a tour of Inspection of tho
collegu grounds and buildings This
will Include trips through tho now en
gineering units with their electrical
laboratories, wood-working shops,
dries, machine shops and-axi*erlinentul
laboratories,— trli*«-'ttifough the mining
nupictyn and through tho. natural
Mclonco laboratories They will tour
the agricultural school and inspect tho
modorn dairy barns, creamery, horse
barns, tractors, and tho agricultural
experiment station. They will see the
experimental orchards and tho results
at scientific plant breeding and the
many other Interesting things to be
seen on tho “Hill,' Old Main, tho Car
negie Library and tho Liberal Arts
group'will also bo visited. Luncheon
will bo sorvod at McAllister Hall at
noon after tho tour of tho campus,
concluding the entertainment of the
visitors. At this function, speeches
WOT also bo dullvurcd ~ *
Will iuov wu uu^
It Is planned to houso the visitors m
tho various fraternities throughout
ihe town over Tuesday night Bach
Creek letter house will be requested to
nccommoduto as many as possible and
in tills way glvo the Rotary delegates
in Intimate Idea of studont life that
Would be impossible to obtain by a
mere Inspection trip through the col
lege. FJans for the housing of tho men
uro not complete as yet but are pro
gressing rapidly and will be finished In
lime for the reception of tho delegates.
Tho Rotary Club Is ono of the big
gest and most influential organizations
In the country for tho advancement of
cqmmorco and buslnoss. It Is Inter
ested in and takes an active part In
public affairs, and all things for tho
public welfnrq The educational sy
stem of tho state Is ono of tho most
Important problems now in the pub
lic oyc. Because of this fact tho Ro
tary Clubs are'coming to tills institu
tion to got first hand Information on
llio subject.
In order to facilitate tho work of the
Frcshmnn advisors, all Freshmen re
ceiving below grades In any college
subjoct will bo required to meet thlr
advisors at tho ond of the below grado
periods. Tho first of theso conforonccos
will be held next Monday ovnlng at
slx-tlilrly o'clock In tho rooms that
havo been assigned to the vaiious ad
visory members of tho faculty and at
tendance by tho first year mon effected
by this ruling will bo compulsory. Tho
names of tho various advisors togothor
with tho placo at which thoy will bo
found for theso meetings are as fol
Prof. M. M. Babcock. 312 Mnln.
Prof. L. M. Burrago, 220 Main.
Prof F. C Dlsquo, 22 Eng. F.
Prof D. H. Dusham, Zoology Room
4 (MaeAlllstor Hall).
Prof. W. S. Dye, Jr. 310 Main.
Mr. E. A. Ecklor, 300 Main.
Mr. W. F. Gibbons, 311 Main.
(Continued on last page)
Haverford vs Dolawaro at Nowurk.
Lafayotto vs Catholic Unlv. at
Rutgors vs Unlv. of Va. at Now
"Bucknoll vs Muhlonburg at Alton-
Urslnus vs Dickinson at Carlisle.
Swartlunora vs Johns Hopkins at
« Baltimore.
Amherst vs Union at Amherst.
Bowdoln vs Colby nt Watorvillo.
W. Va. Wesleyan vs Columbia, at
Now York.
Williams vs Trinity at Williams-
Opening Game To Be Played At
Indiana Normal. Biff Squad
Will Be Used. ,
The first football game on tho Fresh
man schedule will be played tomorrow
against Indiana Normal School at In
diana. The No: mu) School team Is
having a good season with an ox
perleiiLed baoklleld and u line that is
heavier than usual There 4 nrc a num
ber of veterans In the line-up .and tho
lieu men have added weight. Captain
Johnston, the right half Imck, Is nn ex
pciienced muit who played against tlyj
Freshmen here last year when the year
linfcs defeated tho Indlunites 13 to 0.
Tills year is the first time that tho first
year men have played ut Indlunu Nor
mal sliilo I DIG. in that year tho Fresh
men were held to a scoreless tie In
diana has started well this season and
ins hopes of repenting the performance
of several former years by winning tho
norma] school championship of the
state They got a good stnrt in this
direction lust Saturday when they de
feated Sllppoiy Rock Normal 14 to 0
The line-up used in this contest and
which will probably bo used against
the Penn State Freshmen Is ns fol
lows Graham, L C.. Lough, L. T.;
Wlnxingor, L G., Muldoom. C.. Lur
ing, R. G , Gouston, R. T. Rankin.
R 11; Maugauello, Q 8., Deßuughs
L H , Johnston. R. 11 , Watson. F B.
The Ficshman team as outlined last
week, Bechet, Jj E., Madeira, L». T.,
Runsor, It. G.. Hamilton, C. Schoen
fold, R. G, Crow thcr R. T., Frank,
R E . Carson, Q B„ Wilson. L,. H. 8..
Hjnes, R. H 8,, and Cornwall, F. B,
wilt start the game. However Coach
Hcunan In taking eighteen- r.,cj. n u b
I him andjill wlU'bo put in the game it 1
! conditions warrant It. Tho othei*mgn
being taken are Butler. L. E ; Fcaster,
L. O ; Armbrustcr, R. G , Johnson, R.
T , Rathgcber. Q B , Singer, L H 8.,
Palm. R. H B, Tho quarterb ick posi
tion has shown greater activity per
haps than any other and In tho gnmo
tomorrow the conch hopes to find tho
right man to lead the team Cajson
who will start against tho Indiana ol
eum was formerly a half back but hat
shown up well in practice as a quarter
back. Rnthgobcr is his chief opponoi
for this position and will play part c
tho game Madeira has been appoint
ed captain temporarily for this game
and the permanent leader will be ct
'cutod shortly. Wilson and Hynes nn
•scheduled, to do .most of.tfto klckl.ig
while Cornwall w’lil-do the drop kick*
ing and Runser hoot for placement
Tho Freshmen Jmvo been pitted ag
ainst tho Varsity In scrimmage most
of this week and havo dono-voty wol
ngnlnst the moro experienced vetoranf
Madeira, Hamilton, Frank, and Schoen
fold hnvo shown up exceptionally well
Most of the prnctico has boon devotee
to-combating their opponents' fonvar
Plans have boon made for ft course In
cooking beginning next Tuesday oven
ins, In Room CJn tho ‘Women's Build-
Ins, for young worsen interested in
this subject, Tho group will meet to
ieurn to cook nppotlzlng Sunday tens,
lunches to bu taken on hikes and rides,
and breakfasts that can bo prepared
on a grill or chafing dlst Tho cuurso
will also Include lessons In wliat to or
der at restaurants In order to secure
tho largest return for tho money ex
All young women nro welcome to
Join this group and those Interested
nro asked to leavo their namos, if pos-
Join tills group, and those Interested
slblc, before Tuesday ovoning In Room
0, Womens Building. expenses will
not bo over ten or tlftcun conts Per les
son, depending on the size of the class.
6:45 p. m.—Friday Club, 19 L. A.
7:00 p m.—Potter County Club, 315 Main.
7:15 p. im—Forensic Club, 10 L. A.
7*oo-8:00 p. m.—Blue and White Literary Magazine for sale at Co-Op.
2,30 p. m— Penn State—Lebanon Valley football game. Final trials
for Varsity Cross Country for Penn Meet between halves.
6:45 p m—World Problem Discussion Class, 14 L. A.
7.00-8.00 p.m.—Blue and White for sale at Co-Op.
Both Chapel Services—Rev. Ethclbcrt Talbot, Bishop .of Episcopal
Church of Bethlehem, Pa.
0.30 p. m—Meeting of Freshmen and Advisors.
7*oo p. m.—Student Mass Meeting, Auditorium.
7.00 p. m.—Public Speaking, 4 Liberal Arts.
7:00 p. m.—Y. M. C. A., 19 Liberal Arts.
7.30 p. m.—Lion’s Paw, 15 Liberal Arts.
8:00 p. m.—Press Club, Stone House.
7:00 p.’ m.—C. E. Society, 200 Engineering D.
Boxing Class resumes October 25.
Tickets for Old Main Dance will bo on sale at Room 430 Old Main all
Trials for Freshman Cross Country Team Saturday at 1:00 p. m.
Final trials for Varsity Cross Country for Penn meet will be held Sat
urday between halves of the foot-ball game.
Freshman trials for the Intcr-CoUegiates Wednesday, October 27th.
Rt. Rer. nthdhert Talbot
In this district and It la mainly due to
Urn unthlng elTorlH of tho
iblahoji that tho diocese la now con
sidered the Intgost in tho coat
Bishop Talbot was bom nt Fa)cttc,
Missouri In 1870 ho acquired tho do
gri'o of Bachelor of Arts at Dartmouth
after which ho entered tho Gcnoral
Theological Seminary and graduated
fjom that Institution In 1873 Ho then
luturncd to his nntlvo state and re
sumed tho life of a studont at tho Unlv
oinltj of Missouri, whero ho was grant
ed tho degree of Doctor of Sacred Theo
logy and Doctor of Laws In tho yenr
of 1887. In 1888 ho iccelvod tho do*
greo of Doctor of Divinity from Dart
mouth. Ho was ordained ns Deacon
and Priest of tho Protestant Episcopal
Church in 1873 and was tho roctor
(Continued on last page)
Enthusiastic Meeting Last Tues
day Night Closes Successful
Membership Campaign.
At u big moutlng held last Tuesday
night In Old Clmpel, the Statu College
Chumbor of Conimcicc, lucently organ
ized by the citizens of tho town, com
pleted u busy camjulgn fur new mem
bers and laid numerous plans for fut
ure activities along tho lines of civic
iuleicst and impiovcment. Although
the Chamber of Commence Is a new in
stitution here, it Ims already accom
plished a gical deal of good, cspccinll)
m the solution of the student housing;
iiuestioii -which wus a serious one at
tho opening of college. With the add
ed numbei of members secured duilng
tho recent campaign, with the wide
spread Intelest which Is nmnlfcstcd In
it us a icsult of Tuesdays mooting, and
with tho dcllnlte start which has now*
been nmdo in Its efforts to niako Stine
College a butter town for Its citizens
and for college students, tho body Is
jupidl) becoming onu of the leutures
of uctivit) In this locality.
The leadership of the Chamber of
Cummeice us It bus been organized Is
vested in four olllcers, chosen uiuiuull).
Tor tile presold )cur these otlkcis aro
Piesldeiit. It. H Smith, Vice-President.
Di. William Fieai, Sccrctar), John T
Tajloi, and Tre-asuicr, David F Kupp.
In uddltion to these olliceis there is
also u bourd of dlreclots consisting of
live members, of which two arc- towns
people, two ure representatives of the
college faculty, and ono a representa
tive of the student body While It Is
planned to mako tho sociot> as demo
cratic us possible, most of the projects
will be In tho hunds of special com
mittees. who will report to the body
as a whole Thcto will, huweVur, bo
exceptions to this procedure in tho
case of'unusual ultulrs that demand
tho attention of the members as a
The meeting last Tuesday night vvns
opened by President Smith, who out
lined purposes, character, and the hims
or the Chumbet of Commerce. In ad
dition, lie reviewed the accomplish
ments of the body since Us beginning
several months ugo The most notable
fentuio of the chamber's past .work
has been In connection with the hous
ing problems which existed at the op
ening of the college last month. Due
largely to tho efforts mndo on the
pari of tho tho then young soclct),
enough rooms worn procuicd to acco
modate every new student ut Fcmi
State, an exceptionally lino record con
sidering the critical condition which
existed here nt that time.
Thorp were live new piojects dls
' cussed at the meeting, and committees
| appointed to examine and act upon hoi •
[oral of these made reports The llrst
Is a continuation of thu program In
icgurds to the housing question A
committee, of which Mr. S. K Hostetler
wus appointed chairman, will make a
sutvej of State College with a view to
usccituin the available rooms *for rent,
both for students aiul members of the
fucult). A second committee, with
Piufcssor S. W. Fletcher as chairman,
is now engaged In an investigation of
water rates In tho borough There
(Continued on Puge'Thrco)
Thu next underclass scrap to be held
Ahls full will be tho pushball scrap,
which will take place on Siturday af
ternoon, November twentieth, ns decid
ed nt Student Council meeting Inst
Tttcmln) evening The committee which,
was appointed to take charge of the
nffuir Is as follows A B Kincaid .31
Chairman: W H. Pajno *23 and F. H
LcuHchncr -1.
M C. Geiger *2l
F T. Vnnsant ’2l
R L. Gibbs *2l
W. G. McGee *2l
C. L Clark *2l
A. E Kincaid *2l
R. B Baer *22
E. B. Fields *22
How Good
Can You
Many Veterans Included in Strong
Annvillc Line-up—Former Penn
Fullback Coaches Team.
Tile last home game for Bezdek's
muledcln men hiforc the annual mi
gration to Franklin Field to do battle
with tile lied and Blue and
will table place tomorrow with
the eleven from Lebanon Val
le) College as tile varslt)'s opponents.
Dining the past week the varslt) has
bicn vvoiking haul, malnlv In pupar
atlon/foi the huitlej contests )et to
come and while the current opinion
among the students Seems to be that
the game tomoriow will Iki an cus> one
Coieh ltczdck and his m< n are not
underrating the strength of the vlslt
oi s, expecting that the) will produce
a snapp) biand of football
The lineup foi tomoirow's game,
v Ith few exceptions, will be much the
same ns It was last SUitrcln), tho prob
ablllt) being that most of the ilist
string men will he given a chance
"‘Dutch** Brown and McCollum or Huf
foid will be found at the ends Beck
and liner oi Schuster will play at the
tackles, although it Is possible that
the latter will alternate with Grllllths
■ L guard, while Captain Iless will play
the position which he has hut taken up
this ><_ui l,uiu will unduubi‘ll) start
the game nt tenter while McMahon will
piohahl) he given a chance also during
the game Thehacklleld will he same as
In the D.utniouth game. Kllllnger at
the Daittnonih game. ICilllnger ut
ituuitci, W..> mil Haines at tho halves
and Snell at fullhick. The bicMlchl
has been ptaving a speed) brand of
lull all week and the tunic his been
tiue of the thst stiing men. Llghtner.
Redlngei, Knahh, Williams and Ruoss.
all of vvvhom will undoubted!) play
some pmtlon of the game
Tho Lclmnon Valley teim Is being
coached this )oai b) “Uohe)" Light,
tin. former Unlversit) of Pennsylvania
star, and lias shown lonuldcrable Im
provement under his tutelage, Last
Satutdu) tho lluvcrford eleven win
downed b) a score of 18 to 14 but tho
picvlous week tho Lebanon men were
forced to bow before the TrankUn and
Mmshall team The team which will
fate the varslt) tomorrow will not bo
a light team b) an) nunns, their weight
averaging ISO pounds and being an
additional factor to the speed and ag
gressiveness which the aggvcgat'on
has attained. The ptobihlc lineup.for
tommiun. with the weights of each
m in. will he ns follows
L. E 195 lba.
L T 192 lbs.
L, G 210 lbs.
C 178 lbs
R G 17C lbs
R T 202 lbs.
R T 170 lbs.
R. If ICG lbs
L. H. 17G lbs
F B. 185 lbs
Dehm in
R Homan
Princeton, Ynle. Penn and Pitt
Are Main Alltactions—Wealth
Of Material E\j)ected.
With foui stais of list season's vlc
toilus live leiimhiing and with a large
iggiLgation of good plajers. couslsllng
of foi mu seiuha anti membeis of last
)eai » Freshman learn, to pick from,
Condi Ileminn Is looking forward to
having one of the beat basketball teams
In )cnra.
Immediate!) uftci the Thanksgiving
recess, wink foi the varsity candidates
will begin In earnest and exceedingly
keen competition will develop, especially
over the forwaul position, matlo va
umt by tho graduation of '■Bill" Mul
len, ono of the foremost stars of lust
year's team Haines. Kllllnger, Rcp
logle, Wolfe, Wilson, Hitts, anil Kouhler
will piolxibt) be tho principal contend
ers for positions, although a hundred or
more candidates will undoubtedly res
pond to tho llrst cull and slrlvo hard to
gain iccognltion. With such an array
of hdeiit on hand, It may be said with
positive assuranco that Coach Herman
will turn out another winning comblna
tloln that should overtop tho achieve
ments of hist season's Poor team des
pite thu severe schedule that has been
U! ranged.
The schedule for this season Include
games with many of tho Intgcst In
stitutions of tho east und Is onu of tho
hardest thut a Blue and White basket
hull team bus evei been called upon to
face Of thu homo games, tho ones
with Pi Incoton. West Virginia, Pitt,
Washington and JulTcrson, and Swnrtli
inore appeal to bo of tho most. Interest
while games on foreign soil with Yolo
and Penn at thu close of thu season
promise to he hard doan-cut battles
Munugcr Mo>ers Is negotiating with
two or llnuo southern teams in order
to arrange for a trip during tho
Christmns holidays, but tho trip Is
tint yet assured. No game will bo
t<la>ed on the twenty-second of Janu
ary und tho twenty-ninth still romalns
Tho schcdulo for the 1920-21 season
Is ns follows.
Dcu. 10—Juniata, at homo.
Jan. B—Wlcklnson, at home.
Jan. 10—%V. and J., at homo.
Jan. 17—W. Va. U., at homo.
Jnn 22—No gamo.
Jan 29.—Open
Fob. 2—Carnoglo Tech, at homo.
Fob. 4—Pitt, away. -
Fob. O—W. and J, away.
Fob 10—Princeton, at homo,
Feb. 12—V. P. I, at homo
Va. Wcb, at homo
Feb. 17—W.
Fob, 22—Pitt, at homo.
Fob, 20—U. of Buffalo, at homo
Mm oh o—Swurthmore,0 —Swurthmore, at homo.
March 6 —Yalo, away.
March 9 —Penn, away.