Page Two Penn State ,ollcgian Published uteLl) ttuttu), the Collo6o rear 0) studonta of tho Ponnoylvonlo blunt Cu11,,0 In the Intet,t of the Students, raeulty. Alumni and rrietubt ut the 00110, E=s 0 S 3, holt, '2O - C UW WI CI NV. ASSOCIATLI EDITORS II S Da% 1...1 I . II L. tp.tlull.• '.I ~‘' D. Leinlonelt '2l H. M Sheffer '2l =1E11=1E1!1!1!1!!!! ECIEMBIM IZEN!IIM C 11. 1.4n1e Jt. '22 A C Pratt . 22 0 I. , Itt it l 2 2 I. W Selo% el '22 J Stolzat t . 22 I II ....JAI 22 II It. TletrlLk .22 11=3 l'evoton '2ll II I: N. In 11. Colle,,lan 111%10, Ai ll1:111111.111iCati0111 . 1 on any guLdoot of Lullogo Inforoot Litton. 1111. L, o tof,lituo.o of 0111.uso sobs, bob.) to Ice $1 Go, If paid beret° October 15, 1011 After October 15 1919, II 73 Eliteletl at the rOstolllee, Stale College, re.. as second close matter. talk, Nittan3 Printing and Publishing Co Building 0111 co hours, 4 20 to of co .ttu nom: ostupt Saturday =MElll2==2=M WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1010. News Uhler for this Issue H. M. Sheffer TIIE IN 11l AND HO‘N OF A STUDENT FIRE DEPARTMENT It must be patent to ever) thinking student that one of the needs of the moment at Ifcon State is an alive, wide-awoke student fire de pm fluent The hapharnid, go-as -you-please methods of fire fighting now in toque are tat limn et ficient in times of emergency and will, bccome even won se us time goes on because of the rapid deterioration thc tire de:mini:cot equipment With such conditions staring us in the lace, titer, ts a sclf-evident need for an efficient, well organized student file depattinent which is willing to shoulder the responsibility of using and maintaining the lire fighting apparatus possessed by the college rem uill doubt the ads isability of organizing such a depai intent, the nest question is how. In pre-war da)s l'cnit State had a first class volunteer fire de partment. It was a distinct student organization and any student in good standing wis eligible to membership New members were elect ed M ineinbc,s of the departmcnt, which held bi-weekly or monthly meetings Some thou of the popularity of the organization may be gad:Lied from the tact that it was forced to maintain a waiting list of students who desired to become members The department was or ganind into Mien corny isles, a chemical company, a hose com pany :aid a ladder company, each under the leadership of a captain. A lire duel and assistant chief directed the activities of the combined companies I his plan marked admirably and those who recall the days before toe was mill concede the value and efficiency of the student %Munroe: tire depai uncut as it then masted Now to apply the ideas in mind to our own present day condi tions The most satisfactory soi rof n student fire department would be a Nolunteer argon /anon such as that just described, and we be lieve that sgcli a hue department could be organized successfully un der the direction of the Student Council Another plan which might be used is to have each group of the proposed Penn State Union select one of its members to serve as a member of the student fire depai tment lhe term of service could be one semester or one year Under this plan the depot tment would have a membership of ap proximately sixty students, or just about the right number in view of the apparatus which the college possesses. Another advantage of this latter plan tics in the fact that it would strengthen the Union by creating a common bond of interest between its members. In conclusion, we wou'd state our realization of the fact that these are open to improvement and that even better plans can probably be worked out, it serious attention is given the matter by the student governing bodies Houever, the main thing is to get going and do something in the ntattet A good fire department is not an absolute preventative of tires, but it is ono of the best forms of fire insurance known A GOOD TURN FOR PENN STATE I cc !emu of the sti..lents of this college to their homes for the annual Christmas 1. icatio i offers cacti an opportunity to do an inf. moose amount of good fn. Penn State. How much do the people of Pennsvl,ania lis a whole ':now about this college? Very little; in faLt the stuskiits they s.nd here are the only means they have of knowing :ad thing at all In order that every student may Intelli gentl about Penn S. de to his home folks, his friends, and most of all to high school sitift.nts who mar become prospective Freshmen for this college, OIL. COI LEGIAN is this week printing in another column a f ev. facts 'Mot, the Pennsklvana State College. Let us get this information belie the people and educate them to the ad ‘tintages and possibilitds of this school It is up to each one of us' Let us do our bit' THE "LINWRITTEN" CUSTOM i courci AN in rely wishes to call attention to the latest "sow, men" 111 , 10111 at State, that of allowing women first on the trips from the Lemont trains after the vacation is over. This mistom was splenuidly m inv. ated by the student body at Thanks giving and by tliz, continued cooperation of the men students its suc cess is aSSI.II cd The COLLEGIAN si.hcs to again emphasize as strongly as pos sible the lact taut the . orianization of the non-fraternity men in no wilt means antagonism to the fraternities. Several wild rumors wore allow the past week Ind some few students have been believing thLin, undoubtedly this has been due to some misunderstanding and we feel sure that this misuaderstanding was dissolved at tha mass meet ing of the L acct nit) men no Monday night. I hi. new m ganization has been created for the betterment of Penn State; advantages were discussed at length in last week's issue 01 flu_ COLLEGIAN In its bigger, broader outlook on college tic, thy, institution must continue to grow by leaps and bounds, and the 01g.mtailon of the non-fralernity men can mean, not antagonism to the ft ati.lllltles, but co-operation with them, and a better feeling and closer co-operhtion 4.ween men of fraternity and non-fraternity ink. Penn St winter sports season will be officially opened on hla , . I, cuing with the basketball season, and after the Christmas vacation, this sport, togetlici with wresting and boxing, will occupy the limelight Let us remember that these teams will need just as much support as was shot ded the lootball eleven, and that the "old new Penn State spit it" must be as much in evidence. Every student therefore, should turn out to witness every home contest. It has alma\ s been n Lustom at Penn State that whenever a stu. dent gathering of any kind is held a the Armory the men remove their lints The nbs,:rice of eLamples of this was especially notice- t able last Saturday aftei noon at the Sophomore-Freshman wrestling scrap, when only a few students obeyed the rule. Let us remember Ri to the future and aid in the lit mg up to of a time honored custom. A wDC Pipe is the biggest value that the World's ? 17 . Largest Pipe Manufacturers can put into a pipe. The WD C is a good, satisfying smoke, and bound to break in V_ sweet and mellow every time. Highest quality of bit, band On January thirteenth, the student body is requested to voice its r . ) and bowl; craftsmanship of the highest order—that's what opinion on the four propositions, printed last week, regarding the we mean by brigrzt yaw. Ask any good dealer. League of Nations pact. This matter is one in which the opinion of 3 all the colleges in this country is being requested. The COLLEGIAN Wrvr. DE M UTH' Ei7;CO:.-NEW.XORIC 11 , ."" hopes that the student body w_oRLD'S tak OCSI;'MATeER 6 I ,l l(Flr•rit give this matter due consideration 6 , before .casting its vote upon one proposition or another. 'Editor Moiledlint Editor Senior Associate Editor uTllltrn Bunincsa Itimager .............. unit Circulation Manager EIEE=IBI TALKING POINTS ABOUT PENN STATE In order that Move StedeMß. Who go limne for the holldoyn with the Intention of dinthr a good turn for Penn State, tom have nceurnto ham tuition ohont the college to tell the maple In their home towns. the follow log talkie,: 001010 oonerrnlna Penn Stole ore gIVOn usitm.LmcNT—.lloll. Including 300 girls Could easily bo 4000 if the eoll , ge bud propel (aunties Registration has had to on limited to Penney 1% Mall residenut 000 fully qualified applicants turned away [hit tear Smolt] handled "conditioned" applicants refuted. . rivr; OrtIZAT SCHOOLS and their registiation. Agriculture, 812 Engineering, 1130, Liberal Arts, 103, Alines, 100; Natural Science. 98G Horne Economics, 158. Degrees are granted In 30 courees PACILITICS-1800 acres of land, Including 1500 acres farm land. The more than to: ty buildings hate equipment of most modern type. com plete In every no. To care for increneed rogistnitlon, however. it should be duplicated in t alum, Great emphasis Is placed on practical was It, but piactii um tequila much space and equipment. MILITARY TRAININCI Penn Stow In 0 land grant college, and all non tauten., use a °linked to attend Otto years In studs trig and mitotic lox mllltar3 tactics PHYSICAL 11DOCATION—itEteryboil3 plating at Penn lltsto". Six - Li acres of plum:rounds being dm-sloped. 100 feet bt 400 feet recrea tion hall to be built Mass athletics. ph,sleal development for all. In struction In care of the built defects corrected and proper training Pro scribed. rr.opix or STATE 1311:1EPITTE0- - Take the College of the State to the PAgge of the State . Thousands are benelitted each tear In thin tray. 1. Agt icultural anti Engineering Extension. 2. Agricultural and Engineering Experiment Station. J. Training graduates to go back into practical life in Penn State 4. Good Citlcenshlp COLLECIL: FlNANCCS—Dependent,upon Legislative appropriation This suppo: t has been Inadequate in the past, resulting In the turning 111th) of the Stuto's best t oung :nunhood seeking higher education. AP otoplbulorm for general nutintenant,e, exclusive of buildings and exten sion, enter too lears nark, and since 1100 have been as follotys• 170J-$OO DOD ID 1-$576.00 D 1913-$805,000 1015-9300,000 Since 1000, x hen the enrollment woo lean then 1,300, attendance has fin mono Sum doubled Itself. Building line not kept pnco with that ad % once Penn Suttee cm leg need in ti3lot e Etuldinani" Higher salaries for instructors must be prostded to maintain pint efficiency. A LEADER—The volume of nark done through the Department Of Apiculture ertenolon Is second unit' to that In Wisconsin, that through Englnemlng stands (lent Penn State men n county monis In all but omen counties In Pennsyl‘nnla. Theca seven ha re ve not yet been organized. Penn State lion graduated more 'engineers and chemists than any other college or univeroity In Pennsylvania Ito School of Agriculture is the only one of Its kind In the State Many prominent manufactunuh of Pennoyhnnltt slims a decided preference for Penn State Graduate. STUDENT fIOVEIECNIENT—The student hods at Penn State It coifs Stemming eith tespect to strictly student activities and affairs. This Mum of got ernment In no near the Ideal than many other colleges have lintel nett after It, or are seeking to Install It as a modal form. The Student Boat& Council, Tribunal and Honor Committeo vary properly cam for the governmentnl regulations. Billiards and Pocket Billiards • Cigarettes--- Candies---Tobacco STATE COLLEGE BILLIARD PARLOR • CIIIIIIiIIII I I MIIIMMICIIMMMIKIMIMMIU I IIIII3IIIIOIIIIIIIIIIIIt/1111111111111311111111111111U11191W1311W01IL1CIMIIIWW=U11111M3111111r OUR AIMS 1 Penn State Cafe g College Avenue and Pugh Street w oturwunicimminummu cuitutuito fulmar= rnutennammtnummuna.minra 11111:111111311.11MDJ:11111111I1111.171 A Man's Christmas Suggestion Neckwear Sweaters Shirts • Pajamas Bath Robes Underwear Hosiery Silk Scarf You.will find these at our store H. W. SAUERS ROBISON BLOCK STATE COLLEGE, PA PENN STATE COLLEGIAN 1917-$1,003,00 D M 9-71,250,000 TO SERVE TO PLEASE Slate College The Letter Box Bliffalo, N. Y. Doeember 7, 1919. Penn State Collegian . 91111.0 College, Pa. Fellow State Mon Just a few nor& to extents my ad miration of the nonderful football tnvn State and Bostick hate put out title year With the victory meg Pitt, Santo has certniall broke Into the Buffalo patters V. he hadn't been toiling en much about Penn State holtiteniags Previous ly. In the December fourth lame of the Buffalo Esenhur Noun, Grandam! Rico names the three sectional leaders In football an follows East—Penn State Western Contrrenee—llllnols South—Centre College The name. of Higgins, Way and Robb appear quite frequently M the lists of slurs of the first magnitude and toda)'s Courier kites a full column write-up on the sporting Inge. hhich Is ,Mto I notice Bezdok has been offensl his choice betheen Stale and tile Pitts bung Pirates, and I hope he can be in duced to elect Stnte I am located at present In the Buffalo Salee Office of the Weminglinthro Electric and Menu- mumnummumnummanummanummunmmummuumumnmumumwcwilummuunummoomnuammummon We hope you enjoy the Holidays i 1 as much as we expect to IHARVEY'S BAKERY P E n 220 East College Ave, iummuumummumumnumummuuummuuumnmunnumuu Best. Quality GROCERIES Wholesale and Retail Special rates to Clubs and Fraternities FYE'S 200-202 W. College Ave lecturing Company and' have been In Buffalo eomewhat over 'n year. While there le quite a number of State men In Buffalo, there are few of recant duxes My brother. M. M. Long . l6 end Cupid 'l9 are thb only men beside my self of the lout nee claims that I have met You may be Interested to know that ••Due" Leafs at one time had quite an aggregation of wrestlers at Buffalo Central Y M. C. A Within the last month I have mot quite a number of wrestlers of ten years ago cello used to ',ft on the Sines he left. bunco or, the game died out en- Ural>. About a month ago, Mr Camer on, Pi Director, gave mo permit,- sion to try to revive the game anti I ant now °Mall wrestling instructor In my spare moments, There is to be a Y. 51 C A. Wrenling Tournament thin month and next March. Western Now York State Championships, shvilar to tile Pittsburgh A A. Championships. With a squad of about 25 men we aro A• DEAL Heating and Plumbing Highland Ave • g 1 taimmumuffilmitoumminualllllllllUClllMlllllllollsllllllllCl.l At. E have made our selec tions for the All-American Foot-Ball Team. Come in and See Them PENN STATE HOTO HOP Wednesday, DeemFier 17,1919 looking around for competition In the form of a dual meet, not with any team of the calibre of Penn State, however. Yours for Penn Slate, Id. AL LONG 10. P S The boys have some wrestling schedule this year, but with veterans llhe Deter, Mowrer, Brown and Hig gins; they should come through with a clean Mete. 'SHORTY' . LONG Fresh Christmas Candy In Fancy Boxes Come early and pick the box you want, and we will mail it for you at what ever time you specify. We have the goods here, you are sure of getting fresh candy at the right price. Why should you take chances? Candy will not be plentiful this Xmas everywhere and you will have to pay higher prices in the city for candy which will not be as good as we will give you. - Take some candy home with you that is made in State College. GREGORY BROTHERS CANDYLAND stmt.z, Collage,