Penn State Collegian Publlnhed meekly 11111 leg the College )err 1,5 etude:an at the renlooltneln State College la the hatrevt of the Students, Faeolt4, Alumni and Frlonda of the College a. 13 IV) holt '2O C 111almlell '2O 1 right I=l 1i44.)14Wt41 W A I'n. lit '22 Wllllanz Declare '22 C T floods '22 104 ti .1 1.111,.111 '22 (I II 14141e..11 .. 22 A CI Pratt T. 2 C. 1: Sclaa tet T 2 .1 W bolo, '2 I' II SI:0421 '22 Si. , Ullrm It i. liogern Ell=El I=l E. 33. Pavion II R. Nein . 20 Vlsertlxing and Chetilatlan Mamtger Tile Collegian Int Iles nil communkstionn on nn) stiblect. of college bilmmt Letters must bee elmintints of miners subqediat..o $1 no, If oaa bonne Ot.loltet tn. 919 After Ot.toltitt 15 1719. $175 IIIII!!!!tt=:111 01!tee, NIU.mO Printing and rabllNlllng Co 131110111 v 011100 hours. 420 to 6:20 every afternoon eaLept Satmdal. 31eililsvr at Interaolleglale Stm.itaper A.Noeltilluts WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1919 WE ARE THE ONES WHO ALONE CAN DO IT In strong contrast to the many opinions which have been ex pressed on the campus and in the boarding and fraternity houses of the town that the spirit at Penn State during the present year was to be but a repetition of that which was witnessed last year, we re gard the reception accorded the team on its return on Sunday af ternoon as a strong rebuttal against these opinions. The mass meet ing on last Wednesday night, the send oft on I but sday morning and the numerous telegrams which were dispatched to the team prior tr the game with Dal tmouth, were all external evidences of the fact that the student body of Penn State was behind the team But great as these things mentioned above may be, the COL LEGIAN n egards the reception on Sunday afternoon its one of the big things oh the college year to date and Lei minty it is an argument in favor of the proposition that the old time Penn State spirit is I returning. To a certain group of upperclassmen must go the credit for originating this idea of meeting the team in the unique manner which was effected on Sunday, but to the student body of Penn State must go the credit for carrying out the plans and for putting the thing across The team was undoubtedly greatly impressed by the display of enthusiasm thus accorded it as is evidenced by the talks of Coach Bezdek and Captain "Bob" Higgins immediately after the team had reached State College If Penn State spirit is returning, as the COLLEGIAN is prone to believe to he the case, sic must all look [comma to the time when each Penn State student will love this college as a part of himself.: This is an inevitable outcome of the return of such spirit and, we think, should be the common property of each student at Penn State. We arc the ones upon whom this spirit depends, we are the ones who can make or break the good name and reputation of the college; we me the ones who in the end reap the benefit for a clean and honorable college spirit and who ate pointed to as examples of what real col lege spirit can do for a group of men and women. It is a lire size challenge and one which each man and woman must meet fairly and squarely. The COLLEGIAN believes that Penn State spirit of the good old kind is fast coming into evidence again on the rnnt pus of the college we love 'I he only charge which we would give to each student is to keep up the good cork and for each student, man or woman, to give Ins all to Penn State to make her the best college in the land and one of whom he can readily be proud to be an integral part. CLASS ROOM HONOR It would seem that by this time the principles of the honor system should be understood by every member of the student body. Unfortunately, such is not the case. Too many students, apparently, have arrived at the conclusion that the honoi system is something to be observed only at the time of ekaminations, and that for the rest of the time it is to be packed away in a glass case, there to remain until the nest ekamination. That idea is wrong, absolutely wrong. 'there is no more Justifi cation for a man to sneak into a bock row seat in a doss-room and then endeavor to keep one step ahead of the instructor by the sur reptitious use of an opened text-book or note-book, titan there is for a direct violation of the honor system in an examination. A moment's reflection should demonstrate to anyone with even average intelligence that such procedure is not on the level. It is not fair to the instructor, to one's fellow students, and most of all, to one self. There arc no two ways about the matter. Observance of the honor system means but one thing—clean, square and above-board conduct at all times whether it be lecture, practicum, recitation, or ror n man of honor there can be no discrimination as to the time and place of fair-dealing. HOW ABOUT IT? Penn State spirit at n mass meeting in 101 l founded "The Pennsylvania State College Mission to Chinn", and sent G. W. Groff, class of 1007, as a missionary to Canton Christian College, Canton, Chinn. Is Penn State going to adequately support its missionary, Mr Groff, in that far-a-way land? The answer to this question can be known only when the Directing Committee of the Y. M. C. A. receives the "Weekly 01Tering" pledge card In this way, it can be known Just how much money may be e \ pected each week from the student body, and the work of thaintaining this missionary will be simplified. Do your bit! Ursinus is the ne'.t opponent for Penn State's football team. Incidentally, it is the last home game before the Penn battle at Phila delphia. Let us keep up the good work by turning out en masse on Saturday, in order to show the team we are behind it just as firmly on the eve of the Penn game, as we were the day after the Dartmouth contest. The Department of Music an congratulated upon the c‘cellent have arranged this year. rhroug talent in the country will appear a It is needless to say that each is united support of the entire studei ENGINEERING NOTES John R. Allen, Mt colts of the It, periment Station, recently eel thlished by the Society of Heating and Ventilat ing Engineers, hated the college on the twenty-11nd to confer cancel/ling I.o.ollClllthll eviteranental otol It. The Engineer ins 1:M1E2111110A Stlitioll here mine been conduetlng int estltattions en the loss of beat throttkit Insulating me ter lids for several ye Its. Professor A. J Wood and D. C. C. undhoell'or are conducting this work. Englnetn log helm en will prob. Editor AsslXt.!. Editor ___SenJul Awmelato Editor EIKEZEI 1!1!!!!M13:M1=1 the Y. M. C. A. are both to be entertainment courses which they li their efforts, sonic of the best t State College in the near future. deserving of and should have the nt body. ebb begin uctobel tlllt Until. The bent Unw avallehlo fur Senior Engineers Is at 1..10 in the aftetnoon. Ptofessor Kett hem foinlerit Dunn of Engineer ing nt Coincide University. has agreed to nevelt on DeLentber uletouth. 110 ix hoer Mores/air of Clvil Engineering at the thiltemity of Penntu.ivatila .1. Johnson of the Westinghouse Mucitine Company will plesent the mildret of °Lame Stoner Turbines .. . A. Hamilton Clititeli. I.ldltur of ltalustrini Magazine, has been hulled to deliver ono of the engineering leeturett, but the into lots not yet been net. SOPHOMORES WIN • PUSH BALL SCRAP 'rite Push Ilan bLiati hhith 1111 s held all Ile tr ileld tot Satutil aftei - noon. 111 Ix 11 01 oit suck.). Thu Souls. inotes L 1111 e out on the long end of 11 son, Ind not until tile)had °Let t done the pit 10 leslnunteo of tile 1 - dant 1 1 t101h, hos mole pep shohn Intill, st 1 11/ than In nn) of the 11112-ups held 11101 >e II 111111 meat Irlllll Ix due to the Student Connell for le , iting it 114 one of 'the annual class Litrends lesse C,ull .0 has In I.llolge and the 141111 011101 as heie. "Doe . 111101, 111111 111111) 1.111e1114 / 011111- cr Due to theli Lnreful the ihrup 11115 1101111 fought thtunghtlut 111111 the petLentuge of men ltdilied 11110 utmost negligible. At thelve AIM-lite the espeetnitt biesittnen assembled In the G>tniiit slum and 11 a Mete kith tit toil IL> the tippet 11 1101111.11 ,1111 1.110 1110111 11111 11 1111 11X141.41 1.111) 111 the lintiginittion and it 1:0111100t or on inging II oldies 41 110 110 111111 0 11. 1/0 20111 141 1111111 It 1111111 ten iit 111111 11115 noundkl t hen to 1111 1/1 1 4 01110 II 1111 11 110. 11141111111 or the 11.111 Soplis 11114 11011111 111tllout and 111011 1111.11 tillinglik turshil to soft 1111410 /11111 II kohl) nurse When lilt. Skills 111111 estended hell Hue (loin the Auks) to the Trin.k House. the dots 11/12 111 011 11 011111 111111 the I , leslinien heie lto. It ed to coke 1111 11103 110011 21,111111 1111111 I Ilk 'A 114 1110 111041 1004111 Of sports 111111 11111113 1 01-01 11t1 410101,1011- en 111 the 1111111 11111111 to the Tl7lOll 1 tootle. A% hen the blush:nen hid been homed up, the Mu 111111515 assembled on €ll,l hei Some 101 11 hits Laused the Olson, of Iho 1,01 and 111 k limo 11114 1111041 1111 1/3 1111 1.41/11 Illge Of class 011, =IEBO One bundled :nen hell eaeh tidedlined tip fin the Iltrit Ike minute pet 1011 11301 111.1111 Of 1110 gllll 3110 SOllllll- 3311 104. 11l .101 1 110 of ...11.1 311111108. 1110111. Id the b.lll 11 111,1 the Pioilinnitt 3,11111 Hoe [plot hl 11111e1.5 , 11111 Ilf:tho 01 1101 1/121 11111t1 1110 1111111 11 101 mote 0,011 ond the bill tvouttned In Ole middle of the gold 1,1 MAIL 111 s the 11111110 Until ronie of the boot eto ape of Ills tater noon Ito (tom Ow elfin 1 , 1 of oycli as to got 111011 mon on top of the 1,01 Tinto after 1 11110 sone I , oyhtlittit 8011111131101 t. 11011111 :011.11 1110 1011 01113 , 10 be 11110 n 1101111 11) 11 11)111g .1111110 11 11111 1110 01111101111 g 81110 111 1110 01 11111 period, due to an °loom, of 3 VW% 11 111011 00111 d 1101 by iddidnial by the 1111101,1 Y, the men climatal on till' 110111 and II 001111 had to be 11111011 hero the t 11.1.111 11 119 re/ginned, It 11 110 01 1.1111111% 1/101111e11 10 111110 111 0 pet idly of 1110 1111110109 each, but due to the returns coming In flout the I). 1,1100111 g One, 11119 hyd 10 be ehttng ed to 111100 period:, This Ittotigienienl 1111110,1 lather 1111111 mitred 1110 coittest and trito thing Lotuddiaeil, 11 11111.1 0110 Of thy 11001 Louth:et.'und baldest 1011010 1.101.1 1118 held 111 recent )1,1111 DAIRY HUSBANDRY SOCIETY REORGANIZED Over lifts ntudents of the Dairy Hus band* Deptitment of Penn State met Lint Therniti., evening in the dairy building In ostler to reorganivu the Dag) Ilimli aid* 80 01e13• lhofe,not Beieland ealle.l the meet ing 10 tinier and niter a shots siddreen the election of OUICOIII tool< 1 , 1000 and We folloaing ame °limed Innen '2O, in,ildent, W S I) '2O vkc pterlilent: A S 131i30r . 21, seem tiny, and Chains TO, toemmer • Plans ume formulated for the put ting un of in prlre pinning exhibit oil Pennmlvanla Inn* iilren the students of the illffenent departments of trio School of Amlculturo compete for a slltei cup Sirloin becomes the pnopert) of the %thine., fon theyear A competent committee of Judges will decide slain anneal tnnent moon, of stud ents lonic the best tichlblt SUBSCRIBE FOR TI I r: COLLEGIAN First Class SHOE REPAIRING J. A. Mingle FRAZIER ST. InthimunnummmiomtrimmummEnnumnunemunim,r. g I BRING YOUR SUITS i 2 1 TO US M g 1 Henry Grimm I Tailor 1 'East College Ave. i N il 1111111111011111111111M111111111111[1111111111111[11111111111110111111113110111fi :: : : :-:-:-:-: it: J. C. Smith & Son ' DEALER IN General Hardware- Builders' Materials, Oils, Paints, Glass, Ammunition, Stoves, Roofing, Spouting, Etc. State College, Pa. +.:44-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-: -;-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:a:-:÷:-:-: Hurwitz Store Just received a large shipment of Bostonians and E. T. Wright & Co. Cordovan Shoes. Fall and Winter overcoats now on display. Look 'em over. Your patronage appreciated. Give us a trial M. H U I:2 IA! IT Z, Allen Street PENN STATE COLLEGIAN CORELLA-BONELLI GROUP PLEASES LARGE AUDIENCE under le totitopleee ot the Y M C A, the Covelloo-lloonlll Altetled Com- Nine senate . ..tot a set) dello,lolrel too -8111111 111 the Selostollo Auolltottlem Ituot Stttit e‘teilito: 1,0111111111). 1.011- Mil. of &IOU!, of COIII al [Nix Soho (Iteletsteml tall loom to eel (milt it 9151 or mettle 111 IthlLlt It treente 111110 me slice... ding htheltet 114 mete 0 wet ly 11110114 II nett entlethistleally In the audience then the teet.elthig evict ththe The massless of the Lomita.) litre Mete Pauline Cored, 10/10/1110. Malelll. baritone, Allun truth Col- Ilaghothee, Stalinist, and Ants 151111 Cl,illettlest:. pianist Altne Corolla Is an ae,,11111111111111.11 8011111110. UllO nnign sritb on lit that seems natal. tattier than tulult ad Thittligh all her ueginters her suite nutlet:ales the tense eien sesta 1. of tone and she handles 010r11- LUIS 111111,1115,1 i ulth t 1 Inborn ebalin end e11,1111.e. One of hit most pleas ing tatellawe Pas her hest 011C1/10. II) Lelllll.lll She titer beetle) emoted after eaelt selwAlant Metall!. the lea Pone, htv n soles of maimed ta•Ltlltante Ills tone In io ta skalds tlird and vets/dee, and Ills pet sonallt3 pleasing. At 110 tittle Mal he shots the sat mote Lomita-1nel) than hi the distils, milt. Ills t 1 1 0 111b.r. tones Nieto never allanied tit °tattlet ale the delft Ile steams, of lint o Cattai ls responded to rope and t Thu diamond hos, or Miss Col- Ilnebout tie leer Intl) nun it tilt) to the heats of the most erltlutl, and she see alliewad to Judie non] with up pe patter Del) after the tendltlon of svteral onuses She Is it newt au atantallshed and pleasing . artist The Inset of the evenher'S enter . (111,1111,111. nOttralb fell to the noose !. mist. Alley Cliallenberg, Hind het vorlt phs die.) appletalattd 11. sides Ilea asing Onein as aceotnettalslt nuns piniett ulth appatent rice Ind gi eat ni.l4t, a Chopin number. after tt itch she mottle: 0d a delightful lat.olo 1:=1 Impolt Int 111111 Intmenthur meet ing. of 11.0 l'ena State I'lw. Club eau held In Um Atherton alLova of the 1.1111 11) laut Moeda.) 01 enlng 01 11111111 oleloac That 11.10 the hot meeting In elatit to 11010 u I fuel, lo members orle 0011, the Met nmelliar ha 111ar been mod lo formulate Manx to, to 'lb. program of Inot Mond.) menlng I‘aq In dung,. of Minn nun 11 Gib bowl and all a doled nub:1110,1 me to IRA tin the etedeldlak of etch Idadent fut. monbeteddi, In the Unlied Amateln Proc., AtNoLlatlon, Chrysanthemums for Pennsylvania Day Get your girl a Mum Bell & Ritts Corona W:Writer' Fold it up— take it with you— typenrite anywhere Wiiglit 6 pounds Folds up snugly Ruggedly built Simple to operate Ain ays handy Clear type In a strong case $50.00 for complete The MUSIC ROOM Agents for Centre Co PENN_STATE FAILS TO HOLD BIG GREEN TEAM Nigel}lellllloll.lll4l, for D4llllOOlll Wt. • 011111: AL I.llllog. the rte1:11111•11111t1 mere 111,0 a otonemoll norl 101 foto dif ferent 1,1.114011 H the 11111111,1, to ita max held Cm Mott. 11111,1 ttllen 111eN 011 Ille tat) I'olll 110 e. llot lit rithet thne,r the Noe end 11 Mee 11110- men seemed to be nimble to 1.11001. the 'Mom. Of 1 tole 1 1000 010 1 101111 0011, 111111 tile brp 111,1.0 bit 104 110111 Olt 0111,11 felt !list 1101111 atm 111 41 1110,11 Tile tiller (11111 t. 141.11111,11 lO he 11111 the State 11011 mao 1110. 011111 ging —llse) 1..10 malting tilt the man to it oil the Itne-111111 the ttotilL max 1.11.1 plunge netted I)at tmouth foul 01 the )/11.114 - Dartmouth Line Dtrung We must 0,0 011.1111 to tho 7),11 1101111th 11110. fol 51010 Penn Stote l o 111113 11,10 1 1010 Dm I.lapdt 11110 011115 011 meat xtl en 3,111 .001 the, oul.-1.1001,011 111011 opoonenta dm log the 01 0 1101 1 0 111 of the 0.11110 0011111 the 11100 nod 1111110 WT1.1111140 hllll 1101 11 0) Along, It louhed mlll me Ikel lum.llloo the 11 011141 !mammal) Ilnenn 501 11 In 011 ne 13 0.0 nla3 011.1 111 0110 11 1/1 1 10 1 , 11 h It 11 111 11011 111,101 \ 1,111 110 111114 111 1/1 hho mild 0,1111 11113 g:outol nt all, and Non the 011:01 1 Cll.ll Ile 5 11 110 05 it 110111.1 1110 Hoe 111110 and 03,110 101111 the 1. 11.11111111 of the opt tang 111 11 of the 1111111• the Penn State fel once sn. 1 1001 11 11111 11 1)11 111011101 11111 1111111 usualls mann:. d to Inv at tht ottkh the four In 11,e own 11110111.10 Ininmeo d . 1111 Nolo:ding 1110 1 11111101 011 1 110 11101 111010-11 f 1 110 11110100100 h 114 UllllllOl 1111 and 11 113 Old 111.0. 111, 11 Imunom 0400113 hut 111100 It Me 101111— .e. 13 ea 11 1011011110 h 11 011 1110 lilek-olr Oneo 111101 1110 11141 on-010.3.10. nntl Chat Ile 5110 111111 0 01111 l a 1011 11 .1 1013 1)1111110111111 111 111 111 1110 011011 1101.1 1 leen 11.01 on 010 11 11 hl Ills 1111101111 Z and lie 10114 111111 ma ouldlldtanted by 1101,01 ham. the tunouth xlll 11111- 111 of the f 11111 ahould not be 01111 011 at the dom of the 111,0 Nate (1111 0 0 11. 135 t on 11111)1 0311 Y 1,11111111. 1011.1 ved to 11111 1 3 b... Dom the 11 1- mouth 1111, men mi. on 111111 T 5 o of 111 d 11111111 1101 0 11 10111114 1110111// 111111 11th 5 01 o kiloo ml I) unooth Itolo.l Non/1 flue oshlhlllon of punting. 0 , 11 151 of 111..1.1.1N golne 0301 110 3nrils tind one N.lng for 1.5 111 114 Solon! went out of bound., lomm cl, 1001 11111 .5 (1111 tax 0101 um Are Neither s111e5:10 I ell mollelolo. 11 1111 111.• fill hill 11 11 e Is 111111 g tht aerial 101110 01150 n limev dnd inch, our. ceedlng 011 1111 ee nth 01010 110 10.1011 bad too pate en 11111 cooled b.l Mottle Nt'n), but thes, oleo balm d fat 711010 KlOllllll on Volt stiteteeful 11.1111110 1111111 dill State. in 1110 Inet goat ter. 1. - .11- !In1:e. Illteetion thu tenet, Penn State tt led 11.118 aft 1 p tee in a 1111111 offal to tie then eat, but to It atoll Tile game WIN J 1 inonstrated the foot 111111 1.17111 State hi a little 1181111111 sched ule In 111.1 1111j1111011t 71111 71,71, for the 101711 pl 11 th It 114 x1e , 111 , 111.1111 In 11.111- 1111111 1:.111115 It 15 1.0 ltlnil. 11111 \then It I=l IMPORTANT SIEETING HELD BY SOPHOMORES The 54 , 1 , 1.1101° claim held nn liniturt ant mooting lent Pi hint In the Clunm lon Amphitheatre nt o bleb tlmo imillere Including tilt election In the nlindnl shim. woo Immincleil "Ile . ' VI neon e‘pittltied the 10001,- tfon ‘,111,11 ono tenshottl 111 u Notion!! 1..11111 4.11 1114.11 1 0101 11 horribly 111111 111 ged the . sOlllll.OlOl 4.1 10 111111 1111 t. 111 foil foto fel II 1 . 1 1,11i1,11/ Attie 11100 pith' d'l e of Into flout the 1114'0111g 10 80101 10,111111 H Or 13.11 11110111 11 to C, ,l, 11 10v1111 it, Clipt 1111 114.glitet and lire 1 , 22 IMO 011 tile .touttel .1 17 !felt!' gook° 111,1111 the porliball 41 tau sutol esplalned the Itmeseilly of lit log the eh! Hulett It) menno of emotes Um: the or tp 8 W Cohen '21.1, 1A 114 01441 1 1 Ice 1 rated 11 !Lb 1 VIA lot 1111101, IN 1 (trill 11 of /111111 erlittlou fon 1101 tier Ilex tendered In the or wittlzatlon of the li Ito Led fill meeting WllO 111101 011(111110d 111111 II iii+.1.11•41.111,11 of I nfots tog ("liege etintoons L 1 the them -1,•I+ of the Li INN he nocill 03 1001 0 let kt• of Ltulto.loo 10esidvnt aiue hod 1 , 0.0h0d nom Dean \\.o nook. 'rho con t• I 0100 an follovo. “I ant olltlng t nornattil the :ant tout the Inothonone tiosx on the se !d of the tlnxx thus for In general Ito (11111htll hl h indling the trulltllono and rustetno of the ntodent Intol) has Try our X .• !. Soda Fountain while out College Ave. I : J. H. Musser .::. :: .. Corner Ballard st. and '. X W. College Ave. ... world over—but you can not find a cigarette to take the place of Murad. The tobacco in Murad is 100% pure Turkish—and Turkish is the most famous of all tobaccos for cigarettes. It is true that "ordinary" cigarettes cost a trifle less. "Judge for yourself—!" Allkusgrthellitatedgliddt undEgypanapasinthollUi Wittlnesday, October 22,1919 Invo !taint/mac,* I have felt that the oilhaus of the Llonn, us A‘ell an the leadean, lime made a ...Inas attempt to atohl thone unfortunate features of and Chine nerapu uldell nut oal) bring (Mumma: to tilt. Mutilation, but 11 Melt are often daagelouu. I trust that the ilunad of the elena throughout He "111.111111'; leant xlll he a fasorable one" 1:=1 I=l Plans tile being mode for a Y. W. C. A. assembly meeting to be held 00- whet meaty-11MM nt slu.fortN.lhe In toom :15 1;11terol Arts. At this Um op polio:Illy will he Wton to oil glib, to Oslo t'+lt themselt es on all matters per taining to Oho "I°. It Is entirely nen Idea tot Liu eollego organlfatlon. All the girls apt urged to Mtn out and lunge this lin established port of the 111111 t All Inembent should be Prop-- on and all those In sympathy with the mot valeta tile Invited to attend. Home Made Candies The place to get the freshest candy is the place where it is made. We make candy every day and you often buy candy at our store that is still warm—just been made. Home Made Ice Cream Pineapple, Cherry, Chocolate, Vanilla, and Maple Walnut ice cream and Orange Ice. Anything you might expect from a first class confectionery. g GREGORY BROTHERS Bellefonte State College S.AN`q'RG r •'Y ~`~..,R,.0,g