i....Tuesday; September 14; 1920 LOCAL BANK-TO CHARGE - ■ STUDENT SERVICE FEE (Continued from first page) This expontto lu no minor detail by . any means. in, that considerable time i. und labor 1m required to fucilitato their «: providing the students this privllcgo ,i Ho further utated that he did not be* •' love that any reunonable person ox- ' 1 pccted hiH bank .to oxtend him ncco •< modatlons at a lohm and that rather than curtail tho studont depositor's ; privileged tho bank officialH hud do " elded upon thcao charges. An Invos *; ligation allowed that In most collogo i towns tho banks charged n foo for ■ > handling such accounts and that In ; . most coses tho foo was oven groater ■ than tho local bank Is asking. In somo cases tho foo Is as groat as one ■! • dollar a' month while In othors flvo •*- dollars a year Is required for opening k . an account. Somo banks requlro that ■ * depositors maintain a balanco of not Adolph Zukor GEORGE Fttzmaurice .. pnooucnoH V " \ \rrth Mae Murray 'l.-madiDovid Powell y jt&araamal QHdura 1 Another groat beauty-drama 1 by the man who mado “On I with the Dancel” A romance of all tbut human hearts experi ence. Beating with adventure. Suf fused with the sabUo lure of Turkish polneej nnd - per , famed boadolr. Every seono a thrill or a feast of lovollDoss- ' Friday & Sat’d’y NITTANY theatre Sept. 17 -18 TUESDAY L. K. METZGER .College Text This year'we are agents for, the, famous W. A. W. Shoes. We will carry in stock at all times a complete line of Men’s Shoes. Nothing over $lO.OO. This value compares with other shoes selling for $15.00 to $20.00. How can they do it ? We sell direct from factory to consumer. There is no middleman’s profit. leuft than ono hundred dollars and Honjollmci) two hundred dollars, and that in uuho the'dcpnsJior fails to keep up this balance a fee of fifty cunts a than a logical business proposition, ono month Is dunged against him for overy month that ho romalns below the balance. After some discussion tho merchants approved thu bank'a proposal and agreed among thomselves that they would willingly pay tho cxclmngo char ges on overy out-of-town chock cashed in tho stoics and Inter’deposited to tho merchant's "nccount In thebank. In brief tho proposal In this: • A xtudont who opens nn account at tho bank will pny ono dollar a year for sorvieo and' twentj-flvo cents for his pass hook‘and a similar amount for a chock book. In roturn tho bank'will handle his .chocking account and will also cash his out-of-town checks with*, out u charge for exchange. A student,,not a depositor, will have to pay the exchange if thu bank cashos ills check. If ho presents an out-of-town chock . | PASTIME THEATRE TUESDAY .Return showing of DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS in “The Mollycoddle” . WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY WALLACE REID in “What's Your Hurry” Also an exceptional comedy “Four Times Foiled” FRIDAY and SATURDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY