' Page Fotte Are now showing the biggest line of domestic and 'mooned Cigars, Cigarettes, Tobaccos, Pipes and Smokers' Articles in town GRAHAM & SONS, onthe Corner IPIEtEEN BAND MEN ARE AWARDED MEDALS At a meeting of the college band held tat week to the following Senior mem. bent of the organization were NOtOd geld mediae. G. P. Caul, Ivan Kranich, Llatish It Wall Noted that ulher mediae be ghen to the following Junior members• E. D. Bentley, P D lAenee, Ilnlnh Felscr, T 13 Foster, 11. P Ct 111111, J. Nousler, C Hyes. P. 1 010,01,1. It W. Bolder, 3 C. Schmidt, W W Seibert, and 13 S. Smith 'Mono modula toe unaided according to the intermit ithown in the work and the f tithfulness with which they have at tended the mile...eats. There Is 0 probability that the band tt 111 go to Camp Lee, "Virginia to act as the camp band while the Hummer training school of the Reserve 01!leer's Training Corps is being held at that ;Once. The question has been under consideration for a short time and a sate will be taken among the members nt sea hole MUM IWO Milling to 6o to tints camp Word has not been de tio.eited from tho War Deport ment whether the band still be engaged et not but. 01L011110/1011 Is o‘ol3oool tine near (Mine BOOSTER MASS MEETING PROVES GREAT SUCCESS (Continued from fifth page) of the lionrd or Trustees, told tine ninny old Penn State men had long onlized the need of sonie kind of tot institution to care for the physical SUITS Made-to-Order Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing Unique Tailoring Co. 141 Allen Street For the Best Bread, Pies and Cakes NEW SALES ROOM ON ALLEN STREET State College Bakery Our Ice Cream Has No Equal Groceries and Meats And the Best Quality Dry Goods No matter what you need in the above line, we have it and at the right price. McEachren's Frazier St. State-Center Electric Co. Everything Electric needs of the students of the rennsyl- NUAlitt State College Dr. Pond speaking . for the president. remelted that the ph)sical condition of the little: did not !remit him to be present and he assured the students that the whole faculty hos behind the recreation building movement. Mt. George Meek, chairman of the Alumni Athletic Committee, and amt graduate mummer of athletics, told of the very good effect that mass tablet!ce such an n 111 he encouraged by the new building. hull have on Penn State's standing In the Iptercollegiato trorld Coach IMI ow expressed his convlc lion that In the nuts future the Blue and White te.ams still be competing ith the yen best in m cry line Of Mae Beppenstall Discloses Phan tat the time that the meeting had progressed Lim far comone In the au dience nun iii till) convinced that Penn State pas, a ithout doubt, to hate the A. DEAL Sanitary Plumbing Highland Ave. HOME NV,.11 o,7 courses in Hist STUDY Engl.!, Chemistry (2. V.ar) Zotilogy, Mathematics, the Modem Languages, Erste S o c hl. 'l° E7:l2=, e olre e 0 ficla ° 7 117;e71%400 mum. so models. sub,octo aro offered djj conespendence. AU time. encl. Begin at oar time. Mein= 4 Sip /liftman!' of (Vltava • • Division X. Miasma, 111. WRIGHT & DITSON i Championship , . . A Tennis Balls Full Line of Rackets and Champion "BEDS" Tennis Shoes Rackets Restrung The Athletic Store Inc. On the Co-op Corner a..;.:,,i;iaik=l Straws for Sumrn 1919 1 1 4 1 ' • a\v. 4:l6nwrlci-y, The largest showing--the most diversified col lection—the new braids, the new weaves in all the new variations of width in brim and height of crown. Crofut & Knapp Straw Hats $3.00 and $3.50 Panamas $6, $6.50 and 8.00 , - tlO SIM, the Clothier ,iff,l magram State College and Bellefonte immaarg , WIN! 'MEE ta-= now gymonsium Their 001) Interest now mss to ilnd out how it man to be accomplished. It did not take “DiII" Mamma:ill long to explain how IL will to be done -110 first announced that it nos to be done and that the nem struc ture mould be read) for use by Pell 11- rylvsmin Day nest fall Ile then ex plained that half the amount needed ' had iiheady been promised and that lie mould match any- amount that the students mould subscribe Pledge cards were Immediately passed and to the credit of those present it may he said that rim twenty-Once thousand dol hies Sere subscilbed NEW MEXICO—In response to the minima of a 'rime number of the gills a now course has been inaugutated at Now Mexico State College This Is an manse In auto mechanics and It Is e, pected that a Inge numbei of women n 11l take advantage of the course (11I'fl'ISIIIIMG—Its oftlet to meet the CA,P.IIOII connected NOM the intemol leglatu debates, the Multi of Tingle. of ClutOsburg College bus passed a bill giving the collage the needed amount Or 1110110 Y. LAILTMOIITIE—he members of the thematic imsoLlation of Lin !mouth Col lege rendered Mat tin's Mimi "Cheating Che stets" before at lain M. audience in Webster Hall They sem ed n big lilt and were MOO praised by not el Ai males J. C. Smith & Son Dealers In General Hardware Builders' 31:aerial, 01le, Paints, (1111.14, Cement, Sluice, Roofing . , Spouting . Etc. State College, Pa. ,_ , EP7th-'" Knapp Felt 1 - A ei-Pi-s-H+444-1-H-s4+•:+s-H44-:41.4+44+++.:-H-H-t4 !PENN STATE COLLEGIAN MEDALS RECEIVED BY ORCHESTRA MEMBERS Cold meanie v. of e voted to ten men beta of the College 010:male at the last a chearral of that organization bold hint neck The modals, ',Odell me ,git en for faithful attendance at e hearnain for a. yelled of tilt co 9 eamo, alit be :mauled at Commencement by a reprenentalhe of the Pf evident of the College. to the tenoning meek:lane: Student-leader Edgar If Mull, 'l9: George P. Call, 'l9, Robert I. Albeit, TIC Jose Dual W. '2O, Ralph Poldret, '2O, Harold P Griffith, C Moos, 'lO, rime° F, Lehmonn. '2Ol Untold .f Alcuer, 'lO, and Ilera W. Heide., '2O A number of the toombens of Um or cheata volunteered to furnish the tousle nt the nil-College play, "The For tune Miller." tshleh ,tlll be pi esentod In the litelmob Auditorium on Frill.) mooing, JIIIIO c, :IS IL part of ❑to Com mencement Week Program ATTEI4TION ! NEW CORDOVAN OXFORDS $lO.OO Also CALF $8.50 1 Allen ' M. HURWITZ Street ~<:-~.~ 1 COLLEGE MEN ! We Can Save You Money WHITE OUTING TROUSERS A Full Line of Up•to Date MEN'S FURNISHINGS CLEANING and PRESSING HARRY W. SAUERS State College, Pa. Dobbs & Co. Thorp is considerable demand on the port of the Pedro al Hoard of Vocational Education for special courses In mining, mutallmgy .1101 geology for woundod mon who hale returned from the ft wt. Place man ate already enrolled In the School of Mines two men, Messrs 13artONUM and .7. F. Davidson, ore taking n comae in metallurgy; and Mr. 0. V. Ad matrons . , is tubing a special course 10 mining. Me. Barrows expects to take a four-year course lending to a &scree. BALD EAGLE FLYING CLUB Lock Haven, Pa. Best es-army Instructors, 10 to 00 minutes flying each day; theory of flight, Instruction on motors, gen 'wry: wireless. Instruments; noun iroies, map reading, rigging, etc Recreation, on inuniug. confining, wrest ling, hosing, etc. Tuition sono, dish Includes everything. Begins July 0 and lasts too months. Unifdrms, Uniform Equipment and Shoes The best in tailoring made to measure Civilian Clothing Metric Dress Shirts High-class Haberdashery Any article sent C. 0. D. on request. Money refunded if not satisfied. PENN GARMENT GO., Inc. Fourth and Campbell Sts. Williamsport - Penna. 4-:-:•++÷++.:4-:.+4•+++++4-:-•• SPORT COATS :ii: WAHL Ever - Sharp Pencils A Trial Will Convince You of Their Usefulness College Jewelry Victor Talking Machine Model Selling for $60.00; Our Price $45.00 Typewriters For Sale and For Rent Oliver Typewriter in Excellent Condition Harry Swimmer Save Your Junk front Spring Cleaning Paper, Books _ and Rags Bell phone 28 W 700 E. Beaver Avenue. For a Good Square Meal PENN 'STATE CAFE Phone Orders Delivered Prompttly THE LEE SLOTTED THROAT RACKET The "Dreadnaught Driver" STANDS AT THE HEAD OF OUR COMPLETE LINE TENNIS RACKETS X A COMPLETE LINE•OF SPORTING GOODS and EVERYTHING MUSICAL x THE MUSIC ROOM :1: - :4•1 Sooner or La RIC RICORO is softly mild tfeeling thorn. Their fine, tint flavor aro thoroughly Porto Rico Duty Free wi therare-501d.;." - Ask For Latest Unit( .). THE PRO The Heffner "At X The Leading Druggist United Cigl -1444-1-144-1-144.+++ , .. - : 44. +÷ .• - GOOD AS NEW ONLY $15.00 K. METZGER THE VARSITY SHOP 111 Allen Street ' Wedneeday, My 21, 1919 FISH ,The Second-Hand Clothes Man Will Be Here Next Week GO TO THE