Page Four NOTED LITERARY MAN PRAISES DR. SPARKS Says "Proxy" is One Who "Made a World of Imagination Out of the Commonplace" The Wilkes Barre Tlmea-Leader of Oc tober twenty•smenth contains the fol. lewing, written by Col. I:most 0 Smith, the General Manager. during the course of a book review of 'The Life of Henry Adams" In which the author discusses the teatitera who Influenced tile states -1110.11 during his formative limn "General methods of educating Amer- Adams, like most Nearchers, dis 011000S With a 01511 of diellatlalractlil. Ile considered Ids time at tlarVata, us well as th it spent In German univer sities. 101 thrown away Wo may not rumen with Oki conclusion although Adams forces us to see the narrow nem of our educational plans. The best way to test him out Is to review one's own education under the Arnerlum plan "Tills "damn, as n horrible example, can remember rally two teachets who were ever fitted to inspire him ulth a desire real') to seek the fountain of knowledge All the rest were more parrots Who, without knowing what they were doing, merely 00001110 d the text of school-books In monotonous de tail to dull, 1110110tUatlit mind. Stand ing out as real Inspirations who made of the commonplace world a World of Imagination were, Mat, a young grad uate on his first teaching mission— Edwin LI Sparks—now Prusldent of the Pennsylvenia State College In u dull, email Ohio High school, tills Youngster could swoop a lot of listless, common place drab boys and girls out of them .) Ivan 'Phis column sat under Dr Sparks tem than Monty-110a actual hums Vol, the enthusiasm of his toncitimut Wall worth twenty-fiVO years of all the rest. 'ile second real teacher was an old scholar Who conducted college clan.. In a faded dressing gown Bin desk uod surroundings wore no littered with books and pawn that linmedlato ap proach was Impossible. But Dr. Fran , A. m arc h. of Lafayette college. taught with Imagination that made you feel the littleness of yourself and made you realize the limitation of all knowl erh,o. Henry Adams missed all this... AGRICULTURAL NOTES Last Wednesday two hundred visitors spent the day hero as gumts of the Departments of Anitnal and Dairy Hus bandry, In order to observe Livestock Day. In tile morning the party went through the stock barns, inspecting the show and feeding cattle and sheep and at this time the members of the De partment of Animal Husbandry point ed out the yank. of the different ex perimental work under way. After luncheon the meeting wits convened at the dairy barn where the workings of this department were explained. The remainder of the day Was spent in viewing the breeding herds or Cottle, eheep and swine on the College farms Professor M. F. Grime of the De partment of Animal Husbandry, won away Mat week inspecting some Pure bred Chester White Beam in view of uurchasing them for the college. Agricultural Week will be held In IPtrrisburg from the twentieth to the twenty-third of January. This affair will be staged under the direction of the various departments of the college. hat OW yet no definite program Mai been published. The various agricul tural societies throughout the state will cooperate with the college and indi vidual meetings for these societies will be arranged. A meeting wan held last Friday In Perry county In order to organize a farm bureau for that county. and with the formation of this bureau the teal In thin state will be sixty-ono Daring the month of October a ser ies of ten group confereneeft was held by the extension department, which invited all the county agents, eaten sion.speciallsts and °Mann of the exe cutive committees of the various farm bureaus of counties represented The objects of these meetings were to dis c their activitleei and help to plan the pregram for the ensuing year beside affording a means for a general ex change of Ideas. The attendance varied from thirty, to sixty and the extension department felt very much encouraged by the Interest displayed. Dean Waite and Professor McDowell and ,NV 9 Taylor spent last week at tending the meetings of the define and directory of ngricultural colleges and experimental ntntiona SPECIAL PROGRAM TO DE GIVEN AT MOVIES SATUEDDAY “Periehingle Cruenders'l he the film which will be shown In Old Chapel on Saturday. et, 0 30. Them will also be rt short talk. by Conch Berdek on the future of Penn State along athletic Tines. Monnear Regan of the wrest ling,tamad law promised to have come morabere of the Squad out for It Mlle exidhition. The allow will be over In time to enable all to hear ex-Preeldent Tait, Hurwitz Store Just received a large shipment of Bostonians and E. T. Wright & Co. Cox , davan Shoes. Fall and Winter over coat s now on display. Look 'em over. Your;Patronage AODredatcd. Cir. Us a Trial M. Hurwitz Allen St TWO TRIPS TO BE TAKEN BY COLLEGE GLEE CLUB Two trip.. 0.111 bu taken by the Cleo Club this >ear occurding to the nr r ingententn Outdo by the club mummer. Mr W W Young One of these tilos alit be taken at the end of the present sementet and the Other at some time during Ow ne,t nentester The Nigh Lirle ,and the Web Club of Shamokin. lime both mitten for dates tad these two Loans will consequently be the centers of actOltion during the trip. Negotiations are 000 under any with .11111100100 n. N T. Warren. blend %Me. Corty soul 011101 towns In the Mate This all! make tile Mild con cert. for the club hi Uric and the sec ond one at Shamokin. There Is little hope of the Intercolleg iate Cleo Club contest in Now York this ear. and in sill probdbillty the council In charge will not try to resume the contest.. until 1921 From Penn Stoles standpoint this Is hard luck, for the Cub is second to none that Penn Stole 11110 produeed There is better letionce of ports and 111 genmal it better mit turlty of %oleos 11101 ernoethnese of time In tills leer's otannlmtion than bas user before been attained. A committeescholinwhip will he formed of Seniors, wham. duty it will be to keep the grades of the men In the club In 1.111150. In order to permit their getting stwaj on tripe. Director Rob -11101111 hopes to take the Made personnel one of the too nips at lend. pro- Well the majority are oho.° sktde In theh studies REPRESENTATIVES ATTEND 1. N. C. A. COD VENTION Mr Frank Olmstead, the General Setreini y and Mr. J Kitchen '2O. ores kl.dit of the Penn State Y. M C A are in Detroit attending the Triennial International Conference of the Y Id C A This conference outlines the pol icy and Program of the Y. M. C A for the next decade, and John It. Mott hug qualified It lie the most important As soclition gathering for neeent)-fire aware. Mr. Olmatend took a petition from the studentli nddressed to Sher quoit Cddy requesting that he come to Penn State for it ellen campaign In February 1920 GLEE AND MANDOLIN CLUBS TO DIVE COMBINED CONCERT The Cleo and Mandolin Clubs have toted to give a concert on Friday, De cember twelfth. to which admission will be free to all faculty. students and townspeople Owing to the eppeuranco of Mr. de Qumran here on Pennsylva nht Day, the regular concert by these organisations was prevented so It 1100 been decided to hold this one to which no charge of admission will be made Preparations (or tiro Program ore well under way end both clubs are Working hard to make It an Interesting occa sion TWO "'GILMER STATE "MAILS OPPOSE EACII OTHER IN GAME Two of the greatest quarter-backs aver produced by State bare opposed to each other In tho recent game be- Moen the Massillon, Ohio, Tigers, and the Akron, Ohio, Indians, for the pro fessional football clutmplonship of the boric' They 'acre "shorty" Miller and 13*ant. Miller's generalship and open field running, which bon him his all ' American rating NNWIe nt State, wns a big factor In the victory obtained for his team, whilo Dryan's long pass to "Prity." Pollard, the former Brown negro star, resulted In the Akron team's only score Akron .11.11 defeated, 134. BAND ACICNOWLEDGES CONTRIBUTIONS Bandmanter W 0. Thompson wishes to acknowledge through the column of Oho COLLIIGIAN thu following contri butions for OM band, In olditlon to those mad./ last v.eck Julian G. Drill, $100; Dr. W J Keith, $200; Prof R. B Noobit, $2.50 THE VARSITY STORE I, Come and see our novel Japanese Tea Room and enjoy our excellent line of refreshments. " Our prompt service is unexcelled. . EXCLUSIVE AGENCY for the UNITED CIGAR CO. WILBUR F. LEITZELL - RICHARD C. HARLOW FOOTBALL TEAM GIVEN SEND-OFF TO CORNELL Large Crowds Turn Out to Mass Meeting and Sendoff—Coach and Members of Team Speak The 4tttendance at the 111111 xx mooting hist \1 winesday night WOO somewhat smaller then usual but no% erilieless the Lrouil Wm, large enough In 1111 the Mai- Itoranza to Its toirtolly and the town woe gluon tt ro,“tl sendoff to lwnol alone It met the shor; Cornell temp. The ulmospliere of the mooing nos that of conildeike but that war do minated n hell "Dick"tmrinn. the first swelter oolong; the footbni/ men. gnVe the volights of the Cornell men and told about the kind of a team v.hich 11,02 time developing Previous to thin Dean lVarnock one nix arst speech in 0 Penn 011110 Athletk mass meet ing and told In nn Interesting manner of the Miami 11111011 base limmessed him 01,11,0 lilt arrival. Ito endilimileed the spirit. %Odell he said is obtained from the oink nod slmetsm ,,, wl , ll , of the football 101111itntl 111140 expressed bin desire. Mut n Comn,ons nom/11 bo erected at tills place a here students might mingle and thus become occults tooledto ossochiting themselves with nteit uand Imoa conchal lng him to conal them selves After several a:mon:temente of minor inmortanee hod been made, In cluding a Note on the most popular chr melte, the [WWII' men 'acre called um. "Bob . ' Iliggins OVOII was called upon brat, and 140 others of tine team after him, end all expressed their determl. minion to do their best but urged all to guard agalmt mereonfideme Coach Iterdeic was timed until last and in an inspiring speech promised that the new mama-slum nhich was planned Last year. alit be started noon had then an muneed the team which mould enter the game against Cornell. Thursday night canto and with it 0,11.! had weather hut a largo crowd minding the land turned out to seal nth the ursity and Freshmen towns 0 their um. to Ithaca. If You Break Your Glasses or you are -suffering with head aches or eyestrain--See, Dr. Eva B. Roan 522 E. College Ave. Fraternity Printing Quality Material Clever Typography Master Printers The Nittany Printing AND Publishing Company PENN STATE COLLEGIAN OFFICERS ELECTED BY - PRE-MEDICAL SOCIETY A ',cry interesting meeting of the Pro- Medical Society n‘an held Friday even ing In JlcAlllotor hail Thu program pas kell-tilled. Including Pak , . by Pro ton. Dunham and by come of the member.. election of ollicem for the Lonting)our, and ending Valli a goner /an. nupply of refrenimentn Sevsnd members of the nondety Nho /inn no vice In the Medical Conic of the United Staten Army In Prance, told of Dick espellemes uhile In the Kosice, and one of the membern told of an en ema tangisal operation that Ito wit nensed in New York recently The election of unicorn was the nest heel liens taken up and the pemone chosen pore' C 1 , Campbell '2l. Prenideln• J Moser 22, vice Prenklent• Mine L I Donnie '2l, stgretneS, and J. 51 Viol Dyke '22, treamarer. OITICERS liC MIMS' GLEE CLUIt ELECTED AT NEETIMI Tt laic lot the Chao' Cleo Club mete held ?dontlag night and a largo amount 4ot good material turned out 'rho men agement ot the club : together whit lest ear's members tilts toted to patient a Chimer °patella entitled "The React of the Little Materna" during the maenad lamest.r. Rehearsals mill elan tit once. The el...thin of idlicers for the coining hear nue oleo held last neck and MI. Enema Ilnittnnn '2O eats elected presi dent. Miss Ann Dreher '2O. manager. Miss Helen Iturtley '2l. Pest assistant not tri MPS - Hatt?' Dairen. 11, setioni itirdstant manngere . lend Mies Ilelen Brockman '2l ,treenurer I=l M. 13 Robertson tins been promoted to the rank of captain. and Second Lieu tenant Raters to the rank of First Lieutenant. Problems nro now being made for the theoretic tl work uhleh Is to be sub stituted for drill when tho weather be comes too Int.lemenL The bark will inobibly start the latter port of the month Cul. Welty IC still In Sun Franclse end the date of his return Is yet prob lentaltal LIBERAL ARTS NOTEP It At the Educational Congress held last A refund , of eighteen dollars will be twit lit lintrlaburg at the out of Doc- given cacti man in the cadet reglmont for P. 13 Finegan, State guperintandent who nu:initialed Ma uniform from .ma . . _ of of Public inatruction, Dean Blidadell other source than rim cokes. Thin opened the diauctudon on "Teaching of refund la duo to tho men In Company Mends in High Sehoolk" At the flame 13 during alto flrat nomester lust year, coons °nee. Doctor Zook spolio on who PurChaaed Uniforms from Um col " The Teaching of Thrift In Public lege at that time and had them ap- Stlioolx." proved this year. All such men should, A conndßee has hoer appointed in Ureccant their receipts for their uniform.' the School of Libeial arrange to Major Shim... This refund does not for am lea of Tuesday iuening apply to men who had booed Uniforms natio a to those held previous to approved the um 'flume !reline!. will be given memberx of the faculty In room - twenty-'lee, Libend Arta Building. from sotto to eight, 1111 d me entirely free annoumenuitif concerning them will he nude In then r future Dean C C Roblinion of the Depart ment of Alma, iliac been Invited to, agicalt before the Woman'es Club of Leulstown on rho subject, "What la Moil Mulder' The lecture 11111 bo ll hmtraled by aeleetlons on the Plan.. ',mimed by iliac Robinnon. The Name leLture will he delhered at Penal State at at Intel date Dean Blaisdell max