Wednesday, May 21, 1919 CONDITIONS REGARDING SUMMER WORK ARRANGED Director Smith Announces Rules To Govern Students Who intend Entering Summer Session An announced some time ngn, the col lege has made arrangements whereby students, who have been engaged in military or other forms of set vim and have consequently intoned some of 001 I egularly scheduled studies, may be ad mitted to the 1919 Summer Secsion for Teacher" and may obtain credit toward graduation for work satisfactorily com pleted. The following regulations which will govern admittance to thin mummer ,term have been announced by Director Smith. I. Ct edit toward graduation may be given tot a Summon Session subject for which there Is an equivalent in the regular college course ullich the stud ent Is pursuing. 2. When a Summer Session subject covers a frictional pmt of the corres ponding college subject, the Somme: Session subject. in certain MIN., may be continued at the close of the Summer Session until the work of the regular college subject is completed, pi °Med a continuation of the con 111 deslied by nut less than the students 3, Certain college subjects so Stein are not it part of the Summer Session cur riculum May lie arranged In MSc ten or mane students apply for such sub pus before June 1. 1010 Application for extra subjects should be made to the Din octet. of Summer Session, 105 Old Main. 4. A Slimmer Session subject may Ire used n nn electric ,‘llen eleellsea aro Sensible In the stullent'n course. 1.1111,. joet to the approlal of the student's dean or ads Wel . G Courses regulnily offmed In the Summer Session for Tombola may be taken ulthout tile- It tyniont of fees other than the usual registration and health Bert lee fee For all other couises find for Clerk taken In continuation of Summer Session MUNE.% a tuition fee of throe Mims per credit still be charged in addition to the I gull ed reg- Intl talon and health Heir]. fees. C No student will he permitted to register for it Summer Session subject In which he h. 'seriously been reg. Intel ed during the regulni college )Gill. and In uhich lie hits doite unsatisfac tory work. 7. The regulation concerning the amount of teeltation or prnetieum merit NOM' may be scheduled for the ids neeks of the Summer Session will im ply to matriculated students moiled In the Summer Session. , 8. Students desiring to pursue Sum mer Session stork ale expected to leg- Inter for Hods work with Director Smith before leaving college at the end of the presents emtster. For those of the student body nish- Ing to enter tile 1919 Summer Sesslion, registration date will be held on June second. this d. foutth and 111111, nt the Summer Session 011100. Doom 100, Old 111010. Fees still be on)able July flag 3111.. CRANDELL RERE RECENTLY Mr. J. S Cmmlell, formerly Professor of HI, hu II V Ro.lnrel log Vim i er ego recently. 11r.. Crandall Is now Ivlth the Barrett t ompany 'or New Tdrk, am a traveling lepresen the Highway Department. FOREST L. STRUBLE Plumbing and Beating Both Phones Good - Friends Wear Well! Years of Testing have demonstrated the staying qualities of BLACKIWHITE This cigar has kept all its old friends and is making new ones every day. This is one-reason why it is the leading feature in our store. TRY BLACK AND WHITE NOW Mild, yet rich, with a pleasing flavor so much to be desired The :A__.e/) ~.... Store :4, .•, .......... COLLEGE BOOT SHOP 1 HEADQUARTERS FOR Summer Footwear 1: x : S . t. :-;•++4+:4444+4.4.4-:•4•i•i+x-x-:-:+:-:-:444+14-:-:-H-:-:-:•444-7; Dancing Pumps and Oxfords ENGINEERING NEWS Harold y. M. P., writrss that ho Is with the Naval Aircraft Division. an Assistant Chief Engineer. Veil re ceived is fellowship from the University of 11110010 and spent the your following hie graduation In research work. Dr. Woodruff, Professor of Electric Railway Engineering, spent part of last cools at the Bureau of Standards In Washington. Investigating methods of testing electrical apparatus The Alchitectural Engineering De partment hen received the (aliening gifts during the lon Four Manillas by Day and Maude , ' (Lthibition pureness). Study of Col onial Tower; Librar3 at Germantown; A City House, A Country Dwelling (ficehand perencethe ) Two lithographs 1,3 Vel non Bailey Lending the Transport; Times Square, New York Pons Illhngraphn 1, Louis \tolßnrdt• Tun dinolngs of San Franrinco World's Ilundlngs—Under Construction, Steno In Rednood Forest, Mission Viso Three drsuingii and watetcolors t Cm} on (11 . 1lWing of Lux.- oniburn. Cit”leno, Watercolor none of ...St. Lou": Pen and Ink reproduction of Italian acetic. Too draping° by Claude F. 13tagdon. Example of dimensional orlintnent and its use, Pen and Ink !Andy Eight architectural photographs of New York Public Library from Car rerrc fled Hastings The first meeting of the Industrial Engkneel no society was a nodal on lane panty held at tine home of Mores ' nor and Moe. Elmer. Slay thirteenth Short talks were mixed Stilt musk: and reftesinment in moiler proportions Sohn A Schaeffer who finished life Sophomone your in Atechanical Engin coning has been discharged float the sem lee Ile Ix naMening Nom a shrap nel pound and tine rederal iloard for Vocational Education is sending him lase to finish his course C)lnns A Thacker, 'IO, 'lndustrial urines Irons Ginsgop, Scotland, that he Ix taking a liner months manse nt the Roxal Tethnical School in Glasgop phich pas founded by limes Watt I:pennon of the steam engine, About 1000 Ammlean soltilens nue attending the sallow.; technical schools in Groot Eritaln lie states that Captain Green land 17, Civil, lx nate:Ming the Univer -810, of E.dinbungh PATRONIZE OUlt ADVERTISERS First National Bank • State College, Pa. W. L. FOSTER, Pro'Mont DAVID F. ICAFP, Cashier ejil THURSDAY • MADGE KENNEDY x • in "Daughter of Mine" + + Also Smiling Bill Parson in "The Sea Woof" • FRlDAY—Matinee at two :1: ANITA STEWART :i4• 4 in her newest super- + production • "MARY REGAN" X ADMISSION .. k, ...,. ,)„ Adana 20c Children 10c, and tax t J. X 3: . SATURDAY ± DOROTHY DALTON :fi ili in "The Homebrealcer 1 if: • PASTIME If. ...1... Matinee m two :f. + CECIL B. DeMILLE'S X + Artcraft Spedhit X ::: FOR BETTER FOR WORSE X X '' With All Star Cast 4: • . X ADMISSION X .1 Adults 200 Children 10c, and tax .1. + :1: MONDAY .t. •.I'. ALICE JOYCE X X + "THE CAMBRIC MASK" . 1 ,.. x KINOGRAMS + 1 T + TUESDAY 3: X CONSTANCE TALMADGE T x x in "The Veiled Adventures" :l c :I: and Mack Sennett Comedy 3 : : I I: "Reilly's Wash Day" + + + SATURDAY + ELSIE FERGUSON :I: X in "Eyes of The Soul" 1: Z:c•c-ttc-t-:-:»t»:4-1-t-t-t4tt-t-t-t4+c-t-i-i: AGRICULTURAL NOTES It is quite probable flint during the coming summer short courses in lase tient agriculture will be offered nt this collegc for the benefit of returning soldiers who move st desire to take up agricultural work. According to time Elrarareau of r.ducation at Washington. folly thousand former service men who rare cloth out of becoming farm oaners have communicated with the Dolma tent of tire Interim ultli regnid to lemming hand lcom the benefit of small nen it is in monied to glee sls meehs nstruction In hum ynmetice km connec. Ann with the megulat summer NO`Nbill The Home Lkonotnics Extension Ile on: !moot of Agronomy tecently visited .ho exTetimental plots in Washington sanity The esTeihnents being con looted theme ore proving ‘cry success :ul. The borne ECOIIIIMICS iflxtension De mrtment, In no-operal. bPh the Mite Health Semitic, his been holding . - ..1111t1 Health necks at callous planes in oughout the Mate, genemll3 in con tention v,ltli lineal schools Mope! nods hove been In eon Med for under ceight Hind nig!. -817 ed t•hllth en ES- Milts hove been mode of such mealy nn hildren of different tom.; implise This cork In a pall of a campaign being ontineted by the Milted Mates Child Welfare Sers iee for the hettel meet of lie health of the citildien of the main- R Walteb 'l7 ll' been Installed Is county agent of Wayne Connts le WWI accompanied to lila 11011 Inc i kon LI F' Weave, 1111., helped him lot Ills nen 110111 mule! tta% R. II Bell, the 14 coining Count) went in being It ansferred to tulle harge of Ilm tictfittil of Llstenslon not k le taken the VI ice of Protest. A. I' %Taxon aho receittl) °signed II 11 Pickett 'l6 and 1 S Oliet In 'it ocr ',signed their 1,041(10114 on Cflllllo, •gentx In Lanl once and Franklin sumacs I espectit ely Sir A T. Krntnet forinet it aunty agent or Clearfield county lion ieen tistnnfert ed to this college to lie 'sternaan nark de ding 0 , 1j11.1i Lily 11 1111 , oral at mull/Minn 17 degrees e, The fine uni form texture and unusual wearing qual ity of the lead, make DIXON S Ell® A D • - the maardWaVfleg, more eco nomical than the average lower priced pencil. at all stationers ...................................i:, : . Attention ! Seniors ? •;:f 1 s ± / .t: HAVE THAT CAP and GOWN PICTURE TAKEN NOW + •:: t 4. ..? i ) t WE HAVE THEM . X / S § SPECIAL OFFER TO SENIORS 4. + t }:. • MAY 21 to 28 ONLY t •:: X . t. t 16 M IT H 5 X TUDIO 1: ..: ..; . R. H. BREON 4. WHEN you buy a pipe bearing the \V D C trade-mark, you have the satisfaction of knowing that your money could not have bought a better pipe. The \V D C is strictly American made. You ran choose among a multitude of styles, sizes and grades at the best shops-0 clown to 75 cents. jt, c m PENN STATE COLLEGIAN News from Other Colleges :f. PRlNCETON — Commencement n t Princeton this Sone benison to be 41iiie of the bent In the hlstore of tire unit orsity At lcast thorny-life hurl- And 11111 Mill repreriontlan tv.0053-oh. ditsfes trill 1101110 in the HI Id I Minion In tint, years The exercises mill litet for four ,Lisa beginning . lune thlrtet nth owl estonsif o propolations r r tieing Made for the nectinunintion of this hor s e num ber ldaftfi lI—A total of $171,000 blv been pledged Inn eampligll lie Lehigh for amemorial bowie 'riga br built on the canner+ and bill ben mem orial to the men Lila; be, Iclllea la argon IL In espretra Lb it $lOll.llOO 11 11l be collo cbal by alumni der Tirg amount will be raised by lal 1:0 ,111,1 I i.tina“ Mal ling I' that n Canlirlfga for .1111.11i01 null ycllllllollo bIII begin CORN 1:41-13iitia the to lilies) and M- Ihmn 1 unite of the !levet 1 e Arun, let dig lutno leceived them eiitillinient oni the government The nupplit v in mien Wol e receh oil Ineleth. nutetreale .111 es, uniform% guns, inninunition tenth, cumuli to field equipment. Init inlets ;mil runt nine guns Three nisi Inc lweled nv .011 nv 110,1•10110 to the eacietn Prrrsitirium—Tn tatter to pet pe- Witte the 111010(113 Of the flat soldlota (alit died 111 tho n • . 11. M . 111011311 tow, 1e,4. neve held on the cantpiel reeentl3 at ohILII time tteao mete planted In hone! of the deal Clan lea (I 'hail nt or the 51 ate Leglol.ttdlc was alto 10 Inllille N10111(01' Diamonds. . . . We have a nice line that was purchased before the last advance in prices and feel sure it will be well worth your while to look them over Mole trying cscwhcre. Shuey's Jewelry Store HARVEY BROTHERS 'Balked Goods and [oe Cr e am Quality and Service Guaranteed 220 East College Avenue 900000000000. Darie - Z - ogitims l When you are in need of Dance Programs call and see our attractive designs---we guarantee delivery when promised. We also make a specialty of fraternity printing The Nittany Printing AND Publishing Company . • Look el thy line. or Ms ono 11, Row, o dellat Iho rye, nom the 0, brown of Om gankloo Fronch bowl, through nu. Illogokoon or Om skor, 100 101 1,1.00 histro of Chu vulcon,Ull. MILITARY PLANS MADE FOR COMMENCEMENT The mlillau depot Union of the col lege has Insides! the unlit of the three hilallions In order to immure them for the Commencement Week program. The linnt If nallion. composed of Sophomore., in seeelhlng tllle practice dully Mat tile ttnik for enniniencenient 11111, tint been defining) outlined. it in quite mob ible that the second yeal men tt 111 engageln is shamtitle Hills one of the other Natalie:lo The I's evlinum of ale being stilled fl slit in ranee Alaimo]. the 101 otnprinhnent to Stiffen M being plated In the I. and It has been de cided that Comp tin li of the speond hatallion. it 111 go mei the Int Nonet to.mseun Ilolmee . Pichl ton tile enter thin:ma of tile Commencement Week v 1511.01.1 The milihat pitule will be held at ten o'clock Satinday mooning lane smooth. on Nett Ikon el Ilehl Mien the ....del l'aglllll lit n 11l he 1... 1 dent .1 Is an mu* 01111 IT Best Quality GROCERIES Wholesale and Retail Special rates to Clubs and Fraternities FYES 200-202 W. College Ave. , 0000000000000000000 000000000= 0r.', , N)000000000003000000000003000000000000000000000 000C:00 • • 0 Go to the store with the highest "batting average" Montgomery & Co. Nittany Theatre FRIDAY, MAY 23rd—Matinee at two, and evening ANITA STEWART IN HER VERY LATEST SUPER PRODUCTION "Mary Regan ", Produced Under Hit ectiion of LOIS WEBER From Leroy Scott's Sensational Novel of Big Pleasure in Nen York A character drama—not just a picture of action but a story in which some interesting characters are drawn, with Anita Stewart as the storm center of a sensational society black mailing plot SATURDAY, MAY 21th—Matinee at tno ,and evening Cecil B. DeMMe's Greatest Masterpeice its y ~ "For Better For Worse" With All Star Cast Featuring GLORIA SWANSON WANDA HAWLET • ELLIOT DEXTER , • , • TOM FORMAN and Others . A .P.I . , • • • One of the most significant . 44 productions of recent months A story so filled with human interest details that is not ,p possible to briefly give full credit to all the four points ."'s A picture we most highly recommend and advise you Gloria. Swanson. .1. making every effort of wit- FORBETTER F0R.V1256 nessing. A.AI2TCP.AFT, PRICES THESE SUPER PRODUCTIONS Adults 20c, Chddrcn 10c, and War Tax That's just another way of saying that you ought to buy your clothes where they .have the reputation for always "dlivering the goods". When you call on us to serve you you, we make good; if the clothes dont do it—we do; you get your money back if you're not sat isfied. . Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes "deliver the goods" They're made to give you lasting ser vice; all-pool fabrics; careful tailoring, smartest style; strong v alues Waist-scams me the leaders; single and double breasted. Varsity suits in all variations; new ideas, new fabrics; new colors. Sport Coats Palm. Beach and Dixie Weave Suits White Flannels Straw and Panama Hats State College and Bellefonte Page Three Imemssoasood