Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, March 26, 1919, Image 3

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    'We4liiefidaY;llara 26;'1919
Sophomores Hold Second Place
With Two Gaines Lout—Juniors
Have Not Won Any
Won LIM 'Pot.
0 1.000
SODhlinin. et.
Alen!. week of the 'Meatless Ma
lted/all malt, hag aura no change In the
elathe leteillltele or the teanm In the
/vague lault night the Seniors played
the I :vela..a and although the COL
LAXIIAN wont to preen too early to
tlerleetiCe the 1 V4llllll of the none, there
In little doubt. Intl Inn Ito outcome Even
If the Senlure 1411.111 van they Al 041,1 be
unable to raise themeelyee ft 0111 third
plate am could they take the Froth
men (rum Mph lunation at the head of
the Ilat
Last !night's grime ended the titter minas
terlea which Inns linen In pa Oct era Wince
Match thrteenth. Mace that date each
01184 lentil has p111),1 tan games with
mach of the other Mee elnera lelllltl A
Mune has been InlnSed well' evening
rut sly-thinly and on Saturday angi
na.. at one-thlrts
The 3081h:w. Irtse 11000 lenutrlmble
work throughout the mules tutd unless
they 1100 defeated 1,141 night the) hose
II 1111 feet Teetod to their etedit Tile
801/11011101,1 1101,1 second, piece 1111 Ink.
sun oil $lllOllOl eCeept those pined S Ith
the 111 shown The 9411110111 111)0 won
only 1111010 101111101 It hicll V. elle pll,Oll
501111 the Junior 4 Mille the billet hold
II seeded of Ni glnMO4lOOl
Tile game played on 'rue/ably evening.
March eighteenth, between the Seniors
and Freshmen was probably the best
seen kinking tile whole series During
tho eatly part it looked 11l though the
filet year men stein going to \ lose The
'trot period ended with a time of eleven
to ten, the Seniors being one point in
the lead Tile Freshmen recoyeked dur
ing the second period, however, kind at
the end of tile game the fILOYO stood
twenty -four to nineteen in their favor
On Wednesday twening the Fresh
men won theh second game (tom
the Sophia., 01 II iltql 1110 Y defeated
then opponents by IL xOlllO of May
/11x to twenty-tinee
The Santora non (tom the Juniors on
Thursday mening by 0 acme of thhts •
NIX to thelity-one. This has a. bald
fought mune thioughout On Mitlat)
the Sophomores %son an easy tictoty
when they defeated the Seniors, the
thud settle being Ohl.) lumen to four
The Juniors 'unit their second defeat
at the hands of tin• Fieshmen on Satur
day afternoon ghat. they gel e beaten
by a scone of forty-111 e to Mit teen
Outing the that half the Juniots 11010
able to locate the basliet only tx ice,
winning 0110 field and one foul goal
The Ft eslimen did in !Mk Illy 1111 Of 111011
sooting In the 11101 1/0110i1, 11'11111111g a
total of 0,111)-111\ 1/0111111. INU of these
50010 gun liy the unusually !mod shoot
ing of IVIOIOII WllOlll the JOlllOlll seemed
unable to keep !may (tom the basket
The tumbrel of 'Wilson at the beginning
of the second half made the two teams
more evenly matched-told dun Ing! this
perlod the Juniors made one polnt more
than the Omit year moll
Tho Soplannotes defeated the Juniors
on \iunday evening g Ith a 00010 of
thirty-seven to al•teen 111 the last half
neither side nee:lied to locate the goal
and the garno 0.1111011 0 ith the 1110 11111115
seemingly. quite evenly match...a
({leek of 3fitrell VD
Trent) lea. Ago
Plans for a nett afflict:Rural build
ing have been completed nod accepted
by the college dusters
An all-college mosque bull given in
the Armors, proved a meat success
Fifteen Wars Ago
Arrangements limo boon completed
for thu Senior-JIMMY Obtalleal inspection
to Ip, The part• will bo zwoompanied
by DI. Pond. gold IS 111 ulna nonton, N
, and Now York City
An exceptionally land baseball sched
ule ban boon not animal this year, and
Ponn State fans may look forwrod to
Ten Years Ago
A Pctq• of Limn State inufeshoin of
:writ:tannic hat, left on a niodal train
In ttltlolt tltol• nil] tour the noun.°
Mutt of tiro Male, dellvethig leclurec
on agricultural sulklecto •
Floe Yours .Igo
The 11l coiling season came to a close
with Penn State's victory oven Lafay
ette Tho Penn State araindem com
pletely outclassed their opponenta. Mu
lling six falls, and ono decision.
A resolution to the effect that the
Electrical Engineering Society go en
record as opposed to smoking in the
Engineering Buildings ono passed by a
vote nt the regulnr meeting lield recent
ly. This action comes na a second sim
ilar action of the Engineering faculty,
though the resolution was purely volun
At the same meeting. 1 W. Taylor 'lt
nns elected president for the In esen
sememer. C A Nelson '2O ass chose
vice-president. C Mast 'lO sect chary
J L Wenner 'lO treasurer. and E. L
pehlotteto '2O assistant tee MIMI'
And the Best Quality
Dry Goods
No matter what you
need in the above line,
we have it and at the
right price.
Frazier St.
(Oontintictl (tom first pnire)
Minh:lit fare Jibe tt bile Pt !Mom n Vle.
tolled it IM or lighting, ffulk
log mood/lei able tine of tight hoolto and
vigor-mitt; The decielon taut to Pried
:non by it alight margin
The lout lament won holed ttitlt tile
ICU-pound bout belueen Weluu .22 unityiedinun . 22, Throne men ore both
.. tiliaggertr and IM IIII[1141`)Y Intel milling
bout utm ittaged WOW+, the vinallei of
the tuo men, shim ell him of gilt, tak
ing Pt lethmtirli blotto for mit ioundii
and getting in 0 fete Idmeelt, .111 M
0111/IIgII tll gmilutill3 Well the Mlle; 1111111
out In the lout lolled Wt.lit mrttle 11
determined offoi t unit lunged 11 number
of effective Moon 111,011 11/0
the 11110. but Ille
YIMI I. CUM° too late, and hl ledinim 11011
lII° MAI/41111.
' The tour raiment was undnubtedly the
greatest boYlng success title season and
Aimed the popularity ithleh the sport
lox att deed at Penn State It. P.
Selmer, refueled the bouts. rind
Horning and C. A Aferaciden 'lt rioted
as lodges It I) Cates ;20 iyas time
keeper and It. If. Ilishr II 21 filled the
cruelty of announcer of the bouts
AMt Imp lII' elan aetot A War Saving.
The mfmagernent of the soecoo team
11410 almost definitely dm Ided to abandon
the annual 011010111 trip of the leant and.
If poggible, to take II t 1 1p south In Its
place. playing the leadlim tolloge•I of
Mal Oland and Vit glnitt Lehigh. 1 10001 -
ford, and IVVittiM 11, 11. WI NO.. Man
ager T 1 I•' Rtimilet gel tl Ighell to Iched-
Ilh have eloood their 0000011 and
ut 0 not pia) ing 000000 this opting im
that nn 011010011 h•lp would hardly be
1100111 a bile
Graduate 3lttnager Nell Fleming is
now In communication ith Sharth
more. Fenn. and Lafayette to Ilnd out If
titer e Ix ant hopo of scheduling games
hlth them lie Is also In touch with
Georgetoh n. lotion Hopkins. Maryland
Mate, Catholic University. SIM and
Fit pinta Inquiring If they could arrange
games for the heck before Easter No
Nord has been l itched from not of these
schools yet but If the games hith the
southern schools cart be scheduled no
doubt ono of the greatest soccer trips
of many yews hill be made this spring.
Ax noon Ira there ate enough games
scheduled to assure the it ip the candi
dates hill Ito (tiled out and the spring
prat 1100 trill begin Thole is such an
alturni she of good aster lea that If any
trip is nuttle. Ito 00000. 81101.11(1 about
111111 of anal' 0111.20 3 oar's 109111
Aiss Anna T ilenslinw has been se
leeted to act as /ISHI4IIIIII 111 Ole DOlOlll
- of Public 'tiled:log at the college
She will be in aliatge of some of the
classes and will coach all of the pia).
"Mrs. Itensibm Is n maduate of nu y
illtdoin Seminal). Staunton, N'lrgltila
001 the Pero :school of Repression,
Boston She has quite II wide range of
teaching experience, hating. 1000111 la
the Cox College. Atlanta. Georgia, the
Chenahet College. :Mississippi, anal the
Mars 11111 College, North Carolina Iler
epotation as a model Is nen established
111 the huger Ante:lean 1 1110 1 1
While in P.,1 is. MIS Renshaw gate
inclines in the moltenee of hinds,.
Sala Del nhat di Thew 111 1 1 e 00 01100000.
NI 11101 Madame Bernhardt. I °quested
\ Its Relishes, to become het pupil
Since 111011 0110 1111 H 1/111/111111011 IL 00111010
of poems and has been ehusen lice
president of the Amateur PllOOl Associa
At 0 meeting . of the Sit loin Club In
Room 206, Agricultural Rending, lost
Thuroday et enlog. It twos decided to hold
the annual hatuniet thin eteiting at the
I University Club It W. also dOCitiCd to
hold a meek Me-stool. sale In "May.
The not Lonntitution of the club, under
oldrit oil students Inking the four -tear
ophnol busbando COIIIIII. Nt 111 be eligible
fot mernitenphip, not IIeCOPIPIi
IVSS moans We Shall Succeed ulth
Mr &lOWA Slatlll , .. •
J. C. Smith & San
Dealers In
General Hardware
Builders' Material, 011 q, Paints,
Glass, Cement, Sins or,
hoofing, Spouting. Me.
State College, Pa.
that Suit
State College, Pa.
oimrvvititts—Colnineneolnient -
.Om, oft (lett)hlong College it'll li ore
1,8111 on NViktlnegtht. Juno. 11111 Cloves n
or Solon! h 11l be one of the pilnelp
opeoltero fur the °voodoo IteV harm 111
1.1111,1•11. . or lint N.tionoi /AIM. an
COMICII. 11111 11011“ I th, 1111(.1.11.11111,t1,
M HAMA \ A. !ebb.. 11 AXI Mal
mo] Collegv huo 1 , 14'11 xebx 101 l Co 0110
of lho talltlollll I Odell Nllll Ire tined An
obxemotionx ulth 11111,1 bAlloonx The
object to to 40101 1:1101. 111.111 I 111 1 111 1 eat.
for the bent Ilt ol 11111111110. echechtlb for
Mtlx along . the °rob. .1101.11
nool loco x
PIT'rS111111(411—A nobllcltt and ll
nnnelnl mmsdzrtinll 11 tB been vault-I
Ilshed at the thilte,lt, of l'lttelangh
rite ton pone of Lire Is to be a Bart of
it, lu• butenlL. I/11115111 C into Intimate
touch nltli the iniverelty all dime nho
die m• 14111/Ulll Ire tantl roost moll Ito
\lt, i:1110111 I. Alaimo). Assotlute
l'tofevoot of has
his welt:notion to the llontil of
frusteeo Ile hoe an Leptetl.lllo hod!.
OM of 110011 of the 10111 y Depal 011001
it the 11015111111% of WI it I•h•ulnia. nod
expecte 1.0 1191411111. his nee, thitleo oo
Slat I, of 1110 0111•
Dean Waite hag nun Hell fnan
alp to Ai PIMP/tine. Pa e he at
tended it communitymeeting of the
Comm of ;Wallet county The con
k, enee met at the 011.11(1011111 HUIOOI.
At that ph. 0. thole 11111 - Wood . 111,
forme, Penn State football ealgahl, in
the head It C. \Nato:. In In charge
of the plant pathology I olk of the geld
[Amatory ttt Ate:unlit Ille
A nen tonputar 3 Invirtictor In hortl
;runner% 311. R r bitten] t uPPOIIIIO , I
in Minch lot to 1111 the %scarlet loft
Itt \lt A I'. lenger
Lagt Wednewlu, e‘el Inn the annual
tne,thig of the Lonniea of the (ammo
a Inn yell milk to the e 'liege en eutner3
Alto held nt the dill),ha Whig
The 1)10 clan of Lembo:ape Ciltl den
-14: bus dntna up Plana fol 11 PIM
Vound on the non. fatal Aet.EntllnP
to the piano, a be.altloll at lan ettun la
to be lend out The rtonnils Includi
:olf lIIIIN, tooth 01, snee .r. bauehall, and
nualdAball 110It114. In Inael. 'Old M 1.110101 1,,
wlllll4 COM 01 The ph. 1111 alto Include
t nontenla atllletl, field and [non ale fin
the neLe•eatr, held 131.11111:1gs Theue
Plana rti e. to be MIIIIIIIIII NI to the Boma
if Ti lunecm fog did/acne'
- The reeold or the 1101 Coln euo.
Clem <mom] Iq tho college. has
11101 boon pohnolool mu, Ing - the 11.151
ye kr oh, llds otoduwol 2,217 !monde , . or
;Mt 4 It I Laskin, to outgo of the
+ell hunt ot entent Lutnittititte of the No
tional l'es tilircr Aulociat .41. 11 Ito ,141
Itt Penn State recently, held I confer -
onto wlth lull me min ttf the 011101 I
ntent 11 teething dud textenvion ottiffit In
terested In fortill,ets The object of
confer once nen to eliminate lon
:lode fel Mlle"; tied to lettuce the tann
het of Intently placed on the met liet.
It In the t oneensuo of opinion dint moth
1. mote trill tend tont. ti tteononty on
the pet t of the fluent tetut et it end be
04.1 eonfu4lng to eustiontet
A • onfet 21100 of the Dep.. intent It
lid Life nod the State Iltnein of
/ration tl Education M.O. held tcretttly
the Siding Vocational School
4 ~....:. ,
,F.-''''. 7- 4,,,
4, , .
~4.5.Afg,...• •••,. _ -,, 0..,, , ,:4'-:- .--
• • 'l'
• .$:,..,..., ‘,...,-; -,-..-,,, ,v,,,„i i ,.,,,-.- ,
---- Pk.h,l4::•; ~-.••• •
-••• ' , ',.'.: , 57 ,- ,,, 477::.'•:;•,tr . . --
4 - rtcsiPP--- ,, •" ‘7 o u will see WDC
Look at this one A earl.- 1 Pipes on every campus
'ch "
Ddll'q eh:cline in the country—American
rine, vulcanite ba, the •
tioluotlitelhorktuatteltiu pipes for American men,
—a shut/ that
t° and not bettered anywhere.
11111 0 in >our count.
You can get any shape, size and
,Vit.ti: grade you want in aWD C.
~ ..
•: 1.. : 1, , ...,, The best shops carry them at $6
` ''....0',. down to 75 cents.
TRA.e , •,,,, .. 1 . MANN
, ..., WM. DEMU'III er CO., New York
II oriird LaryL4 hp. 3:nemPti tun r
A String On It
When You Buy a Bottle of
Hilton's Compound Syrup
of Hypophates
At SI 00 a pint bottle, you have a sti tog fastened to your
money and you keep hold of the other end.
If it is not equal or better than any of the stmilar prepara
tions that sell at $1.50 you have only to pull the string and your
money comes, back. '
Try a bottle at our risk
Keep hold of the string.
It's the ideal tonic to take now and get braced up for spring
It will fortify your whole system
The Hefier Drug Company
"At Your Service"
Both 'Phones
wwimmirrJi.,Ati!l .-
this nivink them toaual and
iitospectlye friends of Pitt the Intorno,'
.lion about all of the different dhisiont
of ataisities The keynote of the 1411.1
Is n•ldevpreati and elTtellee publicity
it Innoyation in the inauguration of
a e, to tire daily and ueeklY
papers of the greet Pittsburgh district
•Puo inominent Pitt Manna have been
raw,' In Ants go Of title nail every
hulk •ttltyt points tounrd 11UCCOSN
Coll3.l:l,l.—There 'heti. 3.0.10 Coition
men, both 11111111111 and undergraduaten
11110 held CllllllllOllOll 101110 111 010 lie,
sloe Of thin. number, 510 were ;Mond
-1110 one unlynrolty at the time they en
tered the set ylee, and 2,100 11010 000110-
I.leo Of the alumni. 52 held 000=10-
td.. In the Navy us Het:tenant-corn
111110dol0, while 12 men were •onlor
made llmitennnt• In the higher 01110ee
of the min), 111010 01010 one major-gen
eral. ma, hrlghthor-genewd, 10 eoloneln,
119 mahn 0, .105 tnntnlnn. and 2,010 lieu
Th. e ale at pleuent lom mudentu 11l
the Luliege liomplial Mr ft Potemon.
lit the liiNi. 30.11 too 111 agileulture
01004, lum been 111 with pneumonia, AI
I, Hugon '42 I 4 1111fre11111 nom Intlemma.:
II I. Cope . 22 le 11100 m Homily III: and
MI. 110110 l Moult '2O le suf f ering from
is never
any "nag" ^.`4'";
or "drag" to
ELDORA ) : 1 1
'the masta•dmvoialpe.4Sl
It has that " feel" ": 1
that makes you
want to go on ; ..
writing forever. ,
.4 4 „ .
17 decrees
.at all
stationers 1
Bicycle Delivery
lOn Mond,, Morel, 17th, the Sopho, A ,reek nee Saturday In the Hotel
more silrls met the Freshmen In the: MeAlphln at New York, a re, Iva! or the
third elute of the sesson The former In...gust held annually before the war
kept up Mel: Ivt yet Wei 1000rli, but lie Penn State Alumni located at
lit t:rtl,olt.n leol to U n lit haul to do an or neat NOW Yolk, unit belt As it
The dim twir twin (lid name good play- Proved miLlt a big success, tit 01 one
lug, hilt lost to the Sophomot on 131 a hunched being present, It sill Ili obably
tit.ol oof 11 to II Thin has been the beat be continued In tutors 3 cora Members
game or the GCLOIOII or classes lancing from '95 to 'lB were
Tho Ilne•up
wol M. Carlson,
1 1011Ingsmall:
C:1: IHon
t. Cress
tUrt 4,
1 0 0111 goalx,
Don't buy a gold lolck except Dorn
Unll.• Sam War Savings Statnial
Dr Pauline Rom wnl hold n merlon
of talk). un "floalth" for tho women of
the t ullego and limn She will be hero
front Ilarelt 21,th to tint, and still tweak
(tom 7 to it p to in the Liberal Arts
tmootnblt room
Plumbing and Heating
Both Phones
For Best
'' ' Bread, Pies
'and Cakes
State College Bakery
Our Ice Cream Has No Equal
'Tin intemovics now"
arrit BUM ME"
"ALF and Bert"
Will be . viith me
among 111010 present
Arnow the guests were Li Col W.
L Chi• 'O9, 11 W Mitchell '9O soil .1.
II \I Antli (Ass 'GS. or the Board of
Trustees, NV GI Whitman 'JO. presi
dent or the New Vol It Alunml. .1. F
911101,1 b 112. “Jltlini)" Ley Stu 'l4. Dr.
0 (1. Pond, Day Smith 'OG, and Di .1
P Illtenour 'Ol
Benjamin rranklln left It, than a
million because there mete no War Sav
hum Stamm to hay
An Authorized Film Version of the Life and Works
of Colonel Theodore Roosevelt
The "Fighting Roosevelts"
This real life drama of the strenuous American was pro
duced with his permission and presented with his approval
The Events that Made Him Famous
The traits that mode him loved, the verile personality
that put him on the front pages of the newspapers and
made "undesirable Americans" and "malefactors of
great wealth" despised in this country.
Matinee at two and Evening
Admission--- Adults 18c, Children 9c, and war tax
Page Three
Uniforms Uniform
Equipment and Shoes
The best in tailoring
made to measure
Civilian Clothing
Metric Dress Shirts
High•class Haberdashery
Any article sent C. 0. D. on
request. Money refunded if
not satisfied.
Fourth and Campbell Sts.
Williamsport - Penna.
2 i - .....;:;:c...:, ..• • r;
. . .....
•.-- - - ;,..::,,. t , .. ra 4,1-
Ar. ,*
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