Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, April 21, 1920, Image 1

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    How About llavins An Extra
Hour To (tainhol On
'l’he ttreenV
VOL. XV. No. 26
New Seale Averages Twenty-live
Per Cent Increase—Follows Liv-
ing Conditions Survey
Following :m investigation of several
mouths. tie* of Trustees of this
* ••!!««<• !t.ts fixed Us approval to a mea
-ur** whereby a general increase iu the
salaries of Hi*- family of the college
will come about. The Increase aver
ages twenty-five percent anil the scale
ia which tile salaries nr** ranged, be
comes r-l'l'i ciivf n-xt .July first. The
new adjustment means much t*. the
college. its faculty and tin* student
Ihhlc. Heretofore the salaries paid the
instructors «*f lli»* college have Wen far
oelow par as compared to those paid
l*y institutions «if th<* same size and
lank, ami tin* result has lieen that
I'ena Plat*- has stiff* red the loss of
Some ”! its liest men.
Tin* most important feature of the
new salary scale is tie* fact that the
greatest increases will go p> those mem-
Wrs of ’he faeulty of ]oiv*-r raid*, whose
salaries hav«* been farther ln*|i»w par
than some *>f tie* higher niemliers.
thereby relieving th«*m from consider
able pressure in Jiving costs which have
s*. severely handicapped them during
the past several years. Tin* salary in
crease which was made last fall, small
though It iv.a'. did n.,i affect this class
of the teaching corj».< and cons«’'|U**ntiy
tlo-ir positiou was more sivimiem than
that of the others. demanding in fair
return a larger increase at this time.
I*V virtue of the low salaries paid its
instructors during the past lew years.
IVlui Slate has gradually lost many of
tin* Wsi. Kven now a goody number
Will leave, although salary diffa-nlties
hav** been solved. th**se in*-n having al
re.-uly accepted im*re advanced posi
tions til oiler institutions. However,
in this phase. IVnn State has not Wen
alone. Many other colleges have felt
the loss of their Wn**r Mien through
the same ealisc. At its annual tncet
li>K in Harrisburg last .lamtary. the
Ward took act inn on tlu* matter of liv
ing conditions in State College and or
dered a survey which began immedia
tely following the meeting. The result
of this investigation was the recent
meeting with the new seal**. Although
no announcement as to the range of
salaries has been made, it is assured
that the new scale will adetjunlcly pro
vide for the very best in teaching mat
eria! which the hoard will ho able to
obtain. The rapid ,J*»ss-*»r-•*»***»
rne'rn'ctilty lias been keenly felt, and
the new action on the_p:irt of the hoard
i.vMch proposes fair living salaries for
i»u -tntsTnnpgc will "lie a
favorable moans of obtaining more and
better men for the teaching staff.
At a meeting of tlu* nominating com
mittee of the Y. AI. <.\ A. held last Mon
day evening, nominations were made
for the ollleo of president, tirst vice
president. second vice-president, secre
tary and treasurer of the local organi
sation for tlic ensuing year. In order
to facilitate Voting by the members
of Ihn "Y". a list has been prepared
which designates the meiYs class:
votirnp, and activities, whether within
*.r without tlu* Y. M. C. A. -The vole
for officers will be held noSt week at
tie* morning mas* meetings.
The nominations were ns follows;
President; Sterling <S. Harris. Agro..
*IM. Chairman Hdrty Campaign:
Church Specialist; First Vicr-president
Horace M. Slteffer. D. 11. 'L’l. Senior '
Ass(n*iiite i-klitor Collegian: President }
Ppwnrth I.eagUp. Methodist cltur« , li:!
Chairman Soflnl L'oinniiPeo Y. Al. C. A. I
First Vice-president: Albert K. Kin-,
chid. Jr.. ICII.I Ml. Chairman .Member
ship and Financial Campaign. Y. Al. C. i
a. :
Poiiald K. Williams. Al. I*
bWM .Ju»i*>r Var.sily fonlbalt.
Sci'iuttl Vie*-Pn-siilcnt, i’haiio.s T.;
!>/*inis. A«n*. j
i:*»tiunitto<*. V. AI. V. A.
Arthur Is. .I;uw-.s. Ch. *2l. Chairman j
I’thlo Study Committee. Y. SI. C. A.<
Varsity Swot.
.hum's I*. SirKmuht. A. 11. •■ll. presi
dent Student Volunteer Hand: Mission
ary Chairman. V. M. C. A. I
|;,ry; J*;,y JtiHT. C. K. "J'2. j
*’:il»hi<* 'JYain. .M<mh<T.s)n'|> final j
I'inum-lal Ciimjciiyii: I'ooihnn. |
C. Ciarlit* Cailry An. ‘22. Chairman i
IVilaUc* l*niy*T IvUlv Cam-’
palun. ’ j
Trf*a.sur«.|-: < i.-oif;.- Aiiin.-m. I. ’l
<'lmitnv.m J'liliHriiv i'l-minit !<*<'
Arthur H. .\lela«M<-n. C\ «•
William .M. Sli.ujt, H.
m:m .Juniata IMoiMtioii.
to um: n» (
At a rt*r«-nt «>r the ku'ls nf 1
thf Pn shm.iu class. it was decided I
unanimously t.. «iv<- ii\\ all (..mis of
hazing. This is Mt l.y the .-nMlu.ri-'
tips to In* :t hi* ste[» forward. j
Freshmen trying out for Business
Manager, Penn State Collegian,
report at Collegian Office, Friday,
April 23, at 7 o’clock sharp.
ffenn A ©all
Interscholastic Track Meet, Oratorical
Contests and Principals’ Convention
to Represent Many High Schools
P*iut Stall's annual Mayday, this
V*ar ih.- lii'ieeuth of the month, will
.if ti,.. biggest events for the
coll-ge am) its miosis which Is sehed
uli ■! ilti-: .war. Numerous forms of
athletic «•••;!t ests will take place. by var
sity teams, by non-varsity teams and
hi.-h school teams, for this day will hr
the 1 filcrsrhntustic Tl-aek meet for
Pennsylvania High Schools. Resides
■II tin- athtotie features. there will lie
a convention for high school )iriticjjMl.s.
a public Speaking Contest between |rp-
j reseniatives of various high school <lis
liiets throughout tin* state, an all-eol-
Jei*e dance iii tlie Armory in tin* even
ing. and an open air mass meeting on
(he front campus at which time num
erous features of I'eiin Slate .student
life "ill *«• pr» settled for the high
school hoys* eililicatioll.
Tin* annual Intel-scholastic track
tneej prmisos this year* to be the best
ever held. Pennsylvania's most promi
nent prepaiatory schools am) high
schools will tak.* part. Tin* cotivpetiug
teams will be divided into two classes.
A. and t:. In the former class will be
placed the preparator.v schools. IMlc
lonte Academy, Iteildrhem Prep.. and
Indiana Normal. In class 11. Allegheny.
Aspiuwall. Carlisle, fl.-arlleld. Kric. U«-
n«d»c bcwlstown .Manslichl-KicHinond,
N'orristmvu, Stroudsburg, Troy. ic.-no
va and McKees),..)! high schools have
already entered. Harrisburg Tech has
aways been placed in the hitter class,
but there !;; ,'l possibility this year that
the Capitol school will compete in the
class with the laruer schools. The win
ner in each class will receive n beau
tiful loving cup, the .1. (.;. While schot
ar.shliMoup going to the winner in the
Class 'll events. Itl the Class-It relay
race, three cups will be offered for the
llrsl three p(uulugH. In addition .to the
imps already mentioned. Knelt routes,
ituut.-'"■•n''vlnnrr nr'a
" ill receive a P« nusylvnnia State Col
lege medal to commemorate tin* i>vent.
Prim-IpaK Confercnn*
Itefore tin* world war. this college
was accustomed to hold annually a ;
conference of hit:li school principals in
May. on the same date as the Inter
schotastic stihletic m«*'t. The confer-'
gave opporiuulty to the principals
to examine tin* work of the college as
•.Veil as to witness the meet. It also
opened th** wav for students to outer
lain their principals and lo show them
ahem the college. I treatise of the lim
ited fiirilities for entertaining, a new
set of principals was invited each year.
This year the conference will In* re
newed and invitations have been *mu
to principals of seventy-live leading
high school* of this state. None of
these principals have been here* before.
They Will arrive during tin* day of
Kriday. May fourteenth mnl the that
conference will he held that evening.
The list of schools invited is ns fol
City High SrhuiilH
Aocitlown. Altoona. Itethldiem. Ches
ter: Oiatesville. Kiie (Central). Harris,
burg iCentral). Ilazelton, .lolm.stovvn
(Senior), buck Hawn. New Castle.
tContinuei) on Page Fivet
The'mutual election of officers for , j here several times before during
tin* Voting Women’s Christian Associa- summer Session and often (jiving as
lion of tills college were hold yester- : many an live performances. The I)ov
day at noon, the following having beep eraiix Players makes a specialty of np
chnscii: ' peaiing before colleges anil during rc
President. Miss Minnie K. Rapp *21.; cent years they have appeared before
Vice-president. Miss (trace M. Yocum most, of the colleges It) the Culled
i Slates and in many private eiiUTinhi*
Seeretary. Miss Marion M. Mcars ‘J3. uteiils. /
Treasurer. .Miss Virginia . Percy ”J‘J.
Tin* play’ ''Anns and 11n* .Man" 5s
one of tin- best written l*y tieorKo
WATItlt count KXIIIItmo.V OX :',nl Bta* :i»<l Is Ilf tty* ft
.... „ . which tin* musical comedy "rhe Choco-
A! M.Nh Altr.S OAl.l.hlt\ ,„ u . M „|tller" him been derive/ A repu-
A very flno exhibition nf watrreolors tiitinn precedes this organization as
ami Win iron I drawings is bring slimvn being the best of its kiWd ami those
in the galleries of tin* Pc|«trtm»mt of who have seen them appear before ran
Industrial and l-'ine Arts. Mr. Wilson j vouch for this statement.
Kyiv, ;in artist and architect of Phila- • Clifford Dover,utx be supported
del pit ia. wild has been exhibiting his by Miss Uraf sis ro-star. and the tvpu
work In various nit museums of tin* tatton of tlu* company in nil tin- lead
fountry. has lonm*il over two hundred 1 Ing colleges and universities where they
I.r his drawings for this exhibit. They : have played. indicates that their pn-s
-an* mostly in the nature of sketches . dilation here. arranged for by tin- ml
maih* in Kttrnpc am) America. honk* 1 lege, will In* well Worth whih*.
cover designs. niuMmtinns amKarehl- 4 Tins company has ntl.v played to
tcctttral studies. Mr. Kyiv was horn in Marge audiences at Columbia. Harvard.
Florence* Italy, when* In* spent his hoy- j Harimouth. I.'niversily of Virginia, Fid*
hood. am) his foreign birth probably jvi rsily of West Virginia, Fnivcrshy
accounts for the ohl-worhl spirit wltit; of Vermont. University of Texas nml
whiel'i his work is Imbued. ‘ every leading state college in the cmm-
Advance Enrollment Indicates Suc
cessful Year—Students May En-
I’eiut Slap ’s eh Veitlh soimm-r session,
Ut-eonhmi l>> lOaus eoiiipleleil by the
■HireeiMf. Will* he one of lho greatest
« ver held ai this institution. The vegu
! ir session opens on June twenty-eighth
and e.ineliHles on Almost sixth. several
! hit* l Jin-diary courses helm; operated
'hiring that tine* hi conjunction with
ilu* regularly scheduled courses. Along
with the .session for tmehers, ih**re will
he held a hoy seotti emu11 gathering,
a seltool for county ami assistant comity
superintendents. a school for- directors
ami, supervisors of home making and
agriculture, a summer eotirse for lit
irary workers. an extensive eotirse In
made appreciation, ami a for
• raining continuation school t.-acbers.
The worth and Valin* tif these eotirse.s
to those attending is immeasurable in
consideration of the etTcet which In
creased knowledge as far as teachers
is concerned will bring upon the seltool
children throughout the state.
The session begins on June iwcmy
itiiith. following a day for registration,
the hoy scouts camp on July sixth and
concludes on .Inly iiinetcenlli. ami the
i-choul for county mid assistant county
superintendents along with the one for
directors and supervisors of home mak
ing and agriculture opens on .Inly eigh
teenth nml vlOscs on .fitly thirty-first.
The former Jh.u new- tliiim-In.thin mate,
masniuch as it was first decided upon
ns n necessary measure last full when
the county superintendents and their
assistants met at the l-Mucatlotial Con
gve-ss In Harrisburg. Tin* course is
one which provides instruction anil
methods in views toward helpfulness
In state wide institutions of learning
rural school administration and sup
ervision. the principles . of education
tmd common seltool problems. H. M.
I*. Hillcgss. Commissioner of educa
tion of Kdueation for the State of Ver
mont and Hr. Kdw-in it. Snyder. Com
missioner of Vocational K.hioathm of
California, will assist the regular staff
**f the Sum? Superintendent in giving
instruction. The school will bring a number of prominent tm-n to the
(Continued tm page two)
Famous Shakespearian Interpreters
Have Often Appeareil Here in
Summer Session
The pres illation of the play. “Arms
.■lid tip.- .Man” by tit*- Clifford HcVeraux
Players. nbutit May first in the Schwab
Auditorium, will' be a rare treat for
t'emt State. This organization needs
m> introduction to saute, having nppoa;
Air. Norman llitpgood, ctlhnr and crit
ic for Harper's Weekly, after witnessing
the performance of the Devcraux com
pany in "Twelfth Night", at Columbia,
said: "Life in the Filled States lacks
no desirable element more than It lacks
art. and yet even in the arls we occa
sionally find almost by accident, some
thing of very high quality. Tin* Dev
cratix company will servo as an illus
tration. They tire giving Shakespeare
outdoors wilha refinement and compe
tence that Is extremely rare in our
Seals Will he tin sale at the Co-op,
at fitly and seventy-five cents, begin-
ning April 2Gth
Nitlmiy Cinder Men to Compete
in Annual Carnival at Penn
!.elii>;li Meet Next Week
Next week will be a busy one for tin- j
I I*oii:i State track team, tvhic-h will meet;
Lehigh University in a dual contest
on Wednesday. April twenty-eighth and:
then proeoed to Philadelphia where It >
will participate in the Penn Relays atf
Franklin Field tm Friday and Saturday, i
April thirtieth and May first. Plans
are rapidly being oonsiunatod for both !,
meets and with the exception of Hem-j
ming 'ill. who has not yet fully re-!
covered from the efficts of an injured!
tendon, all the men on the team arc
in good condition and much may la- ex-j
peeled Of them itt the COltling COlUi'iXls. V
It is very probable that Hemming will
again be lit to run before tlu* l.eblgh',
meet. t
VARSITY SCORES WIN 1/ action I.f student council nt its!
> iimdny jtl ti*rt!**< >u at one-thirty on
. . ... . N* \v IV;,v,r Feld. Since its iusti.
three Aggie Pitchers I'ail lo Stop ; dmimi two years ago to replace the
U-.zdik'.s Itatsmcn—Cirumlpy At- j mu', Jl'.'Ji,
lows lillt Four Hits i II Inis 1.,.,n r.milmly
; r< among Ptim State's animal
— j underclass scraps.
~, ~ ' Th “ s ' ri ‘l' "HI .start tit om-thiiLV
tool! lliium iw/.d.-k s heavy UUtmg , , h ~)< skaip vn S;,i„nl:,v aft.*r»i.^»
diamond aggregation opened its homo ; The Freshmen will report in thc/Ar
•aas.'ii last Wednesday afternoon with : niory ; ,t ~t u. nvioel; where the/ will
an overwhelming victory hvit the 1-am ( be divided into groups of arty /itch of Agricultural College by ; which will take part .(mine .*.//• of the
lh.- s.-.v,v „r U t.. a. Tiic .lay was live mimiic p-i i»ds. The Sophomores
I i" p'-nnit really fast play . will at the .sum,, time in old
him! the n .sun was u l.m- drawn out ! Chapel as has \» cn the annual custom
rim 1 1•• i and errors than wmdd : All judges and nsslslam/ will meet in
he compatalde with any victory, unless I tile Armory also at nue'hviock
as in tins .use, a pleat mimhor of rims ! The ol.JiVr of the t/-up setup is is
Wen senred to make up tin* delhdem-y. j the name ifidiem.-h. ffir each man to’ tie
The visitors played a hard, .-lean brand i up as many of hi/ opponents as p..s
of has. hall ihroimhout the contest, hut f sihle in a given Jyintth of time. Kverv
uerc no match for the bewildering | contesiam will / provided with a pieee
curve:' ul ihe Kiln* and White's slur of rope and /jnal numhers pf i n ,.|j
motmdsman nor for tin* Well placed, from each class, fifty in oaeli group,
timely swats from the hats of his will cuter ttio ring and attempt to tiJ
cohorts. The marring feature of the jibe liands'and feet of the members of
whole contest was the number of cr- , the nppu/iitg side. Fach pair .»r hands
tors made, .Michigan obtaining hut four and f,/ securely th-d will .•mint one
scattered hits off Crumley, hut never-! point./.Vo slugging or foul ptay will
Ulricas scoring live runs through the be p/rmitti d and any one violating the
medium or eight errors registered a- nd/s will Immediately he removed from
gainst the I'due and While inlield. the contest.
Anplc errors also assisted the Penn / The conmiiuee in charge of the
.Slate men in .scoring, inn iiol to timT scrap consists of the following men:
eNiem ns did the ones brought about .1. S. Marlin '2o, chairman; C. A. Xel
by themselves. The heavy lihting/nf sun '2O and It. W. Knapp '2l. The
the team as a whole wtts the red/om- twenty-live .UinSov Wssistnnts/ whose
inw |Kirt of the game, a hut ni/ man duty it, .willbe to 'gpoi thnt'thc'cont'ciit
—'‘-r ' - tmscnre\Tj.*yeetn/ a hit. Is carrlwl'ollMii’VtW way according
7 Shifts .Made In Unenji lo nro: n. K. Williams, AL IV.
At an informal mass meeting of a- / .Mjcis, It. n. Henry. K. .r. TtlankenhU- 1
hum om-liundivd students on Thursday U h ‘‘” tho l, ‘“ m w,,nu ")< the field. lci% H. L. Stuart, r. W. .Sell. V. K. Tajwis. l
evening in <>M Chapel. Ho- lirst sups vharm. s were noted in its make- th Ht.v. K. I*. Hge. j.\ f}. Karlev.
were taken toward the organization of “h- having rvplaccd Hauh- K »*. l-'aWcy. |>. D. Dctar. A. K. ICin
a Penn State oming Huh poach Ul/ at thud lease and/huhh succeed- caid. .t. S. .N’yeum. 15. It. Kwcctev. C. .M.
••hick- Harlow was ehcp d tempurarv hm l.lgluner in right /Id. ••Killy" per- ; «l'-'ng|cr. i\ |». Walter, c. A. Wav.
chairman. "The purpose of the eluh" in Cair Vlcyfit tin* old earner. *l. It. Hess. i.. pr. Cooper, K. U. Stark,
'anal foa. h Harlow, "is to |)roniote •dl!I'’ 1 '’" 1 K;,v “ HnllcatMis of c-onsldorahh-; •'■ M. Kricclmmi. C. K. .Mowrer. 1., s.
interests in om.door life, from the ski- i J**'»'»' , *vem. f |it ov.s/ihe infield's playing /'twih-r and It. H. Hishell.
ing of the winter months in the spring * m l,u ' n, ' xl few »ontests. <!ruM». while- Ihe ml.-slot hserved in connection
tnitn-ilshlnn." Tin- r..r a Hal.! lnv "' K IW In 111.- 11.-up m»|. :.n- :.s r„ll,„vs:
"f thin ni.,,,..-. II mvw ..m 1,1 '“•«»>'<»» tln-....j Artlrtr 1
111., n0i15.;,... .lost >. „( slllll.-ms ;,n.|i "• ,|W V «»' »'»> niil N.IKiIIK
;.1, 1..r. 1 1.... li„ K i . ■'/““■rlll,;l:,l m;,„„or ,l„- losl
hlkiiiß. In,mi,i K . „.„l lisl.ii,a 1 ">«™ naly mini
the suiToiiudlm: moumahis. There was!;," , Ilu yotiill«id to receive any work,
n r-oliiu;. Unit l-.-i.i, s,.i„. sli.mlil I l "' s '/- l “ r " ri " " f ,w " >""k iu, 'p-
li. r linun.l ros.imvos i hlliliw. I hi- ...ily
■ Hill r.ioililios for out-,I lifv \ h "}* ’‘"'•'•'n "'kk'k llr.'.lnl.y ]„•. Illiu.-.l
In I.i-1.-r si-.oli. „ul- / •■ei»««- , . | ». Mr tin- Mrnm
1111.-.1 Mir of 111.. ,ui;;i„|v.:„ii,„i./' : "!’ 1 . Mt'in'i.;" ,l,„v„ .I.„H,lwlWy
Mon of 111" spi-ini: i-.mi,n,Will 7"' , S ,i '"' >" 'l"'rlo|, im„ S|,ln,-
sisl in 111., ilr.-, of mops „r u!.. : . ' ,u ' mi'M'ln h..rl. In.s Kr.ul-
Ir.rilor., surrmin.lljiu Slop- c.'nlk-140/r..r : .V' 1 r """ :""l
I, iii.liiis „f fnrly milos. M is 11... " l l ' “'V''; >' n»»hy poir
lion of ,1,0 fWmry. Mmols,..„„| :
: I'.otHti.v hi parlnichis |o •.•o-opf/te with ■
tie outing Club in the cou(|dling of' . .
Up ;.,, innps. Various .1,1,/. >•-“> nplioa, ions. ,1,.
| Plarrs. •llsnl.iK |„.|os" ,„„|/, I ..limm.'s wwv n, ,1s inalio
i "f willlr. I, nil,l, |„ „„■. f"'
I .I. rstou.l Ha.i oupa.'.tv of n... i„„. '"'.-llii. o ,„„l ,|„. „„„„„
! inn null as ,/s„n „f mlvkmry "''.o 'TiV , “""-
oollUliiM.o In lip- sUliloiU 1,0, Iv in son- i . .' '' 1 "'
j-ral. Tl.o sliKKoslifn.s ami infi.rinalinll ''''! 11 '''. M" sol.i-r s-uro.l l.vo
; from 111,- i„.n,1,0|4 ;„„1 011.0r.s will 1„. ly 1 ' .“"'i
l,;. „ for roa.,y/..f0r,.„0,.. iIM „
lilk's are jila/ied which cover front a:., 1( . .... ~ auoss
• iay to thv.-e/davs tiltte. ; l " Uu ‘- 1 " , ,J - Ih-wmlMUgh
| After :t /w remarks iilmut the ns-i
' 'toeiatioit /in genera). Coach i
point' d /ill the relation "t the clidr
to lh.yi)cp:irttneut of Physical Ikluca
tl'tn. /Previous to this time, Cy.jmusiiim
Drill has I scheduled only In the
winter 'mouths. During the. next sc
i/o lor. each ntcmh.-r of the two 1 lower
/idassf-s will he scheduled for two hours
of "(l.vm" thmiiirlmut the lerin. As an
incentive to take part In the program of
tip* UuMng Club, credit will he given In
this subject for active membership.
Professor Ferguson told how tin* For
estry Department would I 'dp the club
in the ("midiiation of map; aid hik
ing "blue lie said that it was
his iiitentioii lo petition tin* State For
• stry Department for the permlssilou of
Penn Slate sttidenis l" remain in the
Forest preserves over night. Previous
to this lime, this privilege has been d.>
Many Oiimlhlnlrs Out
C.mi'li Marlin has umlcr a wealth nf
maid ini in the way i.f camHilai.-s for
in-.-l e\vms. all < •!' wlifiin arc wnrUhitf
Haul for pushimis. anil ilic list of cn
'ricf. for the me.-l mi Taylor Field m-M
Wednesday has am yet In-on fully tle
-•lilr.l upon, (n lII.' Kill ami 22n-ymd
• lash* s the emrants will he |i|ekei|
fi'eiii Tavh.r '22. A. W. Julies '22. ami
lleeher- '2l. while Ihiiiniiap '2l. |jjmk
2’’. Ktall '-I ami Taylor '22 euiislimte
tie' ti.ld mi" candidates in the 4Ui-\;ml
• !a>h. In tlx* middle distances. Merrill
22. .Wweoitc r '2l. "Karry" Shields '2l.
iJcmmim: '2l ami nrr *2l are ilic |oni
eat liien {<■ he picked lr«>tn fer place*).
"Che Itlue ami White Vttimers in the
two mile race will he rlioscn iTniu
llmnii: '2l. lies*' '22 ami Snyder '2l
ami I’areiM ami Kins '22 will m> dmtld
he the entriis in the hnrille events.
Tle re a larm* li. |.| i,f eamliilates
h>r the vari'.us liel.l events, t'aliha^c
(Continued on last nauy)
New Organisation (o Promote Int
erest in Hiking, Fishing, and
Other On|door Sports.
At :i meeting of th'- inemhers of the
varsity ln*Niiit; leant fur iln* past sea
son. 10. 15. Kuhley '2l was **l**<*li*«l to
captain tin- I'.lue and Whit** stjUail f*»v
til* 1 next year. Several days previous
the following letter awards were made:
Captain .MeFadden ’2a. Knldey '2l.
Friedman *2l. Cooper "21. Aiken '2l.
Weiss '22 and U. Jl.'llishell '2l. manager.
Samuel Freedman '2l was elected var
sity manager for next year. .1. <j.
Kareltlnw '22. F. W. Cans '22. and It.
10. tiekford '22 were elected Mrst as
sistant managers
A smoker and reception to the Fresh
nian students enrolled in tin- Commerce
and Finance course will l.c held next
Tuesday evening at eight i.’eloek sit the
I'lii Gamma Delta house, under the
auspices of the three upper classes in
that course. '
jAnnual Event Between Underclasses
to Afford Keen Rivalry Display
in Clash for Honors
Aecies I'm* Three Pilcher*
(Coiuiim.d on l*ay*> Three)
* drive ns :i whole Were elnselv -
mi(;o to address '•I T! ll< .ut:li<>mt tli«< iivu days. the JJeds'
w vift*.r> coining in the elnsing mimitcs
hiOCIKTIES -f .he e.m, laign. Tin* entnpaigii its*-lf.
a ~r ‘“"i
i.M .fill l«- 1,..1.1 l-'riilav, April : ''' ' 1 """ W »V '""I «:
i f.- p..... i„ ,v < .1.1 vii=,„..i. Th .. •»«>; " !»•««.! wm
Mr. line. IM...Mr. Ul.-m.-r i’,.,i.i.1rt,.il fi.r lII.* It.r.-.l i . M. It. A..
r.'V...i.l y,.;,.. B 1,,.,-,. „» „r 11... r,,.:; 1 .„l In.
*rfnl KuKi.irrrl.nt Ip-punm...... n..r- \ T*T
1..8 111- w„r In- S.-IW.I „« Ma]...- a„,l was , '"I" 1 'T 5 h , u llr '"''>
Ma1i.......l .villi ll„. Wlnrl,Arm's I ' v - r - ">
a.,.1 Amm.mlti.m empany. ' ‘ i j'.,!,' , " v " r " ,,lr
. iiai'K.. .if Hi.- ||ii.!i ..f small arms ' .. '.. ',' L ‘''
amniimiil..... Affr 11., • ,l„s,. ~r tl.r •'■>ln.:.ll». sin. >•■ amm.iil .P-sm-.l
ivar. hr .. ........1 ... IV,m r„r "V' V , '""al "rnante..
lip... l.n. Ills s..rvi.vs I,ml 1„...p S„ vs I- 11 "V l «""l“*'T-l ,1s
..1,1,* ... till- Winch,..St,>r '''an„ll„-r Mm In min wl.h tlmm. Mr. T . ! i"'
I'i.'mrr will talk ..n s,,m. , ~r in- '“'"l'"'",', 1 "‘SI fall up,,,, il.c rrsiimp
,ins.rial un.rH nn.l his talk will 1,.- well ,'.’ f "V 8 " ll.r siimm. r
W..HI. Imariim. ~. sav ll.r leas. vara,l.,„. Plans f..r .Ins .Irivr will In-
Tln r,. will In. .several mall.-rs ..f im- ,m " r """-av.,,' in
l.rniml.l .... rnneernlnß
in ali'.n „r 11... ••PK.SW STATK lix. make I.le Ike enrr.vlim
CI.VKKIi" which will he „f inter,‘st „. T" " f “ f ' ,n '"" """v"
all e,mine,.,lnc simlenis. ' h .!, •* H.« "v'k. ~|,|..,r.„„1.y
, will in- given in the morning muss
" , meet jng nil those students who have
POIOIKK STt'IIKNT’S PAUPNTS > 111,1 V‘l l"im.t. I.ut who desire in ilo m>.
....... This will hf mi* time tn pledge money.
<*MI-. ( M1.1.1.C1. sriIOI.AItSIIM* Till- campaign for ilnamial aid closed
As a trust fund ami memorial to l;,sl evening. ami this extra
Ili<*ir smi. I.ii titi iiant Aau Nutt, a for- ' opportunity tor students to lirroini'
iner member «.r ihf class of litis, who im-tnhors is for that luiriios.' alont*.
was l.’ilhsl in rottihat •ivtrsi*as in‘S*-|>-. “
lomhor miS. Mr. and .Mrs. U. K. Ntm. VIM ATIIINAI. SI*KAKKII TO
of Cliffsido, N. .1.. hay |.rrsrutfd th- \I»I»KrSS WOltrv «iTriiVvT«
sum of JHiiki to tlt*• iVtmsylvattlu Svato -HMMn.NS MOMI..N STIIIhMS
CoHoko. tho iutrr'-st of whirl! will hi*: .Miss llommit. of Ihf (Miicajjn Collet;.
Used to “help ijffdy yotitit; !H«’H to pro-‘ iat<* Iltireau of Ocetipaiirms. will e<*me
etuv tin eduraiioiC. I.h-tn, Xutl \v:is t«> Slat** C*oMri;r *>u -\twenty-sfv
a member of the Tirst Pursuit (Ir<iut>. ; enth to speal; t<» the girls eoncernliu;
IMlh A» ro s'*>!t ami left yolh'ge | vocational work. She will speak twice
early in the Sprim; of H»l7 to enter ion Tuesday evening anti at some other
the service of his country. The schol- [ time, undeehlcd as yet. to the vocation*
aiship will mean an annuity of about al girls. Private conferences may be
fifty dollars to some needy student. arranged through Doan Knight.
Section t. This scrap shall he known ;
as .he tie-up scrap, and the contestant* i
shill he members of the I-Veshtnaii and!
Sophomore classes. j
S.ii-lim, Th,- ..1.J..C1 ..r tiii-ii |„ ,i lis !
scrap shall 1..* t.. ii.. tl p as „ Unv <lf tlu . I
npiii.siie side as |*oss:l>|r. * j
Section a. Tin* place for holding this:
s< t ip shall lie N.'W Heaver l-'ieM.
S', ciion l. Tim tinm for holding tlm
Si-r.ip shall be determin'd by tlm Stu-'
il.-Ul C'.uilril,
Sect,-on I. A space Of too |,y ,Ve, |
H'otitimmd on j'j v »»>
‘Y’ Campaign Falls *;
Short of Objective
I“■ ii a State's biggest y. ,M. (/. eatn*
paiipi end'd last Saturday evening with,
tlm It'iN ahead by tin- narrow margin!
.< f sKiy-iive dollars in |i|<-dges ami «»im •
hundred tin tubers. Honors f*»v the,
Old Jupiter Pluvius Couldn't
Postone Trout Season
Propose Changes anti Additions to
Courts—Explain Association
Rules *at Mooting
Hand in hand with a locator genual
athletic pin gram at IVnn State lit!.**
spring comes a boom in temttac which
will alfont lovers of the sport an op
portunity for more tlioroup/f training
; and excrise ami pleasure /in playing.
| An extensive local’ schedule of games
, will he carried utt this year, combining
j inter-das-*. interfiatei pity and inter*
t unit contests. as well .its a considerable
varsity schedule. ,l»n .lime Uftll. It
is planned to rur/osT the all-college
f championships, a /i rU-s of games which
j it Is experttd h,* lively to the last
S degree. As tit/ result of a conference
; held over til/ past week-end. partly!*
j paled in by/lJirector of Physical Kdu
cation liuyo lVzdek. .Manager Kirk and
three of /the leading exponents of ten
nis in ttfis state. e\t. n.-ivo changes will
undoubtedly he made in the attempt
to j dace the sport on a firm liasls at
ihiz in-titnilon.
/n.e commission which met with Mr.
b'.er.dek was compos* d of Mr. Charles
(larlaiol. one of the executives of the
National I.awti Tennis Association: Mr.
K. IV Seitz, a U-adhig tennis advocate
of Pittsburgh, and Mr. Iv S. Lloyd,
state champion in ltd!. The meeting
held in Old Chapel last Saturday af
ternoon was well attended by local ten
nis i-mhm at which time the ten
nis status here was placed before them.
Mr. <on land spoke briefly concerning
tin* rules ami by-laws of the National
latwn Tennis Association ami their
: application to tollvge players. Air.
! Seitz. wh.j is an expert oil the con
| struetion os' courts, expressed his views
;on the |>ossittiHty of making more courts
hole and told of tentative plans regard
ing their situation. Mr. Lloyd in his
short talk expressed the hope that
Penn Slate would come to the fore in
tennis as she had done in other forms
of middies promoted here.
The games cntnposhitf the v.aristy
schedule will be played ns follows:
Ituckm-ll at T.rwishnrg
May IT.- Carnegie Tech at State Col
May 10— la high at South Hcthtchcm
May 20—Ijnfayotte at Hasten
May,, ill— Muhlonburg. «t Allentown,
(ponding) ' k
Mrty 22—Penn at Philadelphia -
May 21* —Ihteknell at State College
June 12—PI? fat'State cotlege . .
The management is also trying to ar
range for an exhibition game between
tlie eaptain of Yale’s tram who is con
sideml the seventh best tennis player
in the fnited States and “Mac" Kllor.v,
a former state champion. *
All men interested in tennis are to
report for preliminary practice on the
armory courts at one-thirty on Satur
day. April the twenty-fourth.
Proceeds Will He Used to Send
Three Delegates to Union Con
ference at Michigan
t'.-mi Slate students an* assured of a
treat on Friday. April the thirtieth,
when members of tin* Thespian players
w'.ll present a tlir* e-act vaudeville per.
li-rmance. tnoh-r the auspices of the In
ter-Fraternity. Intra-Mural. and Inter-
I'nil Connells. Th>- purpose of the en
tertainment will he tti raise the funds
m-eessjjry for defraying the expenses
of one d'-hgat*' ft out each vouncil to
i> |ii.siiit P**:in Stab* in n conferenco
t<» be h»ld at tin* University of Michi
gan in tlie n*ar future.. This conven
tion will be held !>* consider methods of
organizing and maintaining Unions In
the various college*, and will consist
of delegates from all the institutions
which at present have formed, or con
template foimiug such organizations.
The program of tin* show to Is* given
here will consist of three parts. The
llrst will be an extract from the Thes
pian Show of 11*I.”. in which, it will Is;
remembered by old students. la*vi I-imli
and "ited" Itanbr played Important
parts.' The second feature will be a
IWo-pieee skit, entitle*! **|n the Class?
What l i.i You Mean?" Silencer Free
‘2*i and IS.vjon Knapp ’2l will In* the
characters. The •'oncliiding number
will introduce jazz band which will
present the tewest innovations In the
wav of modern harmonizations. The
priee *.f .-ohuission io tin* entertainment
will he twenty-live cents ami it 1* Im
portant that the students should give
their hearty support, as there will he
m. more delimit* steps taken la the or
ganization of th*- I’enn Stab* Union un
til the d* legates to the Michigan con
ference have relumed.
Freshman linsehnll practice began
last Thursday aft*-rn*M*n when Conch
(trove had his llrst year candidates out
for s.vine light practice. This first
work-out x was very light, consisting of
some liatting ami fielding work, which
will he continued for the nexj few rtnyn.
Tib- eoarh announces that practice will
be held every afternoon except Satur
day and Sunday and that all Freshmen
with any bas.liull ability should re
port to New Heaver Field. A schedule
for tin* Freshmen lam been arranged
that includes games with Indiana Nor
mal. Ijifaytttc High School of ituffalo.
Cornell Freshmen, all at home, ami two
games with fullefonte Academy, one of