Page Four GRAHAM & SONS On tine Corner Home of Fine Confections Smoke Lover’s Paradise 24 Years Service Our Best Ad. 'OMEN STUDENTS TAKE PARTIN MANY ACTIVITIES .il'.'iml-'iH il iZijju'. :>s th*- iv.-u.'t *•f .!• r.'.ri initial*-*) st .-print; hy tii.- <«j itc.'i. Jtm tl< cllsli.tiis p. r.-:. t. ami ‘ •in wititou; i>ill >]i<■ iiimuti-ill<'ti i- ilu ■ Th*- pivs-ft nt' plim- i‘tills fur n o-ininitt'loinpi.-vi} irninl'vrs nil f'.in *-!.is?.*s. Vi-*- tii.ns nf i iisj. .m> ;n-«* i*l to 'miriili.-.*. :iT,.! th- 1Y« n Mi.-nit" i.< t«vvi*\v pii\,.vly ii.« >.t:- ii't- r.-, Tin- «»H5«-u's St w 1-in •in in- ttt ‘,'«nieci! lli«- final > m disputed "f Jli«- W.-tn s tho yiris «tli.-r. <1 about ill.- Jit.- ;•> hear sp.«.-h -■: from various stud.-nt h-ad.-rs torts ami tin- 1.i.-an of Women. Kn uisf.istu - for Jiork.-y. ha.-ket ill. tennis. hikiiiL'. lra«-k am! unit" were lilimtl. A oii*-uvt k iiit. irlass hik- IK i-om«->t starts tliis Wednesday. Tin systt-m li. ri-afi. i* fp>v« rns awards A blank key • Hi.* st-rv.-s as first r« < next, ass numerals are added: an S is tin- mhest Jionor. At the annual Weleonn- servh-e of the . \V. C. A. held Sunday evening in the acuity l'arl»»r of tho \V»mm's Ituild ik tho president. Miss Minnie Kapp '1 .explained tho helpful program of •n-jl by tho -y. \V." this year. i "ass.-s ■r study of politiral tpi.-stions. lit*-r.t lire on itoitiiii-ni problems. social s.-r- i<-o in country Sunday schools. and oclal activities tho stud.-nts n-soiu opporttinitios for broadi-nitur ur outlook. Amendment of tho eon iuiatinn to admit persons <*f all civods * a |»r«i|tos«d advanced stop. xotio: riti:stmi;.v Freshmen <-heerin« practice will he old in tho Old Chaj..-1 Saturday at 1 . in. sharp in order t»> save tho first oar moil a eham-o to become familiar ritlt llio riilhco y.-lls before tho yam*- >"hirh is called for tltJ'.n p. m. Chor •ador Clankouhilior and Assistant rhoorloador Millor will ho in charjte. Playing His Last Goodbye! HUMORESQUE A PHOTOPLAY featuring Alma Rubens jd Cparamounttfrtcraft (picture Directed by Frank Borzage Senario by Frances Marion Based on Fannie Hurst’s Great Story in the Cosmopolitan Thursday and Friday, Sept. 30, and Oct. 1 MATINEE DAILY AT 2:00 Special Prices this Production—Adults, 30c. Children, 10c, and tax f . until three days hofmv tho llnal try- I'OHMKn »KA\_W louts in Boston. wluto ho was rt-mirdi-d STAIt ItKTliltNS - dark and whore he upset * the opinions of many dop.-st. rs hv win* nii!«- first plan- in iho trials. iivminu.d from first paitr> o -w st! , <1 ov.-r th.-ir fences and miliar jump* v. hen In- takes off. ’l'ho yr-nt Knyli.-ii ln:rd!.-r the lai-.- (5. 1.. And. r-.-ii Mas tin last on-- to h iv..- tie- :r:--k:' tha: loili Thompson and di-pl iv.d at his command. t vilici-/u oi Uinitf*. sp.-nkiii.vr of tin- way in which the idytnpies were ItandUd. Barron dc ciar. d that affairs wn- 100 Imp; drawn ■ .lit ..mi tint m.-, i-notiun .-vents wore h-hl to ii!l out programs for tlio days: A i-rowd. t- I itiviiv small considering tie- jiiijx-: i.iii-of the in. o’ liaud I-’ witness tin- eain.-s. and in some ■ •as.-s he il-i cn.d ihat tin- oid st.imls on lb nv.-r i’i- l-l woitlii have ha«l 1.. >n suf'i'-i.-iit to ac- Minmo.laio tile ii;. a-.-- r iiimih. r of spoomtors. A lark'- or.twd hi-w.-voi, was always mi hand to witness tlo- *-eee.-r .a»d /.th.-r on Am.-iicaa iout.-slants and had thh ji.-t Ji..n t!io .*as*t!i.- I'nit.d State.. Would lia\e <-o»i)o out victorious hy ; laru. r maririn than slu- r. a!!y did. Ollier Meets. lnim< di.itely ;iVti-x‘ tin- rinse nt‘ tlu* itii’i-: in Antwerp, about twenty-live iii' iiiiiti-s of tin- Ann-i !•-,•!> tram iu. liul iiv(: Untold Dairen wmv smtt to I'.ivis :m.| thence tn L'lniJ' ii jn cnmpete Irx s*-v-ml i‘«>n test s that w«re held in those cities. lit I’aris. tin.- Him- and While Hurdler earth-d off two events, a and srrnnd place. while at l.nndnn th>- 1 tn.-ii l'rotn this side nf tit*' Atlanta- tiad tn I.< <-.-iittns shnttld he reported W divei'sitv nf experiences. At the he- «*»«• Student Tribunal. Names shmil.l mmnm: nf the war. in- enlisted as a handed to O. J‘. Smith ’2l. Seciv private in tiic Ordnance Department ,; iry. Any <{ties«fnm? cnnrvrnhitz Inlor nf tin- army and was ju mice transfer!-- Wvtations nf custntn.s slu.nld he refer ed in Antttista, (bnrma. wlteiv he com- n, l tn the Tribunal pietid ids trainim: hefnre hrintc sent overseas just prior to the simiink of The night before he had been the great musician, placing to rapturous thousands. Now he was just a plain old mother’s "baby" playing to her and the girl he loved. Perhaps he should play no more—perhaps not see them again. So he pjayed "Humoresque"—that lagub on life, with a tear behind it—and was gone!... .Where? Why? A story that hlends the slum and the avenue, the din and the music, the sorrow and smiles of life in a happy melody, silently played on the screen. PASTIME THEATRE |, the armistice. After the signing of the : armistice lie. with feme Others. Were I' iransbnvd to a French university sit [ Toulouse in the southern part of Spain «; wliciv he studied art. ‘While there he 9 i«»>l; pari in othNtii' aetivliies and in 1 ; i oiimlM-r of Instances eotnpeted in in i' lorroUeglnir meets that were held he ll tween the seliool at Toulouse and other French universities. After four months Inf sillily there-, he derided to return to 8 America In order to complete his I at Penn Slate. Si Soon after, hfs arrival In the L'nitcd I'States he at once began training for S: the Olympics hy securing a position as , 1 .1 Imp*t-iiji in the shipyards. At this naval training praetfee ho remained STUDENT GOVERNMENT H’.iuiimi-'d fr<>m tlrst page) W. 11. Payne ii. It. Hose U. A. I lufford R. n. Kedinger C. U are HONOR niM.MITTKI-: F. <;. Church. Chm. A. E. Kincaid Sophomores. E. I). Seliive flaks m-i-irr.ns Senior ( lass 11. M. Aiken. J'resident N. It. K'orl*. Vico-Pivsidcnl W. t\ .UenrUi*-. Secretary (’. .U. Siianuier, Treasurer .Ittttiur Class it. H. Rauch, President W. t*. Plough, Yiee-I’resident I). It. Cupp. Secretary 11. L. Means. Treasurer Sopho/imre Class. It. L. Sehtistc-r. President. I. S. Adams. Vice-President .1. K. Hill, Secretary .1. C. Harbin. Treasurer Class of .1010 \\\ 11. Hess. President K. H. Kahh-y. Vice-President C. •(. Pievev. Secretary 11. H. Runs. Treasurer ‘Athletic Association U. K. Williams. President W. C. Mearkle. Vice-President K. M. Aiken. Se KOK NI2W KOHIJSTKHS The Forestry Society Is preparing a grand set out for Freshmen Foresters sometime during the coming week. Notices wJJi be posted giving the exact date and at the sol time the Freshmen wifi be welcomed at the usual place In the wood lot just' above the Forestry building. The committee on entertainment is endeavoring to have all members of the faculty who are interested in forestry attend the event in order to tell the new men _of the bright outlook for graduates of that school. During the summer members of tho Junior Class were placed In positions in various parts of the country hy Professor .1. A. Ferguson, head of Hie department. Some of the men wens to Csiuada. oth evs to Wyoming and still others to .Maryland, it is quite likely that many l of these men will relate some of their experiences at the coming feed. GYMNASIUM SUITS THE ATHLETIC STORE On Co-op Corner Friday, September 24,1920 KM*.I>'KKnJN& DEPARTMENT RECEIVES NEW KQUlPxmit During tin* summer ibe Softool Engineering received a considerate quantity of new equipment from as Frankford Arsenal. Among the artta*! received for the industrial Engine-T ini; Department was an atitomatfc screw machine, a modern toolgrtn&T a Hoed'i’tvmire lathe, a Sibley ftS press one Cleveland automatic turm lathe, a Ciucinotli horizontal tnDlin* machine, a Smith-Millc taper, a center ing machine. The Department of He! ehanical Engineering also received some new equipment, the principal articles twins a simplex steam p Ua)i , and a laYge duplex plunger type stean pump. These purchases were *n^ under an act ofCongressentitled“rh* Caldwell Act.” which disposes sy vaged war material to Engineering cw! leges at a reduction of fifteen per cent! A contract lias hecn lot for a larj* compound two-stage air compressor for tlie new Mechanical Engineering Laboratory. Work on the new labor, a lory has been seriously delayed be cause of the slow delivery of materials and because of the necessity of wotk on tin* farms during the summer. No* that practically ail of the material is hen* it is hoped that the new building will he rushed to completion. Hamilton gold open faced watch en. graved with N. K. M. on linck. Re turn- to Uih* Frazier Street. Suultable reward offered.